1 | # MobX-utils
2 |
3 | _Utility functions and common patterns for MobX_
4 |
5 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mobxjs/mobx-utils.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mobxjs/mobx-utils)
6 | [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/mobxjs/mobx-utils/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/mobxjs/mobx-utils?branch=master)
7 | [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/mobxjs/mobx](https://badges.gitter.im/mobxjs/mobx.svg)](https://gitter.im/mobxjs/mobx?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
8 | [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/mobx-utils)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mobx-utils)
9 |
10 | This package provides utility functions and common MobX patterns build on top of MobX.
11 | It is encouraged to take a peek under the hood and read the sources of these utilities.
12 | Feel free to open a PR with your own utilities. For large new features, please open an issue first.
13 |
14 | # Installation & Usage
15 |
16 | NPM: `npm install mobx-utils --save`
17 |
18 | CDN: <https://unpkg.com/mobx-utils/mobx-utils.umd.js>
19 |
20 | `import {function_name} from 'mobx-utils'`
21 |
22 | # API
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | ### Table of Contents
27 |
28 | - [fromPromise](#frompromise)
29 | - [Parameters](#parameters)
30 | - [Examples](#examples)
31 | - [isPromiseBasedObservable](#ispromisebasedobservable)
32 | - [Parameters](#parameters-1)
33 | - [moveItem](#moveitem)
34 | - [Parameters](#parameters-2)
35 | - [Examples](#examples-1)
36 | - [lazyObservable](#lazyobservable)
37 | - [Parameters](#parameters-3)
38 | - [Examples](#examples-2)
39 | - [fromResource](#fromresource)
40 | - [Parameters](#parameters-4)
41 | - [Examples](#examples-3)
42 | - [toStream](#tostream)
43 | - [Parameters](#parameters-5)
44 | - [Examples](#examples-4)
45 | - [StreamListener](#streamlistener)
46 | - [ViewModel](#viewmodel)
47 | - [createViewModel](#createviewmodel)
48 | - [Parameters](#parameters-6)
49 | - [Examples](#examples-5)
50 | - [keepAlive](#keepalive)
51 | - [Parameters](#parameters-7)
52 | - [Examples](#examples-6)
53 | - [keepAlive](#keepalive-1)
54 | - [Parameters](#parameters-8)
55 | - [Examples](#examples-7)
56 | - [queueProcessor](#queueprocessor)
57 | - [Parameters](#parameters-9)
58 | - [Examples](#examples-8)
59 | - [chunkProcessor](#chunkprocessor)
60 | - [Parameters](#parameters-10)
61 | - [Examples](#examples-9)
62 | - [resetNowInternalState](#resetnowinternalstate)
63 | - [Examples](#examples-10)
64 | - [now](#now)
65 | - [Parameters](#parameters-11)
66 | - [Examples](#examples-11)
67 | - [expr](#expr)
68 | - [Parameters](#parameters-12)
69 | - [Examples](#examples-12)
70 | - [createTransformer](#createtransformer)
71 | - [Parameters](#parameters-13)
72 | - [deepObserve](#deepobserve)
73 | - [Parameters](#parameters-14)
74 | - [Examples](#examples-13)
75 | - [ObservableGroupMap](#observablegroupmap)
76 | - [Parameters](#parameters-15)
77 | - [Examples](#examples-14)
78 | - [ObservableMap](#observablemap)
79 | - [defineProperty](#defineproperty)
80 | - [defineProperty](#defineproperty-1)
81 | - [defineProperty](#defineproperty-2)
82 | - [defineProperty](#defineproperty-3)
83 | - [defineProperty](#defineproperty-4)
84 | - [computedFn](#computedfn)
85 | - [Parameters](#parameters-16)
86 | - [Examples](#examples-15)
87 | - [DeepMapEntry](#deepmapentry)
88 | - [DeepMap](#deepmap)
89 |
90 | ## fromPromise
91 |
92 | `fromPromise` takes a Promise, extends it with 2 observable properties that track
93 | the status of the promise and returns it. The returned object has the following observable properties:
94 |
95 | - `value`: either the initial value, the value the Promise resolved to, or the value the Promise was rejected with. use `.state` if you need to be able to tell the difference.
96 | - `state`: one of `"pending"`, `"fulfilled"` or `"rejected"`
97 |
98 | And the following methods:
99 |
100 | - `case({fulfilled, rejected, pending})`: maps over the result using the provided handlers, or returns `undefined` if a handler isn't available for the current promise state.
