5.05 kBMarkdownView Raw
3<a name="0.5.0"></a>
4## [0.5.0](https://github.com/miter-framework/miter/compare/0.4.0...HEAD) (_Future_)
6Big things planned! More unit tests! Less ORM quirks! More awesomeness!
10<a name="0.4.0"></a>
11## [0.4.0](https://github.com/miter-framework/miter/compare/0.3.0...0.4.0) (2017-07-26)
13### Features
15* **orm:** allow update queries to have includes if returning = true
16* **orm:** allow deeply-nested associations to be implicitly included in where query
17* **orm:** extract performCreate and performUpdate hooks in CrudController
18* **orm:** allow TransactionService.run to create detached transactions
19* **orm:** allow the Transaction decorator to create detached transactions
20* **test:** add unit tests for JwtBasePolicy
21* **injector:** add cache and deps options to providers that use factory functions
22* **injector:** allow metadata to be defined and injected into provide factory functions
23* **logger:** infer subsystem based on the name of the injectable the logger is injected into
24* **injector:** allow injectables to define custom factory function providers
26### Bug Fixes
28* **orm:** add implicit include only if the value is non-null and has no id
30### Breaking Changes
32* Server.logger is now private.
33 If you need an instance of a logger, you can dependency inject Logger or LoggerCore.
34 If you need to do this through code, you can manually grab the logger like this:
35 ```typescript
36 import { Miter, LoggerCore, Logger } from 'miter';
37 let server = await Miter.launch({ ... });
38 let logger: Logger = server.injector.resolveInjectable(LoggerCore).getSubsystem('my-subsystem');
39 ```
40* The Logger methods no longer accept a subsystem. This includes `log`, `trace`, `error`, `info`, `warn`, and `verbose`.
41 Instead of requiring the subsystem every time you need to log a message, the logger will use the name of the class the logger is injected into.
42 If you want to provide a specific subsystem, you can use the new Name decorator to override the default behavior.
43 In this example, the class is 'TransactionService' but the subsystem is 'transactions':
44 ```
45 @Injectable()
46 @Name('transactions')
47 export class TransactionService {
48 constructor(private logger: Logger) {
49 logger.info('This message will use my overridden subsystem name');
50 }
51 }
52 ```
53* The constructors for JwtBasePolicy, JwtPolicy, and RequiredJwtPolicy now require a LoggerCore instead of a logger.
54 If you provide your own implementation of one of these classes, make sure you update them to the correct type.
55* Injector.resolveDependency throws more errors.
56 Previously it silently swallowed some circular dependency errors, and it only logged falsey injections.
57 Now it will fail fast when one of these errors occur.
61<a name="0.3.0"></a>
62## [0.3.0](https://github.com/miter-framework/miter/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0) (2017-06-05)
64### Features
66* **build:** remove pre-commit hook that sometimes broke development pipeline
67* **build:** upgrade to typescript@2.3.0
68* **router:** add res.sendFiles as a replacement for express.static
69* **orm:** allow where queries to filter by details on associated tabled
70* **orm:** allow has-many associations in where queries
71* **orm:** allow nested includes using dot-notation
72* **tests:** add lots, lots more unit tests
74### Bug Fixes
76* **services:** only shut down services if they started successfully
77* **router:** add multiple routes on the same method in the order they are listed as decorators
78* **orm:** only attempt to connect to a sql server if the orm is not disabled
79* **orm:** transform included association results instead of simply copying the values
80* **tests:** add double quotes around the mocha test path to ensure all tests are included
84<a name="0.2.0"></a>
85## [0.2.0](https://github.com/miter-framework/miter/compare/0.1.4...0.2.0) (2017-05-05)
87### Features
89* **repository:** add README.md sample controller and project information
90* **repository:** add CHANGELOG.md to record changes between versions
91* **ci:** add .travis.yml and enable TravisCI builds
92* **tests:** add a unit testing framework and test the built-in services and utility functions
93* **middleware:** gracefully handle an empty array of middleware functions
94* **orm:** add the Sanitize decorator to ensure private data is removed before serializing it
95* **orm:** add Flag decorator as a shorthand for a non-null boolean column with "false" as the default value
96* **router:** allow users to mount controllers on other controllers
97* **router:** allow routes to await res.sendFile
98* **router:** allow controllers to dynamically change route policies at runtime
99* **crud-controller:** add findOne route to the CrudController
101### Bug Fixes
103* **repl-service:** only create the ReadLine interface if you inject the ReplService
104* **orm:** allow SQL and and or queries to be objects or arrays
108<a name="0.1.4"></a>
109## [0.1.4](https://github.com/miter-framework/miter/tree/0.1.4) (2017-04-05)
111Changes before this point in time have not been recorded here.