1 | # microsite
2 |
3 | ## 0.7.1
4 |
5 | ### Patch Changes
6 |
7 | - bf8cfa0: Fix bundling bug
8 |
9 | ## 0.7.0
10 |
11 | ### Minor Changes
12 |
13 | - 65bf0bd: Implements a caching strategy for `getStaticProps` and `getStaticPaths`, which can often become a build bottleneck due to network or filesystem reads.
14 |
15 | This change introduces a new `prefetch` method for both of these functions. [Read the docs](/docs/data-fetching) for more details.
16 |
17 | ### Patch Changes
18 |
19 | - 4475a3c: Update prefetch logic to accomodate changing headers
20 | - f3b313b: Update to esbuild@0.8.x
21 |
22 | ## 0.7.0-next.2
23 |
24 | ### Patch Changes
25 |
26 | - 4475a3c: Update prefetch logic to accomodate changing headers
27 |
28 | ## 0.7.0-next.1
29 |
30 | ### Patch Changes
31 |
32 | - f3b313b: Update to esbuild@0.8.x
33 |
34 | ## 0.7.0-next.0
35 |
36 | ### Minor Changes
37 |
38 | - 65bf0bd: Implements a caching strategy for `getStaticProps` and `getStaticPaths`, which can often become a build bottleneck due to network or filesystem reads.
39 |
40 | This change introduces a new `prefetch` method for both of these functions. [Read the docs](/docs/data-fetching) for more details.
41 |
42 | ## 0.6.14
43 |
44 | ### Patch Changes
45 |
46 | - e18c71c: Fix Linux shebang issue (#40) by removing need for --experimental-module-resolution=node. Uses .js import specifiers everywhere
47 |
48 | ## 0.6.13
49 |
50 | ### Patch Changes
51 |
52 | - 86bdb17: Fix bug where <pre> code was improperly indented
53 |
54 | ## 0.6.12
55 |
56 | ### Patch Changes
57 |
58 | - 9d22932: Update to typescript@4.1.2
59 | - 217299b: Update Document viewport meta tag, html lang and dir
60 |
61 | ## 0.6.12-next.0
62 |
63 | ### Patch Changes
64 |
65 | - 9d22932: Update to typescript@4.1.2
66 | - 217299b: Update Document viewport meta tag, html lang and dir
67 |
68 | ## 0.6.11
69 |
70 | ### Minor Changes
71 |
72 | - fd4c454: Add [HTTP Caching](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching) to `fetch` via [`make-fetch-happen`](https://github.com/zkat/make-fetch-happen/). Thanks [@zkat](https://github.com/zkat)!
73 |
74 | ## 0.6.10
75 |
76 | ### Patch Changes
77 |
78 | - 8a7374f: Add preload hints for hydrated pages
79 | - 6d0f3a3: Microsite's partial hydration method manages each component as a seperate Preact tree, meaning standard `Context` won't work across components.
80 |
81 | This update adds a `microsite/global` entry point which exposes two utilities for sharing state across component trees.
82 |
83 | **`createGlobalState`** creates a [`Proxy`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) which acts as a mutable data source. Mutating this object notifies any consuming components that they should rerender.
84 |
85 | > If you're a fan of Vue, this is very similar to `reactive` from the Composition API.
86 |
87 | Components can consume this global state object via **`useGlobalState(state)`**.
88 |
89 | ```tsx
90 | // utils/state.tsx
91 | import { createGlobalState } from "microsite/global";
92 |
93 | export const state = createGlobalState({
94 | count: 0
95 | });
96 |
97 | // components/Counter.tsx
98 | import { withHydrate } from "microsite/hydrate";
99 | import { useGlobalState } from "microsite/global";
100 | import { state } from "@/utils/state";
101 |
102 | const Counter = () => {
103 | const localState = useGlobalState(state);
104 | // `localState` is a readonly snapshot of global `state`
105 | // Updates can be written to global `state` by direct mutation
106 |
107 | return (
108 | <>
109 | <button onClick={() => state.count--}>-</button>
110 | <span>{localState.count}</span>
111 | <button onClick={() => state.count++}>+</button>
112 | </>
113 | );
114 | };
115 |
116 | export default withHydrate(Counter);
117 | ```
118 |
119 | - 6d0f3a3: Fix issue with CSS scoped name generation
120 |
121 | ## 0.6.9
122 |
123 | ### Patch Changes
124 |
125 | - 788860d: Add --no-clean flag to persist intermediate build (useful for debugging)
126 | - 64add28: Fixes issue with named hydration chunks
127 | - 10f9fd5: Improve caching by using external styles rather than inlined styles
128 | - 0641e72: Update microsite bin to use correct arguments
129 |
130 | ## 0.6.9-next.0
131 |
132 | ### Patch Changes
133 |
134 | - Add --no-clean flag to persist intermediate build (useful for debugging)
135 |
136 | ## 0.6.6
137 |
138 | ### Patch Changes
139 |
140 | - 7e955a0: Ensure children is not required for Head component
141 |
142 | ## 0.6.5
143 |
144 | ### Patch Changes
145 |
146 | - f65c7f4: Improve types by adding global `h` and `Fragment`, and ambient `*.modules.css` declarations
147 |
148 | ## 0.6.4
149 |
150 | ### Patch Changes
151 |
152 | - e53864f: Update default `tsconfig` to be named `base`.
