296 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5var mobx = require('mobx');
7var livelinessChecking = "warn";
9 * Defines what MST should do when running into reads / writes to objects that have died.
10 * By default it will print a warning.
11 * Use the `"error"` option to easy debugging to see where the error was thrown and when the offending read / write took place
12 *
13 * @param mode `"warn"`, `"error"` or `"ignore"`
14 */
15function setLivelinessChecking(mode) {
16 livelinessChecking = mode;
19 * Returns the current liveliness checking mode.
20 *
21 * @returns `"warn"`, `"error"` or `"ignore"`
22 */
23function getLivelinessChecking() {
24 return livelinessChecking;
27 * @deprecated use setLivelinessChecking instead
28 * @hidden
29 *
30 * Defines what MST should do when running into reads / writes to objects that have died.
31 * By default it will print a warning.
32 * Use the `"error"` option to easy debugging to see where the error was thrown and when the offending read / write took place
33 *
34 * @param mode `"warn"`, `"error"` or `"ignore"`
35 */
36function setLivelynessChecking(mode) {
37 setLivelinessChecking(mode);
41 * @hidden
42 */
43var Hook;
44(function (Hook) {
45 Hook["afterCreate"] = "afterCreate";
46 Hook["afterAttach"] = "afterAttach";
47 Hook["afterCreationFinalization"] = "afterCreationFinalization";
48 Hook["beforeDetach"] = "beforeDetach";
49 Hook["beforeDestroy"] = "beforeDestroy";
50})(Hook || (Hook = {}));
52/*! *****************************************************************************
53Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
55Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
56purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
65***************************************************************************** */
66/* global Reflect, Promise */
68var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
69 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
70 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
71 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
72 return extendStatics(d, b);
75function __extends(d, b) {
76 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
77 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
78 extendStatics(d, b);
79 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
80 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
83var __assign = function() {
84 __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
85 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
86 s = arguments[i];
87 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
88 }
89 return t;
90 };
91 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
94function __rest(s, e) {
95 var t = {};
96 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
97 t[p] = s[p];
98 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
99 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
100 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
101 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
102 }
103 return t;
106function __generator(thisArg, body) {
107 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
108 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
109 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
110 function step(op) {
111 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
112 while (_) try {
113 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
114 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
115 switch (op[0]) {
116 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
117 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
118 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
119 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
120 default:
121 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
122 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
123 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
124 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
125 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
126 _.trys.pop(); continue;
127 }
128 op = body.call(thisArg, _);
129 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
130 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
131 }
134function __values(o) {
135 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
136 if (m) return m.call(o);
137 if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
138 next: function () {
139 if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
140 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
141 }
142 };
143 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
146function __read(o, n) {
147 var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
148 if (!m) return o;
149 var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
150 try {
151 while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
152 }
153 catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
154 finally {
155 try {
156 if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
157 }
158 finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
159 }
160 return ar;
163/** @deprecated */
164function __spread() {
165 for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
166 ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
167 return ar;
171 * Returns the _actual_ type of the given tree node. (Or throws)
172 *
173 * @param object
174 * @returns
175 */
176function getType(object) {
177 assertIsStateTreeNode(object, 1);
178 return getStateTreeNode(object).type;
181 * Returns the _declared_ type of the given sub property of an object, array or map.
182 * In the case of arrays and maps the property name is optional and will be ignored.
183 *
184 * Example:
185 * ```ts
186 * const Box = types.model({ x: 0, y: 0 })
187 * const box = Box.create()
188 *
189 * console.log(getChildType(box, "x").name) // 'number'
190 * ```
191 *
192 * @param object
193 * @param propertyName
194 * @returns
195 */
196function getChildType(object, propertyName) {
197 assertIsStateTreeNode(object, 1);
198 return getStateTreeNode(object).getChildType(propertyName);
201 * Registers a function that will be invoked for each mutation that is applied to the provided model instance, or to any of its children.
202 * See [patches](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#patches) for more details. onPatch events are emitted immediately and will not await the end of a transaction.
203 * Patches can be used to deep observe a model tree.
204 *
205 * @param target the model instance from which to receive patches
206 * @param callback the callback that is invoked for each patch. The reversePatch is a patch that would actually undo the emitted patch
207 * @returns function to remove the listener
208 */
209function onPatch(target, callback) {
210 // check all arguments
211 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
212 assertIsFunction(callback, 2);
213 return getStateTreeNode(target).onPatch(callback);
216 * Registers a function that is invoked whenever a new snapshot for the given model instance is available.
217 * The listener will only be fire at the end of the current MobX (trans)action.
218 * See [snapshots](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#snapshots) for more details.
219 *
220 * @param target
221 * @param callback
222 * @returns
223 */
224function onSnapshot(target, callback) {
225 // check all arguments
226 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
227 assertIsFunction(callback, 2);
228 return getStateTreeNode(target).onSnapshot(callback);
231 * Applies a JSON-patch to the given model instance or bails out if the patch couldn't be applied
232 * See [patches](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#patches) for more details.
233 *
234 * Can apply a single past, or an array of patches.
235 *
236 * @param target
237 * @param patch
238 * @returns
239 */
240function applyPatch(target, patch) {
241 // check all arguments
242 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
243 assertArg(patch, function (p) { return typeof p === "object"; }, "object or array", 2);
244 getStateTreeNode(target).applyPatches(asArray(patch));
247 * Small abstraction around `onPatch` and `applyPatch`, attaches a patch listener to a tree and records all the patches.
248 * Returns an recorder object with the following signature:
249 *
250 * Example:
251 * ```ts
252 * export interface IPatchRecorder {
253 * // the recorded patches
254 * patches: IJsonPatch[]
255 * // the inverse of the recorded patches
256 * inversePatches: IJsonPatch[]
257 * // true if currently recording
258 * recording: boolean
259 * // stop recording patches
260 * stop(): void
261 * // resume recording patches
262 * resume(): void
263 * // apply all the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)
264 * replay(target?: IAnyStateTreeNode): void
265 * // reverse apply the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)
266 * // stops the recorder if not already stopped
267 * undo(): void
268 * }
269 * ```
270 *
271 * The optional filter function allows to skip recording certain patches.
272 *
273 * @param subject
274 * @param filter
275 * @returns
276 */
277function recordPatches(subject, filter) {
278 // check all arguments
279 assertIsStateTreeNode(subject, 1);
280 var data = {
281 patches: [],
282 reversedInversePatches: []
283 };
284 // we will generate the immutable copy of patches on demand for public consumption
285 var publicData = {};
286 var disposer;
287 var recorder = {
288 get recording() {
289 return !!disposer;
290 },
291 get patches() {
292 if (!publicData.patches) {
293 publicData.patches = data.patches.slice();
294 }
295 return publicData.patches;
296 },
297 get reversedInversePatches() {
298 if (!publicData.reversedInversePatches) {
299 publicData.reversedInversePatches = data.reversedInversePatches.slice();
300 }
301 return publicData.reversedInversePatches;
302 },
303 get inversePatches() {
304 if (!publicData.inversePatches) {
305 publicData.inversePatches = data.reversedInversePatches.slice().reverse();
306 }
307 return publicData.inversePatches;
308 },
309 stop: function () {
310 if (disposer) {
311 disposer();
312 disposer = undefined;
313 }
314 },
315 resume: function () {
316 if (disposer)
317 return;
318 disposer = onPatch(subject, function (patch, inversePatch) {
319 // skip patches that are asked to be filtered if there's a filter in place
320 if (filter && !filter(patch, inversePatch, getRunningActionContext())) {
321 return;
322 }
323 data.patches.push(patch);
324 data.reversedInversePatches.unshift(inversePatch);
325 // mark immutable public patches as dirty
326 publicData.patches = undefined;
327 publicData.inversePatches = undefined;
328 publicData.reversedInversePatches = undefined;
329 });
330 },
331 replay: function (target) {
332 applyPatch(target || subject, data.patches);
333 },
334 undo: function (target) {
335 applyPatch(target || subject, data.reversedInversePatches);
336 }
337 };
338 recorder.resume();
339 return recorder;
342 * The inverse of `unprotect`.
343 *
344 * @param target
345 */
346function protect(target) {
347 // check all arguments
348 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
349 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
350 if (!node.isRoot)
351 throw fail$1("`protect` can only be invoked on root nodes");
352 node.isProtectionEnabled = true;
355 * By default it is not allowed to directly modify a model. Models can only be modified through actions.
356 * However, in some cases you don't care about the advantages (like replayability, traceability, etc) this yields.
357 * For example because you are building a PoC or don't have any middleware attached to your tree.
358 *
359 * In that case you can disable this protection by calling `unprotect` on the root of your tree.
360 *
361 * Example:
362 * ```ts
363 * const Todo = types.model({
364 * done: false
365 * }).actions(self => ({
366 * toggle() {
367 * self.done = !self.done
368 * }
369 * }))
370 *
371 * const todo = Todo.create()
372 * todo.done = true // throws!
373 * todo.toggle() // OK
374 * unprotect(todo)
375 * todo.done = false // OK
376 * ```
377 */
378function unprotect(target) {
379 // check all arguments
380 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
381 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
382 if (!node.isRoot)
383 throw fail$1("`unprotect` can only be invoked on root nodes");
384 node.isProtectionEnabled = false;
387 * Returns true if the object is in protected mode, @see protect
388 */
389function isProtected(target) {
390 return getStateTreeNode(target).isProtected;
393 * Applies a snapshot to a given model instances. Patch and snapshot listeners will be invoked as usual.
394 *
395 * @param target
396 * @param snapshot
397 * @returns
398 */
399function applySnapshot(target, snapshot) {
400 // check all arguments
401 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
402 return getStateTreeNode(target).applySnapshot(snapshot);
405 * Calculates a snapshot from the given model instance. The snapshot will always reflect the latest state but use
406 * structural sharing where possible. Doesn't require MobX transactions to be completed.
407 *
408 * @param target
409 * @param applyPostProcess If true (the default) then postProcessSnapshot gets applied.
410 * @returns
411 */
412function getSnapshot(target, applyPostProcess) {
413 if (applyPostProcess === void 0) { applyPostProcess = true; }
414 // check all arguments
415 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
416 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
417 if (applyPostProcess)
418 return node.snapshot;
419 return freeze(node.type.getSnapshot(node, false));
422 * Given a model instance, returns `true` if the object has a parent, that is, is part of another object, map or array.
423 *
424 * @param target
425 * @param depth How far should we look upward? 1 by default.
426 * @returns
427 */
428function hasParent(target, depth) {
429 if (depth === void 0) { depth = 1; }
430 // check all arguments
431 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
432 assertIsNumber(depth, 2, 0);
433 var parent = getStateTreeNode(target).parent;
434 while (parent) {
435 if (--depth === 0)
436 return true;
437 parent = parent.parent;
438 }
439 return false;
442 * Returns the immediate parent of this object, or throws.
443 *
444 * Note that the immediate parent can be either an object, map or array, and
445 * doesn't necessarily refer to the parent model.
446 *
447 * Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible
448 * once the `afterAttach` hook has fired.
449 *
450 * @param target
451 * @param depth How far should we look upward? 1 by default.
452 * @returns
453 */
454function getParent(target, depth) {
455 if (depth === void 0) { depth = 1; }
456 // check all arguments
457 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
458 assertIsNumber(depth, 2, 0);
459 var d = depth;
460 var parent = getStateTreeNode(target).parent;
461 while (parent) {
462 if (--d === 0)
463 return parent.storedValue;
464 parent = parent.parent;
465 }
466 throw fail$1("Failed to find the parent of " + getStateTreeNode(target) + " at depth " + depth);
469 * Given a model instance, returns `true` if the object has a parent of given type, that is, is part of another object, map or array
470 *
471 * @param target
472 * @param type
473 * @returns
474 */
475function hasParentOfType(target, type) {
476 // check all arguments
477 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
478 assertIsType(type, 2);
479 var parent = getStateTreeNode(target).parent;
480 while (parent) {
481 if (type.is(parent.storedValue))
482 return true;
483 parent = parent.parent;
484 }
485 return false;
488 * Returns the target's parent of a given type, or throws.
489 *
490 * @param target
491 * @param type
492 * @returns
493 */
494function getParentOfType(target, type) {
495 // check all arguments
496 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
497 assertIsType(type, 2);
498 var parent = getStateTreeNode(target).parent;
499 while (parent) {
500 if (type.is(parent.storedValue))
501 return parent.storedValue;
502 parent = parent.parent;
503 }
504 throw fail$1("Failed to find the parent of " + getStateTreeNode(target) + " of a given type");
507 * Given an object in a model tree, returns the root object of that tree.
508 *
509 * Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible
510 * once the `afterAttach` hook has fired.
511 *
512 * @param target
513 * @returns
514 */
515function getRoot(target) {
516 // check all arguments
517 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
518 return getStateTreeNode(target).root.storedValue;
521 * Returns the path of the given object in the model tree
522 *
523 * @param target
524 * @returns
525 */
526function getPath(target) {
527 // check all arguments
528 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
529 return getStateTreeNode(target).path;
532 * Returns the path of the given object as unescaped string array.
533 *
534 * @param target
535 * @returns
536 */
537function getPathParts(target) {
538 // check all arguments
539 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
540 return splitJsonPath(getStateTreeNode(target).path);
543 * Returns true if the given object is the root of a model tree.
544 *
545 * @param target
546 * @returns
547 */
548function isRoot(target) {
549 // check all arguments
550 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
551 return getStateTreeNode(target).isRoot;
554 * Resolves a path relatively to a given object.
555 * Returns undefined if no value can be found.
556 *
557 * @param target
558 * @param path escaped json path
559 * @returns
560 */
561function resolvePath(target, path) {
562 // check all arguments
563 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
564 assertIsString(path, 2);
565 var node = resolveNodeByPath(getStateTreeNode(target), path);
566 return node ? node.value : undefined;
569 * Resolves a model instance given a root target, the type and the identifier you are searching for.
570 * Returns undefined if no value can be found.
571 *
572 * @param type
573 * @param target
574 * @param identifier
575 * @returns
576 */
577function resolveIdentifier(type, target, identifier) {
578 // check all arguments
579 assertIsType(type, 1);
580 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 2);
581 assertIsValidIdentifier(identifier, 3);
582 var node = getStateTreeNode(target).root.identifierCache.resolve(type, normalizeIdentifier(identifier));
583 return node ? node.value : undefined;
586 * Returns the identifier of the target node.
587 * This is the *string normalized* identifier, which might not match the type of the identifier attribute
588 *
589 * @param target
590 * @returns
591 */
592function getIdentifier(target) {
593 // check all arguments
594 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
595 return getStateTreeNode(target).identifier;
598 * Tests if a reference is valid (pointing to an existing node and optionally if alive) and returns such reference if it the check passes,
599 * else it returns undefined.
600 *
601 * @param getter Function to access the reference.
602 * @param checkIfAlive true to also make sure the referenced node is alive (default), false to skip this check.
603 * @returns
604 */
605function tryReference(getter, checkIfAlive) {
606 if (checkIfAlive === void 0) { checkIfAlive = true; }
607 try {
608 var node = getter();
609 if (node === undefined || node === null) {
610 return undefined;
611 }
612 else if (isStateTreeNode(node)) {
613 if (!checkIfAlive) {
614 return node;
615 }
616 else {
617 return isAlive(node) ? node : undefined;
618 }
619 }
620 else {
621 throw fail$1("The reference to be checked is not one of node, null or undefined");
622 }
623 }
624 catch (e) {
625 if (e instanceof InvalidReferenceError) {
626 return undefined;
627 }
628 throw e;
629 }
632 * Tests if a reference is valid (pointing to an existing node and optionally if alive) and returns if the check passes or not.
633 *
634 * @param getter Function to access the reference.
635 * @param checkIfAlive true to also make sure the referenced node is alive (default), false to skip this check.
636 * @returns
637 */
638function isValidReference(getter, checkIfAlive) {
639 if (checkIfAlive === void 0) { checkIfAlive = true; }
640 try {
641 var node = getter();
642 if (node === undefined || node === null) {
643 return false;
644 }
645 else if (isStateTreeNode(node)) {
646 return checkIfAlive ? isAlive(node) : true;
647 }
648 else {
649 throw fail$1("The reference to be checked is not one of node, null or undefined");
650 }
651 }
652 catch (e) {
653 if (e instanceof InvalidReferenceError) {
654 return false;
655 }
656 throw e;
657 }
660 * Try to resolve a given path relative to a given node.
661 *
662 * @param target
663 * @param path
664 * @returns
665 */
666function tryResolve(target, path) {
667 // check all arguments
668 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
669 assertIsString(path, 2);
670 var node = resolveNodeByPath(getStateTreeNode(target), path, false);
671 if (node === undefined)
672 return undefined;
673 try {
674 return node.value;
675 }
676 catch (e) {
677 // For what ever reason not resolvable (e.g. totally not existing path, or value that cannot be fetched)
678 // see test / issue: 'try resolve doesn't work #686'
679 return undefined;
680 }
683 * Given two state tree nodes that are part of the same tree,
684 * returns the shortest jsonpath needed to navigate from the one to the other
685 *
686 * @param base
687 * @param target
688 * @returns
689 */
690function getRelativePath(base, target) {
691 // check all arguments
692 assertIsStateTreeNode(base, 1);
693 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 2);
694 return getRelativePathBetweenNodes(getStateTreeNode(base), getStateTreeNode(target));
697 * Returns a deep copy of the given state tree node as new tree.
698 * Short hand for `snapshot(x) = getType(x).create(getSnapshot(x))`
699 *
700 * _Tip: clone will create a literal copy, including the same identifiers. To modify identifiers etc during cloning, don't use clone but take a snapshot of the tree, modify it, and create new instance_
701 *
702 * @param source
703 * @param keepEnvironment indicates whether the clone should inherit the same environment (`true`, the default), or not have an environment (`false`). If an object is passed in as second argument, that will act as the environment for the cloned tree.
704 * @returns
705 */
706function clone(source, keepEnvironment) {
707 if (keepEnvironment === void 0) { keepEnvironment = true; }
708 // check all arguments
709 assertIsStateTreeNode(source, 1);
710 var node = getStateTreeNode(source);
711 return node.type.create(node.snapshot, keepEnvironment === true
712 ? node.root.environment
713 : keepEnvironment === false
714 ? undefined
715 : keepEnvironment); // it's an object or something else
718 * Removes a model element from the state tree, and let it live on as a new state tree
719 */
720function detach(target) {
721 // check all arguments
722 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
723 getStateTreeNode(target).detach();
724 return target;
727 * Removes a model element from the state tree, and mark it as end-of-life; the element should not be used anymore
728 */
729function destroy(target) {
730 // check all arguments
731 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
732 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
733 if (node.isRoot)
734 node.die();
735 else
736 node.parent.removeChild(node.subpath);
739 * Returns true if the given state tree node is not killed yet.
740 * This means that the node is still a part of a tree, and that `destroy`
741 * has not been called. If a node is not alive anymore, the only thing one can do with it
742 * is requesting it's last path and snapshot
743 *
744 * @param target
745 * @returns
746 */
747function isAlive(target) {
748 // check all arguments
749 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
750 return getStateTreeNode(target).observableIsAlive;
753 * Use this utility to register a function that should be called whenever the
754 * targeted state tree node is destroyed. This is a useful alternative to managing
755 * cleanup methods yourself using the `beforeDestroy` hook.
756 *
757 * This methods returns the same disposer that was passed as argument.
758 *
759 * Example:
760 * ```ts
761 * const Todo = types.model({
762 * title: types.string
763 * }).actions(self => ({
764 * afterCreate() {
765 * const autoSaveDisposer = reaction(
766 * () => getSnapshot(self),
767 * snapshot => sendSnapshotToServerSomehow(snapshot)
768 * )
769 * // stop sending updates to server if this
770 * // instance is destroyed
771 * addDisposer(self, autoSaveDisposer)
772 * }
773 * }))
774 * ```
775 *
776 * @param target
777 * @param disposer
778 * @returns The same disposer that was passed as argument
779 */
780function addDisposer(target, disposer) {
781 // check all arguments
782 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
783 assertIsFunction(disposer, 2);
784 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
785 node.addDisposer(disposer);
786 return disposer;
789 * Returns the environment of the current state tree. For more info on environments,
790 * see [Dependency injection](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#dependency-injection)
791 *
792 * Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible
793 * once the `afterAttach` hook has fired
794 *
795 * Returns an empty environment if the tree wasn't initialized with an environment
796 *
797 * @param target
798 * @returns
799 */
800function getEnv(target) {
801 // check all arguments
802 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
803 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
804 var env = node.root.environment;
805 if (!env)
806 return EMPTY_OBJECT;
807 return env;
810 * Performs a depth first walk through a tree.
811 */
812function walk(target, processor) {
813 // check all arguments
814 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
815 assertIsFunction(processor, 2);
816 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
817 // tslint:disable-next-line:no_unused-variable
818 node.getChildren().forEach(function (child) {
819 if (isStateTreeNode(child.storedValue))
820 walk(child.storedValue, processor);
821 });
822 processor(node.storedValue);
825 * Returns a reflection of the model type properties and name for either a model type or model node.
826 *
827 * @param typeOrNode
828 * @returns
829 */
830function getPropertyMembers(typeOrNode) {
831 var type;
832 if (isStateTreeNode(typeOrNode)) {
833 type = getType(typeOrNode);
834 }
835 else {
836 type = typeOrNode;
837 }
838 assertArg(type, function (t) { return isModelType(t); }, "model type or model instance", 1);
839 return {
840 name: type.name,
841 properties: __assign({}, type.properties)
842 };
845 * Returns a reflection of the model node, including name, properties, views, volatile and actions.
846 *
847 * @param target
848 * @returns
849 */
850function getMembers(target) {
851 var type = getStateTreeNode(target).type;
852 var reflected = __assign(__assign({}, getPropertyMembers(type)), { actions: [], volatile: [], views: [] });
853 var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
854 props.forEach(function (key) {
855 if (key in reflected.properties)
856 return;
857 var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
858 if (descriptor.get) {
859 if (mobx.isComputedProp(target, key))
860 reflected.views.push(key);
861 else
862 reflected.volatile.push(key);
863 return;
864 }
865 if (descriptor.value._isMSTAction === true)
866 reflected.actions.push(key);
867 else if (mobx.isObservableProp(target, key))
868 reflected.volatile.push(key);
869 else
870 reflected.views.push(key);
871 });
872 return reflected;
875 * Casts a node snapshot or instance type to an instance type so it can be assigned to a type instance.
876 * Note that this is just a cast for the type system, this is, it won't actually convert a snapshot to an instance,
877 * but just fool typescript into thinking so.
878 * Either way, casting when outside an assignation operation won't compile.
879 *
880 * Example:
881 * ```ts
882 * const ModelA = types.model({
883 * n: types.number
884 * }).actions(self => ({
885 * setN(aNumber: number) {
886 * self.n = aNumber
887 * }
888 * }))
889 *
890 * const ModelB = types.model({
891 * innerModel: ModelA
892 * }).actions(self => ({
893 * someAction() {
894 * // this will allow the compiler to assign a snapshot to the property
895 * self.innerModel = cast({ a: 5 })
896 * }
897 * }))
898 * ```
899 *
900 * @param snapshotOrInstance Snapshot or instance
901 * @returns The same object casted as an instance
902 */
903function cast(snapshotOrInstance) {
904 return snapshotOrInstance;
907 * Casts a node instance type to an snapshot type so it can be assigned to a type snapshot (e.g. to be used inside a create call).
908 * Note that this is just a cast for the type system, this is, it won't actually convert an instance to a snapshot,
909 * but just fool typescript into thinking so.
910 *
911 * Example:
912 * ```ts
913 * const ModelA = types.model({
914 * n: types.number
915 * }).actions(self => ({
916 * setN(aNumber: number) {
917 * self.n = aNumber
918 * }
919 * }))
920 *
921 * const ModelB = types.model({
922 * innerModel: ModelA
923 * })
924 *
925 * const a = ModelA.create({ n: 5 });
926 * // this will allow the compiler to use a model as if it were a snapshot
927 * const b = ModelB.create({ innerModel: castToSnapshot(a)})
928 * ```
929 *
930 * @param snapshotOrInstance Snapshot or instance
931 * @returns The same object casted as an input (creation) snapshot
932 */
933function castToSnapshot(snapshotOrInstance) {
934 return snapshotOrInstance;
937 * Casts a node instance type to a reference snapshot type so it can be assigned to a refernence snapshot (e.g. to be used inside a create call).
938 * Note that this is just a cast for the type system, this is, it won't actually convert an instance to a refererence snapshot,
939 * but just fool typescript into thinking so.
940 *
941 * Example:
942 * ```ts
943 * const ModelA = types.model({
944 * id: types.identifier,
945 * n: types.number
946 * }).actions(self => ({
947 * setN(aNumber: number) {
948 * self.n = aNumber
949 * }
950 * }))
951 *
952 * const ModelB = types.model({
953 * refA: types.reference(ModelA)
954 * })
955 *
956 * const a = ModelA.create({ id: 'someId', n: 5 });
957 * // this will allow the compiler to use a model as if it were a reference snapshot
958 * const b = ModelB.create({ refA: castToReferenceSnapshot(a)})
959 * ```
960 *
961 * @param instance Instance
962 * @returns The same object casted as an reference snapshot (string or number)
963 */
964function castToReferenceSnapshot(instance) {
965 return instance;
968 * Returns the unique node id (not to be confused with the instance identifier) for a
969 * given instance.
970 * This id is a number that is unique for each instance.
971 *
972 * @export
973 * @param target
974 * @returns
975 */
976function getNodeId(target) {
977 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
978 return getStateTreeNode(target).nodeId;
982 * @internal
983 * @hidden
984 */
985var BaseNode = /** @class */ (function () {
986 function BaseNode(type, parent, subpath, environment) {
987 Object.defineProperty(this, "type", {
988 enumerable: true,
989 configurable: true,
990 writable: true,
991 value: type
992 });
993 Object.defineProperty(this, "environment", {
994 enumerable: true,
995 configurable: true,
996 writable: true,
997 value: environment
998 });
999 Object.defineProperty(this, "_escapedSubpath", {
1000 enumerable: true,
1001 configurable: true,
1002 writable: true,
1003 value: void 0
1004 });
1005 Object.defineProperty(this, "_subpath", {
1006 enumerable: true,
1007 configurable: true,
1008 writable: true,
1009 value: void 0
1010 });
1011 Object.defineProperty(this, "_subpathUponDeath", {
1012 enumerable: true,
1013 configurable: true,
1014 writable: true,
1015 value: void 0
1016 });
1017 Object.defineProperty(this, "_pathUponDeath", {
1018 enumerable: true,
1019 configurable: true,
1020 writable: true,
1021 value: void 0
1022 });
1023 Object.defineProperty(this, "storedValue", {
1024 enumerable: true,
1025 configurable: true,
1026 writable: true,
1027 value: void 0
1028 }); // usually the same type as the value, but not always (such as with references)
1029 Object.defineProperty(this, "aliveAtom", {
1030 enumerable: true,
1031 configurable: true,
1032 writable: true,
1033 value: void 0
1034 });
1035 Object.defineProperty(this, "_state", {
1036 enumerable: true,
1037 configurable: true,
1038 writable: true,
1039 value: NodeLifeCycle.INITIALIZING
1040 });
1041 Object.defineProperty(this, "_hookSubscribers", {
1042 enumerable: true,
1043 configurable: true,
1044 writable: true,
1045 value: void 0
1046 });
1047 Object.defineProperty(this, "_parent", {
1048 enumerable: true,
1049 configurable: true,
1050 writable: true,
1051 value: void 0
1052 });
1053 Object.defineProperty(this, "pathAtom", {
1054 enumerable: true,
1055 configurable: true,
1056 writable: true,
1057 value: void 0
1058 });
1059 this.environment = environment;
1060 this.baseSetParent(parent, subpath);
1061 }
1062 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "subpath", {
1063 get: function () {
1064 return this._subpath;
1065 },
1066 enumerable: false,
1067 configurable: true
1068 });
1069 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "subpathUponDeath", {
1070 get: function () {
1071 return this._subpathUponDeath;
1072 },
1073 enumerable: false,
1074 configurable: true
1075 });
1076 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "pathUponDeath", {
1077 get: function () {
1078 return this._pathUponDeath;
1079 },
1080 enumerable: false,
1081 configurable: true
1082 });
1083 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "value", {
1084 get: function () {
1085 return this.type.getValue(this);
1086 },
1087 enumerable: false,
1088 configurable: true
1089 });
1090 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "state", {
1091 get: function () {
1092 return this._state;
1093 },
1094 set: function (val) {
1095 var wasAlive = this.isAlive;
1096 this._state = val;
1097 var isAlive = this.isAlive;
1098 if (this.aliveAtom && wasAlive !== isAlive) {
1099 this.aliveAtom.reportChanged();
1100 }
1101 },
1102 enumerable: false,
1103 configurable: true
1104 });
1105 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "fireInternalHook", {
1106 enumerable: false,
1107 configurable: true,
1108 writable: true,
1109 value: function (name) {
1110 if (this._hookSubscribers) {
1111 this._hookSubscribers.emit(name, this, name);
1112 }
1113 }
1114 });
1115 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "registerHook", {
1116 enumerable: false,
1117 configurable: true,
1118 writable: true,
1119 value: function (hook, hookHandler) {
1120 if (!this._hookSubscribers) {
1121 this._hookSubscribers = new EventHandlers();
1122 }
1123 return this._hookSubscribers.register(hook, hookHandler);
1124 }
1125 });
1126 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "parent", {
1127 get: function () {
1128 return this._parent;
1129 },
1130 enumerable: false,
1131 configurable: true
1132 });
1133 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "baseSetParent", {
1134 enumerable: false,
1135 configurable: true,
1136 writable: true,
1137 value: function (parent, subpath) {
1138 this._parent = parent;
1139 this._subpath = subpath;
1140 this._escapedSubpath = undefined; // regenerate when needed
1141 if (this.pathAtom) {
1142 this.pathAtom.reportChanged();
1143 }
1144 }
1145 });
1146 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "path", {
1147 /*
1148 * Returns (escaped) path representation as string
1149 */
1150 get: function () {
1151 return this.getEscapedPath(true);
1152 },
1153 enumerable: false,
1154 configurable: true
1155 });
1156 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "getEscapedPath", {
1157 enumerable: false,
1158 configurable: true,
1159 writable: true,
1160 value: function (reportObserved) {
1161 if (reportObserved) {
1162 if (!this.pathAtom) {
1163 this.pathAtom = mobx.createAtom("path");
1164 }
1165 this.pathAtom.reportObserved();
1166 }
1167 if (!this.parent)
1168 return "";
1169 // regenerate escaped subpath if needed
1170 if (this._escapedSubpath === undefined) {
1171 this._escapedSubpath = !this._subpath ? "" : escapeJsonPath(this._subpath);
1172 }
1173 return this.parent.getEscapedPath(reportObserved) + "/" + this._escapedSubpath;
1174 }
1175 });
1176 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "isRoot", {
1177 get: function () {
1178 return this.parent === null;
1179 },
1180 enumerable: false,
1181 configurable: true
1182 });
1183 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "isAlive", {
1184 get: function () {
1185 return this.state !== NodeLifeCycle.DEAD;
1186 },
1187 enumerable: false,
1188 configurable: true
1189 });
1190 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "isDetaching", {
1191 get: function () {
1192 return this.state === NodeLifeCycle.DETACHING;
1193 },
1194 enumerable: false,
1195 configurable: true
1196 });
1197 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "observableIsAlive", {
1198 get: function () {
1199 if (!this.aliveAtom) {
1200 this.aliveAtom = mobx.createAtom("alive");
1201 }
1202 this.aliveAtom.reportObserved();
1203 return this.isAlive;
1204 },
1205 enumerable: false,
1206 configurable: true
1207 });
1208 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "baseFinalizeCreation", {
1209 enumerable: false,
1210 configurable: true,
1211 writable: true,
1212 value: function (whenFinalized) {
1213 if (devMode()) {
1214 if (!this.isAlive) {
1215 // istanbul ignore next
1216 throw fail("assertion failed: cannot finalize the creation of a node that is already dead");
1217 }
1218 }
1219 // goal: afterCreate hooks runs depth-first. After attach runs parent first, so on afterAttach the parent has completed already
1220 if (this.state === NodeLifeCycle.CREATED) {
1221 if (this.parent) {
1222 if (this.parent.state !== NodeLifeCycle.FINALIZED) {
1223 // parent not ready yet, postpone
1224 return;
1225 }
1226 this.fireHook(Hook.afterAttach);
1227 }
1228 this.state = NodeLifeCycle.FINALIZED;
1229 if (whenFinalized) {
1230 whenFinalized();
1231 }
1232 }
1233 }
1234 });
1235 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "baseFinalizeDeath", {
1236 enumerable: false,
1237 configurable: true,
1238 writable: true,
1239 value: function () {
1240 if (this._hookSubscribers) {
1241 this._hookSubscribers.clearAll();
1242 }
1243 this._subpathUponDeath = this._subpath;
1244 this._pathUponDeath = this.getEscapedPath(false);
1245 this.baseSetParent(null, "");
1246 this.state = NodeLifeCycle.DEAD;
1247 }
1248 });
1249 Object.defineProperty(BaseNode.prototype, "baseAboutToDie", {
1250 enumerable: false,
1251 configurable: true,
1252 writable: true,
1253 value: function () {
1254 this.fireHook(Hook.beforeDestroy);
1255 }
1256 });
1257 return BaseNode;
1261 * @internal
1262 * @hidden
1263 */
1264var ScalarNode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1265 __extends(ScalarNode, _super);
1266 function ScalarNode(simpleType, parent, subpath, environment, initialSnapshot) {
1267 var _this = _super.call(this, simpleType, parent, subpath, environment) || this;
1268 try {
1269 _this.storedValue = simpleType.createNewInstance(initialSnapshot);
1270 }
1271 catch (e) {
1272 // short-cut to die the instance, to avoid the snapshot computed starting to throw...
