1 | <p align="center">
2 | <a href="mind-elixir.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
3 | <img width="150" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/master/images/logo2.png" alt="mindelixir logo2">
4 | </a>
5 | <h1 align="center">Mind Elixir</h1>
6 | </p>
7 |
8 | <p align="center">
9 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/mind-elixir">
10 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/mind-elixir" alt="version">
11 | </a>
12 | <a href="https://github.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/blob/master/LICENSE">
13 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/l/mind-elixir" alt="license">
14 | </a>
15 | <a href="https://app.codacy.com/gh/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=ssshooter/mind-elixir-core&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Settings">
16 | <img src="https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/09fadec5bf094886b30cea6aabf3a88b" alt="code quality">
17 | </a>
18 | <a href="https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=mind-elixir">
19 | <img src="https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/dependency-count/mind-elixir" alt="dependency-count">
20 | </a>
21 | <a href="https://packagephobia.com/result?p=mind-elixir">
22 | <img src="https://packagephobia.com/badge?p=mind-elixir" alt="package size">
23 | </a>
24 | </p>
25 |
26 | [中文 README](https://github.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/blob/master/readme.cn.md)
27 |
28 | Mind elixir is a free open source mind map core.
29 |
30 | - Zero dependency
31 | - High performance
32 | - Lightweight
33 | - Framework agnostic
34 | - Pluginable
35 | - Build-in drag and drop / node edit plugin
36 | - Styling your node with CSS
37 | - Undo / Redo
38 |
39 | <details>
40 | <summary>Table of Contents</summary>
41 |
42 | - [Try now](#try-now)
43 | - [Playground](#playground)
44 | - [Usage](#usage)
45 | - [Install](#install)
46 | - [NPM](#npm)
47 | - [Script tag](#script-tag)
48 | - [Init](#init)
49 | - [Data Structure](#data-structure)
50 | - [Event Handling](#event-handling)
51 | - [Data Export And Import](#data-export-and-import)
52 | - [Operation Guards](#operation-guards)
53 | - [Methods](#methods)
54 | - [Theme](#theme)
55 | - [Not only core](#not-only-core)
56 | - [Development](#development)
57 |
58 | </details>
59 |
60 | ## Try now
61 |
62 | ![mindelixir](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/master/images/screenshot2.png)
63 |
64 | https://mind-elixir.com/
65 |
66 | ### Playground
67 |
68 | - Vanilla JS - https://codepen.io/ssshooter/pen/OJrJowN
69 | - React - https://codesandbox.io/s/mind-elixir-3-x-react-18-x-vy9fcq
70 | - Vue3 - https://codesandbox.io/s/mind-elixir-3-x-vue3-lth484
71 | - Vue2 - https://codesandbox.io/s/mind-elixir-3-x-vue-2-x-5kdfjp
72 |
73 | ## Usage
74 |
75 | ### Install
76 |
77 | #### NPM
78 |
79 | ```bash
80 | npm i mind-elixir -S
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ```javascript
84 | import MindElixir from 'mind-elixir'
85 | ```
86 |
87 | #### Script tag
88 |
89 | ```html
90 | <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mind-elixir/dist/MindElixir.js"></script>
91 | ```
92 |
93 | ### Init
94 |
95 | ```html
96 | <div id="map"></div>
97 | <style>
98 | #map {
99 | height: 500px;
100 | width: 100%;
101 | }
102 | </style>
103 | ```
104 |
105 | **Breaking Change** since 1.0.0, `data` should be passed to `init()`, not `options`.
106 |
107 | ```javascript
108 | import MindElixir from 'mind-elixir'
109 | import example from 'mind-elixir/dist/example1'
110 |
111 | let options = {
112 | el: '#map', // or HTMLDivElement
113 | direction: MindElixir.LEFT,
114 | draggable: true, // default true
115 | contextMenu: true, // default true
116 | toolBar: true, // default true
117 | nodeMenu: true, // default true
118 | keypress: true, // default true
119 | locale: 'en', // [zh_CN,zh_TW,en,ja,pt,ru] waiting for PRs
120 | overflowHidden: false, // default false
121 | mainLinkStyle: 2, // [1,2] default 1
122 | contextMenuOption: {
123 | focus: true,
124 | link: true,
125 | extend: [
126 | {
127 | name: 'Node edit',
128 | onclick: () => {
129 | alert('extend menu')
130 | },
131 | },
132 | ],
133 | },
134 | before: {
135 | insertSibling(el, obj) {
136 | return true
137 | },
138 | async addChild(el, obj) {
139 | await sleep()
140 | return true
141 | },
142 | },
143 | }
144 |
145 | let mind = new MindElixir(options)
146 |
147 | mind.install(plugin) // install your plugin
148 |
149 | // create new map data
150 | const data = MindElixir.new('new topic')
151 | // or `example`
152 | // or the data return from `.getData()`
153 | mind.init(data)
154 |
155 | // get a node
156 | MindElixir.E('node-id')
157 | ```
158 |
159 | ### Data Structure
160 |
161 | ```javascript
162 | // whole node data structure up to now
163 | const nodeData = {
164 | topic: 'node topic',
165 | id: 'bd1c24420cd2c2f5',
166 | style: { fontSize: '32', color: '#3298db', background: '#ecf0f1' },
167 | expanded: true,
168 | parent: null,
169 | tags: ['Tag'],
170 | icons: ['😀'],
171 | hyperLink: 'https://github.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core',
172 | image: {
173 | url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/master/images/logo2.png', // required
174 | // you need to query the height and width of the image and calculate the appropriate value to display the image
175 | height: 90, // required
176 | width: 90, // required
177 | },
178 | children: [
179 | {
180 | topic: 'child',
181 | id: 'xxxx',
182 | // ...
