1 | /**
2 | * @classdesc Accessor for compiled MessageFormat functions
3 | *
4 | * ```
5 | * import Messages from 'messageformat/messages'
6 | * ```
7 | *
8 | * @class
9 | * @param {object} locales A map of locale codes to their function objects
10 | * @param {string|null} [defaultLocale] If not defined, default and initial locale is the first entry of `locales`
11 | *
12 | * @example
13 | * var fs = require('fs');
14 | * var MessageFormat = require('messageformat');
15 | * var mf = new MessageFormat(['en', 'fi']);
16 | * var msgSet = {
17 | * en: {
18 | * a: 'A {TYPE} example.',
19 | * b: 'This has {COUNT, plural, one{one user} other{# users}}.',
20 | * c: {
21 | * d: 'We have {P, number, percent} code coverage.'
22 | * }
23 | * },
24 | * fi: {
25 | * b: 'Tällä on {COUNT, plural, one{yksi käyttäjä} other{# käyttäjää}}.',
26 | * e: 'Minä puhun vain suomea.'
27 | * }
28 | * };
29 | * var cfStr = mf.compile(msgSet).toString('module.exports');
30 | * fs.writeFileSync('messages.js', cfStr);
31 | *
32 | * ...
33 | *
34 | * var Messages = require('messageformat/messages');
35 | * var msgData = require('./messages');
36 | * var messages = new Messages(msgData, 'en');
37 | *
38 | * messages.hasMessage('a') // true
39 | * messages.hasObject('c') // true
40 | * messages.get('b', { COUNT: 3 }) // 'This has 3 users.'
41 | * messages.get(['c', 'd'], { P: 0.314 }) // 'We have 31% code coverage.'
42 | *
43 | * messages.get('e') // 'e'
44 | * messages.setFallback('en', ['foo', 'fi'])
45 | * messages.get('e') // 'Minä puhun vain suomea.'
46 | *
47 | * messages.locale = 'fi'
48 | * messages.hasMessage('a') // false
49 | * messages.hasMessage('a', 'en') // true
50 | * messages.hasMessage('a', null, true) // true
51 | * messages.hasObject('c') // false
52 | * messages.get('b', { COUNT: 3 }) // 'Tällä on 3 käyttäjää.'
53 | * messages.get('c').d({ P: 0.628 }) // 'We have 63% code coverage.'
54 | */
55 | function Messages(locales, defaultLocale) {
56 | this._data = {};
57 | this._fallback = {};
58 | Object.keys(locales).forEach(function(lc) {
59 | if (lc !== 'toString') {
60 | this._data[lc] = locales[lc];
61 | if (typeof defaultLocale === 'undefined') defaultLocale = lc;
62 | }
63 | }, this);
64 |
65 | /**
66 | * List of available locales
67 | * @readonly
68 | * @memberof Messages
69 | * @member {string[]} availableLocales
70 | */
71 | Object.defineProperty(this, 'availableLocales', {
72 | get: function() {
73 | return Object.keys(this._data);
74 | }
75 | });
76 |
77 | /**
78 | * Current locale
79 | *
80 | * One of Messages#availableLocales or `null`. Partial matches of language tags
81 | * are supported, so e.g. with an `en` locale defined, it will be selected by
82 | * `messages.locale = 'en-US'` and vice versa.
83 | *
84 | * @memberof Messages
85 | * @member {string|null} locale
86 | */
87 | Object.defineProperty(this, 'locale', {
88 | get: function() {
89 | return this._locale;
90 | },
91 | set: function(lc) {
92 | this._locale = this.resolveLocale(lc);
93 | }
94 | });
95 | this.locale = defaultLocale;
96 |
97 | /**
98 | * Default fallback locale
99 | *
100 | * One of Messages#availableLocales or `null`. Partial matches of language tags
101 | * are supported, so e.g. with an `en` locale defined, it will be selected by
102 | * `messages.defaultLocale = 'en-US'` and vice versa.
103 | *
104 | * @memberof Messages
105 | * @member {string|null} defaultLocale
106 | */
107 | Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultLocale', {
108 | get: function() {
109 | return this._defaultLocale;
110 | },
111 | set: function(lc) {
112 | this._defaultLocale = this.resolveLocale(lc);
113 | }
114 | });
115 | this._defaultLocale = this._locale;
116 | }
117 |
118 | module.exports = Messages;
119 |
120 | /**
121 | * Add new messages to the accessor; useful if loading data dynamically
122 | *
123 | * The locale code `lc` should be an exact match for the locale being updated,
124 | * or empty to default to the current locale. Use {@link #resolveLocale} for
125 | * resolving partial locale strings.
126 | *
127 | * If `keypath` is empty, adds or sets the complete message object for the
128 | * corresponding locale. If any keys in `keypath` do not exist, a new object
129 | * will be created at that key.
130 | *
131 | * @param {function|object} data Hierarchical map of keys to functions, or a
132 | * single message function
133 | * @param {string} [lc] If empty or undefined, defaults to `this.locale`
134 | * @param {string[]} [keypath] The keypath being added
135 | * @returns {Messages} The Messages instance, to allow for chaining
136 | */
137 | Messages.prototype.addMessages = function(data, lc, keypath) {
138 | if (!lc) lc = this.locale;
139 | if (typeof data !== 'function') {
140 | data = Object.keys(data).reduce(function(map, key) {
141 | if (key !== 'toString') map[key] = data[key];
142 | return map;
143 | }, {});
144 | }
145 | if (Array.isArray(keypath) && keypath.length > 0) {
146 | var parent = this._data[lc];
147 | for (var i = 0; i < keypath.length - 1; ++i) {
148 | var key = keypath[i];
149 | if (!parent[key]) parent[key] = {};
150 | parent = parent[key];
151 | }
152 | parent[keypath[keypath.length - 1]] = data;
153 | } else {
154 | this._data[lc] = data;
155 | }
156 | return this;
157 | };
158 |
159 | /**
160 | * Resolve `lc` to the key of an available locale or `null`, allowing for
161 | * partial matches. For example, with an `en` locale defined, it will be
162 | * selected by `messages.defaultLocale = 'en-US'` and vice versa.