1273 _this.state = NodeLifeCycle.DEAD;
1274 throw e;
1275 }
1276 _this.state = NodeLifeCycle.CREATED;
1277 // for scalar nodes there's no point in firing this event since it would fire on the constructor, before
1278 // anybody can actually register for/listen to it
1279 // this.fireHook(Hook.AfterCreate)
1280 _this.finalizeCreation();
1281 return _this;
1282 }
1283 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "root", {
1284 get: function () {
1285 // future optimization: store root ref in the node and maintain it
1286 if (!this.parent)
1287 throw fail$1("This scalar node is not part of a tree");
1288 return this.parent.root;
1289 },
1290 enumerable: false,
1291 configurable: true
1292 });
1293 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "setParent", {
1294 enumerable: false,
1295 configurable: true,
1296 writable: true,
1297 value: function (newParent, subpath) {
1298 var parentChanged = this.parent !== newParent;
1299 var subpathChanged = this.subpath !== subpath;
1300 if (!parentChanged && !subpathChanged) {
1301 return;
1302 }
1303 if (devMode()) {
1304 if (!subpath) {
1305 // istanbul ignore next
1306 throw fail$1("assertion failed: subpath expected");
1307 }
1308 if (!newParent) {
1309 // istanbul ignore next
1310 throw fail$1("assertion failed: parent expected");
1311 }
1312 if (parentChanged) {
1313 // istanbul ignore next
1314 throw fail$1("assertion failed: scalar nodes cannot change their parent");
1315 }
1316 }
1317 this.environment = undefined; // use parent's
1318 this.baseSetParent(this.parent, subpath);
1319 }
1320 });
1321 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "snapshot", {
1322 get: function () {
1323 return freeze(this.getSnapshot());
1324 },
1325 enumerable: false,
1326 configurable: true
1327 });
1328 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
1329 enumerable: false,
1330 configurable: true,
1331 writable: true,
1332 value: function () {
1333 return this.type.getSnapshot(this);
1334 }
1335 });
1336 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "toString", {
1337 enumerable: false,
1338 configurable: true,
1339 writable: true,
1340 value: function () {
1341 var path = (this.isAlive ? this.path : this.pathUponDeath) || "<root>";
1342 return this.type.name + "@" + path + (this.isAlive ? "" : " [dead]");
1343 }
1344 });
1345 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "die", {
1346 enumerable: false,
1347 configurable: true,
1348 writable: true,
1349 value: function () {
1350 if (!this.isAlive || this.state === NodeLifeCycle.DETACHING)
1351 return;
1352 this.aboutToDie();
1353 this.finalizeDeath();
1354 }
1355 });
1356 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "finalizeCreation", {
1357 enumerable: false,
1358 configurable: true,
1359 writable: true,
1360 value: function () {
1361 this.baseFinalizeCreation();
1362 }
1363 });
1364 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "aboutToDie", {
1365 enumerable: false,
1366 configurable: true,
1367 writable: true,
1368 value: function () {
1369 this.baseAboutToDie();
1370 }
1371 });
1372 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "finalizeDeath", {
1373 enumerable: false,
1374 configurable: true,
1375 writable: true,
1376 value: function () {
1377 this.baseFinalizeDeath();
1378 }
1379 });
1380 Object.defineProperty(ScalarNode.prototype, "fireHook", {
1381 enumerable: false,
1382 configurable: true,
1383 writable: true,
1384 value: function (name) {
1385 this.fireInternalHook(name);
1386 }
1387 });
1388 return ScalarNode;
1390ScalarNode.prototype.die = mobx.action(ScalarNode.prototype.die);
1392var nextNodeId = 1;
1393var snapshotReactionOptions = {
1394 onError: function (e) {
1395 throw e;
1396 }
1399 * @internal
1400 * @hidden
1401 */
1402var ObjectNode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1403 __extends(ObjectNode, _super);
1404 function ObjectNode(complexType, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
1405 var _this = _super.call(this, complexType, parent, subpath, environment) || this;
1406 Object.defineProperty(_this, "nodeId", {
1407 enumerable: true,
1408 configurable: true,
1409 writable: true,
1410 value: ++nextNodeId
1411 });
1412 Object.defineProperty(_this, "identifierAttribute", {
1413 enumerable: true,
1414 configurable: true,
1415 writable: true,
1416 value: void 0
1417 });
1418 Object.defineProperty(_this, "identifier", {
1419 enumerable: true,
1420 configurable: true,
1421 writable: true,
1422 value: void 0
1423 }); // Identifier is always normalized to string, even if the identifier property isn't
1424 Object.defineProperty(_this, "unnormalizedIdentifier", {
1425 enumerable: true,
1426 configurable: true,
1427 writable: true,
1428 value: void 0
1429 });
1430 Object.defineProperty(_this, "identifierCache", {
1431 enumerable: true,
1432 configurable: true,
1433 writable: true,
1434 value: void 0
1435 });
1436 Object.defineProperty(_this, "isProtectionEnabled", {
1437 enumerable: true,
1438 configurable: true,
1439 writable: true,
1440 value: true
1441 });
1442 Object.defineProperty(_this, "middlewares", {
1443 enumerable: true,
1444 configurable: true,
1445 writable: true,
1446 value: void 0
1447 });
1448 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_applyPatches", {
1449 enumerable: true,
1450 configurable: true,
1451 writable: true,
1452 value: void 0
1453 });
1454 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_applySnapshot", {
1455 enumerable: true,
1456 configurable: true,
1457 writable: true,
1458 value: void 0
1459 });
1460 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_autoUnbox", {
1461 enumerable: true,
1462 configurable: true,
1463 writable: true,
1464 value: true
1465 }); // unboxing is disabled when reading child nodes
1466 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_isRunningAction", {
1467 enumerable: true,
1468 configurable: true,
1469 writable: true,
1470 value: false
1471 }); // only relevant for root
1472 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_hasSnapshotReaction", {
1473 enumerable: true,
1474 configurable: true,
1475 writable: true,
1476 value: false
1477 });
1478 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_observableInstanceState", {
1479 enumerable: true,
1480 configurable: true,
1481 writable: true,
1482 value: 0 /* UNINITIALIZED */
1483 });
1484 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_childNodes", {
1485 enumerable: true,
1486 configurable: true,
1487 writable: true,
1488 value: void 0
1489 });
1490 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_initialSnapshot", {
1491 enumerable: true,
1492 configurable: true,
1493 writable: true,
1494 value: void 0
1495 });
1496 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_cachedInitialSnapshot", {
1497 enumerable: true,
1498 configurable: true,
1499 writable: true,
1500 value: void 0
1501 });
1502 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_cachedInitialSnapshotCreated", {
1503 enumerable: true,
1504 configurable: true,
1505 writable: true,
1506 value: false
1507 });
1508 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_snapshotComputed", {
1509 enumerable: true,
1510 configurable: true,
1511 writable: true,
1512 value: void 0
1513 });
1514 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_snapshotUponDeath", {
1515 enumerable: true,
1516 configurable: true,
1517 writable: true,
1518 value: void 0
1519 });
1520 // #region internal event handling
1521 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_internalEvents", {
1522 enumerable: true,
1523 configurable: true,
1524 writable: true,
1525 value: void 0
1526 });
1527 _this._snapshotComputed = mobx.computed(function () { return freeze(_this.getSnapshot()); });
1528 _this.unbox = _this.unbox.bind(_this);
1529 _this._initialSnapshot = freeze(initialValue);
1530 _this.identifierAttribute = complexType.identifierAttribute;
1531 if (!parent) {
1532 _this.identifierCache = new IdentifierCache();
1533 }
1534 _this._childNodes = complexType.initializeChildNodes(_this, _this._initialSnapshot);
1535 // identifier can not be changed during lifecycle of a node
1536 // so we safely can read it from initial snapshot
1537 _this.identifier = null;
1538 _this.unnormalizedIdentifier = null;
1539 if (_this.identifierAttribute && _this._initialSnapshot) {
1540 var id = _this._initialSnapshot[_this.identifierAttribute];
1541 if (id === undefined) {
1542 // try with the actual node if not (for optional identifiers)
1543 var childNode = _this._childNodes[_this.identifierAttribute];
1544 if (childNode) {
1545 id = childNode.value;
1546 }
1547 }
1548 if (typeof id !== "string" && typeof id !== "number") {
1549 throw fail$1("Instance identifier '" + _this.identifierAttribute + "' for type '" + _this.type.name + "' must be a string or a number");
1550 }
1551 // normalize internal identifier to string
1552 _this.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(id);
1553 _this.unnormalizedIdentifier = id;
1554 }
1555 if (!parent) {
1556 _this.identifierCache.addNodeToCache(_this);
1557 }
1558 else {
1559 parent.root.identifierCache.addNodeToCache(_this);
1560 }
1561 return _this;
1562 }
1563 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "applyPatches", {
1564 enumerable: false,
1565 configurable: true,
1566 writable: true,
1567 value: function (patches) {
1568 this.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
1569 this._applyPatches(patches);
1570 }
1571 });
1572 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "applySnapshot", {
1573 enumerable: false,
1574 configurable: true,
1575 writable: true,
1576 value: function (snapshot) {
1577 this.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
1578 this._applySnapshot(snapshot);
1579 }
1580 });
1581 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "createObservableInstanceIfNeeded", {
1582 enumerable: false,
1583 configurable: true,
1584 writable: true,
1585 value: function () {
1586 if (this._observableInstanceState === 0 /* UNINITIALIZED */) {
1587 this.createObservableInstance();
1588 }
1589 }
1590 });
1591 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "createObservableInstance", {
1592 enumerable: false,
1593 configurable: true,
1594 writable: true,
1595 value: function () {
1596 var e_1, _a;
1597 if (devMode()) {
1598 if (this.state !== NodeLifeCycle.INITIALIZING) {
1599 // istanbul ignore next
1600 throw fail$1("assertion failed: the creation of the observable instance must be done on the initializing phase");
1601 }
1602 }
1603 this._observableInstanceState = 1 /* CREATING */;
1604 // make sure the parent chain is created as well
1605 // array with parent chain from parent to child
1606 var parentChain = [];
1607 var parent = this.parent;
1608 // for performance reasons we never go back further than the most direct
1609 // uninitialized parent
1610 // this is done to avoid traversing the whole tree to the root when using
1611 // the same reference again
1612 while (parent &&
1613 parent._observableInstanceState === 0 /* UNINITIALIZED */) {
1614 parentChain.unshift(parent);
1615 parent = parent.parent;
1616 }
1617 try {
1618 // initialize the uninitialized parent chain from parent to child
1619 for (var parentChain_1 = __values(parentChain), parentChain_1_1 = parentChain_1.next(); !parentChain_1_1.done; parentChain_1_1 = parentChain_1.next()) {
1620 var p = parentChain_1_1.value;
1621 p.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
1622 }
1623 }
1624 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
1625 finally {
1626 try {
1627 if (parentChain_1_1 && !parentChain_1_1.done && (_a = parentChain_1.return)) _a.call(parentChain_1);
1628 }
1629 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
1630 }
1631 var type = this.type;
1632 try {
1633 this.storedValue = type.createNewInstance(this._childNodes);
1634 this.preboot();
1635 this._isRunningAction = true;
1636 type.finalizeNewInstance(this, this.storedValue);
1637 }
1638 catch (e) {
1639 // short-cut to die the instance, to avoid the snapshot computed starting to throw...
1640 this.state = NodeLifeCycle.DEAD;
1641 throw e;
1642 }
1643 finally {
1644 this._isRunningAction = false;
1645 }
1646 this._observableInstanceState = 2 /* CREATED */;
1647 this._snapshotComputed.trackAndCompute();
1648 if (this.isRoot)
1649 this._addSnapshotReaction();
1650 this._childNodes = EMPTY_OBJECT;
1651 this.state = NodeLifeCycle.CREATED;
1652 this.fireHook(Hook.afterCreate);
1653 this.finalizeCreation();
1654 }
1655 });
1656 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "root", {
1657 get: function () {
1658 var parent = this.parent;
1659 return parent ? parent.root : this;
1660 },
1661 enumerable: false,
1662 configurable: true
1663 });
1664 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "clearParent", {
1665 enumerable: false,
1666 configurable: true,
1667 writable: true,
1668 value: function () {
1669 if (!this.parent)
1670 return;
1671 // detach if attached
1672 this.fireHook(Hook.beforeDetach);
1673 var previousState = this.state;
1674 this.state = NodeLifeCycle.DETACHING;
1675 var root = this.root;
1676 var newEnv = root.environment;
1677 var newIdCache = root.identifierCache.splitCache(this);
1678 try {
1679 this.parent.removeChild(this.subpath);
1680 this.baseSetParent(null, "");
1681 this.environment = newEnv;
1682 this.identifierCache = newIdCache;
1683 }
1684 finally {
1685 this.state = previousState;
1686 }
1687 }
1688 });
1689 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "setParent", {
1690 enumerable: false,
1691 configurable: true,
1692 writable: true,
1693 value: function (newParent, subpath) {
1694 var parentChanged = newParent !== this.parent;
1695 var subpathChanged = subpath !== this.subpath;
1696 if (!parentChanged && !subpathChanged) {
1697 return;
1698 }
1699 if (devMode()) {
1700 if (!subpath) {
1701 // istanbul ignore next
1702 throw fail$1("assertion failed: subpath expected");
1703 }
1704 if (!newParent) {
1705 // istanbul ignore next
1706 throw fail$1("assertion failed: new parent expected");
1707 }
1708 if (this.parent && parentChanged) {
1709 throw fail$1("A node cannot exists twice in the state tree. Failed to add " + this + " to path '" + newParent.path + "/" + subpath + "'.");
1710 }
1711 if (!this.parent && newParent.root === this) {
1712 throw fail$1("A state tree is not allowed to contain itself. Cannot assign " + this + " to path '" + newParent.path + "/" + subpath + "'");
1713 }
1714 if (!this.parent &&
1715 !!this.environment &&
1716 this.environment !== newParent.root.environment) {
1717 throw fail$1("A state tree cannot be made part of another state tree as long as their environments are different.");
1718 }
1719 }
1720 if (parentChanged) {
1721 // attach to new parent
1722 this.environment = undefined; // will use root's
1723 newParent.root.identifierCache.mergeCache(this);
1724 this.baseSetParent(newParent, subpath);
1725 this.fireHook(Hook.afterAttach);
1726 }
1727 else if (subpathChanged) {
1728 // moving to a new subpath on the same parent
1729 this.baseSetParent(this.parent, subpath);
1730 }
1731 }
1732 });
1733 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "fireHook", {
1734 enumerable: false,
1735 configurable: true,
1736 writable: true,
1737 value: function (name) {
1738 var _this = this;
1739 this.fireInternalHook(name);
1740 var fn = this.storedValue &&
1741 typeof this.storedValue === "object" &&
1742 this.storedValue[name];
1743 if (typeof fn === "function") {
1744 // we check for it to allow old mobx peer dependencies that don't have the method to work (even when still bugged)
1745 if (mobx._allowStateChangesInsideComputed) {
1746 mobx._allowStateChangesInsideComputed(function () {
1747 fn.apply(_this.storedValue);
1748 });
1749 }
1750 else {
1751 fn.apply(this.storedValue);
1752 }
1753 }
1754 }
1755 });
1756 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "snapshot", {
1757 // advantage of using computed for a snapshot is that nicely respects transactions etc.
1758 get: function () {
1759 return this._snapshotComputed.get();
1760 },
1761 enumerable: false,
1762 configurable: true
1763 });
1764 // NOTE: we use this method to get snapshot without creating @computed overhead
1765 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
1766 enumerable: false,
1767 configurable: true,
1768 writable: true,
1769 value: function () {
1770 if (!this.isAlive)
1771 return this._snapshotUponDeath;
1772 return this._observableInstanceState === 2 /* CREATED */
1773 ? this._getActualSnapshot()
1774 : this._getCachedInitialSnapshot();
1775 }
1776 });
1777 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_getActualSnapshot", {
1778 enumerable: false,
1779 configurable: true,
1780 writable: true,
1781 value: function () {
1782 return this.type.getSnapshot(this);
1783 }
1784 });
1785 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_getCachedInitialSnapshot", {
1786 enumerable: false,
1787 configurable: true,
1788 writable: true,
1789 value: function () {
1790 if (!this._cachedInitialSnapshotCreated) {
1791 var type = this.type;
1792 var childNodes = this._childNodes;
1793 var snapshot = this._initialSnapshot;
1794 this._cachedInitialSnapshot = type.processInitialSnapshot(childNodes, snapshot);
1795 this._cachedInitialSnapshotCreated = true;
1796 }
1797 return this._cachedInitialSnapshot;
1798 }
1799 });
1800 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "isRunningAction", {
1801 enumerable: false,
1802 configurable: true,
1803 writable: true,
1804 value: function () {
1805 if (this._isRunningAction)
1806 return true;
1807 if (this.isRoot)
1808 return false;
1809 return this.parent.isRunningAction();
1810 }
1811 });
1812 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "assertAlive", {
1813 enumerable: false,
1814 configurable: true,
1815 writable: true,
1816 value: function (context) {
1817 var livelinessChecking = getLivelinessChecking();
1818 if (!this.isAlive && livelinessChecking !== "ignore") {
1819 var error = this._getAssertAliveError(context);
1820 switch (livelinessChecking) {
1821 case "error":
1822 throw fail$1(error);
1823 case "warn":
1824 warnError(error);
1825 }
1826 }
1827 }
1828 });
1829 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_getAssertAliveError", {
1830 enumerable: false,
1831 configurable: true,
1832 writable: true,
1833 value: function (context) {
1834 var escapedPath = this.getEscapedPath(false) || this.pathUponDeath || "";
1835 var subpath = (context.subpath && escapeJsonPath(context.subpath)) || "";
1836 var actionContext = context.actionContext || getCurrentActionContext();
1837 // try to use a real action context if possible since it includes the action name
1838 if (actionContext && actionContext.type !== "action" && actionContext.parentActionEvent) {
1839 actionContext = actionContext.parentActionEvent;
1840 }
1841 var actionFullPath = "";
1842 if (actionContext && actionContext.name != null) {
1843 // try to use the context, and if it not available use the node one
1844 var actionPath = (actionContext && actionContext.context && getPath(actionContext.context)) ||
1845 escapedPath;
1846 actionFullPath = actionPath + "." + actionContext.name + "()";
1847 }
1848 return "You are trying to read or write to an object that is no longer part of a state tree. (Object type: '" + this.type.name + "', Path upon death: '" + escapedPath + "', Subpath: '" + subpath + "', Action: '" + actionFullPath + "'). Either detach nodes first, or don't use objects after removing / replacing them in the tree.";
1849 }
1850 });
1851 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "getChildNode", {
1852 enumerable: false,
1853 configurable: true,
1854 writable: true,
1855 value: function (subpath) {
1856 this.assertAlive({
1857 subpath: subpath
1858 });
1859 this._autoUnbox = false;
1860 try {
1861 return this._observableInstanceState === 2 /* CREATED */
1862 ? this.type.getChildNode(this, subpath)
1863 : this._childNodes[subpath];
1864 }
1865 finally {
1866 this._autoUnbox = true;
1867 }
1868 }
1869 });
1870 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "getChildren", {
1871 enumerable: false,
1872 configurable: true,
1873 writable: true,
1874 value: function () {
1875 this.assertAlive(EMPTY_OBJECT);
1876 this._autoUnbox = false;
1877 try {
1878 return this._observableInstanceState === 2 /* CREATED */
1879 ? this.type.getChildren(this)
1880 : convertChildNodesToArray(this._childNodes);
1881 }
1882 finally {
1883 this._autoUnbox = true;
1884 }
1885 }
1886 });
1887 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "getChildType", {
1888 enumerable: false,
1889 configurable: true,
1890 writable: true,
1891 value: function (propertyName) {
1892 return this.type.getChildType(propertyName);
1893 }
1894 });
1895 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "isProtected", {
1896 get: function () {
1897 return this.root.isProtectionEnabled;
1898 },
1899 enumerable: false,
1900 configurable: true
1901 });
1902 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "assertWritable", {
1903 enumerable: false,
1904 configurable: true,
1905 writable: true,
1906 value: function (context) {
1907 this.assertAlive(context);
1908 if (!this.isRunningAction() && this.isProtected) {
1909 throw fail$1("Cannot modify '" + this + "', the object is protected and can only be modified by using an action.");
1910 }
1911 }
1912 });
1913 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "removeChild", {
1914 enumerable: false,
1915 configurable: true,
1916 writable: true,
1917 value: function (subpath) {
1918 this.type.removeChild(this, subpath);
1919 }
1920 });
1921 // bound on the constructor
1922 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "unbox", {
1923 enumerable: false,
1924 configurable: true,
1925 writable: true,
1926 value: function (childNode) {
1927 if (!childNode)
1928 return childNode;
1929 this.assertAlive({
1930 subpath: childNode.subpath || childNode.subpathUponDeath
1931 });
1932 return this._autoUnbox ? childNode.value : childNode;
1933 }
1934 });
1935 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "toString", {
1936 enumerable: false,
1937 configurable: true,
1938 writable: true,
1939 value: function () {
1940 var path = (this.isAlive ? this.path : this.pathUponDeath) || "<root>";
1941 var identifier = this.identifier ? "(id: " + this.identifier + ")" : "";
1942 return this.type.name + "@" + path + identifier + (this.isAlive ? "" : " [dead]");
1943 }
1944 });
1945 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "finalizeCreation", {
1946 enumerable: false,
1947 configurable: true,
1948 writable: true,
1949 value: function () {
1950 var _this = this;
1951 this.baseFinalizeCreation(function () {
1952 var e_2, _a;
1953 try {
1954 for (var _b = __values(_this.getChildren()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
1955 var child = _c.value;
1956 child.finalizeCreation();
1957 }
1958 }
1959 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
1960 finally {
1961 try {
1962 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
1963 }
1964 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
1965 }
1966 _this.fireInternalHook(Hook.afterCreationFinalization);
1967 });
1968 }
1969 });
1970 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "detach", {
1971 enumerable: false,
1972 configurable: true,
1973 writable: true,
1974 value: function () {
1975 if (!this.isAlive)
1976 throw fail$1("Error while detaching, node is not alive.");
1977 this.clearParent();
1978 }
1979 });
1980 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "preboot", {
1981 enumerable: false,
1982 configurable: true,
1983 writable: true,
1984 value: function () {
1985 var self = this;
1986 this._applyPatches = createActionInvoker(this.storedValue, "@APPLY_PATCHES", function (patches) {
1987 patches.forEach(function (patch) {
1988 if (!patch.path) {
1989 self.type.applySnapshot(self, patch.value);
1990 return;
1991 }
1992 var parts = splitJsonPath(patch.path);
1993 var node = resolveNodeByPathParts(self, parts.slice(0, -1));
1994 node.applyPatchLocally(parts[parts.length - 1], patch);
1995 });
1996 });
1997 this._applySnapshot = createActionInvoker(this.storedValue, "@APPLY_SNAPSHOT", function (snapshot) {
1998 // if the snapshot is the same as the current one, avoid performing a reconcile
1999 if (snapshot === self.snapshot)
2000 return;
2001 // else, apply it by calling the type logic
2002 return self.type.applySnapshot(self, snapshot);
2003 });
2004 addHiddenFinalProp(this.storedValue, "$treenode", this);
2005 addHiddenFinalProp(this.storedValue, "toJSON", toJSON);
2006 }
2007 });
2008 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "die", {
2009 enumerable: false,
2010 configurable: true,
2011 writable: true,
2012 value: function () {
2013 if (!this.isAlive || this.state === NodeLifeCycle.DETACHING)
2014 return;
2015 this.aboutToDie();
2016 this.finalizeDeath();
2017 }
2018 });
2019 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "aboutToDie", {
2020 enumerable: false,
2021 configurable: true,
2022 writable: true,
2023 value: function () {
2024 if (this._observableInstanceState === 0 /* UNINITIALIZED */) {
2025 return;
2026 }
2027 this.getChildren().forEach(function (node) {
2028 node.aboutToDie();
2029 });
2030 // beforeDestroy should run before the disposers since else we could end up in a situation where
2031 // a disposer added with addDisposer at this stage (beforeDestroy) is actually never released
2032 this.baseAboutToDie();
2033 this._internalEventsEmit("dispose" /* Dispose */);
2034 this._internalEventsClear("dispose" /* Dispose */);
2035 }
2036 });
2037 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "finalizeDeath", {
2038 enumerable: false,
2039 configurable: true,
2040 writable: true,
2041 value: function () {
2042 // invariant: not called directly but from "die"
2043 this.getChildren().forEach(function (node) {
2044 node.finalizeDeath();
2045 });
2046 this.root.identifierCache.notifyDied(this);
2047 // "kill" the computed prop and just store the last snapshot
2048 var snapshot = this.snapshot;
2049 this._snapshotUponDeath = snapshot;
2050 this._internalEventsClearAll();
2051 this.baseFinalizeDeath();
2052 }
2053 });
2054 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "onSnapshot", {
2055 enumerable: false,
2056 configurable: true,
2057 writable: true,
2058 value: function (onChange) {
2059 this._addSnapshotReaction();
2060 return this._internalEventsRegister("snapshot" /* Snapshot */, onChange);
2061 }
2062 });
2063 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "emitSnapshot", {
2064 enumerable: false,
2065 configurable: true,
2066 writable: true,
2067 value: function (snapshot) {
2068 this._internalEventsEmit("snapshot" /* Snapshot */, snapshot);
2069 }
2070 });
2071 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "onPatch", {
2072 enumerable: false,
2073 configurable: true,
2074 writable: true,
2075 value: function (handler) {
2076 return this._internalEventsRegister("patch" /* Patch */, handler);
2077 }
2078 });
2079 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "emitPatch", {
2080 enumerable: false,
2081 configurable: true,
2082 writable: true,
2083 value: function (basePatch, source) {
2084 if (this._internalEventsHasSubscribers("patch" /* Patch */)) {
2085 var localizedPatch = extend({}, basePatch, {
2086 path: source.path.substr(this.path.length) + "/" + basePatch.path // calculate the relative path of the patch
2087 });
2088 var _a = __read(splitPatch(localizedPatch), 2), patch = _a[0], reversePatch = _a[1];
2089 this._internalEventsEmit("patch" /* Patch */, patch, reversePatch);
2090 }
2091 if (this.parent)
2092 this.parent.emitPatch(basePatch, source);
2093 }
2094 });
2095 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "hasDisposer", {
2096 enumerable: false,
2097 configurable: true,
2098 writable: true,
2099 value: function (disposer) {
2100 return this._internalEventsHas("dispose" /* Dispose */, disposer);
2101 }
2102 });
2103 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "addDisposer", {
2104 enumerable: false,
2105 configurable: true,
2106 writable: true,
2107 value: function (disposer) {
2108 if (!this.hasDisposer(disposer)) {
2109 this._internalEventsRegister("dispose" /* Dispose */, disposer, true);
2110 return;
2111 }
2112 throw fail$1("cannot add a disposer when it is already registered for execution");
2113 }
2114 });
2115 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "removeDisposer", {
2116 enumerable: false,
2117 configurable: true,
2118 writable: true,
2119 value: function (disposer) {
2120 if (!this._internalEventsHas("dispose" /* Dispose */, disposer)) {
2121 throw fail$1("cannot remove a disposer which was never registered for execution");
2122 }
2123 this._internalEventsUnregister("dispose" /* Dispose */, disposer);
2124 }
2125 });
2126 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "removeMiddleware", {
2127 enumerable: false,
2128 configurable: true,
2129 writable: true,
2130 value: function (middleware) {
2131 if (this.middlewares) {
2132 var index = this.middlewares.indexOf(middleware);
2133 if (index >= 0) {
2134 this.middlewares.splice(index, 1);
2135 }
2136 }
2137 }
2138 });
2139 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "addMiddleWare", {
2140 enumerable: false,
2141 configurable: true,
2142 writable: true,
2143 value: function (handler, includeHooks) {
2144 var _this = this;
2145 if (includeHooks === void 0) { includeHooks = true; }
2146 var middleware = { handler: handler, includeHooks: includeHooks };
2147 if (!this.middlewares)
2148 this.middlewares = [middleware];
2149 else
2150 this.middlewares.push(middleware);
2151 return function () {
2152 _this.removeMiddleware(middleware);
2153 };
2154 }
2155 });
2156 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "applyPatchLocally", {
2157 enumerable: false,
2158 configurable: true,
2159 writable: true,
2160 value: function (subpath, patch) {
2161 this.assertWritable({
2162 subpath: subpath
2163 });
2164 this.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
2165 this.type.applyPatchLocally(this, subpath, patch);
2166 }
2167 });
2168 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_addSnapshotReaction", {
2169 enumerable: false,
2170 configurable: true,
2171 writable: true,
2172 value: function () {
2173 var _this = this;
2174 if (!this._hasSnapshotReaction) {
2175 var snapshotDisposer = mobx.reaction(function () { return _this.snapshot; }, function (snapshot) { return _this.emitSnapshot(snapshot); }, snapshotReactionOptions);
2176 this.addDisposer(snapshotDisposer);
2177 this._hasSnapshotReaction = true;
2178 }
2179 }
2180 });
2181 // we proxy the methods to avoid creating an EventHandlers instance when it is not needed
2182 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsHasSubscribers", {
2183 enumerable: false,
2184 configurable: true,
2185 writable: true,
2186 value: function (event) {
2187 return !!this._internalEvents && this._internalEvents.hasSubscribers(event);
2188 }
2189 });
2190 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsRegister", {
2191 enumerable: false,
2192 configurable: true,
2193 writable: true,
2194 value: function (event, eventHandler, atTheBeginning) {
2195 if (atTheBeginning === void 0) { atTheBeginning = false; }
2196 if (!this._internalEvents) {
2197 this._internalEvents = new EventHandlers();
2198 }
2199 return this._internalEvents.register(event, eventHandler, atTheBeginning);
2200 }
2201 });
2202 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsHas", {
2203 enumerable: false,
2204 configurable: true,
2205 writable: true,
2206 value: function (event, eventHandler) {
2207 return !!this._internalEvents && this._internalEvents.has(event, eventHandler);
2208 }
2209 });
2210 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsUnregister", {
2211 enumerable: false,
2212 configurable: true,
2213 writable: true,
2214 value: function (event, eventHandler) {
2215 if (this._internalEvents) {
2216 this._internalEvents.unregister(event, eventHandler);
2217 }
2218 }
2219 });
2220 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsEmit", {
2221 enumerable: false,
2222 configurable: true,
2223 writable: true,
2224 value: function (event) {
2225 var _a;
2226 var args = [];
2227 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2228 args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
2229 }
2230 if (this._internalEvents) {
2231 (_a = this._internalEvents).emit.apply(_a, __spread([event], args));
2232 }
2233 }
2234 });
2235 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsClear", {
2236 enumerable: false,
2237 configurable: true,
2238 writable: true,
2239 value: function (event) {
2240 if (this._internalEvents) {
2241 this._internalEvents.clear(event);
2242 }
2243 }
2244 });
2245 Object.defineProperty(ObjectNode.prototype, "_internalEventsClearAll", {
2246 enumerable: false,
2247 configurable: true,
2248 writable: true,
2249 value: function () {
2250 if (this._internalEvents) {
2251 this._internalEvents.clearAll();
2252 }
2253 }
2254 });
2255 return ObjectNode;
2257ObjectNode.prototype.createObservableInstance = mobx.action(ObjectNode.prototype.createObservableInstance);
2258ObjectNode.prototype.detach = mobx.action(ObjectNode.prototype.detach);
2259ObjectNode.prototype.die = mobx.action(ObjectNode.prototype.die);
2261var _a;
2263 * @internal
2264 * @hidden
2265 */
2266var TypeFlags;
2267(function (TypeFlags) {
2268 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["String"] = 1] = "String";
2269 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Number"] = 2] = "Number";
2270 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Boolean"] = 4] = "Boolean";
2271 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Date"] = 8] = "Date";
2272 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Literal"] = 16] = "Literal";
2273 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Array"] = 32] = "Array";
2274 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Map"] = 64] = "Map";
2275 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Object"] = 128] = "Object";
2276 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Frozen"] = 256] = "Frozen";
2277 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Optional"] = 512] = "Optional";
2278 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Reference"] = 1024] = "Reference";
2279 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Identifier"] = 2048] = "Identifier";
2280 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Late"] = 4096] = "Late";
2281 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Refinement"] = 8192] = "Refinement";
2282 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Union"] = 16384] = "Union";
2283 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Null"] = 32768] = "Null";
2284 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Undefined"] = 65536] = "Undefined";
2285 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Integer"] = 131072] = "Integer";
2286 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["Custom"] = 262144] = "Custom";
2287 TypeFlags[TypeFlags["SnapshotProcessor"] = 524288] = "SnapshotProcessor";
2288})(TypeFlags || (TypeFlags = {}));
2290 * @internal
2291 * @hidden
2292 */
2293var cannotDetermineSubtype = "cannotDetermine";
2294/** @hidden */
2295var $type = Symbol("$type");
2297 * A base type produces a MST node (Node in the state tree)
2298 *
2299 * @internal
2300 * @hidden
2301 */
2302var BaseType = /** @class */ (function () {
2303 function BaseType(name) {
2304 Object.defineProperty(this, _a, {
2305 enumerable: true,
2306 configurable: true,
2307 writable: true,
2308 value: void 0
2309 });
2310 // these are just to make inner types avaialable to inherited classes
2311 Object.defineProperty(this, "C", {
2312 enumerable: true,
2313 configurable: true,
2314 writable: true,
2315 value: void 0
2316 });
2317 Object.defineProperty(this, "S", {
2318 enumerable: true,
2319 configurable: true,
2320 writable: true,
2321 value: void 0
2322 });
2323 Object.defineProperty(this, "T", {
2324 enumerable: true,
2325 configurable: true,
2326 writable: true,
2327 value: void 0
2328 });
2329 Object.defineProperty(this, "N", {
2330 enumerable: true,
2331 configurable: true,
2332 writable: true,
2333 value: void 0
2334 });
2335 Object.defineProperty(this, "isType", {
2336 enumerable: true,
2337 configurable: true,
2338 writable: true,
2339 value: true
2340 });
2341 Object.defineProperty(this, "name", {
2342 enumerable: true,
2343 configurable: true,
2344 writable: true,
2345 value: void 0
2346 });
2347 this.name = name;
2348 }
2349 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "create", {
2350 enumerable: false,
2351 configurable: true,
2352 writable: true,
2353 value: function (snapshot, environment) {
2354 typecheckInternal(this, snapshot);
2355 return this.instantiate(null, "", environment, snapshot).value;
2356 }
2357 });
2358 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
2359 enumerable: false,
2360 configurable: true,
2361 writable: true,
2362 value: function (node, applyPostProcess) {
2363 // istanbul ignore next
2364 throw fail$1("unimplemented method");
2365 }
2366 });
2367 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
2368 enumerable: false,
2369 configurable: true,
2370 writable: true,
2371 value: function (type) {
2372 return type === this;
2373 }
2374 });
2375 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "validate", {
2376 enumerable: false,
2377 configurable: true,
2378 writable: true,
2379 value: function (value, context) {
2380 var node = getStateTreeNodeSafe(value);
2381 if (node) {
2382 var valueType = getType(value);
2383 return this.isAssignableFrom(valueType)
2384 ? typeCheckSuccess()
2385 : typeCheckFailure(context, value);
2386 // it is tempting to compare snapshots, but in that case we should always clone on assignments...
