2.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface Scope {
2 [key: string]: Scope | any;
4export interface IGetOptions {
5 /**
6 * When set to a truthy value, we throw a `ReferenceError` for invalid varNames.
7 * Invalid varNames are the ones that do not exist in the scope.
8 * In that case the value for the varNames will be assumed an empty string.
9 * By default we throw a `ReferenceError` to be compatible with how JavaScript
10 * threats such invalid reference.
11 * If a value does not exist in the scope, two things can happen:
12 * - if `propsExist` is truthy, the value will be assumed empty string
13 * - if `propsExist` is falsy, a `ReferenceError` will be thrown
14 */
15 readonly propsExist?: boolean;
16 /**
17 * Drilling a nested object to get the value assinged with a path is a relatively expensive
18 * computation. Therefore you can set a value of how deep you are expecting a template to go and
19 * if the nesting is deeper than that, the computation stops with an error.
20 * This prevents a malicious or erronous template with deep nesting to block the JavaScript event
21 * loop. The default is 10.
22 */
23 readonly depth?: number;
26 * A useful utility function that is used internally to lookup a variable name as a path to a
27 * property in an object. It can also be used in your custom resolver functions if needed.
28 *
29 * This is similar to [Lodash's `_.get()`](https://lodash.com/docs/#get)
30 *
31 * It has a few differences with plain JavaScript syntax:
32 * - No support for keys that include `[` or `]`.
33 * - No support for keys that include `'` or `"` or `.`.
34 * @see https://github.com/userpixel/micromustache/wiki/Known-issues
35 * If it cannot find a value in the specified path, it may return undefined or throw an error
36 * depending on the value of the `propsExist` param.
37 * @param scope an object to resolve value from
38 * @param varNameOrPropNames the variable name string or an array of property names (as returned by
39 * `toPath()`)
40 * @throws `SyntaxError` if the varName string cannot be parsed
41 * @throws `ReferenceError` if the scope does not contain the requested key and the `propsExist` is
42 * set to a truthy value
43 * @returns the value or undefined. If path or scope are undefined or scope is null the result is
44 * always undefined.
45 */
46export declare function get(scope: Scope, varNameOrPropNames: string | string[], options?: IGetOptions): any;