163 | *
164 | * @param {string} lc Locale code
165 | * @returns {string|null}
166 | */
167 | Messages.prototype.resolveLocale = function(lc) {
168 | if (this._data[lc]) return lc;
169 | if (lc) {
170 | var l = String(lc);
171 | while ((l = l.replace(/[-_]?[^-_]*$/, ''))) {
172 | if (this._data[l]) return l;
173 | }
174 | var ll = this.availableLocales;
175 | var re = new RegExp('^' + lc + '[-_]');
176 | for (var i = 0; i < ll.length; ++i) {
177 | if (re.test(ll[i])) return ll[i];
178 | }
179 | }
180 | return null;
181 | };
182 |
183 | /**
184 | * Get the list of fallback locales
185 | * @param {string} [lc] If empty or undefined, defaults to `this.locale`
186 | * @returns {string[]}
187 | */
188 | Messages.prototype.getFallback = function(lc) {
189 | if (!lc) lc = this.locale;
190 | return (
191 | this._fallback[lc] ||
192 | (lc === this.defaultLocale || !this.defaultLocale
193 | ? []
194 | : [this.defaultLocale])
195 | );
196 | };
197 |
198 | /**
199 | * Set the fallback locale or locales for `lc`
200 | *
201 | * To disable fallback for the locale, use `setFallback(lc, [])`.
202 | * To use the default fallback, use `setFallback(lc, null)`.
203 | *
204 | * @param {string} lc
205 | * @param {string[]|null} fallback
206 | * @returns {Messages} The Messages instance, to allow for chaining
207 | */
208 | Messages.prototype.setFallback = function(lc, fallback) {
209 | this._fallback[lc] = Array.isArray(fallback) ? fallback : null;
210 | return this;
211 | };
212 |
213 | /**
214 | * Check if `key` is a message function for the locale
215 | *
216 | * `key` may be a `string` for functions at the root level, or `string[]` for
217 | * accessing hierarchical objects. If an exact match is not found and `fallback`
218 | * is true, the fallback locales are checked for the first match.
219 | *
220 | * @param {string|string[]} key The key or keypath being sought
221 | * @param {string} [lc] If empty or undefined, defaults to `this.locale`
222 | * @param {boolean} [fallback=false] If true, also checks fallback locales
223 | * @returns {boolean}
224 | */
225 | Messages.prototype.hasMessage = function(key, lc, fallback) {
226 | if (!lc) lc = this.locale;
227 | var fb = fallback ? this.getFallback(lc) : null;
228 | return _has(this._data, lc, key, fb, 'function');
229 | };
230 |
231 | /**
232 | * Check if `key` is a message object for the locale
233 | *
234 | * `key` may be a `string` for functions at the root level, or `string[]` for
235 | * accessing hierarchical objects. If an exact match is not found and `fallback`
236 | * is true, the fallback locales are checked for the first match.
237 | *
238 | * @param {string|string[]} key The key or keypath being sought
239 | * @param {string} [lc] If empty or undefined, defaults to `this.locale`
240 | * @param {boolean} [fallback=false] If true, also checks fallback locales
241 | * @returns {boolean}
242 | */
243 | Messages.prototype.hasObject = function(key, lc, fallback) {
244 | if (!lc) lc = this.locale;
245 | var fb = fallback ? this.getFallback(lc) : null;
246 | return _has(this._data, lc, key, fb, 'object');
247 | };
248 |
249 | /**
250 | * Get the message or object corresponding to `key`
251 | *
252 | * `key` may be a `string` for functions at the root level, or `string[]` for
253 | * accessing hierarchical objects. If an exact match is not found, the fallback
254 | * locales are checked for the first match.
255 | *
256 | * If `key` maps to a message function, it will be called with `props`. If it
257 | * maps to an object, the object is returned directly.
258 | *
259 | * @param {string|string[]} key The key or keypath being sought
260 | * @param {object} [props] Optional properties passed to the function
261 | * @param {string} [lc] If empty or undefined, defaults to `this.locale`
262 | * @returns {string|Object<string,function|object>}
263 | */
264 | Messages.prototype.get = function(key, props, lc) {
265 | if (!lc) lc = this.locale;
266 | var msg = _get(this._data[lc], key);
267 | if (msg) return typeof msg == 'function' ? msg(props) : msg;
268 | var fb = this.getFallback(lc);
269 | for (var i = 0; i < fb.length; ++i) {
270 | msg = _get(this._data[fb[i]], key);
271 | if (msg) return typeof msg == 'function' ? msg(props) : msg;
272 | }
273 | return key;
274 | };
275 |
276 | /** @private */
277 | function _get(obj, key) {
278 | if (!obj) return null;
279 | if (Array.isArray(key)) {
280 | for (var i = 0; i < key.length; ++i) {
281 | obj = obj[key[i]];
282 | if (!obj) return null;
283 | }
284 | return obj;
285 | }
286 | return obj[key];
287 | }
288 |
289 | /** @private */
290 | function _has(data, lc, key, fallback, type) {
291 | var msg = _get(data[lc], key);
292 | if (msg) return typeof msg === type;
293 | if (fallback) {
294 | for (var i = 0; i < fallback.length; ++i) {
295 | msg = _get(data[fallback[i]], key);
296 | if (msg) return typeof msg === type;
297 | }
298 | }
299 | return false;
300 | }