2387 }
2388 return this.isValidSnapshot(value, context);
2389 }
2390 });
2391 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "is", {
2392 enumerable: false,
2393 configurable: true,
2394 writable: true,
2395 value: function (thing) {
2396 return this.validate(thing, [{ path: "", type: this }]).length === 0;
2397 }
2398 });
2399 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "Type", {
2400 get: function () {
2401 // istanbul ignore next
2402 throw fail$1("Factory.Type should not be actually called. It is just a Type signature that can be used at compile time with Typescript, by using `typeof type.Type`");
2403 },
2404 enumerable: false,
2405 configurable: true
2406 });
2407 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "TypeWithoutSTN", {
2408 get: function () {
2409 // istanbul ignore next
2410 throw fail$1("Factory.TypeWithoutSTN should not be actually called. It is just a Type signature that can be used at compile time with Typescript, by using `typeof type.TypeWithoutSTN`");
2411 },
2412 enumerable: false,
2413 configurable: true
2414 });
2415 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "SnapshotType", {
2416 get: function () {
2417 // istanbul ignore next
2418 throw fail$1("Factory.SnapshotType should not be actually called. It is just a Type signature that can be used at compile time with Typescript, by using `typeof type.SnapshotType`");
2419 },
2420 enumerable: false,
2421 configurable: true
2422 });
2423 Object.defineProperty(BaseType.prototype, "CreationType", {
2424 get: function () {
2425 // istanbul ignore next
2426 throw fail$1("Factory.CreationType should not be actually called. It is just a Type signature that can be used at compile time with Typescript, by using `typeof type.CreationType`");
2427 },
2428 enumerable: false,
2429 configurable: true
2430 });
2431 return BaseType;
2433_a = $type;
2434BaseType.prototype.create = mobx.action(BaseType.prototype.create);
2436 * A complex type produces a MST node (Node in the state tree)
2437 *
2438 * @internal
2439 * @hidden
2440 */
2441var ComplexType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2442 __extends(ComplexType, _super);
2443 function ComplexType(name) {
2444 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
2445 Object.defineProperty(_this, "identifierAttribute", {
2446 enumerable: true,
2447 configurable: true,
2448 writable: true,
2449 value: void 0
2450 });
2451 return _this;
2452 }
2453 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "create", {
2454 enumerable: false,
2455 configurable: true,
2456 writable: true,
2457 value: function (snapshot, environment) {
2458 if (snapshot === void 0) { snapshot = this.getDefaultSnapshot(); }
2459 return _super.prototype.create.call(this, snapshot, environment);
2460 }
2461 });
2462 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "getValue", {
2463 enumerable: false,
2464 configurable: true,
2465 writable: true,
2466 value: function (node) {
2467 node.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
2468 return node.storedValue;
2469 }
2470 });
2471 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "isMatchingSnapshotId", {
2472 enumerable: false,
2473 configurable: true,
2474 writable: true,
2475 value: function (current, snapshot) {
2476 return (!current.identifierAttribute ||
2477 current.identifier ===
2478 normalizeIdentifier(snapshot[current.identifierAttribute]));
2479 }
2480 });
2481 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "tryToReconcileNode", {
2482 enumerable: false,
2483 configurable: true,
2484 writable: true,
2485 value: function (current, newValue) {
2486 if (current.isDetaching)
2487 return false;
2488 if (current.snapshot === newValue) {
2489 // newValue is the current snapshot of the node, noop
2490 return true;
2491 }
2492 if (isStateTreeNode(newValue) && getStateTreeNode(newValue) === current) {
2493 // the current node is the same as the new one
2494 return true;
2495 }
2496 if (current.type === this &&
2497 isMutable(newValue) &&
2498 !isStateTreeNode(newValue) &&
2499 this.isMatchingSnapshotId(current, newValue)) {
2500 // the newValue has no node, so can be treated like a snapshot
2501 // we can reconcile
2502 current.applySnapshot(newValue);
2503 return true;
2504 }
2505 return false;
2506 }
2507 });
2508 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "reconcile", {
2509 enumerable: false,
2510 configurable: true,
2511 writable: true,
2512 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
2513 var nodeReconciled = this.tryToReconcileNode(current, newValue);
2514 if (nodeReconciled) {
2515 current.setParent(parent, subpath);
2516 return current;
2517 }
2518 // current node cannot be recycled in any way
2519 current.die(); // noop if detaching
2520 // attempt to reuse the new one
2521 if (isStateTreeNode(newValue) && this.isAssignableFrom(getType(newValue))) {
2522 // newValue is a Node as well, move it here..
2523 var newNode = getStateTreeNode(newValue);
2524 newNode.setParent(parent, subpath);
2525 return newNode;
2526 }
2527 // nothing to do, we have to create a new node
2528 return this.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, newValue);
2529 }
2530 });
2531 Object.defineProperty(ComplexType.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
2532 enumerable: false,
2533 configurable: true,
2534 writable: true,
2535 value: function () {
2536 return null;
2537 }
2538 });
2539 return ComplexType;
2541ComplexType.prototype.create = mobx.action(ComplexType.prototype.create);
2543 * @internal
2544 * @hidden
2545 */
2546var SimpleType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
2547 __extends(SimpleType, _super);
2548 function SimpleType() {
2549 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
2550 }
2551 Object.defineProperty(SimpleType.prototype, "createNewInstance", {
2552 enumerable: false,
2553 configurable: true,
2554 writable: true,
2555 value: function (snapshot) {
2556 return snapshot;
2557 }
2558 });
2559 Object.defineProperty(SimpleType.prototype, "getValue", {
2560 enumerable: false,
2561 configurable: true,
2562 writable: true,
2563 value: function (node) {
2564 // if we ever find a case where scalar nodes can be accessed without iterating through its parent
2565 // uncomment this to make sure the parent chain is created when this is accessed
2566 // if (node.parent) {
2567 // node.parent.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded()
2568 // }
2569 return node.storedValue;
2570 }
2571 });
2572 Object.defineProperty(SimpleType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
2573 enumerable: false,
2574 configurable: true,
2575 writable: true,
2576 value: function (node) {
2577 return node.storedValue;
2578 }
2579 });
2580 Object.defineProperty(SimpleType.prototype, "reconcile", {
2581 enumerable: false,
2582 configurable: true,
2583 writable: true,
2584 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
2585 // reconcile only if type and value are still the same, and only if the node is not detaching
2586 if (!current.isDetaching && current.type === this && current.storedValue === newValue) {
2587 return current;
2588 }
2589 var res = this.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, newValue);
2590 current.die(); // noop if detaching
2591 return res;
2592 }
2593 });
2594 Object.defineProperty(SimpleType.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
2595 enumerable: false,
2596 configurable: true,
2597 writable: true,
2598 value: function () {
2599 return null;
2600 }
2601 });
2602 return SimpleType;
2605 * Returns if a given value represents a type.
2606 *
2607 * @param value Value to check.
2608 * @returns `true` if the value is a type.
2609 */
2610function isType(value) {
2611 return typeof value === "object" && value && value.isType === true;
2614 * @internal
2615 * @hidden
2616 */
2617function assertIsType(type, argNumber) {
2618 assertArg(type, isType, "mobx-state-tree type", argNumber);
2621var runningActions = new Map();
2623 * Note: Consider migrating to `createActionTrackingMiddleware2`, it is easier to use.
2624 *
2625 * Convenience utility to create action based middleware that supports async processes more easily.
2626 * All hooks are called for both synchronous and asynchronous actions. Except that either `onSuccess` or `onFail` is called
2627 *
2628 * The create middleware tracks the process of an action (assuming it passes the `filter`).
2629 * `onResume` can return any value, which will be passed as second argument to any other hook. This makes it possible to keep state during a process.
2630 *
2631 * See the `atomic` middleware for an example
2632 *
2633 * @param hooks
2634 * @returns
2635 */
2636function createActionTrackingMiddleware(hooks) {
2637 return function actionTrackingMiddleware(call, next, abort) {
2638 switch (call.type) {
2639 case "action": {
2640 if (!hooks.filter || hooks.filter(call) === true) {
2641 var context = hooks.onStart(call);
2642 hooks.onResume(call, context);
2643 runningActions.set(call.id, {
2644 call: call,
2645 context: context,
2646 async: false
2647 });
2648 try {
2649 var res = next(call);
2650 hooks.onSuspend(call, context);
2651 if (runningActions.get(call.id).async === false) {
2652 runningActions.delete(call.id);
2653 hooks.onSuccess(call, context, res);
2654 }
2655 return res;
2656 }
2657 catch (e) {
2658 runningActions.delete(call.id);
2659 hooks.onFail(call, context, e);
2660 throw e;
2661 }
2662 }
2663 else {
2664 return next(call);
2665 }
2666 }
2667 case "flow_spawn": {
2668 var root = runningActions.get(call.rootId);
2669 root.async = true;
2670 return next(call);
2671 }
2672 case "flow_resume":
2673 case "flow_resume_error": {
2674 var root = runningActions.get(call.rootId);
2675 hooks.onResume(call, root.context);
2676 try {
2677 return next(call);
2678 }
2679 finally {
2680 hooks.onSuspend(call, root.context);
2681 }
2682 }
2683 case "flow_throw": {
2684 var root = runningActions.get(call.rootId);
2685 runningActions.delete(call.rootId);
2686 hooks.onFail(call, root.context, call.args[0]);
2687 return next(call);
2688 }
2689 case "flow_return": {
2690 var root = runningActions.get(call.rootId);
2691 runningActions.delete(call.rootId);
2692 hooks.onSuccess(call, root.context, call.args[0]);
2693 return next(call);
2694 }
2695 }
2696 };
2699var RunningAction = /** @class */ (function () {
2700 function RunningAction(hooks, call) {
2701 Object.defineProperty(this, "hooks", {
2702 enumerable: true,
2703 configurable: true,
2704 writable: true,
2705 value: hooks
2706 });
2707 Object.defineProperty(this, "call", {
2708 enumerable: true,
2709 configurable: true,
2710 writable: true,
2711 value: call
2712 });
2713 Object.defineProperty(this, "flowsPending", {
2714 enumerable: true,
2715 configurable: true,
2716 writable: true,
2717 value: 0
2718 });
2719 Object.defineProperty(this, "running", {
2720 enumerable: true,
2721 configurable: true,
2722 writable: true,
2723 value: true
2724 });
2725 if (hooks) {
2726 hooks.onStart(call);
2727 }
2728 }
2729 Object.defineProperty(RunningAction.prototype, "finish", {
2730 enumerable: false,
2731 configurable: true,
2732 writable: true,
2733 value: function (error) {
2734 if (this.running) {
2735 this.running = false;
2736 if (this.hooks) {
2737 this.hooks.onFinish(this.call, error);
2738 }
2739 }
2740 }
2741 });
2742 Object.defineProperty(RunningAction.prototype, "incFlowsPending", {
2743 enumerable: false,
2744 configurable: true,
2745 writable: true,
2746 value: function () {
2747 this.flowsPending++;
2748 }
2749 });
2750 Object.defineProperty(RunningAction.prototype, "decFlowsPending", {
2751 enumerable: false,
2752 configurable: true,
2753 writable: true,
2754 value: function () {
2755 this.flowsPending--;
2756 }
2757 });
2758 Object.defineProperty(RunningAction.prototype, "hasFlowsPending", {
2759 get: function () {
2760 return this.flowsPending > 0;
2761 },
2762 enumerable: false,
2763 configurable: true
2764 });
2765 return RunningAction;
2768 * Convenience utility to create action based middleware that supports async processes more easily.
2769 * The flow is like this:
2770 * - for each action: if filter passes -> `onStart` -> (inner actions recursively) -> `onFinish`
2771 *
2772 * Example: if we had an action `a` that called inside an action `b1`, then `b2` the flow would be:
2773 * - `filter(a)`
2774 * - `onStart(a)`
2775 * - `filter(b1)`
2776 * - `onStart(b1)`
2777 * - `onFinish(b1)`
2778 * - `filter(b2)`
2779 * - `onStart(b2)`
2780 * - `onFinish(b2)`
2781 * - `onFinish(a)`
2782 *
2783 * The flow is the same no matter if the actions are sync or async.
2784 *
2785 * See the `atomic` middleware for an example
2786 *
2787 * @param hooks
2788 * @returns
2789 */
2790function createActionTrackingMiddleware2(middlewareHooks) {
2791 var runningActions = new WeakMap();
2792 return function actionTrackingMiddleware(call, next) {
2793 // find parentRunningAction
2794 var parentRunningAction = call.parentActionEvent
2795 ? runningActions.get(call.parentActionEvent)
2796 : undefined;
2797 if (call.type === "action") {
2798 var newCall = __assign(__assign({}, call), {
2799 // make a shallow copy of the parent action env
2800 env: parentRunningAction && parentRunningAction.call.env, parentCall: parentRunningAction && parentRunningAction.call });
2801 var passesFilter = !middlewareHooks.filter || middlewareHooks.filter(newCall);
2802 var hooks = passesFilter ? middlewareHooks : undefined;
2803 var runningAction = new RunningAction(hooks, newCall);
2804 runningActions.set(call, runningAction);
2805 var res = void 0;
2806 try {
2807 res = next(call);
2808 }
2809 catch (e) {
2810 runningAction.finish(e);
2811 throw e;
2812 }
2813 if (!runningAction.hasFlowsPending) {
2814 // sync action finished
2815 runningAction.finish();
2816 }
2817 return res;
2818 }
2819 else {
2820 if (!parentRunningAction) {
2821 return next(call);
2822 }
2823 switch (call.type) {
2824 case "flow_spawn": {
2825 parentRunningAction.incFlowsPending();
2826 return next(call);
2827 }
2828 case "flow_resume":
2829 case "flow_resume_error": {
2830 return next(call);
2831 }
2832 case "flow_throw": {
2833 var error = call.args[0];
2834 try {
2835 return next(call);
2836 }
2837 finally {
2838 parentRunningAction.decFlowsPending();
2839 if (!parentRunningAction.hasFlowsPending) {
2840 parentRunningAction.finish(error);
2841 }
2842 }
2843 }
2844 case "flow_return": {
2845 try {
2846 return next(call);
2847 }
2848 finally {
2849 parentRunningAction.decFlowsPending();
2850 if (!parentRunningAction.hasFlowsPending) {
2851 parentRunningAction.finish();
2852 }
2853 }
2854 }
2855 }
2856 }
2857 };
2860function serializeArgument(node, actionName, index, arg) {
2861 if (arg instanceof Date)
2862 return { $MST_DATE: arg.getTime() };
2863 if (isPrimitive(arg))
2864 return arg;
2865 // We should not serialize MST nodes, even if we can, because we don't know if the receiving party can handle a raw snapshot instead of an
2866 // MST type instance. So if one wants to serialize a MST node that was pass in, either explitly pass: 1: an id, 2: a (relative) path, 3: a snapshot
2867 if (isStateTreeNode(arg))
2868 return serializeTheUnserializable("[MSTNode: " + getType(arg).name + "]");
2869 if (typeof arg === "function")
2870 return serializeTheUnserializable("[function]");
2871 if (typeof arg === "object" && !isPlainObject(arg) && !isArray(arg))
2872 return serializeTheUnserializable("[object " + ((arg && arg.constructor && arg.constructor.name) ||
2873 "Complex Object") + "]");
2874 try {
2875 // Check if serializable, cycle free etc...
2876 // MWE: there must be a better way....
2877 JSON.stringify(arg); // or throws
2878 return arg;
2879 }
2880 catch (e) {
2881 return serializeTheUnserializable("" + e);
2882 }
2884function deserializeArgument(adm, value) {
2885 if (value && typeof value === "object" && "$MST_DATE" in value)
2886 return new Date(value["$MST_DATE"]);
2887 return value;
2889function serializeTheUnserializable(baseType) {
2890 return {
2892 type: baseType
2893 };
2896 * Applies an action or a series of actions in a single MobX transaction.
2897 * Does not return any value
2898 * Takes an action description as produced by the `onAction` middleware.
2899 *
2900 * @param target
2901 * @param actions
2902 */
2903function applyAction(target, actions) {
2904 // check all arguments
2905 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
2906 assertArg(actions, function (a) { return typeof a === "object"; }, "object or array", 2);
2907 mobx.runInAction(function () {
2908 asArray(actions).forEach(function (action) { return baseApplyAction(target, action); });
2909 });
2911function baseApplyAction(target, action) {
2912 var resolvedTarget = tryResolve(target, action.path || "");
2913 if (!resolvedTarget)
2914 throw fail$1("Invalid action path: " + (action.path || ""));
2915 var node = getStateTreeNode(resolvedTarget);
2916 // Reserved functions
2917 if (action.name === "@APPLY_PATCHES") {
2918 return applyPatch.call(null, resolvedTarget, action.args[0]);
2919 }
2920 if (action.name === "@APPLY_SNAPSHOT") {
2921 return applySnapshot.call(null, resolvedTarget, action.args[0]);
2922 }
2923 if (!(typeof resolvedTarget[action.name] === "function"))
2924 throw fail$1("Action '" + action.name + "' does not exist in '" + node.path + "'");
2925 return resolvedTarget[action.name].apply(resolvedTarget, action.args ? action.args.map(function (v) { return deserializeArgument(node, v); }) : []);
2928 * Small abstraction around `onAction` and `applyAction`, attaches an action listener to a tree and records all the actions emitted.
2929 * Returns an recorder object with the following signature:
2930 *
2931 * Example:
2932 * ```ts
2933 * export interface IActionRecorder {
2934 * // the recorded actions
2935 * actions: ISerializedActionCall[]
2936 * // true if currently recording
2937 * recording: boolean
2938 * // stop recording actions
2939 * stop(): void
2940 * // resume recording actions
2941 * resume(): void
2942 * // apply all the recorded actions on the given object
2943 * replay(target: IAnyStateTreeNode): void
2944 * }
2945 * ```
2946 *
2947 * The optional filter function allows to skip recording certain actions.
2948 *
2949 * @param subject
2950 * @returns
2951 */
2952function recordActions(subject, filter) {
2953 // check all arguments
2954 assertIsStateTreeNode(subject, 1);
2955 var actions = [];
2956 var listener = function (call) {
2957 var recordThis = filter ? filter(call, getRunningActionContext()) : true;
2958 if (recordThis) {
2959 actions.push(call);
2960 }
2961 };
2962 var disposer;
2963 var recorder = {
2964 actions: actions,
2965 get recording() {
2966 return !!disposer;
2967 },
2968 stop: function () {
2969 if (disposer) {
2970 disposer();
2971 disposer = undefined;
2972 }
2973 },
2974 resume: function () {
2975 if (disposer)
2976 return;
2977 disposer = onAction(subject, listener);
2978 },
2979 replay: function (target) {
2980 applyAction(target, actions);
2981 }
2982 };
2983 recorder.resume();
2984 return recorder;
2987 * Registers a function that will be invoked for each action that is called on the provided model instance, or to any of its children.
2988 * See [actions](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#actions) for more details. onAction events are emitted only for the outermost called action in the stack.
2989 * Action can also be intercepted by middleware using addMiddleware to change the function call before it will be run.
2990 *
2991 * Not all action arguments might be serializable. For unserializable arguments, a struct like `{ $MST_UNSERIALIZABLE: true, type: "someType" }` will be generated.
2992 * MST Nodes are considered non-serializable as well (they could be serialized as there snapshot, but it is uncertain whether an replaying party will be able to handle such a non-instantiated snapshot).
2993 * Rather, when using `onAction` middleware, one should consider in passing arguments which are 1: an id, 2: a (relative) path, or 3: a snapshot. Instead of a real MST node.
2994 *
2995 * Example:
2996 * ```ts
2997 * const Todo = types.model({
2998 * task: types.string
2999 * })
3000 *
3001 * const TodoStore = types.model({
3002 * todos: types.array(Todo)
3003 * }).actions(self => ({
3004 * add(todo) {
3005 * self.todos.push(todo);
3006 * }
3007 * }))
3008 *
3009 * const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: [] })
3010 *
3011 * let disposer = onAction(s, (call) => {
3012 * console.log(call);
3013 * })
3014 *
3015 * s.add({ task: "Grab a coffee" })
3016 * // Logs: { name: "add", path: "", args: [{ task: "Grab a coffee" }] }
3017 * ```
3018 *
3019 * @param target
3020 * @param listener
3021 * @param attachAfter (default false) fires the listener *after* the action has executed instead of before.
3022 * @returns
3023 */
3024function onAction(target, listener, attachAfter) {
3025 if (attachAfter === void 0) { attachAfter = false; }
3026 // check all arguments
3027 assertIsStateTreeNode(target, 1);
3028 if (devMode()) {
3029 if (!isRoot(target))
3030 warnError("Warning: Attaching onAction listeners to non root nodes is dangerous: No events will be emitted for actions initiated higher up in the tree.");
3031 if (!isProtected(target))
3032 warnError("Warning: Attaching onAction listeners to non protected nodes is dangerous: No events will be emitted for direct modifications without action.");
3033 }
3034 return addMiddleware(target, function handler(rawCall, next) {
3035 if (rawCall.type === "action" && rawCall.id === rawCall.rootId) {
3036 var sourceNode_1 = getStateTreeNode(rawCall.context);
3037 var info = {
3038 name: rawCall.name,
3039 path: getRelativePathBetweenNodes(getStateTreeNode(target), sourceNode_1),
3040 args: rawCall.args.map(function (arg, index) {
3041 return serializeArgument(sourceNode_1, rawCall.name, index, arg);
3042 })
3043 };
3044 if (attachAfter) {
3045 var res = next(rawCall);
3046 listener(info);
3047 return res;
3048 }
3049 else {
3050 listener(info);
3051 return next(rawCall);
3052 }
3053 }
3054 else {
3055 return next(rawCall);
3056 }
3057 });
3060var nextActionId = 1;
3061var currentActionContext;
3063 * @internal
3064 * @hidden
3065 */
3066function getCurrentActionContext() {
3067 return currentActionContext;
3070 * @internal
3071 * @hidden
3072 */
3073function getNextActionId() {
3074 return nextActionId++;
3076// TODO: optimize away entire action context if there is no middleware in tree?
3078 * @internal
3079 * @hidden
3080 */
3081function runWithActionContext(context, fn) {
3082 var node = getStateTreeNode(context.context);
3083 if (context.type === "action") {
3084 node.assertAlive({
3085 actionContext: context
3086 });
3087 }
3088 var baseIsRunningAction = node._isRunningAction;
3089 node._isRunningAction = true;
3090 var previousContext = currentActionContext;
3091 currentActionContext = context;
3092 try {
3093 return runMiddleWares(node, context, fn);
3094 }
3095 finally {
3096 currentActionContext = previousContext;
3097 node._isRunningAction = baseIsRunningAction;
3098 }
3101 * @internal
3102 * @hidden
3103 */
3104function getParentActionContext(parentContext) {
3105 if (!parentContext)
3106 return undefined;
3107 if (parentContext.type === "action")
3108 return parentContext;
3109 return parentContext.parentActionEvent;
3112 * @internal
3113 * @hidden
3114 */
3115function createActionInvoker(target, name, fn) {
3116 var res = function () {
3117 var id = getNextActionId();
3118 var parentContext = currentActionContext;
3119 var parentActionContext = getParentActionContext(parentContext);
3120 return runWithActionContext({
3121 type: "action",
3122 name: name,
3123 id: id,
3124 args: argsToArray(arguments),
3125 context: target,
3126 tree: getRoot(target),
3127 rootId: parentContext ? parentContext.rootId : id,
3128 parentId: parentContext ? parentContext.id : 0,
3129 allParentIds: parentContext
3130 ? __spread(parentContext.allParentIds, [parentContext.id]) : [],
3131 parentEvent: parentContext,
3132 parentActionEvent: parentActionContext
3133 }, fn);
3134 };
3135 res._isMSTAction = true;
3136 return res;
3139 * Middleware can be used to intercept any action is invoked on the subtree where it is attached.
3140 * If a tree is protected (by default), this means that any mutation of the tree will pass through your middleware.
3141 *
3142 * For more details, see the [middleware docs](concepts/middleware.md)
3143 *
3144 * @param target Node to apply the middleware to.
3145 * @param middleware Middleware to apply.
3146 * @returns A callable function to dispose the middleware.
3147 */
3148function addMiddleware(target, handler, includeHooks) {
3149 if (includeHooks === void 0) { includeHooks = true; }
3150 var node = getStateTreeNode(target);
3151 if (devMode()) {
3152 if (!node.isProtectionEnabled) {
3153 warnError("It is recommended to protect the state tree before attaching action middleware, as otherwise it cannot be guaranteed that all changes are passed through middleware. See `protect`");
3154 }
3155 }
3156 return node.addMiddleWare(handler, includeHooks);
3159 * Binds middleware to a specific action.
3160 *
3161 * Example:
3162 * ```ts
3163 * type.actions(self => {
3164 * function takeA____() {
3165 * self.toilet.donate()
3166 * self.wipe()
3167 * self.wipe()
3168 * self.toilet.flush()
3169 * }
3170 * return {
3171 * takeA____: decorate(atomic, takeA____)
3172 * }
3173 * })
3174 * ```
3175 *
3176 * @param handler
3177 * @param fn
3178 * @param includeHooks
3179 * @returns The original function
3180 */
3181function decorate(handler, fn, includeHooks) {
3182 if (includeHooks === void 0) { includeHooks = true; }
3183 var middleware = { handler: handler, includeHooks: includeHooks };
3184 fn.$mst_middleware = fn.$mst_middleware || [];
3185 fn.$mst_middleware.push(middleware);
3186 return fn;
3188var CollectedMiddlewares = /** @class */ (function () {
3189 function CollectedMiddlewares(node, fn) {
3190 Object.defineProperty(this, "arrayIndex", {
3191 enumerable: true,
3192 configurable: true,
3193 writable: true,
3194 value: 0
3195 });
3196 Object.defineProperty(this, "inArrayIndex", {
3197 enumerable: true,
3198 configurable: true,
3199 writable: true,
3200 value: 0
3201 });
3202 Object.defineProperty(this, "middlewares", {
3203 enumerable: true,
3204 configurable: true,
3205 writable: true,
3206 value: []
3207 });
3208 // we just push middleware arrays into an array of arrays to avoid making copies
3209 if (fn.$mst_middleware) {
3210 this.middlewares.push(fn.$mst_middleware);
3211 }
3212 var n = node;
3213 // Find all middlewares. Optimization: cache this?
