363 kBMarkdownView Raw
15.12.14 / 2021-06-15
3 * fix(schema): check that schema type is an object when setting isUnderneathDocArray #10361 [vmo-khanus](https://github.com/vmo-khanus)
4 * fix(document): avoid infinite recursion when setting single nested subdoc to array #10351
5 * fix(populate): allow populating nested path in schema using `Model.populate()` #10335
6 * fix(drivers): emit operation-start/operation-end events to allow inspecting when operations start and end
7 * fix(index.d.ts): improve typings for virtuals #10350 [thiagokisaki](https://github.com/thiagokisaki)
8 * fix(index.d.ts): correct constructor type for Document #10328
9 * fix(index.d.ts): add `ValidationError` as a possible type for `ValidationError#errors` #10320 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
10 * fix: remove unnecessary async devDependency that's causing npm audit warnings #10281
11 * docs(typescript): add schemas guide #10308
12 * docs(model): add options parameter description to `Model.exists()` #10336 [Aminoiz](https://github.com/Aminoiz)
145.12.13 / 2021-06-04
16 * perf(document): avoid creating nested paths when running `$getAllSubdocs()` #10275
17 * fix: make returnDocument option work with `findOneAndUpdate()` #10232 #10231 [cnwangjie](https://github.com/cnwangjie)
18 * fix(document): correctly reset subdocument when resetting a map subdocument underneath a single nested subdoc after save #10295
19 * perf(query): avoid setting non-null sessions to avoid overhead from $getAllSubdocs() #10275
20 * perf(document): pre split schematype paths when compiling schema to avoid extra overhead of splitting when hydrating documents #10275
21 * perf(schema): pre-calculate mapPaths to avoid looping over every path for each path when initing doc #10275
22 * fix(index.d.ts): drill down into nested arrays when creating LeanDocument type #10293
245.12.12 / 2021-05-28
26 * fix(documentarray): retain atomics when setting to a new array #10272
27 * fix(query+model): fix deprecation warning for `returnOriginal` with `findOneAndUpdate()` #10298 #10297 #10292 #10285 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
28 * fix(index.d.ts): make `map()` result an array if used over an array #10288 [quantumsheep](https://github.com/quantumsheep)
305.12.11 / 2021-05-24
32 * fix(populate): skip applying setters when casting arrays for populate() to avoid issues with arrays of immutable elements #10264
33 * perf(schematype): avoid cloning setters every time we run setters #9588
34 * perf(get): add benchmarks and extra cases to speed up get() #9588
35 * perf(array): improve array constructor performance on small arrays to improve nested array perf #9588
36 * fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: [String] with string[] when using SchemaDefinition with generic #10261
37 * fix(index.d.ts): support ReadonlyArray as well as regular array where possible in schema definitions #10260
38 * docs(connection): document noListener option to useDb #10278 [stuartpb](https://github.com/stuartpb)
39 * docs: migrate raw tutorial content from pug / JS to markdown #10271
40 * docs: fix typo #10269 [sanjib](https://github.com/sanjib)
425.12.10 / 2021-05-18
44 * fix(query): allow setting `defaults` option on result documents from query options #7287 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
45 * fix(populate): handle populating embedded discriminator with custom tiedValue #10231
46 * fix(document): allow passing space-delimited string of `pathsToValidate` to `validate()` and `validateSync()` #10258
47 * fix(model+schema): support `loadClass()` on classes that have `collection` as a static property #10257 #10254 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
48 * fix(SchemaArrayOptions): correct property name #10236
49 * fix(index.d.ts): add any to all query operators to minimize likelihood of "type instantiation is excessively deep" when querying docs with 4-level deep subdocs #10189
50 * fix(index.d.ts): add $parent() in addition to parent() in TS definitions
51 * fix(index.d.ts): correct async iterator return type for QueryCursor #10253 #10252 #10251 [borfig](https://github.com/borfig)
52 * fix(index.d.ts): add `virtualsOnly` parameter to `loadClass()` function signature [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
53 * docs(typescript): add typescript populate docs #10212
54 * docs: switch from AWS to Azure Functions for search #10244
565.12.9 / 2021-05-13
58 * fix(schema): ensure add() overwrites existing schema paths by default #10208 #10203
59 * fix(schema): support creating nested paths underneath document arrays #10193
60 * fix(update): convert nested dotted paths in update to nested paths to avoid ending up with dotted properties in update #10200
61 * fix(document): allow calling validate() and validateSync() with `options` as first parameter #10216
62 * fix(schema): apply static properties to model when using loadClass() #10206
63 * fix(index.d.ts): allow returning Promise<void> from middleware functions #10229
64 * fix(index.d.ts): add pre('distinct') hooks to TypeScript #10192
665.12.8 / 2021-05-10
68 * fix(populate): handle populating immutable array paths #10159
69 * fix(CastError): add `toJSON()` function to ensure `name` property always ends up in `JSON.stringify()` output #10166 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
70 * fix(query): add allowDiskUse() method to improve setting MongoDB 4.4's new `allowDiskUse` option #10177
71 * fix(populate): allow populating paths under mixed schematypes where some documents have non-object properties #10191
72 * chore: remove unnecessary driver dynamic imports so Mongoose can work with Parcel #9603
73 * fix(index.d.ts): allow any object as parameter to create() and `insertMany()` #10144
74 * fix(index.d.ts): allow creating Model class with raw interface, no `extends Document` #10144
75 * fix(index.d.ts): separate UpdateQuery from `UpdateWithAggregationPipeline` for cases when `UpdateQuery` is used as a function param #10186
76 * fix(index.d.ts): don't require error value in pre/post hooks #10213 [michaln-q](https://github.com/michaln-q)
77 * docs(typescript): add a typescript intro tutorial and statics tutorial #10021
78 * docs(typescript): add query helpers tutorial #10021
79 * docs(deprecations): add note that you can safely ignore `useFindAndModify` and `useCreateIndex` deprecation warnings #10155
80 * chore(workflows): add node 16 to github actions #10201 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
825.12.7 / 2021-04-29
84 * fix(document): make $getPopulatedDocs() return populated virtuals #10148
85 * fix(discriminator): take discriminator schema's single nested paths over base schema's #10157
86 * fix(discriminator): allow numbers and ObjectIds as tied values for discriminators #10130
87 * fix(document): avoid double validating paths underneath mixed objects in save() #10141
88 * fix(schema): allow path() to return single nested paths within document arrays #10164
89 * fix(model+query): consistently wrap query callbacks in `process.nextTick()` to avoid clean stack traces causing memory leak when using synchronous recursion like `async.whilst()` #9864
90 * fix(cursor): correctly report CastError when using noCursorTimeout flag #10150
91 * fix(index.d.ts): add CastError constructor #10176
92 * fix(index.d.ts): allow setting mongoose.pluralize(null) in TypeScript #10185
93 * docs: add link to transactions guide from nav bar #10143
94 * docs(validation): add section about custom error messages #10140
95 * docs: make headers linkable via clicking #10156
96 * docs: broken link in document.js #10190 [joostdecock](https://github.com/joostdecock)
97 * docs: make navbar responsive on legacy 2.x docs #10171 [ad99526](https://github.com/ad99526)
995.12.6 / 2021-04-27
101 * fix(query): allow setting `writeConcern` schema option to work around MongoDB driver's `writeConcern` deprecation warning #10083 #10009 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
102 * fix(populate): dedupe when virtual populate foreignField is an array to avoid duplicate docs in result #10117
103 * fix(populate): add `localField` filter to `$elemMatch` on virtual populate when custom `match` has a `$elemMatch` and `foreignField` is an array #10117
104 * fix(query): convert projection string values to numbers as a workaround for #10142
105 * fix(document): set version key filter on `save()` when using `optimisticConcurrency` if no changes in document #10128 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
106 * fix(model): use `obj` as `context` in `Model.validate()` if `obj` is a document #10132
107 * fix(connection): avoid db events deprecation warning when using `useDb()` with `useUnifiedTopology` #8267
108 * fix: upgrade to sift@13.5.2 to work around transitive dev dependency security warning #10121
109 * fix(index.d.ts): allow any object as parameter to `create()` and `insertMany()` #10144
110 * fix(index.d.ts): clarify that `eachAsync()` callback receives a single doc rather than array of docs unless `batchSize` is set #10135
111 * fix(index.d.ts): clarify that return value from `validateSync()` is a ValidationError #10147 [michaln-q](https://github.com/michaln-q)
112 * fix(index.d.ts): add generic type for Model constructor #10074 [Duchynko](https://github.com/Duchynko)
113 * fix(index.d.ts): add parameter type in merge #10168 [yoonhoGo](https://github.com/yoonhoGo)
1155.12.5 / 2021-04-19
117 * fix(populate): handle populating underneath document array when document array property doesn't exist in db #10003
118 * fix(populate): clear out dangling pointers to populated docs so query cursor with populate() can garbage collect populated subdocs #9864
119 * fix(connection): pull correct `autoCreate` value from Mongoose global when creating new model before calling `connect()` #10091
120 * fix(populate): handle populating paths on documents with discriminator keys that point to non-existent discriminators #10082
121 * fix(index.d.ts): allow numbers as discriminator names #10115
122 * fix(index.d.ts): allow `type: Boolean` in Schema definitions #10085
123 * fix(index.d.ts): allow passing array of aggregation pipeline stages to `updateOne()` and `updateMany()` #10095
124 * fix(index.d.ts): support legacy 2nd param callback syntax for `deleteOne()`, `deleteMany()` #10122
125 * docs(mongoose): make `useCreateIndex` always `false` in docs #10033
126 * docs(schema): fix incorrect links from schema API docs #10111
1285.12.4 / 2021-04-15
130 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.6.6 #10079
131 * fix: store fields set with select:false at schema-level when saving a new document #10101 [ptantiku](https://github.com/ptantiku)
132 * fix(populate): avoid turning already populated field to null when populating an existing lean document #10068 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
133 * fix(populate): correctly populate lean subdocs with `_id` property #10069
134 * fix(model): insertedDocs may contain docs that weren't inserted #10098 [olnazx](https://github.com/olnazx)
135 * fix(schemaType): make type Mixed cast error objects to pojos #10131 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
136 * fix(populate): support populating embedded discriminators in nested arrays #9984
137 * fix(populate): handle populating map paths using trailing `.$*` #10123
138 * fix(populate): allow returning primitive from `transform()` function for single conventional populate #10064
139 * fix(index.d.ts): allow generic classes of `T` to use `T & Document` internally #10046
140 * fix(index.d.ts): allow `$pull` with `$` paths #10075
141 * fix(index.d.ts): use correct `Date` type for `$currentDate` #10058
142 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing asyncInterator to Query type def #10094 [borfig](https://github.com/borfig)
143 * fix(index.d.ts): allow RHS of `$unset` properties to be any value #10066
144 * fix(index.d.ts): allow setting SchemaType `index` property to a string #10077
145 * refactor(index.d.ts): move discriminator() to common interface #10109 [LoneRifle](https://github.com/LoneRifle)
1475.12.3 / 2021-03-31
149 * fix: avoid setting schema-level collation on text indexes #10044 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
150 * fix(query): add `writeConcern()` method to avoid writeConcern deprecation warning #10009
151 * fix(connection): use queueing instead of event emitter for `createCollection()` and other helpers to avoid event emitter warning #9778
152 * fix(connection): scope `Connection#id` to Mongoose instance so id always lines up with `mongoose.connections` index #10025 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
153 * fix: avoid throwing in `promiseOrCallback()` if 3rd param isn't an EventEmitter #10055 [emrebass](https://github.com/emrebass)
154 * fix(index.d.ts): add Model as 2nd generic param to `Model.discriminator()` #10054 [coro101](https://github.com/coro101)
155 * fix(index.d.ts): add docs to `next()` callback for `pre('insertMany')` hooks #10078 #10072 [pezzu](https://github.com/pezzu)
156 * fix(index.d.ts): add `transform` to PopulateOptions interface #10061
157 * fix(index.d.ts): add DocumentQuery type for backwards compatibility #10036
1595.12.2 / 2021-03-22
161 * fix(QueryCursor): consistently execute `post('find')` hooks with an array of docs #10015 #9982 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
162 * fix(schema): support setting `ref` as an option on an array SchemaType #10029
163 * fix(query): apply schema-level `select` option from array schematypes #10029
164 * fix(schema): avoid possible prototype pollution with `Schema()` constructor #10035 [zpbrent](https://github.com/zpbrent)
165 * fix(model): make bulkWrite skip timestamps with timestamps: false #10050 [SoftwareSing](https://github.com/SoftwareSing)
166 * fix(index.d.ts): make query methods return `QueryWithHelpers` so query helpers pass through chaining #10040
167 * fix(index.d.ts): add `upserted` array to `updateOne()`, `updateMany()`, `update()` result #10042
168 * fix(index.d.ts): add back `Aggregate#project()` types that were mistakenly removed in 5.12.0 #10043
169 * fix(index.d.ts): always allow setting `type` in Schema to a SchemaType class or a Schema instance #10030
170 * docs(transactions): introduce `session.withTransaction()` before `session.startTransaction()` because `withTransaction()` is the recommended approach #10008
171 * docs(mongoose+browser): fix broken links to info about `mongoose.Types` #10016
1735.12.1 / 2021-03-18
175 * fix: update mongodb -> 3.6.5 to fix circular dependency warning #9900
176 * fix(document): make `toObject()` use child schema `flattenMaps` option by default #9995
177 * fix(ObjectId): make `isValidObjectId()` check that length 24 strings are hex chars only #10010 #9996 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
178 * fix(query): correctly cast embedded discriminator paths when discriminator key is specified in array filter #9977
179 * fix(schema): skip `populated()` check when calling `applyGetters()` with a POJO for mongoose-lean-getters support #9986
180 * fix(populate): support populating dotted subpath of a populated doc that has the same id as a populated doc #10005
181 * fix(index.d.ts): correct `this` for query helpers #10028 [francescov1](https://github.com/francescov1)
182 * fix(index.d.ts): avoid omitting function property keys in LeanDocuments, because TS can't accurately infer what's a function if using generic functions #9989
183 * fix(index.d.ts): correct type definition for `SchemaType#cast()` #10039 #9980
184 * fix(index.d.ts): make SchemaTypeOptions a class, add missing `SchemaType#OptionsConstructor` #10001
185 * fix(index.d.ts): support calling `findByIdAndUpdate()` with filter, update, callback params #9981
1875.12.0 / 2021-03-11
189 * feat(populate): add `transform` option that Mongoose will call on every populated doc #3775
190 * feat(query): make `Query#pre()` and `Query#post()` public #9784
191 * feat(document): add `Document#getPopulatedDocs()` to return an array of all populated documents in a document #9702 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
192 * feat(document): add `Document#getAllSubdocs()` to return an array of all single nested and array subdocuments #9764 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
193 * feat(schema): allow `schema` as a schema path name #8798 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
194 * feat(QueryCursor): Add batch processing for eachAsync #9902 [khaledosama999](https://github.com/khaledosama999)
195 * feat(connection): add `noListener` option to help with use cases where you're using `useDb()` on every request #9961
196 * feat(index): emit 'createConnection' event when user calls `mongoose.createConnection()` #9985
197 * feat(connection+index): emit 'model' and 'deleteModel' events on connections when creating and deleting models #9983
198 * feat(query): allow passing `explain` option to `Model.exists()` #8098 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
2005.11.20 / 2021-03-11
202 * fix(query+populate): avoid unnecessarily projecting in subpath when populating a path that uses an elemMatch projection #9973
203 * fix(connection): avoid `db` events deprecation warning with 'close' events #10004 #9930
204 * fix(index.d.ts): make `$pull` more permissive to allow dotted paths #9993
2065.11.19 / 2021-03-05
208 * fix(document): skip validating array elements that aren't modified when `validateModifiedOnly` is set #9963
209 * fix(timestamps): apply timestamps on `findOneAndReplace()` #9951
210 * fix(schema): correctly handle trailing array filters when looking up schema paths #9977
211 * fix(schema): load child class getter for virtuals instead of base class when using `loadClass()` #9975
212 * fix(index.d.ts): allow creating statics without passing generics to `Schema` constructor #9969
213 * fix(index.d.ts): add QueryHelpers generic to schema and model, make all query methods instead return QueryWithHelpers #9850
214 * fix(index.d.ts): support setting `type` to an array of schemas when using SchemaDefinitionType #9962
215 * fix(index.d.ts): add generic to plugin schema definition #9968 [emiljanitzek](https://github.com/emiljanitzek)
216 * docs: small typo fix #9964 [KrishnaMoorthy12](https://github.com/KrishnaMoorthy12)
2185.11.18 / 2021-02-23
220 * fix(connection): set connection state to `disconnected` if connecting string failed to parse #9921
221 * fix(connection): remove `db` events deprecation warning if `useUnifiedTopology = true` #9930
222 * fix(connection): fix promise chaining for openUri #9960 [lantw44](https://github.com/lantw44)
223 * fix(index.d.ts): add `PopulatedDoc` type to make it easier to define populated docs in interfaces #9818
224 * fix(index.d.ts): allow explicitly overwriting `toObject()` return type for backwards compatibility #9944
225 * fix(index.d.ts): correctly throw error when interface path type doesn't line up with schema path type #9958 [ShadiestGoat](https://github.com/ShadiestGoat)
226 * fix(index.d.ts): remove `any` from `deleteX()` and `updateX()` query params and return values #9959 [btd](https://github.com/btd)
227 * fix(index.d.ts): add non-generic versions of `Model.create()` for better autocomplete #9928
228 * docs: correctly handle multiple `&gt` in API descriptions #9940
2305.11.17 / 2021-02-17
232 * fix(populate): handle `perDocumentLimit` when multiple documents reference the same populated doc #9906
233 * fix(document): handle directly setting embedded document array element with projection #9909
234 * fix(map): cast ObjectId to string inside of MongooseMap #9938 [HunterKohler](https://github.com/HunterKohler)
235 * fix(model): use schema-level default collation for indexes if index doesn't have collation #9912
236 * fix(index.d.ts): make `SchemaTypeOptions#type` optional again to allow alternative typeKeys #9927
237 * fix(index.d.ts): support `{ type: String }` in schema definition when using SchemaDefinitionType generic #9911
238 * docs(populate+schematypes): document the `$*` syntax for populating every entry in a map #9907
239 * docs(connection): clarify that `Connection#transaction()` promise resolves to a command result #9919
2415.11.16 / 2021-02-12
243 * fix(document): skip applying array element setters when init-ing an array #9889
244 * fix: upgrade to mongodb driver 3.6.4 #9893 [jooeycheng](https://github.com/jooeycheng)
245 * fix: avoid copying Object.prototype properties when cloning #9876
246 * fix(aggregate): automatically convert functions to strings when using `$function` operator #9897
247 * fix: call pre-remove hooks for subdocuments #9895 #9885 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
248 * docs: fix confusing sentence in Schema docs #9914 [namenyi](https://github.com/namenyi)
2505.11.15 / 2021-02-03
252 * fix(document): fix issues with `isSelected` as an path in a nested schema #9884 #9873 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
253 * fix(index.d.ts): better support for `SchemaDefinition` generics when creating schema #9863 #9862 #9789
254 * fix(index.d.ts): allow required function in array definition #9888 [Ugzuzg](https://github.com/Ugzuzg)
255 * fix(index.d.ts): reorder create typings to allow array desctructuring #9890 [Ugzuzg](https://github.com/Ugzuzg)
256 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing overload to Model.validate #9878 #9877 [jonamat](https://github.com/jonamat)
257 * fix(index.d.ts): throw compiler error if schema says path is a String, but interface says path is a number #9857
258 * fix(index.d.ts): make `Query` a class, allow calling `Query#where()` with object argument and with no arguments #9856
259 * fix(index.d.ts): support calling `Schema#pre()` and `Schema#post()` with options and array of hooked function names #9844
260 * docs(faq): mention other debug options than console #9887 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
261 * docs(connections): clarify that Mongoose can emit 'error' both during initial connection and after initial connection #9853
2635.11.14 / 2021-01-28
265 * fix(populate): avoid inferring `justOne` from parent when populating a POJO with a manually populated path #9833 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
266 * fix(document): apply setters on each element of the array when setting a populated array #9838
267 * fix(map): handle change tracking on maps of subdocs #9811 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
268 * fix(document): remove dependency on `documentIsSelected` symbol #9841 [IslandRhythms](https://github.com/IslandRhythms)
269 * fix(error): make ValidationError.toJSON to include the error name correctly #9849 [hanzki](https://github.com/hanzki)
270 * fix(index.d.ts): indicate that `Document#remove()` returns a promise, not a query #9826
271 * fix(index.d.ts): allow setting `SchemaType#enum` to TypeScript enum with `required: true` #9546
2735.11.13 / 2021-01-20
275 * fix(map): handle change tracking on map of arrays #9813
276 * fix(connection): allow passing options to `Connection#transaction()` #9834 [pnutmath](https://github.com/pnutmath)
277 * fix(index.d.ts): make `Query#options#rawResult` take precedence over `new`+`upsert` #9816
278 * fix(index.d.ts): changed setOptions's 'overwrite' argument to optional #9824 [pierissimo](https://github.com/pierissimo)
279 * fix(index.d.ts): allow setting `mongoose.Promise` #9820
280 * fix(index.d.ts): add `Aggregate#replaceRoot()` #9814
281 * fix(index.d.ts): make `Model.create()` with a spread return a promise of array rather than single doc #9817
282 * fix(index.d.ts): use SchemaDefinitionProperty generic for SchemaTypeOptions if specified #9815
283 * docs(populate): add note about setting `toObject` for populate virtuals #9822
2855.11.12 / 2021-01-14
287 * fix(document): handle using `db` as a document path #9798
288 * fix(collection): make sure to call `onOpen()` if `autoCreate === false` #9807
289 * fix(index.d.ts): correct query type for `findOneAndUpdate()` and `findByIdAndUpdate()` with `rawResult = true` #9803
290 * fix(index.d.ts): require setting `new: true` or `returnOriginal: false` to skip null check with `findOneAndUpdate()` #9654
291 * fix(index.d.ts): make methods and statics optional on schema #9801
292 * fix(index.d.ts): remove non backwards compatible methods restriction #9801
293 * docs: removed the extra word on comment doc #9794 [HenriqueLBorges](https://github.com/HenriqueLBorges)
2955.11.11 / 2021-01-08
297 * fix(model): support calling `create()` with `undefined` as first argument and no callback #9765
298 * fix(index.d.ts): ensure TypeScript knows that `this` refers to `DocType` in schema methods with strict mode #9755
299 * fix(index.d.ts): make SchemaDefinition accept a model generic #9761 [mroohian](https://github.com/mroohian)
300 * fix(index.d.ts): add `Aggregate#addFields()` #9774
301 * fix(index.d.ts): allow setting `min` and `max` to [number, string] and [Date, string] #9762
302 * fix(index.d.ts): improve context and type bindings for `Schema#methods` and `Schema#statics` #9717
303 * docs: add recommended connection option #9768 [Fernando-Lozano](https://github.com/Fernando-Lozano)
304 * chore: correct improper date in History.md #9783 [botv](https://github.com/botv)
3065.11.10 / 2021-01-04
308 * fix(model): support `populate` option for `insertMany()` as a workaround for mongoose-autopopulate #9720
309 * perf(schema): avoid creating extra array when initializing array of arrays #9588
310 * perf(schema): avoid setting `arrayPath` when casting to a non-array, avoid unnecessarily setting atomics #9588
311 * perf(schema): avoid expensive `String#slice()` call when creating a new array #9588
312 * fix(queryhelpers): avoid modifying `lean.virtuals` in place #9754
313 * fix: fall back to legacy treatment for square brackets if square brackets contents aren't a number #9640
314 * fix(document): make fix for #9396 handle null values more gracefully #9709
315 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing overloaded function for Document#populate() #9744 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
316 * fix(index.d.ts): allow Model.create param1 overwrite #9753 [hasezoey](https://github.com/hasezoey)
317 * fix(index.d.ts): improve autocomplete for query middleware #9752 [3Aahmednaser94](https://github.com/3Aahmednaser94)
318 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing function for Aggregate#group() #9750 [coro101](https://github.com/coro101)
319 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `Aggregate#project()` #9763 [vorticalbox](https://github.com/vorticalbox)
320 * fix(index.d.ts): allow `null` as an enum value for schematypes #9746
321 * docs(guide+schema): make schema API docs and guide docs' list of Schema options line up #9749
322 * docs(documents): add some more details about what the `save()` promise resolves to #9689
323 * docs(subdocs): add section about subdocument defaults #7291
324 * chore: run GitHub CI on PRs and update badge #9760 [YC](https://github.com/YC)
3265.11.9 / 2020-12-28
328 * fix(document): keeps atomics when assigning array to filtered array #9651
329 * fix(document): apply `defaults` option to subdocument arrays #9736
330 * fix(index.d.ts): allow passing generic parameter to overwrite `lean()` result type #9728
331 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing pre hook for findOneAndUpdate #9743 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
332 * fix(index.d.ts): schema methods & statics types #9725
333 * fix(index.d.ts): allow `id` paths with non-string values in TypeScript #9723
334 * fix(index.d.ts): support calling `createIndexes()` and `ensureIndexes()` with just callback #9706
335 * fix(index.d.ts): include `__v` in LeanDocuments #9687
336 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `Aggregate#append()` #9714
337 * chore: add eslint typescript support and lint index.d.ts file #9729 [simllll](https://github.com/simllll)
338 * chore: add Github Actions #9688 [YC](https://github.com/YC)
3405.11.8 / 2020-12-14
342 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing single document populate #9696 [YC](https://github.com/YC)
343 * fix(index.d.ts): make options optional for `toObject` #9700
344 * fix(index.d.ts): added missing match and model methods in Aggregate class #9710 [manekshms](https://github.com/manekshms)
345 * fix(index.d.ts): make options optional for `createIndexes()` and `ensureIndexes()` #9706
346 * fix(index.d.ts): support passing a function to `ValidateOpts.message` #9697
347 * docs: add media query for ::before on headings #9705 #9704 [YC](https://github.com/YC)
3495.11.7 / 2020-12-10
351 * fix(document): ensure calling `get()` with empty string returns undefined for mongoose-plugin-autoinc #9681
352 * fix(model): set `isNew` to false for documents that were successfully inserted by `insertMany` with `ordered = false` when an error occurred #9677
353 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing Aggregate#skip() & Aggregate#limit() #9692 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
354 * fix(index.d.ts): make `Document#id` optional so types that use `id` can use `Model<IMyType & Document>` #9684
3565.11.6 / 2020-12-09
358 * fix(middleware): ensure sync errors in pre hooks always bubble up to the calling code #9659
359 * fix(index.d.ts): allow passing ObjectId properties as strings to `create()` and `findOneAndReplace()` #9676
360 * fix(index.d.ts): allow calling `mongoose.model()` and `Connection#model()` with model as generic param #9685 #9678 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
361 * fix(index.d.ts): Fix return type of Model#aggregate() #9680 [orgads](https://github.com/orgads)
362 * fix(index.d.ts): optional next() parameter for post middleware #9683 [isengartz](https://github.com/isengartz)
363 * fix(index.d.ts): allow array of validators in SchemaTypeOptions #9686 [cjroebuck](https://github.com/cjroebuck)
3655.11.5 / 2020-12-07
367 * fix(map): support `null` in maps of subdocs #9628
368 * fix(index.d.ts): support object syntax for `validate` #9667
369 * fix(index.d.ts): Allow number for Schema expires #9670 [alecgibson](https://github.com/alecgibson)
370 * fix(index.d.ts): allow definining arbitrary properties on SchemaTypeOpts for plugins like mongoose-autopopulate #9669
