1 | import { action, extendObservable } from "mobx";
2 | import { invariant } from "./utils";
3 | export var PENDING = "pending";
4 | export var FULFILLED = "fulfilled";
5 | export var REJECTED = "rejected";
6 | function caseImpl(handlers) {
7 | switch (this.state) {
8 | case PENDING:
9 | return handlers.pending && handlers.pending(this.value);
10 | case REJECTED:
11 | return handlers.rejected && handlers.rejected(this.value);
12 | case FULFILLED:
13 | return handlers.fulfilled ? handlers.fulfilled(this.value) : this.value;
14 | }
15 | }
16 | /**
17 | * `fromPromise` takes a Promise, extends it with 2 observable properties that track
18 | * the status of the promise and returns it. The returned object has the following observable properties:
19 | * - `value`: either the initial value, the value the Promise resolved to, or the value the Promise was rejected with. use `.state` if you need to be able to tell the difference.
20 | * - `state`: one of `"pending"`, `"fulfilled"` or `"rejected"`
21 | *
22 | * And the following methods:
23 | * - `case({fulfilled, rejected, pending})`: maps over the result using the provided handlers, or returns `undefined` if a handler isn't available for the current promise state.
24 | *
25 | * The returned object implements `PromiseLike<TValue>`, so you can chain additional `Promise` handlers using `then`. You may also use it with `await` in `async` functions.
26 | *
27 | * Note that the status strings are available as constants:
28 | * `mobxUtils.PENDING`, `mobxUtils.REJECTED`, `mobxUtil.FULFILLED`
29 | *
30 | * fromPromise takes an optional second argument, a previously created `fromPromise` based observable.
31 | * This is useful to replace one promise based observable with another, without going back to an intermediate
32 | * "pending" promise state while fetching data. For example:
33 | *
34 | * @example
35 | * \@observer
36 | * class SearchResults extends React.Component {
37 | * \@observable.ref searchResults
38 | *
39 | * componentDidUpdate(nextProps) {
40 | * if (nextProps.query !== this.props.query)
41 | * this.searchResults = fromPromise(
42 | * window.fetch("/search?q=" + nextProps.query),
43 | * // by passing, we won't render a pending state if we had a successful search query before
44 | * // rather, we will keep showing the previous search results, until the new promise resolves (or rejects)
45 | * this.searchResults
46 | * )
47 | * }
48 | *
49 | * render() {
50 | * return this.searchResults.case({
51 | * pending: (staleValue) => {
52 | * return staleValue || "searching" // <- value might set to previous results while the promise is still pending
53 | * },
54 | * fulfilled: (value) => {
55 | * return value // the fresh results
56 | * },
57 | * rejected: (error) => {
58 | * return "Oops: " + error
59 | * }
60 | * })
61 | * }
62 | * }
63 | *
64 | * Observable promises can be created immediately in a certain state using
65 | * `fromPromise.reject(reason)` or `fromPromise.resolve(value?)`.
66 | * The main advantage of `fromPromise.resolve(value)` over `fromPromise(Promise.resolve(value))` is that the first _synchronously_ starts in the desired state.
67 | *
68 | * It is possible to directly create a promise using a resolve, reject function:
69 | * `fromPromise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 1000))`
70 | *
71 | * @example
72 | * const fetchResult = fromPromise(fetch("http://someurl"))
73 | *
74 | * // combine with when..
75 | * when(
76 | * () => fetchResult.state !== "pending",
77 | * () => {
78 | * console.log("Got ", fetchResult.value)
79 | * }
80 | * )
81 | *
82 | * // or a mobx-react component..
83 | * const myComponent = observer(({ fetchResult }) => {
84 | * switch(fetchResult.state) {
85 | * case "pending": return <div>Loading...</div>
86 | * case "rejected": return <div>Ooops... {fetchResult.value}</div>
87 | * case "fulfilled": return <div>Gotcha: {fetchResult.value}</div>
88 | * }
89 | * })
90 | *
91 | * // or using the case method instead of switch:
92 | *
93 | * const myComponent = observer(({ fetchResult }) =>
94 | * fetchResult.case({
95 | * pending: () => <div>Loading...</div>,
96 | * rejected: error => <div>Ooops.. {error}</div>,
97 | * fulfilled: value => <div>Gotcha: {value}</div>,
98 | * }))
99 | *
100 | * // chain additional handler(s) to the resolve/reject:
101 | *
102 | * fetchResult.then(
103 | * (result) => doSomeTransformation(result),
104 | * (rejectReason) => console.error('fetchResult was rejected, reason: ' + rejectReason)
105 | * ).then(
106 | * (transformedResult) => console.log('transformed fetchResult: ' + transformedResult)
107 | * )
108 | *
109 | * @param origPromise The promise which will be observed
110 | * @param oldPromise The previously observed promise
111 | * @returns origPromise with added properties and methods described above.
112 | */
113 | export function fromPromise(origPromise, oldPromise) {
114 | invariant(arguments.length <= 2, "fromPromise expects up to two arguments");
115 | invariant(typeof origPromise === "function" ||
116 | (typeof origPromise === "object" &&
117 | origPromise &&
118 | typeof origPromise.then === "function"), "Please pass a promise or function to fromPromise");
119 | if (origPromise.isPromiseBasedObservable === true)
120 | return origPromise;
121 | if (typeof origPromise === "function") {
122 | // If it is a (reject, resolve function, wrap it)
123 | origPromise = new Promise(origPromise);
124 | }
125 | var promise = origPromise;
126 | origPromise.then(action("observableFromPromise-resolve", function (value) {
127 | promise.value = value;
128 | promise.state = FULFILLED;
129 | }), action("observableFromPromise-reject", function (reason) {
130 | promise.value = reason;
131 | promise.state = REJECTED;
132 | }));
133 | promise.isPromiseBasedObservable = true;
134 | promise.case = caseImpl;
135 | var oldData = oldPromise && (oldPromise.state === FULFILLED || oldPromise.state === PENDING)
136 | ? oldPromise.value
137 | : undefined;
138 | extendObservable(promise, {
139 | value: oldData,
140 | state: PENDING,
141 | }, {}, { deep: false });
142 | return promise;
143 | }
144 | (function (fromPromise) {
145 | fromPromise.reject = action("fromPromise.reject", function (reason) {
146 | var p = fromPromise(Promise.reject(reason));
147 | p.state = REJECTED;
148 | p.value = reason;
149 | return p;
150 | });
151 | function resolveBase(value) {
152 | if (value === void 0) { value = undefined; }
153 | var p = fromPromise(Promise.resolve(value));
154 | p.state = FULFILLED;
155 | p.value = value;
156 | return p;
157 | }
158 | fromPromise.resolve = action("fromPromise.resolve", resolveBase);
159 | })(fromPromise || (fromPromise = {}));
160 | /**
161 | * Returns true if the provided value is a promise-based observable.
162 | * @param value any
163 | * @returns {boolean}
164 | */
165 | export function isPromiseBasedObservable(value) {
166 | return value && value.isPromiseBasedObservable === true;
167 | }