1 | import { observe, isObservableMap, isObservableObject, isObservableArray, values, entries, } from "mobx";
2 | function buildPath(entry) {
3 | if (!entry)
4 | return "ROOT";
5 | var res = [];
6 | while (entry.parent) {
7 | res.push(entry.path);
8 | entry = entry.parent;
9 | }
10 | return res.reverse().join("/");
11 | }
12 | function isRecursivelyObservable(thing) {
13 | return isObservableObject(thing) || isObservableArray(thing) || isObservableMap(thing);
14 | }
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33 | export function deepObserve(target, listener) {
34 | var entrySet = new WeakMap();
35 | function genericListener(change) {
36 | var entry = entrySet.get(change.object);
37 | processChange(change, entry);
38 | listener(change, buildPath(entry), target);
39 | }
40 | function processChange(change, parent) {
41 | switch (change.type) {
42 |
43 | case "add":
44 | observeRecursively(change.newValue, parent, change.name);
45 | break;
46 | case "update":
47 | unobserveRecursively(change.oldValue);
48 | observeRecursively(change.newValue, parent, change.name || "" + change.index);
49 | break;
50 | case "remove":
51 | case "delete":
52 | unobserveRecursively(change.oldValue);
53 | break;
54 |
55 | case "splice":
56 | change.removed.map(unobserveRecursively);
57 | change.added.forEach(function (value, idx) {
58 | return observeRecursively(value, parent, "" + (change.index + idx));
59 | });
60 |
61 | for (var i = change.index + change.addedCount; i < change.object.length; i++) {
62 | if (isRecursivelyObservable(change.object[i])) {
63 | var entry = entrySet.get(change.object[i]);
64 | if (entry)
65 | entry.path = "" + i;
66 | }
67 | }
68 | break;
69 | }
70 | }
71 | function observeRecursively(thing, parent, path) {
72 | if (isRecursivelyObservable(thing)) {
73 | var entry = entrySet.get(thing);
74 | if (entry) {
75 | if (entry.parent !== parent || entry.path !== path)
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 | throw new Error("The same observable object cannot appear twice in the same tree," +
80 | (" trying to assign it to '" + buildPath(parent) + "/" + path + "',") +
81 | (" but it already exists at '" + buildPath(entry.parent) + "/" + entry.path + "'"));
82 | }
83 | else {
84 | var entry_1 = {
85 | parent: parent,
86 | path: path,
87 | dispose: observe(thing, genericListener),
88 | };
89 | entrySet.set(thing, entry_1);
90 | entries(thing).forEach(function (_a) {
91 | var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
92 | return observeRecursively(value, entry_1, key);
93 | });
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 | function unobserveRecursively(thing) {
98 | if (isRecursivelyObservable(thing)) {
99 | var entry = entrySet.get(thing);
100 | if (!entry)
101 | return;
102 | entrySet.delete(thing);
103 | entry.dispose();
104 | values(thing).forEach(unobserveRecursively);
105 | }
106 | }
107 | observeRecursively(target, undefined, "");
108 | return function () {
109 | unobserveRecursively(target);
110 | };
111 | }