3214 while (n) {
3215 if (n.middlewares)
3216 this.middlewares.push(n.middlewares);
3217 n = n.parent;
3218 }
3219 }
3220 Object.defineProperty(CollectedMiddlewares.prototype, "isEmpty", {
3221 get: function () {
3222 return this.middlewares.length <= 0;
3223 },
3224 enumerable: false,
3225 configurable: true
3226 });
3227 Object.defineProperty(CollectedMiddlewares.prototype, "getNextMiddleware", {
3228 enumerable: false,
3229 configurable: true,
3230 writable: true,
3231 value: function () {
3232 var array = this.middlewares[this.arrayIndex];
3233 if (!array)
3234 return undefined;
3235 var item = array[this.inArrayIndex++];
3236 if (!item) {
3237 this.arrayIndex++;
3238 this.inArrayIndex = 0;
3239 return this.getNextMiddleware();
3240 }
3241 return item;
3242 }
3243 });
3244 return CollectedMiddlewares;
3246function runMiddleWares(node, baseCall, originalFn) {
3247 var middlewares = new CollectedMiddlewares(node, originalFn);
3248 // Short circuit
3249 if (middlewares.isEmpty)
3250 return mobx.action(originalFn).apply(null, baseCall.args);
3251 var result = null;
3252 function runNextMiddleware(call) {
3253 var middleware = middlewares.getNextMiddleware();
3254 var handler = middleware && middleware.handler;
3255 if (!handler) {
3256 return mobx.action(originalFn).apply(null, call.args);
3257 }
3258 // skip hooks if asked to
3259 if (!middleware.includeHooks && Hook[call.name]) {
3260 return runNextMiddleware(call);
3261 }
3262 var nextInvoked = false;
3263 function next(call2, callback) {
3264 nextInvoked = true;
3265 // the result can contain
3266 // - the non manipulated return value from an action
3267 // - the non manipulated abort value
3268 // - one of the above but manipulated through the callback function
3269 result = runNextMiddleware(call2);
3270 if (callback) {
3271 result = callback(result);
3272 }
3273 }
3274 var abortInvoked = false;
3275 function abort(value) {
3276 abortInvoked = true;
3277 // overwrite the result
3278 // can be manipulated through middlewares earlier in the queue using the callback fn
3279 result = value;
3280 }
3281 handler(call, next, abort);
3282 if (devMode()) {
3283 if (!nextInvoked && !abortInvoked) {
3284 var node2 = getStateTreeNode(call.tree);
3285 throw fail$1("Neither the next() nor the abort() callback within the middleware " + handler.name + " for the action: \"" + call.name + "\" on the node: " + node2.type.name + " was invoked.");
3286 }
3287 else if (nextInvoked && abortInvoked) {
3288 var node2 = getStateTreeNode(call.tree);
3289 throw fail$1("The next() and abort() callback within the middleware " + handler.name + " for the action: \"" + call.name + "\" on the node: " + node2.type.name + " were invoked.");
3290 }
3291 }
3292 return result;
3293 }
3294 return runNextMiddleware(baseCall);
3298 * Returns the currently executing MST action context, or undefined if none.
3299 */
3300function getRunningActionContext() {
3301 var current = getCurrentActionContext();
3302 while (current && current.type !== "action") {
3303 current = current.parentActionEvent;
3304 }
3305 return current;
3307function _isActionContextThisOrChildOf(actionContext, sameOrParent, includeSame) {
3308 var parentId = typeof sameOrParent === "number" ? sameOrParent : sameOrParent.id;
3309 var current = includeSame
3310 ? actionContext
3311 : actionContext.parentActionEvent;
3312 while (current) {
3313 if (current.id === parentId) {
3314 return true;
3315 }
3316 current = current.parentActionEvent;
3317 }
3318 return false;
3321 * Returns if the given action context is a parent of this action context.
3322 */
3323function isActionContextChildOf(actionContext, parent) {
3324 return _isActionContextThisOrChildOf(actionContext, parent, false);
3327 * Returns if the given action context is this or a parent of this action context.
3328 */
3329function isActionContextThisOrChildOf(actionContext, parentOrThis) {
3330 return _isActionContextThisOrChildOf(actionContext, parentOrThis, true);
3333function safeStringify(value) {
3334 try {
3335 return JSON.stringify(value);
3336 }
3337 catch (e) {
3338 // istanbul ignore next
3339 return "<Unserializable: " + e + ">";
3340 }
3343 * @internal
3344 * @hidden
3345 */
3346function prettyPrintValue(value) {
3347 return typeof value === "function"
3348 ? "<function" + (value.name ? " " + value.name : "") + ">"
3349 : isStateTreeNode(value)
3350 ? "<" + value + ">"
3351 : "`" + safeStringify(value) + "`";
3353function shortenPrintValue(valueInString) {
3354 return valueInString.length < 280
3355 ? valueInString
3356 : valueInString.substring(0, 272) + "......" + valueInString.substring(valueInString.length - 8);
3358function toErrorString(error) {
3359 var value = error.value;
3360 var type = error.context[error.context.length - 1].type;
3361 var fullPath = error.context
3362 .map(function (_a) {
3363 var path = _a.path;
3364 return path;
3365 })
3366 .filter(function (path) { return path.length > 0; })
3367 .join("/");
3368 var pathPrefix = fullPath.length > 0 ? "at path \"/" + fullPath + "\" " : "";
3369 var currentTypename = isStateTreeNode(value)
3370 ? "value of type " + getStateTreeNode(value).type.name + ":"
3371 : isPrimitive(value)
3372 ? "value"
3373 : "snapshot";
3374 var isSnapshotCompatible = type && isStateTreeNode(value) && type.is(getStateTreeNode(value).snapshot);
3375 return ("" + pathPrefix + currentTypename + " " + prettyPrintValue(value) + " is not assignable " + (type ? "to type: `" + type.name + "`" : "") +
3376 (error.message ? " (" + error.message + ")" : "") +
3377 (type
3378 ? isPrimitiveType(type) || isPrimitive(value)
3379 ? "."
3380 : ", expected an instance of `" + type.name + "` or a snapshot like `" + type.describe() + "` instead." +
3381 (isSnapshotCompatible
3382 ? " (Note that a snapshot of the provided value is compatible with the targeted type)"
3383 : "")
3384 : "."));
3387 * @internal
3388 * @hidden
3389 */
3390function getContextForPath(context, path, type) {
3391 return context.concat([{ path: path, type: type }]);
3394 * @internal
3395 * @hidden
3396 */
3397function typeCheckSuccess() {
3398 return EMPTY_ARRAY;
3401 * @internal
3402 * @hidden
3403 */
3404function typeCheckFailure(context, value, message) {
3405 return [{ context: context, value: value, message: message }];
3408 * @internal
3409 * @hidden
3410 */
3411function flattenTypeErrors(errors) {
3412 return errors.reduce(function (a, i) { return a.concat(i); }, []);
3414// TODO; doublecheck: typecheck should only needed to be invoked from: type.create and array / map / value.property will change
3416 * @internal
3417 * @hidden
3418 */
3419function typecheckInternal(type, value) {
3420 // runs typeChecking if it is in dev-mode or through a process.env.ENABLE_TYPE_CHECK flag
3421 if (isTypeCheckingEnabled()) {
3422 typecheck(type, value);
3423 }
3426 * Run's the typechecker for the given type on the given value, which can be a snapshot or an instance.
3427 * Throws if the given value is not according the provided type specification.
3428 * Use this if you need typechecks even in a production build (by default all automatic runtime type checks will be skipped in production builds)
3429 *
3430 * @param type Type to check against.
3431 * @param value Value to be checked, either a snapshot or an instance.
3432 */
3433function typecheck(type, value) {
3434 var errors = type.validate(value, [{ path: "", type: type }]);
3435 if (errors.length > 0) {
3436 throw fail$1(validationErrorsToString(type, value, errors));
3437 }
3439function validationErrorsToString(type, value, errors) {
3440 if (errors.length === 0) {
3441 return undefined;
3442 }
3443 return ("Error while converting " + shortenPrintValue(prettyPrintValue(value)) + " to `" + type.name + "`:\n\n " + errors.map(toErrorString).join("\n "));
3446var identifierCacheId = 0;
3448 * @internal
3449 * @hidden
3450 */
3451var IdentifierCache = /** @class */ (function () {
3452 function IdentifierCache() {
3453 Object.defineProperty(this, "cacheId", {
3454 enumerable: true,
3455 configurable: true,
3456 writable: true,
3457 value: identifierCacheId++
3458 });
3459 // n.b. in cache all identifiers are normalized to strings
3460 Object.defineProperty(this, "cache", {
3461 enumerable: true,
3462 configurable: true,
3463 writable: true,
3464 value: mobx.observable.map()
3465 });
3466 // last time the cache (array) for a given time changed
3467 // n.b. it is not really the time, but just an integer that gets increased after each modification to the array
3468 Object.defineProperty(this, "lastCacheModificationPerId", {
3469 enumerable: true,
3470 configurable: true,
3471 writable: true,
3472 value: mobx.observable.map()
3473 });
3474 }
3475 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "updateLastCacheModificationPerId", {
3476 enumerable: false,
3477 configurable: true,
3478 writable: true,
3479 value: function (identifier) {
3480 var lcm = this.lastCacheModificationPerId.get(identifier);
3481 // we start at 1 since 0 means no update since cache creation
3482 this.lastCacheModificationPerId.set(identifier, lcm === undefined ? 1 : lcm + 1);
3483 }
3484 });
3485 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "getLastCacheModificationPerId", {
3486 enumerable: false,
3487 configurable: true,
3488 writable: true,
3489 value: function (identifier) {
3490 var modificationId = this.lastCacheModificationPerId.get(identifier) || 0;
3491 return this.cacheId + "-" + modificationId;
3492 }
3493 });
3494 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "addNodeToCache", {
3495 enumerable: false,
3496 configurable: true,
3497 writable: true,
3498 value: function (node, lastCacheUpdate) {
3499 if (lastCacheUpdate === void 0) { lastCacheUpdate = true; }
3500 if (node.identifierAttribute) {
3501 var identifier = node.identifier;
3502 if (!this.cache.has(identifier)) {
3503 this.cache.set(identifier, mobx.observable.array([], mobxShallow));
3504 }
3505 var set = this.cache.get(identifier);
3506 if (set.indexOf(node) !== -1)
3507 throw fail$1("Already registered");
3508 set.push(node);
3509 if (lastCacheUpdate) {
3510 this.updateLastCacheModificationPerId(identifier);
3511 }
3512 }
3513 }
3514 });
3515 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "mergeCache", {
3516 enumerable: false,
3517 configurable: true,
3518 writable: true,
3519 value: function (node) {
3520 var _this = this;
3521 mobx.values(node.identifierCache.cache).forEach(function (nodes) {
3522 return nodes.forEach(function (child) {
3523 _this.addNodeToCache(child);
3524 });
3525 });
3526 }
3527 });
3528 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "notifyDied", {
3529 enumerable: false,
3530 configurable: true,
3531 writable: true,
3532 value: function (node) {
3533 if (node.identifierAttribute) {
3534 var id = node.identifier;
3535 var set = this.cache.get(id);
3536 if (set) {
3537 set.remove(node);
3538 // remove empty sets from cache
3539 if (!set.length) {
3540 this.cache.delete(id);
3541 }
3542 this.updateLastCacheModificationPerId(node.identifier);
3543 }
3544 }
3545 }
3546 });
3547 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "splitCache", {
3548 enumerable: false,
3549 configurable: true,
3550 writable: true,
3551 value: function (node) {
3552 var _this = this;
3553 var res = new IdentifierCache();
3554 var basePath = node.path;
3555 mobx.entries(this.cache).forEach(function (_a) {
3556 var _b = __read(_a, 2), id = _b[0], nodes = _b[1];
3557 var modified = false;
3558 for (var i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3559 if (nodes[i].path.indexOf(basePath) === 0) {
3560 res.addNodeToCache(nodes[i], false); // no need to update lastUpdated since it is a whole new cache
3561 nodes.splice(i, 1);
3562 modified = true;
3563 }
3564 }
3565 if (modified) {
3566 _this.updateLastCacheModificationPerId(id);
3567 }
3568 });
3569 return res;
3570 }
3571 });
3572 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "has", {
3573 enumerable: false,
3574 configurable: true,
3575 writable: true,
3576 value: function (type, identifier) {
3577 var set = this.cache.get(identifier);
3578 if (!set)
3579 return false;
3580 return set.some(function (candidate) { return type.isAssignableFrom(candidate.type); });
3581 }
3582 });
3583 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierCache.prototype, "resolve", {
3584 enumerable: false,
3585 configurable: true,
3586 writable: true,
3587 value: function (type, identifier) {
3588 var set = this.cache.get(identifier);
3589 if (!set)
3590 return null;
3591 var matches = set.filter(function (candidate) { return type.isAssignableFrom(candidate.type); });
3592 switch (matches.length) {
3593 case 0:
3594 return null;
3595 case 1:
3596 return matches[0];
3597 default:
3598 throw fail$1("Cannot resolve a reference to type '" + type.name + "' with id: '" + identifier + "' unambigously, there are multiple candidates: " + matches
3599 .map(function (n) { return n.path; })
3600 .join(", "));
3601 }
3602 }
3603 });
3604 return IdentifierCache;
3608 * @internal
3609 * @hidden
3610 */
3611function createObjectNode(type, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
3612 var existingNode = getStateTreeNodeSafe(initialValue);
3613 if (existingNode) {
3614 if (existingNode.parent) {
3615 // istanbul ignore next
3616 throw fail$1("Cannot add an object to a state tree if it is already part of the same or another state tree. Tried to assign an object to '" + (parent ? parent.path : "") + "/" + subpath + "', but it lives already at '" + existingNode.path + "'");
3617 }
3618 if (parent) {
3619 existingNode.setParent(parent, subpath);
3620 }
3621 // else it already has no parent since it is a pre-requisite
3622 return existingNode;
3623 }
3624 // not a node, a snapshot
3625 return new ObjectNode(type, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
3628 * @internal
3629 * @hidden
3630 */
3631function createScalarNode(type, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
3632 return new ScalarNode(type, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
3635 * @internal
3636 * @hidden
3637 */
3638function isNode(value) {
3639 return value instanceof ScalarNode || value instanceof ObjectNode;
3643 * @internal
3644 * @hidden
3645 */
3646var NodeLifeCycle;
3647(function (NodeLifeCycle) {
3648 NodeLifeCycle[NodeLifeCycle["INITIALIZING"] = 0] = "INITIALIZING";
3649 NodeLifeCycle[NodeLifeCycle["CREATED"] = 1] = "CREATED";
3650 NodeLifeCycle[NodeLifeCycle["FINALIZED"] = 2] = "FINALIZED";
3651 NodeLifeCycle[NodeLifeCycle["DETACHING"] = 3] = "DETACHING";
3652 NodeLifeCycle[NodeLifeCycle["DEAD"] = 4] = "DEAD"; // no coming back from this one
3653})(NodeLifeCycle || (NodeLifeCycle = {}));
3655 * Returns true if the given value is a node in a state tree.
3656 * More precisely, that is, if the value is an instance of a
3657 * `types.model`, `types.array` or `types.map`.
3658 *
3659 * @param value
3660 * @returns true if the value is a state tree node.
3661 */
3662function isStateTreeNode(value) {
3663 return !!(value && value.$treenode);
3666 * @internal
3667 * @hidden
3668 */
3669function assertIsStateTreeNode(value, argNumber) {
3670 assertArg(value, isStateTreeNode, "mobx-state-tree node", argNumber);
3673 * @internal
3674 * @hidden
3675 */
3676function getStateTreeNode(value) {
3677 if (!isStateTreeNode(value)) {
3678 // istanbul ignore next
3679 throw fail$1("Value " + value + " is no MST Node");
3680 }
3681 return value.$treenode;
3684 * @internal
3685 * @hidden
3686 */
3687function getStateTreeNodeSafe(value) {
3688 return (value && value.$treenode) || null;
3691 * @internal
3692 * @hidden
3693 */
3694function toJSON() {
3695 return getStateTreeNode(this).snapshot;
3697var doubleDot = function (_) { return ".."; };
3699 * @internal
3700 * @hidden
3701 */
3702function getRelativePathBetweenNodes(base, target) {
3703 // PRE condition target is (a child of) base!
3704 if (base.root !== target.root) {
3705 throw fail$1("Cannot calculate relative path: objects '" + base + "' and '" + target + "' are not part of the same object tree");
3706 }
3707 var baseParts = splitJsonPath(base.path);
3708 var targetParts = splitJsonPath(target.path);
3709 var common = 0;
3710 for (; common < baseParts.length; common++) {
3711 if (baseParts[common] !== targetParts[common])
3712 break;
3713 }
3714 // TODO: assert that no targetParts paths are "..", "." or ""!
3715 return (baseParts.slice(common).map(doubleDot).join("/") + joinJsonPath(targetParts.slice(common)));
3718 * @internal
3719 * @hidden
3720 */
3721function resolveNodeByPath(base, path, failIfResolveFails) {
3722 if (failIfResolveFails === void 0) { failIfResolveFails = true; }
3723 return resolveNodeByPathParts(base, splitJsonPath(path), failIfResolveFails);
3726 * @internal
3727 * @hidden
3728 */
3729function resolveNodeByPathParts(base, pathParts, failIfResolveFails) {
3730 if (failIfResolveFails === void 0) { failIfResolveFails = true; }
3731 var current = base;
3732 for (var i = 0; i < pathParts.length; i++) {
3733 var part = pathParts[i];
3734 if (part === "..") {
3735 current = current.parent;
3736 if (current)
3737 continue; // not everything has a parent
3738 }
3739 else if (part === ".") {
3740 continue;
3741 }
3742 else if (current) {
3743 if (current instanceof ScalarNode) {
3744 // check if the value of a scalar resolves to a state tree node (e.g. references)
3745 // then we can continue resolving...
3746 try {
3747 var value = current.value;
3748 if (isStateTreeNode(value)) {
3749 current = getStateTreeNode(value);
3750 // fall through
3751 }
3752 }
3753 catch (e) {
3754 if (!failIfResolveFails) {
3755 return undefined;
3756 }
3757 throw e;
3758 }
3759 }
3760 if (current instanceof ObjectNode) {
3761 var subType = current.getChildType(part);
3762 if (subType) {
3763 current = current.getChildNode(part);
3764 if (current)
3765 continue;
3766 }
3767 }
3768 }
3769 if (failIfResolveFails)
3770 throw fail$1("Could not resolve '" + part + "' in path '" + (joinJsonPath(pathParts.slice(0, i)) || "/") + "' while resolving '" + joinJsonPath(pathParts) + "'");
3771 else
3772 return undefined;
3773 }
3774 return current;
3777 * @internal
3778 * @hidden
3779 */
3780function convertChildNodesToArray(childNodes) {
3781 if (!childNodes)
3782 return EMPTY_ARRAY;
3783 var keys = Object.keys(childNodes);
3784 if (!keys.length)
3785 return EMPTY_ARRAY;
3786 var result = new Array(keys.length);
3787 keys.forEach(function (key, index) {
3788 result[index] = childNodes[key];
3789 });
3790 return result;
3793// based on: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-utils/blob/master/src/async-action.ts
3795 All contents of this file are deprecated.
3797 The term `process` has been replaced with `flow` to avoid conflicts with the
3798 global `process` object.
3800 Refer to `flow.ts` for any further changes to this implementation.
3802var DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = "See https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree/issues/399 for more information. " +
3803 "Note that the middleware event types starting with `process` now start with `flow`.";
3805 * @hidden
3806 *
3807 * @deprecated has been renamed to `flow()`.
3808 * See https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree/issues/399 for more information.
3809 * Note that the middleware event types starting with `process` now start with `flow`.
3810 *
3811 * @returns {Promise}
3812 */
3813function process$1(asyncAction) {
3814 deprecated("process", "`process()` has been renamed to `flow()`. " + DEPRECATION_MESSAGE);
3815 return flow(asyncAction);
3818var plainObjectString = Object.toString();
3820 * @internal
3821 * @hidden
3822 */
3823var EMPTY_ARRAY = Object.freeze([]);
3825 * @internal
3826 * @hidden
3827 */
3828var EMPTY_OBJECT = Object.freeze({});
3830 * @internal
3831 * @hidden
3832 */
3833var mobxShallow = mobx._getGlobalState().useProxies
3834 ? { deep: false }
3835 : { deep: false, proxy: false };
3838 * @internal
3839 * @hidden
3840 */
3841function fail$1(message) {
3842 if (message === void 0) { message = "Illegal state"; }
3843 return new Error("[mobx-state-tree] " + message);
3846 * @internal
3847 * @hidden
3848 */
3849function identity(_) {
3850 return _;
3853 * pollyfill (for IE) suggested in MDN:
3854 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isInteger
3855 * @internal
3856 * @hidden
3857 */
3858var isInteger = Number.isInteger ||
3859 function (value) {
3860 return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
3861 };
3863 * @internal
3864 * @hidden
3865 */
3866function isArray(val) {
3867 return Array.isArray(val) || mobx.isObservableArray(val);
3870 * @internal
3871 * @hidden
3872 */
3873function asArray(val) {
3874 if (!val)
3875 return EMPTY_ARRAY;
3876 if (isArray(val))
3877 return val;
3878 return [val];
3881 * @internal
3882 * @hidden
3883 */
3884function extend(a) {
3885 var b = [];
3886 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3887 b[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
3888 }
3889 for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
3890 var current = b[i];
3891 for (var key in current)
3892 a[key] = current[key];
3893 }
3894 return a;
3897 * @internal
3898 * @hidden
3899 */
3900function isPlainObject(value) {
3901 var _a;
3902 if (value === null || typeof value !== "object")
3903 return false;
3904 var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
3905 if (proto == null)
3906 return true;
3907 return ((_a = proto.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) === plainObjectString;
3910 * @internal
3911 * @hidden
3912 */
3913function isMutable(value) {
3914 return (value !== null &&
3915 typeof value === "object" &&
3916 !(value instanceof Date) &&
3917 !(value instanceof RegExp));
3920 * @internal
3921 * @hidden
3922 */
3923function isPrimitive(value, includeDate) {
3924 if (includeDate === void 0) { includeDate = true; }
3925 if (value === null || value === undefined)
3926 return true;
3927 if (typeof value === "string" ||
3928 typeof value === "number" ||
3929 typeof value === "boolean" ||
3930 (includeDate && value instanceof Date))
3931 return true;
3932 return false;
3935 * @internal
3936 * @hidden
3937 * Freeze a value and return it (if not in production)
3938 */
3939function freeze(value) {
3940 if (!devMode())
3941 return value;
3942 return isPrimitive(value) || mobx.isObservableArray(value) ? value : Object.freeze(value);
3945 * @internal
3946 * @hidden
3947 * Recursively freeze a value (if not in production)
3948 */
3949function deepFreeze(value) {
3950 if (!devMode())
3951 return value;
3952 freeze(value);
3953 if (isPlainObject(value)) {
3954 Object.keys(value).forEach(function (propKey) {
3955 if (!isPrimitive(value[propKey]) &&
3956 !Object.isFrozen(value[propKey])) {
3957 deepFreeze(value[propKey]);
3958 }
3959 });
3960 }
3961 return value;
3964 * @internal
3965 * @hidden
3966 */
3967function isSerializable(value) {
3968 return typeof value !== "function";
3971 * @internal
3972 * @hidden
3973 */
3974function defineProperty(object, key, descriptor) {
3975 mobx.isObservableObject(object)
3976 ? mobx.defineProperty(object, key, descriptor)
3977 : Object.defineProperty(object, key, descriptor);
3980 * @internal
3981 * @hidden
3982 */
3983function addHiddenFinalProp(object, propName, value) {
3984 defineProperty(object, propName, {
3985 enumerable: false,
3986 writable: false,
3987 configurable: true,
3988 value: value
3989 });
3992 * @internal
3993 * @hidden
3994 */
3995function addHiddenWritableProp(object, propName, value) {
3996 defineProperty(object, propName, {
3997 enumerable: false,
3998 writable: true,
3999 configurable: true,
4000 value: value
4001 });
4004 * @internal
4005 * @hidden
4006 */
4007var EventHandler = /** @class */ (function () {
4008 function EventHandler() {
4009 Object.defineProperty(this, "handlers", {
4010 enumerable: true,
4011 configurable: true,
4012 writable: true,
4013 value: []
4014 });
4015 }
4016 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "hasSubscribers", {
4017 get: function () {
4018 return this.handlers.length > 0;
4019 },
4020 enumerable: false,
4021 configurable: true
4022 });
4023 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "register", {
4024 enumerable: false,
4025 configurable: true,
4026 writable: true,
4027 value: function (fn, atTheBeginning) {
4028 var _this = this;
4029 if (atTheBeginning === void 0) { atTheBeginning = false; }
4030 if (atTheBeginning) {
4031 this.handlers.unshift(fn);
4032 }
4033 else {
4034 this.handlers.push(fn);
4035 }
4036 return function () {
4037 _this.unregister(fn);
4038 };
4039 }
4040 });
4041 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "has", {
4042 enumerable: false,
4043 configurable: true,
4044 writable: true,
4045 value: function (fn) {
4046 return this.handlers.indexOf(fn) >= 0;
4047 }
4048 });
4049 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "unregister", {
4050 enumerable: false,
4051 configurable: true,
4052 writable: true,
4053 value: function (fn) {
4054 var index = this.handlers.indexOf(fn);
4055 if (index >= 0) {
4056 this.handlers.splice(index, 1);
4057 }
4058 }
4059 });
4060 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "clear", {
4061 enumerable: false,
4062 configurable: true,
4063 writable: true,
4064 value: function () {
4065 this.handlers.length = 0;
4066 }
4067 });
4068 Object.defineProperty(EventHandler.prototype, "emit", {
4069 enumerable: false,
4070 configurable: true,
4071 writable: true,
4072 value: function () {
4073 var args = [];
4074 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
4075 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
4076 }
4077 // make a copy just in case it changes
4078 var handlers = this.handlers.slice();
4079 handlers.forEach(function (f) { return f.apply(void 0, __spread(args)); });
4080 }
4081 });
4082 return EventHandler;
4085 * @internal
4086 * @hidden
4087 */
4088var EventHandlers = /** @class */ (function () {
4089 function EventHandlers() {
4090 Object.defineProperty(this, "eventHandlers", {
4091 enumerable: true,
4092 configurable: true,
4093 writable: true,
4094 value: void 0
4095 });
4096 }
4097 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "hasSubscribers", {
4098 enumerable: false,
4099 configurable: true,
4100 writable: true,
4101 value: function (event) {
4102 var handler = this.eventHandlers && this.eventHandlers[event];
4103 return !!handler && handler.hasSubscribers;
4104 }
4105 });
4106 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "register", {
4107 enumerable: false,
4108 configurable: true,
4109 writable: true,
4110 value: function (event, fn, atTheBeginning) {
4111 if (atTheBeginning === void 0) { atTheBeginning = false; }
4112 if (!this.eventHandlers) {
4113 this.eventHandlers = {};
4114 }
4115 var handler = this.eventHandlers[event];
4116 if (!handler) {
4117 handler = this.eventHandlers[event] = new EventHandler();
4118 }
4119 return handler.register(fn, atTheBeginning);
4120 }
4121 });
4122 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "has", {
4123 enumerable: false,
4124 configurable: true,
4125 writable: true,
4126 value: function (event, fn) {
4127 var handler = this.eventHandlers && this.eventHandlers[event];
4128 return !!handler && handler.has(fn);
4129 }
4130 });
4131 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "unregister", {
4132 enumerable: false,
4133 configurable: true,
4134 writable: true,
4135 value: function (event, fn) {
4136 var handler = this.eventHandlers && this.eventHandlers[event];
4137 if (handler) {
4138 handler.unregister(fn);
4139 }
4140 }
4141 });
4142 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "clear", {
4143 enumerable: false,
4144 configurable: true,
4145 writable: true,
4146 value: function (event) {
4147 if (this.eventHandlers) {
4148 delete this.eventHandlers[event];
4149 }
4150 }
4151 });
4152 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "clearAll", {
4153 enumerable: false,
4154 configurable: true,
4155 writable: true,
4156 value: function () {
4157 this.eventHandlers = undefined;
4158 }
4159 });
4160 Object.defineProperty(EventHandlers.prototype, "emit", {
4161 enumerable: false,
4162 configurable: true,
4163 writable: true,
4164 value: function (event) {
4165 var _a;
4166 var args = [];
4167 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
4168 args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
4169 }
4170 var handler = this.eventHandlers && this.eventHandlers[event];
4171 if (handler) {
4172 (_a = handler).emit.apply(_a, __spread(args));
4173 }
4174 }
4175 });
4176 return EventHandlers;
4179 * @internal
4180 * @hidden
4181 */
4182function argsToArray(args) {
4183 var res = new Array(args.length);
4184 for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
4185 res[i] = args[i];
4186 return res;
4189 * @internal
4190 * @hidden
4191 */
4192function stringStartsWith(str, beginning) {
4193 return str.indexOf(beginning) === 0;
4196 * @internal
4197 * @hidden
4198 */
4199var deprecated = function (id, message) {
4200 // skip if running production
4201 if (!devMode())
4202 return;
4203 // warn if hasn't been warned before
4204 if (deprecated.ids && !deprecated.ids.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
4205 warnError("Deprecation warning: " + message);
4206 }
4207 // mark as warned to avoid duplicate warn message
4208 if (deprecated.ids)
4209 deprecated.ids[id] = true;
4211deprecated.ids = {};
4213 * @internal
4214 * @hidden
4215 */
4216function warnError(msg) {
4217 console.warn(new Error("[mobx-state-tree] " + msg));
4220 * @internal
4221 * @hidden
4222 */
4223function isTypeCheckingEnabled() {
4224 return (devMode() ||
4225 (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env && process.env.ENABLE_TYPE_CHECK === "true"));
4228 * @internal
4229 * @hidden
4230 */
4231function devMode() {
4232 return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
4235 * @internal
4236 * @hidden
4237 */
4238function assertArg(value, fn, typeName, argNumber) {
4239 if (devMode()) {
4240 if (!fn(value)) {
4241 // istanbul ignore next
4242 throw fail$1("expected " + typeName + " as argument " + asArray(argNumber).join(" or ") + ", got " + value + " instead");
4243 }
4244 }
4247 * @internal
4248 * @hidden
4249 */
4250function assertIsFunction(value, argNumber) {
4251 assertArg(value, function (fn) { return typeof fn === "function"; }, "function", argNumber);
4254 * @internal
4255 * @hidden
4256 */
4257function assertIsNumber(value, argNumber, min, max) {
4258 assertArg(value, function (n) { return typeof n === "number"; }, "number", argNumber);
4259 if (min !== undefined) {
4260 assertArg(value, function (n) { return n >= min; }, "number greater than " + min, argNumber);
4261 }
4262 if (max !== undefined) {
4263 assertArg(value, function (n) { return n <= max; }, "number lesser than " + max, argNumber);
4264 }
4267 * @internal
4268 * @hidden
4269 */
4270function assertIsString(value, argNumber, canBeEmpty) {
4271 if (canBeEmpty === void 0) { canBeEmpty = true; }
4272 assertArg(value, function (s) { return typeof s === "string"; }, "string", argNumber);
4273 if (!canBeEmpty) {
4274 assertArg(value, function (s) { return s !== ""; }, "not empty string", argNumber);
4275 }
4278 * @internal
4279 * @hidden
4280 */
4281function setImmediateWithFallback(fn) {
4282 if (typeof queueMicrotask === "function") {
4283 queueMicrotask(fn);
4284 }
4285 else if (typeof setImmediate === "function") {
4286 setImmediate(fn);
4287 }
4288 else {
4289 setTimeout(fn, 1);
4290 }
4294 * See [asynchronous actions](concepts/async-actions.md).
4295 *
4296 * @returns The flow as a promise.
4297 */
4298function flow(generator) {
4299 return createFlowSpawner(generator.name, generator);
4302 * @deprecated Not needed since TS3.6.
4303 * Used for TypeScript to make flows that return a promise return the actual promise result.
4304 *
4305 * @param val
4306 * @returns
4307 */
4308function castFlowReturn(val) {
4309 return val;
4312 * @experimental
4313 * experimental api - might change on minor/patch releases
4314 *
4315 * Convert a promise-returning function to a generator-returning one.
4316 * This is intended to allow for usage of `yield*` in async actions to
4317 * retain the promise return type.
4318 *
4319 * Example:
4320 * ```ts
4321 * function getDataAsync(input: string): Promise<number> { ... }
4322 * const getDataGen = toGeneratorFunction(getDataAsync);
4323 *
4324 * const someModel.actions(self => ({
4325 * someAction: flow(function*() {
4326 * // value is typed as number
4327 * const value = yield* getDataGen("input value");
4328 * ...
4329 * })
4330 * }))
4331 * ```
4332 */
4333function toGeneratorFunction(p) {
4334 return function () {
4335 var _i;
4336 var args = [];
4337 for (_i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
4338 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
4339 }
4340 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4341 switch (_a.label) {
4342 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, p.apply(void 0, __spread(args))];
4343 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, (_a.sent())];
4344 }
4345 });
4346 };
4349 * @experimental
4350 * experimental api - might change on minor/patch releases
4351 *
4352 * Convert a promise to a generator yielding that promise
4353 * This is intended to allow for usage of `yield*` in async actions to
4354 * retain the promise return type.
4355 *
4356 * Example:
4357 * ```ts
4358 * function getDataAsync(input: string): Promise<number> { ... }
4359 *
4360 * const someModel.actions(self => ({
4361 * someAction: flow(function*() {
4362 * // value is typed as number
4363 * const value = yield* toGenerator(getDataAsync("input value"));
4364 * ...