101 |
102 | The returned object implements `PromiseLike<TValue>`, so you can chain additional `Promise` handlers using `then`. You may also use it with `await` in `async` functions.
103 |
104 | Note that the status strings are available as constants:
105 | `mobxUtils.PENDING`, `mobxUtils.REJECTED`, `mobxUtil.FULFILLED`
106 |
107 | fromPromise takes an optional second argument, a previously created `fromPromise` based observable.
108 | This is useful to replace one promise based observable with another, without going back to an intermediate
109 | "pending" promise state while fetching data. For example:
110 |
111 | ### Parameters
112 |
113 | - `origPromise` The promise which will be observed
114 | - `oldPromise` The previously observed promise
115 |
116 | ### Examples
117 |
118 | ```javascript
119 | @observer
120 | class SearchResults extends React.Component {
121 | @observable.ref searchResults
122 |
123 | componentDidUpdate(nextProps) {
124 | if (nextProps.query !== this.props.query)
125 | this.searchResults = fromPromise(
126 | window.fetch("/search?q=" + nextProps.query),
127 | // by passing, we won't render a pending state if we had a successful search query before
128 | // rather, we will keep showing the previous search results, until the new promise resolves (or rejects)
129 | this.searchResults
130 | )
131 | }
132 |
133 | render() {
134 | return this.searchResults.case({
135 | pending: (staleValue) => {
136 | return staleValue || "searching" // <- value might set to previous results while the promise is still pending
137 | },
138 | fulfilled: (value) => {
139 | return value // the fresh results
140 | },
141 | rejected: (error) => {
142 | return "Oops: " + error
143 | }
144 | })
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | Observable promises can be created immediately in a certain state using
149 | `fromPromise.reject(reason)` or `fromPromise.resolve(value?)`.
150 | The main advantage of `fromPromise.resolve(value)` over `fromPromise(Promise.resolve(value))` is that the first _synchronously_ starts in the desired state.
151 |
152 | It is possible to directly create a promise using a resolve, reject function:
153 | `fromPromise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 1000))`
154 | ```
155 |
156 | ```javascript
157 | const fetchResult = fromPromise(fetch("http://someurl"))
158 |
159 | // combine with when..
160 | when(
161 | () => fetchResult.state !== "pending",
162 | () => {
163 | console.log("Got ", fetchResult.value)
164 | }
165 | )
166 |
167 | // or a mobx-react component..
168 | const myComponent = observer(({ fetchResult }) => {
169 | switch(fetchResult.state) {
170 | case "pending": return <div>Loading...</div>
171 | case "rejected": return <div>Ooops... {fetchResult.value}</div>
172 | case "fulfilled": return <div>Gotcha: {fetchResult.value}</div>
173 | }
174 | })
175 |
176 | // or using the case method instead of switch:
177 |
178 | const myComponent = observer(({ fetchResult }) =>
179 | fetchResult.case({
180 | pending: () => <div>Loading...</div>,
181 | rejected: error => <div>Ooops.. {error}</div>,
182 | fulfilled: value => <div>Gotcha: {value}</div>,
183 | }))
184 |
185 | // chain additional handler(s) to the resolve/reject:
186 |
187 | fetchResult.then(
188 | (result) => doSomeTransformation(result),
189 | (rejectReason) => console.error('fetchResult was rejected, reason: ' + rejectReason)
190 | ).then(
191 | (transformedResult) => console.log('transformed fetchResult: ' + transformedResult)
192 | )
193 | ```
194 |
195 | Returns **any** origPromise with added properties and methods described above.
196 |
197 | ## isPromiseBasedObservable
198 |
199 | Returns true if the provided value is a promise-based observable.
200 |
201 | ### Parameters
202 |
203 | - `value` any
204 |
205 | Returns **[boolean](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean)**
206 |
207 | ## moveItem
208 |
209 | Moves an item from one position to another, checking that the indexes given are within bounds.
210 |
211 | ### Parameters
212 |
213 | - `target` **ObservableArray<T>**
214 | - `fromIndex` **[number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number)**
215 | - `toIndex` **[number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number)**
216 |
217 | ### Examples
218 |
219 | ```javascript
220 | const source = observable([1, 2, 3])
221 | moveItem(source, 0, 1)
222 | console.log(source.map(x => x)) // [2, 1, 3]
223 | ```
224 |
225 | Returns **ObservableArray<T>**
226 |
227 | ## lazyObservable
228 |
229 | `lazyObservable` creates an observable around a `fetch` method that will not be invoked
230 | until the observable is needed the first time.