183 | },
184 | ],
185 | }
186 | ```
187 |
188 | ### Event Handling
189 |
190 | ```javascript
191 | mind.bus.addListener('operation', operation => {
192 | console.log(operation)
193 | // return {
194 | // name: action name,
195 | // obj: target object
196 | // }
197 |
198 | // name: [insertSibling|addChild|removeNode|beginEdit|finishEdit]
199 | // obj: target
200 |
201 | // name: moveNode
202 | // obj: {from:target1,to:target2}
203 | })
204 |
205 | mind.bus.addListener('selectNode', node => {
206 | console.log(node)
207 | })
208 |
209 | mind.bus.addListener('expandNode', node => {
210 | console.log('expandNode: ', node)
211 | })
212 | ```
213 |
214 | ### Data Export And Import
215 |
216 | ```javascript
217 | // data export
218 | const data = mind.getData() // javascript object, see src/example.js
219 | mind.getDataString() // stringify object
220 | mind.getDataMd() // markdown
221 |
222 | // data import
223 | // initiate
224 | let mind = new MindElixir(options)
225 | mind.init(data)
226 | // data update
227 | mind.refresh(data)
228 | ```
229 |
230 | ### Operation Guards
231 |
232 | ```javascript
233 | let mind = new MindElixir({
234 | // ...
235 | before: {
236 | insertSibling(el, obj) {
237 | console.log(el, obj)
238 | if (this.currentNode.nodeObj.parent.root) {
239 | return false
240 | }
241 | return true
242 | },
243 | async addChild(el, obj) {
244 | await sleep()
245 | if (this.currentNode.nodeObj.parent.root) {
246 | return false
247 | }
248 | return true
249 | },
250 | },
251 | })
252 | ```
253 |
254 | ## Methods
255 |
256 | https://github.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-core/blob/master/api/mind-elixir.api.md
257 |
258 | ## Theme
259 |
260 | ```javascript
261 | const options = {
262 | // ...
263 | theme: {
264 | name: 'Dark',
265 | // main lines color palette
266 | palette: ['#848FA0', '#748BE9', '#D2F9FE', '#4145A5', '#789AFA', '#706CF4', '#EF987F', '#775DD5', '#FCEECF', '#DA7FBC'],
267 | // overwrite css variables
268 | cssVar: {
269 | '--main-color': '#ffffff',
270 | '--main-bgcolor': '#4c4f69',
271 | '--color': '#cccccc',
272 | '--bgcolor': '#252526',
273 | '--panel-color': '255, 255, 255',
274 | '--panel-bgcolor': '45, 55, 72',
275 | },
276 | // all variables see /src/index.less
277 | },
278 | // ...
279 | }
280 |
281 | // ...
282 |
283 | mind.changeTheme({
284 | name: 'Latte',
285 | palette: ['#dd7878', '#ea76cb', '#8839ef', '#e64553', '#fe640b', '#df8e1d', '#40a02b', '#209fb5', '#1e66f5', '#7287fd'],
286 | cssVar: {
287 | '--main-color': '#444446',
288 | '--main-bgcolor': '#ffffff',
289 | '--color': '#777777',
290 | '--bgcolor': '#f6f6f6',
291 | },
292 | })
293 | ```
294 |
295 | Be aware that Mind Elixir will not observe the change of `prefers-color-scheme`. Please change the theme **manually** when the scheme changes.
296 |
297 | ## Not only core
298 |
299 | - [@mind-elixir/node-menu](https://github.com/ssshooter/node-menu)
300 | - [@mind-elixir/node-menu-neo](https://github.com/ssshooter/node-menu-neo)
301 | - [@mind-elixir/export-xmind](https://github.com/ssshooter/export-xmind)
302 | - [@mind-elixir/export-html](https://github.com/ssshooter/export-html)
303 | - [@mind-elixir/export-image](https://github.com/ssshooter/export-image) (WIP🚧)
304 | - [mind-elixir-react](https://github.com/ssshooter/mind-elixir-react)
305 |
306 | ## Development
307 |
308 | ```
309 | pnpm i
310 | npm start
311 | ```
312 |
313 | Test generated files with `dev.dist.ts`:
314 |
315 | ```
316 | npm run build
317 | npm link
318 | npm link mind-elixir
319 | ```