4365 * })
4366 * }))
4367 * ```
4368 */
4369function toGenerator(p) {
4370 return __generator(this, function (_a) {
4371 switch (_a.label) {
4372 case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, p];
4373 case 1: return [2 /*return*/, (_a.sent())];
4374 }
4375 });
4378 * @internal
4379 * @hidden
4380 */
4381function createFlowSpawner(name, generator) {
4382 var spawner = function flowSpawner() {
4383 // Implementation based on https://github.com/tj/co/blob/master/index.js
4384 var runId = getNextActionId();
4385 var parentContext = getCurrentActionContext();
4386 if (!parentContext) {
4387 throw fail$1("a mst flow must always have a parent context");
4388 }
4389 var parentActionContext = getParentActionContext(parentContext);
4390 if (!parentActionContext) {
4391 throw fail$1("a mst flow must always have a parent action context");
4392 }
4393 var contextBase = {
4394 name: name,
4395 id: runId,
4396 tree: parentContext.tree,
4397 context: parentContext.context,
4398 parentId: parentContext.id,
4399 allParentIds: __spread(parentContext.allParentIds, [parentContext.id]),
4400 rootId: parentContext.rootId,
4401 parentEvent: parentContext,
4402 parentActionEvent: parentActionContext
4403 };
4404 var args = arguments;
4405 function wrap(fn, type, arg) {
4406 fn.$mst_middleware = spawner.$mst_middleware; // pick up any middleware attached to the flow
4407 runWithActionContext(__assign(__assign({}, contextBase), { type: type, args: [arg] }), fn);
4408 }
4409 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
4410 var gen;
4411 var init = function asyncActionInit() {
4412 gen = generator.apply(null, arguments);
4413 onFulfilled(undefined); // kick off the flow
4414 };
4415 init.$mst_middleware = spawner.$mst_middleware;
4416 runWithActionContext(__assign(__assign({}, contextBase), { type: "flow_spawn", args: argsToArray(args) }), init);
4417 function onFulfilled(res) {
4418 var ret;
4419 try {
4420 // prettier-ignore
4421 wrap(function (r) { ret = gen.next(r); }, "flow_resume", res);
4422 }
4423 catch (e) {
4424 // prettier-ignore
4425 setImmediateWithFallback(function () {
4426 wrap(function (r) { reject(e); }, "flow_throw", e);
4427 });
4428 return;
4429 }
4430 next(ret);
4431 return;
4432 }
4433 function onRejected(err) {
4434 var ret;
4435 try {
4436 // prettier-ignore
4437 wrap(function (r) { ret = gen.throw(r); }, "flow_resume_error", err); // or yieldError?
4438 }
4439 catch (e) {
4440 // prettier-ignore
4441 setImmediateWithFallback(function () {
4442 wrap(function (r) { reject(e); }, "flow_throw", e);
4443 });
4444 return;
4445 }
4446 next(ret);
4447 }
4448 function next(ret) {
4449 if (ret.done) {
4450 // prettier-ignore
4451 setImmediateWithFallback(function () {
4452 wrap(function (r) { resolve(r); }, "flow_return", ret.value);
4453 });
4454 return;
4455 }
4456 // TODO: support more type of values? See https://github.com/tj/co/blob/249bbdc72da24ae44076afd716349d2089b31c4c/index.js#L100
4457 if (!ret.value || typeof ret.value.then !== "function") {
4458 // istanbul ignore next
4459 throw fail$1("Only promises can be yielded to `async`, got: " + ret);
4460 }
4461 return ret.value.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
4462 }
4463 });
4464 };
4465 return spawner;
4469 * @internal
4470 * @hidden
4471 */
4472function splitPatch(patch) {
4473 if (!("oldValue" in patch))
4474 throw fail$1("Patches without `oldValue` field cannot be inversed");
4475 return [stripPatch(patch), invertPatch(patch)];
4478 * @internal
4479 * @hidden
4480 */
4481function stripPatch(patch) {
4482 // strips `oldvalue` information from the patch, so that it becomes a patch conform the json-patch spec
4483 // this removes the ability to undo the patch
4484 switch (patch.op) {
4485 case "add":
4486 return { op: "add", path: patch.path, value: patch.value };
4487 case "remove":
4488 return { op: "remove", path: patch.path };
4489 case "replace":
4490 return { op: "replace", path: patch.path, value: patch.value };
4491 }
4493function invertPatch(patch) {
4494 switch (patch.op) {
4495 case "add":
4496 return {
4497 op: "remove",
4498 path: patch.path
4499 };
4500 case "remove":
4501 return {
4502 op: "add",
4503 path: patch.path,
4504 value: patch.oldValue
4505 };
4506 case "replace":
4507 return {
4508 op: "replace",
4509 path: patch.path,
4510 value: patch.oldValue
4511 };
4512 }
4515 * Simple simple check to check it is a number.
4516 */
4517function isNumber(x) {
4518 return typeof x === "number";
4521 * Escape slashes and backslashes.
4522 *
4523 * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
4524 */
4525function escapeJsonPath(path) {
4526 if (isNumber(path) === true) {
4527 return "" + path;
4528 }
4529 if (path.indexOf("/") === -1 && path.indexOf("~") === -1)
4530 return path;
4531 return path.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
4534 * Unescape slashes and backslashes.
4535 */
4536function unescapeJsonPath(path) {
4537 return path.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
4540 * Generates a json-path compliant json path from path parts.
4541 *
4542 * @param path
4543 * @returns
4544 */
4545function joinJsonPath(path) {
4546 // `/` refers to property with an empty name, while `` refers to root itself!
4547 if (path.length === 0)
4548 return "";
4549 var getPathStr = function (p) { return p.map(escapeJsonPath).join("/"); };
4550 if (path[0] === "." || path[0] === "..") {
4551 // relative
4552 return getPathStr(path);
4553 }
4554 else {
4555 // absolute
4556 return "/" + getPathStr(path);
4557 }
4560 * Splits and decodes a json path into several parts.
4561 *
4562 * @param path
4563 * @returns
4564 */
4565function splitJsonPath(path) {
4566 // `/` refers to property with an empty name, while `` refers to root itself!
4567 var parts = path.split("/").map(unescapeJsonPath);
4568 var valid = path === "" ||
4569 path === "." ||
4570 path === ".." ||
4571 stringStartsWith(path, "/") ||
4572 stringStartsWith(path, "./") ||
4573 stringStartsWith(path, "../");
4574 if (!valid) {
4575 throw fail$1("a json path must be either rooted, empty or relative, but got '" + path + "'");
4576 }
4577 // '/a/b/c' -> ["a", "b", "c"]
4578 // '../../b/c' -> ["..", "..", "b", "c"]
4579 // '' -> []
4580 // '/' -> ['']
4581 // './a' -> [".", "a"]
4582 // /./a' -> [".", "a"] equivalent to './a'
4583 if (parts[0] === "") {
4584 parts.shift();
4585 }
4586 return parts;
4589var SnapshotProcessor = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4590 __extends(SnapshotProcessor, _super);
4591 function SnapshotProcessor(_subtype, _processors, name) {
4592 var _this = _super.call(this, name || _subtype.name) || this;
4593 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subtype", {
4594 enumerable: true,
4595 configurable: true,
4596 writable: true,
4597 value: _subtype
4598 });
4599 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_processors", {
4600 enumerable: true,
4601 configurable: true,
4602 writable: true,
4603 value: _processors
4604 });
4605 return _this;
4606 }
4607 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "flags", {
4608 get: function () {
4609 return this._subtype.flags | TypeFlags.SnapshotProcessor;
4610 },
4611 enumerable: false,
4612 configurable: true
4613 });
4614 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "describe", {
4615 enumerable: false,
4616 configurable: true,
4617 writable: true,
4618 value: function () {
4619 return "snapshotProcessor(" + this._subtype.describe() + ")";
4620 }
4621 });
4622 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "preProcessSnapshot", {
4623 enumerable: false,
4624 configurable: true,
4625 writable: true,
4626 value: function (sn) {
4627 if (this._processors.preProcessor) {
4628 return this._processors.preProcessor.call(null, sn);
4629 }
4630 return sn;
4631 }
4632 });
4633 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "postProcessSnapshot", {
4634 enumerable: false,
4635 configurable: true,
4636 writable: true,
4637 value: function (sn) {
4638 if (this._processors.postProcessor) {
4639 return this._processors.postProcessor.call(null, sn);
4640 }
4641 return sn;
4642 }
4643 });
4644 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "_fixNode", {
4645 enumerable: false,
4646 configurable: true,
4647 writable: true,
4648 value: function (node) {
4649 var _this = this;
4650 // the node has to use these methods rather than the original type ones
4651 proxyNodeTypeMethods(node.type, this, "create", "is", "isMatchingSnapshotId");
4652 var oldGetSnapshot = node.getSnapshot;
4653 node.getSnapshot = function () {
4654 return _this.postProcessSnapshot(oldGetSnapshot.call(node));
4655 };
4656 }
4657 });
4658 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "instantiate", {
4659 enumerable: false,
4660 configurable: true,
4661 writable: true,
4662 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
4663 var processedInitialValue = isStateTreeNode(initialValue)
4664 ? initialValue
4665 : this.preProcessSnapshot(initialValue);
4666 var node = this._subtype.instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, processedInitialValue);
4667 this._fixNode(node);
4668 return node;
4669 }
4670 });
4671 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "reconcile", {
4672 enumerable: false,
4673 configurable: true,
4674 writable: true,
4675 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
4676 var node = this._subtype.reconcile(current, isStateTreeNode(newValue) ? newValue : this.preProcessSnapshot(newValue), parent, subpath);
4677 if (node !== current) {
4678 this._fixNode(node);
4679 }
4680 return node;
4681 }
4682 });
4683 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
4684 enumerable: false,
4685 configurable: true,
4686 writable: true,
4687 value: function (node, applyPostProcess) {
4688 if (applyPostProcess === void 0) { applyPostProcess = true; }
4689 var sn = this._subtype.getSnapshot(node);
4690 return applyPostProcess ? this.postProcessSnapshot(sn) : sn;
4691 }
4692 });
4693 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
4694 enumerable: false,
4695 configurable: true,
4696 writable: true,
4697 value: function (value, context) {
4698 var processedSn = this.preProcessSnapshot(value);
4699 return this._subtype.validate(processedSn, context);
4700 }
4701 });
4702 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
4703 enumerable: false,
4704 configurable: true,
4705 writable: true,
4706 value: function () {
4707 return this._subtype;
4708 }
4709 });
4710 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "is", {
4711 enumerable: false,
4712 configurable: true,
4713 writable: true,
4714 value: function (thing) {
4715 var value = isType(thing)
4716 ? this._subtype
4717 : isStateTreeNode(thing)
4718 ? getSnapshot(thing, false)
4719 : this.preProcessSnapshot(thing);
4720 return this._subtype.validate(value, [{ path: "", type: this._subtype }]).length === 0;
4721 }
4722 });
4723 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
4724 enumerable: false,
4725 configurable: true,
4726 writable: true,
4727 value: function (type) {
4728 return this._subtype.isAssignableFrom(type);
4729 }
4730 });
4731 Object.defineProperty(SnapshotProcessor.prototype, "isMatchingSnapshotId", {
4732 enumerable: false,
4733 configurable: true,
4734 writable: true,
4735 value: function (current, snapshot) {
4736 if (!(this._subtype instanceof ComplexType)) {
4737 return false;
4738 }
4739 var processedSn = this.preProcessSnapshot(snapshot);
4740 return ComplexType.prototype.isMatchingSnapshotId.call(this._subtype, current, processedSn);
4741 }
4742 });
4743 return SnapshotProcessor;
4745function proxyNodeTypeMethods(nodeType, snapshotProcessorType) {
4746 var e_1, _a;
4747 var methods = [];
4748 for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
4749 methods[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
4750 }
4751 try {
4752 for (var methods_1 = __values(methods), methods_1_1 = methods_1.next(); !methods_1_1.done; methods_1_1 = methods_1.next()) {
4753 var method = methods_1_1.value;
4754 nodeType[method] = snapshotProcessorType[method].bind(snapshotProcessorType);
4755 }
4756 }
4757 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
4758 finally {
4759 try {
4760 if (methods_1_1 && !methods_1_1.done && (_a = methods_1.return)) _a.call(methods_1);
4761 }
4762 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4763 }
4766 * `types.snapshotProcessor` - Runs a pre/post snapshot processor before/after serializing a given type.
4767 *
4768 * Example:
4769 * ```ts
4770 * const Todo1 = types.model({ text: types.string })
4771 * // in the backend the text type must be null when empty
4772 * interface BackendTodo {
4773 * text: string | null
4774 * }
4775 * const Todo2 = types.snapshotProcessor(Todo1, {
4776 * // from snapshot to instance
4777 * preProcessor(sn: BackendTodo) {
4778 * return {
4779 * text: sn.text || "";
4780 * }
4781 * },
4782 * // from instance to snapshot
4783 * postProcessor(sn): BackendTodo {
4784 * return {
4785 * text: !sn.text ? null : sn.text
4786 * }
4787 * }
4788 * })
4789 * ```
4790 *
4791 * @param type Type to run the processors over.
4792 * @param processors Processors to run.
4793 * @param name Type name, or undefined to inherit the inner type one.
4794 * @returns
4795 */
4796function snapshotProcessor(type, processors, name) {
4797 assertIsType(type, 1);
4798 if (devMode()) {
4799 if (processors.postProcessor && typeof processors.postProcessor !== "function") {
4800 // istanbul ignore next
4801 throw fail("postSnapshotProcessor must be a function");
4802 }
4803 if (processors.preProcessor && typeof processors.preProcessor !== "function") {
4804 // istanbul ignore next
4805 throw fail("preSnapshotProcessor must be a function");
4806 }
4807 }
4808 return new SnapshotProcessor(type, processors, name);
4811var needsIdentifierError = "Map.put can only be used to store complex values that have an identifier type attribute";
4812function tryCollectModelTypes(type, modelTypes) {
4813 var e_1, _a;
4814 var subtypes = type.getSubTypes();
4815 if (subtypes === cannotDetermineSubtype) {
4816 return false;
4817 }
4818 if (subtypes) {
4819 var subtypesArray = asArray(subtypes);
4820 try {
4821 for (var subtypesArray_1 = __values(subtypesArray), subtypesArray_1_1 = subtypesArray_1.next(); !subtypesArray_1_1.done; subtypesArray_1_1 = subtypesArray_1.next()) {
4822 var subtype = subtypesArray_1_1.value;
4823 if (!tryCollectModelTypes(subtype, modelTypes))
4824 return false;
4825 }
4826 }
4827 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
4828 finally {
4829 try {
4830 if (subtypesArray_1_1 && !subtypesArray_1_1.done && (_a = subtypesArray_1.return)) _a.call(subtypesArray_1);
4831 }
4832 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
4833 }
4834 }
4835 if (type instanceof ModelType) {
4836 modelTypes.push(type);
4837 }
4838 return true;
4841 * @internal
4842 * @hidden
4843 */
4844var MapIdentifierMode;
4845(function (MapIdentifierMode) {
4846 MapIdentifierMode[MapIdentifierMode["UNKNOWN"] = 0] = "UNKNOWN";
4847 MapIdentifierMode[MapIdentifierMode["YES"] = 1] = "YES";
4848 MapIdentifierMode[MapIdentifierMode["NO"] = 2] = "NO";
4849})(MapIdentifierMode || (MapIdentifierMode = {}));
4850var MSTMap = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4851 __extends(MSTMap, _super);
4852 function MSTMap(initialData) {
4853 return _super.call(this, initialData, mobx.observable.ref.enhancer) || this;
4854 }
4855 Object.defineProperty(MSTMap.prototype, "get", {
4856 enumerable: false,
4857 configurable: true,
4858 writable: true,
4859 value: function (key) {
4860 // maybe this is over-enthousiastic? normalize numeric keys to strings
4861 return _super.prototype.get.call(this, "" + key);
4862 }
4863 });
4864 Object.defineProperty(MSTMap.prototype, "has", {
4865 enumerable: false,
4866 configurable: true,
4867 writable: true,
4868 value: function (key) {
4869 return _super.prototype.has.call(this, "" + key);
4870 }
4871 });
4872 Object.defineProperty(MSTMap.prototype, "delete", {
4873 enumerable: false,
4874 configurable: true,
4875 writable: true,
4876 value: function (key) {
4877 return _super.prototype.delete.call(this, "" + key);
4878 }
4879 });
4880 Object.defineProperty(MSTMap.prototype, "set", {
4881 enumerable: false,
4882 configurable: true,
4883 writable: true,
4884 value: function (key, value) {
4885 return _super.prototype.set.call(this, "" + key, value);
4886 }
4887 });
4888 Object.defineProperty(MSTMap.prototype, "put", {
4889 enumerable: false,
4890 configurable: true,
4891 writable: true,
4892 value: function (value) {
4893 if (!value)
4894 throw fail$1("Map.put cannot be used to set empty values");
4895 if (isStateTreeNode(value)) {
4896 var node = getStateTreeNode(value);
4897 if (devMode()) {
4898 if (!node.identifierAttribute) {
4899 throw fail$1(needsIdentifierError);
4900 }
4901 }
4902 if (node.identifier === null) {
4903 throw fail$1(needsIdentifierError);
4904 }
4905 this.set(node.identifier, value);
4906 return value;
4907 }
4908 else if (!isMutable(value)) {
4909 throw fail$1("Map.put can only be used to store complex values");
4910 }
4911 else {
4912 var mapNode = getStateTreeNode(this);
4913 var mapType = mapNode.type;
4914 if (mapType.identifierMode !== MapIdentifierMode.YES) {
4915 throw fail$1(needsIdentifierError);
4916 }
4917 var idAttr = mapType.mapIdentifierAttribute;
4918 var id = value[idAttr];
4919 if (!isValidIdentifier(id)) {
4920 // try again but this time after creating a node for the value
4921 // since it might be an optional identifier
4922 var newNode = this.put(mapType.getChildType().create(value, mapNode.environment));
4923 return this.put(getSnapshot(newNode));
4924 }
4925 var key = normalizeIdentifier(id);
4926 this.set(key, value);
4927 return this.get(key);
4928 }
4929 }
4930 });
4931 return MSTMap;
4934 * @internal
4935 * @hidden
4936 */
4937var MapType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
4938 __extends(MapType, _super);
4939 function MapType(name, _subType, hookInitializers) {
4940 if (hookInitializers === void 0) { hookInitializers = []; }
4941 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
4942 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subType", {
4943 enumerable: true,
4944 configurable: true,
4945 writable: true,
4946 value: _subType
4947 });
4948 Object.defineProperty(_this, "identifierMode", {
4949 enumerable: true,
4950 configurable: true,
4951 writable: true,
4952 value: MapIdentifierMode.UNKNOWN
4953 });
4954 Object.defineProperty(_this, "mapIdentifierAttribute", {
4955 enumerable: true,
4956 configurable: true,
4957 writable: true,
4958 value: undefined
4959 });
4960 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
4961 enumerable: true,
4962 configurable: true,
4963 writable: true,
4964 value: TypeFlags.Map
4965 });
4966 Object.defineProperty(_this, "hookInitializers", {
4967 enumerable: true,
4968 configurable: true,
4969 writable: true,
4970 value: []
4971 });
4972 _this._determineIdentifierMode();
4973 _this.hookInitializers = hookInitializers;
4974 return _this;
4975 }
4976 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "hooks", {
4977 enumerable: false,
4978 configurable: true,
4979 writable: true,
4980 value: function (hooks) {
4981 var hookInitializers = this.hookInitializers.length > 0 ? this.hookInitializers.concat(hooks) : [hooks];
4982 return new MapType(this.name, this._subType, hookInitializers);
4983 }
4984 });
4985 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "instantiate", {
4986 enumerable: false,
4987 configurable: true,
4988 writable: true,
4989 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
4990 this._determineIdentifierMode();
4991 return createObjectNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
4992 }
4993 });
4994 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "_determineIdentifierMode", {
4995 enumerable: false,
4996 configurable: true,
4997 writable: true,
4998 value: function () {
4999 if (this.identifierMode !== MapIdentifierMode.UNKNOWN) {
5000 return;
5001 }
5002 var modelTypes = [];
5003 if (tryCollectModelTypes(this._subType, modelTypes)) {
5004 var identifierAttribute_1 = undefined;
5005 modelTypes.forEach(function (type) {
5006 if (type.identifierAttribute) {
5007 if (identifierAttribute_1 && identifierAttribute_1 !== type.identifierAttribute) {
5008 throw fail$1("The objects in a map should all have the same identifier attribute, expected '" + identifierAttribute_1 + "', but child of type '" + type.name + "' declared attribute '" + type.identifierAttribute + "' as identifier");
5009 }
5010 identifierAttribute_1 = type.identifierAttribute;
5011 }
5012 });
5013 if (identifierAttribute_1) {
5014 this.identifierMode = MapIdentifierMode.YES;
5015 this.mapIdentifierAttribute = identifierAttribute_1;
5016 }
5017 else {
5018 this.identifierMode = MapIdentifierMode.NO;
5019 }
5020 }
5021 }
5022 });
5023 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "initializeChildNodes", {
5024 enumerable: false,
5025 configurable: true,
5026 writable: true,
5027 value: function (objNode, initialSnapshot) {
5028 if (initialSnapshot === void 0) { initialSnapshot = {}; }
5029 var subType = objNode.type._subType;
5030 var result = {};
5031 Object.keys(initialSnapshot).forEach(function (name) {
5032 result[name] = subType.instantiate(objNode, name, undefined, initialSnapshot[name]);
5033 });
5034 return result;
5035 }
5036 });
5037 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "createNewInstance", {
5038 enumerable: false,
5039 configurable: true,
5040 writable: true,
5041 value: function (childNodes) {
5042 return new MSTMap(childNodes);
5043 }
5044 });
5045 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "finalizeNewInstance", {
5046 enumerable: false,
5047 configurable: true,
5048 writable: true,
5049 value: function (node, instance) {
5050 mobx._interceptReads(instance, node.unbox);
5051 var type = node.type;
5052 type.hookInitializers.forEach(function (initializer) {
5053 var hooks = initializer(instance);
5054 Object.keys(hooks).forEach(function (name) {
5055 var hook = hooks[name];
5056 var actionInvoker = createActionInvoker(instance, name, hook);
5057 (!devMode() ? addHiddenFinalProp : addHiddenWritableProp)(instance, name, actionInvoker);
5058 });
5059 });
5060 mobx.intercept(instance, this.willChange);
5061 mobx.observe(instance, this.didChange);
5062 }
5063 });
5064 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "describe", {
5065 enumerable: false,
5066 configurable: true,
5067 writable: true,
5068 value: function () {
5069 return "Map<string, " + this._subType.describe() + ">";
5070 }
5071 });
5072 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "getChildren", {
5073 enumerable: false,
5074 configurable: true,
5075 writable: true,
5076 value: function (node) {
5077 // return (node.storedValue as ObservableMap<any>).values()
5078 return mobx.values(node.storedValue);
5079 }
5080 });
5081 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "getChildNode", {
5082 enumerable: false,
5083 configurable: true,
5084 writable: true,
5085 value: function (node, key) {
5086 var childNode = node.storedValue.get("" + key);
5087 if (!childNode)
5088 throw fail$1("Not a child " + key);
5089 return childNode;
5090 }
5091 });
5092 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "willChange", {
5093 enumerable: false,
5094 configurable: true,
5095 writable: true,
5096 value: function (change) {
5097 var node = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
5098 var key = change.name;
5099 node.assertWritable({ subpath: key });
5100 var mapType = node.type;
5101 var subType = mapType._subType;
5102 switch (change.type) {
5103 case "update":
5104 {
5105 var newValue = change.newValue;
5106 var oldValue = change.object.get(key);
5107 if (newValue === oldValue)
5108 return null;
5109 typecheckInternal(subType, newValue);
5110 change.newValue = subType.reconcile(node.getChildNode(key), change.newValue, node, key);
5111 mapType.processIdentifier(key, change.newValue);
5112 }
5113 break;
5114 case "add":
5115 {
5116 typecheckInternal(subType, change.newValue);
5117 change.newValue = subType.instantiate(node, key, undefined, change.newValue);
5118 mapType.processIdentifier(key, change.newValue);
5119 }
5120 break;
5121 }
5122 return change;
5123 }
5124 });
5125 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "processIdentifier", {
5126 enumerable: false,
5127 configurable: true,
5128 writable: true,
5129 value: function (expected, node) {
5130 if (this.identifierMode === MapIdentifierMode.YES && node instanceof ObjectNode) {
5131 var identifier = node.identifier;
5132 if (identifier !== expected)
5133 throw fail$1("A map of objects containing an identifier should always store the object under their own identifier. Trying to store key '" + identifier + "', but expected: '" + expected + "'");
5134 }
5135 }
5136 });
5137 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
5138 enumerable: false,
5139 configurable: true,
5140 writable: true,
5141 value: function (node) {
5142 var res = {};
5143 node.getChildren().forEach(function (childNode) {
5144 res[childNode.subpath] = childNode.snapshot;
5145 });
5146 return res;
5147 }
5148 });
5149 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "processInitialSnapshot", {
5150 enumerable: false,
5151 configurable: true,
5152 writable: true,
5153 value: function (childNodes) {
5154 var processed = {};
5155 Object.keys(childNodes).forEach(function (key) {
5156 processed[key] = childNodes[key].getSnapshot();
5157 });
5158 return processed;
5159 }
5160 });
5161 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "didChange", {
5162 enumerable: false,
5163 configurable: true,
5164 writable: true,
5165 value: function (change) {
5166 var node = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
5167 switch (change.type) {
5168 case "update":
5169 return void node.emitPatch({
5170 op: "replace",
5171 path: escapeJsonPath(change.name),
5172 value: change.newValue.snapshot,
5173 oldValue: change.oldValue ? change.oldValue.snapshot : undefined
5174 }, node);
5175 case "add":
5176 return void node.emitPatch({
5177 op: "add",
5178 path: escapeJsonPath(change.name),
5179 value: change.newValue.snapshot,
5180 oldValue: undefined
5181 }, node);
5182 case "delete":
5183 // a node got deleted, get the old snapshot and make the node die
5184 var oldSnapshot = change.oldValue.snapshot;
5185 change.oldValue.die();
5186 // emit the patch
5187 return void node.emitPatch({
5188 op: "remove",
5189 path: escapeJsonPath(change.name),
5190 oldValue: oldSnapshot
5191 }, node);
5192 }
5193 }
5194 });
5195 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "applyPatchLocally", {
5196 enumerable: false,
5197 configurable: true,
5198 writable: true,
5199 value: function (node, subpath, patch) {
5200 var target = node.storedValue;
5201 switch (patch.op) {
5202 case "add":
5203 case "replace":
5204 target.set(subpath, patch.value);
5205 break;
5206 case "remove":
5207 target.delete(subpath);
5208 break;
5209 }
5210 }
5211 });
5212 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "applySnapshot", {
5213 enumerable: false,
5214 configurable: true,
5215 writable: true,
5216 value: function (node, snapshot) {
5217 typecheckInternal(this, snapshot);
5218 var target = node.storedValue;
5219 var currentKeys = {};
5220 Array.from(target.keys()).forEach(function (key) {
5221 currentKeys[key] = false;
5222 });
5223 if (snapshot) {
5224 // Don't use target.replace, as it will throw away all existing items first
5225 for (var key in snapshot) {
5226 target.set(key, snapshot[key]);
5227 currentKeys["" + key] = true;
5228 }
5229 }
5230 Object.keys(currentKeys).forEach(function (key) {
5231 if (currentKeys[key] === false)
5232 target.delete(key);
5233 });
5234 }
5235 });
5236 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "getChildType", {
5237 enumerable: false,
5238 configurable: true,
5239 writable: true,
5240 value: function () {
5241 return this._subType;
5242 }
5243 });
5244 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
5245 enumerable: false,
5246 configurable: true,
5247 writable: true,
5248 value: function (value, context) {
5249 var _this = this;
5250 if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
5251 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not a plain object");
5252 }
5253 return flattenTypeErrors(Object.keys(value).map(function (path) {
5254 return _this._subType.validate(value[path], getContextForPath(context, path, _this._subType));
5255 }));
5256 }
5257 });
5258 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "getDefaultSnapshot", {
5259 enumerable: false,
5260 configurable: true,
5261 writable: true,
5262 value: function () {
5263 return EMPTY_OBJECT;
5264 }
5265 });
5266 Object.defineProperty(MapType.prototype, "removeChild", {
5267 enumerable: false,
5268 configurable: true,
5269 writable: true,
5270 value: function (node, subpath) {
5271 node.storedValue.delete(subpath);
5272 }
5273 });
5274 return MapType;
5276MapType.prototype.applySnapshot = mobx.action(MapType.prototype.applySnapshot);
5278 * `types.map` - Creates a key based collection type who's children are all of a uniform declared type.
5279 * If the type stored in a map has an identifier, it is mandatory to store the child under that identifier in the map.
5280 *
5281 * This type will always produce [observable maps](https://mobx.js.org/api.html#observablemap)
5282 *
5283 * Example:
5284 * ```ts
5285 * const Todo = types.model({
5286 * id: types.identifier,
5287 * task: types.string
5288 * })
5289 *
5290 * const TodoStore = types.model({
5291 * todos: types.map(Todo)
5292 * })
5293 *
5294 * const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: {} })
5295 * unprotect(s)
5296 * s.todos.set(17, { task: "Grab coffee", id: 17 })
5297 * s.todos.put({ task: "Grab cookie", id: 18 }) // put will infer key from the identifier
5298 * console.log(s.todos.get(17).task) // prints: "Grab coffee"
5299 * ```
5300 *
5301 * @param subtype
5302 * @returns
5303 */
5304function map(subtype) {
5305 return new MapType("map<string, " + subtype.name + ">", subtype);
5308 * Returns if a given value represents a map type.
5309 *
5310 * @param type
5311 * @returns `true` if it is a map type.