231 | The fetch method receives a `sink` callback which can be used to replace the
232 | current value of the lazyObservable. It is allowed to call `sink` multiple times
233 | to keep the lazyObservable up to date with some external resource.
234 |
235 | Note that it is the `current()` call itself which is being tracked by MobX,
236 | so make sure that you don't dereference to early.
237 |
238 | ### Parameters
239 |
240 | - `fetch`
241 | - `initialValue` **T** optional initialValue that will be returned from `current` as long as the `sink` has not been called at least once (optional, default `undefined`)
242 |
243 | ### Examples
244 |
245 | ```javascript
246 | const userProfile = lazyObservable(
247 | sink => fetch("/myprofile").then(profile => sink(profile))
248 | )
249 |
250 | // use the userProfile in a React component:
251 | const Profile = observer(({ userProfile }) =>
252 | userProfile.current() === undefined
253 | ? <div>Loading user profile...</div>
254 | : <div>{userProfile.current().displayName}</div>
255 | )
256 |
257 | // triggers refresh the userProfile
258 | userProfile.refresh()
259 | ```
260 |
261 | ## fromResource
262 |
263 | `fromResource` creates an observable whose current state can be inspected using `.current()`,
264 | and which can be kept in sync with some external datasource that can be subscribed to.
265 |
266 | The created observable will only subscribe to the datasource if it is in use somewhere,
267 | (un)subscribing when needed. To enable `fromResource` to do that two callbacks need to be provided,
268 | one to subscribe, and one to unsubscribe. The subscribe callback itself will receive a `sink` callback, which can be used
269 | to update the current state of the observable, allowing observes to react.
270 |
271 | Whatever is passed to `sink` will be returned by `current()`. The values passed to the sink will not be converted to
272 | observables automatically, but feel free to do so.
273 | It is the `current()` call itself which is being tracked,
274 | so make sure that you don't dereference to early.
275 |
276 | For inspiration, an example integration with the apollo-client on [github](https://github.com/apollostack/apollo-client/issues/503#issuecomment-241101379),
277 | or the [implementation](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-utils/blob/1d17cf7f7f5200937f68cc0b5e7ec7f3f71dccba/src/now.ts#L43-L57) of `mobxUtils.now`
278 |
279 | The following example code creates an observable that connects to a `dbUserRecord`,
280 | which comes from an imaginary database and notifies when it has changed.
281 |
282 | ### Parameters
283 |
284 | - `subscriber`
285 | - `unsubscriber` **IDisposer** (optional, default `NOOP`)
286 | - `initialValue` **T** the data that will be returned by `get()` until the `sink` has emitted its first data (optional, default `undefined`)
287 |
288 | ### Examples
289 |
290 | ```javascript
291 | function createObservableUser(dbUserRecord) {
292 | let currentSubscription;
293 | return fromResource(
294 | (sink) => {
295 | // sink the current state
296 | sink(dbUserRecord.fields)
297 | // subscribe to the record, invoke the sink callback whenever new data arrives
298 | currentSubscription = dbUserRecord.onUpdated(() => {
299 | sink(dbUserRecord.fields)
300 | })
301 | },
302 | () => {
303 | // the user observable is not in use at the moment, unsubscribe (for now)
304 | dbUserRecord.unsubscribe(currentSubscription)
305 | }
306 | )
307 | }
308 |
309 | // usage:
310 | const myUserObservable = createObservableUser(myDatabaseConnector.query("name = 'Michel'"))
311 |
312 | // use the observable in autorun
313 | autorun(() => {
314 | // printed everytime the database updates its records
315 | console.log(myUserObservable.current().displayName)
316 | })
317 |
318 | // ... or a component
319 | const userComponent = observer(({ user }) =>
320 | <div>{user.current().displayName}</div>
321 | )
322 | ```
323 |
324 | ## toStream
325 |
326 | Converts an expression to an observable stream (a.k.a. TC 39 Observable / RxJS observable).
327 | The provided expression is tracked by mobx as long as there are subscribers, automatically
328 | emitting when new values become available. The expressions respect (trans)actions.
329 |
330 | ### Parameters
331 |
332 | - `expression`
333 | - `fireImmediately` **[boolean](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Boolean)** (by default false)
334 |
335 | ### Examples
336 |
337 | ```javascript
338 | const user = observable({
339 | firstName: "C.S",
340 | lastName: "Lewis"
341 | })
342 |
343 | Rx.Observable
344 | .from(mobxUtils.toStream(() => user.firstname + user.lastName))
345 | .scan(nameChanges => nameChanges + 1, 0)
346 | .subscribe(nameChanges => console.log("Changed name ", nameChanges, "times"))
347 | ```
348 |
349 | Returns **IObservableStream<T>**
350 |
351 | ## StreamListener
352 |
353 | ## ViewModel
354 |
355 | ## createViewModel
356 |
357 | `createViewModel` takes an object with observable properties (model)
358 | and wraps a viewmodel around it. The viewmodel proxies all enumerable properties of the original model with the following behavior:
359 |
360 | - as long as no new value has been assigned to the viewmodel property, the original property will be returned.
