1 | import { build as buildProject } from "snowpack";
2 | import { dirname, resolve } from "path";
3 | import glob from "globby";
4 | import arg from "arg";
5 | import { rollup } from "rollup";
6 | import { performance } from "perf_hooks";
7 | import { green, dim } from "kleur/colors";
8 | import styles from "rollup-plugin-styles";
9 | import esbuild from "esbuild";
10 | import module from "module";
11 | const { createRequire, builtinModules: builtins } = module;
12 | const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
13 | import { STAGING_DIR, SSR_DIR, OUT_DIR_NO_BASE, OUT_DIR, importDataMethods, applyDataMethods, preactImportTransformer, proxyImportTransformer, getFileNameFromPath, hashContentSync, emitFile, renderPage, emitFinalAsset, copyAssetToFinal, stripWithHydrate, preactToCDN, setBasePath, CACHE_DIR, } from "../utils/build.js";
14 | import { rmdir, mkdir, copyDir, copyFile } from "../utils/fs.js";
15 | import { statSync } from "fs";
16 | import { resolveNormalizedBasePath, loadConfiguration, } from "../utils/command.js";
17 | function parseArgs(argv) {
18 | return arg({
19 | "--debug-hydration": Boolean,
20 | "--no-clean": Boolean,
21 | "--no-open": Boolean,
22 | "--serve": Boolean,
23 | "--base-path": String,
24 | }, { permissive: true, argv });
25 | }
26 | export default async function build(argvOrParsedArgs) {
27 | const args = Array.isArray(argvOrParsedArgs)
28 | ? parseArgs(argvOrParsedArgs)
29 | : argvOrParsedArgs;
30 | let basePath = resolveNormalizedBasePath(args);
31 | setBasePath(basePath);
32 | const config = await loadConfiguration("build");
33 | const buildStart = performance.now();
34 | await Promise.all([prepare(), buildProject({ config, lockfile: null })]);
35 | let pages = await glob(resolve(STAGING_DIR, "src/pages/**/*.js"));
36 | let globalEntryPoint = resolve(STAGING_DIR, "src/global/index.js");
37 | let globalStyle = resolve(STAGING_DIR, "src/global/index.css");
38 | try {
39 | globalEntryPoint = statSync(globalEntryPoint) ? globalEntryPoint : null;
40 | }
41 | catch (e) {
42 | globalEntryPoint = null;
43 | }
44 | try {
45 | globalStyle = statSync(globalStyle) ? globalStyle : null;
46 | }
47 | catch (e) {
48 | globalStyle = null;
49 | }
50 | pages = pages.filter((page) => !page.endsWith(".proxy.js"));
51 | let [manifest, routeData] = await Promise.all([
52 | bundlePagesForSSR(globalEntryPoint ? [...pages, globalEntryPoint] : pages),
53 | fetchRouteData(pages.filter((page) => !page.endsWith("_document.js"))),
54 | ]);
55 | if (globalStyle) {
56 | manifest = manifest.map((entry) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, entry), { hydrateStyleBindings: [
57 | "_static/styles/_global.css",
58 | ...(entry.hydrateStyleBindings || []),
59 | ] })));
60 | }
61 | await Promise.all([
62 | ssr(manifest, routeData, {
63 | basePath,
64 | debug: args["--debug-hydration"],
65 | hasGlobalScript: globalEntryPoint !== null,
66 | }),
67 | copyHydrateAssets(manifest, globalStyle),
68 | ]);
69 | const buildEnd = performance.now();
70 | console.log(`${green("✔")} build complete ${dim(`[${((buildEnd - buildStart) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s]`)}`);
71 |
72 | if (!args["--no-clean"])
73 | await cleanup();
74 | if (args["--serve"]) {
75 | const toForward = ["--base-path", "--no-open"];
76 | let forwardArgs = {};
77 | for (const arg of toForward) {
78 | forwardArgs[arg] = args[arg];
79 | }
80 | return import("./microsite-serve.js").then(({ default: serve }) => serve(forwardArgs));
81 | }
82 | process.exit(0);
83 | }
84 | async function prepare() {
85 | const paths = [SSR_DIR];
86 | await Promise.all([...paths, OUT_DIR_NO_BASE].map((p) => rmdir(p)));
87 | await Promise.all([...paths].map((p) => mkdir(p)));
88 | await copyDir(resolve(process.cwd(), "./public"), resolve(process.cwd(), `./${OUT_DIR}`));
89 | }
90 | async function copyHydrateAssets(manifest, globalStyle) {