5312 */
5313function isMapType(type) {
5314 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Map) > 0;
5318 * @internal
5319 * @hidden
5320 */
5321var ArrayType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5322 __extends(ArrayType, _super);
5323 function ArrayType(name, _subType, hookInitializers) {
5324 if (hookInitializers === void 0) { hookInitializers = []; }
5325 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
5326 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subType", {
5327 enumerable: true,
5328 configurable: true,
5329 writable: true,
5330 value: _subType
5331 });
5332 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
5333 enumerable: true,
5334 configurable: true,
5335 writable: true,
5336 value: TypeFlags.Array
5337 });
5338 Object.defineProperty(_this, "hookInitializers", {
5339 enumerable: true,
5340 configurable: true,
5341 writable: true,
5342 value: []
5343 });
5344 _this.hookInitializers = hookInitializers;
5345 return _this;
5346 }
5347 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "hooks", {
5348 enumerable: false,
5349 configurable: true,
5350 writable: true,
5351 value: function (hooks) {
5352 var hookInitializers = this.hookInitializers.length > 0 ? this.hookInitializers.concat(hooks) : [hooks];
5353 return new ArrayType(this.name, this._subType, hookInitializers);
5354 }
5355 });
5356 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "instantiate", {
5357 enumerable: false,
5358 configurable: true,
5359 writable: true,
5360 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
5361 return createObjectNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
5362 }
5363 });
5364 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "initializeChildNodes", {
5365 enumerable: false,
5366 configurable: true,
5367 writable: true,
5368 value: function (objNode, snapshot) {
5369 if (snapshot === void 0) { snapshot = []; }
5370 var subType = objNode.type._subType;
5371 var result = {};
5372 snapshot.forEach(function (item, index) {
5373 var subpath = "" + index;
5374 result[subpath] = subType.instantiate(objNode, subpath, undefined, item);
5375 });
5376 return result;
5377 }
5378 });
5379 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "createNewInstance", {
5380 enumerable: false,
5381 configurable: true,
5382 writable: true,
5383 value: function (childNodes) {
5384 return mobx.observable.array(convertChildNodesToArray(childNodes), mobxShallow);
5385 }
5386 });
5387 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "finalizeNewInstance", {
5388 enumerable: false,
5389 configurable: true,
5390 writable: true,
5391 value: function (node, instance) {
5392 mobx._getAdministration(instance).dehancer = node.unbox;
5393 var type = node.type;
5394 type.hookInitializers.forEach(function (initializer) {
5395 var hooks = initializer(instance);
5396 Object.keys(hooks).forEach(function (name) {
5397 var hook = hooks[name];
5398 var actionInvoker = createActionInvoker(instance, name, hook);
5399 (!devMode() ? addHiddenFinalProp : addHiddenWritableProp)(instance, name, actionInvoker);
5400 });
5401 });
5402 mobx.intercept(instance, this.willChange);
5403 mobx.observe(instance, this.didChange);
5404 }
5405 });
5406 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "describe", {
5407 enumerable: false,
5408 configurable: true,
5409 writable: true,
5410 value: function () {
5411 return this._subType.describe() + "[]";
5412 }
5413 });
5414 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "getChildren", {
5415 enumerable: false,
5416 configurable: true,
5417 writable: true,
5418 value: function (node) {
5419 return node.storedValue.slice();
5420 }
5421 });
5422 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "getChildNode", {
5423 enumerable: false,
5424 configurable: true,
5425 writable: true,
5426 value: function (node, key) {
5427 var index = Number(key);
5428 if (index < node.storedValue.length)
5429 return node.storedValue[index];
5430 throw fail$1("Not a child: " + key);
5431 }
5432 });
5433 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "willChange", {
5434 enumerable: false,
5435 configurable: true,
5436 writable: true,
5437 value: function (change) {
5438 var node = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
5439 node.assertWritable({ subpath: "" + change.index });
5440 var subType = node.type._subType;
5441 var childNodes = node.getChildren();
5442 switch (change.type) {
5443 case "update":
5444 {
5445 if (change.newValue === change.object[change.index])
5446 return null;
5447 var updatedNodes = reconcileArrayChildren(node, subType, [childNodes[change.index]], [change.newValue], [change.index]);
5448 if (!updatedNodes) {
5449 return null;
5450 }
5451 change.newValue = updatedNodes[0];
5452 }
5453 break;
5454 case "splice":
5455 {
5456 var index_1 = change.index, removedCount = change.removedCount, added = change.added;
5457 var addedNodes = reconcileArrayChildren(node, subType, childNodes.slice(index_1, index_1 + removedCount), added, added.map(function (_, i) { return index_1 + i; }));
5458 if (!addedNodes) {
5459 return null;
5460 }
5461 change.added = addedNodes;
5462 // update paths of remaining items
5463 for (var i = index_1 + removedCount; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
5464 childNodes[i].setParent(node, "" + (i + added.length - removedCount));
5465 }
5466 }
5467 break;
5468 }
5469 return change;
5470 }
5471 });
5472 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
5473 enumerable: false,
5474 configurable: true,
5475 writable: true,
5476 value: function (node) {
5477 return node.getChildren().map(function (childNode) { return childNode.snapshot; });
5478 }
5479 });
5480 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "processInitialSnapshot", {
5481 enumerable: false,
5482 configurable: true,
5483 writable: true,
5484 value: function (childNodes) {
5485 var processed = [];
5486 Object.keys(childNodes).forEach(function (key) {
5487 processed.push(childNodes[key].getSnapshot());
5488 });
5489 return processed;
5490 }
5491 });
5492 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "didChange", {
5493 enumerable: false,
5494 configurable: true,
5495 writable: true,
5496 value: function (change) {
5497 var node = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
5498 switch (change.type) {
5499 case "update":
5500 return void node.emitPatch({
5501 op: "replace",
5502 path: "" + change.index,
5503 value: change.newValue.snapshot,
5504 oldValue: change.oldValue ? change.oldValue.snapshot : undefined
5505 }, node);
5506 case "splice":
5507 for (var i = change.removedCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
5508 node.emitPatch({
5509 op: "remove",
5510 path: "" + (change.index + i),
5511 oldValue: change.removed[i].snapshot
5512 }, node);
5513 for (var i = 0; i < change.addedCount; i++)
5514 node.emitPatch({
5515 op: "add",
5516 path: "" + (change.index + i),
5517 value: node.getChildNode("" + (change.index + i)).snapshot,
5518 oldValue: undefined
5519 }, node);
5520 return;
5521 }
5522 }
5523 });
5524 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "applyPatchLocally", {
5525 enumerable: false,
5526 configurable: true,
5527 writable: true,
5528 value: function (node, subpath, patch) {
5529 var target = node.storedValue;
5530 var index = subpath === "-" ? target.length : Number(subpath);
5531 switch (patch.op) {
5532 case "replace":
5533 target[index] = patch.value;
5534 break;
5535 case "add":
5536 target.splice(index, 0, patch.value);
5537 break;
5538 case "remove":
5539 target.splice(index, 1);
5540 break;
5541 }
5542 }
5543 });
5544 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "applySnapshot", {
5545 enumerable: false,
5546 configurable: true,
5547 writable: true,
5548 value: function (node, snapshot) {
5549 typecheckInternal(this, snapshot);
5550 var target = node.storedValue;
5551 target.replace(snapshot);
5552 }
5553 });
5554 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "getChildType", {
5555 enumerable: false,
5556 configurable: true,
5557 writable: true,
5558 value: function () {
5559 return this._subType;
5560 }
5561 });
5562 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
5563 enumerable: false,
5564 configurable: true,
5565 writable: true,
5566 value: function (value, context) {
5567 var _this = this;
5568 if (!isArray(value)) {
5569 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not an array");
5570 }
5571 return flattenTypeErrors(value.map(function (item, index) {
5572 return _this._subType.validate(item, getContextForPath(context, "" + index, _this._subType));
5573 }));
5574 }
5575 });
5576 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "getDefaultSnapshot", {
5577 enumerable: false,
5578 configurable: true,
5579 writable: true,
5580 value: function () {
5581 return EMPTY_ARRAY;
5582 }
5583 });
5584 Object.defineProperty(ArrayType.prototype, "removeChild", {
5585 enumerable: false,
5586 configurable: true,
5587 writable: true,
5588 value: function (node, subpath) {
5589 node.storedValue.splice(Number(subpath), 1);
5590 }
5591 });
5592 return ArrayType;
5594ArrayType.prototype.applySnapshot = mobx.action(ArrayType.prototype.applySnapshot);
5596 * `types.array` - Creates an index based collection type who's children are all of a uniform declared type.
5597 *
5598 * This type will always produce [observable arrays](https://mobx.js.org/api.html#observablearray)
5599 *
5600 * Example:
5601 * ```ts
5602 * const Todo = types.model({
5603 * task: types.string
5604 * })
5605 *
5606 * const TodoStore = types.model({
5607 * todos: types.array(Todo)
5608 * })
5609 *
5610 * const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: [] })
5611 * unprotect(s) // needed to allow modifying outside of an action
5612 * s.todos.push({ task: "Grab coffee" })
5613 * console.log(s.todos[0]) // prints: "Grab coffee"
5614 * ```
5615 *
5616 * @param subtype
5617 * @returns
5618 */
5619function array(subtype) {
5620 assertIsType(subtype, 1);
5621 return new ArrayType(subtype.name + "[]", subtype);
5623function reconcileArrayChildren(parent, childType, oldNodes, newValues, newPaths) {
5624 var nothingChanged = true;
5625 for (var i = 0;; i++) {
5626 var hasNewNode = i <= newValues.length - 1;
5627 var oldNode = oldNodes[i];
5628 var newValue = hasNewNode ? newValues[i] : undefined;
5629 var newPath = "" + newPaths[i];
5630 // for some reason, instead of newValue we got a node, fallback to the storedValue
5631 // TODO: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree/issues/340#issuecomment-325581681
5632 if (isNode(newValue))
5633 newValue = newValue.storedValue;
5634 if (!oldNode && !hasNewNode) {
5635 // both are empty, end
5636 break;
5637 }
5638 else if (!hasNewNode) {
5639 // new one does not exists
5640 nothingChanged = false;
5641 oldNodes.splice(i, 1);
5642 if (oldNode instanceof ObjectNode) {
5643 // since it is going to be returned by pop/splice/shift better create it before killing it
5644 // so it doesn't end up in an undead state
5645 oldNode.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
5646 }
5647 oldNode.die();
5648 i--;
5649 }
5650 else if (!oldNode) {
5651 // there is no old node, create it
5652 // check if already belongs to the same parent. if so, avoid pushing item in. only swapping can occur.
5653 if (isStateTreeNode(newValue) && getStateTreeNode(newValue).parent === parent) {
5654 // this node is owned by this parent, but not in the reconcilable set, so it must be double
5655 throw fail$1("Cannot add an object to a state tree if it is already part of the same or another state tree. Tried to assign an object to '" + parent.path + "/" + newPath + "', but it lives already at '" + getStateTreeNode(newValue).path + "'");
5656 }
5657 nothingChanged = false;
5658 var newNode = valueAsNode(childType, parent, newPath, newValue);
5659 oldNodes.splice(i, 0, newNode);
5660 }
5661 else if (areSame(oldNode, newValue)) {
5662 // both are the same, reconcile
5663 oldNodes[i] = valueAsNode(childType, parent, newPath, newValue, oldNode);
5664 }
5665 else {
5666 // nothing to do, try to reorder
5667 var oldMatch = undefined;
5668 // find a possible candidate to reuse
5669 for (var j = i; j < oldNodes.length; j++) {
5670 if (areSame(oldNodes[j], newValue)) {
5671 oldMatch = oldNodes.splice(j, 1)[0];
5672 break;
5673 }
5674 }
5675 nothingChanged = false;
5676 var newNode = valueAsNode(childType, parent, newPath, newValue, oldMatch);
5677 oldNodes.splice(i, 0, newNode);
5678 }
5679 }
5680 return nothingChanged ? null : oldNodes;
5683 * Convert a value to a node at given parent and subpath. Attempts to reuse old node if possible and given.
5684 */
5685function valueAsNode(childType, parent, subpath, newValue, oldNode) {
5686 // ensure the value is valid-ish
5687 typecheckInternal(childType, newValue);
5688 function getNewNode() {
5689 // the new value has a MST node
5690 if (isStateTreeNode(newValue)) {
5691 var childNode = getStateTreeNode(newValue);
5692 childNode.assertAlive(EMPTY_OBJECT);
5693 // the node lives here
5694 if (childNode.parent !== null && childNode.parent === parent) {
5695 childNode.setParent(parent, subpath);
5696 return childNode;
5697 }
5698 }
5699 // there is old node and new one is a value/snapshot
5700 if (oldNode) {
5701 return childType.reconcile(oldNode, newValue, parent, subpath);
5702 }
5703 // nothing to do, create from scratch
5704 return childType.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, newValue);
5705 }
5706 var newNode = getNewNode();
5707 if (oldNode && oldNode !== newNode) {
5708 if (oldNode instanceof ObjectNode) {
5709 // since it is going to be returned by pop/splice/shift better create it before killing it
5710 // so it doesn't end up in an undead state
5711 oldNode.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
5712 }
5713 oldNode.die();
5714 }
5715 return newNode;
5718 * Check if a node holds a value.
5719 */
5720function areSame(oldNode, newValue) {
5721 // never consider dead old nodes for reconciliation
5722 if (!oldNode.isAlive) {
5723 return false;
5724 }
5725 // the new value has the same node
5726 if (isStateTreeNode(newValue)) {
5727 var newNode = getStateTreeNode(newValue);
5728 return newNode.isAlive && newNode === oldNode;
5729 }
5730 // the provided value is the snapshot of the old node
5731 if (oldNode.snapshot === newValue) {
5732 return true;
5733 }
5734 // new value is a snapshot with the correct identifier
5735 return (oldNode instanceof ObjectNode &&
5736 oldNode.identifier !== null &&
5737 oldNode.identifierAttribute &&
5738 isPlainObject(newValue) &&
5739 oldNode.type.isMatchingSnapshotId(oldNode, newValue) &&
5740 oldNode.type.is(newValue));
5743 * Returns if a given value represents an array type.
5744 *
5745 * @param type
5746 * @returns `true` if the type is an array type.
5747 */
5748function isArrayType(type) {
5749 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Array) > 0;
5752var PRE_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT = "preProcessSnapshot";
5753var POST_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT = "postProcessSnapshot";
5754function objectTypeToString() {
5755 return getStateTreeNode(this).toString();
5757var defaultObjectOptions = {
5758 name: "AnonymousModel",
5759 properties: {},
5760 initializers: EMPTY_ARRAY
5762function toPropertiesObject(declaredProps) {
5763 // loop through properties and ensures that all items are types
5764 return Object.keys(declaredProps).reduce(function (props, key) {
5765 var _a, _b, _c;
5766 // warn if user intended a HOOK
5767 if (key in Hook)
5768 throw fail$1("Hook '" + key + "' was defined as property. Hooks should be defined as part of the actions");
5769 // the user intended to use a view
5770 var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(props, key);
5771 if ("get" in descriptor) {
5772 throw fail$1("Getters are not supported as properties. Please use views instead");
5773 }
5774 // undefined and null are not valid
5775 var value = descriptor.value;
5776 if (value === null || value === undefined) {
5777 throw fail$1("The default value of an attribute cannot be null or undefined as the type cannot be inferred. Did you mean `types.maybe(someType)`?");
5778 // its a primitive, convert to its type
5779 }
5780 else if (isPrimitive(value)) {
5781 return Object.assign({}, props, (_a = {},
5782 _a[key] = optional(getPrimitiveFactoryFromValue(value), value),
5783 _a));
5784 // map defaults to empty object automatically for models
5785 }
5786 else if (value instanceof MapType) {
5787 return Object.assign({}, props, (_b = {},
5788 _b[key] = optional(value, {}),
5789 _b));
5790 }
5791 else if (value instanceof ArrayType) {
5792 return Object.assign({}, props, (_c = {}, _c[key] = optional(value, []), _c));
5793 // its already a type
5794 }
5795 else if (isType(value)) {
5796 return props;
5797 // its a function, maybe the user wanted a view?
5798 }
5799 else if (devMode() && typeof value === "function") {
5800 throw fail$1("Invalid type definition for property '" + key + "', it looks like you passed a function. Did you forget to invoke it, or did you intend to declare a view / action?");
5801 // no other complex values
5802 }
5803 else if (devMode() && typeof value === "object") {
5804 throw fail$1("Invalid type definition for property '" + key + "', it looks like you passed an object. Try passing another model type or a types.frozen.");
5805 // WTF did you pass in mate?
5806 }
5807 else {
5808 throw fail$1("Invalid type definition for property '" + key + "', cannot infer a type from a value like '" + value + "' (" + typeof value + ")");
5809 }
5810 }, declaredProps);
5813 * @internal
5814 * @hidden
5815 */
5816var ModelType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
5817 __extends(ModelType, _super);
5818 function ModelType(opts) {
5819 var _this = _super.call(this, opts.name || defaultObjectOptions.name) || this;
5820 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
5821 enumerable: true,
5822 configurable: true,
5823 writable: true,
5824 value: TypeFlags.Object
5825 });
5826 /*
5827 * The original object definition
5828 */
5829 Object.defineProperty(_this, "initializers", {
5830 enumerable: true,
5831 configurable: true,
5832 writable: true,
5833 value: void 0
5834 });
5835 Object.defineProperty(_this, "properties", {
5836 enumerable: true,
5837 configurable: true,
5838 writable: true,
5839 value: void 0
5840 });
5841 Object.defineProperty(_this, "preProcessor", {
5842 enumerable: true,
5843 configurable: true,
5844 writable: true,
5845 value: void 0
5846 });
5847 Object.defineProperty(_this, "postProcessor", {
5848 enumerable: true,
5849 configurable: true,
5850 writable: true,
5851 value: void 0
5852 });
5853 Object.defineProperty(_this, "propertyNames", {
5854 enumerable: true,
5855 configurable: true,
5856 writable: true,
5857 value: void 0
5858 });
5859 Object.defineProperty(_this, "named", {
5860 enumerable: true,
5861 configurable: true,
5862 writable: true,
5863 value: function (name) {
5864 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({ name: name });
5865 }
5866 });
5867 Object.defineProperty(_this, "props", {
5868 enumerable: true,
5869 configurable: true,
5870 writable: true,
5871 value: function (properties) {
5872 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({ properties: properties });
5873 }
5874 });
5875 Object.defineProperty(_this, "preProcessSnapshot", {
5876 enumerable: true,
5877 configurable: true,
5878 writable: true,
5879 value: function (preProcessor) {
5880 var currentPreprocessor = _this.preProcessor;
5881 if (!currentPreprocessor)
5882 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({ preProcessor: preProcessor });
5883 else
5884 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({
5885 preProcessor: function (snapshot) { return currentPreprocessor(preProcessor(snapshot)); }
5886 });
5887 }
5888 });
5889 Object.defineProperty(_this, "postProcessSnapshot", {
5890 enumerable: true,
5891 configurable: true,
5892 writable: true,
5893 value: function (postProcessor) {
5894 var currentPostprocessor = _this.postProcessor;
5895 if (!currentPostprocessor)
5896 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({ postProcessor: postProcessor });
5897 else
5898 return _this.cloneAndEnhance({
5899 postProcessor: function (snapshot) { return postProcessor(currentPostprocessor(snapshot)); }
5900 });
5901 }
5902 });
5903 Object.assign(_this, defaultObjectOptions, opts);
5904 // ensures that any default value gets converted to its related type
5905 _this.properties = toPropertiesObject(_this.properties);
5906 freeze(_this.properties); // make sure nobody messes with it
5907 _this.propertyNames = Object.keys(_this.properties);
5908 _this.identifierAttribute = _this._getIdentifierAttribute();
5909 return _this;
5910 }
5911 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "_getIdentifierAttribute", {
5912 enumerable: false,
5913 configurable: true,
5914 writable: true,
5915 value: function () {
5916 var identifierAttribute = undefined;
5917 this.forAllProps(function (propName, propType) {
5918 if (propType.flags & TypeFlags.Identifier) {
5919 if (identifierAttribute)
5920 throw fail$1("Cannot define property '" + propName + "' as object identifier, property '" + identifierAttribute + "' is already defined as identifier property");
5921 identifierAttribute = propName;
5922 }
5923 });
5924 return identifierAttribute;
5925 }
5926 });
5927 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "cloneAndEnhance", {
5928 enumerable: false,
5929 configurable: true,
5930 writable: true,
5931 value: function (opts) {
5932 return new ModelType({
5933 name: opts.name || this.name,
5934 properties: Object.assign({}, this.properties, opts.properties),
5935 initializers: this.initializers.concat(opts.initializers || []),
5936 preProcessor: opts.preProcessor || this.preProcessor,
5937 postProcessor: opts.postProcessor || this.postProcessor
5938 });
5939 }
5940 });
5941 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "actions", {
5942 enumerable: false,
5943 configurable: true,
5944 writable: true,
5945 value: function (fn) {
5946 var _this = this;
5947 var actionInitializer = function (self) {
5948 _this.instantiateActions(self, fn(self));
5949 return self;
5950 };
5951 return this.cloneAndEnhance({ initializers: [actionInitializer] });
5952 }
5953 });
5954 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "instantiateActions", {
5955 enumerable: false,
5956 configurable: true,
5957 writable: true,
5958 value: function (self, actions) {
5959 // check if return is correct
5960 if (!isPlainObject(actions))
5961 throw fail$1("actions initializer should return a plain object containing actions");
5962 // bind actions to the object created
5963 Object.keys(actions).forEach(function (name) {
5964 // warn if preprocessor was given
5965 if (name === PRE_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT)
5966 throw fail$1("Cannot define action '" + PRE_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT + "', it should be defined using 'type.preProcessSnapshot(fn)' instead");
5967 // warn if postprocessor was given
5968 if (name === POST_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT)
5969 throw fail$1("Cannot define action '" + POST_PROCESS_SNAPSHOT + "', it should be defined using 'type.postProcessSnapshot(fn)' instead");
5970 var action2 = actions[name];
5971 // apply hook composition
5972 var baseAction = self[name];
5973 if (name in Hook && baseAction) {
5974 var specializedAction_1 = action2;
5975 action2 = function () {
5976 baseAction.apply(null, arguments);
5977 specializedAction_1.apply(null, arguments);
5978 };
5979 }
5980 // the goal of this is to make sure actions using "this" can call themselves,
5981 // while still allowing the middlewares to register them
5982 var middlewares = action2.$mst_middleware; // make sure middlewares are not lost
5983 var boundAction = action2.bind(actions);
5984 boundAction.$mst_middleware = middlewares;
5985 var actionInvoker = createActionInvoker(self, name, boundAction);
5986 actions[name] = actionInvoker;
5987 (!devMode() ? addHiddenFinalProp : addHiddenWritableProp)(self, name, actionInvoker);
5988 });
5989 }
5990 });
5991 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "volatile", {
5992 enumerable: false,
5993 configurable: true,
5994 writable: true,
5995 value: function (fn) {
5996 var _this = this;
5997 if (typeof fn !== "function") {
5998 throw fail$1("You passed an " + typeof fn + " to volatile state as an argument, when function is expected");
5999 }
6000 var stateInitializer = function (self) {
6001 _this.instantiateVolatileState(self, fn(self));
6002 return self;
6003 };
6004 return this.cloneAndEnhance({ initializers: [stateInitializer] });
6005 }
6006 });
6007 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "instantiateVolatileState", {
6008 enumerable: false,
6009 configurable: true,
6010 writable: true,
6011 value: function (self, state) {
6012 // check views return
6013 if (!isPlainObject(state))
6014 throw fail$1("volatile state initializer should return a plain object containing state");
6015 mobx.set(self, state);
6016 }
6017 });
6018 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "extend", {
6019 enumerable: false,
6020 configurable: true,
6021 writable: true,
6022 value: function (fn) {
6023 var _this = this;
6024 var initializer = function (self) {
6025 var _a = fn(self), actions = _a.actions, views = _a.views, state = _a.state, rest = __rest(_a, ["actions", "views", "state"]);
6026 for (var key in rest)
6027 throw fail$1("The `extend` function should return an object with a subset of the fields 'actions', 'views' and 'state'. Found invalid key '" + key + "'");
6028 if (state)
6029 _this.instantiateVolatileState(self, state);
6030 if (views)
6031 _this.instantiateViews(self, views);
6032 if (actions)
6033 _this.instantiateActions(self, actions);
6034 return self;
6035 };
6036 return this.cloneAndEnhance({ initializers: [initializer] });
6037 }
6038 });
6039 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "views", {
6040 enumerable: false,
6041 configurable: true,
6042 writable: true,
6043 value: function (fn) {
6044 var _this = this;
6045 var viewInitializer = function (self) {
6046 _this.instantiateViews(self, fn(self));
6047 return self;
6048 };
6049 return this.cloneAndEnhance({ initializers: [viewInitializer] });
6050 }
6051 });
6052 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "instantiateViews", {
6053 enumerable: false,
6054 configurable: true,
6055 writable: true,
6056 value: function (self, views) {
6057 // check views return
6058 if (!isPlainObject(views))
6059 throw fail$1("views initializer should return a plain object containing views");
6060 Object.keys(views).forEach(function (key) {
6061 var _a;
6062 // is this a computed property?
6063 var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(views, key);
6064 if ("get" in descriptor) {
6065 mobx.defineProperty(self, key, descriptor);
6066 mobx.makeObservable(self, (_a = {}, _a[key] = mobx.computed, _a));
6067 }
6068 else if (typeof descriptor.value === "function") {
6069 (!devMode() ? addHiddenFinalProp : addHiddenWritableProp)(self, key, descriptor.value);
6070 }
6071 else {
6072 throw fail$1("A view member should either be a function or getter based property");
6073 }
6074 });
6075 }
6076 });
6077 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "instantiate", {
6078 enumerable: false,
6079 configurable: true,
6080 writable: true,
6081 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
6082 var value = isStateTreeNode(initialValue)
6083 ? initialValue
6084 : this.applySnapshotPreProcessor(initialValue);
6085 return createObjectNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, value);
6086 // Optimization: record all prop- view- and action names after first construction, and generate an optimal base class
6087 // that pre-reserves all these fields for fast object-member lookups
6088 }
6089 });
6090 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "initializeChildNodes", {
6091 enumerable: false,
6092 configurable: true,
6093 writable: true,
6094 value: function (objNode, initialSnapshot) {
6095 if (initialSnapshot === void 0) { initialSnapshot = {}; }
6096 var type = objNode.type;
6097 var result = {};
6098 type.forAllProps(function (name, childType) {
6099 result[name] = childType.instantiate(objNode, name, undefined, initialSnapshot[name]);
6100 });
6101 return result;
6102 }
6103 });
6104 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "createNewInstance", {
6105 enumerable: false,
6106 configurable: true,
6107 writable: true,
6108 value: function (childNodes) {
6109 return mobx.observable.object(childNodes, EMPTY_OBJECT, mobxShallow);
6110 }
6111 });
6112 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "finalizeNewInstance", {
6113 enumerable: false,
6114 configurable: true,
6115 writable: true,
6116 value: function (node, instance) {
6117 addHiddenFinalProp(instance, "toString", objectTypeToString);
6118 this.forAllProps(function (name) {
6119 mobx._interceptReads(instance, name, node.unbox);
6120 });
6121 this.initializers.reduce(function (self, fn) { return fn(self); }, instance);
6122 mobx.intercept(instance, this.willChange);
6123 mobx.observe(instance, this.didChange);
6124 }
6125 });
6126 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "willChange", {
6127 enumerable: false,
6128 configurable: true,
6129 writable: true,
6130 value: function (chg) {
6131 // TODO: mobx typings don't seem to take into account that newValue can be set even when removing a prop
6132 var change = chg;
6133 var node = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
6134 var subpath = change.name;
6135 node.assertWritable({ subpath: subpath });
6136 var childType = node.type.properties[subpath];
6137 // only properties are typed, state are stored as-is references
6138 if (childType) {
6139 typecheckInternal(childType, change.newValue);
6140 change.newValue = childType.reconcile(node.getChildNode(subpath), change.newValue, node, subpath);
6141 }
6142 return change;
6143 }
6144 });
6145 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "didChange", {
6146 enumerable: false,
6147 configurable: true,
6148 writable: true,
6149 value: function (chg) {
6150 // TODO: mobx typings don't seem to take into account that newValue can be set even when removing a prop
6151 var change = chg;
6152 var childNode = getStateTreeNode(change.object);
6153 var childType = childNode.type.properties[change.name];
6154 if (!childType) {
6155 // don't emit patches for volatile state
6156 return;
6157 }
6158 var oldChildValue = change.oldValue ? change.oldValue.snapshot : undefined;
6159 childNode.emitPatch({
6160 op: "replace",
6161 path: escapeJsonPath(change.name),
6162 value: change.newValue.snapshot,
6163 oldValue: oldChildValue
6164 }, childNode);
6165 }
6166 });
6167 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "getChildren", {
6168 enumerable: false,
6169 configurable: true,
6170 writable: true,
6171 value: function (node) {
6172 var _this = this;
6173 var res = [];
6174 this.forAllProps(function (name) {
6175 res.push(_this.getChildNode(node, name));
6176 });
6177 return res;
6178 }
6179 });
6180 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "getChildNode", {
6181 enumerable: false,
6182 configurable: true,
6183 writable: true,
6184 value: function (node, key) {
6185 if (!(key in this.properties))
6186 throw fail$1("Not a value property: " + key);
6187 var adm = mobx._getAdministration(node.storedValue, key);
6188 var childNode = adm.raw();
6189 if (!childNode)
6190 throw fail$1("Node not available for property " + key);
6191 return childNode;
6192 }
6193 });
6194 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
6195 enumerable: false,
6196 configurable: true,
6197 writable: true,
6198 value: function (node, applyPostProcess) {
6199 var _this = this;
6200 if (applyPostProcess === void 0) { applyPostProcess = true; }
6201 var res = {};
6202 this.forAllProps(function (name, type) {
6203 mobx.getAtom(node.storedValue, name).reportObserved();
6204 res[name] = _this.getChildNode(node, name).snapshot;
6205 });
6206 if (applyPostProcess) {
6207 return this.applySnapshotPostProcessor(res);
6208 }
6209 return res;
6210 }
6211 });
6212 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "processInitialSnapshot", {
6213 enumerable: false,
6214 configurable: true,
6215 writable: true,
6216 value: function (childNodes) {
6217 var processed = {};
6218 Object.keys(childNodes).forEach(function (key) {
6219 processed[key] = childNodes[key].getSnapshot();
6220 });
6221 return this.applySnapshotPostProcessor(processed);
6222 }
6223 });
6224 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "applyPatchLocally", {
6225 enumerable: false,
6226 configurable: true,
6227 writable: true,
6228 value: function (node, subpath, patch) {
6229 if (!(patch.op === "replace" || patch.op === "add")) {
6230 throw fail$1("object does not support operation " + patch.op);
6231 }
6232 node.storedValue[subpath] = patch.value;
6233 }
6234 });
6235 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "applySnapshot", {
6236 enumerable: false,
6237 configurable: true,
6238 writable: true,
6239 value: function (node, snapshot) {
6240 var preProcessedSnapshot = this.applySnapshotPreProcessor(snapshot);
6241 typecheckInternal(this, preProcessedSnapshot);
6242 this.forAllProps(function (name) {
6243 node.storedValue[name] = preProcessedSnapshot[name];
6244 });
6245 }
6246 });
6247 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "applySnapshotPreProcessor", {
6248 enumerable: false,
6249 configurable: true,
6250 writable: true,
6251 value: function (snapshot) {
6252 var processor = this.preProcessor;
6253 return processor ? processor.call(null, snapshot) : snapshot;
6254 }
6255 });
6256 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "applySnapshotPostProcessor", {
6257 enumerable: false,
6258 configurable: true,
6259 writable: true,
6260 value: function (snapshot) {
6261 var postProcessor = this.postProcessor;
6262 if (postProcessor)
6263 return postProcessor.call(null, snapshot);
6264 return snapshot;
6265 }
6266 });
6267 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "getChildType", {
6268 enumerable: false,
6269 configurable: true,
6270 writable: true,
6271 value: function (propertyName) {
6272 assertIsString(propertyName, 1);
6273 return this.properties[propertyName];
6274 }
6275 });
6276 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
6277 enumerable: false,
6278 configurable: true,
6279 writable: true,
6280 value: function (value, context) {
6281 var _this = this;
6282 var snapshot = this.applySnapshotPreProcessor(value);
6283 if (!isPlainObject(snapshot)) {
6284 return typeCheckFailure(context, snapshot, "Value is not a plain object");
6285 }
6286 return flattenTypeErrors(this.propertyNames.map(function (key) {
6287 return _this.properties[key].validate(snapshot[key], getContextForPath(context, key, _this.properties[key]));
6288 }));
6289 }
6290 });
6291 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "forAllProps", {
6292 enumerable: false,
6293 configurable: true,
6294 writable: true,
6295 value: function (fn) {
6296 var _this = this;
6297 this.propertyNames.forEach(function (key) { return fn(key, _this.properties[key]); });
6298 }
6299 });
6300 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "describe", {
6301 enumerable: false,
6302 configurable: true,
6303 writable: true,
6304 value: function () {
6305 var _this = this;
6306 // optimization: cache
6307 return ("{ " +
6308 this.propertyNames
6309 .map(function (key) { return key + ": " + _this.properties[key].describe(); })
6310 .join("; ") +
6311 " }");
6312 }
6313 });
6314 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "getDefaultSnapshot", {
6315 enumerable: false,
6316 configurable: true,
6317 writable: true,
6318 value: function () {
6319 return EMPTY_OBJECT;
6320 }
6321 });
6322 Object.defineProperty(ModelType.prototype, "removeChild", {
6323 enumerable: false,
6324 configurable: true,
6325 writable: true,
6326 value: function (node, subpath) {
6327 node.storedValue[subpath] = undefined;
6328 }
6329 });
6330 return ModelType;
6332ModelType.prototype.applySnapshot = mobx.action(ModelType.prototype.applySnapshot);
6334 * `types.model` - Creates a new model type by providing a name, properties, volatile state and actions.
6335 *
6336 * See the [model type](/concepts/trees#creating-models) description or the [getting started](intro/getting-started.md#getting-started-1) tutorial.
6337 */
6338function model() {
6339 var args = [];
6340 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
6341 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
6342 }
6343 var name = typeof args[0] === "string" ? args.shift() : "AnonymousModel";
6344 var properties = args.shift() || {};
6345 return new ModelType({ name: name, properties: properties });
6348 * `types.compose` - Composes a new model from one or more existing model types.
6349 * This method can be invoked in two forms:
6350 * Given 2 or more model types, the types are composed into a new Type.