361 | - any future change in the model will be visible in the viewmodel as well unless the viewmodel property was dirty at the time of the attempted change.
362 | - once a new value has been assigned to a property of the viewmodel, that value will be returned during a read of that property in the future. However, the original model remain untouched until `submit()` is called.
363 |
364 | The viewmodel exposes the following additional methods, besides all the enumerable properties of the model:
365 |
366 | - `submit()`: copies all the values of the viewmodel to the model and resets the state
367 | - `reset()`: resets the state of the viewmodel, abandoning all local modifications
368 | - `resetProperty(propName)`: resets the specified property of the viewmodel
369 | - `isDirty`: observable property indicating if the viewModel contains any modifications
370 | - `isPropertyDirty(propName)`: returns true if the specified property is dirty
371 | - `changedValues`: returns a key / value map with the properties that have been changed in the model so far
372 | - `model`: The original model object for which this viewModel was created
373 |
374 | You may use observable arrays, maps and objects with `createViewModel` but keep in mind to assign fresh instances of those to the viewmodel's properties, otherwise you would end up modifying the properties of the original model.
375 | Note that if you read a non-dirty property, viewmodel only proxies the read to the model. You therefore need to assign a fresh instance not only the first time you make the assignment but also after calling `reset()` or `submit()`.
376 |
377 | ### Parameters
378 |
379 | - `model` **T**
380 |
381 | ### Examples
382 |
383 | ```javascript
384 | class Todo {
385 | @observable title = "Test"
386 | }
387 |
388 | const model = new Todo()
389 | const viewModel = createViewModel(model);
390 |
391 | autorun(() => console.log(viewModel.model.title, ",", viewModel.title))
392 | // prints "Test, Test"
393 | model.title = "Get coffee"
394 | // prints "Get coffee, Get coffee", viewModel just proxies to model
395 | viewModel.title = "Get tea"
396 | // prints "Get coffee, Get tea", viewModel's title is now dirty, and the local value will be printed
397 | viewModel.submit()
398 | // prints "Get tea, Get tea", changes submitted from the viewModel to the model, viewModel is proxying again
399 | viewModel.title = "Get cookie"
400 | // prints "Get tea, Get cookie" // viewModel has diverged again
401 | viewModel.reset()
402 | // prints "Get tea, Get tea", changes of the viewModel have been abandoned
403 | ```
404 |
405 | ## keepAlive
406 |
407 | MobX normally suspends any computed value that is not in use by any reaction,
408 | and lazily re-evaluates the expression if needed outside a reaction while not in use.
409 | `keepAlive` marks a computed value as always in use, meaning that it will always fresh, but never disposed automatically.
410 |
411 | ### Parameters
412 |
413 | - `_1`
414 | - `_2`
415 | - `target` **[Object](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object)** an object that has a computed property, created by `@computed` or `extendObservable`
416 | - `property` **[string](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String)** the name of the property to keep alive
417 |
418 | ### Examples
419 |
420 | ```javascript
421 | const obj = observable({
422 | number: 3,
423 | doubler: function() { return this.number * 2 }
424 | })
425 | const stop = keepAlive(obj, "doubler")
426 | ```
427 |
428 | Returns **IDisposer** stops this keep alive so that the computed value goes back to normal behavior
429 |
430 | ## keepAlive
431 |
432 | ### Parameters
433 |
434 | - `_1`
435 | - `_2`
436 | - `computedValue` **IComputedValue<any>** created using the `computed` function
437 |
438 | ### Examples
439 |
440 | ```javascript
441 | const number = observable(3)
442 | const doubler = computed(() => number.get() * 2)
443 | const stop = keepAlive(doubler)
444 | // doubler will now stay in sync reactively even when there are no further observers
445 | stop()
446 | // normal behavior, doubler results will be recomputed if not observed but needed, but lazily
447 | ```
448 |
449 | Returns **IDisposer** stops this keep alive so that the computed value goes back to normal behavior
450 |
451 | ## queueProcessor
452 |
453 | `queueProcessor` takes an observable array, observes it and calls `processor`
454 | once for each item added to the observable array, optionally debouncing the action
455 |
456 | ### Parameters
457 |
458 | - `observableArray` **[Array](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array)<T>** observable array instance to track
459 | - `processor`
460 | - `debounce` **[number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number)** optional debounce time in ms. With debounce 0 the processor will run synchronously (optional, default `0`)
461 |
462 | ### Examples
463 |
464 | ```javascript
465 | const pendingNotifications = observable([])
466 | const stop = queueProcessor(pendingNotifications, msg => {
467 | // show Desktop notification
468 | new Notification(msg);
469 | })
470 |
471 | // usage:
472 | pendingNotifications.push("test!")
