10.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Returns the _actual_ type of the given tree node. (Or throws)
3 *
4 * @export
5 * @param {IStateTreeNode} object
6 * @returns {IType<S, T>}
7 */
8export declare function getType<S, T>(object: IStateTreeNode): IType<S, T>;
10 * Returns the _declared_ type of the given sub property of an object, array or map.
11 *
12 * @example
13 * const Box = types.model({ x: 0, y: 0 })
14 * const box = Box.create()
15 *
16 * console.log(getChildType(box, "x").name) // 'number'
17 *
18 * @export
19 * @param {IStateTreeNode} object
20 * @param {string} child
21 * @returns {IType<any, any>}
22 */
23export declare function getChildType(object: IStateTreeNode, child: string): IType<any, any>;
25 * Registers a function that will be invoked for each mutation that is applied to the provided model instance, or to any of its children.
26 * See [patches](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#patches) for more details. onPatch events are emitted immediately and will not await the end of a transaction.
27 * Patches can be used to deep observe a model tree.
28 *
29 * @export
30 * @param {Object} target the model instance from which to receive patches
31 * @param {(patch: IJsonPatch, reversePatch) => void} callback the callback that is invoked for each patch. The reversePatch is a patch that would actually undo the emitted patch
32 * @param {includeOldValue} boolean if oldValue is included in the patches, they can be inverted. However patches will become much bigger and might not be suitable for efficient transport
33 * @returns {IDisposer} function to remove the listener
34 */
35export declare function onPatch(target: IStateTreeNode, callback: (patch: IJsonPatch, reversePatch: IJsonPatch) => void): IDisposer;
36export declare function onSnapshot<S>(target: ObservableMap<S>, callback: (snapshot: {
37 [key: string]: S;
38}) => void): IDisposer;
39export declare function onSnapshot<S>(target: IObservableArray<S>, callback: (snapshot: S[]) => void): IDisposer;
40export declare function onSnapshot<S>(target: ISnapshottable<S>, callback: (snapshot: S) => void): IDisposer;
42 * Applies a JSON-patch to the given model instance or bails out if the patch couldn't be applied
43 * See [patches](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#patches) for more details.
44 *
45 * Can apply a single past, or an array of patches.
46 *
47 * @export
48 * @param {Object} target
49 * @param {IJsonPatch} patch
50 * @returns
51 */
52export declare function applyPatch(target: IStateTreeNode, patch: IJsonPatch | IJsonPatch[]): void;
53export interface IPatchRecorder {
54 patches: ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>;
55 inversePatches: ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>;
56 stop(): any;
57 replay(target?: IStateTreeNode): any;
58 undo(target?: IStateTreeNode): void;
61 * Small abstraction around `onPatch` and `applyPatch`, attaches a patch listener to a tree and records all the patches.
62 * Returns an recorder object with the following signature:
63 *
64 * @example
65 * export interface IPatchRecorder {
66 * // the recorded patches
67 * patches: IJsonPatch[]
68 * // the inverse of the recorded patches
69 * inversePatches: IJsonPatch[]
70 * // stop recording patches
71 * stop(target?: IStateTreeNode): any
72 * // resume recording patches
73 * resume()
74 * // apply all the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)
75 * replay(target?: IStateTreeNode): any
76 * // reverse apply the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)
77 * // stops the recorder if not already stopped
78 * undo(): void
79 * }
80 *
81 * @export
82 * @param {IStateTreeNode} subject
83 * @returns {IPatchRecorder}
84 */
85export declare function recordPatches(subject: IStateTreeNode): IPatchRecorder;
87 * The inverse of `unprotect`
88 *
89 * @export
90 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
91 *
92 */
93export declare function protect(target: IStateTreeNode): void;
95 * By default it is not allowed to directly modify a model. Models can only be modified through actions.
96 * However, in some cases you don't care about the advantages (like replayability, traceability, etc) this yields.
97 * For example because you are building a PoC or don't have any middleware attached to your tree.
98 *
99 * In that case you can disable this protection by calling `unprotect` on the root of your tree.
100 *
101 * @example
102 * const Todo = types.model({
103 * done: false,
104 * toggle() {
105 * this.done = !this.done
106 * }
107 * })
108 *
109 * const todo = new Todo()
110 * todo.done = true // OK
111 * protect(todo)
112 * todo.done = false // throws!
113 * todo.toggle() // OK
114 */
115export declare function unprotect(target: IStateTreeNode): void;
117 * Returns true if the object is in protected mode, @see protect
118 */
119export declare function isProtected(target: IStateTreeNode): boolean;
121 * Applies a snapshot to a given model instances. Patch and snapshot listeners will be invoked as usual.
122 *
123 * @export
124 * @param {Object} target
125 * @param {Object} snapshot
126 * @returns
127 */
128export declare function applySnapshot<S, T>(target: IStateTreeNode, snapshot: S): void;
129export declare function getSnapshot<S>(target: ObservableMap<S>): {
130 [key: string]: S;
132export declare function getSnapshot<S>(target: IObservableArray<S>): S[];
133export declare function getSnapshot<S>(target: ISnapshottable<S>): S;
135 * Given a model instance, returns `true` if the object has a parent, that is, is part of another object, map or array
136 *
137 * @export
138 * @param {Object} target
139 * @param {number} depth = 1, how far should we look upward?