371 * fix(index.d.ts): add mongoose.models #9661 #9660 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
372 * fix(index.d.ts): allow the next() argument to be optional #9665 #9664 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
373 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `VirtualType#applyGetters()` and `applySetters()`, `Schema#virtuals`, `Schema#childSchemas`, `Query#_mongooseOptions` #9658
374 * fix(index.d.ts): add `id` to LeanDocuments in case it is defined in the user's schema #9657
375 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing types for hook functions #9653
376 * fix(index.d.ts): improve support for strict null checks with `upsert` and `orFail()` #9654
377 * fix(index.d.ts): make return values for `insertMany()` more consistent #9662
378 * fix(index.d.ts): Change options in Connection#collection() to be optional #9663 [orgads](https://github.com/orgads)
379 * fix(index.d.ts): add the missing generic declaration for Schema #9655 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
380 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `SchemaTypeOpts` and `ConnectionOptions` aliases for backwards compat
381 * docs(populate): remove `sort()` from `limit` example to avoid potential confusion #9584
382 * docs(compatibility): add MongoDB server 4.4 version compatibility #9641
3845.11.4 / 2020-12-04
386 * fix(index.d.ts): add `Document#__v` so documents have a Version by default #9652 [sahasayan](https://github.com/sahasayan)
387 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `session` option to `SaveOptions` #9642
388 * fix(index.d.ts): add `Schema#paths`, `Schema#static(obj)`, `Embedded#schema`, `DocumentArray#schema`, make Schema inherit from EventEmitter #9650
389 * fix(index.d.ts): order when cb is optional in method #9647 [CatsMiaow](https://github.com/CatsMiaow)
390 * fix(index.d.ts): use DocumentDefinition for `FilterQuery` #9649
391 * fix(index.d.ts): correct callback result types for `find()`, `findOne()`, `findById()` #9648
392 * fix(index.d.ts): remove `Document#parent()` method because it conflicts with existing user code #9645
393 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `Connection#db` property #9643
394 * test(typescript): add `tsconfig.json` file for intellisense #9611 [alecgibson](https://github.com/alecgibson)
3965.11.3 / 2020-12-03
398 * fix(index.d.ts): make Mongoose collection inherit MongoDB collection #9637 #9630 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
399 * fix(index.d.ts): add `Document#_id` so documents have an id by default #9632
400 * fix(index.d.ts): allow inline schema definitions for nested properties #9639 [Green-Cat](https://github.com/Green-Cat)
401 * fix(index.d.ts): add support for missing error message definitions #9638 [SaifAlsabe](https://github.com/SaifAlsabe)
402 * fix(schema+discriminator): support defining recursive embedded discriminators by passing document array schematype to discriminator #9600
403 * fix(index.d.ts): make it possible to use `LeanDocument` with arrays #9620
404 * fix(index.d.ts): add `ModelUpdateOptions` as alias for `QueryOptions` for backwards compat #9637
4065.11.2 / 2020-12-02
408 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing query options and model `findById()` function #9626 #9620
409 * fix(index.d.ts): support defining schema paths as arrays of functions #9617
410 * fix(index.d.ts): add automatic `_id` for Document, support creating Mongoose globals and accessing collection name #9618
411 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing global `get()` and `set()` #9616
412 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing `new` and `returnOriginal` options to QueryOptions, add missing model static properties #9627 #9616 #9615
413 * fix(index.d.ts): allow `useCreateIndex` in connection options #9621
4155.11.1 / 2020-12-01
417 * fix(index.d.ts): add missing SchemaOptions #9606
418 * fix(index.d.ts): allow using `$set` in updates #9609
419 * fix(index.d.ts): add support for using return value of `createConnection()` as a connection as well as a promise #9612 #9610 [alecgibson](https://github.com/alecgibson)
420 * fix(index.d.ts): allow using `Types.ObjectId()` without `new` in TypeScript #9608
4225.11.0 / 2020-11-30
424 * feat: add official TypeScript definitions `index.d.ts` file #8108
425 * feat(connection): add bufferTimeoutMS option that configures how long Mongoose will allow commands to buffer #9469
426 * feat(populate): support populate virtuals with `localField` and `foreignField` as arrays #6608
427 * feat(populate+virtual): feat: support getters on populate virtuals, including `get` option for `Schema#virtual()` #9343
428 * feat(populate+schema): add support for `populate` schematype option that sets default populate options #6029
429 * feat(QueryCursor): execute post find hooks for each doc in query cursor #9345
430 * feat(schema): support overwriting cast logic for individual schematype instances #8407
431 * feat(QueryCursor): make cursor `populate()` in batch when using `batchSize` #9366 [biomorgoth](https://github.com/biomorgoth)
432 * chore: remove changelog from published bundle #9404
433 * feat(model+mongoose): add `overwriteModels` option to bypass `OverwriteModelError` globally #9406
434 * feat(model+query): allow defining middleware for all query methods or all document methods, but not other middleware types #9190
435 * feat(document+model): make change tracking skip saving if new value matches last saved value #9396
436 * perf(utils): major speedup for `deepEqual()` on documents and arrays #9396
437 * feat(schema): support passing a TypeScript enum to `enum` validator in schema #9547 #9546 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
438 * feat(debug): #8963 `shell` option for date format (ISODate) #9532 [FlameFractal](https://github.com/FlameFractal)
439 * feat(document): support square bracket indexing for `get()`, `set()` #9375
440 * feat(document): support array and space-delimited syntax for `Document#$isValid()`, `isDirectSelected()`, `isSelected()`, `$isDefault()` #9474
441 * feat(string): make `minLength` and `maxLength` behave the same as `minlength` and `maxlength` #8777 [m-weeks](https://github.com/m-weeks)
442 * feat(document): add `$parent()` as an alias for `parent()` for documents and subdocuments to avoid path name conflicts #9455
4445.10.19 / 2020-11-30
446 * fix(query): support passing an array to `$type` in query filters #9577
447 * perf(schema): avoid creating unnecessary objects when casting to array #9588
448 * docs: make example gender neutral #9601 [rehatkathuria](https://github.com/rehatkathuria)
4505.10.18 / 2020-11-29
452 * fix(connection): connect and disconnect can be used destructured #9598 #9597 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
4545.10.17 / 2020-11-27
456 * fix(document): allow setting fields after an undefined field #9587 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
4585.10.16 / 2020-11-25
460 * fix(connection): copy config options from connection rather than base connection when calling `useDb()` #9569
461 * fix(schema): support `of` for array type definitions to be consistent with maps #9564
462 * docs(dates): fix broken example reference #9557 [kertof](https://github.com/kertof)
463 * docs(virtualtype): remove unintentional h2 tag re: tj/dox#60 #9568
4655.10.15 / 2020-11-16
467 * fix(array): make sure `Array#toObject()` returns a vanilla JavaScript array in Node.js 6+ #9540
468 * fix(connection): make `disconnect()` stop Mongoose if it is trying to reconnect #9531
469 * fix: ensure `Document#overwrite()` correctly overwrites maps #9549
470 * fix(document): make transform work with nested paths #9544 #9543 [jonathan-wilkinson](https://github.com/jonathan-wilkinson)
471 * fix(query): maxTimeMS in count, countDocuments, distinct #9552 [FlameFractal](https://github.com/FlameFractal)
472 * fix(schema): remove warning re: `increment` as a schema path name #9538
473 * fix(model): automatically set `partialFilterExpression` for indexes in discriminator schemas #9542
4755.10.14 / 2020-11-12
477 * fix(update): handle casting immutable object properties with `$setOnInsert` #9537
478 * fix(discriminator): overwrite instead of merge if discriminator schema specifies a path is single nested but base schema has path as doc array #9534
479 * docs(middleware): clarify that you need to set both `document` and `query` on `remove` hooks to get just document middleware #9530 [mustafaKamal-fe](https://github.com/mustafaKamal-fe)
480 * docs(CONTRIBUTING): remove mmapv1 recommendation and clean up a few other details #9529
481 * refactor: remove duplicate function definition #9527 [ksullivan](https://github.com/ksullivan)
4835.10.13 / 2020-11-06
485 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.6.3 for Lambda cold start fixes #9521 #9179 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
486 * fix(document): correctly handle setting props to other nested props #9519
4885.10.12 / 2020-11-04
490 * fix(connection): catch and report sync errors in connection wrappers like `startSession()` #9515
491 * fix(document): ignore getters when diffing values for change tracking #9501
492 * fix(connection): avoid executing promise handler unless it's a function #9507 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
493 * fix(error): throw more helpful error when connecting to a non-SSL MongoDB server with SSL enabled #9511
494 * docs(model+query): clarify that `deleteOne` and `deleteMany` trigger middleware #9504
495 * docs(ssl): add note about `ssl` defaulting to `true` for srv connection strings #9511
4975.10.11 / 2020-10-26
499 * fix(connection): when calling `mongoose.connect()` multiple times in parallel, make 2nd call wait for connection before resolving #9476
500 * fix(map): make `save()` persist `Map#clear()` #9493
501 * fix(document): avoid overwriting array subdocument when setting dotted path that isn't selected #9427
502 * fix(connection): don't throw Atlas error if server discovery doesn't find any servers #9470
503 * docs: update options for Model.findOneAndUpdate #9499 [radamson](https://github.com/radamson)
5055.10.10 / 2020-10-23
507 * fix(schema): handle merging schemas from separate Mongoose module instances when schema has a virtual #9471
508 * fix(connection): make connection.then(...) resolve to a connection instance #9497 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
509 * fix(aggregate): when using $search with discriminators, add `$match` as the 2nd stage in pipeline rather than 1st #9487
510 * fix(query): cast $nor within $elemMatch #9479
511 * docs(connection): add note about 'error' event versus 'disconnected' event #9488 [tareqdayya](https://github.com/tareqdayya)
5135.10.9 / 2020-10-09
515 * fix(update): strip out unused array filters to avoid "filter was not used in the update" error #9468
516 * fix(mongoose): allow setting `autoCreate` as a global option to be consistent with `autoIndex` #9466
5185.10.8 / 2020-10-05
520 * fix(schema): handle setting nested paths underneath single nested subdocs #9459
521 * fix(schema+index): allow calling `mongoose.model()` with schema from a different Mongoose module instance #9449
522 * fix(transaction): fix saving new documents w/ arrays in transactions #9457 [PenguinToast](https://github.com/PenguinToast)
523 * fix(document): track `reason` on cast errors that occur while init-ing a document #9448
524 * fix(model): make `createCollection()` not throw error when collection already exists to be consistent with v5.9 #9447
525 * docs(connections): add SSL connections docs #9443
526 * docs(query_casting): fix typo #9458 [craig-davis](https://github.com/craig-davis)
5285.10.7 / 2020-09-24
530 * fix(schema): set correct path and schema on nested primitive arrays #9429
531 * fix(document): pass document to required validator so `required` can use arrow functions #9435 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
532 * fix(document): handle required when schema has property named `isSelected` #9438
533 * fix(timestamps): allow using timestamps when schema has a property named 'set' #9428
534 * fix(schema): make `Schema#clone()` use parent Mongoose instance's Schema constructor #9426
5365.10.6 / 2020-09-18
538 * fix(populate): handle `options.perDocumentLimit` option same as `perDocumentLimit` when calling `populate()` #9418
539 * fix(document): invalidate path if default function throws an error #9408
540 * fix: ensure subdocument defaults run after initial values are set when initing #9408
541 * docs(faq+queries): add more detail about duplicate queries, including an faq entry #9386
542 * docs: replace var with let and const in docs and test files #9414 [jmadankumar](https://github.com/jmadankumar)
543 * docs(model+query): document using array of strings as projection #9413
544 * docs(middleware): add missing backtick #9425 [tphobe9312](https://github.com/tphobe9312)
5465.10.5 / 2020-09-11
548 * fix: bump mongodb -> 3.6.2 #9411 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
549 * fix(query+aggregate+cursor): support async iteration over a cursor instance as opposed to a Query or Aggregate instance #9403
550 * fix(document): respect child schema `minimize` if `toObject()` is called without an explicit `minimize` #9405
551 * docs(guide): use const instead of var #9394 [nainardev](https://github.com/nainardev)
552 * docs(query): link to lean, findOneAndUpdate, query casting tutorials from query docs #9410
5545.10.4 / 2020-09-09
556 * fix(document): allow setting nested path to instance of model #9392
557 * fix: handle `findOneAndRemove()` with `orFail()` #9381
558 * fix(schema): support setting `_id` option to `false` after instantiating schema #9390
559 * docs(document): fix formatting on `getChanges()` #9376
5615.10.3 / 2020-09-03
563 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.6.1 #9380 [lamhieu-vk](https://github.com/lamhieu-vk)
564 * fix(populate): allow populating paths underneath subdocument maps #9359
565 * fix(update): handle casting map paths when map is underneath a single nested subdoc #9298
566 * fix(discriminator): avoid removing nested path if both base and discriminator schema have the same nested path #9362
567 * fix(schema): support `Schema#add()` with schematype instances with different paths #9370
568 * docs(api): fix typo in `Query#get()` example #9372 [elainewlin](https://github.com/elainewlin)
5705.10.2 / 2020-08-28
572 * fix(model): avoid uncaught error if `insertMany()` fails due to server selection error #9355
573 * fix(aggregate): automatically convert accumulator function options to strings #9364
574 * fix(document): handle `pull()` on a document array when `_id` is an alias #9319
575 * fix(queryhelpers): avoid path collision error when projecting in discriminator key with `.$` #9361
576 * fix: fix typo in error message thrown by unimplemented createIndex #9367 [timhaley94](https://github.com/timhaley94)
577 * docs(plugins): note that plugins should be applied before you call `mongoose.model()` #7723
5795.10.1 / 2020-08-26
581 * fix(mongoose): fix `.then()` is not a function error when calling `mongoose.connect()` multiple times #9358 #9335 #9331
582 * fix: allow calling `create()` after `bulkWrite()` by clearing internal casting context #9350
583 * fix(model): dont wipe out changes made while `save()` is in-flight #9327
584 * fix(populate): skip checking `refPath` if the path to populate is undefined #9340
585 * fix(document): allow accessing document values from function `default` on array #9351
586 * fix(model): skip applying init hook if called with `schema.pre(..., { document: false })` #9316
587 * fix(populate): support `retainNullValues` when setting `_id` to `false` for subdocument #9337 #9336 [FelixRe0](https://github.com/FelixRe0)
588 * docs: update connect example to avoid deprecation warnings #9332 [moander](https://github.com/moander)
5905.10.0 / 2020-08-14
592 * feat: upgrade to MongoDB driver 3.6 for full MongoDB 4.4 support
593 * feat(connection): add `Connection#transaction()` helper that handles resetting Mongoose document state if the transaction fails #8380
594 * feat(connection): make transaction() helper reset array atomics after failed transaction
595 * feat(schema+model): add `optimisticConcurrency` option to use OCC for `save()` #9001 #5424
596 * feat(aggregate): add `Aggregate#search()` for Atlas Text Search #9115
597 * feat(mongoose): add support for setting `setDefaultsOnInsert` as a global option #9036 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
598 * feat(mongoose): add support for setting `returnOriginal` as a global option #9189 #9183 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
599 * feat(mongoose): allow global option mongoose.set('strictQuery', true) #9016 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
600 * feat(document): add Document#getChanges #9097 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
601 * feat(document): support `defaults` option to disable adding defaults to a single document #8271
602 * feat(SingleNestedPath+DocumentArray): add static `set()` function for global options, support setting `_id` globally #8883
603 * feat(query): handle casting `$or` when each clause contains a different discriminator key #9018
604 * feat(query): add overwriteDiscriminatorKey option that allows changing the discriminator key in `findOneAndUpdate()`, `updateOne()`, etc. #6087
605 * fix(connection): make calling `mongoose.connect()` while already connected a no-op #9203
606 * feat(connection): add `getClient()` and `setClient()` function for interacting with a connection's underlying MongoClient instance #9164
607 * feat(document+populate): add `parent()` function that allows you to get the parent document for populated docs #8092
608 * feat(document): add `useProjection` option to `toObject()` and `toJSON()` for hiding deselected fields on newly created documents #9118
6105.9.29 / 2020-08-13
612 * fix(document): support setting nested path to itself when it has nested subpaths #9313
613 * fix(model): make `syncIndexes()` report error if it can't create an index #9303
614 * fix: handle auth error when Atlas username is incorrect #9300
6165.9.28 / 2020-08-07
618 * fix(connection): consistently stop buffering when "reconnected" is emitted #9295
619 * fix(error): ensure `name` and `message` show up on individual ValidatorErrors when calling JSON.stringify() on a ValidationError #9296
620 * fix(document): keeps manually populated paths when setting a nested path to itself #9293
621 * fix(document): allow saving after setting document array to itself #9266
622 * fix(schema): handle `match` schema validator with `/g` flag #9287
623 * docs(guide): refactor transactions examples to async/await #9204
6255.9.27 / 2020-07-31
627 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.5.10 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
628 * docs(transactions): make transactions docs use async/await for readability #9204
6305.9.26 / 2020-07-27
632 * fix(document): allow unsetting boolean field by setting the field to `undefined` #9275
633 * fix(document): throw error when overwriting a single nested subdoc changes an immutable path within the subdoc #9281
634 * fix(timestamps): apply timestamps to `bulkWrite()` updates when not using `$set` #9268
635 * fix(browser): upgrade babel to v7 to work around an issue with `extends Error` #9273
636 * fix: make subdocument's `invalidate()` methods have the same return value as top-level document #9271
637 * docs(model): make `create()` docs use async/await, and add another warning about how `create()` with options requires array syntax #9280
638 * docs(connections): clarify that Mongoose can emit 'connected' when reconnecting after losing connectivity #9240
639 * docs(populate): clarify that you can't filter based on foreign document properties when populating #9279
640 * docs(document+model): clarify how `validateModifiedOnly` option works #9263
641 * docs: remove extra poolSize option in comment #9270 [shahvicky](https://github.com/shahvicky)
642 * docs: point bulkWrite() link to mongoose docs instead of localhost #9284
6445.9.25 / 2020-07-17
646 * fix(discriminator): allow passing a compiled model's schema as a parameter to `discriminator()` #9238
647 * fix(connection): throw more readable error when querying db before initial connection when `bufferCommands = false` #9239
648 * fix(indexes): don't unnecessarily drop text indexes when running `syncIndexes()` #9225
649 * fix: make Boolean _castNullish respect omitUndefined #9242 [ehpc](https://github.com/ehpc)
650 * fix(populate): populate single nested discriminator underneath doc array when populated docs have different model but same id #9244
651 * docs(mongoose): correct formatting typo #9247 [JNa0](https://github.com/JNa0)
6535.9.24 / 2020-07-13
655 * fix(connection): respect connection-level `bufferCommands` option if `mongoose.connect()` is called after `mongoose.model()` #9179
656 * fix(document): clear out `priorDoc` after overwriting single nested subdoc so changes after overwrite get persisted correctly #9208
657 * fix(connection): dont overwrite user-specified `bufferMaxEntries` when setting `bufferCommands` #9218
658 * fix(model): allow passing projection to `Model.hydrate()` #9209
659 * fix(schema+document): support adding `null` to schema boolean's `convertToFalse` set #9223
660 * docs(model): make `find` and `findOne()` examples use async/await and clarify `find({})` is find all #9210
6624.13.21 / 2020-07-12
664 * fix(query): delete top-level `_bsontype` property in queries to prevent silent empty queries #8222
6665.9.23 / 2020-07-10
668 * fix(model): fix `syncIndexes()` error when db index has a collation but Mongoose index does not #9224 [clhuang](https://github.com/clhuang)
669 * fix(array): only cast array to proper depth if it contains an non-array value #9217 #9215 [cyrilgandon](https://github.com/cyrilgandon)
670 * docs(schematype): document the `transform` option #9211
671 * docs(mongoose): fix typo #9212 [JNa0](https://github.com/JNa0)
6735.9.22 / 2020-07-06
675 * fix(schema): treat `{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Array }` as equivalent to `{ type: Array }` #9194
676 * fix: revert fix for #9107 to avoid issues when calling `connect()` multiple times #9167
677 * fix(update): respect storeSubdocValidationError option with update validators #9172
678 * fix: upgrade to safe-buffer 5.2 #9198
679 * docs: add a note about SSL validation to migration guide #9147
680 * docs(schemas): fix inconsistent header #9196 [samtsai15](https://github.com/samtsai15)
6825.9.21 / 2020-07-01
684 * fix: propagate `typeKey` option to implicitly created schemas from `typePojoToMixed` #9185 [joaoritter](https://github.com/joaoritter)
685 * fix(populate): handle embedded discriminator `refPath` with multiple documents #9153
686 * fix(populate): handle deselected foreign field with `perDocumentLimit` and multiple documents #9175
687 * fix(document): disallow `transform` functions that return promises #9176 #9163 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
688 * fix(document): use strict equality when checking mixed paths for modifications #9165
689 * docs: add target="_blank" to all edit links #9058
6915.9.20 / 2020-06-22
693 * fix(populate): handle populating primitive array under document array discriminator #9148
694 * fix(connection): make sure to close previous connection when calling `openUri()` on an already open connection #9107
695 * fix(model): fix conflicting $setOnInsert default values with `update` values in bulkWrite #9160 #9157 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
696 * docs(validation): add note about validateBeforeSave and invalidate #9144 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
697 * docs: specify the array field syntax for invalidate #9137 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
698 * docs: fix several typos and broken references #9024 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
699 * docs: fix minor typo #9143 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
7015.9.19 / 2020-06-15
703 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.5.9 #9124 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
704 * fix: copy `required` validator on single nested subdoc correctly when calling `Schema#clone()` #8819
705 * fix(discriminator): handle `tiedValue` when casting update on nested paths #9108
706 * fix(model): allow empty arrays for bulkWrite #9132 #9131 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
707 * fix(schema): correctly set partialFilterExpression for nested schema indexes #9091
708 * fix(castArrayFilters): handle casting on all fields of array filter #9122 [lafeuil](https://github.com/lafeuil)
709 * fix(update): handle nested path createdAt when overwriting parent path #9105
710 * docs(subdocs): add some notes on the difference between single nested subdocs and nested paths #9085
711 * docs(subdocs): improve docs on `typePojoToMixed` #9085
712 * docs: add note about connections in `globalSetup` with Jest #9063
713 * docs: add schema and how to set default sub-schema to schematype options #9111 [dfle](https://github.com/dfle)
714 * docs(index): use `const` instead of `var` in examples #9125 [dmcgrouther](https://github.com/dmcgrouther)
715 * docs: corrected markdown typo #9117
7175.9.18 / 2020-06-05
719 * fix: improve atlas error in the event of incorrect password #9095
720 * docs: add edit link for all docs pages #9058
721 * fix(document): allow accessing `$locals` when initializing document #9099 #9098 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
722 * fix(query): make `setDefaultsOnInsert` a mongoose option so it doesn't end up in debug output #9086
723 * docs(connection+index): add serverSelectionTimeoutMS and heartbeatFrequencyMS to `connect()` and `openUri()` options #9071
724 * docs(geojson): add notes about geojson 2dsphere indexes #9044
725 * docs: make active page bold in navbar #9062
726 * docs: correct a typo in a code snippet #9089 [Elvis-Sarfo](https://github.com/Elvis-Sarfo)
7285.9.17 / 2020-06-02
730 * fix(document): avoid tracking changes like `splice()` on slice()-ed arrays #9011
731 * fix(populate): make populating a nested path a no-op #9073
732 * fix(document): clear nested cast errors when overwriting an array path #9080
733 * fix: upgrade mongodb to v3.5.8 #9069 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
734 * docs(document): add validateModifiedOnly to Document#save(), Document#validateSync() and Document#validate() #9078 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
735 * docs(faq): fix typo #9075 [tigransimonyan](https://github.com/tigransimonyan)
736 * docs: document all parameters to .debug #9029 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
737 * docs: fix property value in Getters example #9061 [ismet](https://github.com/ismet)
7395.9.16 / 2020-05-25
741 * perf(error): convert errors to classes extending Error for lower CPU overhead #9021 [zbjornson](https://github.com/zbjornson)
742 * fix(query): throw CastError if filter `$and`, `$or`, `$nor` contain non-object values #8948
743 * fix(bulkwrite): cast filter & update to schema after applying timestamps #9030 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
744 * fix(document): don't overwrite defaults with undefined keys in nested documents #9039 [vitorhnn](https://github.com/vitorhnn)
745 * fix(discriminator): remove discriminator schema nested paths pulled from base schema underneath a mixed path in discriminator schema #9042
746 * fix(model): make syncIndexes() not drop index if all user-specified collation options are the same #8994
747 * fix(document): make internal `$__.scope` property a symbol instead to work around a bug with fast-safe-stringify #8955
748 * docs: model.findByIdAndUpdate() 'new' param fix #9026 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
7505.9.15 / 2020-05-18
752 * fix(schema): treat creating dotted path with no parent as creating a nested path #9020
753 * fix(documentarray): make sure you can call `unshift()` after `map()` #9012 [philippejer](https://github.com/philippejer)
754 * fix(model): cast bulkwrite according to discriminator schema if discriminator key is present #8982 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
755 * fix(schema): remove `db` from reserved keywords #8940
756 * fix(populate): treat populating a doc array that doesn't have a `ref` as a no-op #8946
757 * fix(timestamps): set createdAt and updatedAt on doubly nested subdocs when upserting #8894
758 * fix(model): allow POJOs as schemas for model.discriminator(...) #8991 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
759 * fix(model): report `insertedDocs` on `insertMany()` errors #8938
760 * fix(model): ensure consistent `writeErrors` property on insertMany error with `ordered: false`, even if only one op failed #8938
761 * docs: add anchor tag to strictQuery and strict #9014 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
762 * docs(faq): remove faq ipv6 #9004
763 * docs: add note about throwing error only after validation and fix broken reference to api/CastError #8993 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
764 * docs: fix typos in documents.pug #9005 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
7665.9.14 / 2020-05-13
768 * fix(cursor): add index as second parameter to eachAsync callback #8972 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
769 * fix(query): cast filter according to discriminator schema if discriminator key in filter #8881
770 * fix(model): fix throwing error when populating virtual path defined on child discriminator #8924 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
771 * fix(errors): handle case when user has make `Error.prototype.toJSON` read only #8986 [osher](https://github.com/osher)
772 * fix(model): add `kind` to cast errors thrown by query execution #8953 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
773 * fix(update): use child schema strict on single nested updates if useNestedStrict not set #8922
774 * docs(model): improve `save()` docs #8956 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
775 * docs: add immutable type to Schema Types #8987 [Andrew5569](https://github.com/Andrew5569)
776 * docs: sort schema reserved keys in documentation #8966 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
