1 | # midway-bin
2 |
3 | [](http://packagequality.com/#?package=midway-bin)
4 | [](https://github.com/midwayjs/midway/pulls)
5 |
6 | this is a sub package for midway.
7 |
8 | midway developer tool, extends [egg-bin].
9 |
10 | ---
11 |
12 | ## Install
13 |
14 | ```bash
15 | $ npm i midway-bin --save-dev
16 | ```
17 |
18 | ## Usage
19 |
20 | Add `midway-bin` to `package.json` scripts like [egg-bin], but just replace command by `midway-bin:
21 |
22 | ```json
23 | {
24 | "scripts": {
25 | "dev": "midway-bin dev",
26 | "debug": "midway-bin debug",
27 | "test-local": "midway-bin test",
28 | "test": "npm run lint -- --fix && npm run midway-local",
29 | "cov": "midway-bin cov",
30 | "lint": "eslint .",
31 | "pkgfiles": "midway-bin pkgfiles",
32 | "autod": "midway-bin autod",
33 | "ci": "npm run lint && npm run autod -- --check && npm run pkgfiles -- --check && npm run cov"
34 | }
35 | }
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Command
39 |
40 | `midway-bin` add new command
41 |
42 | - build
43 | - clean
44 | - doc
45 |
46 | ### build
47 |
48 | build typescript source file to dist directory like `tsc` and copy js/css/html file to same place.
49 |
50 | ```bash
51 | $ midway-bin build
52 | ```
53 |
54 | #### options
55 |
56 | - `--clean -c` clean dist directory before build
57 | - `--entrypoint <entrypoint-file>` bundle the output with the specified file as entrypoint
58 |
59 | #### copy static file
60 |
61 | we can copy static file when ts file compiling.
62 |
63 | ```js
64 | // in package.json
65 | "midway-bin-build": {
66 | "include": [
67 | "app/public",
68 | "app/view"
69 | ]
70 | }
71 | ```
72 |
73 | it will be copy `src/app/public` to `${outDir}/app/public`.
74 |
75 | The `outDir` field is configured in the `tsconfig.json` File, see [compiler-options](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html).
76 |
77 | ### clean
78 |
79 | clean a dist directory by build
80 |
81 | ```bash
82 | $ midway-bin clean
83 | ```
84 |
85 | ### doc
86 |
87 | generate application document by typedoc
88 |
89 | ```bash
90 | $ midway-bin doc
91 | ```
92 |
93 | #### options
94 |
95 | like typedoc, see [link](https://typedoc.org/guides/arguments/)
96 |
97 | - `--options [typedoc.js]` Specify a js option file that should be loaded.
98 | - `--out -o [outPath]` Specifies the location the documentation should be written to.
99 | - `--mode -m` default value is `file`, Specifies the output mode the project is used to be compiled with.
100 | - `--exclude` Exclude files by the given pattern when a path is provided as source.
101 | - `--theme` default value is `default` Specify the path to the theme that should be used.
102 | - `--excludeExternals` default value is `true` Prevent externally resolved TypeScript files from being documented.
103 | - `--ignoreCompilerErrors` default value is `true` Generates documentation, even if the project does not TypeScript compile.
104 | - `--hideGenerator` default value is `true` Do not print the TypeDoc link at the end of the page.
105 |
106 | > Tips: If the options parameter is supplied, the other default parameters are invalid
107 |
108 | ## License
109 |
110 | [MIT](LICENSE)