1 | mocha-multi
2 | ===========
3 |
4 | A bit of a hack to get multiple reporters working with mocha
5 |
6 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/glenjamin/mocha-multi.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/glenjamin/mocha-multi)
7 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/mocha-multi.png)](http://badge.fury.io/js/mocha-multi)
8 |
9 | Usage
10 | -----
11 |
12 | npm install mocha-multi --save-dev
13 | mocha --reporter mocha-multi
14 |
15 | Choosing Reporters
16 | ------------------
17 |
18 | Set an environment variable called `multi` to specify the desired reporters.
19 | Reporters are listed as whitespace separated type=destination pairs.
20 |
21 | ```bash
22 | multi='dot=- xunit=file.xml doc=docs.html' mocha -R mocha-multi
23 | ```
24 |
25 | The special value of `-` (hyphen) for destination uses normal stdout/stderr.
26 |
27 | Using mocha-multi programmatically
28 | ----------------------------------
29 |
30 | Specify the desired reporters (and their options) by passing reporterOptions to the Mocha contructor
31 |
32 | for example: this is the equivalent of multi='spec=- Progress=/tmp/mocha-multi.Progress.out', with the addition of passing the verbose:true option to the Progress reporter
33 | ```sh
34 | var reporterOptions={
35 | Progress:{
36 | stdout:"/tmp/mocha-multi.Progress.out",
37 | options: {
38 | verbose: true
39 | }
40 | },
41 | spec: {
42 | stdout:"-"
43 | }
44 | };
45 |
46 | var mocha = new Mocha({
47 | ui: 'bdd',
48 | reporter: "mocha-multi",
49 | reporterOptions:reporterOptions
50 | });
51 | mocha.addFile("test/dummy-spec.js");
52 | mocha.run(function onRun(failures){
53 | console.log(failures);
54 | });
55 | ```
56 | The options will be passed as the second argument to the reporter constructor
57 |
58 | How it works
59 | ------------
60 |
61 | A big hack that keeps changing the value of process.stdout and process.stderr whenever a reporter is doing its thing.
62 |
63 | Seriously?
64 | ----------
65 |
66 | Yeah, Sorry!
67 |
68 | All the hacks
69 | -------------
70 |
71 | This is very hacky, specifically:
72 |
73 | * The `process` and `console` objects get their internal state messed with
74 | * `process.exit` is hacked to wait for streams to finish writing
75 | * Only works if reporters queue writes synchronously in event handlers
76 |
77 | Could this be a bit less hacky?
78 | -------------------------------
79 |
80 | * Now that visionmedia/mocha#1059 is released the process.exit hack could be tidier
81 |
82 | * If visionmedia/mocha#1061 is accepted upstream, I only need to hijack stdout, and can leave stderr alone
83 |
84 | * Having each reporter run in a child process would make it eaiser to capture their streams, but might lead to other issues
85 |
86 | TODO
87 | ----
88 |
89 | * Update hack now that visionmedia/mocha#1059 is merged
90 | * Add tests for coverage reports
91 | * Add tests which produce multiple reports at once
92 | * Add test for help text
93 | * Add test that uses --no-exit
94 | * Add test that doesn't use _mocha (maybe not?)