7785.9.13 / 2020-05-08
780 * fix(schema): mark correct path as modified when setting a path underneath a nested array of documents #8926
781 * fix(query): Query#select({ field: false }) should not overwrite schema selection options #8929 #8923
782 * fix(update): handle immutable properties are ignored in bulk upserts #8952 [philippejer](https://github.com/philippejer)
783 * docs(browser): add back sample webpack config #8890
784 * docs(faq): fix broken reference in limit vs perDocumentLimit #8937
7865.9.12 / 2020-05-04
788 * fix(document): report cast error on array elements with array index instead of just being a cast error for the whole array #8888
789 * fix(connection): throw more helpful error in case of IP whitelisting issue with Atlas #8846
790 * fix(schema): throw error on schema with reserved key with type of object #8869 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
791 * fix(connection): inherit config for useDB from default connection #8267 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
792 * fix(query): set mongodb options for `distinct()` #8906 [clhuang](https://github.com/clhuang)
793 * fix(schema): allow adding descending indexes on schema #8895 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
794 * fix(document): set defaults if setting nested path to empty object with `minimize: false` #8829
795 * fix(populate): check discriminator existence before accessing schema in getModelsMapForPopulate #8837 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
796 * docs: fix broken references to Mongoose#Document API, and prefer mongoose.model(...) over Document#model(...) #8914 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
797 * docs(model): adds options.limit to Model.insertMany(...) #8864 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
798 * docs: add flattenMaps and aliases to Document#toObject() #8901 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
799 * docs(model): add options.overwrite to findOneAndUpdate #8865 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
800 * docs(populate+faq): separate limit-vs-perDocumentLimit into its own section, add FAQ for populate and limit #8917 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
8025.9.11 / 2020-04-30
804 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.5.7 #8842 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
805 * fix: validate nested paths on Model.validate(...) #8848 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
806 * fix(populate): make doc.execPopulate(options) a shorthand for doc.populate(options).execPopulate() #8840 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
807 * fix(model): return validation errors when all docs are invalid & rawResult set #8853 [tusharf5](https://github.com/tusharf5)
808 * fix(schemaType): treat select: null or select: undefined as not specified #8850 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
809 * fix: fix stream close event listener being called multiple times in Node 14 #8835 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
810 * fix(populate): handle `clone` with `lean` when setting a path to `null` #8807
811 * docs(faq): clarify setting paths under document arrays with `markModified()` #8854
812 * docs: fix race condition in creating connection for lambda #8845 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
813 * docs: add options.path for Model.populate(...) #8833 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
814 * docs: use ES6 classes for custom schema type example #8802
8165.9.10 / 2020-04-20
818 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.5.6, bson -> 1.1.4 #8719
819 * fix(document): avoid calling `$set()` on object keys if object path isn't in schema #8751
820 * fix(timestamps): handle timestamps on doubly nested subdocuments #8799
821 * fix(schematype): throw error if default is set to a schema instance #8751
822 * fix: handle $elemMatch projection with `select: false` in schema #8818 #8806 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
823 * docs: make FAQ questions more linkable #8825 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
824 * docs(validation): use `init()` as opposed to `once('index')` in `unique` example #8816
825 * docs: clarify `insertMany()` return value #8820 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
826 * docs(populate+query): fix typos #8793 #8794 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
827 * docs(model): document skipId parameter #8791 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
8295.9.9 / 2020-04-13
831 * fix(model): make Model.bulkWrite accept `strict` option #8782 #8788 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
832 * fix(virtual): make populated virtual getter return value when it is passed in #8775 #8774 [makinde](https://github.com/makinde)
833 * fix(document): handle validating document array whose docs contain maps and nested paths #8767
834 * fix(document): skip discriminator key when overwriting a document #8765
835 * fix(populate): support `clone` option with `lean` #8761 #8760
836 * docs(transactions): use `endSession()` in all transactions examples #8741
837 * docs(queries): expand streaming section to include async iterators, cursor timeouts, and sesssion idle timeouts #8720
838 * docs(model+query+findoneandupdate): add docs for `returnOriginal` option #8766
839 * docs(model): fix punctuation #8788 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
840 * docs: fix typos #8780 #8799 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
8425.9.8 / 2020-04-06
844 * fix(map): run getters when calling `Map#get()` #8730
845 * fix(populate): handle `refPath` function in embedded discriminator #8731
846 * fix(model): allow setting timestamps to false for bulkWrite #8758 #8745 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
847 * fix(model): pass custom options to `exists()` when no changes to save #8764 #8739 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
848 * fix(update): respect `useNestedStrict: false` when updating a single nested path #8735
849 * fix(schema): allow `modelName` as a schema path, since `modelName` is a static property on models #7967
850 * docs(promises): add section about using `exec()` with queries and `await` #8747
851 * docs(connections): clarify that `connectTimeoutMS` doesn't do anything with `useUnifiedTopology`, should use `serverSelectionTimeoutMS` #8721
852 * chore: upgrade mpath -> 0.7.0 #8762 [roja548](https://github.com/roja548)
8545.9.7 / 2020-03-30
856 * fix(map): avoid infinite loop when setting a map of documents to a document copied using spread operator #8722
857 * fix(query): clean stack trace for filter cast errors so they include the calling file #8691
858 * fix(model): make bulkWrite updates error if `strict` and `upsert` are set and `filter` contains a non-schema path #8698
859 * fix(cast): make internal `castToNumber()` allow undefined #8725 [p3x-robot](https://github.com/p3x-robot)
8615.9.6 / 2020-03-23
863 * fix(document): allow saving document with nested document array after setting `nestedArr.0` #8689
864 * docs(connections): expand section about multiple connections to describe patterns for exporting schemas #8679
865 * docs(populate): add note about `execPopulate()` to "populate an existing document" section #8671 #8275
866 * docs: fix broken links #8690 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
867 * docs(guide): fix typos #8704 [MateRyze](https://github.com/MateRyze)
868 * docs(guide): fix minor typo #8683 [pkellz](https://github.com/pkellz)
8705.9.5 / 2020-03-16
872 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.5.5 #8667 #8664 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
873 * fix(connection): emit "disconnected" after losing connectivity to every member of a replica set with `useUnifiedTopology: true` #8643
874 * fix(array): allow calling `slice()` after `push()` #8668 #8655 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
875 * fix(map): avoid marking map as modified if setting `key` to the same value #8652
876 * fix(updateValidators): don't run `Mixed` update validator on dotted path underneath mixed type #8659
877 * fix(populate): ensure top-level `limit` applies if one document being populated has more than `limit` results #8657
878 * fix(populate): throw error if both `limit` and `perDocumentLimit` are set #8661 #8658 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
879 * docs(findOneAndUpdate): add a section about the `rawResult` option #8662
880 * docs(guide): add section about `loadClass()` #8623
881 * docs(query): improve `Query#populate()` example to clarify that `sort` doesn't affect the original result's order #8647
8835.9.4 / 2020-03-09
885 * fix(document): allow `new Model(doc)` to set immutable properties when doc is a mongoose document #8642
886 * fix(array): make sure you can call `unshift()` after `slice()` #8482
887 * fix(schema): propagate `typePojoToMixed` to implicitly created arrays #8627
888 * fix(schema): also propagate `typePojoToMixed` option to schemas implicitly created because of `typePojoToMixed` #8627
889 * fix(model): support passing `background` option to `syncIndexes()` #8645
890 * docs(schema): add a section about the `_id` path in schemas #8625
891 * docs(virtualtype+populate): document using `match` with virtual populate #8616
892 * docs(guide): fix typo #8648 [sauzy34](https://github.com/sauzy34)
8945.9.3 / 2020-03-02
896 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.5.4 #8620
897 * fix(document): set subpath defaults when overwriting single nested subdoc #8603
898 * fix(document): make calling `validate()` with single nested subpath only validate that single nested subpath #8626
899 * fix(browser): make `mongoose.model()` return a class in the browser to allow hydrating populated data in the browser #8605
900 * fix(model): make `syncIndexes()` and `cleanIndexes()` drop compound indexes with `_id` that aren't in the schema #8559
901 * docs(connection+index): add warnings to explain that bufferMaxEntries does nothing with `useUnifiedTopology` #8604
902 * docs(document+model+query): add `options.timestamps` parameter docs to `findOneAndUpdate()` and `findByIdAndUpdate()` #8619
903 * docs: fix out of date links to tumblr #8599
9055.9.2 / 2020-02-21
907 * fix(model): add discriminator key to bulkWrite filters #8590
908 * fix(document): when setting nested array path to non-nested array, wrap values top-down rather than bottom up when possible #8544
909 * fix(document): dont leave nested key as undefined when setting nested key to empty object with minimize #8565
910 * fix(document): avoid throwing error if setting path to Mongoose document with nullish `_doc` #8565
911 * fix(update): handle Binary type correctly with `runValidators` #8580
912 * fix(query): run `deleteOne` hooks only on `Document#deleteOne()` when setting `options.document = true` for `Schema#pre()` #8555
913 * fix(document): allow calling `validate()` in post validate hook without causing parallel validation error #8597
914 * fix(virtualtype): correctly copy options when cloning #8587
915 * fix(collection): skip creating capped collection if `autoCreate` set to `false` #8566
916 * docs(middleware): clarify that updateOne and deleteOne hooks are query middleware by default, not document middleware #8581
917 * docs(aggregate): clarify that `Aggregate#unwind()` can take object parameters as well as strings #8594
9195.9.1 / 2020-02-14
921 * fix(model): set session when calling `save()` with no changes #8571
922 * fix(schema): return correct pathType when single nested path is embedded under a nested path with a numeric name #8583
923 * fix(queryhelpers): remove `Object.values()` for Node.js 4.x-6.x support #8596
924 * fix(cursor): respect sort order when using `eachAsync()` with `parallel` and a sync callback #8577
925 * docs: update documentation of custom _id overriding in discriminators #8591 [sam-mfb](https://github.com/sam-mfb)
9275.9.0 / 2020-02-13
929 * fix: upgrade to MongoDB driver 3.5 #8520 #8563
930 * feat(schematype): support setting default options for schema type (`trim` on all strings, etc.) #8487
931 * feat(populate): add `perDocumentLimit` option that limits per document in `find()` result, rather than across all documents #7318
932 * feat(schematype): enable setting `transform` option on individual schematypes #8403
933 * feat(timestamps): allow setting `currentTime` option for setting custom function to get the current time #3957
934 * feat(connection): add `Connection#watch()` to watch for changes on an entire database #8425
935 * feat(document): add `Document#$op` property to make it easier to tell what operation is running in middleware #8439
936 * feat(populate): support `limit` as top-level populate option #8445
9385.8.13 / 2020-02-13
940 * fix(populate): use safe get to avoid crash if schematype doesn't have options #8586
9425.8.12 / 2020-02-12
944 * fix(query): correctly cast dbref `$id` with `$elemMatch` #8577
945 * fix(populate): handle populating when some embedded discriminator schemas have `refPath` but none of the subdocs have `refPath` #8553
946 * docs: add useUnifiedTopology to homepage example #8558 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
947 * refactor(utils): moving promiseOrCallback to helpers/promiseOrCallback #8573 [hugosenari](https://github.com/hugosenari)
9495.8.11 / 2020-01-31
951 * fix(document): allow calling `validate()` multiple times in parallel on subdocs to avoid errors if Mongoose double-validates [taxilian](https://github.com/taxilian) #8548 #8539
952 * fix(connection): allow calling initial `mongoose.connect()` after connection helpers on the same tick #8534
953 * fix(connection): throw helpful error when callback param to `mongoose.connect()` or `mongoose.createConnection()` is not a function #8556
954 * fix(drivers): avoid unnecessary caught error when importing #8528
955 * fix(discriminator): remove unnecessary `utils.merge()` [samgladstone](https://github.com/samgladstone) #8542
956 * docs: add "built with mongoose" page #8540
9585.8.10 / 2020-01-27
960 * perf(document): improve performance of document creation by skipping unnecessary split() calls #8533 [igrunert-atlassian](https://github.com/igrunert-atlassian)
961 * fix(document): only call validate once for deeply nested subdocuments #8532 #8531 [taxilian](https://github.com/taxilian)
962 * fix(document): create document array defaults in forward order, not reverse #8514
963 * fix(document): allow function as message for date min/max validator #8512
964 * fix(populate): don't try to populate embedded discriminator that has populated path but no `refPath` #8527
965 * fix(document): plugins from base schema when creating a discriminator #8536 [samgladstone](https://github.com/samgladstone)
966 * fix(document): ensure parent and ownerDocument are set for subdocs in document array defaults #8509
967 * fix(document): dont set undefined keys to null if minimize is false #8504
968 * fix(update): bump timestamps when using update aggregation pipelines #8524
969 * fix(model): ensure `cleanIndexes()` drops indexes with different collations #8521
970 * docs(model): document `insertMany` `lean` option #8522
971 * docs(connections): document `authSource` option #8517
9735.8.9 / 2020-01-17
975 * fix(populate): skip populating embedded discriminator array values that don't have a `refPath` #8499
976 * docs(queries): clarify when to use queries versus aggregations #8494
9785.8.8 / 2020-01-14
980 * fix(model): allow using `lean` with `insertMany()` #8507 #8234 [ntsekouras](https://github.com/ntsekouras)
981 * fix(document): don't throw parallel validate error when validating subdoc underneath modified nested path #8486
982 * fix: allow `typePojoToMixed` as top-level option #8501 #8500 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
983 * docs(populate+schematypes): make note of `_id` getter for ObjectIds in populate docs #8483
9855.8.7 / 2020-01-10
987 * fix(documentarray): modify ownerDocument when setting doc array to a doc array thats part of another document #8479
988 * fix(document): ensure that you can call `splice()` after `slice()` on an array #8482
989 * docs(populate): improve cross-db populate docs to include model refs #8497
9915.8.6 / 2020-01-07
993 * chore: merge changes from 4.13.20 and override mistaken publish to latest tag
9954.13.20 / 2020-01-07
997 * fix(schema): make aliases handle mongoose-lean-virtuals #6069
9995.8.5 / 2020-01-06
1001 * fix(document): throw error when running `validate()` multiple times on the same document #8468
1002 * fix(model): ensure deleteOne() and deleteMany() set discriminator filter even if no conditions passed #8471
1003 * fix(document): allow pre('validate') hooks to throw errors with `name = 'ValidationError'` #8466
1004 * fix(update): move top level $set of immutable properties to $setOnInsert so upserting with immutable properties actually sets the property #8467
1005 * fix(document): avoid double-running validators on single nested subdocs within single nested subdocs #8468
1006 * fix(populate): support top-level match option for virtual populate #8475
1007 * fix(model): avoid applying skip when populating virtual with count #8476
10095.8.4 / 2020-01-02
1011 * fix(populate): ensure populate virtual gets set to empty array if `localField` is undefined in the database #8455
1012 * fix(connection): wrap `mongoose.connect()` server selection timeouts in MongooseTimeoutError for more readable stack traces #8451
1013 * fix(populate): allow deselecting `foreignField` from projection by prefixing with `-` #8460
1014 * fix(populate): support embedded discriminators with `refPath` when not all discriminator schemas have `refPath` #8452
1015 * fix(array): allow defining `enum` on array if an array of numbers #8449
10175.8.3 / 2019-12-23
1019 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.4.1 #8430 [jaschaio](https://github.com/jaschaio)
1020 * fix(populate): don't add empty subdocument to array when populating path underneath a non-existent document array #8432
1021 * fix(schema): handle `_id` option for document array schematypes #8450
1022 * fix(update): call setters when updating mixed type #8444
1023 * docs(connections): add note about MongoTimeoutError.reason #8402
10255.8.2 / 2019-12-20
1027 * fix(schema): copy `.add()`-ed paths when calling `.add()` with schema argument #8429
1028 * fix(cursor): pull schema-level readPreference when using `Query#cursor()` #8421
1029 * fix(cursor): wait for all promises to resolve if `parallel` is greater than number of documents #8422
1030 * fix(document): depopulate entire array when setting array path to a partially populated array #8443
1031 * fix: handle setDefaultsOnInsert with deeply nested subdocs #8392
1032 * fix(document): report `DocumentNotFoundError` if underlying document deleted but no changes made #8428 #8371 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
1033 * docs(populate): clarify limitations of `limit` option for populate and suggest workaround #8409
1034 * docs(deprecations): explain which connection options are no longer relevant with useUnifiedTopology #8411
1035 * chore: allow browser build to be published #8435 #8427 [captaincaius](https://github.com/captaincaius)
10375.8.1 / 2019-12-12
1039 * fix(documentarray): dont attempt to cast when modifying array returned from map() #8399
1040 * fix(document): update single nested subdoc parent when setting to existing single nested doc #8400
1041 * fix(schema): add `$embeddedSchemaType` property to arrays for consistency with document arrays #8389
10435.8.0 / 2019-12-09
1045 * feat: wrap server selection timeout errors in `MongooseTimeoutError` to retain original stack trace #8259
1046 * feat(model): add `Model.validate()` function that validates a POJO against the model's schema #7587
1047 * feat(schema): add `Schema#pick()` function to create a new schema with a picked subset of the original schema's paths #8207
1048 * feat(schema): add ability to change CastError message using `cast` option to SchemaType #8300
1049 * feat(schema): group indexes defined in schema path with the same name #6499
1050 * fix(model): build all indexes even if one index fails #8185 [unusualbob](https://github.com/unusualbob)
1051 * feat(browser): pre-compile mongoose/browser #8350 [captaincaius](https://github.com/captaincaius)
1052 * fix(connection): throw error when setting unsupported option #8335 #6899 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
1053 * feat(schema): support `enum` validator for number type #8139
1054 * feat(update): allow using MongoDB 4.2 update aggregation pipelines, with no Mongoose casting #8225
1055 * fix(update): make update validators run on all subpaths when setting a nested path, even omitted subpaths #3587
1056 * feat(schema): support setting `_id` as an option to single nested schema paths #8137
1057 * feat(query): add Query#mongooseOptions() function #8296
1058 * feat(array): make `MongooseArray#push()` support using `$position` #4322
1059 * feat(schema): make pojo paths optionally become subdoc instead of Mixed #8228 [captaincaius](https://github.com/captaincaius)
1060 * feat(model): add Model.cleanIndexes() to drop non-schema indexes #6676
1061 * feat(document): make `updateOne()` document middleware pass `this` to post hooks #8262
1062 * feat(aggregate): run pre/post aggregate hooks on `explain()` #5887
1063 * docs(model+query): add `session` option to docs for findOneAndX() methods #8396
10655.7.14 / 2019-12-06
1067 * fix(cursor): wait until all `eachAsync()` functions finish before resolving the promise #8352
1068 * fix(update): handle embedded discriminator paths when discriminator key is defined in the update #8378
1069 * fix(schematype): handle passing `message` function to `SchemaType#validate()` as positional arg #8360
1070 * fix(map): handle cloning a schema that has a map of subdocuments #8357
1071 * docs(schema): clarify that `uppercase`, `lowercase`, and `trim` options for SchemaString don't affect RegExp queries #8333
10735.7.13 / 2019-11-29
1075 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.3.5 #8383
1076 * fix(model): catch the error when insertMany fails to initialize the document #8365 #8363 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1077 * fix(schema): add array.$, array.$.$ subpaths for nested arrays #6405
1078 * docs(error): add more detail about the ValidatorError class, including properties #8346
1079 * docs(connection): document `Connection#models` property #8314
10815.7.12 / 2019-11-19
1083 * fix: avoid throwing error if calling `push()` on a doc array with no parent #8351 #8317 #8312 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
1084 * fix(connection): only buffer for "open" events when calling connection helper while connecting #8319
1085 * fix(connection): pull default database from connection string if specified #8355 #8354 [zachazar](https://github.com/zachazar)
1086 * fix(populate+discriminator): handle populating document whose discriminator value is different from discriminator model name #8324
1087 * fix: add `mongoose.isValidObjectId()` function to test whether Mongoose can cast a value to an objectid #3823
1088 * fix(model): support setting `excludeIndexes` as schema option for subdocs #8343
1089 * fix: add SchemaMapOptions class for options to map schematype #8318
1090 * docs(query): remove duplicate omitUndefined options #8349 [mdumandag](https://github.com/mdumandag)
1091 * docs(schema): add Schema#paths docs to public API docs #8340
10935.7.11 / 2019-11-14
1095 * fix: update mongodb driver -> 3.3.4 #8276
1096 * fix(model): throw readable error when casting bulkWrite update without a 'filter' or 'update' #8332 #8331 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
1097 * fix(connection): bubble up connected/disconnected events with unified topology #8338 #8337
1098 * fix(model): delete $versionError after saving #8326 #8048 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1099 * test(model): add test for issue #8040 #8341 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
11015.7.10 / 2019-11-11
1103 * perf(cursor): remove unnecessary `setTimeout()` in `eachAsync()`, 4x speedup in basic benchmarks #8310
1104 * docs(README): re-order sections for better readability #8321 [dandv](https://github.com/dandv)
1105 * chore: make npm test not hard-code file paths #8322 [stieg](https://github.com/stieg)
11075.7.9 / 2019-11-08
1109 * fix(schema): support setting schema path to an instance of SchemaTypeOptions to fix integration with mongoose-i18n-localize #8297 #8292
1110 * fix(populate): make `retainNullValues` set array element to `null` if foreign doc with that id was not found #8293
1111 * fix(document): support getter setting virtual on manually populated doc when calling toJSON() #8295
1112 * fix(model): allow objects with `toBSON()` to make it to `save()` #8299
11145.7.8 / 2019-11-04
1116 * fix(document): allow manually populating path within document array #8273
1117 * fix(populate): update top-level `populated()` when updating document array with populated subpaths #8265
1118 * fix(cursor): throw error when using aggregation cursor as async iterator #8280
1119 * fix(schema): retain `_id: false` in schema after nesting in another schema #8274
1120 * fix(document): make Document class an event emitter to support defining documents without models in node #8272
1121 * docs: document return types for `.discriminator()` #8287
1122 * docs(connection): add note about exporting schemas, not models, in multi connection paradigm #8275
1123 * docs: clarify that transforms defined in `toObject()` options are applied to subdocs #8260
11255.7.7 / 2019-10-24
1127 * fix(populate): make populate virtual consistently an empty array if local field is only empty arrays #8230
1128 * fix(query): allow findOne(objectid) and find(objectid) #8268
11305.7.6 / 2019-10-21
1132 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.3.3 to fix issue with failing to connect to a replica set if one member is down #8209
1133 * fix(document): fix TypeError when setting a single nested subdoc with timestamps #8251
1134 * fix(cursor): fix issue with long-running `eachAsync()` cursor #8249 #8235
1135 * fix(connection): ensure repeated `close` events from useUnifiedTopology don't disconnect Mongoose from replica set #8224
1136 * fix(document): support calling `Document` constructor directly in Node.js #8237
1137 * fix(populate): add document array subpaths to parent doc `populated()` when calling `DocumentArray#push()` #8247
1138 * fix(options): add missing minlength and maxlength to SchemaStringOptions #8256
1139 * docs: add documentarraypath to API docs, including DocumentArrayPath#discriminator() #8164
1140 * docs(schematypes): add a section about the `type` property #8227
1141 * docs(api): fix Connection.close return param #8258 [gosuhiman](https://github.com/gosuhiman)
1142 * docs: update link to broken image on home page #8253 [krosenk729](https://github.com/krosenk729)
11445.7.5 / 2019-10-14
1146 * fix(query): delete top-level `_bsontype` property in queries to prevent silent empty queries #8222
1147 * fix(update): handle subdocument pre('validate') errors in update validation #7187
1148 * fix(subdocument): make subdocument#isModified use parent document's isModified #8223
1149 * docs(index): add favicon to home page #8226
1150 * docs: add schema options to API docs #8012
1151 * docs(middleware): add note about accessing the document being updated in pre('findOneAndUpdate') #8218
1152 * refactor: remove redundant code in ValidationError #8244 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
11545.7.4 / 2019-10-09
1156 * fix(schema): handle `required: null` and `required: undefined` as `required: false` #8219
1157 * fix(update): support updating array embedded discriminator props if discriminator key in $elemMatch #8063
1158 * fix(populate): allow accessing populate virtual prop underneath array when virtual defined on top level #8198
1159 * fix(model): support passing `options` to `Model.remove()` #8211
1160 * fix(document): handle `Document#set()` merge option when setting underneath single nested schema #8201
1161 * fix: use options constructor class for all schematypes #8012
11635.7.3 / 2019-09-30
1165 * fix: make CoreMongooseArray#includes() handle `fromIndex` parameter #8203
1166 * fix(update): cast right hand side of `$pull` as a query instead of an update for document arrays #8166
1167 * fix(populate): handle virtual populate of an embedded discriminator nested path #8173
1168 * docs(validation): remove deprecated `isAsync` from validation docs in favor of emphasizing promises #8184
1169 * docs(documents): add overwriting section #8178
1170 * docs(promises): add note about queries being thenable #8110
1171 * perf: avoid update validators going into Mixed types #8192 [birdofpreyru](https://github.com/birdofpreyru)
1172 * refactor: remove async as a prod dependency #8073
11745.7.2 / 2019-09-23
1176 * fix(mongoose): support `mongoose.set('autoIndex', false)` #8158
1177 * fix(discriminator): support `tiedValue` parameter for embedded discriminators analagous to top-level discriminators #8164
1178 * fix(query): handle `toConstructor()` with entries-style sort syntax #8159
1179 * fix(populate): avoid converting mixed paths into arrays if populating an object path under `Mixed` #8157
1180 * fix: use $wrapCallback when using promises for mongoose-async-hooks
1181 * fix: handle queries with setter that converts value to Number instance #8150
1182 * docs: add mongoosejs-cli to readme #8142
1183 * docs: fix example typo for Schema.prototype.plugin() #8175 [anaethoss](https://github.com/anaethoss)
11855.7.1 / 2019-09-13
1187 * fix(query): fix TypeError when calling `findOneAndUpdate()` with `runValidators` #8151 [fernandolguevara](https://github.com/fernandolguevara)
1188 * fix(document): throw strict mode error if setting an immutable path with strict mode: false #8149
1189 * fix(mongoose): support passing options object to Mongoose constructor #8144
1190 * fix(model): make syncIndexes() handle changes in index key order #8135
1191 * fix(error): export StrictModeError as a static property of MongooseError #8148 [ouyuran](https://github.com/ouyuran)