153 |
154 | Update `tsconfig.baseUrl` to resolve from inside `node_modules`
155 |
156 | ## 0.6.3
157 |
158 | ### Patch Changes
159 |
160 | - a760228: Automatically inject h and Fragment
161 | - 580bb4f: expose default tsconfig.json for end-users
162 |
163 | ## 0.6.2
164 |
165 | ### Patch Changes
166 |
167 | - 60de6a2: Fix esbuild jsxFactory
168 |
169 | ## 0.6.1
170 |
171 | ### Patch Changes
172 |
173 | - a3a5131: Fix external warning
174 | - 5c79ec3: update README
175 |
176 | ## 0.6.0
177 |
178 | ### Breaking Changes
179 |
180 | - 9d0e9cc: Drop `@types/react` and switch to `preact`. See issue [#5](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/issues/5) for more background.
181 |
182 | ## 0.0.0-canary-2020101419274
183 |
184 | ### Breaking Changes
185 |
186 | - 7fd4679: Drop `@types/react` and switch to `preact`. See issue [#5](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/issues/5) for more background.
187 |
188 | ## 0.5.1
189 |
190 | ### Patch Changes
191 |
192 | - 3d99331: Fix handling of node builtins for intermediate builds
193 | - 3d99331: Remove .microsite/cache dir for now
194 |
195 | ## 0.5.1-next.0
196 |
197 | ### Patch Changes
198 |
199 | - a29b71e: Fix handling of node builtins for intermediate builds
200 | - 078b910: Remove .microsite/cache dir for now
201 |
202 | ## 0.5.0
203 |
204 | ### Minor Changes
205 |
206 | - 47eec22: **Build performance improvements**
207 |
208 | Rather than relying on [`@rollup/plugin-typescript`](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/typescript) (which uses `typescript` under the hood), we have switched to [`rollup-plugin-esbuild`](https://github.com/egoist/rollup-plugin-esbuild) to perform code transforms.
209 |
210 | [`esbuild`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild) is very very fast. Now, so is Microsite.
211 |
212 | ### Patch Changes
213 |
214 | - 275f297: Gracefully handle Component/export name mismatch
215 |
216 | Automatically handle `tsconfig.paths` aliases
217 |
218 | - 945685d: **SEO**
219 |
220 | Microsite aims to make SEO as simple as possible, so this featureset adds built-in SEO utility components to `microsite/head` under the `seo` namespace.
221 |
222 | The benefit of using `seo` components over manual `meta` tag configuration is API simplicity, since `seo` automatically configures duplicate [Open Graph](https://ogp.me/)/social meta tags for you.
223 |
224 | If something here doesn't cover your use case, please feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/issues/new).
225 |
226 | ```tsx
227 | import { Head, seo } from "microsite/head";
228 |
229 | <Head>
230 | <seo.title>Easy SEO</seo.title>
231 | <seo.description>Hello world!</seo.description>
232 | <seo.image
233 | src="https://og-image.now.sh/**Hello**%20World.png?theme=light&md=1&fontSize=100px&images=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.vercel.com%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Ffront%2Fassets%2Fdesign%2Fvercel-triangle-black.svg"
234 | width={100}
235 | height={100}
236 | />
237 | <seo.twitter handle="@n_moore" />
238 | </Head>;
239 | ```
240 |
241 | #### seo.robots
242 |
243 | By default, `<Head>` now automatically adds the following tags.
244 |
245 | ```html
246 | <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
247 | <meta name="googlebot" content="index,follow" />
248 | ```
249 |
250 | This behavior can be controlled with the `<seo.robots>` helper, which accepts `noindex` and `nofollow` booleans.
251 |
252 | ```tsx
253 | <seo.robots noindex nofollow />
254 | ```
255 |
256 | #### seo.title
257 |
258 | `<seo.title>` has the same API as a regular `<title>` tag—it accepts a `string` child. `<seo.title>` sets the page `<title>` as well as `<meta property="og:title">`.
259 |
260 | #### seo.description
261 |
262 | `<seo.description>` accepts a `string` child. `<seo.description>` sets `<meta name="description">` as well as `<meta property="og:description">`.
263 |
264 | #### seo.canonical
265 |
266 | `<seo.canonical>` accepts a `string` child representing the canonical URL of the current page. It generates `<link rel="canonical">` and `<meta property="og:url">`.
267 |
268 | #### seo.image
269 |
270 | `<seo.image>` exposes an API similar to the native `<img>`, accepting `src`, `alt`, `width`, and `height` props. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph images.
271 |
272 | #### seo.video
273 |
274 | `<seo.video>` exposes an API similar to the native `<video>`, accepting `src`, `width`, and `height` props. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph videos.
