1 | <br />
2 | <br />
3 |
4 | <div align="center">
5 | <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/natemoo-re/microsite/master/.github/assets/microsite.svg?sanitize=true" alt="microsite" width="375" height="101" />
6 | </div>
7 |
8 | <br />
9 | <br />
10 |
11 | `microsite` is a fast, opinionated static-site generator (SSG) that outputs extremely minimal clientside code using **automatic partial hydration**. Pages are written with Preact, Typescript, and CSS Modules and compiled with `esbuild`.
12 |
13 | ```bash
14 | npm init microsite <project>
15 | ```
16 |
17 | [See the demo](https://microsite-demo.nmoo.vercel.app/)
18 |
19 | > Microsite is output as ESM, so it needs to run in a Node environment which supports it (node@12.19.0).
20 | >
21 | > Ensure that your project includes `"type": "module"` in `package.json`, which will allow you to use ESM in your project's `node` scripts.
22 |
23 | ## Automatic Partial Hydration (APH)
24 |
25 | The most exciting feature of Microsite is automatic partial hydration. Current solutions send the entire component tree, which has already been rendered server-side, to the client for hydration.
26 | Microsite, on the other hand, uses a hint from the author (the `withHydrate` HOC) to strip away any unnecessary code and ship highly optimized code to the client.
27 |
28 | ```tsx
29 | import { withHydrate } from "microsite/hydrate";
30 |
31 | const Counter = () => {
32 | const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
33 |
34 | return (
35 | <>
36 | <button onClick={() => setCount((v) => v - 1)}>-</button>
37 | <span>{count}</span>
38 | <button onClick={() => setCount((v) => v + 1)}>+</button>
39 | </>
40 | );
41 | };
42 |
43 | export default withHydrate(Counter, { method: "idle" });
44 | ```
45 |
46 | There are a few rules to keep in mind when leveraging APH:
47 |
48 | - Hydrated components cannot contain any other hydrated component, as hydration is controlled by the top-level component.
49 |
50 | - Hydrated components should be placed as deep as possible in your app's tree for the most efficient bundles.
51 |
52 | - Hydrated components can't accept _rich_ children, because it's non-trivial to serialize them, though I have some ideas to address this. For now, strings and numbers as children are fine.
53 |
54 | #### `withHydrate` Options
55 |
56 | **method**
57 |
58 | As a developer, you know exactly how your site is structured, so Microsite allows you to tweak how hydration occurs, optimizing for your specific use cases.
59 |
60 | - `idle` (default) hydrates the component as soon as possible, when the browser executes [`requestIdleCallback`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/requestIdleCallback) code.
61 |
62 | - `visible` hydrates the component as soon as it enters the viewport, via [`IntersectionObserver`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IntersectionObserver).
63 |
64 | - `interaction` hydrates the component as soon as the user interacts with it (via `focus` or `pointerenter` events.)
65 |
66 | ## Pages
67 |
68 | Microsite uses the file-system to generate your output, meaning each component in `src/pages` outputs a corresponding HTML file.
69 |
70 | Page templates are written as `.tsx` files with [Preact](https://preactjs.com/).
71 |
72 | ## Styles
73 |
74 | Styles are written using CSS Modules. `src/global.css` is, as you guessed, a global CSS file injected on every page.
75 | Per-page/per-component styles are also inject on the correct pages. They are modules and must be named `*.module.css`.
76 |
77 | ## Project structure
78 |
79 | Microsite cares about the structure of your project. It should look like this:
80 |
81 | ```
82 | project/
83 | ├── src/
84 | │ ├── global.css
85 | │ ├── global.ts // shipped entirely to client, if present
86 | │ ├── pages/ // fs-based routing like Next.js
87 | │ │ └── index.tsx
88 | │ └── public/ // copied to dist/
89 | └── tsconfig.json
90 | ```
91 |
92 | ## Acknowledgments
93 |
94 | - [Markus Oberlehner](https://twitter.com/maoberlehner), [`vue-lazy-hydration`](https://github.com/maoberlehner/vue-lazy-hydration)
95 | - [Markus Oberlehner](https://twitter.com/maoberlehner), [Building Partially Hydrated, Progressively Enhanced Static Websites with Isomorphic Preact and Eleventy](https://markus.oberlehner.net/blog/building-partially-hydrated-progressively-enhanced-static-websites-with-isomorphic-preact-and-eleventy/)
96 | - [Lukas Bombach](https://twitter.com/luke_schmuke), [The case of partial hydration (with Next and Preact)](https://medium.com/@luke_schmuke/how-we-achieved-the-best-web-performance-with-partial-hydration-20fab9c808d5)
97 | - [Jason Miller](https://twitter.com/_developit) and [Addy Osmani](https://twitter.com/addyosmani), [Rendering on the Web](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/rendering-on-the-web)
98 | - [Poimandres](https://github.com/pmndrs), [`valtio`](https://github.com/pmndrs/valtio) for inspiring `microsite/global`