1192 * docs(connection+mongoose): add `useUnifiedTopology` option to `connect()` and `openUri()` docs #8146
11945.7.0 / 2019-09-09
1196 * feat(document+query): support conditionally immutable schema paths #8001
1197 * perf(documentarray): refactor to use ES6 classes instead of mixins, ~30% speedup #7895
1198 * feat: use MongoDB driver 3.3.x for MongoDB 4.2 support #8083 #8078
1199 * feat(schema+query): add pre('validate') and post('validate') hooks for update validation #7984
1200 * fix(timestamps): ensure updatedAt gets incremented consistently using update with and without $set #4768
1201 * feat(query): add `Query#get()` to make writing custom setters that handle both queries and documents easier #7312
1202 * feat(document): run setters on defaults #8012
1203 * feat(document): add `aliases: false` option to `Document#toObject()` #7548
1204 * feat(timestamps): support skipping updatedAt and createdAt for individual save() and update() #3934
1205 * docs: fix index creation link in guide #8138 [joebowbeer](https://github.com/joebowbeer)
12075.6.13 / 2019-09-04
1209 * fix(parallel): fix parallelLimit when fns is empty #8130 #8128 [sibelius](https://github.com/sibelius)
1210 * fix(document): ensure nested mixed validator gets called exactly once #8117
1211 * fix(populate): handle `justOne = undefined` #8125 [taxilian](https://github.com/taxilian)
12135.6.12 / 2019-09-03
1215 * fix(schema): handle required validator correctly with `clone()` #8111
1216 * fix(schema): copy schematype getters and setters when cloning #8124 [StphnDamon](https://github.com/StphnDamon)
1217 * fix(discriminator): avoid unnecessarily cloning schema to avoid leaking memory on repeated `discriminator()` calls #2874
1218 * docs(schematypes): clarify when Mongoose uses `toString()` to convert an object to a string #8112 [TheTrueRandom](https://github.com/TheTrueRandom)
1219 * docs(plugins): fix out of date link to npm docs #8100
1220 * docs(deprecations): fix typo #8109 [jgcmarins](https://github.com/jgcmarins)
1221 * refactor(model): remove dependency on `async.parallelLimit()` for `insertMany()` #8073
12235.6.11 / 2019-08-25
1225 * fix(model): allow passing options to `exists()` #8075
1226 * fix(document): make `validateUpdatedOnly` option handle pre-existing errors #8091
1227 * fix: throw readable error if middleware callback isnt a function #8087
1228 * fix: don't throw error if calling `find()` on a nested array #8089
1229 * docs(middleware): clarify that you must add middleware before compiling your model #5087
1230 * docs(query): add missing options to `setOptions()` #8099
12325.6.10 / 2019-08-20
1234 * fix(schema): fix require() path to work around yet another bug in Jest #8053
1235 * fix(document): skip casting when initing a populated path #8062
1236 * fix(document): prevent double-calling validators on mixed objects with nested properties #8067
1237 * fix(query): handle schematype with `null` options when checking immutability #8070 [rich-earth](https://github.com/rich-earth)
1238 * fix(schema): support `Schema#path()` to get schema path underneath doc array #8057
1239 * docs(faq): add disable color instruction #8066
12415.6.9 / 2019-08-07
1243 * fix(model): delete versionError after saving to prevent memory leak #8048
1244 * fix(cursor): correctly handle batchSize option with query cursor #8039
1245 * fix(populate): handle virtual populate with count = 0 if virtual embedded in doc array #7573
1246 * fix(schema): allow declaring ObjectId array with `{ type: 'ObjectID' }`, last 'D' case insensitive #8034
12485.6.8 / 2019-08-02
1250 * fix(aggregate): allow modifying pipeline in pre('aggregate') hooks #8017
1251 * fix(query): make `findOneAndReplace()` work with `orFail()` #8030
1252 * fix(document): allow saving an unchanged document if required populated path is null #8018
1253 * fix(debug): support disabling colors in debug mode #8033 [Mangosteen-Yang](https://github.com/Mangosteen-Yang)
1254 * docs: add async-await guide #8028 [Rossh87](https://github.com/Rossh87)
1255 * docs(plugins): rewrite plugins docs to be more modern and not use strange `= exports` syntax #8026
1256 * docs(transactions): clarify relationship between `session` in docs and MongoDB driver ClientSession class, link to driver docs #8009
12585.6.7 / 2019-07-26
1260 * fix(document): support validators on nested arrays #7926
1261 * fix(timestamps): handle `timestamps: false` in child schema #8007
1262 * fix(query): consistently support `new` option to `findOneAndX()` as an alternative to `returnOriginal` #7846
1263 * fix(document): make `inspect()` never return `null`, because a document or nested path is never `== null` #7942
1264 * docs(query+lean): add links to mongoose-lean-virtuals, mongoose-lean-getters, mongoose-lean-defaults #5606
1265 * docs: add example for `Schema#pre(Array)` #8022 [Mangosteen-Yang](https://github.com/Mangosteen-Yang)
1266 * docs(schematype): updated comment from Schema.path to proper s.path #8013 [chrisweilacker](https://github.com/chrisweilacker)
1267 * chore: upgrade nyc #8015 [kolya182](https://github.com/kolya182)
12695.6.6 / 2019-07-22
1271 * fix(populate): handle refPath returning a virtual with `Query#populate()` #7341
1272 * fix(populate): handle `refPath` in discriminator when populating top-level model #5109
1273 * fix(mongoose): ensure destucturing and named imports work for Mongoose singleton methods like `set()`, etc. #6039
1274 * fix(query): add missing options for deleteOne and deleteMany in Query #8004 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1275 * fix(schema): make embedded discriminators `instanceof` their parent types #5005
1276 * fix(array): make `validators` a private property that doesn't show up in for/in #6572
1277 * docs(api): fix array API docs that vanished because of #7798 #7979
1278 * docs(discriminators+api): add single nested discriminator to discriminator docs and API docs #7983
1279 * docs(connection+mongoose): make option lists consistent between `mongoose.connect()`, `mongoose.createConnection()`, and `conn.openUri()` #7976
1280 * docs(validation): clarify resolve(false) vs reject() for promise-based async custom validators #7761
1281 * docs(guide): use correct `mongoose.set()` instead of `mongoose.use()` #7998
1282 * docs: add redis cache example #7997 [usama-asfar](https://github.com/usama-asfar)
12845.6.5 / 2019-07-17
1286 * fix(document): handle setting non-schema path to ObjectId or Decimal128 if strict: false #7973
1287 * fix(connection): remove backwards-breaking multiple mongoose.connect() call for now #7977
1288 * fix(schema): print invalid value in error message when a schema path is set to undefined or null #7956
1289 * fix(model): throw readable error if calling `new Model.discriminator()` #7957
1290 * fix(mongoose): export `cast()` function #7975 [perfectstorm88](https://github.com/perfectstorm88)
1291 * docs(model): fix link to Model.inspect() and add example #7990
1292 * docs: fix broken anchor links on validation tutorial #7966
1293 * docs(api): fix broken links to split API pages #7978
1294 * chore: create LICENSE.md #7989 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
12965.6.4 / 2019-07-08
1298 * fix(schema): support pre(Array, Function) and post(Array, Function) #7803
1299 * fix(document): load docs with a `once` property successfully #7958
1300 * fix(queryhelpers): ensure parent `select` overwrites child path `select` if parent is nested #7945
1301 * fix(schema): make `clone()` correctly copy array embedded discriminators #7954
1302 * fix(update): fix error when update property gets casted to null #7949
1303 * fix(connection): bubble up attemptReconnect event for now #7872
1304 * docs(tutorials): add virtuals tutorial #7965
1305 * docs(connection): add section on connection handling #6997
13075.6.3 / 2019-07-03
1309 * fix(document): respect projection when running getters #7940
1310 * fix(model): call createCollection() in syncIndexes() to ensure the collection exists #7931
1311 * fix(document): consistently use post-order traversal for gathering subdocs for hooks #7929
1312 * fix(schema): ensure `Schema#pathType()` returns correct path type given non-existent positional path #7935
1313 * fix(ChangeStream): set `closed` if emitting close event #7930
1314 * fix(connection): bubble up 'attemptReconnect' event from MongoDB connection #7872
1315 * docs: fix broken .jade links on search page #7932
1316 * docs: correct link to `Query#select()` #7953 [rayhatfield](https://github.com/rayhatfield)
1317 * docs(README): add list of related projects #7773
13194.13.19 / 2019-07-02
1321 * fix(aggregate): make `setOptions()` work as advertised #7950 #6011 [cdimitroulas](https://github.com/cdimitroulas)
13235.6.2 / 2019-06-28
1325 * fix(update): allow using `update()` with immutable `createdAt` #7917
1326 * fix(model): pass `doc` parameter to save() error handling middleware #7832
1327 * fix(mongoose): add applyPluginsToChildSchemas option to allow opting out of global plugins for child schemas #7916
1328 * docs(connection): document `useCache` option for `useDb()` #7923
1329 * docs: fix broken link in FAQ #7925 [christophergeiger3](https://github.com/christophergeiger3)
13315.6.1 / 2019-06-24
1333 * fix(update): skip setting defaults for single embedded subdocs underneath maps #7909
1334 * fix(document): copy date objects correctly when strict = false #7907
1335 * feat(mongoose): throw an error if calling `mongoose.connect()` multiple times while connected #7905 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1336 * fix(document): copies virtuals from array subdocs when casting array of docs with same schema #7898
1337 * fix(schema): ensure clone() copies single embedded discriminators correctly #7894
1338 * fix(discriminator): merge instead of overwriting conflicting nested schemas in discriminator schema #7884
1339 * fix(populate): ignore nullish arguments when calling `populate()` #7913 [rayhatfield](https://github.com/rayhatfield)
1340 * docs: add getters/setters tutorial #7919
1341 * docs: clean up error docs so they refer to `Error` rather than `MongooseError` #7867
1342 * docs: fix a couple broken links #7921 [kizmo04](https://github.com/kizmo04)
1343 * refactor: remove unnecessary if #7911 [rayhatfield](https://github.com/rayhatfield)
13455.6.0 / 2019-06-14
1347 * feat(schematype): add `immutable` option to disallow changing a given field #7671
1348 * docs: split API docs into separate pages to make API documentation more Google-able #7812
1349 * perf(array): remove all mixins in favor of ES6 classes, ~20% faster in basic benchmarks #7798
1350 * feat(document): use promise rejection error message when async custom validator throws an error #4913
1351 * feat(virtual): pass document as 3rd parameter to virtual getters and setters to enable using arrow functions #4143
1352 * feat(model): add `Model.exists()` function to quickly check whether a document matching `filter` exists #6872
1353 * feat(index+connection): support setting global and connection-level `maxTimeMS`
1354 * feat(populate): support setting `ref` to a function for conventional populate #7669
1355 * feat(document): add overwrite() function that overwrites all values in a document #7830
1356 * feat(populate): support `PopulateOptions#connection` option to allow cross-db populate with refPath #6520
1357 * feat(populate): add skipInvalidIds option to silently skip population if id is invalid, instead of throwing #7706
1358 * feat(array): skip empty array default if there's a 2dsphere index on a geojson path #3233
1359 * feat(query): add `getFilter()` as an alias of `getQuery()` to be more in line with API docs #7839
1360 * feat(model): add Model.inspect() to make models not clutter `util.inspect()` #7836
1361 * perf(discriminator): skip calling `createIndex()` on indexes that are defined in the base schema #7379
1362 * docs: upgrade from Jade to latest Pug #7812
1363 * docs(README): update reference to example schema.js #7899 [sharils](https://github.com/sharils)
1364 * docs(README): improve variable name #7900 [sharils](https://github.com/sharils)
1365 * chore: replace charAt(0) with startsWith #7897 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1366 * chore: replace indexOf with includes, startsWith and endsWith for String #7897 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
13685.5.15 / 2019-06-12
1370 * fix(connection): reject initial connect promise even if there is an on('error') listener #7850
1371 * fix(map): make `of` automatically convert POJOs to schemas unless typeKey is set #7859
1372 * fix(update): use discriminator schema to cast update if discriminator key specified in filter #7843
1373 * fix(array): copy atomics from source array #7891 #7889 [jyrkive](https://github.com/jyrkive)
1374 * fix(schema): return this when Schema.prototype.add is called with Schema #7887 [Mickael-van-der-Beek](https://github.com/Mickael-van-der-Beek)
1375 * fix(document): add `numAffected` and `result` to DocumentNotFoundError for better debugging #7892 #7844
13775.5.14 / 2019-06-08
1379 * fix(query): correct this scope of setters in update query #7876 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1380 * fix(model): reset modifiedPaths after successful insertMany #7852 #7873 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1381 * fix(populate): allow using `refPath` with virtual populate #7848
1382 * fix(document): prepend private methods getValue and setValue with $ #7870 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1383 * fix: update mongodb driver -> 3.2.7 #7871 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1384 * docs(tutorials): add tutorial about custom casting functions #7045
1385 * docs(connection): fix outdated events document #7874 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1386 * docs: fix typo in lean docs #7875 [tannakartikey](https://github.com/tannakartikey)
1387 * docs: move off of KeenIO for tracking and use self-hosted analytics instead
13895.5.13 / 2019-06-05
1391 * fix(model): support passing deleteOne options #7860 #7857 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1392 * fix(update): run setters on array elements when doing $addToSet, $push, etc #4185
1393 * fix(model): support getting discriminator by value when creating a new model #7851
1394 * docs(transactions): add section about the `withTransaction()` helper #7598
1395 * docs(schema): clarify relationship between Schema#static() and Schema#statics #7827
1396 * docs(model): fix typo `projetion` to `projection` #7868 [dfdeagle47](https://github.com/dfdeagle47)
1397 * docs(schema): correct schema options lists #7828
13995.5.12 / 2019-05-31
1401 * fix(document): fix unexpected error when loading a document with a nested property named `schema` #7831
1402 * fix(model): skip applying static hooks by default if static name conflicts with query middleware (re: mongoose-delete plugin) #7790
1403 * fix(query): apply schema-level projections to the result of `findOneAndReplace()` #7654
1404 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.2.6
1405 * docs(tutorials): add findOneAndUpdate() tutorial #7847
1406 * docs(validation): add `updateOne()` and `updateMany()` to list of update validator operations #7845
1407 * docs(model): make sure options lists in `update()` API line up #7842
14095.5.11 / 2019-05-23
1411 * fix(discriminator): allow numeric discriminator keys for embedded discriminators #7808
1412 * chore: add Node.js 12 to travis build matrix #7784
14145.5.10 / 2019-05-20
1416 * fix(discriminator): allow user-defined discriminator path in schema #7807
1417 * fix(query): ensure `findOneAndReplace()` sends `replacement` to server #7654
1418 * fix(cast): allow `[]` as a value when casting `$nin` #7806
1419 * docs(model): clarify that setters do run on `update()` by default #7801
1420 * docs: fix typo in FAQ #7821 [jaona](https://github.com/jaona)
14225.5.9 / 2019-05-16
1424 * fix(query): skip schema setters when casting $regexp $options #7802 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1425 * fix(populate): don't skip populating doc array properties whose name conflicts with an array method #7782
1426 * fix(populate): make populated virtual return undefined if not populated #7795
1427 * fix(schema): handle custom setters in arrays of document arrays #7804 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1428 * docs(tutorials): add query casting tutorial #7789
14305.5.8 / 2019-05-13
1432 * fix(document): run pre save hooks on nested child schemas #7792
1433 * fix(model): set $session() before validation middleware for bulkWrite/insertMany #7785 #7769 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1434 * fix(query): make `getPopulatedPaths()` return deeply populated paths #7757
1435 * fix(query): suppress findAndModify deprecation warning when using `Model.findOneAndUpdate()` #7794
1436 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.2.4 #7794
1437 * fix(document): handle a couple edge cases with atomics that happen when schema defines an array property named 'undefined' #7756
1438 * docs(discriminator): correct function parameters #7786 [gfpacheco](https://github.com/gfpacheco)
14405.5.7 / 2019-05-09
1442 * fix(model): set $session() before pre save middleware runs when calling save() with options #7742
1443 * fix(model): set $session before pre remove hooks run when calling remove() with options #7742
1444 * fix(schema): support `remove()` on nested path #2398
1445 * fix(map): handle setting populated map element to doc #7745
1446 * fix(query): return rawResult when inserting with options `{new:false,upsert:true,rawResult:true}` #7774 #7770 [LiaanM](https://github.com/LiaanM)
1447 * fix(schematype): remove internal `validators` option because it conflicts with Backbone #7720
14495.5.6 / 2019-05-06
1451 * fix(document): stop converting arrays to objects when setting non-schema path to array with strict: false #7733
1452 * fix(array): make two Mongoose arrays `assert.deepEqual()` each other if they have the same values #7700
1453 * fix(populate): support populating a path in a document array embedded in an array #7647
1454 * fix(populate): set populate virtual count to 0 if local field is empty #7731
1455 * fix(update): avoid throwing cast error if casting array filter that isn't in schema with strictQuery = false #7728
1456 * docs: fix typo in `distinct()` description #7767 [phil-r](https://github.com/phil-r)
14585.5.5 / 2019-04-30
1460 * fix(document): ensure nested properties within single nested subdocs get set correctly when overwriting single nested subdoc #7748
1461 * fix(document): skip non-object `validators` in schema types #7720
1462 * fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.2.3 #7752
1463 * fix(map): disallow setting map key with special properties #7750 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
14655.5.4 / 2019-04-25
1467 * fix(document): avoid calling custom getters when saving #7719
1468 * fix(timestamps): handle child schema timestamps correctly when reusing child schemas #7712
1469 * fix(query): pass correct callback for _legacyFindAndModify #7736 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1470 * fix(model+query): allow setting `replacement` parameter for `findOneAndReplace()` #7654
1471 * fix(map): make `delete()` unset the key in the database #7746 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1472 * fix(array): use symbol for `_schema` property to avoid confusing deep equality checks #7700
1473 * fix(document): prevent `depopulate()` from removing fields with empty array #7741 #7740 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1474 * fix: make `MongooseArray#includes` support ObjectIds #7732 #6354 [hansemannn](https://github.com/hansemannn)
1475 * fix(document): report correct validation error index when pushing onto doc array #7744 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
14775.5.3 / 2019-04-22
1479 * fix: add findAndModify deprecation warning that references the useFindAndModify option #7644
1480 * fix(document): handle pushing a doc onto a discriminator that contains a doc array #7704
1481 * fix(update): run setters on array elements when doing $set #7679
1482 * fix: correct usage of arguments while buffering commands #7718 [rzymek](https://github.com/rzymek)
1483 * fix(document): avoid error clearing modified subpaths if doc not defined #7715 [bitflower](https://github.com/bitflower)
1484 * refactor(array): move `_parent` property behind a symbol #7726 #7700
1485 * docs(model): list out all operations and options for `bulkWrite()` #7055
1486 * docs(aggregate): use `eachAsync()` instead of nonexistent `each()` #7699
1487 * docs(validation): add CastError validation example #7514
1488 * docs(query+model): list out all options and callback details for Model.updateX() and Query#updateX() #7646
14905.5.2 / 2019-04-16
1492 * fix(document): support setting nested path to non-POJO object #7639
1493 * perf(connection): remove leaked event handler in `Model.init()` so `deleteModel()` frees all memory #7682
1494 * fix(timestamps): handle custom statics that conflict with built-in functions (like mongoose-delete plugin) #7698
1495 * fix(populate): make `Document#populated()` work for populated subdocs #7685
1496 * fix(document): support `.set()` on document array underneath embedded discriminator path #7656
14985.5.1 / 2019-04-11
1500 * fix(document): correctly overwrite all properties when setting a single nested subdoc #7660 #7681
1501 * fix(array): allow customization of array required validator #7696 [freewil](https://github.com/freewil)
1502 * fix(discriminator): handle embedded discriminators when casting array defaults #7687
1503 * fix(collection): ensure collection functions return a promise even if disconnected #7676
1504 * fix(schematype): avoid indexing properties with `{ unique: false, index: false }` #7620
1505 * fix(aggregate): make `Aggregate#model()` with no arguments return the aggregation's model #7608
15075.5.0 / 2019-04-08
1509 * feat(model): support applying hooks to custom static functions #5982
1510 * feat(populate): support specifying a function as `match` #7397
1511 * perf(buffer): avoid calling `defineProperties()` in Buffer constructor #7331
1512 * feat(connection): add `plugin()` for connection-scoped plugins #7378
1513 * feat(model): add Model#deleteOne() and corresponding hooks #7538
1514 * feat(query): support hooks for `Query#distinct()` #5938
1515 * feat(model): print warning when calling create() incorrectly with a session #7535
1516 * feat(document): add Document#isEmpty() and corresponding helpers for nested paths #5369
1517 * feat(document): add `getters` option to Document#get() #7233
1518 * feat(query): add Query#projection() to get or overwrite the current projection #7384
1519 * fix(document): set full validator path on validatorProperties if `propsParameter` set on validator #7447
1520 * feat(document): add Document#directModifiedPaths() #7373
1521 * feat(document): add $locals property #7691
1522 * feat(document): add validateUpdatedOnly option that only validates modified paths in `save()` #7492 [captaincaius](https://github.com/captaincaius)
1523 * chore: upgrade MongoDB driver to v3.2.0 #7641
1524 * fix(schematype): deprecate `isAsync` option for custom validators #6700
1525 * chore(mongoose): deprecate global.MONGOOSE_DRIVER_PATH so we can be webpack-warning-free in 6.0 #7501
15275.4.23 / 2019-04-08
1529 * fix(document): report cast error when string path in schema is an array in MongoDB #7619
1530 * fix(query): set deletedCount on result of remove() #7629
1531 * docs(subdocs): add note about parent() and ownerDocument() to subdocument docs #7576
15335.4.22 / 2019-04-04
1535 * fix(aggregate): allow modifying options in pre('aggregate') hook #7606
1536 * fix(map): correctly init maps of maps when loading from MongoDB #7630
1537 * docs(model+query): add `omitUndefined` option to docs for updateX() and findOneAndX() #3486
1538 * docs: removed duplicate Query.prototype.merge() reference from doc #7684 [shihabmridha](https://github.com/shihabmridha)
1539 * docs(schema): fix shardKey type to object instead of bool #7668 [kyletsang](https://github.com/kyletsang)
1540 * docs(api): fix `Model.prototypedelete` link #7665 [pixcai](https://github.com/pixcai)
15425.4.21 / 2019-04-02
1544 * fix(updateValidators): run update validators correctly on Decimal128 paths #7561
1545 * fix(update): cast array filters in nested doc arrays correctly #7603
1546 * fix(document): allow .get() + .set() with aliased paths #7592
1547 * fix(document): ensure custom getters on single nested subdocs don't get persisted if toObject.getters = true #7601
1548 * fix(document): support setting subdoc path to subdoc copied using object rest `{...doc}` #7645
1549 * docs(schema): correct out-of-date list of reserved words #7593
1550 * docs(model+query): add link to update results docs and examples of using results of updateOne(), etc. #7582
1551 * docs: use atomic as opposed to $atomic consistently #7649 [720degreeLotus](https://github.com/720degreeLotus)
15535.4.20 / 2019-03-25
1555 * docs(tutorials): add tutorial about `lean()` #7640
1556 * fix(discriminator): fix wrong modelName being used as value to partialFilterExpression index #7635 #7634 [egorovli](https://github.com/egorovli)
1557 * fix(document): allow setters to modify `this` when overwriting single nested subdoc #7585
1558 * fix(populate): handle count option correctly with multiple docs #7573
1559 * fix(date): support declaring min/max validators as functions #7600 [ChienDevIT](https://github.com/ChienDevIT)
1560 * fix(discriminator): avoid projecting in embedded discriminator if only auto-selected path is discriminator key #7574
1561 * fix(discriminator): use discriminator model when using `new BaseModel()` with discriminator key #7586
1562 * fix(timestamps): avoid throwing if doc array has timestamps and array is undefined #7625 [serg33v](https://github.com/serg33v)
1563 * docs(document): explain DocumentNotFoundError in save() docs #7580
1564 * docs(query): fix .all() param type and add example #7612 [720degreeLotus](https://github.com/720degreeLotus)
1565 * docs: add useNewUrlParser to mongoose.connect for some pages #7615 [YC](https://github.com/YC)
15675.4.19 / 2019-03-11
1569 * fix(mongoose): ensure virtuals set on subdocs in global plugins get applied #7572
1570 * docs(tutorials): add "Working With Dates" tutorial #7597
1571 * docs(guide): clarify that versioning only affects array fields #7555
1572 * docs(model): list out all bulkWrite() options #7550
15745.4.18 / 2019-03-08
1576 * fix(document): handle nested virtuals in populated docs when parent path is projected out #7491
1577 * fix(model): make subclassed models handle discriminators correctly #7547
1578 * fix(model): remove $versionError from save options for better debug output #7570
15805.4.17 / 2019-03-03
1582 * fix(update): handle all positional operator when casting array filters #7540
1583 * fix(populate): handle populating nested path where top-level path is a primitive in the db #7545
1584 * fix(update): run update validators on array filters #7536
1585 * fix(document): clean modified subpaths when sorting an array #7556
1586 * fix(model): cast $setOnInsert correctly with nested docs #7534
1587 * docs: remove extra curly brace from example #7569 [kolya182](https://github.com/kolya182)
15895.4.16 / 2019-02-26
1591 * fix(schema): handle nested objects with `_id: false` #7524
1592 * fix(schema): don't throw error if declaring a virtual that starts with a map path name #7464
1593 * fix(browser): add stubbed `model()` function so code that uses model doesn't throw #7541 [caub](https://github.com/caub)
1594 * fix(schema): merge virtuals correctly #7563 [yoursdearboy](https://github.com/yoursdearboy)
1595 * docs(connections): add reconnectFailed to connection docs #7477
1596 * docs(index): fix typo #7553 [DenrizSusam](https://github.com/DenrizSusam)
1597 * refactor(schema): iterate over paths instead of depending on childSchemas #7554
15995.4.15 / 2019-02-22
1601 * fix(update): don't call schematype validators on array if using $pull with runValidators #6971
1602 * fix(schema): clone all schema types when cloning an array #7537
1603 * docs(connections): improve connectTimeoutMS docs and socketTimeoutMS docs to link to Node.js net.setTimeout() #5169
1604 * docs: fix setters example in migration guide #7546 [freewil](https://github.com/freewil)
16065.4.14 / 2019-02-19
1608 * fix(populate): make `getters` option handle nested paths #7521
1609 * fix(documentarray): report validation errors that occur in an array subdoc created using `create()` and then `set()` #7504
1610 * docs(schema): add examples for schema functions that didn't have any #7525
1611 * docs: add MongooseError to API docs and add list of error names
1612 * docs(CONTRIBUTING): fix link #7530 [sarpik](https://github.com/sarpik)
16145.4.13 / 2019-02-15
1616 * fix(query): throw handy error when using updateOne() with overwrite: true and no dollar keys #7475
1617 * fix(schema): support inheriting existing schema types using Node.js `util.inherits` like mongoose-float #7486
1618 * docs(connections): add list of connection events #7477
16205.4.12 / 2019-02-13
1622 * fix(connection): dont emit reconnected due to socketTimeoutMS #7452
1623 * fix(schema): revert check for `false` schema paths #7516 #7512
1624 * fix(model): don't delete unaliased keys in translateAliases #7510 [chrischen](https://github.com/chrischen)
1625 * fix(document): run single nested schematype validator if nested path has a default and subpath is modified #7493
1626 * fix(query): copy mongoose options when using `Query#merge()` #1790
1627 * fix(timestamps): don't call createdAt getters when setting updatedAt on new doc #7496
1628 * docs: improve description of ValidationError #7515 [JulioJu](https://github.com/JulioJu)
1629 * docs: add an asterisk before comment, otherwise the comment line is not generated #7513 [JulioJu](https://github.com/JulioJu)
16315.4.11 / 2019-02-09
1633 * fix(schema): handle `_id: false` in schema paths as a shortcut for setting the `_id` option to `false` #7480
1634 * fix(update): handle $addToSet and $push with ObjectIds and castNonArrays=false #7479
1635 * docs(model): document `session` option to `save()` #7484
1636 * chore: fix gitignore syntax #7498 [JulioJu](https://github.com/JulioJu)
