1 | _**Micri** — Asynchronous HTTP microservices_
2 |
3 | > micri is an archaic non-SI decimal metric prefix for 10−14. Its symbol was mc.
4 |
5 | [Wikipedia - Micri-](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micri-)
6 |
7 | [![Install Size](https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=micri)](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=micri)
8 |
9 | ## Features
10 |
11 | * **Easy**: Designed for usage with `async` and `await` ([more](https://zeit.co/blog/async-and-await))
12 | * **Fast**: Ultra-high performance (even JSON parsing is opt-in)
13 | * **Micri**: The whole project is ~260 lines of code
14 | * **Agile**: Super easy deployment and containerization
15 | * **Simple**: Oriented for single purpose modules (function)
16 | * **Standard**: Just HTTP!
17 | * **Explicit**: No middleware - modules declare all [dependencies](https://github.com/amio/awesome-micro)
18 | * **Lightweight**: With all dependencies, the package weighs less than a megabyte
19 |
20 |
21 | ## Usage
22 |
23 | ```js
24 | const micri = require('micri')
25 |
26 | const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms));
27 |
28 | const server = micri(async (req, res) => {
29 | await sleep(500)
30 | return 'Hello world'
31 | })
32 |
33 | server.listen(3000)
34 | ```
35 |
36 | And go to this URL: `http://localhost:3000` - 🎉
37 |
38 | ### `async` & `await`
39 |
40 | <p><details>
41 | <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
42 | <ul><li><a href="./examples/external-api-call">Fetch external api</a></li></ul>
43 | </details></p>
44 |
45 | Micri is built for usage with async/await. You can read more about async / await [here](https://zeit.co/blog/async-and-await)
46 |
47 | ```js
48 | const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, ms));
49 |
50 | module.exports = async (req, res) => {
51 | await sleep(500);
52 | return 'Ready!';
53 | }
54 | ```
55 |
56 | ### Body parsing
57 |
58 | <p id="body-parsing-examples"><details>
59 | <summary><b>Examples</b></summary>
60 | <ul>
61 | <li><a href="./examples/json-body-parsing">Parse JSON</a></li>
62 | <li><a href="./examples/urlencoded-body-parsing">Parse urlencoded form (html `form` tag)</a></li>
63 | </ul>
64 | </details></p>
65 |
66 | For parsing the incoming request body we included an async functions `buffer`, `text` and `json`
67 |
68 | ```js
69 | const {buffer, text, json} = require('micri')
70 |
71 | module.exports = async (req, res) => {
72 | const buf = await buffer(req)
73 | console.log(buf)
74 | // <Buffer 7b 22 70 72 69 63 65 22 3a 20 39 2e 39 39 7d>
75 | const txt = await text(req)
76 | console.log(txt)
77 | // '{"price": 9.99}'
78 | const js = await json(req)
79 | console.log(js.price)
80 | // 9.99
81 | return ''
82 | }
83 | ```
84 |
85 | ### API
86 |
87 | ##### `buffer(req, { limit = '1mb', encoding = 'utf8' })`
88 | ##### `text(req, { limit = '1mb', encoding = 'utf8' })`
89 | ##### `json(req, { limit = '1mb', encoding = 'utf8' })`
90 |
91 | - Buffers and parses the incoming body and returns it.
92 | - Exposes an `async` function that can be run with `await`.
93 | - Can be called multiple times, as it caches the raw request body the first time.
94 | - `limit` is how much data is aggregated before parsing at max. Otherwise, an `Error` is thrown with `statusCode` set to `413` (see [Error Handling](#error-handling)). It can be a `Number` of bytes or [a string](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes) like `'1mb'`.
95 | - If JSON parsing fails, an `Error` is thrown with `statusCode` set to `400` (see [Error Handling](#error-handling))
96 |
97 | For other types of data check the [examples](#body-parsing-examples)
98 |
99 | ### Sending a different status code
100 |
101 | So far we have used `return` to send data to the client. `return 'Hello World'` is the equivalent of `send(res, 200, 'Hello World')`.
102 |
103 | ```js
104 | const {send} = require('micri')
105 |
106 | module.exports = async (req, res) => {
107 | const statusCode = 400
108 | const data = { error: 'Custom error message' }
109 |
110 | send(res, statusCode, data)
111 | }
112 | ```
113 |
114 | ##### `send(res, statusCode, data = null)`
115 |
116 | - Use `require('micri').send`.