91 | let tasks = [];
92 | const transform = async (source) => {
93 | source = stripWithHydrate(source);
94 | source = await preactToCDN(source);
95 | const result = await esbuild.transform(source, {
96 | minify: true,
97 | minifyIdentifiers: false,
98 | });
99 | return result.code;
100 | };
101 | if (globalStyle) {
102 | tasks.push(copyFile(globalStyle, resolve(OUT_DIR, "_static/styles/_global.css")));
103 | }
104 | if (manifest.some((entry) => entry.hydrateBindings && Object.keys(entry.hydrateBindings).length > 0)) {
105 | const transformInit = async (source) => {
106 | source = await preactToCDN(source);
107 | const result = await esbuild.transform(source, {
108 | minify: true,
109 | });
110 | return result.code;
111 | };
112 | tasks.push(copyFile(require.resolve("microsite/assets/microsite-runtime.js"), resolve(OUT_DIR, "_static/vendor/microsite.js"), { transform: transformInit }));
113 | }
114 | const jsAssets = await glob([
115 | resolve(SSR_DIR, "_hydrate/**/*.js"),
116 | resolve(SSR_DIR, "_static/**/*.js"),
117 | ]);
118 | const hydrateStyleAssets = await glob([
119 | resolve(SSR_DIR, "_hydrate/**/*.css"),
120 | resolve(SSR_DIR, "_static/**/*.css"),
121 | ]);
122 | await Promise.all([
123 | ...tasks,
124 | ...jsAssets.map((asset) => copyAssetToFinal(asset, transform)),
125 | ...hydrateStyleAssets.map((asset) => copyAssetToFinal(asset)),
126 | ]);
127 | return;
128 | }
129 | async function fetchRouteData(paths) {
130 | let routeData = [];
131 | await Promise.all(paths.map((path) => importDataMethods(path)
132 | .then((handlers) => applyDataMethods(path.replace(resolve(process.cwd(), `./${STAGING_DIR}/src/pages`), ""), handlers))
133 | .then((entry) => {
134 | routeData = routeData.concat(...entry);
135 | })));
136 | return routeData;
137 | }
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 | async function bundlePagesForSSR(paths) {
144 | const bundle = await rollup({
145 | input: paths.reduce((acc, page) => {
146 | if (/pages\//.test(page)) {
147 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, acc), { [page.slice(page.indexOf("pages/"), -3)]: page });
148 | }
149 | if (/global\/index\.js/.test(page)) {
150 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, acc), { "_static/chunks/_global": page });
151 | }
152 | }, {}),
153 | external: (source) => {
154 | return (builtins.includes(source) ||
155 | source.startsWith("microsite") ||
156 | source.startsWith("preact"));
157 | },
158 | plugins: [
159 | rewriteCssProxies(),
160 | rewritePreact(),
161 | styles({
162 | config: true,
163 | mode: "extract",
164 | minimize: true,
165 | autoModules: true,
166 | modules: {
167 | generateScopedName: `[local]_[hash:5]`,
168 | },
169 | sourceMap: false,
170 | }),
171 | ],
172 | onwarn(warning, handler) {
173 |
174 | if (warning.code === "UNRESOLVED_IMPORT")
175 | return;
176 | handler(warning);
177 | },
178 | });
179 | let entries = new Set();
180 | let entryHydrations = {};
181 | let sharedModuleCssProxyEntries = new Set();
182 | const { output } = await bundle.generate({
183 | dir: SSR_DIR,
184 | format: "esm",
185 | sourcemap: false,
186 | hoistTransitiveImports: false,
187 | minifyInternalExports: false,
188 | chunkFileNames: "[name].js",
189 | assetFileNames: "[name][extname]",
190 | |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 | manualChunks(id, { getModuleInfo }) {
200 | const info = getModuleInfo(id);
201 | if (id.endsWith(".css") && !id.endsWith(".module.css"))
202 | return;
203 | if (info.importers.length === 1) {
204 |
205 | if (/global\/index\.js$/.test(info.importers[0]))
206 | return `_static/vendor/global`;
207 | }
208 | if (/_snowpack\/pkg/.test(info.id))
209 | return `_static/vendor/index`;
210 | const dependentStaticEntryPoints = [];
211 | const dependentHydrateEntryPoints = [];
212 | const target = info.importedIds.includes("microsite/hydrate")
213 | ? dependentHydrateEntryPoints