1637 * docs: document that Document#validateSync returns ValidationError #7499
1638 * refactor: use consolidated `isPOJO()` function instead of constructor checks #7500
16405.4.10 / 2019-02-05
1642 * docs: add search bar and /search page #6706
1643 * fix: support dotted aliases #7478 [chrischen](https://github.com/chrischen)
1644 * fix(document): copy atomics when setting document array to an existing document array #7472
1645 * chore: upgrade to mongodb driver 3.1.13 #7488
1646 * docs: remove confusing references to executing a query "immediately" #7461
1647 * docs(guides+schematypes): link to custom schematypes docs #7407
16495.4.9 / 2019-02-01
1651 * fix(document): make `remove()`, `updateOne()`, and `update()` use the document's associated session #7455
1652 * fix(document): support passing args to hooked custom methods #7456
1653 * fix(document): avoid double calling single nested getters on `toObject()` #7442
1654 * fix(discriminator): handle global plugins modifying top-level discriminator options with applyPluginsToDiscriminators: true #7458
1655 * docs(documents): improve explanation of documents and use more modern syntax #7463
1656 * docs(middleware+api): fix a couple typos in examples #7474 [arniu](https://github.com/arniu)
16585.4.8 / 2019-01-30
1660 * fix(query): fix unhandled error when casting object in array filters #7431
1661 * fix(query): cast query $elemMatch to discriminator schema if discriminator key set #7449
1662 * docs: add table of contents to all guides #7430
16645.4.7 / 2019-01-26
1666 * fix(populate): set `populated()` when using virtual populate #7440
1667 * fix(discriminator): defer applying plugins to embedded discriminators until model compilation so global plugins work #7435
1668 * fix(schema): report correct pathtype underneath map so setting dotted paths underneath maps works #7448
1669 * fix: get debug from options using the get helper #7451 #7446 [LucGranato](https://github.com/LucGranato)
1670 * fix: use correct variable name #7443 [esben-semmle](https://github.com/esben-semmle)
1671 * docs: fix broken QueryCursor link #7438 [shihabmridha](https://github.com/shihabmridha)
16735.4.6 / 2019-01-22
1675 * fix(utils): make minimize leave empty objects in arrays instead of setting the array element to undefined #7322
1676 * fix(document): support passing `{document, query}` options to Schema#pre(regex) and Schema#post(regex) #7423
1677 * docs: add migrating to 5 guide to docs #7434
1678 * docs(deprecations): add instructions for fixing `count()` deprecation #7419
1679 * docs(middleware): add description and example for aggregate hooks #7402
16814.13.18 / 2019-01-21
1683 * fix(model): handle setting populated path set via `Document#populate()` #7302
1684 * fix(cast): backport fix from #7290 to 4.x
16865.4.5 / 2019-01-18
1688 * fix(populate): handle nested array `foreignField` with virtual populate #7374
1689 * fix(query): support not passing any arguments to `orFail()` #7409
1690 * docs(query): document what the resolved value for `deleteOne()`, `deleteMany()`, and `remove()` contains #7324
1691 * fix(array): allow opting out of converting non-arrays into arrays with `castNonArrays` option #7371
1692 * fix(query): ensure updateOne() doesnt unintentionally double call Schema#post(regexp) #7418
16945.4.4 / 2019-01-14
1696 * fix(query): run casting on arrayFilters option #7079
1697 * fix(document): support skipping timestamps on save() with `save({ timestamps: false })` #7357
1698 * fix(model): apply custom where on `Document#remove()` so we attach the shardKey #7393
1699 * docs(mongoose): document `mongoose.connections` #7338
17015.4.3 / 2019-01-09
1703 * fix(populate): handle `count` option when using `Document#populate()` on a virtual #7380
1704 * fix(connection): set connection state to DISCONNECTED if replica set has no primary #7330
1705 * fix(mongoose): apply global plugins to schemas nested underneath embedded discriminators #7370
1706 * fix(document): make modifiedPaths() return nested paths 1 level down on initial set #7313
1707 * fix(plugins): ensure sharding plugin works even if ObjectId has a `valueOf()` #7353
17095.4.2 / 2019-01-03
1711 * fix(document): ensure Document#updateOne() returns a query but still calls hooks #7366
1712 * fix(query): allow explicitly projecting out populated paths that are automatically projected in #7383
1713 * fix(document): support setting `flattenMaps` option for `toObject()` and `toJSON()` at schema level #7274
1714 * fix(query): handle merging objectids with `.where()` #7360
1715 * fix(schema): copy `.base` when cloning #7377
1716 * docs: remove links to plugins.mongoosejs.com in favor of plugins.mongoosejs.io #7364
17185.4.1 / 2018-12-26
1720 * fix(document): ensure doc array defaults get casted #7337
1721 * fix(document): make `save()` not crash if nested doc has a property 'get' #7316
1722 * fix(schema): allow using Schema.Types.Map as well as Map to declare a map type #7305
1723 * fix(map): make set after init mark correct path as modified #7321
1724 * fix(mongoose): don't recompile model if same collection and schema passed in to `mongoose.model()` #5767
1725 * fix(schema): improve error message when type is invalid #7303
1726 * fix(schema): add `populated` to reserved property names #7317
1727 * fix(model): don't run built-in middleware on custom methods and ensure timestamp hooks don't run if children don't have timestamps set #7342
1728 * docs(schematypes): clarify that you can add arbitrary options to a SchemaType #7340
1729 * docs(mongoose): clarify that passing same name+schema to `mongoose.model()` returns the model #5767
1730 * docs(index): add useNewUrlParser to example #7368 [JIBIN-P](https://github.com/JIBIN-P)
1731 * docs(connection): add useNewUrlParser to examples #7362 [JIBIN-P](https://github.com/JIBIN-P)
1732 * docs(discriminators): add back missing example from 'recursive embedded discriminators section' #7349
1733 * docs(schema): improve docs for string and boolean cast() #7351
17355.4.0 / 2018-12-14
1737 * feat(schematype): add `SchemaType.get()`, custom getters across all instances of a schematype #6912
1738 * feat(schematype): add `SchemaType.cast()`, configure casting for individual schematypes #7045
1739 * feat(schematype): add `SchemaType.checkRequired()`, configure what values pass `required` check for a schematype #7186 #7150
1740 * feat(model): add `Model.findOneAndReplace()` #7162
1741 * feat(model): add `Model.events` emitter that emits all `error`'s that occur with a given model #7125
1742 * feat(populate): add `count` option to populate virtuals, support returning # of populated docs instead of docs themselves #4469
1743 * feat(aggregate): add `.catch()` helper to make aggregations full thenables #7267
1744 * feat(query): add hooks for `deleteOne()` and `deleteMany()` #7195
1745 * feat(document): add hooks for `updateOne()` #7133
1746 * feat(query): add `Query#map()` for synchronously transforming results before post middleware runs #7142
1747 * feat(schema): support passing an array of objects or schemas to `Schema` constructor #7218
1748 * feat(populate): add `clone` option to ensure multiple docs don't share the same populated doc #3258
1749 * feat(query): add `Query#maxTimeMS()` helper #7254
1750 * fix(query): deprecate broken `Aggregate#addCursorFlag()` #7120
1751 * docs(populate): fix incorrect example #7335 [zcfan](https://github.com/zcfan)
1752 * docs(middleware): add `findOneAndDelete` to middleware list #7327 [danielkesselberg](https://github.com/danielkesselberg)
17545.3.16 / 2018-12-11
1756 * fix(document): handle `__proto__` in queries #7290
1757 * fix(document): use Array.isArray() instead of checking constructor name for arrays #7290
1758 * docs(populate): add section about what happens when no document matches #7279
1759 * fix(mongoose): avoid crash on `import mongoose, {Schema} from 'mongoose'` #5648
17615.3.15 / 2018-12-05
1763 * fix(query): handle `orFail()` with `findOneAndUpdate()` and `findOneAndDelete()` #7297 #7280
1764 * fix(document): make `save()` succeed if strict: false with a `collection` property #7276
1765 * fix(document): add `flattenMaps` option for toObject() #7274
1766 * docs(document): document flattenMaps option #7274
1767 * fix(populate): support populating individual subdoc path in document array #7273
1768 * fix(populate): ensure `model` option overrides `refPath` #7273
1769 * fix(map): don't call subdoc setters on init #7272
1770 * fix(document): use internal get() helper instead of lodash.get to support `null` projection param #7271
1771 * fix(document): continue running validateSync() for all elements in doc array after first error #6746
17735.3.14 / 2018-11-27
1775 * docs(api): use `openUri()` instead of legacy `open()` #7277 [artemjackson](https://github.com/artemjackson)
1776 * fix(document): don't mark date underneath single nested as modified if setting to string #7264
1777 * fix(update): set timestamps on subdocs if not using $set with no overwrite #7261
1778 * fix(document): use symbol instead of `__parent` so user code doesn't conflict #7230
1779 * fix(mongoose): allow using `mongoose.model()` without context, like `import {model} from 'mongoose'` #3768
17815.3.13 / 2018-11-20
1783 * fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.1.10 #7266
1784 * fix(populate): support setting a model as a `ref` #7253
1785 * docs(schematype): add ref() function to document what is a valid `ref` path in a schematype #7253
1786 * fix(array): clean modified subpaths when calling `splice()` #7249
1787 * docs(compatibility): don't show Mongoose 4.11 as compatible with MongoDB 3.6 re: MongoDB's official compatibility table #7248 [a-harrison](https://github.com/a-harrison)
1788 * fix(document): report correct validation error if doc array set to primitive #7242
1789 * fix(mongoose): print warning when including server-side lib with jest jsdom environment #7240
17915.3.12 / 2018-11-13
1793 * docs(compatibility): don't show Mongoose 4.11 as compatible with MongoDB 3.6 re: MongoDB's official compatibility table #7238 [a-harrison](https://github.com/a-harrison)
1794 * fix(populate): use `instanceof` rather than class name for comparison #7237 [ivanseidel](https://github.com/ivanseidel)
1795 * docs(api): make options show up as a nested list #7232
1796 * fix(document): don't mark array as modified on init if doc array has default #7227
1797 * docs(api): link to bulk write result object in `bulkWrite()` docs #7225
17995.3.11 / 2018-11-09
1801 * fix(model): make parent pointers non-enumerable so they don't crash JSON.stringify() #7220
1802 * fix(document): allow saving docs with nested props with '.' using `checkKeys: false` #7144
1803 * docs(lambda): use async/await with lambda example #7019
18055.3.10 / 2018-11-06
1807 * fix(discriminator): support reusing a schema for multiple discriminators #7200
1808 * fix(cursor): handle `lean(false)` correctly with query cursors #7197
1809 * fix(document): avoid manual populate if `ref` not set #7193
1810 * fix(schema): handle schema without `.base` for browser build #7170
1811 * docs: add further reading section
18135.3.9 / 2018-11-02
1815 * fix: upgrade bson dep -> 1.1.0 to match mongodb-core #7213 [NewEraCracker](https://github.com/NewEraCracker)
1816 * docs(api): fix broken anchor link #7210 [gfranco93](https://github.com/gfranco93)
1817 * fix: don't set parent timestamps because a child has timestamps set to false #7203 #7202 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1818 * fix(document): run setter only once when doing `.set()` underneath a single nested subdoc #7196
1819 * fix(document): surface errors in subdoc pre validate #7187
1820 * fix(query): run default functions after hydrating the loaded document #7182
1821 * fix(query): handle strictQuery: 'throw' with nested path correctly #7178
1822 * fix(update): update timestamps on replaceOne() #7152
1823 * docs(transactions): add example of aborting a transaction #7113
18255.3.8 / 2018-10-30
1827 * fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.1.8 to fix connecting to +srv uri with no credentials #7191 #6881 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1828 * fix(document): sets defaults correctly in child docs with projection #7159
1829 * fix(mongoose): handle setting custom type on a separate mongoose global #7158
1830 * fix: add unnecessary files to npmignore #7157
1831 * fix(model): set session when creating new subdoc #7104
18335.3.7 / 2018-10-26
1835 * fix(browser): fix buffer usage in browser build #7184 #7173 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1836 * fix(document): make depopulate() work on populate virtuals and unpopulated docs #7180 #6075 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1837 * fix(document): only pass properties as 2nd arg to custom validator if `propsParameter` set #7145
1838 * docs(schematypes): add note about nested paths with `type` getting converted to mixed #7143
1839 * fix(update): run update validators on nested doc when $set on an array #7135
1840 * fix(update): copy exact errors from array subdoc validation into top-level update validator error #7135
18425.3.6 / 2018-10-23
1844 * fix(cursor): fix undefined transforms error
18465.3.5 / 2018-10-22
1848 * fix(model): make sure versionKey on `replaceOne()` always gets set at top level to prevent cast errors #7138
1849 * fix(cursor): handle non-boolean lean option in `eachAsync()` #7137
1850 * fix(update): correct cast update that overwrites a map #7111
1851 * fix(schema): handle arrays of mixed correctly #7109
1852 * fix(query): use correct path when getting schema for child timestamp update #7106
1853 * fix(document): make `$session()` propagate sessions to child docs #7104
1854 * fix(document): handle user setting `schema.options.strict = 'throw'` #7103
1855 * fix(types): use core Node.js buffer prototype instead of safe-buffer because safe-buffer is broken for Node.js 4.x #7102
1856 * fix(document): handle setting single doc with refPath to document #7070
1857 * fix(model): handle array filters when updating timestamps for subdocs #7032
18595.3.4 / 2018-10-15
1861 * fix(schema): make `add()` and `remove()` return the schema instance #7131 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1862 * fix(query): don't require passing model to `cast()` #7118
1863 * fix: support `useFindAndModify` as a connection-level option #7110 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1864 * fix(populate): handle plus path projection with virtual populate #7050
1865 * fix(schema): allow using ObjectId type as schema path type #7049
1866 * docs(schematypes): elaborate on how schematypes relate to types #7049
1867 * docs(deprecations): add note about gridstore deprecation #6922
1868 * docs(guide): add storeSubdocValidationError option to guide #6802
18705.3.3 / 2018-10-12
1872 * fix(document): enable storing mongoose validation error in MongoDB by removing `$isValidatorError` property #7127
1873 * docs(api): clarify that aggregate triggers aggregate middleware #7126 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1874 * fix(connection): handle Model.init() when an index exists on schema + autoCreate == true #7122 [jesstelford](https://github.com/jesstelford)
1875 * docs(middleware): explain how to switch between document and query hooks for `remove()` #7093
1876 * docs(api): clean up encoding issues in SchemaType.prototype.validate docs #7091
1877 * docs(schema): add schema types to api docs and update links on schematypes page #7080 #7076 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1878 * docs(model): expand model constructor docs with examples and `fields` param #7077
1879 * docs(aggregate): remove incorrect description of noCursorTimeout and add description of aggregate options #7056
1880 * docs: re-add array type to API docs #7027
1881 * docs(connections): add note about `members.host` errors due to bad host names in replica set #7006
18835.3.2 / 2018-10-07
1885 * fix(query): make sure to return correct result from `orFail()` #7101 #7099 [gsandorx](https://github.com/gsandorx)
1886 * fix(schema): handle `{ timestamps: false }` correctly #7088 #7074 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1887 * docs: fix markdown in options.useCreateIndex documentation #7085 [Cyral](https://github.com/Cyral)
1888 * docs(schema): correct field name in timestamps example #7082 [kizmo04](https://github.com/kizmo04)
1889 * docs(migrating_to_5): correct markdown syntax #7078 [gwuah](https://github.com/gwuah)
1890 * fix(connection): add useFindAndModify option in connect #7059 [NormanPerrin](https://github.com/NormanPerrin)
1891 * fix(document): dont mark single nested path as modified if setting to the same value #7048
1892 * fix(populate): use WeakMap to track lean populate models rather than leanPopulateSymbol #7026
1893 * fix(mongoose): avoid unhandled rejection when `mongoose.connect()` errors with a callback #6997
1894 * fix(mongoose): isolate Schema.Types between custom Mongoose instances #6933
18965.3.1 / 2018-10-02
1898 * fix(ChangeStream): expose driver's `close()` function #7068 #7022 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1899 * fix(model): avoid printing warning if `_id` index is set to "hashed" #7053
1900 * fix(populate): handle nested populate underneath lean array correctly #7052
1901 * fix(update): make timestamps not crash on a null or undefined update #7041
1902 * docs(schematypes+validation): clean up links from validation docs to schematypes docs #7040
1903 * fix(model): apply timestamps to nested docs in bulkWrite() #7032
1904 * docs(populate): rewrite refPath docs to be simpler and more direct #7013
1905 * docs(faq): explain why destructuring imports are not supported in FAQ #7009
19075.3.0 / 2018-09-28
1909 * feat(mongoose): support `mongoose.set('debug', WritableStream)` so you can pipe debug to stderr, file, or network #7018
1910 * feat(query): add useNestedStrict option #6973 #5144 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1911 * feat(query): add getPopulatedPaths helper to Query.prototype #6970 #6677 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1912 * feat(model): add `createCollection()` helper to make transactions easier #6948 #6711 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1913 * feat(schema): add ability to do `schema.add(otherSchema)` to merge hooks, virtuals, etc. #6897
1914 * feat(query): add `orFail()` helper that throws an error if no documents match `filter` #6841
1915 * feat(mongoose): support global toObject and toJSON #6815
1916 * feat(connection): add deleteModel() to remove a model from a connection #6813
1917 * feat(mongoose): add top-level mongoose.ObjectId, mongoose.Decimal128 for easier schema declarations #6760
1918 * feat(aggregate+query): support for/await/of (async iterators) #6737
1919 * feat(mongoose): add global `now()` function that you can stub for testing timestamps #6728
1920 * feat(schema): support `schema.pre(RegExp, fn)` and `schema.post(RegExp, fn)` #6680
1921 * docs(query): add better docs for the `mongooseOptions()` function #6677
1922 * feat(mongoose): add support for global strict object #6858
1923 * feat(schema+mongoose): add autoCreate option to automatically create collections #6489
1924 * feat(update): update timestamps on nested subdocs when using `$set` #4412
1925 * feat(query+schema): add query `remove` hook and ability to switch between query `remove` and document `remove` middleware #3054
19275.2.18 / 2018-09-27
1929 * docs(migrating_to_5): add note about overwriting filter properties #7030
1930 * fix(query): correctly handle `select('+c')` if c is not in schema #7017
1931 * fix(document): check path exists before checking for required #6974
1932 * fix(document): retain user-defined key order on initial set with nested docs #6944
1933 * fix(populate): handle multiple localFields + foreignFields using `localField: function() {}` syntax #5704
19355.2.17 / 2018-09-21
1937 * docs(guide): clarify that Mongoose only increments versionKey on `save()` and add a workaround for `findOneAndUpdate()` #7038
1938 * fix(model): correctly handle `createIndex` option to `ensureIndexes()` #7036 #6922 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1939 * docs(migrating_to_5): add a note about changing debug output from stderr to stdout #7034 #7018 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1940 * fix(query): add `setUpdate()` to allow overwriting update without changing op #7024 #7012 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1941 * fix(update): find top-level version key even if there are `$` operators in the update #7003
1942 * docs(model+query): explain which operators `count()` supports that `countDocuments()` doesn't #6911
19445.2.16 / 2018-09-19
1946 * fix(index): use dynamic require only when needed for better webpack support #7014 #7010 [jaydp17](https://github.com/jaydp17)
1947 * fix(map): handle arrays of mixed maps #6995
1948 * fix(populate): leave justOne as null if populating underneath a Mixed type #6985
1949 * fix(populate): add justOne option to allow overriding any bugs with justOne #6985
1950 * fix(query): add option to skip adding timestamps to an update #6980
1951 * docs(model+schematype): improve docs about background indexes and init() #6966
1952 * fix: bump mongodb -> 3.1.6 to allow connecting to srv url without credentials #6955 #6881 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1953 * fix(connection): allow specifying `useCreateIndex` at the connection level, overrides global-level #6922
1954 * fix(schema): throw a helpful error if setting `ref` to an invalid value #6915
19565.2.15 / 2018-09-15
1958 * fix(populate): handle virtual justOne correctly if it isn't set #6988
1959 * fix(populate): consistently use lowercase `model` instead of `Model` so double-populating works with existing docs #6978
1960 * fix(model): allow calling `Model.init()` again after calling `dropDatabase()` #6967
1961 * fix(populate): find correct justOne when double-populating underneath an array #6798
1962 * docs(webpack): make webpack docs use es2015 preset for correct libs and use acorn to test output is valid ES5 #6740
1963 * fix(populate): add selectPopulatedPaths option to opt out of auto-adding `populate()`-ed fields to `select()` #6546
1964 * fix(model): set timestamps on bulkWrite `insertOne` and `replaceOne` #5708
19665.2.14 / 2018-09-09
1968 * docs: fix wording on promise docs to not imply queries only return promises #6983 #6982 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1969 * fix(map): throw TypeError if keys are not string #6956
1970 * fix(document): ensure you can `validate()` a child doc #6931
1971 * fix(populate): avoid cast error if refPath points to localFields with 2 different types #6870
1972 * fix(populate): handle populating already-populated paths #6839
1973 * fix(schematype): make ObjectIds handle refPaths when checking required #6714
1974 * fix(model): set timestamps on bulkWrite() updates #5708
19765.2.13 / 2018-09-04
1978 * fix(map): throw TypeError if keys are not string #6968 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
1979 * fix(update): make array op casting work with strict:false and {} #6962 #6952 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1980 * fix(document): add doc.deleteOne(), doc.updateOne(), doc.replaceOne() re: deprecation warnings #6959 #6940 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1981 * docs(faq+schematypes): add note about map keys needing to be strings #6957 #6956 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
1982 * fix(schematype): remove unused if statement #6950 #6949 [cacothi](https://github.com/cacothi)
1983 * docs: add /docs/deprecations.html for dealing with MongoDB driver deprecation warnings #6922
1984 * fix(populate): handle refPath where first element in array has no refPath #6913
1985 * fix(mongoose): allow setting useCreateIndex option after creating a model but before initial connection succeeds #6890
1986 * fix(updateValidators): ensure $pull validators always get an array #6889
19885.2.12 / 2018-08-30
1990 * fix(document): disallow setting `constructor` and `prototype` if strict mode false
19924.13.17 / 2018-08-30
1994 * fix(document): disallow setting `constructor` and `prototype` if strict mode false
19965.2.11 / 2018-08-30
1998 * fix(document): disallow setting __proto__ if strict mode false
1999 * fix(document): run document middleware on docs embedded in maps #6945 #6938 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2000 * fix(query): make castForQuery return a CastError #6943 #6927 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2001 * fix(query): use correct `this` scope when casting query with legacy 2dsphere pairs defined in schema #6939 #6937 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2002 * fix(document): avoid crash when calling `get()` on deeply nested subdocs #6929 #6925 [jakemccloskey](https://github.com/jakemccloskey)
2003 * fix(plugins): make saveSubdocs execute child post save hooks _after_ the actual save #6926
2004 * docs: add dbName to api docs for .connect() #6923 [p722](https://github.com/p722)
2005 * fix(populate): convert to array when schema specifies array, even if doc doesn't have an array #6908
2006 * fix(populate): handle `justOne` virtual populate underneath array #6867
2007 * fix(model): dont set versionKey on upsert if it is already `$set` #5973
20094.13.16 / 2018-08-30
2011 * fix(document): disallow setting __proto__ if strict mode false
2012 * feat(error): backport adding modified paths to VersionError #6928 [freewil](https://github.com/freewil)
20145.2.10 / 2018-08-27
2016 * fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.1.4 #6920 #6903 #6884 #6799 #6741 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2017 * fix(model): track `session` option for `save()` as the document's `$session()` #6909
2018 * fix(query): add Query.getOptions() helper #6907 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2019 * fix(document): ensure array atomics get cleared after save() #6900
2020 * fix(aggregate): add missing redact and readConcern helpers #6895 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2021 * fix: add global option `mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true)` to avoid ensureIndex deprecation warning #6890
2022 * fix(query): use `projection` option to avoid deprecation warnings #6888 #6880 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2023 * fix(query): use `findOneAndReplace()` internally if using `overwrite: true` with `findOneAndUpdate()` #6888 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2024 * fix(document): ensure required cache gets cleared correctly between subsequent saves #6892
2025 * fix(aggregate): support session chaining correctly #6886 #6885 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2026 * fix(query): use `projection` instead of `fields` internally for `find()` and `findOne()` to avoid deprecation warning #6880
2027 * fix(populate): add `getters` option to opt in to calling getters on populate #6844
20295.2.9 / 2018-08-17
2031 * fix(document): correctly propagate write concern options in save() #6877 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2032 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.1.3 for numerous fixes #6869 #6843 #6692 #6670 [simllll](https://github.com/simllll)
2033 * fix: correct `this` scope of default functions for DocumentArray and Array #6868 #6840 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2034 * fix(types): support casting JSON form of buffers #6866 #6863 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2035 * fix(query): get global runValidators option correctly #6865 #6578
2036 * fix(query): add Query.prototype.setQuery() analogous to `getQuery()` #6855 #6854
2037 * docs(connections): add note about the `family` option for IPv4 vs IPv6 and add port to example URIs #6784
2038 * fix(query): get global runValidators option correctly #6578
20404.13.15 / 2018-08-14
2042 * fix(mongoose): add global `usePushEach` option for easier Mongoose 4.x + MongoDB 3.6 #6858
2043 * chore: fix flakey tests for 4.x #6853 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2044 * feat(error): add version number to VersionError #6852 [freewil](https://github.com/freewil)
20465.2.8 / 2018-08-13
2048 * docs: update `execPopulate()` code example #6851 [WJakub](https://github.com/WJakub)
2049 * fix(document): allow passing callback to `execPopulate()` #6851
2050 * fix(populate): populate with undefined fields without error #6848 #6845 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2051 * docs(migrating_to_5): Add `objectIdGetter` option docs #6842 [jwalton](https://github.com/jwalton)
2052 * chore: run lint in parallel and only on Node.js v10 #6836 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2053 * fix(populate): throw helpful error if refPath excluded in query #6834
2054 * docs(migrating_to_5): add note about removing runSettersOnQuery #6832
2055 * fix: use safe-buffer to avoid buffer deprecation errors in Node.js 10 #6829 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2056 * docs(query): fix broken links #6828 [yaynick](https://github.com/yaynick)
2057 * docs(defaults): clarify that defaults only run on undefined #6827
2058 * chore: fix flakey tests #6824 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2059 * docs: fix custom inspect function deprecation warning in Node.js 10 #6821 [yelworc](https://github.com/yelworc)
2060 * fix(document): ensure subdocs get set to init state after save() so validators can run again #6818
2061 * fix(query): make sure embedded query casting always throws a CastError #6803
2062 * fix(document): ensure `required` function only gets called once when validating #6801
2063 * docs(connections): note that you must specify port if using `useNewUrlParser: true` #6789
2064 * fix(populate): support `options.match` in virtual populate schema definition #6787
2065 * fix(update): strip out virtuals from updates if strict: 'throw' rather than returning an error #6731
20675.2.7 / 2018-08-06
2069 * fix(model): check `expireAfterSeconds` option when diffing indexes in syncIndexes() #6820 #6819 [christopherhex](https://github.com/christopherhex)
2070 * chore: fix some common test flakes in travis #6816 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2071 * chore: bump eslint and webpack to avoid bad versions of eslint-scope #6814