473 | ```
474 |
475 | Returns **IDisposer** stops the processor
476 |
477 | ## chunkProcessor
478 |
479 | `chunkProcessor` takes an observable array, observes it and calls `processor`
480 | once for a chunk of items added to the observable array, optionally deboucing the action.
481 | The maximum chunk size can be limited by number.
482 | This allows both, splitting larger into smaller chunks or (when debounced) combining smaller
483 | chunks and/or single items into reasonable chunks of work.
484 |
485 | ### Parameters
486 |
487 | - `observableArray` **[Array](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array)<T>** observable array instance to track
488 | - `processor`
489 | - `debounce` **[number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number)** optional debounce time in ms. With debounce 0 the processor will run synchronously (optional, default `0`)
490 | - `maxChunkSize` **[number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number)** optionally do not call on full array but smaller chunks. With 0 it will process the full array. (optional, default `0`)
491 |
492 | ### Examples
493 |
494 | ```javascript
495 | const trackedActions = observable([])
496 | const stop = chunkProcessor(trackedActions, chunkOfMax10Items => {
497 | sendTrackedActionsToServer(chunkOfMax10Items);
498 | }, 100, 10)
499 |
500 | // usage:
501 | trackedActions.push("scrolled")
502 | trackedActions.push("hoveredButton")
503 | // when both pushes happen within 100ms, there will be only one call to server
504 | ```
505 |
506 | Returns **IDisposer** stops the processor
507 |
508 | ## resetNowInternalState
509 |
510 | Disposes of all the internal Observables created by invocations of `now()`.
511 |
512 | The use case for this is to ensure that unit tests can run independent of each other.
513 | You should not call this in regular application code.
514 |
515 | ### Examples
516 |
517 | ```javascript
518 | afterEach(() => {
519 | utils.resetNowInternalState()
520 | })
521 | ```
522 |
523 | ## now
524 |
525 | Returns the current date time as epoch number.
526 | The date time is read from an observable which is updated automatically after the given interval.
527 | So basically it treats time as an observable.
528 |
529 | The function takes an interval as parameter, which indicates how often `now()` will return a new value.
530 | If no interval is given, it will update each second. If "frame" is specified, it will update each time a
531 | `requestAnimationFrame` is available.
532 |
533 | Multiple clocks with the same interval will automatically be synchronized.
534 |
535 | Countdown example: <https://jsfiddle.net/mweststrate/na0qdmkw/>
536 |
537 | ### Parameters
538 |
539 | - `interval` **([number](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number) \| `"frame"`)** interval in milliseconds about how often the interval should update (optional, default `1000`)
540 |
541 | ### Examples
542 |
543 | ```javascript
544 | const start = Date.now()
545 |
546 | autorun(() => {
547 | console.log("Seconds elapsed: ", (mobxUtils.now() - start) / 1000)
548 | })
549 | ```
550 |
551 | ## expr
552 |
553 | `expr` can be used to create temporary computed values inside computed values.
554 | Nesting computed values is useful to create cheap computations in order to prevent expensive computations from needing to run.
555 | In the following example the expression prevents that a component is rerender _each time_ the selection changes;
556 | instead it will only rerenders when the current todo is (de)selected.
557 |
558 | `expr(func)` is an alias for `computed(func).get()`.
559 | Please note that the function given to `expr` is evaluated _twice_ in the scenario that the overall expression value changes.
560 | It is evaluated the first time when any observables it depends on change.
561 | It is evaluated a second time when a change in its value triggers the outer computed or reaction to evaluate, which recreates and reevaluates the expression.
562 |
563 | In the following example, the expression prevents the `TodoView` component from being re-rendered if the selection changes elsewhere.
564 | Instead, the component will only re-render when the relevant todo is (de)selected, which happens much less frequently.