214 | : dependentStaticEntryPoints;
215 | const idsToHandle = new Set([
216 | ...info.importers,
217 | ...info.dynamicImporters,
218 | ]);
219 | let moduleInfoById = {};
220 | for (const moduleId of idsToHandle) {
221 | const moduleInfo = getModuleInfo(moduleId);
222 | moduleInfoById[moduleId] = moduleInfo;
223 | for (const importerId of moduleInfo.importers)
224 | idsToHandle.add(importerId);
225 | }
226 | for (const moduleId of idsToHandle) {
227 | const moduleInfo = moduleInfoById[moduleId];
228 | const { isEntry, dynamicImporters, importers } = moduleInfo;
229 |
230 |
231 | if (isEntry || [...importers, ...dynamicImporters].length > 0)
232 | target.push(moduleId);
233 | if (isEntry) {
234 | entries.add(moduleId);
235 | }
236 | }
237 | let manualChunkId;
238 | if (dependentHydrateEntryPoints.length > 1) {
239 |
240 |
241 | manualChunkId = `_hydrate/chunks/_shared`;
242 | }
243 | if (dependentStaticEntryPoints.length > 1) {
244 | if (id.endsWith(".module.css")) {
245 | dependentStaticEntryPoints.forEach((entry) => sharedModuleCssProxyEntries.add(entry.replace(/^.*\/pages\//gim, "pages/")));
246 | manualChunkId = `_static/chunks/_classnames`;
247 | }
248 | manualChunkId = "_static/chunks/_shared";
249 | }
250 | if (dependentHydrateEntryPoints.length === 1) {
251 | const { code } = getModuleInfo(dependentHydrateEntryPoints[0]);
252 | const hash = hashContentSync(code, 8);
253 | const filename = `${getFileNameFromPath(dependentHydrateEntryPoints[0]).replace(/^pages\//, "")}-${hash}`;
254 | manualChunkId = `_hydrate/chunks/${filename}`;
255 | }
256 | for (const moduleId of dependentHydrateEntryPoints) {
257 | if (entries.has(moduleId)) {
258 | if (!(moduleId in entryHydrations)) {
259 | entryHydrations[moduleId] = new Set();
260 | }
261 | entryHydrations[moduleId].add(manualChunkId);
262 | }
263 | }
264 | return manualChunkId;
265 | },
266 | });
267 | const hydrationExports = output.reduce((acc, chunkOrAsset) => {
268 | if (chunkOrAsset.type !== 'asset' &&
269 | chunkOrAsset.name.startsWith("_hydrate/")) {
270 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, acc), { [chunkOrAsset.name]: chunkOrAsset.exports });
271 | }
272 | return acc;
273 | }, {});
274 | const manifest = [];
275 | |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 | await Promise.all(output.map((chunkOrAsset) => {
283 | var _a;
284 | if (chunkOrAsset.type === "asset") {
285 | if (chunkOrAsset.name.startsWith("_hydrate")) {
286 | const finalAssetName = chunkOrAsset.name.replace(/\bchunks\b/, "styles");
287 | manifest.forEach((entry) => {
288 | let binding = chunkOrAsset.name.replace(/\.css$/, ".js");
289 | if (entry.hydrateBindings && entry.hydrateBindings[binding]) {
290 | entry.hydrateStyleBindings = Array.from(new Set([...entry.hydrateStyleBindings, finalAssetName]));
291 | }
292 | });
293 | return emitFile(finalAssetName, chunkOrAsset.source);
294 | }
295 | else if (chunkOrAsset.name.endsWith("_classnames.css")) {
296 | const finalAssetName = "_static/styles/_modules.css";
297 | for (const entryName of sharedModuleCssProxyEntries.values()) {
298 | const inManifest = manifest.find((entry) => entry.name === entryName);
299 | if (inManifest) {
300 | manifest.forEach((entry) => {
301 | if (entry.name === entryName) {
302 | entry.hydrateStyleBindings = Array.from(new Set([
303 | ...entry.hydrateStyleBindings,
304 | `${finalAssetName}?m=${hashContentSync(chunkOrAsset.source.toString(), 8)}`,
305 | ]));
306 | }
307 | });
308 | }
309 | else {
310 | manifest.push({
311 | name: entryName,
312 | hydrateStyleBindings: [
313 | `${finalAssetName}?m=${hashContentSync(chunkOrAsset.source.toString(), 8)}`,
314 | ],
315 | hydrateBindings: {},
316 | });
317 | }
318 | }
319 | return emitFile(finalAssetName, chunkOrAsset.source);
320 | }
321 | else {
322 | let entryName = chunkOrAsset.name.replace(/\.css$/, ".js");