140 * @returns {boolean}
141 */
142export declare function hasParent(target: IStateTreeNode, depth?: number): boolean;
143export declare function getParent(target: IStateTreeNode, depth?: number): any & IStateTreeNode;
144export declare function getParent<T>(target: IStateTreeNode, depth?: number): T & IStateTreeNode;
145export declare function getRoot(target: IStateTreeNode): any & IStateTreeNode;
146export declare function getRoot<T>(target: IStateTreeNode): T & IStateTreeNode;
148 * Returns the path of the given object in the model tree
149 *
150 * @export
151 * @param {Object} target
152 * @returns {string}
153 */
154export declare function getPath(target: IStateTreeNode): string;
156 * Returns the path of the given object as unescaped string array
157 *
158 * @export
159 * @param {Object} target
160 * @returns {string[]}
161 */
162export declare function getPathParts(target: IStateTreeNode): string[];
164 * Returns true if the given object is the root of a model tree
165 *
166 * @export
167 * @param {Object} target
168 * @returns {boolean}
169 */
170export declare function isRoot(target: IStateTreeNode): boolean;
172 * Resolves a path relatively to a given object.
173 * Returns undefined if no value can be found.
174 *
175 * @export
176 * @param {Object} target
177 * @param {string} path - escaped json path
178 * @returns {*}
179 */
180export declare function resolvePath(target: IStateTreeNode, path: string): IStateTreeNode | any;
182 * Resolves a model instance given a root target, the type and the identifier you are searching for.
183 * Returns undefined if no value can be found.
184 *
185 * @export
186 * @param {IType<any, any>} type
187 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
188 * @param {(string | number)} identifier
189 * @returns {*}
190 */
191export declare function resolveIdentifier(type: IType<any, any>, target: IStateTreeNode, identifier: string | number): any;
193 *
194 *
195 * @export
196 * @param {Object} target
197 * @param {string} path
198 * @returns {*}
199 */
200export declare function tryResolve(target: IStateTreeNode, path: string): IStateTreeNode | any;
202 * Given two state tree nodes that are part of the same tree,
203 * returns the shortest jsonpath needed to navigate from the one to the other
204 *
205 * @export
206 * @param {IStateTreeNode} base
207 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
208 * @returns {string}
209 */
210export declare function getRelativePath(base: IStateTreeNode, target: IStateTreeNode): string;
212 * Returns a deep copy of the given state tree node as new tree.
213 * Short hand for `snapshot(x) = getType(x).create(getSnapshot(x))`
214 *
215 * _Tip: clone will create a literal copy, including the same identifiers. To modify identifiers etc during cloning, don't use clone but take a snapshot of the tree, modify it, and create new instance_
216 *
217 * @export
218 * @template T
219 * @param {T} source
220 * @param {boolean | any} keepEnvironment indicates whether the clone should inherit the same environment (`true`, the default), or not have an environment (`false`). If an object is passed in as second argument, that will act as the environment for the cloned tree.
221 * @returns {T}
222 */
223export declare function clone<T extends IStateTreeNode>(source: T, keepEnvironment?: boolean | any): T;
225 * Removes a model element from the state tree, and let it live on as a new state tree
226 */
227export declare function detach<T extends IStateTreeNode>(target: T): T;
229 * Removes a model element from the state tree, and mark it as end-of-life; the element should not be used anymore
230 */
231export declare function destroy(target: IStateTreeNode): void;
233 * Returns true if the given state tree node is not killed yet.
234 * This means that the node is still a part of a tree, and that `destroy`
235 * has not been called. If a node is not alive anymore, the only thing one can do with it
236 * is requesting it's last path and snapshot
237 *
238 * @export
239 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
240 * @returns {boolean}
241 */
242export declare function isAlive(target: IStateTreeNode): boolean;
244 * Use this utility to register a function that should be called whenever the
245 * targeted state tree node is destroyed. This is a useful alternative to managing
246 * cleanup methods yourself using the `beforeDestroy` hook.
247 *
248 * @example
249 * const Todo = types.model({
250 * title: types.string
251 * }, {
252 * afterCreate() {
253 * const autoSaveDisposer = reaction(
254 * () => getSnapshot(this),
255 * snapshot => sendSnapshotToServerSomehow(snapshot)
256 * )
257 * // stop sending updates to server if this
258 * // instance is destroyed
259 * addDisposer(this, autoSaveDisposer)
260 * }
261 * })
262 *
263 * @export
264 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
265 * @param {() => void} disposer
266 */
267export declare function addDisposer(target: IStateTreeNode, disposer: () => void): void;
269 * Returns the environment of the current state tree. For more info on environments,
270 * see [Dependency injection](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#dependency-injection)
271 *
272 * Returns an empty environment if the tree wasn't initialized with an environment
273 *
274 * @export
275 * @param {IStateTreeNode} target
276 * @returns {*}
277 */
278export declare function getEnv<T = any>(target: IStateTreeNode): T;
280 * Performs a depth first walk through a tree
281 */
282export declare function walk(target: IStateTreeNode, processor: (item: IStateTreeNode) => void): void;
283import { IObservableArray, ObservableMap } from "mobx";
284import { IStateTreeNode } from "./node";
285import { IJsonPatch } from "./json-patch";
286import { IDisposer } from "../utils";
287import { ISnapshottable, IType } from "../types/type";