6.69 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1isRaw = (x) ->
2 x? and ('object' is typeof x) and ('function' is typeof x.sql)
4asRaw = (x) ->
5 if isRaw x
6 return x
8 unless 'string' is typeof x
9 throw new Exception 'raw or string expected'
11 {
12 sql: -> x
13 params: -> []
14 }
16insert =
17 sql: (mohair) ->
18 that = this
20 unless mohair._table?
21 throw new Error 'sql of insert requires call to table before it'
23 table = mohair._escape mohair._table
24 keys = Object.keys(that._data)
25 escapedKeys = keys.map (key) -> mohair._escape key
26 row = keys.map (key) ->
27 if isRaw that._data[key]
28 that._data[key].sql()
29 else
30 '?'
31 "INSERT INTO #{table}(#{escapedKeys.join ', '}) VALUES (#{row.join ', '})"
32 params: ->
33 that = this
34 params = []
35 Object.keys(that._data).map (key) ->
36 if isRaw that._data[key]
37 params = params.concat that._data[key].params()
38 else
39 params.push that._data[key]
40 params
42module.exports.insert = (data) ->
43 object = Object.create insert
44 object._data = data
45 object
47insertMany =
48 sql: (mohair) ->
49 that = this
51 unless mohair._table?
52 throw new Error 'sql of insertMany requires call to table before it'
54 table = mohair._escape mohair._table
55 first = that._array[0]
56 keys = Object.keys(first)
57 escapedKeys = keys.map (key) -> mohair._escape key
58 rows = that._array.map (data) ->
59 row = keys.map (key) ->
60 if isRaw data[key]
61 data[key].sql()
62 else
63 '?'
64 "(#{row.join ', '})"
65 "INSERT INTO #{table}(#{escapedKeys.join ', '}) VALUES #{rows.join ', '}"
66 params: (mohair) ->
67 that = this
68 firstKeys = Object.keys that._array[0]
69 params = []
70 that._array.forEach (data) ->
71 firstKeys.forEach (key) ->
72 if isRaw data[key]
73 params = params.concat data[key].params()
74 else
75 params.push data[key]
76 params
78module.exports.insertMany = (array) ->
79 object = Object.create insertMany
80 object._array = array
81 object
83select =
84 sql: (mohair) ->
85 that = this
86 table = mohair._escape mohair._table
87 sql = ''
89 if mohair._with?
90 sql += 'WITH '
91 parts = []
92 parts = Object.keys(mohair._with).map (key) ->
93 key + ' AS (' + asRaw(mohair._with[key]).sql() + ')'
94 sql += parts.join(', ')
95 sql += ' '
97 sql += "SELECT "
98 parts = []
99 that._selects.forEach (s) ->
100 if isRaw s
101 parts.push '(' + s.sql() + ')'
102 else if 'object' is typeof s
103 keys = Object.keys s
104 if keys.length is 0
105 throw new Error 'select object must have at least one property'
106 keys.forEach (key) ->
107 value = s[key]
108 if isRaw value
109 parts.push '(' + value.sql() + ') AS ' + key
110 else
111 parts.push value + ' AS ' + key
112 else
113 parts.push s
114 sql += parts.join ', '
115 if mohair._table?
116 sql += " FROM #{table}"
117 mohair._joins.forEach (join) ->
118 sql += " #{join.sql}"
119 sql += " AND (#{join.criterion.sql()})" if join.criterion?
120 sql += " WHERE #{mohair._where.sql()}" if mohair._where?
121 sql += " GROUP BY #{mohair._group}" if mohair._group?
122 sql += " HAVING #{mohair._having.sql()}" if mohair._having?
123 sql += " ORDER BY #{mohair._order}" if mohair._order?
124 sql += " LIMIT ?" if mohair._limit?
125 sql += " OFFSET ?" if mohair._offset?
126 sql
127 params: (mohair) ->
128 that = this
129 params = []
131 if mohair._with?
132 Object.keys(mohair._with).forEach (key) ->
133 params = params.concat asRaw(mohair._with[key]).params()
135 that._selects.forEach (s) ->
136 if isRaw s
137 params = params.concat s.params()
138 else if 'object' is typeof s
139 keys = Object.keys s
140 if keys.length is 0
141 throw new Error 'select object must have at least one property'
142 keys.forEach (key) ->
143 params = params.concat asRaw(s[key]).params()
145 mohair._joins.forEach (join) ->
146 if join.criterion?
147 params = params.concat join.criterion.params()
149 params = params.concat mohair._where.params() if mohair._where?
150 params.push mohair._limit if mohair._limit?
151 params.push mohair._offset if mohair._offset?
152 params
154module.exports.select = ->
155 selects = Array.prototype.slice.call arguments
156 object = Object.create select
157 if selects.length is 0
158 selects = ['*']
159 object._selects = selects
160 object
162update =
163 sql: (mohair) ->
164 that = this
166 unless mohair._table?
167 throw new Error 'sql of update requires call to table before it'
169 table = mohair._escape mohair._table
170 keys = Object.keys that._updates
172 updates = keys.map (key) ->
173 escapedKey = mohair._escape key
174 if isRaw that._updates[key]
175 "#{escapedKey} = #{that._updates[key].sql()}"
176 else
177 "#{escapedKey} = ?"
178 sql = "UPDATE #{table} SET #{updates.join ', '}"
179 sql += " WHERE #{mohair._where.sql()}" if mohair._where?
180 sql
181 params: (mohair) ->
182 that = this
183 params = []
184 Object.keys(that._updates).forEach (key) ->
185 if isRaw that._updates[key]
186 params = params.concat that._updates[key].params()
187 else
188 params.push that._updates[key]
189 params = params.concat mohair._where.params() if mohair._where?
190 params
192module.exports.update = (updates) ->
193 object = Object.create update
194 object._updates = updates
195 object
197deletePrototype =
198 sql: (mohair) ->
199 that = this
201 unless mohair._table?
202 throw new Error 'sql of delete requires call to table before it'
204 table = mohair._escape mohair._table
205 sql = "DELETE FROM #{table}"
206 sql += " WHERE #{mohair._where.sql()}" if mohair._where?
207 sql
208 params: (mohair) ->
209 if mohair._where?
210 mohair._where.params()
211 else []
213module.exports.delete = ->
214 Object.create deletePrototype