323 | let finalAssetName = chunkOrAsset.name
324 | .replace(/^pages/, "_hydrate/styles")
325 | .replace(/\bchunks\b/, "styles");
326 | const inManifest = manifest.find((entry) => entry.name === entryName);
327 | if (inManifest) {
328 | manifest.forEach((entry) => {
329 | if (entry.name === entryName) {
330 | entry.hydrateStyleBindings = Array.from(new Set([
331 | ...entry.hydrateStyleBindings,
332 | `${finalAssetName}?m=${hashContentSync(chunkOrAsset.source.toString(), 8)}`,
333 | ]));
334 | }
335 | });
336 | }
337 | else {
338 | manifest.push({
339 | name: entryName,
340 | hydrateStyleBindings: [],
341 | hydrateBindings: {},
342 | });
343 | }
344 | return emitFile(finalAssetName, chunkOrAsset.source);
345 | }
346 | }
347 | else {
348 | if (chunkOrAsset.name.startsWith("_hydrate/") ||
349 | chunkOrAsset.name.startsWith("_static/")) {
350 | return emitFile(`${chunkOrAsset.name}.js`, chunkOrAsset.code);
351 | }
352 | else if (chunkOrAsset.isEntry) {
353 | let hydrateBindings = {};
354 | for (const [file, exports] of Object.entries(chunkOrAsset.importedBindings)) {
355 | if (file.startsWith("_hydrate/")) {
356 | hydrateBindings = Object.assign(hydrateBindings, {
357 | [file]: exports,
358 | });
359 | }
360 | }
361 | const id = chunkOrAsset.facadeModuleId;
362 | if (id in entryHydrations) {
363 | for (const hydration of entryHydrations[id]) {
364 | const exports = (_a = hydrationExports[hydration]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
365 | const file = `${hydration}.js`;
366 | hydrateBindings = Object.assign(hydrateBindings, {
367 | [file]: exports,
368 | });
369 | }
370 | }
371 | const entryName = `${chunkOrAsset.name}.js`;
372 | const inManifest = manifest.find((entry) => entry.name === entryName);
373 | if (inManifest) {
374 | manifest.forEach((entry) => {
375 | if (entry.name === entryName) {
376 | entry.hydrateBindings = Object.assign(entry.hydrateBindings || {}, hydrateBindings);
377 | }
378 | });
379 | }
380 | else {
381 | manifest.push({
382 | name: entryName,
383 | hydrateStyleBindings: [],
384 | hydrateBindings,
385 | });
386 | }
387 | emitFile(entryName, chunkOrAsset.code);
388 | }
389 | else {
390 | console.log(`Unexpected chunk: ${chunkOrAsset.name}`, chunkOrAsset.code);
391 | }
392 | }
393 | }));
394 | return manifest
395 | .filter(({ name }) => name !== "pages/_document.js")
396 | .map((entry) => {
397 | if (Object.keys(entry.hydrateBindings).length === 0)
398 | entry.hydrateBindings = null;
399 | if (entry.hydrateStyleBindings.length === 0)
400 | entry.hydrateStyleBindings = null;
401 | return entry;
402 | });
403 | }
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 | const rewriteCssProxies = () => {
409 | return {
410 | name: "@microsite/rollup-rewrite-css-proxies",
411 | resolveId(source, importer) {
412 | if (!proxyImportTransformer.filter(source))
413 | return null;
414 | return resolve(dirname(importer), proxyImportTransformer.transform(source));
415 | },
416 | };
417 | };
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 | const rewritePreact = () => {
423 | return {
424 | name: "@microsite/rollup-rewrite-preact",
425 | resolveId(source) {
426 | if (!preactImportTransformer.filter(source))
427 | return null;
428 | return preactImportTransformer.transform(source);
429 | },
430 | };
431 | };
432 | async function ssr(manifest, routeData, { basePath = "/", debug = false, hasGlobalScript = false } = {}) {
433 | return Promise.all(routeData.map((entry) => renderPage(entry, manifest.find((route) => route.name.replace(/^pages/, "") === entry.name), { basePath, debug, hasGlobalScript })
434 | .then(({ name, contents }) => {
435 | return { name, contents };
436 | })
437 | .then(({ name, contents }) => emitFinalAsset(name, contents))));
438 | }
439 | async function cleanup() {
440 | const paths = [STAGING_DIR, SSR_DIR, CACHE_DIR];
441 | await Promise.all(paths.map((p) => rmdir(p)));
442 | }