565 |
566 | ### Parameters
567 |
568 | - `expr`
569 |
570 | ### Examples
571 |
572 | ```javascript
573 | const Todo = observer((props) => {
574 | const todo = props.todo
575 | const isSelected = mobxUtils.expr(() => props.viewState.selection === todo)
576 | const TodoView = observer(({ todo, editorState }) => {
577 | const isSelected = mobxUtils.expr(() => editorState.selection === todo)
578 | return <div className={isSelected ? "todo todo-selected" : "todo"}>{todo.title}</div>
579 | })
580 | ```
581 |
582 | ## createTransformer
583 |
584 | Creates a function that maps an object to a view.
585 | The mapping is memoized.
586 |
587 | See the [transformer](#createtransformer-in-detail) section for more details.
588 |
589 | ### Parameters
590 |
591 | - `transformer`
592 | - `arg2`
593 | - `onCleanup`
594 |
595 | ## deepObserve
596 |
597 | Given an object, deeply observes the given object.
598 | It is like `observe` from mobx, but applied recursively, including all future children.
599 |
600 | Note that the given object cannot ever contain cycles and should be a tree.
601 |
602 | As benefit: path and root will be provided in the callback, so the signature of the listener is
603 | (change, path, root) => void
604 |
605 | The returned disposer can be invoked to clean up the listener
606 |
607 | deepObserve cannot be used on computed values.
608 |
609 | ### Parameters
610 |
611 | - `target`
612 | - `listener`
613 |
614 | ### Examples
615 |
616 | ```javascript
617 | const disposer = deepObserve(target, (change, path) => {
618 | console.dir(change)
619 | })
620 | ```
621 |
622 | ## ObservableGroupMap
623 |
624 | Reactively sorts a base observable array into multiple observable arrays based on the value of a
625 | `groupBy: (item: T) => G` function.
626 |
627 | This observes the individual computed groupBy values and only updates the source and dest arrays
628 | when there is an actual change, so this is far more efficient than, for example
629 | `base.filter(i => groupBy(i) === 'we')`. Call #dispose() to stop tracking.
630 |
631 | No guarantees are made about the order of items in the grouped arrays.
632 |
633 | The resulting map of arrays is read-only. clear(), set(), delete() are not supported and
634 | modifying the group arrays will lead to undefined behavior.
635 |
636 | NB: ObservableGroupMap relies on `Symbol`s. If you are targeting a platform which doesn't
637 | support these natively, you will need to provide a polyfill.
638 |
639 | ### Parameters
640 |
641 | - `base` **[array](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array)** The array to sort into groups.
642 | - `groupBy` **[function](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/function)** The function used for grouping.
643 | - `options` Object with properties:
644 | `name`: Debug name of this ObservableGroupMap.
645 | `keyToName`: Function to create the debug names of the observable group arrays.
646 |
647 | ### Examples
648 |
649 | ```javascript
650 | const slices = observable([
651 | { day: "mo", hours: 12 },
652 | { day: "tu", hours: 2 },
653 | ])
654 | const slicesByDay = new ObservableGroupMap(slices, (slice) => slice.day)
655 | autorun(() => console.log(
656 | slicesByDay.get("mo")?.length ?? 0,
657 | slicesByDay.get("we"))) // outputs 1, undefined
658 | slices[0].day = "we" // outputs 0, [{ day: "we", hours: 12 }]
659 | ```
660 |
661 | ## ObservableMap
662 |
663 | ## defineProperty
664 |
665 | Base observable array which is being sorted into groups.
666 |
667 | ## defineProperty
668 |
669 | The ObservableGroupMap needs to track some state per-item. This is the name/symbol of the
670 | property used to attach the state.
671 |
672 | ## defineProperty
673 |
674 | The function used to group the items.
675 |
676 | ## defineProperty
677 |
678 | This function is used to generate the mobx debug names of the observable group arrays.
679 |
680 | ## defineProperty
681 |
682 | Disposes all observers created during construction and removes state added to base array
683 | items.
684 |
685 | ## computedFn
686 |
687 | computedFn takes a function with an arbitrary amount of arguments,
688 | and memoizes the output of the function based on the arguments passed in.
689 |
690 | computedFn(fn) returns a function with the very same signature. There is no limit on the amount of arguments
691 | that is accepted. However, the amount of arguments must be constant and default arguments are not supported.
692 |
693 | By default the output of a function call will only be memoized as long as the
694 | output is being observed.
695 |
696 | The function passes into `computedFn` should be pure, not be an action and only be relying on
697 | observables.
698 |
699 | Setting `keepAlive` to `true` will cause the output to be forcefully cached forever.