6351 * Given first parameter as a string and 2 or more model types,
6352 * the types are composed into a new Type with the given name
6353 */
6354function compose() {
6355 var args = [];
6356 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
6357 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
6358 }
6359 // TODO: just join the base type names if no name is provided
6360 var hasTypename = typeof args[0] === "string";
6361 var typeName = hasTypename ? args[0] : "AnonymousModel";
6362 if (hasTypename) {
6363 args.shift();
6364 }
6365 // check all parameters
6366 if (devMode()) {
6367 args.forEach(function (type, i) {
6368 assertArg(type, isModelType, "mobx-state-tree model type", hasTypename ? i + 2 : i + 1);
6369 });
6370 }
6371 return args
6372 .reduce(function (prev, cur) {
6373 return prev.cloneAndEnhance({
6374 name: prev.name + "_" + cur.name,
6375 properties: cur.properties,
6376 initializers: cur.initializers,
6377 preProcessor: function (snapshot) {
6378 return cur.applySnapshotPreProcessor(prev.applySnapshotPreProcessor(snapshot));
6379 },
6380 postProcessor: function (snapshot) {
6381 return cur.applySnapshotPostProcessor(prev.applySnapshotPostProcessor(snapshot));
6382 }
6383 });
6384 })
6385 .named(typeName);
6388 * Returns if a given value represents a model type.
6389 *
6390 * @param type
6391 * @returns
6392 */
6393function isModelType(type) {
6394 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Object) > 0;
6397// TODO: implement CoreType using types.custom ?
6399 * @internal
6400 * @hidden
6401 */
6402var CoreType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6403 __extends(CoreType, _super);
6404 function CoreType(name, flags, checker, initializer) {
6405 if (initializer === void 0) { initializer = identity; }
6406 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
6407 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
6408 enumerable: true,
6409 configurable: true,
6410 writable: true,
6411 value: flags
6412 });
6413 Object.defineProperty(_this, "checker", {
6414 enumerable: true,
6415 configurable: true,
6416 writable: true,
6417 value: checker
6418 });
6419 Object.defineProperty(_this, "initializer", {
6420 enumerable: true,
6421 configurable: true,
6422 writable: true,
6423 value: initializer
6424 });
6425 _this.flags = flags;
6426 return _this;
6427 }
6428 Object.defineProperty(CoreType.prototype, "describe", {
6429 enumerable: false,
6430 configurable: true,
6431 writable: true,
6432 value: function () {
6433 return this.name;
6434 }
6435 });
6436 Object.defineProperty(CoreType.prototype, "instantiate", {
6437 enumerable: false,
6438 configurable: true,
6439 writable: true,
6440 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
6441 return createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
6442 }
6443 });
6444 Object.defineProperty(CoreType.prototype, "createNewInstance", {
6445 enumerable: false,
6446 configurable: true,
6447 writable: true,
6448 value: function (snapshot) {
6449 return this.initializer(snapshot);
6450 }
6451 });
6452 Object.defineProperty(CoreType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
6453 enumerable: false,
6454 configurable: true,
6455 writable: true,
6456 value: function (value, context) {
6457 if (isPrimitive(value) && this.checker(value)) {
6458 return typeCheckSuccess();
6459 }
6460 var typeName = this.name === "Date" ? "Date or a unix milliseconds timestamp" : this.name;
6461 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not a " + typeName);
6462 }
6463 });
6464 return CoreType;
6467 * `types.string` - Creates a type that can only contain a string value.
6468 * This type is used for string values by default
6469 *
6470 * Example:
6471 * ```ts
6472 * const Person = types.model({
6473 * firstName: types.string,
6474 * lastName: "Doe"
6475 * })
6476 * ```
6477 */
6478// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
6479var string = new CoreType("string", TypeFlags.String, function (v) { return typeof v === "string"; });
6481 * `types.number` - Creates a type that can only contain a numeric value.
6482 * This type is used for numeric values by default
6483 *
6484 * Example:
6485 * ```ts
6486 * const Vector = types.model({
6487 * x: types.number,
6488 * y: 1.5
6489 * })
6490 * ```
6491 */
6492// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
6493var number = new CoreType("number", TypeFlags.Number, function (v) { return typeof v === "number"; });
6495 * `types.integer` - Creates a type that can only contain an integer value.
6496 * This type is used for integer values by default
6497 *
6498 * Example:
6499 * ```ts
6500 * const Size = types.model({
6501 * width: types.integer,
6502 * height: 10
6503 * })
6504 * ```
6505 */
6506// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
6507var integer = new CoreType("integer", TypeFlags.Integer, function (v) { return isInteger(v); });
6509 * `types.boolean` - Creates a type that can only contain a boolean value.
6510 * This type is used for boolean values by default
6511 *
6512 * Example:
6513 * ```ts
6514 * const Thing = types.model({
6515 * isCool: types.boolean,
6516 * isAwesome: false
6517 * })
6518 * ```
6519 */
6520// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
6521var boolean = new CoreType("boolean", TypeFlags.Boolean, function (v) { return typeof v === "boolean"; });
6523 * `types.null` - The type of the value `null`
6524 */
6525var nullType = new CoreType("null", TypeFlags.Null, function (v) { return v === null; });
6527 * `types.undefined` - The type of the value `undefined`
6528 */
6529var undefinedType = new CoreType("undefined", TypeFlags.Undefined, function (v) { return v === undefined; });
6530var _DatePrimitive = new CoreType("Date", TypeFlags.Date, function (v) { return typeof v === "number" || v instanceof Date; }, function (v) { return (v instanceof Date ? v : new Date(v)); });
6531_DatePrimitive.getSnapshot = function (node) {
6532 return node.storedValue.getTime();
6535 * `types.Date` - Creates a type that can only contain a javascript Date value.
6536 *
6537 * Example:
6538 * ```ts
6539 * const LogLine = types.model({
6540 * timestamp: types.Date,
6541 * })
6542 *
6543 * LogLine.create({ timestamp: new Date() })
6544 * ```
6545 */
6546var DatePrimitive = _DatePrimitive;
6548 * @internal
6549 * @hidden
6550 */
6551function getPrimitiveFactoryFromValue(value) {
6552 switch (typeof value) {
6553 case "string":
6554 return string;
6555 case "number":
6556 return number; // In the future, isInteger(value) ? integer : number would be interesting, but would be too breaking for now
6557 case "boolean":
6558 return boolean;
6559 case "object":
6560 if (value instanceof Date)
6561 return DatePrimitive;
6562 }
6563 throw fail$1("Cannot determine primitive type from value " + value);
6566 * Returns if a given value represents a primitive type.
6567 *
6568 * @param type
6569 * @returns
6570 */
6571function isPrimitiveType(type) {
6572 return (isType(type) &&
6573 (type.flags &
6574 (TypeFlags.String |
6575 TypeFlags.Number |
6576 TypeFlags.Integer |
6577 TypeFlags.Boolean |
6578 TypeFlags.Date)) >
6579 0);
6583 * @internal
6584 * @hidden
6585 */
6586var Literal = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6587 __extends(Literal, _super);
6588 function Literal(value) {
6589 var _this = _super.call(this, JSON.stringify(value)) || this;
6590 Object.defineProperty(_this, "value", {
6591 enumerable: true,
6592 configurable: true,
6593 writable: true,
6594 value: void 0
6595 });
6596 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
6597 enumerable: true,
6598 configurable: true,
6599 writable: true,
6600 value: TypeFlags.Literal
6601 });
6602 _this.value = value;
6603 return _this;
6604 }
6605 Object.defineProperty(Literal.prototype, "instantiate", {
6606 enumerable: false,
6607 configurable: true,
6608 writable: true,
6609 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
6610 return createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
6611 }
6612 });
6613 Object.defineProperty(Literal.prototype, "describe", {
6614 enumerable: false,
6615 configurable: true,
6616 writable: true,
6617 value: function () {
6618 return JSON.stringify(this.value);
6619 }
6620 });
6621 Object.defineProperty(Literal.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
6622 enumerable: false,
6623 configurable: true,
6624 writable: true,
6625 value: function (value, context) {
6626 if (isPrimitive(value) && value === this.value) {
6627 return typeCheckSuccess();
6628 }
6629 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not a literal " + JSON.stringify(this.value));
6630 }
6631 });
6632 return Literal;
6635 * `types.literal` - The literal type will return a type that will match only the exact given type.
6636 * The given value must be a primitive, in order to be serialized to a snapshot correctly.
6637 * You can use literal to match exact strings for example the exact male or female string.
6638 *
6639 * Example:
6640 * ```ts
6641 * const Person = types.model({
6642 * name: types.string,
6643 * gender: types.union(types.literal('male'), types.literal('female'))
6644 * })
6645 * ```
6646 *
6647 * @param value The value to use in the strict equal check
6648 * @returns
6649 */
6650function literal(value) {
6651 // check that the given value is a primitive
6652 assertArg(value, isPrimitive, "primitive", 1);
6653 return new Literal(value);
6656 * Returns if a given value represents a literal type.
6657 *
6658 * @param type
6659 * @returns
6660 */
6661function isLiteralType(type) {
6662 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Literal) > 0;
6665var Refinement = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6666 __extends(Refinement, _super);
6667 function Refinement(name, _subtype, _predicate, _message) {
6668 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
6669 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subtype", {
6670 enumerable: true,
6671 configurable: true,
6672 writable: true,
6673 value: _subtype
6674 });
6675 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_predicate", {
6676 enumerable: true,
6677 configurable: true,
6678 writable: true,
6679 value: _predicate
6680 });
6681 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_message", {
6682 enumerable: true,
6683 configurable: true,
6684 writable: true,
6685 value: _message
6686 });
6687 return _this;
6688 }
6689 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "flags", {
6690 get: function () {
6691 return this._subtype.flags | TypeFlags.Refinement;
6692 },
6693 enumerable: false,
6694 configurable: true
6695 });
6696 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "describe", {
6697 enumerable: false,
6698 configurable: true,
6699 writable: true,
6700 value: function () {
6701 return this.name;
6702 }
6703 });
6704 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "instantiate", {
6705 enumerable: false,
6706 configurable: true,
6707 writable: true,
6708 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
6709 // create the child type
6710 return this._subtype.instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
6711 }
6712 });
6713 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
6714 enumerable: false,
6715 configurable: true,
6716 writable: true,
6717 value: function (type) {
6718 return this._subtype.isAssignableFrom(type);
6719 }
6720 });
6721 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
6722 enumerable: false,
6723 configurable: true,
6724 writable: true,
6725 value: function (value, context) {
6726 var subtypeErrors = this._subtype.validate(value, context);
6727 if (subtypeErrors.length > 0)
6728 return subtypeErrors;
6729 var snapshot = isStateTreeNode(value) ? getStateTreeNode(value).snapshot : value;
6730 if (!this._predicate(snapshot)) {
6731 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, this._message(value));
6732 }
6733 return typeCheckSuccess();
6734 }
6735 });
6736 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "reconcile", {
6737 enumerable: false,
6738 configurable: true,
6739 writable: true,
6740 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
6741 return this._subtype.reconcile(current, newValue, parent, subpath);
6742 }
6743 });
6744 Object.defineProperty(Refinement.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
6745 enumerable: false,
6746 configurable: true,
6747 writable: true,
6748 value: function () {
6749 return this._subtype;
6750 }
6751 });
6752 return Refinement;
6755 * `types.refinement` - Creates a type that is more specific than the base type, e.g. `types.refinement(types.string, value => value.length > 5)` to create a type of strings that can only be longer then 5.
6756 *
6757 * @param name
6758 * @param type
6759 * @param predicate
6760 * @returns
6761 */
6762function refinement() {
6763 var args = [];
6764 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
6765 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
6766 }
6767 var name = typeof args[0] === "string" ? args.shift() : isType(args[0]) ? args[0].name : null;
6768 var type = args[0];
6769 var predicate = args[1];
6770 var message = args[2]
6771 ? args[2]
6772 : function (v) { return "Value does not respect the refinement predicate"; };
6773 // ensures all parameters are correct
6774 assertIsType(type, [1, 2]);
6775 assertIsString(name, 1);
6776 assertIsFunction(predicate, [2, 3]);
6777 assertIsFunction(message, [3, 4]);
6778 return new Refinement(name, type, predicate, message);
6781 * Returns if a given value is a refinement type.
6782 *
6783 * @param type
6784 * @returns
6785 */
6786function isRefinementType(type) {
6787 return (type.flags & TypeFlags.Refinement) > 0;
6791 * `types.enumeration` - Can be used to create an string based enumeration.
6792 * (note: this methods is just sugar for a union of string literals)
6793 *
6794 * Example:
6795 * ```ts
6796 * const TrafficLight = types.model({
6797 * color: types.enumeration("Color", ["Red", "Orange", "Green"])
6798 * })
6799 * ```
6800 *
6801 * @param name descriptive name of the enumeration (optional)
6802 * @param options possible values this enumeration can have
6803 * @returns
6804 */
6805function enumeration(name, options) {
6806 var realOptions = typeof name === "string" ? options : name;
6807 // check all options
6808 if (devMode()) {
6809 realOptions.forEach(function (option, i) {
6810 assertIsString(option, i + 1);
6811 });
6812 }
6813 var type = union.apply(void 0, __spread(realOptions.map(function (option) { return literal("" + option); })));
6814 if (typeof name === "string")
6815 type.name = name;
6816 return type;
6820 * @internal
6821 * @hidden
6822 */
6823var Union = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
6824 __extends(Union, _super);
6825 function Union(name, _types, options) {
6826 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
6827 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_types", {
6828 enumerable: true,
6829 configurable: true,
6830 writable: true,
6831 value: _types
6832 });
6833 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_dispatcher", {
6834 enumerable: true,
6835 configurable: true,
6836 writable: true,
6837 value: void 0
6838 });
6839 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_eager", {
6840 enumerable: true,
6841 configurable: true,
6842 writable: true,
6843 value: true
6844 });
6845 options = __assign({ eager: true, dispatcher: undefined }, options);
6846 _this._dispatcher = options.dispatcher;
6847 if (!options.eager)
6848 _this._eager = false;
6849 return _this;
6850 }
6851 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "flags", {
6852 get: function () {
6853 var result = TypeFlags.Union;
6854 this._types.forEach(function (type) {
6855 result |= type.flags;
6856 });
6857 return result;
6858 },
6859 enumerable: false,
6860 configurable: true
6861 });
6862 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
6863 enumerable: false,
6864 configurable: true,
6865 writable: true,
6866 value: function (type) {
6867 return this._types.some(function (subType) { return subType.isAssignableFrom(type); });
6868 }
6869 });
6870 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "describe", {
6871 enumerable: false,
6872 configurable: true,
6873 writable: true,
6874 value: function () {
6875 return "(" + this._types.map(function (factory) { return factory.describe(); }).join(" | ") + ")";
6876 }
6877 });
6878 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "instantiate", {
6879 enumerable: false,
6880 configurable: true,
6881 writable: true,
6882 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
6883 var type = this.determineType(initialValue, undefined);
6884 if (!type)
6885 throw fail$1("No matching type for union " + this.describe()); // can happen in prod builds
6886 return type.instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
6887 }
6888 });
6889 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "reconcile", {
6890 enumerable: false,
6891 configurable: true,
6892 writable: true,
6893 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
6894 var type = this.determineType(newValue, current.type);
6895 if (!type)
6896 throw fail$1("No matching type for union " + this.describe()); // can happen in prod builds
6897 return type.reconcile(current, newValue, parent, subpath);
6898 }
6899 });
6900 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "determineType", {
6901 enumerable: false,
6902 configurable: true,
6903 writable: true,
6904 value: function (value, reconcileCurrentType) {
6905 // try the dispatcher, if defined
6906 if (this._dispatcher) {
6907 return this._dispatcher(value);
6908 }
6909 // find the most accomodating type
6910 // if we are using reconciliation try the current node type first (fix for #1045)
6911 if (reconcileCurrentType) {
6912 if (reconcileCurrentType.is(value)) {
6913 return reconcileCurrentType;
6914 }
6915 return this._types
6916 .filter(function (t) { return t !== reconcileCurrentType; })
6917 .find(function (type) { return type.is(value); });
6918 }
6919 else {
6920 return this._types.find(function (type) { return type.is(value); });
6921 }
6922 }
6923 });
6924 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
6925 enumerable: false,
6926 configurable: true,
6927 writable: true,
6928 value: function (value, context) {
6929 if (this._dispatcher) {
6930 return this._dispatcher(value).validate(value, context);
6931 }
6932 var allErrors = [];
6933 var applicableTypes = 0;
6934 for (var i = 0; i < this._types.length; i++) {
6935 var type = this._types[i];
6936 var errors = type.validate(value, context);
6937 if (errors.length === 0) {
6938 if (this._eager)
6939 return typeCheckSuccess();
6940 else
6941 applicableTypes++;
6942 }
6943 else {
6944 allErrors.push(errors);
6945 }
6946 }
6947 if (applicableTypes === 1)
6948 return typeCheckSuccess();
6949 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "No type is applicable for the union").concat(flattenTypeErrors(allErrors));
6950 }
6951 });
6952 Object.defineProperty(Union.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
6953 enumerable: false,
6954 configurable: true,
6955 writable: true,
6956 value: function () {
6957 return this._types;
6958 }
6959 });
6960 return Union;
6963 * `types.union` - Create a union of multiple types. If the correct type cannot be inferred unambiguously from a snapshot, provide a dispatcher function of the form `(snapshot) => Type`.
6964 *
6965 * @param optionsOrType
6966 * @param otherTypes
6967 * @returns
6968 */
6969function union(optionsOrType) {
6970 var otherTypes = [];
6971 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
6972 otherTypes[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
6973 }
6974 var options = isType(optionsOrType) ? undefined : optionsOrType;
6975 var types = isType(optionsOrType) ? __spread([optionsOrType], otherTypes) : otherTypes;
6976 var name = "(" + types.map(function (type) { return type.name; }).join(" | ") + ")";
6977 // check all options
6978 if (devMode()) {
6979 if (options) {
6980 assertArg(options, function (o) { return isPlainObject(o); }, "object { eager?: boolean, dispatcher?: Function }", 1);
6981 }
6982 types.forEach(function (type, i) {
6983 assertIsType(type, options ? i + 2 : i + 1);
6984 });
6985 }
6986 return new Union(name, types, options);
6989 * Returns if a given value represents a union type.
6990 *
6991 * @param type
6992 * @returns
6993 */
6994function isUnionType(type) {
6995 return (type.flags & TypeFlags.Union) > 0;
6999 * @hidden
7000 * @internal
7001 */
7002var OptionalValue = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7003 __extends(OptionalValue, _super);
7004 function OptionalValue(_subtype, _defaultValue, optionalValues) {
7005 var _this = _super.call(this, _subtype.name) || this;
7006 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subtype", {
7007 enumerable: true,
7008 configurable: true,
7009 writable: true,
7010 value: _subtype
7011 });
7012 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_defaultValue", {
7013 enumerable: true,
7014 configurable: true,
7015 writable: true,
7016 value: _defaultValue
7017 });
7018 Object.defineProperty(_this, "optionalValues", {
7019 enumerable: true,
7020 configurable: true,
7021 writable: true,
7022 value: optionalValues
7023 });
7024 return _this;
7025 }
7026 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "flags", {
7027 get: function () {
7028 return this._subtype.flags | TypeFlags.Optional;
7029 },
7030 enumerable: false,
7031 configurable: true
7032 });
7033 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "describe", {
7034 enumerable: false,
7035 configurable: true,
7036 writable: true,
7037 value: function () {
7038 return this._subtype.describe() + "?";
7039 }
7040 });
7041 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "instantiate", {
7042 enumerable: false,
7043 configurable: true,
7044 writable: true,
7045 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
7046 if (this.optionalValues.indexOf(initialValue) >= 0) {
7047 var defaultInstanceOrSnapshot = this.getDefaultInstanceOrSnapshot();
7048 return this._subtype.instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, defaultInstanceOrSnapshot);
7049 }
7050 return this._subtype.instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
7051 }
7052 });
7053 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "reconcile", {
7054 enumerable: false,
7055 configurable: true,
7056 writable: true,
7057 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
7058 return this._subtype.reconcile(current, this.optionalValues.indexOf(newValue) < 0 && this._subtype.is(newValue)
7059 ? newValue
7060 : this.getDefaultInstanceOrSnapshot(), parent, subpath);
7061 }
7062 });
7063 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "getDefaultInstanceOrSnapshot", {
7064 enumerable: false,
7065 configurable: true,
7066 writable: true,
7067 value: function () {
7068 var defaultInstanceOrSnapshot = typeof this._defaultValue === "function"
7069 ? this._defaultValue()
7070 : this._defaultValue;
7071 // while static values are already snapshots and checked on types.optional
7072 // generator functions must always be rechecked just in case
7073 if (typeof this._defaultValue === "function") {
7074 typecheckInternal(this, defaultInstanceOrSnapshot);
7075 }
7076 return defaultInstanceOrSnapshot;
7077 }
7078 });
7079 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
7080 enumerable: false,
7081 configurable: true,
7082 writable: true,
7083 value: function (value, context) {
7084 // defaulted values can be skipped
7085 if (this.optionalValues.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
7086 return typeCheckSuccess();
7087 }
7088 // bounce validation to the sub-type
7089 return this._subtype.validate(value, context);
7090 }
7091 });
7092 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
7093 enumerable: false,
7094 configurable: true,
7095 writable: true,
7096 value: function (type) {
7097 return this._subtype.isAssignableFrom(type);
7098 }
7099 });
7100 Object.defineProperty(OptionalValue.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
7101 enumerable: false,
7102 configurable: true,
7103 writable: true,
7104 value: function () {
7105 return this._subtype;
7106 }
7107 });
7108 return OptionalValue;
7110function checkOptionalPreconditions(type, defaultValueOrFunction) {
7111 // make sure we never pass direct instances
7112 if (typeof defaultValueOrFunction !== "function" && isStateTreeNode(defaultValueOrFunction)) {
7113 throw fail$1("default value cannot be an instance, pass a snapshot or a function that creates an instance/snapshot instead");
7114 }
7115 assertIsType(type, 1);
7116 if (devMode()) {
7117 // we only check default values if they are passed directly
7118 // if they are generator functions they will be checked once they are generated
7119 // we don't check generator function results here to avoid generating a node just for type-checking purposes
7120 // which might generate side-effects
7121 if (typeof defaultValueOrFunction !== "function") {
7122 typecheckInternal(type, defaultValueOrFunction);
7123 }
7124 }
7127 * `types.optional` - Can be used to create a property with a default value.
7128 *
7129 * Depending on the third argument (`optionalValues`) there are two ways of operation:
7130 * - If the argument is not provided, then if a value is not provided in the snapshot (`undefined` or missing),
7131 * it will default to the provided `defaultValue`
7132 * - If the argument is provided, then if the value in the snapshot matches one of the optional values inside the array then it will
7133 * default to the provided `defaultValue`. Additionally, if one of the optional values inside the array is `undefined` then a missing
7134 * property is also valid.
7135 *
7136 * Note that it is also possible to include values of the same type as the intended subtype as optional values,
7137 * in this case the optional value will be transformed into the `defaultValue` (e.g. `types.optional(types.string, "unnamed", [undefined, ""])`
7138 * will transform the snapshot values `undefined` (and therefore missing) and empty strings into the string `"unnamed"` when it gets
7139 * instantiated).
7140 *
7141 * If `defaultValue` is a function, the function will be invoked for every new instance.
7142 * Applying a snapshot in which the optional value is one of the optional values (or `undefined`/_not_ present if none are provided) causes the
7143 * value to be reset.
7144 *
7145 * Example:
7146 * ```ts
7147 * const Todo = types.model({
7148 * title: types.string,
7149 * subtitle1: types.optional(types.string, "", [null]),
7150 * subtitle2: types.optional(types.string, "", [null, undefined]),
7151 * done: types.optional(types.boolean, false),
7152 * created: types.optional(types.Date, () => new Date()),
7153 * })
7154 *
7155 * // if done is missing / undefined it will become false
7156 * // if created is missing / undefined it will get a freshly generated timestamp
7157 * // if subtitle1 is null it will default to "", but it cannot be missing or undefined
7158 * // if subtitle2 is null or undefined it will default to ""; since it can be undefined it can also be missing
7159 * const todo = Todo.create({ title: "Get coffee", subtitle1: null })
7160 * ```
7161 *
7162 * @param type
7163 * @param defaultValueOrFunction
7164 * @param optionalValues an optional array with zero or more primitive values (string, number, boolean, null or undefined)
7165 * that will be converted into the default. `[ undefined ]` is assumed when none is provided
7166 * @returns
7167 */
7168function optional(type, defaultValueOrFunction, optionalValues) {
7169 checkOptionalPreconditions(type, defaultValueOrFunction);
7170 return new OptionalValue(type, defaultValueOrFunction, optionalValues ? optionalValues : undefinedAsOptionalValues);
7172var undefinedAsOptionalValues = [undefined];
7174 * Returns if a value represents an optional type.
7175 *
7176 * @template IT
7177 * @param type
7178 * @returns
7179 */
7180function isOptionalType(type) {
7181 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Optional) > 0;
7184var optionalUndefinedType = optional(undefinedType, undefined);
7185var optionalNullType = optional(nullType, null);
7187 * `types.maybe` - Maybe will make a type nullable, and also optional.
7188 * The value `undefined` will be used to represent nullability.
7189 *
7190 * @param type
7191 * @returns
7192 */
7193function maybe(type) {
7194 assertIsType(type, 1);
7195 return union(type, optionalUndefinedType);
7198 * `types.maybeNull` - Maybe will make a type nullable, and also optional.
7199 * The value `null` will be used to represent no value.
7200 *
7201 * @param type
7202 * @returns
7203 */
7204function maybeNull(type) {
7205 assertIsType(type, 1);
7206 return union(type, optionalNullType);
7209var Late = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7210 __extends(Late, _super);
7211 function Late(name, _definition) {
7212 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
7213 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_definition", {
7214 enumerable: true,
7215 configurable: true,
7216 writable: true,
7217 value: _definition
7218 });
7219 Object.defineProperty(_this, "_subType", {
7220 enumerable: true,
7221 configurable: true,
7222 writable: true,
7223 value: void 0
7224 });
7225 return _this;
7226 }
7227 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "flags", {
7228 get: function () {
7229 return (this._subType ? this._subType.flags : 0) | TypeFlags.Late;
7230 },
7231 enumerable: false,
7232 configurable: true
7233 });
7234 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "getSubType", {
7235 enumerable: false,
7236 configurable: true,
7237 writable: true,
7238 value: function (mustSucceed) {
7239 if (!this._subType) {
7240 var t = undefined;
7241 try {
7242 t = this._definition();
7243 }
7244 catch (e) {
7245 if (e instanceof ReferenceError)
7246 // can happen in strict ES5 code when a definition is self refering
7247 t = undefined;
7248 else
7249 throw e;
7250 }
7251 if (mustSucceed && t === undefined)
7252 throw fail$1("Late type seems to be used too early, the definition (still) returns undefined");
7253 if (t) {
7254 if (devMode() && !isType(t))
7255 throw fail$1("Failed to determine subtype, make sure types.late returns a type definition.");
7256 this._subType = t;
7257 }
7258 }
7259 return this._subType;
7260 }
7261 });
7262 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "instantiate", {
7263 enumerable: false,
7264 configurable: true,
7265 writable: true,
7266 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
7267 return this.getSubType(true).instantiate(parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
7268 }
7269 });
7270 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "reconcile", {
7271 enumerable: false,
7272 configurable: true,
7273 writable: true,
7274 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
7275 return this.getSubType(true).reconcile(current, newValue, parent, subpath);
7276 }
7277 });
7278 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "describe", {
7279 enumerable: false,
7280 configurable: true,
7281 writable: true,
7282 value: function () {
7283 var t = this.getSubType(false);
7284 return t ? t.name : "<uknown late type>";
7285 }
7286 });
7287 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
7288 enumerable: false,
7289 configurable: true,
7290 writable: true,
7291 value: function (value, context) {
7292 var t = this.getSubType(false);
7293 if (!t) {
7294 // See #916; the variable the definition closure is pointing to wasn't defined yet, so can't be evaluted yet here
7295 return typeCheckSuccess();
7296 }
7297 return t.validate(value, context);
7298 }
7299 });
7300 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
7301 enumerable: false,
7302 configurable: true,
7303 writable: true,
7304 value: function (type) {
7305 var t = this.getSubType(false);
7306 return t ? t.isAssignableFrom(type) : false;
7307 }
7308 });
7309 Object.defineProperty(Late.prototype, "getSubTypes", {
7310 enumerable: false,
7311 configurable: true,
7312 writable: true,
7313 value: function () {
7314 var subtype = this.getSubType(false);
7315 return subtype ? subtype : cannotDetermineSubtype;
7316 }
7317 });
7318 return Late;
7321 * `types.late` - Defines a type that gets implemented later. This is useful when you have to deal with circular dependencies.
7322 * Please notice that when defining circular dependencies TypeScript isn't smart enough to inference them.
7323 *
7324 * Example:
7325 * ```ts
7326 * // TypeScript isn't smart enough to infer self referencing types.
7327 * const Node = types.model({
7328 * children: types.array(types.late((): IAnyModelType => Node)) // then typecast each array element to Instance<typeof Node>
7329 * })
7330 * ```
7331 *
7332 * @param name The name to use for the type that will be returned.
7333 * @param type A function that returns the type that will be defined.
7334 * @returns
7335 */
7336function late(nameOrType, maybeType) {
7337 var name = typeof nameOrType === "string" ? nameOrType : "late(" + nameOrType.toString() + ")";
7338 var type = typeof nameOrType === "string" ? maybeType : nameOrType;
7339 // checks that the type is actually a late type
7340 if (devMode()) {
7341 if (!(typeof type === "function" && type.length === 0))
7342 throw fail$1("Invalid late type, expected a function with zero arguments that returns a type, got: " +
7343 type);
7344 }
7345 return new Late(name, type);
7348 * Returns if a given value represents a late type.
7349 *
7350 * @param type
7351 * @returns
7352 */
7353function isLateType(type) {
7354 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Late) > 0;
7358 * @internal
7359 * @hidden
7360 */
7361var Frozen = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7362 __extends(Frozen, _super);
7363 function Frozen(subType) {
7364 var _this = _super.call(this, subType ? "frozen(" + subType.name + ")" : "frozen") || this;
7365 Object.defineProperty(_this, "subType", {
7366 enumerable: true,
7367 configurable: true,
7368 writable: true,
7369 value: subType
7370 });
7371 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
7372 enumerable: true,
7373 configurable: true,
7374 writable: true,
7375 value: TypeFlags.Frozen
7376 });
7377 return _this;
7378 }
7379 Object.defineProperty(Frozen.prototype, "describe", {
7380 enumerable: false,
7381 configurable: true,
7382 writable: true,
7383 value: function () {
7384 return "<any immutable value>";
7385 }
7386 });
7387 Object.defineProperty(Frozen.prototype, "instantiate", {
7388 enumerable: false,
7389 configurable: true,
7390 writable: true,
7391 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, value) {
7392 // create the node
7393 return createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, deepFreeze(value));
7394 }
7395 });
7396 Object.defineProperty(Frozen.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
7397 enumerable: false,
7398 configurable: true,
7399 writable: true,
7400 value: function (value, context) {
7401 if (!isSerializable(value)) {
7402 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not serializable and cannot be frozen");
7403 }
7404 if (this.subType)
7405 return this.subType.validate(value, context);
7406 return typeCheckSuccess();
7407 }
7408 });
7409 return Frozen;
7411var untypedFrozenInstance = new Frozen();
7413 * `types.frozen` - Frozen can be used to store any value that is serializable in itself (that is valid JSON).
7414 * Frozen values need to be immutable or treated as if immutable. They need be serializable as well.
7415 * Values stored in frozen will snapshotted as-is by MST, and internal changes will not be tracked.
7416 *
7417 * This is useful to store complex, but immutable values like vectors etc. It can form a powerful bridge to parts of your application that should be immutable, or that assume data to be immutable.
7418 *
7419 * Note: if you want to store free-form state that is mutable, or not serializeable, consider using volatile state instead.