2072 * test(model): add delay to session tests to improve pass rate #6811 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2073 * fix(model): support options in `deleteMany` #6810 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2074 * fix(query): don't use $each when pushing an array into an array #6809 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2075 * chore: bump mquery so eslint isn't a prod dependency #6800
2076 * fix(populate): correctly get schema type when calling `populate()` on already populated path #6798
2077 * fix(populate): propagate readConcern options in populate from parent query #6792 #6785 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
2078 * docs(connection): add description of useNewUrlParser option #6789
2079 * fix(query): make select('+path') a no-op if no select prop in schema #6785
2080 * docs(schematype+validation): document using function syntax for custom validator message #6772
2081 * fix(update): throw CastError if updating with `$inc: null` #6770
2082 * fix(connection): throw helpful error when calling `createConnection(undefined)` #6763
20845.2.6 / 2018-07-30
2086 * fix(document): don't double-call deeply nested custom getters when using `get()` #6779 #6637
2087 * fix(query): upgrade mquery for readConcern() helper #6777
2088 * docs(schematypes): clean up typos #6773 [sajadtorkamani](https://github.com/sajadtorkamani)
2089 * refactor(browser): fix webpack warnings #6771 #6705
2090 * fix(populate): make error reported when no `localField` specified catchable #6767
2091 * docs(connection): use correct form in createConnection example #6766 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2092 * fix(connection): throw helpful error when using legacy `mongoose.connect()` syntax #6756
2093 * fix(document): handle overwriting `$session` in `execPopulate()` #6754
2094 * fix(query): propagate top-level session down to `populate()` #6754
2095 * fix(aggregate): add `session()` helper for consistency with query api #6752
2096 * fix(map): avoid infinite recursion when update overwrites a map #6750
2097 * fix(model): be consistent about passing noop callback to mongoose.model() `init()` as well as db.model() #6707
20995.2.5 / 2018-07-23
2101 * fix(boolean): expose `convertToTrue` and `convertToFalse` for custom boolean casting #6758
2102 * docs(schematypes): add note about what values are converted to booleans #6758
2103 * fix(document): fix(document): report castError when setting single nested doc to array #6753
2104 * docs: prefix mongoose.Schema call with new operator #6751 [sajadtorkamani](https://github.com/sajadtorkamani)
2105 * docs(query): add examples and links to schema writeConcern option for writeConcern helpers #6748
2106 * docs(middleware): clarify that init middleware is sync #6747
2107 * perf(model): create error rather than modifying stack for source map perf #6735
2108 * fix(model): throw helpful error when passing object to aggregate() #6732
2109 * fix(model): pass Model instance as context to applyGetters when calling getters for virtual populate #6726 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2110 * fix(documentarray): remove `isNew` and `save` listeners on CastError because otherwise they never get removed #6723
2111 * docs(model+query): clarify when to use `countDocuments()` vs `estimatedDocumentCount()` #6713
2112 * fix(populate): correctly set virtual nestedSchemaPath when calling populate() multiple times #6644
2113 * docs(connections): add note about the `family` option for IPv4 vs IPv6 and add port to example URIs #6566
21155.2.4 / 2018-07-16
2117 * docs: Model.insertMany rawResult option in api docs #6724 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2118 * docs: fix typo on migrating to 5 guide #6722 [iagowp](https://github.com/iagowp)
2119 * docs: update doc about keepalive #6719 #6718 [simllll](https://github.com/simllll)
2120 * fix: ensure debug mode doesn't crash with sessions #6712
2121 * fix(document): report castError when setting single nested doc to primitive value #6710
2122 * fix(connection): throw helpful error if using `new db.model(foo)(bar)` #6698
2123 * fix(model): throw readable error with better stack trace when non-cb passed to $wrapCallback() #6640
21255.2.3 / 2018-07-11
2127 * fix(populate): if a getter is defined on the localField, use it when populating #6702 #6618 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2128 * docs(schema): add example of nested aliases #6671
2129 * fix(query): add `session()` function to queries to avoid positional argument mistakes #6663
2130 * docs(transactions): use new session() helper to make positional args less confusing #6663
2131 * fix(query+model+schema): add support for `writeConcern` option and writeConcern helpers #6620
2132 * docs(guide): add `writeConcern` option and re-add description for `safe` option #6620
2133 * docs(schema): fix broken API links #6619
2134 * docs(connections): add information re: socketTimeoutMS and connectTimeoutMS #4789
21365.2.2 / 2018-07-08
2138 * fix(model+query): add missing estimatedDocumentCount() function #6697
2139 * docs(faq): improve array-defaults section #6695 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2140 * docs(model): fix countDocuments() docs, bad copy/paste from count() docs #6694 #6643
2141 * fix(connection): add `startSession()` helper to connection and mongoose global #6689
2142 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.1.1 for countDocuments() fix #6688 #6666
2143 * docs(compatibility): add MongoDB 4 range #6685
2144 * fix(populate): add ability to define refPath as a function #6683 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2145 * docs: add rudimentary transactions guide #6672
2146 * fix(update): make setDefaultsOnInsert handle nested subdoc updates with deeply nested defaults #6665
2147 * docs: use latest acquit-ignore to handle examples that start with acquit:ignore:start #6657
2148 * fix(validation): format `properties.message` as well as `message` #6621
21505.2.1 / 2018-07-03
2152 * fix(connection): allow setting the mongodb driver's useNewUrlParser option, default to false #6656 #6648 #6647
2153 * fix(model): only warn on custom _id index if index only has _id key #6650
21555.2.0 / 2018-07-02
2157 * feat(model): add `countDocuments()` #6643
2158 * feat(model): make ensureIndexes() fail if specifying an index on _id #6605
2159 * feat(mongoose): add `objectIdGetter` option to remove ObjectId.prototype._id #6588
2160 * feat: upgrade mongodb -> 3.1.0 for full MongoDB 4.0 support #6579
2161 * feat(query): support `runValidators` as a global option #6578
2162 * perf(schema): use WeakMap instead of array for schema stack #6503
2163 * feat(model): decorate unique discriminator indexes with partialFilterExpressions #6347
2164 * feat(model): add `syncIndexes()`, drops indexes that aren't in schema #6281
2165 * feat(document): add default getter/setter if virtual doesn't have one #6262
2166 * feat(discriminator): support discriminators on nested doc arrays #6202
2167 * feat(update): add `Query.prototype.set()` #5770
21695.1.8 / 2018-07-02
2171 * fix: don't throw TypeError if calling save() after original save() failed with push() #6638 [evanhenke](https://github.com/evanhenke)
2172 * fix(query): add explain() helper and don't hydrate explain output #6625
2173 * docs(query): fix `setOptions()` lists #6624
2174 * docs: add geojson docs #6607
2175 * fix: bump mongodb -> 3.0.11 to avoid cyclic dependency error with retryWrites #6109
21775.1.7 / 2018-06-26
2179 * docs: add npm badge to readme #6623 [VFedyk](https://github.com/VFedyk)
2180 * fix(document): don't throw parallel save error if post save hooks in parallel #6614 #6611 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2181 * fix(populate): allow dynamic ref to handle >1 model getModelsMapForPopulate #6613 #6612 [jimmytsao](https://github.com/jimmytsao)
2182 * fix(document): handle `push()` on triple nested document array #6602
2183 * docs(validation): improve update validator doc headers #6577 [joeytwiddle](https://github.com/joeytwiddle)
2184 * fix(document): handle document arrays in `modifiedPaths()` with includeChildren option #5904
21865.1.6 / 2018-06-19
2188 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.0.10
2189 * docs(model+document): clarify that `save()` returns `undefined` if passed a callback #6604 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2190 * fix(schema): apply alias when adding fields with .add() #6593
2191 * docs: add full list of guides and streamline nav #6592
2192 * docs(model): add `projection` option to `findOneAndUpdate()` #6590 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2193 * docs: support @static JSDoc declaration #6584
2194 * fix(query): use boolean casting logic for $exists #6581
2195 * fix(query): cast all $text options to correct values #6581
2196 * fix(model): add support synchronous pre hooks for `createModel` #6552 [profbiss](https://github.com/profbiss)
2197 * docs: add note about the `applyPluginsToDiscriminators` option #4965
21995.1.5 / 2018-06-11
2201 * docs(guide): rework query helper example #6575 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2202 * fix(populate): handle virtual populate with embedded discriminator under single nested subdoc #6571
2203 * docs: add string option to projections that call query select #6563 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2204 * style: use ES6 in collection.js #6560 [l33ds](https://github.com/l33ds)
2205 * fix(populate): add virtual ref function ability getModelsMapForPopulate #6559 #6554 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2206 * docs(queries): fix link #6557 [sun1x](https://github.com/sun1x)
2207 * fix(schema): rename indexes -> getIndexes to avoid webpack duplicate declaration #6547
2208 * fix(document): support `toString()` as custom method #6538
2209 * docs: add @instance for instance methods to be more compliant with JSDoc #6516 [treble-snake](https://github.com/treble-snake)
2210 * fix(populate): avoid converting to map when using mongoose-deep-populate #6460
2211 * docs(browser): create new browser docs page #6061
22135.1.4 / 2018-06-04
2215 * docs(faq): add hr tags for parallel save error #6550 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2216 * docs(connection): fix broken link #6545 [iblamefish](https://github.com/iblamefish)
2217 * fix(populate): honor subpopulate options #6539 #6528 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2218 * fix(populate): allow population of refpath under array #6537 #6509 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2219 * fix(query): dont treat $set the same as the other ops in update casting #6535 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2220 * fix: bump async -> 2.6.1 #6534 #6505 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2221 * fix: support using a function as validation error message #6530 [lucandrade](https://github.com/lucandrade)
2222 * fix(populate): propagate `lean()` down to subpopulate #6498 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
2223 * docs(lambda): add info on what happens if database does down between lambda function calls #6409
2224 * fix(update): allow updating embedded discriminator path if discriminator key is in filter #5841
22265.1.3 / 2018-05-28
2228 * fix(document): support set() on path underneath array embedded discriminator #6526
2229 * chore: update lodash and nsp dev dependencies #6514 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
2230 * fix(document): throw readable error when saving the same doc instance more than once in parallel #6511 #6456 #4064 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2231 * fix(populate): set correct nestedSchemaPath for virtual underneath embedded discriminator #6501 #6487 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2232 * docs(query): add section on promises and warning about not mixing promises and callbacks #6495
2233 * docs(connection): add concrete example of connecting to multiple hosts #6492 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2234 * fix(populate): handle virtual populate under single nested doc under embedded discriminator #6488
2235 * fix(schema): collect indexes from embedded discriminators for autoIndex build #6485
2236 * fix(document): handle `doc.set()` underneath embedded discriminator #6482
2237 * fix(document): handle set() on path under embedded discriminator with object syntax #6482
2238 * fix(document): handle setting nested property to object with only non-schema properties #6436
22404.13.14 / 2018-05-25
2242 * fix(model): handle retainKeyOrder option in findOneAndUpdate() #6484
22445.1.2 / 2018-05-21
2246 * docs(guide): add missing SchemaTypes #6490 [distancesprinter](https://github.com/distancesprinter)
2247 * fix(map): make MongooseMap.toJSON return a serialized object #6486 #6478 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2248 * fix(query): make CustomQuery inherit from model.Query for hooks #6483 #6455 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2249 * fix(document): prevent default falses from being skipped by $__dirty #6481 #6477 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2250 * docs(connection): document `useDb()` #6480
2251 * fix(model): skip redundant clone in insertMany #6479 [d1manson](https://github.com/d1manson)
2252 * fix(aggregate): let replaceRoot accept objects as well as strings #6475 #6474 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2253 * docs(model): clarify `emit()` in mapReduce and how map/reduce are run #6465
2254 * fix(populate): flatten array to handle multi-level nested `refPath` #6457
2255 * fix(date): cast small numeric strings as years #6444 [AbdelrahmanHafez](https://github.com/AbdelrahmanHafez)
2256 * fix(populate): remove unmatched ids when using virtual populate on already hydrated document #6435
2257 * fix(array): use custom array class to avoid clobbered property names #6431
2258 * fix(model): handle hooks for custom methods that return promises #6385
22604.13.13 / 2018-05-17
2262 * fix(update): stop clobbering $in when casting update #6441 #6339
2263 * fix: upgrade async -> 2.6.0 re: security warning
22655.1.1 / 2018-05-14
2267 * docs(schema): add notes in api and guide about schema.methods object #6470 #6440 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2268 * fix(error): add modified paths to VersionError #6464 #6433 [paglias](https://github.com/paglias)
2269 * fix(populate): only call populate with full param signature when match is not present #6458 #6451 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2270 * docs: fix geoNear link in migration guide #6450 [kawache](https://github.com/kawache)
2271 * fix(discriminator): throw readable error when `create()` with a non-existent discriminator key #6434
2272 * fix(populate): add `retainNullValues` option to avoid stripping out null keys #6432
2273 * fix(populate): handle populate in embedded discriminators underneath nested paths #6411
2274 * docs(model): add change streams and ToC, make terminology more consistent #5888
22765.1.0 / 2018-05-10
2278 * feat(ObjectId): add `_id` getter so you can get a usable id whether or not the path is populated #6415 #6115
2279 * feat(model): add Model.startSession() #6362
2280 * feat(document): add doc.$session() and set session on doc after query #6362
2281 * feat: add Map type that supports arbitrary keys #6287 #681
2282 * feat: add `cloneSchemas` option to mongoose global to opt in to always cloning schemas before use #6274
2283 * feat(model): add `findOneAndDelete()` and `findByIdAndDelete()` #6164
2284 * feat(document): support `$ignore()` on single nested and array subdocs #6152
2285 * feat(document): add warning about calling `save()` on subdocs #6152
2286 * fix(model): make `save()` use `updateOne()` instead of `update()` #6031
2287 * feat(error): add version number to VersionError #5966
2288 * fix(query): allow `[]` as a value for `$in` when casting #5913
2289 * fix(document): avoid running validators on single nested paths if only a child path is modified #5885
2290 * feat(schema): print warning if method conflicts with mongoose internals #5860
22925.0.18 / 2018-05-09
2294 * fix(update): stop clobbering $in when casting update #6441 #6339 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2295 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 3.0.8 to fix session issue #6437 #6357 [simllll](https://github.com/simllll)
2296 * fix: upgrade bson -> 1.0.5 re: https://snyk.io/vuln/npm:bson:20180225 #6423 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
2297 * fix: look for `valueOf()` when casting to Decimal128 #6419 #6418 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2298 * fix: populate array of objects with space separated paths #6414 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2299 * test: add coverage for `mongoose.pluralize()` #6412 [FastDeath](https://github.com/FastDeath)
2300 * fix(document): avoid running default functions on init() if path has value #6410
2301 * fix(document): allow saving document with `null` id #6406
2302 * fix: prevent casting of populated docs in document.init #6390 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2303 * fix: remove `toHexString()` helper that was added in 5.0.15 #6359
23055.0.17 / 2018-04-30
2307 * docs(migration): certain chars in passwords may cause connection failures #6401 [markstos](https://github.com/markstos)
2308 * fix(document): don't throw when `push()` on a nested doc array #6398
2309 * fix(model): apply hooks to custom methods if specified #6385
2310 * fix(schema): support opting out of one timestamp field but not the other for `insertMany()` #6381
2311 * fix(documentarray): handle `required: true` within documentarray definition #6364
2312 * fix(document): ensure `isNew` is set before default functions run on init #3793
23145.0.16 / 2018-04-23
2316 * docs(api): sort api methods based on their string property #6374 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2317 * docs(connection): fix typo in `createCollection()` #6370 [mattc41190](https://github.com/mattc41190)
2318 * docs(document): remove vestigial reference to `numAffected` #6367 [ekulabuhov](https://github.com/ekulabuhov)
2319 * docs(schema): fix typo #6366 [dhritzkiv](https://github.com/dhritzkiv)
2320 * docs(schematypes): add missing `minlength` and `maxlength` docs #6365 [treble-snake](https://github.com/treble-snake)
2321 * docs(queries): fix formatting #6360 [treble-snake](https://github.com/treble-snake)
2322 * docs(api): add cursors to API docs #6353 #6344 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2323 * docs(aggregate): remove reference to non-existent `.select()` method #6346
2324 * fix(update): handle `required` array with update validators and $pull #6341
2325 * fix(update): avoid setting __v in findOneAndUpdate if it is `$set` #5973
23275.0.15 / 2018-04-16
2329 * fix: add ability for casting from number to decimal128 #6336 #6331 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2330 * docs(middleware): enumerate the ways to error out in a hook #6315
2331 * fix(document): respect schema-level depopulate option for toObject() #6313
2332 * fix: bump mongodb driver -> 3.0.6 #6310
2333 * fix(number): check for `valueOf()` function to support Decimal.js #6306 #6299 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2334 * fix(query): run array setters on query if input value is an array #6277
2335 * fix(versioning): don't require matching version when using array.pull() #6190
2336 * fix(document): add `toHexString()` function so you don't need to check whether a path is populated to get an id #6115
23385.0.14 / 2018-04-09
2340 * fix(schema): clone aliases and alternative option syntax correctly
2341 * fix(query): call utils.toObject in query.count like in query.find #6325 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2342 * docs(populate): add middleware examples #6320 [BorntraegerMarc](https://github.com/BorntraegerMarc)
2343 * docs(compatibility): fix dead link #6319 [lacivert](https://github.com/lacivert)
2344 * docs(api): fix markdown parsing for parameters #6318 #6314 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2345 * fix(populate): handle space-delimited paths in array populate #6296 #6284 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2346 * fix(populate): support basic virtual populate underneath embedded discriminators #6273
23485.0.13 / 2018-04-05
2350 * docs(faq): add middleware to faq arrow function warning #6309 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2351 * docs(schema): add example to loadClass() docs #6308
2352 * docs: clean up misc typos #6304 [sfrieson](https://github.com/sfrieson)
2353 * fix(document): apply virtuals when calling `toJSON()` on a nested path #6294
2354 * refactor(connection): use `client.db()` syntax rather than double-parsing the URI #6292 #6286
2355 * docs: document new behavior of required validator for arrays #6288 [daltones](https://github.com/daltones)
2356 * fix(schema): treat set() options as user-provided options #6274
2357 * fix(schema): clone discriminators correctly #6274
2358 * fix(update): make setDefaultsOnInsert not create subdoc if only default is id #6269
2359 * docs(discriminator): clarify 3rd argument to Model.discriminator() #2596
23615.0.12 / 2018-03-27
2363 * docs(query): updating model name in query API docs #6280 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2364 * docs: fix typo in tests #6275 [styler](https://github.com/styler)
2365 * fix: add missing `.hint()` to aggregate #6272 #6251 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2366 * docs(api): add headers to each API docs section for easer nav #6261
2367 * fix(query): ensure hooked query functions always run on next tick for chaining #6250
2368 * fix(populate): ensure populated array not set to null if it isn't set #6245
2369 * fix(connection): set readyState to disconnected if initial connection fails #6244 #6131
2370 * docs(model): make `create()` params show up correctly in docs #6242
2371 * fix(model): make error handlers work with MongoDB server errors and `insertMany()` #6228
2372 * fix(browser): ensure browser document builds defaults for embedded arrays correctly #6175
2373 * fix(timestamps): set timestamps when using `updateOne()` and `updateMany()` #6282 [gualopezb](https://github.com/gualopezb)
23755.0.11 / 2018-03-19
2377 * fix(update): handle $pull with $in in update validators #6240
2378 * fix(query): don't convert undefined to null when casting so driver `ignoreUndefined` option works #6236
2379 * docs(middleware): add example of using async/await with middleware #6235
2380 * fix(populate): apply justOne option before `completeMany()` so it works with lean() #6234
2381 * fix(query): ensure errors in user callbacks aren't caught in init #6195 #6178
2382 * docs(connections): document dbName option for Atlas connections #6179
2383 * fix(discriminator): make child schema nested paths overwrite parent schema paths #6076
23854.13.12 / 2018-03-13
2387 * fix(document): make virtual get() return undefined instead of null if no getters #6223
2388 * docs: fix url in useMongoClient error message #6219 #6217 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2389 * fix(discriminator): don't copy `discriminators` property from base schema #6122 #6064
23915.0.10 / 2018-03-12
2393 * docs(schematype): add notes re: running setters on queries #6209
2394 * docs: fix typo #6208 [kamagatos](https://github.com/kamagatos)
2395 * fix(query): only call setters once on query filter props for findOneAndUpdate and findOneAndRemove #6203
2396 * docs: elaborate on connection string changes in migration guide #6193
2397 * fix(document): skip applyDefaults if subdoc is null #6187
2398 * docs: fix schematypes docs and link to them #6176
2399 * docs(faq): add FAQs re: array defaults and casting aggregation pipelines #6184 #6176 #6170 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2400 * fix(document): ensure primitive defaults are set and built-in default functions run before setters #6155
2401 * fix(query): handle single embedded embedded discriminators in castForQuery #6027
24035.0.9 / 2018-03-05
2405 * perf: bump mongodb -> 3.0.4 to fix SSL perf issue #6065
24075.0.8 / 2018-03-03
2409 * docs: remove obsolete references to `emitIndexErrors` #6186 [isaackwan](https://github.com/isaackwan)
2410 * fix(query): don't cast findOne() until exec() so setters don't run twice #6157
2411 * fix: remove document_provider.web.js file #6186
2412 * fix(discriminator): support custom discriminator model names #6100 [wentout](https://github.com/wentout)
2413 * fix: support caching calls to `useDb()` #6036 [rocketspacer](https://github.com/rocketspacer)
2414 * fix(query): add omitUndefined option so setDefaultsOnInsert can kick in on undefined #6034
2415 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.0.3 for reconnectTries: 0 blocking process exit fix #6028
24175.0.7 / 2018-02-23
2419 * fix: support eachAsync options with aggregation cursor #6169 #6168 [vichle](https://github.com/vichle)
2420 * docs: fix link to MongoDB compound indexes docs #6162 [br0p0p](https://github.com/br0p0p)
2421 * docs(aggregate): use eachAsync instead of incorrect `each()` #6160 [simllll](https://github.com/simllll)
2422 * chore: fix benchmarks #6158 [pradel](https://github.com/pradel)
2423 * docs: remove dead link to old blog post #6154 [markstos](https://github.com/markstos)
2424 * fix: don't convert dates to numbers when updating mixed path #6146 #6145 [s4rbagamble](https://github.com/s4rbagamble)
2425 * feat(aggregate): add replaceRoot, count, sortByCount helpers #6142 [jakesjews](https://github.com/jakesjews)
2426 * fix(document): add includedChildren flag to modifiedPaths() #6134
2427 * perf: don't create wrapper function if no hooks specified #6126
2428 * fix(schema): allow indexes on single nested subdocs for geoJSON #6113
2429 * fix(document): allow depopulating all fields #6073
2430 * feat(mongoose): add support for `useFindAndModify` option on singleton #5616
24325.0.6 / 2018-02-15
2434 * refactor(query.castUpdate): avoid creating error until necessary #6137
2435 * docs(api): fix missing api docs #6136 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2436 * fix(schema): copy virtuals when using `clone()` #6133
2437 * fix(update): avoid digging into buffers with upsert and replaceOne #6124
2438 * fix(schema): support `enum` on arrays of strings #6102
2439 * fix(update): cast `$addToSet: [1, 2]` -> `$addToSet: { $each: [1, 2] }` #6086
24415.0.5 / 2018-02-13
2443 * docs: make > show up correctly in API docs #6114
2444 * fix(query): support `where()` overwriting primitive with object #6097
2445 * fix(schematype): don't run internal `resetId` setter on queries with _id #6093
2446 * fix(discriminator): don't copy `discriminators` property from base schema #6064
2447 * fix(utils): respect `valueOf()` when merging object for update #6059
2448 * docs(validation): fix typo 'maxLength' #4720
2449 * fix(document): apply defaults after setting initial value so default functions don't see empty doc #3781
24515.0.4 / 2018-02-08
2453 * docs: add lambda guide #6107
2454 * fix(connection): add `dbName` option to work around `mongodb+srv` not supporting db name in URI #6106
2455 * fix(schematype): fix regexp typo in ObjectId #6098 [JoshuaWise](https://github.com/JoshuaWise)
2456 * perf(document): re-use the modifiedPaths list #6092 [tarun1793](https://github.com/tarun1793)
2457 * fix: use console.info() instead of console.error() for debug output #6088 [yuristsepaniuk](https://github.com/yuristsepaniuk)
2458 * docs(validation): clean up runValidators and isAsync options docs for 5.x #6083
2459 * docs(model): use array instead of spread consistently for aggregate() #6070
2460 * fix(schema): make aliases handle mongoose-lean-virtuals #6069
2461 * docs(layout): add link to subdocs guide #6056
2462 * fix(query): make strictQuery: true strip out fields that aren't in the schema #6032
2463 * docs(guide): add notes for `strictQuery` option #6032
24654.13.11 / 2018-02-07
2467 * docs: fix links in 4.x docs #6081
2468 * chore: add release script that uses --tag for npm publish for 4.x releases #6063
24705.0.3 / 2018-01-31
2472 * fix: consistently use process.nextTick() to avoid sinon.useFakeTimers() causing ops to hang #6074
2473 * docs(aggregate): fix typo #6072 [adursun](https://github.com/adursun)
2474 * chore: add return type to `mongoose.model()` docs [bryant1410](https://github.com/bryant1410)
2475 * fix(document): depopulate push()-ed docs when saving #6048
2476 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 3.0.2 #6019
24785.0.2 / 2018-01-28
2480 * fix(schema): do not overwrite default values in schema when nested timestamps are provided #6024 [cdeveas](https://github.com/cdeveas)
2481 * docs: fix syntax highlighting in models.jade, schematypes.jade, subdocs.jade #6058 [lineus](https://github.com/lineus)
2482 * fix: use lazy loading so we can build mongoose with webpack #5993 #5842
2483 * docs(connections): clarify multi-mongos with useMongoClient for 4.x docs #5984
2484 * fix(populate): handle populating embedded discriminator paths #5970
24864.13.10 / 2018-01-28
2488 * docs(model+query): add lean() option to Model helpers #5996 [aguyinmontreal](https://github.com/aguyinmontreal)
2489 * fix: use lazy loading so we can build mongoose with webpack #5993 #5842
2490 * docs(connections): clarify multi-mongos with useMongoClient for 4.x docs #5984
2491 * fix(populate): handle populating embedded discriminator paths #5970
2492 * docs(query+aggregate): add more detail re: maxTimeMS #4066
24945.0.1 / 2018-01-19
2496 * fix(document): make validate() not resolve to document #6014
2497 * fix(model): make save() not return DocumentNotFoundError if using fire-and-forget writes #6012
2498 * fix(aggregate): make options() work as advertised #6011 [spederiva](https://github.com/spederiva)
2499 * docs(queries): fix code samples #6008
25015.0.0 / 2018-01-17
2503 * test: refactor tests to use start fewer connections #5985 [fenanquin](https://github.com/fenanquin)
2504 * feat: add global bufferCommands option #5879
2505 * docs: new docs site and build system #5976
2506 * test: increase timeout on slow test cases #5968 [fenanquin](https://github.com/fenanquin)