700 | Note that this might introduce memory leaks!
701 |
702 | ### Parameters
703 |
704 | - `fn`
705 | - `keepAliveOrOptions`
706 |
707 | ### Examples
708 |
709 | ```javascript
710 | const store = observable({
711 | a: 1,
712 | b: 2,
713 | c: 3,
714 | m: computedFn(function(x) {
715 | return this.a * this.b * x
716 | })
717 | })
718 |
719 | const d = autorun(() => {
720 | // store.m(3) will be cached as long as this autorun is running
721 | console.log(store.m(3) * store.c)
722 | })
723 | ```
724 |
725 | ## DeepMapEntry
726 |
727 | ## DeepMap
728 |
729 | # Details
730 |
731 | ## createTransformer in detail
732 |
733 | With `createTransformer` it is very easy to transform a complete data graph into another data graph.
734 | Transformation functions can be composed so that you can build a tree using lots of small transformations.
735 | The resulting data graph will never be stale, it will be kept in sync with the source by applying small patches to the result graph.
736 | This makes it very easy to achieve powerful patterns similar to sideways data loading, map-reduce, tracking state history using immutable data structures etc.
737 |
738 | `createTransformer` turns a function (that should transform value `A` into another value `B`) into a reactive and memoizing function.
739 | In other words, if the `transformation` function computes B given a specific A, the same B will be returned for all other future invocations of the transformation with the same A.
740 | However, if A changes, the transformation will be re-applied so that B is updated accordingly.
741 | And last but not least, if nobody is using the transformation of a specific A anymore, its entry will be removed from the memoization table.
742 |
743 | The optional `onCleanup` function can be used to get a notification when a transformation of an object is no longer needed.
744 | This can be used to dispose resources attached to the result object if needed.
745 |
746 | Always use transformations inside a reaction like `observer` or `autorun`.
747 |
748 | Transformations will, like any other computed value, fall back to lazy evaluation if not observed by something, which sort of defeats their purpose.
749 |
750 | ### Parameters
751 |
752 | - \`transformation: (value: A) => B
753 | - `onCleanup?: (result: B, value?: A) => void)`
754 | -
755 |
756 | `createTransformer<A, B>(transformation: (value: A) => B, onCleanup?: (result: B, value?: A) => void): (value: A) => B`
757 |
758 | ## Examples
759 |
760 | This all might still be a bit vague, so here are two examples that explain this whole idea of transforming one data structure into another by using small, reactive functions:
761 |
762 | ### Tracking mutable state using immutable, shared data structures.
763 |
764 | This example is taken from the [Reactive2015 conference demo](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-reactive2015-demo):
765 |
766 | ```javascript
767 | /*
768 | The store that holds our domain: boxes and arrows
769 | */
770 | const store = observable({
771 | boxes: [],
772 | arrows: [],
773 | selection: null,
774 | })
775 |
776 | /**
777 | Serialize store to json upon each change and push it onto the states list
778 | */
779 | const states = []
780 |
781 | autorun(() => {
782 | states.push(serializeState(store))
783 | })
784 |
785 | const serializeState = createTransformer((store) => ({
786 | boxes: store.boxes.map(serializeBox),
787 | arrows: store.arrows.map(serializeArrow),
788 | selection: store.selection ? store.selection.id : null,
789 | }))
790 |
791 | const serializeBox = createTransformer((box) => ({ ...box }))
792 |
793 | const serializeArrow = createTransformer((arrow) => ({
794 | id: arrow.id,
795 | to: arrow.to.id,
796 | from: arrow.from.id,
797 | }))
798 | ```
799 |
800 | In this example the state is serialized by composing three different transformation functions.
801 | The autorunner triggers the serialization of the `store` object, which in turn serializes all boxes and arrows.
802 | Let's take closer look at the life of an imaginary example box#3.
803 |
804 | 1. The first time box#3 is passed by `map` to `serializeBox`,
805 | the serializeBox transformation is executed and an entry containing box#3 and its serialized representation is added to the internal memoization table of `serializeBox`.
806 | 2. Imagine that another box is added to the `store.boxes` list.
807 | This would cause the `serializeState` function to re-compute, resulting in a complete remapping of all the boxes.
808 | However, all the invocations of `serializeBox` will now return their old values from the memoization tables since their transformation functions didn't (need to) run again.
809 | 3. Secondly, if somebody changes a property of box#3 this will cause the application of the `serializeBox` to box#3 to re-compute, just like any other reactive function in MobX.
810 | Since the transformation will now produce a new Json object based on box#3, all observers of that specific transformation will be forced to run again as well.
