2.2 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "mojito",
3 "version": "0.7.2",
4 "description": "Mojito provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build complex web applications faster.",
5 "author": "Drew Folta <folta@yahoo-inc.com>",
6 "contributors": [
7 "Ric Allinson <allinson@yahoo-inc.com>",
8 "Matt Taylor <mtaylor@yahoo-inc.com>",
9 "Chris Klaiber <cklaiber@yahoo-inc.com>",
10 "Drew Folta <folta@yahoo-inc.com>",
11 "Martin Cooper <mcooper@yahoo-inc.com>",
12 "Isao Yagi <isao@yahoo-inc.com>",
13 "Michael Ridgway <mridgway@yahoo-inc.com>",
14 "Caridy Patino <caridy@yahoo-inc.com>",
15 "Lichun Zhan <lzhan@yahoo-inc.com>"
16 ],
17 "dependencies": {
18 "express": "2.5.10",
19 "glob": "~3.1.11",
20 "js-yaml": "1.0.2",
21 "mime": "1.2.4",
22 "request": "2.9.202",
23 "semver": "1.0.14",
24 "ycb": "~1.0.5",
25 "yui": "~3.10.3"
26 },
27 "keywords": [
28 "framework",
29 "webapp"
30 ],
31 "main": "lib/mojito",
32 "directories": [
33 "bin",
34 "docs",
35 "lib"
36 ],
37 "engines": {
38 "node": ">0.6",
39 "npm": ">1.0"
40 },
41 "devDependencies": {
42 "async": "*",
43 "benchmark": "1.x",
44 "commander": "1.0.1",
45 "mockery": "~1.4.0",
46 "mojito-cli": "~0.1",
47 "node-static": ">0.6.8",
48 "wrench": "~1.3.9",
49 "yahoo-arrow": "~0.0.79",
50 "portfinder": "0.2.1"
51 },
52 "optionalDependencies": {
53 "phantomjs": ">=1.8.0"
54 },
55 "scripts": {
56 "test": "cd tests && node run.js test --browser phantomjs",
57 "unit": "cd tests && node run.js test -u --browser phantomjs",
58 "func": "cd tests && node run.js test -f --browser phantomjs",
59 "lint": "mojito jslint app --ex examples --ex docs -p",
60 "docs": "mojito docs mojito"
61 },
62 "homepage": "http://developer.yahoo.com/cocktails/mojito/",
63 "repository": {
64 "type": "git",
65 "url": "git://github.com/yahoo/mojito.git"
66 },
67 "bugs": "https://github.com/yahoo/mojito/issues",
68 "yahoo": {
69 "mojito": {
70 "type": "bundle",
71 "location": "lib/app"
72 }
73 }