117 | - `statusCode` is a `Number` with the HTTP status code, and must always be supplied.
118 | - If `data` is supplied it is sent in the response. Different input types are processed appropriately, and `Content-Type` and `Content-Length` are automatically set.
119 | - `Stream`: `data` is piped as an `octet-stream`. Note: it is _your_ responsibility to handle the `error` event in this case (usually, simply logging the error and aborting the response is enough).
120 | - `Buffer`: `data` is written as an `octet-stream`.
121 | - `object`: `data` is serialized as JSON.
122 | - `string`: `data` is written as-is.
123 | - If JSON serialization fails (for example, if a cyclical reference is found), a `400` error is thrown. See [Error Handling](#error-handling).
124 |
125 | ##### micri(fn)
126 |
127 | - This function is exposed as the `default` export.
128 | - Use `require('micri')`.
129 | - Returns a [`http.Server`](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v6.x/docs/api/http.html#http_class_http_server) that uses the provided `function` as the request handler.
130 | - The supplied function is run with `await`. So it can be `async`
131 |
132 | ##### sendError(req, res, error)
133 |
134 | - Use `require('micri').sendError`.
135 | - Used as the default handler for errors thrown.
136 | - Automatically sets the status code of the response based on `error.statusCode`.
137 | - Sends the `error.message` as the body.
138 | - Stacks are printed out with `console.error` and during development (when `NODE_ENV` is set to `'development'`) also sent in responses.
139 | - Usually, you don't need to invoke this method yourself, as you can use the [built-in error handling](#error-handling) flow with `throw`.
140 |
141 | ## Error Handling
142 |
143 | Micri allows you to write robust microservices. This is accomplished primarily
144 | by bringing sanity back to error handling and avoiding callback soup.
145 |
146 | If an error is thrown and not caught by you, the response will automatically be
147 | `500`. **Important:** Error stacks will be printed as `console.error` and during
148 | development mode (if the env variable `NODE_ENV` is `'development'`), they will
149 | also be included in the responses.
150 |
151 | If the error object throw is an instance of `MicriError` the `message`,
152 | `statusCode` and `code` properties of the object are used for the HTTP response.
153 |
154 | Let's say you want to write a rate limiting module:
155 |
156 | ```js
157 | const rateLimit = require('my-rate-limit')
158 |
159 | module.exports = async (req, res) => {
160 | await rateLimit(req)
161 | // ... your code
162 | }
163 | ```
164 |
165 | If the API endpoint is abused, it can throw an error with ``createError`` like so:
166 |
167 | ```js
168 | if (tooMany) {
169 | throw MicriError(429, 'rate_limited' 'Rate limit exceeded')
170 | }
171 | ```
172 |
173 | The nice thing about this model is that the `statusCode` is merely a suggestion.
174 | The user can override it:
175 |
176 | ```js
177 | try {
178 | await rateLimit(req)
179 | } catch (err) {
180 | if (429 == err.statusCode) {
181 | // perhaps send 500 instead?
182 | send(res, 500)
183 | }
184 | }
185 | ```
186 |
187 | If the error is based on another error that **Micri** caught, like a `JSON.parse`
188 | exception, then `originalError` will point to it. If a generic error is caught,
189 | the status will be set to `500`.
190 |
191 | In order to set up your own error handling mechanism, you can use composition in
192 | your handler:
193 |
194 | ```js
195 | const {send} = require('micri')
196 |
197 | const handleErrors = fn => async (req, res) => {
198 | try {
199 | return await fn(req, res)
200 | } catch (err) {
201 | console.log(err.stack)
202 | send(res, 500, 'My custom error!')
203 | }
204 | }
205 |
206 | module.exports = handleErrors(async (req, res) => {
207 | throw new Error('What happened here?')
208 | })
209 | ```
210 |
211 | ## Contributing
212 |
213 | 1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) it to your local device
214 | 2. Link the package to the global module directory: `npm link`
215 | 3. Within the module you want to test your local development instance of Micri, just link it to the dependencies: `npm link micri`. Instead of the default one from npm, node will now use your clone of Micri!
216 |
217 | As always, you can run the [AVA](https://github.com/sindresorhus/ava) and [ESLint](http://eslint.org) tests using: `npm test`