811 | That's the `serializeState` transformation in this case.
812 | `serializeState` will now produce a new value in turn and map all the boxes again. But except for box#3, all other boxes will be returned from the memoization table.
813 | 4. Finally, if box#3 is removed from `store.boxes`, `serializeState` will compute again.
814 | But since it will no longer be using the application of `serializeBox` to box#3,
815 | that reactive function will go back to non-reactive mode.
816 | This signals the memoization table that the entry can be removed so that it is ready for GC.
817 |
818 | So effectively we have achieved state tracking using immutable, shared datas structures here.
819 | All boxes and arrows are mapped and reduced into single state tree.
820 | Each change will result in a new entry in the `states` array, but the different entries will share almost all of their box and arrow representations.
821 |
822 | ### Transforming a datagraph into another reactive data graph
823 |
824 | Instead of returning plain values from a transformation function, it is also possible to return observable objects.
825 | This can be used to transform an observable data graph into a another observable data graph, which can be used to transform... you get the idea.
826 |
827 | Here is a small example that encodes a reactive file explorer that will update its representation upon each change.
828 | Data graphs that are built this way will in general react a lot faster and will consist of much more straight-forward code,
829 | compared to derived data graph that are updated using your own code. See the [performance tests](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx/blob/3ea1f4af20a51a1cb30be3e4a55ec8f964a8c495/test/perf/transform-perf.js#L4) for some examples.
830 |
831 | Unlike the previous example, the `transformFolder` will only run once as long as a folder remains visible;
832 | the `DisplayFolder` objects track the associated `Folder` objects themselves.
833 |
834 | In the following example all mutations to the `state` graph will be processed automatically.
835 | Some examples:
836 |
837 | 1. Changing the name of a folder will update its own `path` property and the `path` property of all its descendants.
838 | 2. Collapsing a folder will remove all descendant `DisplayFolders` from the tree.
839 | 3. Expanding a folder will restore them again.
840 | 4. Setting a search filter will remove all nodes that do not match the filter, unless they have a descendant that matches the filter.
841 | 5. Etc.
842 |
843 | ```javascript
844 | import {extendObservable, observable, createTransformer, autorun} from "mobx"
845 |
846 | function Folder(parent, name) {
847 | this.parent = parent;
848 | extendObservable(this, {
849 | name: name,
850 | children: observable.shallow([]),
851 | });
852 | }
853 |
854 | function DisplayFolder(folder, state) {
855 | this.state = state;
856 | this.folder = folder;
857 | extendObservable(this, {
858 | collapsed: false,
859 | get name() {
860 | return this.folder.name;
861 | },
862 | get isVisible() {
863 | return !this.state.filter || this.name.indexOf(this.state.filter) !== -1 || this.children.some(child => child.isVisible);
864 | },
865 | get children() {
866 | if (this.collapsed)
867 | return [];
868 | return this.folder.children.map(transformFolder).filter(function(child) {
869 | return child.isVisible;
870 | })
871 | },
872 | get path() {
873 | return this.folder.parent === null ? this.name : transformFolder(this.folder.parent).path + "/" + this.name;
874 | })
875 | });
876 | }
877 |
878 | var state = observable({
879 | root: new Folder(null, "root"),
880 | filter: null,
881 | displayRoot: null
882 | });
883 |
884 | var transformFolder = createTransformer(function (folder) {
885 | return new DisplayFolder(folder, state);
886 | });
887 |
888 |
889 | // returns list of strings per folder
890 | var stringTransformer = createTransformer(function (displayFolder) {
891 | var path = displayFolder.path;
892 | return path + "\n" +
893 | displayFolder.children.filter(function(child) {
894 | return child.isVisible;
895 | }).map(stringTransformer).join('');
896 | });
897 |
898 | function createFolders(parent, recursion) {
899 | if (recursion === 0)
900 | return;
901 | for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
902 | var folder = new Folder(parent, i + '');
903 | parent.children.push(folder);
904 | createFolders(folder, recursion - 1);
905 | }
906 | }
907 |
908 | createFolders(state.root, 2); // 3^2
909 |
910 | autorun(function() {
911 | state.displayRoot = transformFolder(state.root);
912 | state.text = stringTransformer(state.displayRoot)
913 | console.log(state.text)
914 | });
915 |
916 | state.root.name = 'wow'; // change folder name
917 | state.displayRoot.children[1].collapsed = true; // collapse folder
918 | state.filter = "2"; // search
919 | state.filter = null; // unsearch
920 | ```