275 |
276 | #### seo.audio
277 |
278 | `<seo.audio>` exposes an API similar to the native `<audio>`, accepting only a `src` prop. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph audio.
279 |
280 | #### seo.twitter
281 |
282 | `<seo.twitter>` controls [Twitter meta tags](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/markup). It accepts `card`, `handle` (maps to `twitter:creator`), and `site`.
283 |
284 | #### seo.facebook
285 |
286 | `<seo.facebook>` accepts an `appId` in order to set `<meta property="fb:app_id">`.
287 |
288 | #### seo.openGraph
289 |
290 | `<seo.openGraph>` provides low-level control over [Open Graph meta tags](https://ogp.me/). The accepted props vary based on `type`, so you might want to dig [into the code](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/blob/8c0599f8c05da3214534b864c536a2614a89fb7f/src/head.tsx#L14) for this one.
291 |
292 | - 17e3130: Fix issue when building projects without optional global/hydrated files
293 | - da6e0f3: Improve build performance (parallelization)
294 | - eaec00b: Fixes issue with static path generation for the `/` route
295 |
296 | ## 0.5.0-alpha.0
297 |
298 | ### Minor Changes
299 |
300 | - 47eec22: **Build performance improvements**
301 |
302 | Rather than relying on [`@rollup/plugin-typescript`](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/typescript) (which uses `typescript` under the hood), we have switched to [`rollup-plugin-esbuild`](https://github.com/egoist/rollup-plugin-esbuild) to perform code transforms.
303 |
304 | [`esbuild`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild) is very very fast. Now, so is Microsite.
305 |
306 | ### Patch Changes
307 |
308 | - 945685d: **SEO**
309 |
310 | Microsite aims to make SEO as simple as possible, so this featureset adds built-in SEO utility components to `microsite/head` under the `seo` namespace.
311 |
312 | The benefit of using `seo` components over manual `meta` tag configuration is API simplicity, since `seo` automatically configures duplicate [Open Graph](https://ogp.me/)/social meta tags for you.
313 |
314 | If something here doesn't cover your use case, please feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/issues/new).
315 |
316 | ```tsx
317 | import { Head, seo } from "microsite/head";
318 |
319 | <Head>
320 | <seo.title>Easy SEO</seo.title>
321 | <seo.description>Hello world!</seo.description>
322 | <seo.image
323 | src="https://og-image.now.sh/**Hello**%20World.png?theme=light&md=1&fontSize=100px&images=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.vercel.com%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Ffront%2Fassets%2Fdesign%2Fvercel-triangle-black.svg"
324 | width={100}
325 | height={100}
326 | />
327 | <seo.twitter handle="@n_moore" />
328 | </Head>;
329 | ```
330 |
331 | #### seo.robots
332 |
333 | By default, `<Head>` now automatically adds the following tags.
334 |
335 | ```html
336 | <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
337 | <meta name="googlebot" content="index,follow" />
338 | ```
339 |
340 | This behavior can be controlled with the `<seo.robots>` helper, which accepts `noindex` and `nofollow` booleans.
341 |
342 | ```tsx
343 | <seo.robots noindex nofollow />
344 | ```
345 |
346 | #### seo.title
347 |
348 | `<seo.title>` has the same API as a regular `<title>` tag—it accepts a `string` child. `<seo.title>` sets the page `<title>` as well as `<meta property="og:title">`.
349 |
350 | #### seo.description
351 |
352 | `<seo.description>` accepts a `string` child. `<seo.description>` sets `<meta name="description">` as well as `<meta property="og:description">`.
353 |
354 | #### seo.canonical
355 |
356 | `<seo.canonical>` accepts a `string` child representing the canonical URL of the current page. It generates `<link rel="canonical">` and `<meta property="og:url">`.
357 |
358 | #### seo.image
359 |
360 | `<seo.image>` exposes an API similar to the native `<img>`, accepting `src`, `alt`, `width`, and `height` props. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph images.
361 |
362 | #### seo.video
363 |
364 | `<seo.video>` exposes an API similar to the native `<video>`, accepting `src`, `width`, and `height` props. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph videos.
365 |
366 | #### seo.audio
367 |
368 | `<seo.audio>` exposes an API similar to the native `<audio>`, accepting only a `src` prop. It generates all the meta tags necessary for valid Open Graph audio.
369 |
370 | #### seo.twitter
371 |
372 | `<seo.twitter>` controls [Twitter meta tags](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/markup). It accepts `card`, `handle` (maps to `twitter:creator`), and `site`.
373 |
374 | #### seo.facebook
375 |
376 | `<seo.facebook>` accepts an `appId` in order to set `<meta property="fb:app_id">`.
377 |
378 | #### seo.openGraph
379 |
380 | `<seo.openGraph>` provides low-level control over [Open Graph meta tags](https://ogp.me/). The accepted props vary based on `type`, so you might want to dig [into the code](https://github.com/natemoo-re/microsite/blob/8c0599f8c05da3214534b864c536a2614a89fb7f/src/head.tsx#L14) for this one.
381 |
\ | No newline at end of file |