1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 | var vows, assert, mongoose;
7 |
8 | vows = require('vows');
9 | assert = require('assert');
10 | mongoose = require('../lib/mongoose-paginate');
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_DB || 'mongodb://localhost/test');
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 | var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
23 | id : mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
24 | title : String,
25 | date : Date,
26 | child : { type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'TestSubEntries' }
27 | });
28 |
29 | var TestEntry = mongoose.model('TestEntries', TestSchema);
30 |
31 | var TestSubSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
32 | id : mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
33 | title : String,
34 | date : Date
35 | });
36 |
37 | var TestSubEntry = mongoose.model('TestSubEntries', TestSubSchema);
38 |
39 | function setup(callback) {
40 | var newSubEntry = new TestSubEntry({
41 | title: 'SubItem #1',
42 | });
43 | newSubEntry.save(function(error, subEntry) {
44 | var complete = 0;
45 | for (var i = 1; i < 101; i++) {
46 | var newEntry = new TestEntry({
47 | title : 'Item #'+i,
48 | child : subEntry._id,
49 | });
50 | newEntry.save(function(error, result) {
51 | if (error) {
52 | console.error(error);
53 | } else {
54 | complete++;
55 | if (complete === 100) {
56 | callback(null, 100);
57 | }
58 | }
59 | });
60 | }
61 | });
62 | }
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | function teardown(callback){
69 | TestSubEntry.remove({}, function(error) {
70 | if (error) {
71 | callback(error, null);
72 | } else {
73 | var complete = 0;
74 | TestEntry.find({}, function(error, results) {
75 | if (error) {
76 | callback(error, null);
77 | } else {
78 | for (result in results) {
79 | results[result].remove(function(error) {
80 | if (error) {
81 | callback(error, null);
82 | } else {
83 | complete++;
84 | if (complete === 100) {
85 | callback(null, 100);
86 | }
87 | }
88 | });
89 | }
90 | }
91 | });
92 | }
93 | });
94 | };
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 | vows.describe('pagination module basic tests')
101 |
102 | .addBatch({
103 | 'when requiring `mongoose-paginate`':{
104 | topic:function(){
105 | return mongoose;
106 | },
107 | 'there should be no errors and paginate should be an object':function(topic) {
108 | assert.equal(typeof(topic), 'object');
109 | }
110 | }
111 | })
112 |
113 | .addBatch({
114 | 'when creating 100 dummy documents with our test mongodb string':{
115 | topic:function(){
116 | setup(this.callback);
117 | },
118 | 'there should be no errors and resultCount should be 100':function(error, resultCount) {
119 | assert.equal(error, null);
120 | assert.equal(resultCount, 100);
121 | }
122 | }
123 | })
124 |
125 | .addBatch({
126 | 'when paginating TestEntry querying for all documents, with page 1, 10 results per page':{
127 | topic:function(){
128 | TestEntry.paginate({}, 1, 10, this.callback, { columns: 'title' });
129 | },
130 | 'there should be no errors':function(error, pageCount, results) {
131 | assert.equal(error, null);
132 | },
133 | 'results.length should be 10':function(error, pageCount, results) {
134 | assert.equal(results.length, 10);
135 | },
136 | 'the first result should contain the correct index #(1)':function(error, pageCount, results) {
137 | assert.equal(results[0].title, 'Item #1');
138 | }
139 | }
140 | })
141 |
142 | .addBatch({
143 | 'when paginating TestEntry querying for all documents, with page 2, 10 results per page':{
144 | topic:function(){
145 | TestEntry.paginate({}, 2, 10, this.callback, { columns: 'title' });
146 | },
147 | 'there should be no errors':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
148 | assert.equal(error, null);
149 | },
150 | 'results.length should be 10':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
151 | assert.equal(results.length, 10);
152 | },
153 | 'the first result should contain the correct index #(11)':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
154 | assert.equal(results[0].title, 'Item #11');
155 | },
156 | 'there should be 100 items as results':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
157 | assert.equal(count, 100);
158 | }
159 | }
160 | })
161 |
162 | .addBatch({
163 | 'when paginating TestEntry querying for all documents, with page 10, 11 results per page':{
164 | topic:function(){
165 | TestEntry.paginate({}, 10, 10, this.callback, { columns: 'title' });
166 | },
167 | 'there should be no errors':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
168 | assert.equal(error, null);
169 | },
170 | 'results.length should be 10':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
171 | assert.equal(results.length, 10);
172 | },
173 | 'the first result should contain the correct index #(100)':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
174 | assert.equal(results[9].title, 'Item #100');
175 | }
176 | }
177 | })
178 |
179 | .addBatch({
180 | 'when paginating TestEntry querying for all documents, with page 2, 10 results per page with populate and without columns':{
181 | topic:function(){
182 | TestEntry.paginate({}, 2, 10, this.callback, { populate: 'child' });
183 | },
184 | 'there should be no errors':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
185 | assert.equal(error, null);
186 | },
187 | 'results.length should be 10':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
188 | assert.equal(results.length, 10);
189 | },
190 | 'the first result should contain the correct index #(11)':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
191 | assert.equal(results[0].title, 'Item #11');
192 | },
193 | 'the first result should contain the correct SubItem #(1)':function(error, pageCount, results, count) {
194 | assert.equal(results[0].child.title, 'SubItem #1');
195 | }
196 | }
197 | })
198 |
199 | .addBatch({
200 | 'when deleting all of our 100 dummy documents with our test mongodb string':{
201 | topic:function(){
202 | teardown(this.callback);
203 | },
204 | 'there should be no errors and resultCount should be a number':function(error, resultCount) {
205 | assert.equal(error, null);
206 | assert.equal(resultCount, 100);
207 | }
208 | }
209 | })
210 |
211 | .export(module);