5.08 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6const discord_js_1 = require("discord.js");
7const Connection_1 = __importDefault(require("./Connection"));
8const messenger_1 = require("./messenger");
9class CMError extends Error {
11exports.CMError = CMError;
12class ConnectionsManager {
13 constructor() {
14 this.list = new discord_js_1.Collection();
15 }
16 async load() {
17 const log = logger.withScope('CM:init');
18 try {
19 // load file and parse YAML
20 let parsed = await config.loadConnections();
21 if (!parsed || typeof parsed !== 'object')
22 return this.save();
23 for (let [name, endpoints] of Object.entries(parsed)) {
24 log.trace(name, endpoints);
25 if (name.startsWith('_'))
26 continue;
27 if (!Array.isArray(endpoints) ||
28 endpoints.some(el => typeof el !== 'object'))
29 throw new CMError(`Incorrect connection syntax: ${name}`);
30 this.list.set(name, new Connection_1.default(name, await ConnectionsManager.validateEndpoints(endpoints)));
31 }
32 await this.save();
33 }
34 catch (err) {
35 if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
36 throw err;
37 await this.save();
38 }
39 }
40 static async validateEndpoints(endpoints) {
41 const newEndpoints = [];
42 for (let endpoint of endpoints) {
43 if (!endpoint.type || !endpoint.id)
44 throw new CMError(`Type or ID missing on endpoint: ${JSON.stringify(endpoint)}`);
45 if (endpoint.type !== 'discord' && endpoint.type !== 'messenger') {
46 throw new CMError(`Endpoint type incorrect, should be 'messenger' or 'discord', actual: ${endpoint.type}`);
47 }
48 if (typeof endpoint.id !== 'string')
49 throw new CMError(`Endpoint ID is not a string (wrap it in single quotes): ${endpoint.id}`);
50 if (endpoint.type === 'discord' && !discord.client.channels.get(endpoint.id))
51 throw new CMError(`Channel ${endpoint.id} not found!`);
52 if (endpoint.type === 'messenger') {
53 try {
54 await messenger_1.getThread(endpoint.id);
55 }
56 catch (err) {
57 throw new CMError(`Thread ${endpoint.id} not found!`);
58 }
59 }
60 if (endpoint.name) {
61 newEndpoints.push(endpoint);
62 continue;
63 }
64 endpoint.name = endpoint.type === 'discord'
65 ? discord.client.channels.get(endpoint.id).name
66 : (await messenger_1.getThread(endpoint.id)).name;
67 newEndpoints.push(endpoint);
68 }
69 return newEndpoints;
70 }
71 static async createAutomaticDiscordChannel(threadID, name) {
72 const log = logger.withScope('CM:createAutomaticDiscordChannel');
73 // create new channel with specified name and set its parent
74 const channel = await discord.guilds[0].createChannel(name, 'text');
75 await channel.overwritePermissions(discord.guilds[0].roles.find(role => role.name === '@everyone').id, { VIEW_CHANNEL: false });
76 log.debug(`Channel created, name: ${name}, id: ${channel.id}`);
77 // set category if it's in the same guild
78 if (discord.category && discord.category.guild.id === channel.guild.id)
79 await channel.setParent(discord.category);
80 // save newly created channel in the channels map
81 const connection = new Connection_1.default(name)
82 .addChannel({ id: channel.id, name })
83 .addThread({ id: threadID.toString(), name });
84 await connection.save();
85 log.trace('new connection', connection, 1);
86 return connection;
87 }
88 async getWithCreateFallback(threadID, name) {
89 const log = logger.withScope('CM:getWithCreateFallback');
90 let connection = this.getWith(threadID);
91 if (!connection) {
92 if (!config.discord.createChannels)
93 return log.debug(`Channel creation disabled, ignoring. Name: ${name}, id: ${threadID}`);
94 connection = await ConnectionsManager.createAutomaticDiscordChannel(threadID, name);
95 }
96 return connection;
97 }
98 getWith(id) {
99 return this.list.find(connection => connection.has(id));
100 }
101 get(name) {
102 return this.list.get(name);
103 }
104 has(id) {
105 return this.list.some(connection => connection.has(id));
106 }
107 save() {
108 const yamlConnections = Object.assign({
109 __comment: 'This is your connections.yml file. More info at https://github.com/miscord/miscord/wiki/Connections.yml'
110 }, ...this.list.map(connection => connection.toYAMLObject()));
111 return config.saveConnections(yamlConnections);
112 }
114exports.default = ConnectionsManager;