2507 * fix: avoid casting out array filter elements #5965
2508 * feat: add Model.watch() wrapper #5964
2509 * chore: replace istanbul with nyc #5962 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
25114.13.9 / 2018-01-07
2513 * chore: update marked (dev dependency) re: security vulnerability #5951 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
2514 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.34 for ipv6 and autoReconnect fixes #5794 #5760
2515 * docs: use useMongooseAggCursor for aggregate docs #2955
25175.0.0-rc2 / 2018-01-04
2519 * fix: add cleaner warning about no longer needing `useMongoClient` in 5.x #5961
2520 * chore: update acquit -> 0.5.1 for minor security patch #5961 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
2521 * docs: add docs for mongoose 4.x at http://mongoosejs.com/docs/4.x #5959
2522 * docs: add link to migration guide #5957
2523 * chore: update eslint to version 4.14.0 #5955 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
2524 * chore: update mocha to version 4.1.0 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
25265.0.0-rc1 / 2018-01-02
2528 * fix(index): use pluralize correctly for `mongoose.model()` #5958
2529 * fix: make mquery use native promises by default #5945
2530 * fix(connection): ensure 'joined' and 'left' events get bubbled up #5944
25325.0.0-rc0 / 2017-12-28
2534 * BREAKING CHANGE: always use mongoose aggregation cursor when using `.aggregate().cursor()` #5941
2535 * BREAKING CHANGE: attach query middleware when compiling model #5939
2536 * BREAKING CHANGE: `emitIndexErrors` is on by default, failing index build will throw uncaught error if not handled #5910
2537 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove precompiled browser bundle #5895
2538 * feat: add `mongoose.pluralize()` function #5877
2539 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove `passRawResult` option for `findOneAndUpdate`, use `rawResult` #5869
2540 * BREAKING CHANGE: implicit async validators (based on number of function args) are removed, return a promise instead #5824
2541 * BREAKING CHANGE: fail fast if user sets a unique index on `_id` #5820 [varunjayaraman](https://github.com/varunjayaraman)
2542 * BREAKING CHANGE: mapReduce resolves to an object with 2 keys rather than 2 separate args #5816
2543 * BREAKING CHANGE: `mongoose.connect()` returns a promise, removed MongooseThenable #5796
2544 * BREAKING CHANGE: query stream removed, use `cursor()` instead #5795
2545 * BREAKING CHANGE: connection `open()` and `openSet()` removed, use `openUri()` instead #5795
2546 * BREAKING CHANGE: use MongoDB driver 3.0.0, drop support for MongoDB server < 3.0.0 #5791 #4740
2547 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove support for `$pushAll`, remove `usePushEach` option #5670
2548 * BREAKING CHANGE: make date casting use native Date #5395 [varunjayaraman](https://github.com/varunjayaraman)
2549 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove `runSettersOnQuery`, always run setters on query #5340
2550 * BREAKING CHANGE: array of length 0 now satisfies `required: true` for arays #5139 [wlingke](https://github.com/wlingke)
2551 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove `saveErrorIfNotFound`, always error out if `save()` did not update a document #4973
2552 * BREAKING CHANGE: don't execute getters in reverse order #4835
2553 * BREAKING CHANGE: make boolean casting more strict #4245
2554 * BREAKING CHANGE: `toObject()` and `toJSON()` option parameter merges with defaults rather than overwriting #4131
2555 * feat: allow setting `default` on `_id` #4069
2556 * BREAKING CHANGE: `deleteX()` and `remove()` promise resolves to the write object result #4013
2557 * feat: support returning a promise from middleware functions #3779
2558 * BREAKING CHANGE: don't return a promise if callback specified #3670
2559 * BREAKING CHANGE: only cast `update()`, `updateX()`, `replaceOne()`, `remove()`, `deleteX()` in exec #3529
2560 * BREAKING CHANGE: sync errors in middleware functions are now handled #3483
2561 * BREAKING CHANGE: post hooks get flow control #3232
2562 * BREAKING CHANGE: deduplicate hooks when merging discriminator schema #2945
2563 * BREAKING CHANGE: use native promises by default, remove support for mpromise #2917
2564 * BREAKING CHANGE: remove `retainKeyOrder`, always use forward order when iterating through objects #2749
2565 * BREAKING CHANGE: `aggregate()` no longer accepts a spread #2716
25674.13.8 / 2017-12-27
2569 * docs(guide): use more up-to-date syntax for autoIndex example #5933
2570 * docs: fix grammar #5927 [abagh0703](https://github.com/abagh0703)
2571 * fix: propagate lean options to child schemas #5914
2572 * fix(populate): use correct model with discriminators + nested populate #5858
25744.13.7 / 2017-12-11
2576 * docs(schematypes): fix typo #5889 [gokaygurcan](https://github.com/gokaygurcan)
2577 * fix(cursor): handle `reject(null)` with eachAsync callback #5875 #5874 [ZacharyRSmith](https://github.com/ZacharyRSmith)
2578 * fix: disallow setting `mongoose.connection` to invalid values #5871 [jinasonlin](https://github.com/jinasonlin)
2579 * docs(middleware): suggest using `return next()` to stop middleware execution #5866
2580 * docs(connection): improve connection string query param docs #5864
2581 * fix(document): run validate hooks on array subdocs even if not directly modified #5861
2582 * fix(discriminator): don't treat $meta as defining projection when querying #5859
2583 * fix(types): handle Decimal128 when using bson-ext on server side #5850
2584 * fix(document): ensure projection with only $slice isn't treated as inclusive for discriminators #4991
2585 * fix(model): throw error when passing non-object to create() #2037
25874.13.6 / 2017-12-02
2589 * fix(schema): support strictBool option in schema #5856 [ekulabuhov](https://github.com/ekulabuhov)
2590 * fix(update): make upsert option consistently handle truthy values, not just booleans, for updateOne() #5839
2591 * refactor: remove unnecessary constructor check #2057
2592 * docs(query): correct function signature for .mod() helper #1806
2593 * fix(query): report ObjectParameterError when passing non-object as filter to find() and findOne() #1698
25954.13.5 / 2017-11-24
2597 * fix(model): handle update cast errors correctly with bulkWrite #5845 [Michael77](https://github.com/Michael77)
2598 * docs: add link to bufferCommands option #5844 [ralphite](https://github.com/ralphite)
2599 * fix(model): allow virtual ref function to return arrays #5834 [brunohcastro](https://github.com/brunohcastro)
2600 * fix(query): don't throw uncaught error if query filter too big #5812
2601 * fix(document): if setting unselected nested path, don't overwrite nested path #5800
2602 * fix(document): support calling `populate()` on nested document props #5703
2603 * fix: add `strictBool` option for schema type boolean #5344 #5211 #4245
2604 * docs(faq): add faq re: typeKey #1886
2605 * docs(query): add more detailed docs re: options #1702
26074.13.4 / 2017-11-17
2609 * fix(aggregate): add chainable .option() helper for setting arbitrary options #5829
2610 * fix(aggregate): add `.pipeline()` helper to get the current pipeline #5825
2611 * docs: grammar fixes for `unique` FAQ #5823 [mfluehr](https://github.com/mfluehr)
2612 * chore: add node 9 to travis #5822 [superheri](https://github.com/superheri)
2613 * fix(model): fix infinite recursion with recursive embedded discriminators #5821 [Faibk](https://github.com/Faibk)
26154.13.3 / 2017-11-15
2617 * chore: add node 8 to travis #5818 [superheri](https://github.com/superheri)
2618 * fix(document): don't apply transforms to nested docs when updating already saved doc #5807
26204.13.2 / 2017-11-11
2622 * feat(buffer): add support for subtype prop #5530
26244.13.1 / 2017-11-08
2626 * fix: accept multiple paths or array of paths to depopulate #5798 #5797 [adamreisnz](https://github.com/adamreisnz)
2627 * fix(document): pass default array as actual array rather than taking first element #5780
2628 * fix(model): increment version when $set-ing it in a save() that requires a version bump #5779
2629 * fix(query): don't explicitly project in discriminator key if user projected in parent path #5775 #5754
2630 * fix(model): cast query option to geoNear() #5765
2631 * fix(query): don't treat projection with just $slice as inclusive #5737
2632 * fix(discriminator): defer applying embedded discriminator hooks until top-level model is compiled #5706
2633 * docs(discriminator): add warning to always attach hooks before calling discriminator() #5706
26354.13.0 / 2017-11-02
2637 * feat(aggregate): add $addFields helper #5740 [AyushG3112](https://github.com/AyushG3112)
2638 * feat(connection): add connection-level bufferCommands #5720
2639 * feat(connection): add createCollection() helper #5712
2640 * feat(populate): support setting localField and foreignField to functions #5704 #5602
2641 * feat(query): add multipleCastError option for aggregating cast errors when casting update #5609
2642 * feat(populate): allow passing a function to virtual ref #5602
2643 * feat(schema): add excludeIndexes option to optionally prevent collecting indexes from nested schemas #5575
2644 * feat(model): report validation errors from `insertMany()` if using `ordered: false` and `rawResult: true` #5337
2645 * feat(aggregate): add pre/post aggregate middleware #5251
2646 * feat(schema): allow using `set` as a schema path #1939
26484.12.6 / 2017-11-01
2650 * fix(schema): make clone() copy query helpers correctly #5752
2651 * fix: undeprecate `ensureIndex()` and use it by default #3280
26534.12.5 / 2017-10-29
2655 * fix(query): correctly handle `$in` and required for $pull and update validators #5744
2656 * feat(aggegate): add $addFields pipeline operator #5740 [AyushG3112](https://github.com/AyushG3112)
2657 * fix(document): catch sync errors in document pre hooks and report as error #5738
2658 * fix(populate): handle slice projections correctly when automatically selecting populated fields #5737
2659 * fix(discriminator): fix hooks for embedded discriminators #5706 [wlingke](https://github.com/wlingke)
2660 * fix(model): throw sane error when customer calls `mongoose.Model()` over `mongoose.model()` #2005
26624.12.4 / 2017-10-21
2664 * test(plugins): add coverage for idGetter with id as a schema property #5713 [wlingke](https://github.com/wlingke)
2665 * fix(model): avoid copying recursive $$context object when creating discriminator after querying #5721
2666 * fix(connection): ensure connection promise helpers are removed before emitting 'connected' #5714
2667 * docs(schema): add notes about runSettersOnQuery to schema setters #5705
2668 * fix(collection): ensure queued operations run on the next tick #5562
26704.12.3 / 2017-10-16
2672 * fix(connection): emit 'reconnect' event as well as 'reconnected' for consistency with driver #5719
2673 * fix: correctly bubble up left/joined events for replica set #5718
2674 * fix(connection): allow passing in `autoIndex` as top-level option rather than requiring `config.autoIndex` #5711
2675 * docs(connection): improve docs regarding reconnectTries, autoReconnect, and bufferMaxEntries #5711
2676 * fix(query): handle null with addToSet/push/pull/pullAll update validators #5710
2677 * fix(model): handle setDefaultsOnInsert option for bulkWrite updateOne and updateMany #5708
2678 * fix(query): avoid infinite recursion edge case when cloning a buffer #5702
26804.12.2 / 2017-10-14
2682 * docs(faq): add FAQ about using arrow functions for getters/setters, virtuals, and methods #5700
2683 * docs(schema): document the childSchemas property and add to public API #5695
2684 * fix(query): don't project in populated field if parent field is already projected in #5669
2685 * fix: bump mongodb -> 2.2.33 for issue with autoReconnect #4513
26874.12.1 / 2017-10-08
2689 * fix(document): create new doc when setting single nested, no more set() on copy of priorVal #5693
2690 * fix(model): recursively call applyMethods on child schemas for global plugins #5690
2691 * docs: fix bad promise lib example on home page #5686
2692 * fix(query): handle false when checking for inclusive/exclusive projection #5685
2693 * fix(discriminator): allow reusing child schema #5684
2694 * fix: make addToSet() on empty array with subdoc trigger manual population #5504
26964.12.0 / 2017-10-02
2698 * docs(validation): add docs coverage for ValidatorError.reason #5681
2699 * feat(discriminator): always add discriminatorKey to base schema to allow updating #5613
2700 * fix(document): make nested docs no longer inherit parent doc's schema props #5586 #5546 #5470
2701 * feat(query): run update validators on $pull and $pullAll #5555
2702 * feat(query): add .error() helper to query to error out in pre hooks #5520
2703 * feat(connection): add dropCollection() helper #5393
2704 * feat(schema): add schema-level collation option #5295
2705 * feat(types): add `discriminator()` function for single nested subdocs #5244
2706 * feat(document): add $isDeleted() getter/setter for better support for soft deletes #4428
2707 * feat(connection): bubble up reconnectFailed event when driver gives up reconnecting #4027
2708 * fix(query): report error if passing array or other non-object as filter to update query #3677
2709 * fix(collection): use createIndex() instead of deprecated ensureIndex() #3280
27114.11.14 / 2017-09-30
2713 * chore: add nsp check to the CI build #5679 [hairyhenderson](https://github.com/hairyhenderson)
2714 * fix: bump mquery because of security issue with debug package #5677 #5675 [jonathanprl](https://github.com/jonathanprl)
2715 * fix(populate): automatically select() populated()-ed fields #5669
2716 * fix(connection): make force close work as expected #5664
2717 * fix(document): treat $elemMatch as inclusive projection #5661
2718 * docs(model/query): clarify which functions fire which middleware #5654
2719 * fix(model): make `init()` public and return a promise that resolves when indexes are done building #5563
27214.11.13 / 2017-09-24
2723 * fix(query): correctly run replaceOne with update validators #5665 [sime1](https://github.com/sime1)
2724 * fix(schema): replace mistype in setupTimestamp method #5656 [zipp3r](https://github.com/zipp3r)
2725 * fix(query): avoid throwing cast error for strict: throw with nested id in query #5640
2726 * fix(model): ensure class gets combined schema when using class syntax with discriminators #5635
2727 * fix(document): handle setting doc array to array of top-level docs #5632
2728 * fix(model): handle casting findOneAndUpdate() with overwrite and upsert #5631
2729 * fix(update): correctly handle $ in updates #5628
2730 * fix(types): handle manual population consistently for unshift() and splice() #5504
27324.11.12 / 2017-09-18
2734 * docs(model): asterisk should not render as markdown bullet #5644 [timkinnane](https://github.com/timkinnane)
2735 * docs: use useMongoClient in connection example #5627 [GabrielNicolasAvellaneda](https://github.com/GabrielNicolasAvellaneda)
2736 * fix(connection): call callback when initial connection failed #5626
2737 * fix(query): apply select correctly if a given nested schema is used for 2 different paths #5603
2738 * fix(document): add graceful fallback for setting a doc array value and `pull()`-ing a doc #3511
27404.11.11 / 2017-09-10
2742 * fix(connection): properly set readyState in response to driver 'close' and 'reconnect' events #5604
2743 * fix(document): ensure single embedded doc setters only get called once, with correct value #5601
2744 * fix(timestamps): allow enabling updatedAt without createdAt #5598
2745 * test: improve unique validator test by making create run before ensureIndex #5595 #5562
2746 * fix(query): ensure find callback only gets called once when post init hook throws error #5592
27484.11.10 / 2017-09-03
2750 * docs: add KeenIO tracking #5612
2751 * fix(schema): ensure validators declared with `.validate()` get copied with clone() #5607
2752 * fix: remove unnecessary jest warning #5480
2753 * fix(discriminator): prevent implicit discriminator schema id from clobbering base schema custom id #5591
2754 * fix(schema): hide schema objectid warning for non-hex strings of length 24 #5587
2755 * docs(populate): use story schema defined key author instead of creator #5578 [dmric](https://github.com/dmric)
2756 * docs(document): describe usage of `.set()` #5576
2757 * fix(document): ensure correct scope in single nested validators #5569
2758 * fix(populate): don't mark path as populated until populate() is done #5564
2759 * fix(document): make push()-ing a doc onto an empty array act as manual population #5504
2760 * fix(connection): emit timeout event on socket timeout #4513
27624.11.9 / 2017-08-27
2764 * fix(error): avoid using arguments.callee because that breaks strict mode #5572
2765 * docs(schematypes): fix spacing #5567
2766 * fix(query): enforce binary subtype always propagates to mongodb #5551
2767 * fix(query): only skip castForQuery for mongoose arrays #5536
2768 * fix(browser): rely on browser entrypoint to decide whether to use BrowserDocument or NodeDocument #5480
27704.11.8 / 2017-08-23
2772 * feat: add warning about using schema ObjectId as type ObjectId #5571 [efkan](https://github.com/efkan)
2773 * fix(schema): allow setting `id` property after schema was created #5570 #5548
2774 * docs(populate): remove confusing _ from populate docs #5560
2775 * fix(connection): expose parsed uri fields (host, port, dbname) when using openUri() #5556
2776 * docs: added type boolean to options documentation #5547 [ndabAP](https://github.com/ndabAP)
2777 * test: add test coverage for stopping/starting server #5524
2778 * fix(aggregate): pull read preference from schema by default #5522
27804.11.7 / 2017-08-14
2782 * fix: correct properties when calling toJSON() on populated virtual #5544 #5442 [davidwu226](https://github.com/davidwu226)
2783 * docs: fix spelling #5535 [et](https://github.com/et)
2784 * fix(error): always set name before stack #5533
2785 * fix: add warning about running jest in jsdom environment #5532 #5513 #4943
2786 * fix(document): ensure overwriting a doc array cleans out individual docs #5523
2787 * fix(schema): handle creating arrays of single nested using type key #5521
2788 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.31 to support user/pass options #5419
27904.11.6 / 2017-08-07
2792 * fix: limiting number of async operations per time in insertMany #5529 [andresattler](https://github.com/andresattler)
2793 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.30 #5517
2794 * fix(browserDocument): prevent stack overflow caused by double-wrapping embedded doc save() in jest #5513
2795 * fix(document): clear single nested doc when setting to empty object #5506
2796 * fix(connection): emit reconnected and disconnected events correctly with useMongoClient #5498
2797 * fix(populate): ensure nested virtual populate gets set even if top-level property is null #5431
27994.11.5 / 2017-07-30
2801 * docs: fix link to $lookup #5516 [TalhaAwan](https://github.com/TalhaAwan)
2802 * fix: better parallelization for eachAsync #5502 [lchenay](https://github.com/lchenay)
2803 * docs(document): copy docs for save from model to doc #5493
2804 * fix(document): handle dotted virtuals in toJSON output #5473
2805 * fix(populate): restore user-provided limit after mutating so cursor() works with populate limit #5468
2806 * fix(query): don't throw StrictModeError if geo query with upsert #5467
2807 * fix(populate): propagate readPreference from query to populate queries by default #5460
2808 * docs: warn not to use arrow functions for statics and methods #5458
2809 * fix(query): iterate over all condition keys for setDefaultsOnInsert #5455
2810 * docs(connection): clarify server/replset/mongos option deprecation with useMongoClient #5442
28124.11.4 / 2017-07-23
2814 * fix: handle next() errors in `eachAsync()` #5486 [lchenay](https://github.com/lchenay)
2815 * fix(schema): propagate runSettersOnQuery option to implicitly created schemas #5479 [https://github.com/ValYouW]
2816 * fix(query): run castConditions() correctly in update ops #5477
2817 * fix(query): ensure castConditions called for findOne and findOneAnd* #5477
2818 * docs: clarify relationship between $lookup and populate #5475 [TalhaAwan](https://github.com/TalhaAwan)
2819 * test: add coverage for arrays of arrays [zbjornson](https://github.com/zbjornson)
2820 * fix(middleware): ensure that error handlers for save get doc as 2nd param #5466
2821 * fix: handle strict: false correctly #5454 #5453 [wookieb](https://github.com/wookieb)
2822 * fix(query): apply schema excluded paths if only projection is a $slice #5450
2823 * fix(query): correct discriminator handling for schema `select: false` fields in schema #5448
2824 * fix(cursor): call next() in series when parallel option used #5446
2825 * chore: load bundled driver first to avoid packaging problem #5443 [prototypeme](https://github.com/prototypeme)
2826 * fix(query): defer condition casting until final exec #5434
2827 * fix(aggregate): don't rely on mongodb aggregate to put a cursor in the callback #5394
2828 * docs(aggregate): add useMongooseAggCursor docs #5394
2829 * docs(middleware): clarify context for document, query, and model middleware #5381
28314.11.3 / 2017-07-14
2833 * fix(connection): remove .then() before resolving to prevent infinite recursion #5471
28354.11.2 / 2017-07-13
2837 * docs: fix comment typo in connect example #5435 [ConnorMcF](https://github.com/ConnorMcF)
2838 * fix(update): correctly cast document array in update validators with exec() #5430
2839 * fix(connection): handle autoIndex with useMongoClient #5423
2840 * fix(schema): handle `type: [Array]` in schemas #5416
2841 * fix(timestamps): if overwrite is set and there's a $set, use $set instead of top-level update #5413
2842 * fix(document): don't double-validate deeply nested doc array elements #5411
2843 * fix(schematype): clone default objects so default not shared across object instances unless `shared` specified #5407
2844 * fix(document): reset down the nested subdocs when resetting parent doc #5406
2845 * fix: don't pass error arg twice to error handlers #5405
2846 * fix(connection): make openUri() return connection decorated with then() and catch() #5404
2847 * fix: enforce $set on an array must be an array #5403
2848 * fix(document): don't crash if calling `validateSync()` after overwriting doc array index #5389
2849 * fix(discriminator): ensure discriminator key doesn't count as user-selected field for projection #4629
28514.11.1 / 2017-07-02
2853* docs: populate virtuals fix justOne description #5427 [fredericosilva](https://github.com/fredericosilva)
2854 * fix(connection): make sure to call onOpen in openUri() #5404
2855 * docs(query): justOne is actually single, and it default to false #5402 [zbjornson](https://github.com/zbjornson)
2856 * docs: fix small typo in lib/schema.js #5398 #5396 [pjo336](https://github.com/pjo336)
2857 * fix: emit remove on single nested subdocs when removing parent #5388
2858 * fix(update): handle update with defaults and overwrite but no update validators #5384
2859 * fix(populate): handle undefined refPath values in middle of array #5377
2860 * fix(document): ensure consistent setter context for single nested #5363
2861 * fix(query): support runSettersOnQuery as query option #5350
28634.11.0 / 2017-06-25
2865 * feat(query): execute setters with query as context for `runSettersOnQuery` #5339
2866 * feat(model): add translateAliases function #5338 [rocketspacer](https://github.com/rocketspacer)
2867 * feat(connection): add `useMongoClient` and `openUri` functions, deprecate current connect logic #5304
2868 * refactor(schema): make id virtual not access doc internals #5279
2869 * refactor: handle non-boolean lean #5279
2870 * feat(cursor): add addCursorFlag() support to query and agg cursors #4814
2871 * feat(cursor): add parallel option to eachAsync #4244
2872 * feat(schema): allow setting custom error constructor for custom validators #4009
28744.10.8 / 2017-06-21
2876 * docs: fix small formatting typo on schematypes #5374 [gianpaj](https://github.com/gianpaj)
2877 * fix(model): allow null as an _id #5370
2878 * fix(populate): don't throw async uncaught exception if model not found in populate #5364
2879 * fix: correctly cast decimals in update #5361
2880 * fix(error): don't use custom getter for ValidationError message #5359
2881 * fix(query): handle runSettersOnQuery in built-in _id setter #5351
2882 * fix(document): ensure consistent context for nested doc custom validators #5347
28844.10.7 / 2017-06-18
2886 * docs(validation): show overriding custom validator error with 2nd cb arg #5358
2887 * fix: `parseOption` mutates user passed option map #5357 [igwejk](https://github.com/igwejk)
2888 * docs: fix guide.jade typo #5356 [CalebAnderson2014](https://github.com/CalebAnderson2014)
2889 * fix(populate): don't set populate virtual to ids when match fails #5336
2890 * fix(query): callback with cast error if remove and delete* args have a cast error #5323
28924.10.6 / 2017-06-12
2894 * fix(cursor): handle custom model option for populate #5334
2895 * fix(populate): handle empty virtual populate with Model.populate #5331
2896 * fix(model): make ensureIndexes() run with autoIndex: false unless called internally #5328 #5324 #5317
2897 * fix: wait for all connections to close before resolving disconnect() promise #5316
2898 * fix(document): handle setting populated path with custom typeKey in schema #5313
2899 * fix(error): add toJSON helper to ValidationError so `message` shows up with JSON.stringify #5309
2900 * feat: add `getPromiseConstructor()` to prevent need for `mongoose.Promise.ES6` #5305
2901 * fix(document): handle conditional required with undefined props #5296
2902 * fix(model): clone options before inserting in save() #5294
2903 * docs(populate): clarify that multiple populate() calls on same path overwrite #5274
29054.10.5 / 2017-06-06
2907 * chore: improve contrib guide for building docs #5312
2908 * fix(populate): handle init-ing nested virtuals properly #5311
2909 * fix(update): report update validator error if required path under single nested doc not set
2910 * fix(schema): remove default validate pre hook that was causing issues with jest #4943
29124.10.4 / 2017-05-29
2914 * chore: dont store test data in same directory #5303
2915 * chore: add data dirs to npmignore #5301 [Starfox64](https://github.com/Starfox64)
2916 * docs(query): add docs about runSettersOnQuery #5300
29184.10.3 / 2017-05-27
2920 * docs: correct inconsistent references to updateOne and replaceOne #5297 [dhritzkiv](https://github.com/dhritzkiv)
2921 * docs: fix dropdowns in docs #5292 [nathanallen](https://github.com/nathanallen)
2922 * docs: add description of alias option #5287
2923 * fix(document): prevent infinite loop if validating nested array #5282
2924 * fix(schema): correctly handle ref ObjectIds from different mongoose libs #5259
2925 * fix(schema): load child class methods after base class methods to allow override #5227
29274.10.2 / 2017-05-22
2929 * fix: bump ms -> 2.0.0 and mquery -> 2.3.1 for minor security vulnerability #5275
29314.10.1 / 2017-05-21
2933 * fix(aggregate): handle sorting by text score correctly #5258
2934 * fix(populate): handle doc.populate() with virtuals #5240
2935 * fix(schema): enforce that `_id` is never null #5236
29374.10.0 / 2017-05-18
2939 * fix(schema): update clone method to include indexes #5268 [clozanosanchez](https://github.com/clozanosanchez)
2940 * feat(schema): support aliases #5184 [rocketspacer](https://github.com/rocketspacer)
2941 * feat(aggregate): add mongoose-specific aggregation cursor option #5145
2942 * refactor(model): make sharding into a plugin instead of core #5105
2943 * fix(document): make nested doc mongoose internals not enumerable again #5078
2944 * feat(model): pass params to pre hooks #5064
2945 * feat(timestamps): support already defined timestamp paths in schema #4868
2946 * feat(query): add runSettersOnQuery option #4569
2947 * fix(query): add strictQuery option that throws when not querying on field not in schema #4136
2948 * fix(update): more complete handling for overwrite option with update validators #3556
2949 * feat: support `unique: true` in arrays via the mongoose-unique-array plugin #3347
2950 * fix(model): always emit 'index', even if no indexes #3347
2951 * fix(schema): set unique indexes on primitive arrays #3347
2952 * feat(validation): include failed paths in error message and inspect output #3064 #2135
2953 * fix(model): return saved docs when create() fails #2190
29554.9.10 / 2017-05-17
2957 * fix(connection): ensure callback arg to openSet() is handled properly #5249
2958 * docs: remove dead plugins repo and add content links #5247
2959 * fix(model): skip index build if connecting after model init and autoIndex false #5176
29614.9.9 / 2017-05-13
2963 * docs: correct value for Query#regex() #5230
2964 * fix(connection): don't throw if .catch() on open() promise #5229
2965 * fix(schema): allow update with $currentDate for updatedAt to succeed #5222
2966 * fix(model): versioning doesn't fail if version key undefined #5221 [basileos](https://github.com/basileos)
2967 * fix(document): don't emit model error if callback specified for consistency with docs #5216
2968 * fix(document): handle errors in subdoc pre validate #5215
29704.9.8 / 2017-05-07
2972 * docs(subdocs): rewrite subdocs guide #5217
2973 * fix(document): avoid circular JSON if error in doc array under single nested subdoc #5208
2974 * fix(document): set intermediate empty objects for deeply nested undefined paths before path itself #5206
2975 * fix(schema): throw error if first param to schema.plugin() is not a function #5201
2976 * perf(document): major speedup in validating subdocs (50x in some cases) #5191
29784.9.7 / 2017-04-30
2980 * docs: fix typo #5204 [phutchins](https://github.com/phutchins)
2981 * fix(schema): ensure correct path for deeply nested schema indexes #5199
2982 * fix(schema): make remove a reserved name #5197
2983 * fix(model): handle Decimal type in insertMany correctly #5190
2984 * fix: upgrade kareem to handle async pre hooks correctly #5188
2985 * docs: add details about unique not being a validator #5179
2986 * fix(validation): handle returning a promise with isAsync: true #5171