7420 *
7421 * Frozen properties can be defined in three different ways
7422 * 1. `types.frozen(SubType)` - provide a valid MST type and frozen will check if the provided data conforms the snapshot for that type
7423 * 2. `types.frozen({ someDefaultValue: true})` - provide a primitive value, object or array, and MST will infer the type from that object, and also make it the default value for the field
7424 * 3. `types.frozen<TypeScriptType>()` - provide a typescript type, to help in strongly typing the field (design time only)
7425 *
7426 * Example:
7427 * ```ts
7428 * const GameCharacter = types.model({
7429 * name: string,
7430 * location: types.frozen({ x: 0, y: 0})
7431 * })
7432 *
7433 * const hero = GameCharacter.create({
7434 * name: "Mario",
7435 * location: { x: 7, y: 4 }
7436 * })
7437 *
7438 * hero.location = { x: 10, y: 2 } // OK
7439 * hero.location.x = 7 // Not ok!
7440 * ```
7441 *
7442 * ```ts
7443 * type Point = { x: number, y: number }
7444 * const Mouse = types.model({
7445 * loc: types.frozen<Point>()
7446 * })
7447 * ```
7448 *
7449 * @param defaultValueOrType
7450 * @returns
7451 */
7452function frozen(arg) {
7453 if (arguments.length === 0)
7454 return untypedFrozenInstance;
7455 else if (isType(arg))
7456 return new Frozen(arg);
7457 else
7458 return optional(untypedFrozenInstance, arg);
7461 * Returns if a given value represents a frozen type.
7462 *
7463 * @param type
7464 * @returns
7465 */
7466function isFrozenType(type) {
7467 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Frozen) > 0;
7470function getInvalidationCause(hook) {
7471 switch (hook) {
7472 case Hook.beforeDestroy:
7473 return "destroy";
7474 case Hook.beforeDetach:
7475 return "detach";
7476 default:
7477 return undefined;
7478 }
7480var StoredReference = /** @class */ (function () {
7481 function StoredReference(value, targetType) {
7482 Object.defineProperty(this, "targetType", {
7483 enumerable: true,
7484 configurable: true,
7485 writable: true,
7486 value: targetType
7487 });
7488 Object.defineProperty(this, "identifier", {
7489 enumerable: true,
7490 configurable: true,
7491 writable: true,
7492 value: void 0
7493 });
7494 Object.defineProperty(this, "node", {
7495 enumerable: true,
7496 configurable: true,
7497 writable: true,
7498 value: void 0
7499 });
7500 Object.defineProperty(this, "resolvedReference", {
7501 enumerable: true,
7502 configurable: true,
7503 writable: true,
7504 value: void 0
7505 });
7506 if (isValidIdentifier(value)) {
7507 this.identifier = value;
7508 }
7509 else if (isStateTreeNode(value)) {
7510 var targetNode = getStateTreeNode(value);
7511 if (!targetNode.identifierAttribute)
7512 throw fail$1("Can only store references with a defined identifier attribute.");
7513 var id = targetNode.unnormalizedIdentifier;
7514 if (id === null || id === undefined) {
7515 throw fail$1("Can only store references to tree nodes with a defined identifier.");
7516 }
7517 this.identifier = id;
7518 }
7519 else {
7520 throw fail$1("Can only store references to tree nodes or identifiers, got: '" + value + "'");
7521 }
7522 }
7523 Object.defineProperty(StoredReference.prototype, "updateResolvedReference", {
7524 enumerable: false,
7525 configurable: true,
7526 writable: true,
7527 value: function (node) {
7528 var normalizedId = normalizeIdentifier(this.identifier);
7529 var root = node.root;
7530 var lastCacheModification = root.identifierCache.getLastCacheModificationPerId(normalizedId);
7531 if (!this.resolvedReference ||
7532 this.resolvedReference.lastCacheModification !== lastCacheModification) {
7533 var targetType = this.targetType;
7534 // reference was initialized with the identifier of the target
7535 var target = root.identifierCache.resolve(targetType, normalizedId);
7536 if (!target) {
7537 throw new InvalidReferenceError("[mobx-state-tree] Failed to resolve reference '" + this.identifier + "' to type '" + this.targetType.name + "' (from node: " + node.path + ")");
7538 }
7539 this.resolvedReference = {
7540 node: target,
7541 lastCacheModification: lastCacheModification
7542 };
7543 }
7544 }
7545 });
7546 Object.defineProperty(StoredReference.prototype, "resolvedValue", {
7547 get: function () {
7548 this.updateResolvedReference(this.node);
7549 return this.resolvedReference.node.value;
7550 },
7551 enumerable: false,
7552 configurable: true
7553 });
7554 return StoredReference;
7557 * @internal
7558 * @hidden
7559 */
7560var InvalidReferenceError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7561 __extends(InvalidReferenceError, _super);
7562 function InvalidReferenceError(m) {
7563 var _this = _super.call(this, m) || this;
7564 Object.setPrototypeOf(_this, InvalidReferenceError.prototype);
7565 return _this;
7566 }
7567 return InvalidReferenceError;
7570 * @internal
7571 * @hidden
7572 */
7573var BaseReferenceType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7574 __extends(BaseReferenceType, _super);
7575 function BaseReferenceType(targetType, onInvalidated) {
7576 var _this = _super.call(this, "reference(" + targetType.name + ")") || this;
7577 Object.defineProperty(_this, "targetType", {
7578 enumerable: true,
7579 configurable: true,
7580 writable: true,
7581 value: targetType
7582 });
7583 Object.defineProperty(_this, "onInvalidated", {
7584 enumerable: true,
7585 configurable: true,
7586 writable: true,
7587 value: onInvalidated
7588 });
7589 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
7590 enumerable: true,
7591 configurable: true,
7592 writable: true,
7593 value: TypeFlags.Reference
7594 });
7595 return _this;
7596 }
7597 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "describe", {
7598 enumerable: false,
7599 configurable: true,
7600 writable: true,
7601 value: function () {
7602 return this.name;
7603 }
7604 });
7605 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "isAssignableFrom", {
7606 enumerable: false,
7607 configurable: true,
7608 writable: true,
7609 value: function (type) {
7610 return this.targetType.isAssignableFrom(type);
7611 }
7612 });
7613 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
7614 enumerable: false,
7615 configurable: true,
7616 writable: true,
7617 value: function (value, context) {
7618 return isValidIdentifier(value)
7619 ? typeCheckSuccess()
7620 : typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not a valid identifier, which is a string or a number");
7621 }
7622 });
7623 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "fireInvalidated", {
7624 enumerable: false,
7625 configurable: true,
7626 writable: true,
7627 value: function (cause, storedRefNode, referenceId, refTargetNode) {
7628 // to actually invalidate a reference we need an alive parent,
7629 // since it is a scalar value (immutable-ish) and we need to change it
7630 // from the parent
7631 var storedRefParentNode = storedRefNode.parent;
7632 if (!storedRefParentNode || !storedRefParentNode.isAlive) {
7633 return;
7634 }
7635 var storedRefParentValue = storedRefParentNode.storedValue;
7636 if (!storedRefParentValue) {
7637 return;
7638 }
7639 this.onInvalidated({
7640 cause: cause,
7641 parent: storedRefParentValue,
7642 invalidTarget: refTargetNode ? refTargetNode.storedValue : undefined,
7643 invalidId: referenceId,
7644 replaceRef: function (newRef) {
7645 applyPatch(storedRefNode.root.storedValue, {
7646 op: "replace",
7647 value: newRef,
7648 path: storedRefNode.path
7649 });
7650 },
7651 removeRef: function () {
7652 if (isModelType(storedRefParentNode.type)) {
7653 this.replaceRef(undefined);
7654 }
7655 else {
7656 applyPatch(storedRefNode.root.storedValue, {
7657 op: "remove",
7658 path: storedRefNode.path
7659 });
7660 }
7661 }
7662 });
7663 }
7664 });
7665 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "addTargetNodeWatcher", {
7666 enumerable: false,
7667 configurable: true,
7668 writable: true,
7669 value: function (storedRefNode, referenceId) {
7670 var _this = this;
7671 // this will make sure the target node becomes created
7672 var refTargetValue = this.getValue(storedRefNode);
7673 if (!refTargetValue) {
7674 return undefined;
7675 }
7676 var refTargetNode = getStateTreeNode(refTargetValue);
7677 var hookHandler = function (_, refTargetNodeHook) {
7678 var cause = getInvalidationCause(refTargetNodeHook);
7679 if (!cause) {
7680 return;
7681 }
7682 _this.fireInvalidated(cause, storedRefNode, referenceId, refTargetNode);
7683 };
7684 var refTargetDetachHookDisposer = refTargetNode.registerHook(Hook.beforeDetach, hookHandler);
7685 var refTargetDestroyHookDisposer = refTargetNode.registerHook(Hook.beforeDestroy, hookHandler);
7686 return function () {
7687 refTargetDetachHookDisposer();
7688 refTargetDestroyHookDisposer();
7689 };
7690 }
7691 });
7692 Object.defineProperty(BaseReferenceType.prototype, "watchTargetNodeForInvalidations", {
7693 enumerable: false,
7694 configurable: true,
7695 writable: true,
7696 value: function (storedRefNode, identifier, customGetSet) {
7697 var _this = this;
7698 if (!this.onInvalidated) {
7699 return;
7700 }
7701 var onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer;
7702 // get rid of the watcher hook when the stored ref node is destroyed
7703 // detached is ignored since scalar nodes (where the reference resides) cannot be detached
7704 storedRefNode.registerHook(Hook.beforeDestroy, function () {
7705 if (onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer) {
7706 onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer();
7707 }
7708 });
7709 var startWatching = function (sync) {
7710 // re-create hook in case the stored ref gets reattached
7711 if (onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer) {
7712 onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer();
7713 }
7714 // make sure the target node is actually there and initialized
7715 var storedRefParentNode = storedRefNode.parent;
7716 var storedRefParentValue = storedRefParentNode && storedRefParentNode.storedValue;
7717 if (storedRefParentNode && storedRefParentNode.isAlive && storedRefParentValue) {
7718 var refTargetNodeExists = void 0;
7719 if (customGetSet) {
7720 refTargetNodeExists = !!customGetSet.get(identifier, storedRefParentValue);
7721 }
7722 else {
7723 refTargetNodeExists = storedRefNode.root.identifierCache.has(_this.targetType, normalizeIdentifier(identifier));
7724 }
7725 if (!refTargetNodeExists) {
7726 // we cannot change the reference in sync mode
7727 // since we are in the middle of a reconciliation/instantiation and the change would be overwritten
7728 // for those cases just let the wrong reference be assigned and fail upon usage
7729 // (like current references do)
7730 // this means that effectively this code will only run when it is created from a snapshot
7731 if (!sync) {
7732 _this.fireInvalidated("invalidSnapshotReference", storedRefNode, identifier, null);
7733 }
7734 }
7735 else {
7736 onRefTargetDestroyedHookDisposer = _this.addTargetNodeWatcher(storedRefNode, identifier);
7737 }
7738 }
7739 };
7740 if (storedRefNode.state === NodeLifeCycle.FINALIZED) {
7741 // already attached, so the whole tree is ready
7742 startWatching(true);
7743 }
7744 else {
7745 if (!storedRefNode.isRoot) {
7746 // start watching once the whole tree is ready
7747 storedRefNode.root.registerHook(Hook.afterCreationFinalization, function () {
7748 // make sure to attach it so it can start listening
7749 if (storedRefNode.parent) {
7750 storedRefNode.parent.createObservableInstanceIfNeeded();
7751 }
7752 });
7753 }
7754 // start watching once the node is attached somewhere / parent changes
7755 storedRefNode.registerHook(Hook.afterAttach, function () {
7756 startWatching(false);
7757 });
7758 }
7759 }
7760 });
7761 return BaseReferenceType;
7764 * @internal
7765 * @hidden
7766 */
7767var IdentifierReferenceType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7768 __extends(IdentifierReferenceType, _super);
7769 function IdentifierReferenceType(targetType, onInvalidated) {
7770 return _super.call(this, targetType, onInvalidated) || this;
7771 }
7772 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierReferenceType.prototype, "getValue", {
7773 enumerable: false,
7774 configurable: true,
7775 writable: true,
7776 value: function (storedRefNode) {
7777 if (!storedRefNode.isAlive)
7778 return undefined;
7779 var storedRef = storedRefNode.storedValue;
7780 return storedRef.resolvedValue;
7781 }
7782 });
7783 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierReferenceType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
7784 enumerable: false,
7785 configurable: true,
7786 writable: true,
7787 value: function (storedRefNode) {
7788 var ref = storedRefNode.storedValue;
7789 return ref.identifier;
7790 }
7791 });
7792 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierReferenceType.prototype, "instantiate", {
7793 enumerable: false,
7794 configurable: true,
7795 writable: true,
7796 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
7797 var identifier = isStateTreeNode(initialValue)
7798 ? getIdentifier(initialValue)
7799 : initialValue;
7800 var storedRef = new StoredReference(initialValue, this.targetType);
7801 var storedRefNode = createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, storedRef);
7802 storedRef.node = storedRefNode;
7803 this.watchTargetNodeForInvalidations(storedRefNode, identifier, undefined);
7804 return storedRefNode;
7805 }
7806 });
7807 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierReferenceType.prototype, "reconcile", {
7808 enumerable: false,
7809 configurable: true,
7810 writable: true,
7811 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
7812 if (!current.isDetaching && current.type === this) {
7813 var compareByValue = isStateTreeNode(newValue);
7814 var ref = current.storedValue;
7815 if ((!compareByValue && ref.identifier === newValue) ||
7816 (compareByValue && ref.resolvedValue === newValue)) {
7817 current.setParent(parent, subpath);
7818 return current;
7819 }
7820 }
7821 var newNode = this.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, newValue);
7822 current.die(); // noop if detaching
7823 return newNode;
7824 }
7825 });
7826 return IdentifierReferenceType;
7829 * @internal
7830 * @hidden
7831 */
7832var CustomReferenceType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7833 __extends(CustomReferenceType, _super);
7834 function CustomReferenceType(targetType, options, onInvalidated) {
7835 var _this = _super.call(this, targetType, onInvalidated) || this;
7836 Object.defineProperty(_this, "options", {
7837 enumerable: true,
7838 configurable: true,
7839 writable: true,
7840 value: options
7841 });
7842 return _this;
7843 }
7844 Object.defineProperty(CustomReferenceType.prototype, "getValue", {
7845 enumerable: false,
7846 configurable: true,
7847 writable: true,
7848 value: function (storedRefNode) {
7849 if (!storedRefNode.isAlive)
7850 return undefined;
7851 var referencedNode = this.options.get(storedRefNode.storedValue, storedRefNode.parent ? storedRefNode.parent.storedValue : null);
7852 return referencedNode;
7853 }
7854 });
7855 Object.defineProperty(CustomReferenceType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
7856 enumerable: false,
7857 configurable: true,
7858 writable: true,
7859 value: function (storedRefNode) {
7860 return storedRefNode.storedValue;
7861 }
7862 });
7863 Object.defineProperty(CustomReferenceType.prototype, "instantiate", {
7864 enumerable: false,
7865 configurable: true,
7866 writable: true,
7867 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, newValue) {
7868 var identifier = isStateTreeNode(newValue)
7869 ? this.options.set(newValue, parent ? parent.storedValue : null)
7870 : newValue;
7871 var storedRefNode = createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, identifier);
7872 this.watchTargetNodeForInvalidations(storedRefNode, identifier, this.options);
7873 return storedRefNode;
7874 }
7875 });
7876 Object.defineProperty(CustomReferenceType.prototype, "reconcile", {
7877 enumerable: false,
7878 configurable: true,
7879 writable: true,
7880 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
7881 var newIdentifier = isStateTreeNode(newValue)
7882 ? this.options.set(newValue, current ? current.storedValue : null)
7883 : newValue;
7884 if (!current.isDetaching &&
7885 current.type === this &&
7886 current.storedValue === newIdentifier) {
7887 current.setParent(parent, subpath);
7888 return current;
7889 }
7890 var newNode = this.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, newIdentifier);
7891 current.die(); // noop if detaching
7892 return newNode;
7893 }
7894 });
7895 return CustomReferenceType;
7898 * `types.reference` - Creates a reference to another type, which should have defined an identifier.
7899 * See also the [reference and identifiers](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-state-tree#references-and-identifiers) section.
7900 */
7901function reference(subType, options) {
7902 assertIsType(subType, 1);
7903 if (devMode()) {
7904 if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof arguments[1] === "string") {
7905 // istanbul ignore next
7906 throw fail$1("References with base path are no longer supported. Please remove the base path.");
7907 }
7908 }
7909 var getSetOptions = options ? options : undefined;
7910 var onInvalidated = options
7911 ? options.onInvalidated
7912 : undefined;
7913 if (getSetOptions && (getSetOptions.get || getSetOptions.set)) {
7914 if (devMode()) {
7915 if (!getSetOptions.get || !getSetOptions.set) {
7916 throw fail$1("reference options must either contain both a 'get' and a 'set' method or none of them");
7917 }
7918 }
7919 return new CustomReferenceType(subType, {
7920 get: getSetOptions.get,
7921 set: getSetOptions.set
7922 }, onInvalidated);
7923 }
7924 else {
7925 return new IdentifierReferenceType(subType, onInvalidated);
7926 }
7929 * Returns if a given value represents a reference type.
7930 *
7931 * @param type
7932 * @returns
7933 */
7934function isReferenceType(type) {
7935 return (type.flags & TypeFlags.Reference) > 0;
7938 * `types.safeReference` - A safe reference is like a standard reference, except that it accepts the undefined value by default
7939 * and automatically sets itself to undefined (when the parent is a model) / removes itself from arrays and maps
7940 * when the reference it is pointing to gets detached/destroyed.
7941 *
7942 * The optional options parameter object accepts a parameter named `acceptsUndefined`, which is set to true by default, so it is suitable
7943 * for model properties.
7944 * When used inside collections (arrays/maps), it is recommended to set this option to false so it can't take undefined as value,
7945 * which is usually the desired in those cases.
7946 * Additionally, the optional options parameter object accepts a parameter named `onInvalidated`, which will be called when the reference target node that the reference is pointing to is about to be detached/destroyed
7947 *
7948 * Strictly speaking it is a `types.maybe(types.reference(X))` (when `acceptsUndefined` is set to true, the default) and
7949 * `types.reference(X)` (when `acceptsUndefined` is set to false), both of them with a customized `onInvalidated` option.
7950 *
7951 * @param subType
7952 * @param options
7953 * @returns
7954 */
7955function safeReference(subType, options) {
7956 var refType = reference(subType, __assign(__assign({}, options), { onInvalidated: function (ev) {
7957 if (options && options.onInvalidated) {
7958 options.onInvalidated(ev);
7959 }
7960 ev.removeRef();
7961 } }));
7962 if (options && options.acceptsUndefined === false) {
7963 return refType;
7964 }
7965 else {
7966 return maybe(refType);
7967 }
7970var BaseIdentifierType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
7971 __extends(BaseIdentifierType, _super);
7972 function BaseIdentifierType(name, validType) {
7973 var _this = _super.call(this, name) || this;
7974 Object.defineProperty(_this, "validType", {
7975 enumerable: true,
7976 configurable: true,
7977 writable: true,
7978 value: validType
7979 });
7980 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
7981 enumerable: true,
7982 configurable: true,
7983 writable: true,
7984 value: TypeFlags.Identifier
7985 });
7986 return _this;
7987 }
7988 Object.defineProperty(BaseIdentifierType.prototype, "instantiate", {
7989 enumerable: false,
7990 configurable: true,
7991 writable: true,
7992 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
7993 if (!parent || !(parent.type instanceof ModelType))
7994 throw fail$1("Identifier types can only be instantiated as direct child of a model type");
7995 return createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, initialValue);
7996 }
7997 });
7998 Object.defineProperty(BaseIdentifierType.prototype, "reconcile", {
7999 enumerable: false,
8000 configurable: true,
8001 writable: true,
8002 value: function (current, newValue, parent, subpath) {
8003 // we don't consider detaching here since identifier are scalar nodes, and scalar nodes cannot be detached
8004 if (current.storedValue !== newValue)
8005 throw fail$1("Tried to change identifier from '" + current.storedValue + "' to '" + newValue + "'. Changing identifiers is not allowed.");
8006 current.setParent(parent, subpath);
8007 return current;
8008 }
8009 });
8010 Object.defineProperty(BaseIdentifierType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
8011 enumerable: false,
8012 configurable: true,
8013 writable: true,
8014 value: function (value, context) {
8015 if (typeof value !== this.validType) {
8016 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Value is not a valid " + this.describe() + ", expected a " + this.validType);
8017 }
8018 return typeCheckSuccess();
8019 }
8020 });
8021 return BaseIdentifierType;
8024 * @internal
8025 * @hidden
8026 */
8027var IdentifierType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8028 __extends(IdentifierType, _super);
8029 function IdentifierType() {
8030 var _this = _super.call(this, "identifier", "string") || this;
8031 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
8032 enumerable: true,
8033 configurable: true,
8034 writable: true,
8035 value: TypeFlags.Identifier
8036 });
8037 return _this;
8038 }
8039 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierType.prototype, "describe", {
8040 enumerable: false,
8041 configurable: true,
8042 writable: true,
8043 value: function () {
8044 return "identifier";
8045 }
8046 });
8047 return IdentifierType;
8050 * @internal
8051 * @hidden
8052 */
8053var IdentifierNumberType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8054 __extends(IdentifierNumberType, _super);
8055 function IdentifierNumberType() {
8056 return _super.call(this, "identifierNumber", "number") || this;
8057 }
8058 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierNumberType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
8059 enumerable: false,
8060 configurable: true,
8061 writable: true,
8062 value: function (node) {
8063 return node.storedValue;
8064 }
8065 });
8066 Object.defineProperty(IdentifierNumberType.prototype, "describe", {
8067 enumerable: false,
8068 configurable: true,
8069 writable: true,
8070 value: function () {
8071 return "identifierNumber";
8072 }
8073 });
8074 return IdentifierNumberType;
8077 * `types.identifier` - Identifiers are used to make references, lifecycle events and reconciling works.
8078 * Inside a state tree, for each type can exist only one instance for each given identifier.
8079 * For example there couldn't be 2 instances of user with id 1. If you need more, consider using references.
8080 * Identifier can be used only as type property of a model.
8081 * This type accepts as parameter the value type of the identifier field that can be either string or number.
8082 *
8083 * Example:
8084 * ```ts
8085 * const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
8086 * id: types.identifier,
8087 * title: types.string
8088 * })
8089 * ```
8090 *
8091 * @returns
8092 */
8093var identifier = new IdentifierType();
8095 * `types.identifierNumber` - Similar to `types.identifier`. This one will serialize from / to a number when applying snapshots
8096 *
8097 * Example:
8098 * ```ts
8099 * const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
8100 * id: types.identifierNumber,
8101 * title: types.string
8102 * })
8103 * ```
8104 *
8105 * @returns
8106 */
8107var identifierNumber = new IdentifierNumberType();
8109 * Returns if a given value represents an identifier type.
8110 *
8111 * @param type
8112 * @returns
8113 */
8114function isIdentifierType(type) {
8115 return isType(type) && (type.flags & TypeFlags.Identifier) > 0;
8118 * @internal
8119 * @hidden
8120 */
8121function normalizeIdentifier(id) {
8122 return "" + id;
8125 * @internal
8126 * @hidden
8127 */
8128function isValidIdentifier(id) {
8129 return typeof id === "string" || typeof id === "number";
8132 * @internal
8133 * @hidden
8134 */
8135function assertIsValidIdentifier(id, argNumber) {
8136 assertArg(id, isValidIdentifier, "string or number (identifier)", argNumber);
8140 * `types.custom` - Creates a custom type. Custom types can be used for arbitrary immutable values, that have a serializable representation. For example, to create your own Date representation, Decimal type etc.
8141 *
8142 * The signature of the options is:
8143 * ```ts
8144 * export interface CustomTypeOptions<S, T> {
8145 * // Friendly name
8146 * name: string
8147 * // given a serialized value and environment, how to turn it into the target type
8148 * fromSnapshot(snapshot: S, env: any): T
8149 * // return the serialization of the current value
8150 * toSnapshot(value: T): S
8151 * // if true, this is a converted value, if false, it's a snapshot
8152 * isTargetType(value: T | S): value is T
8153 * // a non empty string is assumed to be a validation error
8154 * getValidationMessage?(snapshot: S): string
8155 * }
8156 * ```
8157 *
8158 * Example:
8159 * ```ts
8160 * const DecimalPrimitive = types.custom<string, Decimal>({
8161 * name: "Decimal",
8162 * fromSnapshot(value: string) {
8163 * return new Decimal(value)
8164 * },
8165 * toSnapshot(value: Decimal) {
8166 * return value.toString()
8167 * },
8168 * isTargetType(value: string | Decimal): boolean {
8169 * return value instanceof Decimal
8170 * },
8171 * getValidationMessage(value: string): string {
8172 * if (/^-?\d+\.\d+$/.test(value)) return "" // OK
8173 * return `'${value}' doesn't look like a valid decimal number`
8174 * }
8175 * })
8176 *
8177 * const Wallet = types.model({
8178 * balance: DecimalPrimitive
8179 * })
8180 * ```
8181 *
8182 * @param options
8183 * @returns
8184 */
8185function custom(options) {
8186 return new CustomType(options);
8189 * @internal
8190 * @hidden
8191 */
8192var CustomType = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8193 __extends(CustomType, _super);
8194 function CustomType(options) {
8195 var _this = _super.call(this, options.name) || this;
8196 Object.defineProperty(_this, "options", {
8197 enumerable: true,
8198 configurable: true,
8199 writable: true,
8200 value: options
8201 });
8202 Object.defineProperty(_this, "flags", {
8203 enumerable: true,
8204 configurable: true,
8205 writable: true,
8206 value: TypeFlags.Custom
8207 });
8208 return _this;
8209 }
8210 Object.defineProperty(CustomType.prototype, "describe", {
8211 enumerable: false,
8212 configurable: true,
8213 writable: true,
8214 value: function () {
8215 return this.name;
8216 }
8217 });
8218 Object.defineProperty(CustomType.prototype, "isValidSnapshot", {
8219 enumerable: false,
8220 configurable: true,
8221 writable: true,
8222 value: function (value, context) {
8223 if (this.options.isTargetType(value))
8224 return typeCheckSuccess();
8225 var typeError = this.options.getValidationMessage(value);
8226 if (typeError) {
8227 return typeCheckFailure(context, value, "Invalid value for type '" + this.name + "': " + typeError);
8228 }
8229 return typeCheckSuccess();
8230 }
8231 });
8232 Object.defineProperty(CustomType.prototype, "getSnapshot", {
8233 enumerable: false,
8234 configurable: true,
8235 writable: true,
8236 value: function (node) {
8237 return this.options.toSnapshot(node.storedValue);
8238 }
8239 });
8240 Object.defineProperty(CustomType.prototype, "instantiate", {
8241 enumerable: false,
8242 configurable: true,
8243 writable: true,
8244 value: function (parent, subpath, environment, initialValue) {
8245 var valueToStore = this.options.isTargetType(initialValue)
8246 ? initialValue
8247 : this.options.fromSnapshot(initialValue, parent && parent.root.environment);
8248 return createScalarNode(this, parent, subpath, environment, valueToStore);
8249 }
8250 });
8251 Object.defineProperty(CustomType.prototype, "reconcile", {
8252 enumerable: false,
8253 configurable: true,
8254 writable: true,
8255 value: function (current, value, parent, subpath) {
8256 var isSnapshot = !this.options.isTargetType(value);
8257 // in theory customs use scalar nodes which cannot be detached, but still...
8258 if (!current.isDetaching) {
8259 var unchanged = current.type === this &&
8260 (isSnapshot ? value === current.snapshot : value === current.storedValue);
8261 if (unchanged) {
8262 current.setParent(parent, subpath);
8263 return current;
8264 }
8265 }
8266 var valueToStore = isSnapshot
8267 ? this.options.fromSnapshot(value, parent.root.environment)
8268 : value;
8269 var newNode = this.instantiate(parent, subpath, undefined, valueToStore);
8270 current.die(); // noop if detaching
8271 return newNode;
8272 }
8273 });
8274 return CustomType;
8277// we import the types to re-export them inside types.
8278var types = {
8279 enumeration: enumeration,
8280 model: model,
8281 compose: compose,
8282 custom: custom,
8283 reference: reference,
8284 safeReference: safeReference,
8285 union: union,
8286 optional: optional,
8287 literal: literal,
8288 maybe: maybe,
8289 maybeNull: maybeNull,
8290 refinement: refinement,
8291 string: string,
8292 boolean: boolean,
8293 number: number,
8294 integer: integer,
8295 Date: DatePrimitive,
8296 map: map,
8297 array: array,
8298 frozen: frozen,
8299 identifier: identifier,
8300 identifierNumber: identifierNumber,
8301 late: late,
8302 undefined: undefinedType,
8303 null: nullType,
8304 snapshotProcessor: snapshotProcessor
8307exports.addDisposer = addDisposer;
8308exports.addMiddleware = addMiddleware;
8309exports.applyAction = applyAction;
8310exports.applyPatch = applyPatch;
8311exports.applySnapshot = applySnapshot;
8312exports.cast = cast;
8313exports.castFlowReturn = castFlowReturn;
8314exports.castToReferenceSnapshot = castToReferenceSnapshot;
8315exports.castToSnapshot = castToSnapshot;
8316exports.clone = clone;
8317exports.createActionTrackingMiddleware = createActionTrackingMiddleware;
8318exports.createActionTrackingMiddleware2 = createActionTrackingMiddleware2;
8319exports.decorate = decorate;
8320exports.destroy = destroy;
8321exports.detach = detach;
8322exports.escapeJsonPath = escapeJsonPath;
8323exports.flow = flow;
8324exports.getChildType = getChildType;
8325exports.getEnv = getEnv;
8326exports.getIdentifier = getIdentifier;
8327exports.getLivelinessChecking = getLivelinessChecking;
8328exports.getMembers = getMembers;
8329exports.getNodeId = getNodeId;
8330exports.getParent = getParent;
8331exports.getParentOfType = getParentOfType;
8332exports.getPath = getPath;
8333exports.getPathParts = getPathParts;
8334exports.getPropertyMembers = getPropertyMembers;
8335exports.getRelativePath = getRelativePath;
8336exports.getRoot = getRoot;
8337exports.getRunningActionContext = getRunningActionContext;
8338exports.getSnapshot = getSnapshot;
8339exports.getType = getType;
8340exports.hasParent = hasParent;
8341exports.hasParentOfType = hasParentOfType;
8342exports.isActionContextChildOf = isActionContextChildOf;
8343exports.isActionContextThisOrChildOf = isActionContextThisOrChildOf;
8344exports.isAlive = isAlive;
8345exports.isArrayType = isArrayType;
8346exports.isFrozenType = isFrozenType;
8347exports.isIdentifierType = isIdentifierType;
8348exports.isLateType = isLateType;
8349exports.isLiteralType = isLiteralType;
8350exports.isMapType = isMapType;
8351exports.isModelType = isModelType;
8352exports.isOptionalType = isOptionalType;
8353exports.isPrimitiveType = isPrimitiveType;
8354exports.isProtected = isProtected;
8355exports.isReferenceType = isReferenceType;
8356exports.isRefinementType = isRefinementType;
8357exports.isRoot = isRoot;
8358exports.isStateTreeNode = isStateTreeNode;
8359exports.isType = isType;
8360exports.isUnionType = isUnionType;
8361exports.isValidReference = isValidReference;
8362exports.joinJsonPath = joinJsonPath;
8363exports.onAction = onAction;
8364exports.onPatch = onPatch;
8365exports.onSnapshot = onSnapshot;
8366exports.process = process$1;
8367exports.protect = protect;
8368exports.recordActions = recordActions;
8369exports.recordPatches = recordPatches;
8370exports.resolveIdentifier = resolveIdentifier;
8371exports.resolvePath = resolvePath;
8372exports.setLivelinessChecking = setLivelinessChecking;
8373exports.setLivelynessChecking = setLivelynessChecking;
8374exports.splitJsonPath = splitJsonPath;
8375exports.toGenerator = toGenerator;
8376exports.toGeneratorFunction = toGeneratorFunction;
8377exports.tryReference = tryReference;
8378exports.tryResolve = tryResolve;
8379exports.typecheck = typecheck;
8380exports.types = types;
8381exports.unescapeJsonPath = unescapeJsonPath;
8382exports.unprotect = unprotect;
8383exports.walk = walk;