29884.9.6 / 2017-04-23
2990 * fix: update `parentArray` references when directly assigning document arrays #5192 [jhob](https://github.com/jhob)
2991 * docs: improve schematype validator docs #5178 [milesbarr](https://github.com/milesbarr)
2992 * fix(model): modify discriminator() class in place #5175
2993 * fix(model): handle bulkWrite updateMany casting #5172 [tzellman](https://github.com/tzellman)
2994 * docs(model): fix replaceOne example for bulkWrite #5168
2995 * fix(document): don't create a new array subdoc when creating schema array #5162
2996 * fix(model): merge query hooks from discriminators #5147
2997 * fix(document): add parent() function to subdocument to match array subdoc #5134
29994.9.5 / 2017-04-16
3001 * fix(query): correct $pullAll casting of null #5164 [Sebmaster](https://github.com/Sebmaster)
3002 * docs: add advanced schemas docs for loadClass #5157
3003 * fix(document): handle null/undefined gracefully in applyGetters() #5143
3004 * fix(model): add resolveToObject option for mapReduce with ES6 promises #4945
30064.9.4 / 2017-04-09
3008 * fix(schema): clone query middleware correctly #5153 #5141 [clozanosanchez](https://github.com/clozanosanchez)
3009 * docs(aggregate): fix typo #5142
3010 * fix(query): cast .$ update to underlying array type #5130
3011 * fix(populate): don't mutate populate result in place #5128
3012 * fix(query): handle $setOnInsert consistent with $set #5126
3013 * docs(query): add strict mode option for findOneAndUpdate #5108
30154.9.3 / 2017-04-02
3017 * docs: document.js fixes for functions prepended with `$` #5131 [krmannix](https://github.com/krmannix)
3018 * fix: Avoid exception on constructor check #5129 [monkbroc](https://github.com/monkbroc)
3019 * docs(schematype): explain how to use `isAsync` with validate() #5125
3020 * docs(schematype): explain custom message with required function #5123
3021 * fix(populate): only apply refPath duplicate id optimization if not array #5114
3022 * fix(document): copy non-objects to doc when init() #5111
3023 * perf(populate): dont clone whole options every time #5103
3024 * feat(document): add isDirectSelected() to minimize isSelected() changes #5063
3025 * docs(schematypes): explain some subtleties with arrays #5059
30274.9.2 / 2017-03-26
3029 * fix(discriminator): handle class names consistently #5104
3030 * fix(schema): make clone() work with reusing discriminator schemas #5098
3031 * fix(querycursor): run pre find hooks with .cursor() #5096
3032 * fix(connection): throw error if username:password includes @ or : #5091
3033 * fix(timestamps): handle overwriting createdAt+updatedAt consistently #5088
3034 * fix(document): ensure subdoc post save runs after parent save #5085
3035 * docs(model): improve update docs #5076 [bertolo1988](https://github.com/bertolo1988)
30374.9.1 / 2017-03-19
3039 * fix(query): handle $type for arrays #5080 #5079 [zoellner](https://github.com/zoellner)
3040 * fix(model): handle ordered param for `insertMany` validation errors #5072 [sjorssnoeren](https://github.com/sjorssnoeren)
3041 * fix(populate): avoid duplicate ids in dynref queries #5054
3042 * fix(timestamps): dont set timestamps in update if user set it #5045
3043 * fix(update): dont double-call setters on arrays #5041
3044 * fix: upgrade driver -> 2.2.25 for jest fix #5033
3045 * fix(model): get promise each time save() is called rather than once #5030
3046 * fix(connection): make connect return value consistent #5006
30484.9.0 / 2017-03-13
3050 * feat(document): return this from `depopulate()` #5027
3051 * fix(drivers): stop emitting timeouts as errors #5026
3052 * feat(schema): add a clone() function for schemas #4983
3053 * feat(query): add rawResult option to replace passRawResult, deprecate passRawResult #4977 #4925
3054 * feat(schematype): support isAsync validator option and handle returning promises from validators, deprecate implicit async validators #4290
3055 * feat(query): add `replaceOne()`, `deleteOne()`, `deleteMany()` #3998
3056 * feat(model): add `bulkWrite()` #3998
30584.8.7 / 2017-03-12
3060 * fix(model): if last arg in spread is falsy, treat it as a callback #5061
3061 * fix(document): use $hook instead of hook to enable 'hook' as a path name #5047
3062 * fix(populate): dont select foreign field if parent field is selected #5037
3063 * fix(populate): handle passing no args to query.populate #5036
3064 * fix(update): use correct method for casting nested arrays #5032
3065 * fix(discriminator): handle array discriminators when casting $push #5009
30674.8.6 / 2017-03-05
3069 * docs(document): remove text that implies that transform is false by default #5023
3070 * fix(applyHooks): dont wrap a function if it is already wrapped #5019
3071 * fix(document): ensure nested docs' toObject() clones #5008
30734.8.5 / 2017-02-25
3075 * fix: check for empty schemaPath before accessing property $isMongooseDocumentArray #5017 [https://github.com/randyhoulahan](randyhoulahan)
3076 * fix(discriminators): handle create() and push() for embedded discriminators #5001
3077 * fix(querycursor): ensure close emitted after last data event #4998
3078 * fix(discriminators): remove fields not selected in child when querying by base model #4991
30804.8.4 / 2017-02-19
3082 * docs(discriminators): explain embedded discriminators #4997
3083 * fix(query): fix TypeError when findOneAndUpdate errors #4990
3084 * fix(update): handle nested single embedded in update validators correctly #4989
3085 * fix(browser): make browser doc constructor not crash #4987
30874.8.3 / 2017-02-15
3089 * chore: upgrade mongodb driver -> 2.2.24
3090 * docs(connections): addd some details about callbacks #4986
3091 * fix: ensure class is created with new keyword #4972 #4947 [benhjames](https://github.com/benhjames)
3092 * fix(discriminator): add applyPluginsToDiscriminators option #4965
3093 * fix(update): properly cast array subdocs when casting update #4960
3094 * fix(populate): ensure foreign field is selected for virtual populate #4959
3095 * docs(query): document some query callback params #4949
3096 * fix(document): ensure errors in validators get caught #2185
30984.8.2 / 2017-02-10
3100 * fix(update): actually run validators on addToSet #4953
3101 * fix(update): improve buffer error handling #4944 [ValYouW](https://github.com/ValYouW)
3102 * fix(discriminator): handle subclassing with loadClass correctly #4942
3103 * fix(query): allow passing Map to sort() #4941
3104 * fix(document): handle setting discriminator doc #4935
3105 * fix(schema): return correct value from pre init hook #4928
3106 * fix(query): ensure consistent params in error handlers if pre hook errors #4927
31084.8.1 / 2017-01-30
3110 * fix(query): handle $exists for arrays and embedded docs #4937
3111 * fix(query): handle passing string to hint() #4931
31134.8.0 / 2017-01-28
3115 * feat(schema): add saveErrorIfNotFound option and $where property #4924 #4004
3116 * feat(query): add $in implicitly if passed an array #4912 [QuotableWater7](https://github.com/QuotableWater7)
3117 * feat(aggregate): helper for $facet #4904 [varunjayaraman](https://github.com/varunjayaraman)
3118 * feat(query): add collation method #4839
3119 * feat(schema): propogate strict option to implicit array subschemas #4831 [dkrosso](https://github.com/dkrosso)
3120 * feat(aggregate): add helper for graphLookup #4819 [varunjayaraman](https://github.com/varunjayaraman)
3121 * feat(types): support Decimal128 #4759
3122 * feat(aggregate): add eachAsync() to aggregate cursor #4300
3123 * feat(query): add updateOne and updateMany #3997
3124 * feat(model): support options for insertMany #3893
3125 * fix(document): run validation on single nested docs if not directly modified #3884
3126 * feat(model): use discriminator constructor based on discriminatorKey in create() #3624
3127 * feat: pass collection as context to debug function #3261
3128 * feat(query): support push and addToSet for update validators #2933
3129 * perf(document): refactor registerHooksFromSchema so hooks are defined on doc prototype #2754
3130 * feat(types): add discriminator() function to doc arrays #2723 #1856
3131 * fix(populate): return an error if sorting underneath a doc array #2202
31334.7.9 / 2017-01-27
3135 * fix(query): handle casting $exists under $not #4933
3136 * chore: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.22 re: #4931
31384.7.8 / 2017-01-23
3140 * fix(populate): better handling for virtual populate under arrays #4923
3141 * docs: upgrade contributors count #4918 [AdamZaczek](https://github.com/AdamZaczek)
3142 * fix(query): don't set nested path default if setting parent path #4911
3143 * docs(promise): add missing bracket #4907
3144 * fix(connection): ensure error handling is consistently async #4905
3145 * fix: handle authMechanism in query string #4900
3146 * fix(document): ensure error handlers run for validate #4885
31484.7.7 / 2017-01-15
3150 * fix(utils): don't crash if to[key] is null #4881
3151 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.21 #4867
3152 * fix: add a toBSON to documents for easier querying #4866
3153 * fix: suppress bluebird warning #4854 [davidwu226](https://github.com/davidwu226)
3154 * fix(populate): handle nested virtuals in virtual populate #4851
31564.7.6 / 2017-01-02
3158 * fix(model): allow passing non-array to insertMany #4846
3159 * fix(populate): use base model name if no discriminator for backwards compat #4843
3160 * fix: allow internal validate callback to be optional #4842 [arciisine](https://github.com/arciisine)
3161 * fix(document): don't skip pointCut if save not defined (like in browser doc) #4841
3162 * chore: improve benchmarks #4838 [billouboq](https://github.com/billouboq)
3163 * perf: remove some unused parameters #4837 [billouboq](https://github.com/billouboq)
3164 * fix(query): don't call error handler if passRawResult is true and no error occurred #4836
31664.7.5 / 2016-12-26
3168 * docs(model): fix spelling mistake #4828 [paulinoj](https://github.com/paulinoj)
3169 * fix(aggregate): remove unhandled rejection when using aggregate.then() #4824
3170 * perf: remove try/catch that kills optimizer #4821
3171 * fix(model): handles populating with discriminators that may not have a ref #4817
3172 * fix(document): handle setting array of discriminators #3575
31744.7.4 / 2016-12-21
3176 * docs: fix typo #4810 [GEEKIAM](https://github.com/GEEKIAM)
3177 * fix(query): timestamps with $push + $each #4805
3178 * fix(document): handle buffers correctly in minimize #4800
3179 * fix: don't disallow overwriting default and cast fns #4795 [pdspicer](https://github.com/pdspicer)
3180 * fix(document): don't convert single nested docs to POJOs #4793
3181 * fix(connection): handle reconnect to replica set correctly #4972 [gfzabarino](https://github.com/gfzabarino)
31834.7.3 / 2016-12-16
3185 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 2.2.16 for several bug fixes and 3.4 support #4799
3186 * fix(model): ensure discriminator key is correct for child schema on discriminator #4790
3187 * fix(document): handle mark valid in subdocs correctly #4778
3188 * fix(query): check for objects consistently #4775
31904.7.2 / 2016-12-07
3192 * test(populate): fix justOne test #4772 [cblanc](https://github.com/cblanc)
3193 * chore: fix benchmarks #4769 [billouboq](https://github.com/billouboq)
3194 * fix(document): handle setting subdoc to null after setting parent doc #4766
3195 * fix(query): support passRawResult with lean #4762 #4761 [mhfrantz](https://github.com/mhfrantz)
3196 * fix(query): throw StrictModeError if upsert with nonexisting field in condition #4757
3197 * test: fix a couple of sort tests #4756 [japod](https://github.com/japod)
3198 * chore: upgrade mongodb driver -> 2.2.12 #4753 [mdlavin](https://github.com/mdlavin)
3199 * fix(query): handle update with upsert and overwrite correctly #4749
32014.7.1 / 2016-11-30
3203 * fix(schema): throw error if you use prototype as a schema path #4746
3204 * fix(schema): throw helpful error if you define a virtual with the same path as a real path #4744
3205 * fix(connection): make createConnection not throw rejected promises #4742
3206 * fix(populate): allow specifiying options in model schema #4741
3207 * fix(document): handle selected nested elements with defaults #4739
3208 * fix(query): add model to cast error if possible #4729
3209 * fix(query): handle timestamps with overwrite #4054
32114.7.0 / 2016-11-23
3213 * docs: clean up schematypes #4732 [kidlj](https://github.com/kidlj)
3214 * perf: only get stack when necessary with VersionError #4726 [Sebmaster](https://github.com/Sebmaster)
3215 * fix(query): ensure correct casting when setting array element #4724
3216 * fix(connection): ensure db name gets set when you pass 4 params #4721
3217 * fix: prevent TypeError in node v7 #4719 #4706
3218 * feat(document): support .set() on virtual subpaths #4716
3219 * feat(populate): support populate virtuals on nested schemas #4715
3220 * feat(querycursor): support transform option and .map() #4714 #4705 [cblanc](https://github.com/cblanc)
3221 * fix(document): dont set defaults on not-selected nested paths #4707
3222 * fix(populate): don't throw if empty string passed to populate #4702
3223 * feat(model): add `loadClass()` function for importing schema from ES6 class #4668 [rockmacaca](https://github.com/rockmacaca)
32254.6.8 / 2016-11-14
3227 * fix(querycursor): clear stack when iterating onto next doc #4697
3228 * fix: handle null keys in validation error #4693 #4689 [arciisine](https://github.com/arciisine)
3229 * fix(populate): handle pre init middleware correctly with populate virtuals #4683
3230 * fix(connection): ensure consistent return value for open and openSet #4659
3231 * fix(schema): handle falsy defaults for arrays #4620
32334.6.7 / 2016-11-10
3235 * fix(document): only invalidate in subdoc if using update validators #4681
3236 * fix(document): don't create subdocs when excluded in projection #4669
3237 * fix(document): ensure single embedded schema validator runs with correct context #4663
3238 * fix(document): make sure to depopulate top level for sharding #4658
3239 * fix(connection): throw more helpful error when .model() called incorrectly #4652
3240 * fix(populate): throw more descriptive error when trying to populate a virtual that doesn't have proper options #4602
3241 * fix(document): ensure subtype gets set properly when saving with a buffer id #4506
3242 * fix(query): handle setDefaultsOnInsert with defaults on doc arrays #4456
3243 * fix(drivers): make debug output better by calling toBSON() #4356
32454.6.6 / 2016-11-03
3247 * chore: upgrade deps #4674 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3248 * chore: run tests on node v7 #4673 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3249 * perf: make setDefaultsOnInsert more efficient if upsert is off #4672 [CamHenlin](https://github.com/CamHenlin)
3250 * fix(populate): ensure document array is returned #4656
3251 * fix(query): cast doc arrays with positionals correctly for update #4655
3252 * fix(document): ensure single nested doc validators run with correct context #4654
3253 * fix: handle reconnect failed error in new version of driver #4653 [loris](https://github.com/loris)
3254 * fix(populate): if setting a populated doc, take its id #4632
3255 * fix(populate): handle populated virtuals in init #4618
32574.6.5 / 2016-10-23
3259 * docs: fix grammar issues #4642 #4640 #4639 [silvermanj7](https://github.com/silvermanj7)
3260 * fix(populate): filter out nonexistant values for dynref #4637
3261 * fix(query): handle $type as a schematype operator #4632
3262 * fix(schema): better handling for uppercase: false and lowercase: false #4622
3263 * fix(query): don't run transforms on updateForExec() #4621
3264 * fix(query): handle id = 0 in findById #4610
3265 * fix(query): handle buffers in mergeClone #4609
3266 * fix(document): handle undefined with conditional validator for validateSync #4607
3267 * fix: upgrade to mongodb driver 2.2.11 #4581
3268 * docs(schematypes): clarify schema.path() #4518
3269 * fix(query): ensure path is defined before checking in timestamps #4514
3270 * fix(model): set version key in upsert #4505
3271 * fix(document): never depopulate top-level doc #3057
3272 * refactor: ensure sync for setting non-capped collections #2690
32744.6.4 / 2016-10-16
3276 * fix(query): cast $not correctly #4616 #4592 [prssn](https://github.com/prssn)
3277 * fix: address issue with caching global plugins #4608 #4601 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3278 * fix(model): make sure to depopulate in insertMany #4590
3279 * fix(model): buffer autoIndex if bufferCommands disabled #4589
3280 * fix(populate): copy ids array before modifying #4585
3281 * feat(schema): add retainKeyOrder prop #4542
3282 * fix(document): return isModified true for children of direct modified paths #4528
3283 * fix(connection): add dropDatabase() helper #4490
3284 * fix(model): add usePushEach option for schemas #4455
3285 * docs(connections): add some warnings about buffering #4413
3286 * fix: add ability to set promise implementation in browser #4395
32884.6.3 / 2016-10-05
3290 * fix(document): ensure single nested docs get initialized correctly when setting nested paths #4578
3291 * fix: turn off transforms when writing nested docs to db #4574
3292 * fix(document): don't set single nested subdocs to null when removing parent doc #4566
3293 * fix(model): ensure versionKey gets set in insertMany #4561
3294 * fix(schema): handle typeKey in arrays #4548
3295 * feat(schema): set $implicitlyCreated on schema if created by interpretAsType #4443
32974.6.2 / 2016-09-30
3299 * chore: upgrade to async 2.0.1 internally #4579 [billouboq](https://github.com/billouboq)
3300 * fix(types): ensure nested single doc schema errors reach update validators #4557 #4519
3301 * fix(connection): handle rs names with leading numbers (muri 1.1.1) #4556
3302 * fix(model): don't throw if method name conflicts with Object.prototype prop #4551
3303 * docs: fix broken link #4544 [VFedyk](https://github.com/VFedyk)
3304 * fix: allow overwriting model on mongoose singleton #4541 [Nainterceptor](https://github.com/Nainterceptor)
3305 * fix(document): don't use init: true when building doc defaults #4540
3306 * fix(connection): use replSet option if replset not specified #4535
3307 * fix(query): cast $not objects #4495
33094.6.1 / 2016-09-20
3311 * fix(query): improve handling of $not with $elemMatch #4531 #3719 [timbowhite](https://github.com/timbowhite)
3312 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.2.10 #4517
3313 * chore: fix webpack build issue #4512 [saiichihashimoto](https://github.com/saiichihashimoto)
3314 * fix(query): emit error on next tick when exec callback errors #4500
3315 * test: improve test case #4496 [isayme](https://github.com/isayme)
3316 * fix(schema): use same check for array types and top-level types #4493
3317 * style: fix indentation in docs #4489 [dhurlburtusa](https://github.com/dhurlburtusa)
3318 * fix(schema): expose original object passed to constructor #4486
3319 * fix(query): handle findOneAndUpdate with array of arrays #4484 #4470 [fedotov](https://github.com/fedotov)
3320 * feat(document): add $ignore to make a path ignored #4480
3321 * fix(query): properly handle setting single embedded in update #4475 #4466 #4465
3322 * fix(updateValidators): handle single nested schema subpaths correctly #4479
3323 * fix(model): throw handy error when method name conflicts with property name #4475
3324 * fix(schema): handle .set() with array field #4472
3325 * fix(query): check nested path when avoiding double-validating Mixed #4441
3326 * fix(schema): handle calling path.trim() with no args correctly #4042
33284.6.0 / 2016-09-02
3330 * docs(document): clarify the findById and findByIdAndUpdate examples #4471 [mdcanham](https://github.com/mdcanham)
3331 * docs(schematypes): add details re: options #4452
3332 * docs(middleware): add docs for insertMany hooks #4451
3333 * fix(schema): create new array when copying from existing object to preserve change tracking #4449
3334 * docs: fix typo in index.jade #4448
3335 * fix(query): allow array for populate options #4446
3336 * fix(model): create should not cause unhandle reject promise #4439
3337 * fix: upgrade to mongodb driver 2.2.9 #4363 #4341 #4311 (see [comments here](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/aa0b54597a0af28cce3530d2144af708e4b66bf0#commitcomment-18850498) if you use node 0.10)
33394.5.10 / 2016-08-23
3341 * docs: fix typo on documents.jade #4444 [Gabri3l](https://github.com/Gabri3l)
3342 * chore: upgrade mocha to 3.0.2 #4437 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3343 * fix: subdocuments causing error with parent timestamp on update #4434 [dyang108](https://github.com/dyang108)
3344 * fix(query): don't crash if timestamps on and update doesn't have a path #4425 #4424 #4418
3345 * fix(query): ensure single nested subdoc is hydrated when running update validators #4420
3346 * fix(query): cast non-$geometry operators for $geoWithin #4419
3347 * docs: update contributor count #4415 [AdamZaczek](https://github.com/AdamZaczek)
3348 * docs: add more clarification re: the index event #4410
3349 * fix(document): only skip modifying subdoc path if parent is direct modified #4405
3350 * fix(schema): throw cast error if provided date invalid #4404
3351 * feat(error): use util.inspect() so CastError never prints "[object Object]" #4398
3352 * fix(model): dont error if the discriminator key is unchanged #4387
3353 * fix(query): don't throw unhandled rejection with bluebird when using cbs #4379
33554.5.9 / 2016-08-14
3357 * docs: add mixed schema doc for Object literal #4400 [Kikobeats](https://github.com/Kikobeats)
3358 * fix(query): cast $geoWithin and convert mongoose objects to POJOs before casting #4392
3359 * fix(schematype): dont cast defaults without parent doc #4390
3360 * fix(query): disallow passing empty string to findOne() #4378
3361 * fix(document): set single nested doc isNew correctly #4369
3362 * fix(types): checks field name correctly with nested arrays and populate #4365
3363 * fix(drivers): make debug output copy-pastable into mongodb shell #4352
3364 * fix(services): run update validators on nested paths #4332
3365 * fix(model): handle typeKey with discriminators #4339
3366 * fix(query): apply timestamps to child schemas when explicitly specified in update #4049
3367 * fix(schema): set prefix as nested path with add() #1730
33694.5.8 / 2016-08-01
3371 * fix(model): make changing the discriminator key cause a cast error #4374
3372 * fix(query): pass projection fields to cursor #4371 #4342 [Corei13](https://github.com/Corei13)
3373 * fix(document): support multiple paths for isModified #4370 [adambuczynski](https://github.com/adambuczynski)
3374 * fix(querycursor): always cast fields before returning cursor #4355
3375 * fix(query): support projection as alias for fields in findOneAndUpdate #4315
3376 * fix(schema): treat index false + unique false as no index #4304
3377 * fix(types): dont mark single nested subpath as modified if whole doc already modified #4224
33794.5.7 / 2016-07-25
3381 * fix(document): ensure no unhandled rejections if callback specified for save #4364
33834.5.6 / 2016-07-23
3385 * fix(schema): don't overwrite createdAt if it isn't selected #4351 [tusbar](https://github.com/tusbar)
3386 * docs(api): fix link to populate() and add a new one from depopulate() #4345 [Delapouite](https://github.com/Delapouite)
3387 * fix(types): ownerDocument() works properly with single nested docs #4344 [vichle](https://github.com/vichle)
3388 * fix(populate): dont use findOne when justOne option set #4329
3389 * fix(document): dont trigger .then() deprecated warning when calling doc.remove() #4291
3390 * docs(connection): add promiseLibrary option #4280
3391 * fix(plugins): apply global plugins to subschemas #4271
3392 * fix(model): ensure `ensureIndex()` never calls back in the same tick #4246
3393 * docs(schema): improve post hook docs on schema #4238
33954.5.5 / 2016-07-18
3397 * fix(document): handle setting root to empty obj if minimize false #4337
3398 * fix: downgrade to mongodb 2.1.18 #4335 #4334 #4328 #4323
3399 * perf(types): remove defineProperty usage in documentarray #4333
3400 * fix(query): correctly pass model in .toConstructor() #4318
3401 * fix(services): avoid double-validating mixed types with update validators #4305
3402 * docs(middleware): add docs describing error handling middleware #4229
3403 * fix(types): throw correct error when invalidating doc array #3602
34054.5.4 / 2016-07-11
3407 * fix(types): fix removing embedded documents #4309 [RoCat](https://github.com/RoCat)
3408 * docs: various docs improvements #4302 #4294 [simonxca](https://github.com/simonxca)
3409 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.1.21 #4295 #4202 [RoCat](https://github.com/RoCat)
3410 * fix(populate): convert single result to array for virtual populate because of lean #4288
3411 * fix(populate): handle empty results for populate virtuals properly #4285 #4284
3412 * fix(query): dont cast $inc to number if type is long #4283
3413 * fix(types): allow setting single nested doc to null #4281
3414 * fix(populate): handle deeply nested virtual populate #4278
3415 * fix(document): allow setting empty obj if strict mode is false #4274
3416 * fix(aggregate): allow passing obj to .unwind() #4239
3417 * docs(document): add return statements to transform examples #1963
34194.5.3 / 2016-06-30
3421 * fix(query): pass correct options to QueryCursor #4277 #4266
3422 * fix(querycursor): handle lean option correctly #4276 [gchudnov](https://github.com/gchudnov)
3423 * fix(document): fix error handling when no error occurred #4275
3424 * fix(error): use strict mode for version error #4272
3425 * docs(populate): fix crashing compilation for populate.jade #4267
3426 * fix(populate): support `justOne` option for populate virtuals #4263
3427 * fix(populate): ensure model param gets used for populate virtuals #4261 #4243
3428 * fix(querycursor): add ability to properly close the cursor #4258
3429 * docs(model): correct link to Document #4250
3430 * docs(populate): correct path for refPath populate #4240
3431 * fix(document): support validator.isEmail as validator #4064
34334.5.2 / 2016-06-24
3435 * fix(connection): add checks for collection presence for `onOpen` and `onClose` #4259 [nodkz](https://github.com/nodkz)
3436 * fix(cast): allow strings for $type operator #4256
3437 * fix(querycursor): support lean() #4255 [pyramation](https://github.com/pyramation)
3438 * fix(aggregate): allow setting noCursorTimeout option #4241
3439 * fix(document): handle undefined for Array.pull #4222 [Sebmaster](https://github.com/Sebmaster)
3440 * fix(connection): ensure promise.catch() catches initial connection error #4135
3441 * fix(document): show additional context for VersionError #2633
34434.5.1 / 2016-06-18
3445 * fix(model): ensure wrapped insertMany() returns a promise #4237
3446 * fix(populate): dont overwrite populateVirtuals when populating multiple paths #4234
3447 * docs(model): clarify relationship between create() and save() #4233
3448 * fix(types): handle option param in subdoc remove() #4231 [tdebarochez](https://github.com/tdebarochez)
3449 * fix(document): dedupe modified paths #4226 #4223 [adambuczynski](https://github.com/adambuczynski)
3450 * fix(model): don't modify user-provided options object #4221
3451 * fix(document): handle setting nested path to empty object #4218 #4182
3452 * fix(document): clean subpaths when removing single nested #4216
3453 * fix(document): don't force transform on subdocs with inspect #4213
3454 * fix(error): allow setting .messages object #4207
34564.5.0 / 2016-06-13
3458 * feat(query): added Query.prototype.catch() #4215 #4173 [adambuczynski](https://github.com/adambuczynski)
3459 * feat(query): add Query.prototype.cursor() as a .stream() alternative #4117 #3637 #1907
3460 * feat(document): add markUnmodified() function #4092 [vincentcr](https://github.com/vincentcr)
3461 * feat(aggregate): convert aggregate object to a thenable #3995 #3946 [megagon](https://github.com/megagon)
3462 * perf(types): remove defineProperties call for array (**Note:** Because of this, a mongoose array will no longer `assert.deepEqual()` a plain old JS array) #3886
3463 * feat(model): add hooks for insertMany() #3846
3464 * feat(schema): add support for custom query methods #3740 #2372
3465 * feat(drivers): emit error on 'serverClosed' because that means that reconnect failed #3615
3466 * feat(model): emit error event when callback throws exception #3499
3467 * feat(model): inherit options from discriminator base schema #3414 #1818
3468 * feat(populate): expose mongoose-populate-virtuals inspired populate API #2562
3469 * feat(document): trigger remove hooks on subdocs when removing parent #2348
3470 * feat(schema): add support for express-style error handling middleware #2284
3471 * fix(model): disallow setting discriminator key #2041
3472 * feat(schema): add support for nested arrays #1361
34744.4.20 / 2016-06-05
3476 * docs: clarify command buffering when using driver directly #4195
3477 * fix(promise): correct broken mpromise .catch() #4189
3478 * fix(document): clean modified subpaths when set path to empty obj #4182
3479 * fix(query): support minDistance with query casting and `.near()` #4179
3480 * fix(model): remove unnecessary .save() promise #4177
3481 * fix(schema): cast all valid ObjectId strings to object ids #3365
3482 * docs: remove unclear "unsafe" term in query docs #3282
34844.4.19 / 2016-05-21
3486 * fix(model): handle insertMany if timestamps not set #4171
34884.4.18 / 2016-05-21
3490 * docs: add missing period #4170 [gitname](https://github.com/gitname)
3491 * docs: change build badge to svg #4158 [a0viedo](https://github.com/a0viedo)
3492 * fix(model): update timestamps when setting `createdAt` #4155
3493 * fix(utils): make sure to require in document properly #4152
3494 * fix(model): throw overwrite error when discriminator name conflicts #4148
34964.4.17 / 2016-05-13
3498 * docs: remove repetition in QueryStream docs #4147 [hugoabonizio](https://github.com/hugoabonizio)
3499 * fix(document): dont double-validate doc array elements #4145
3500 * fix(document): call required function with correct scope #4142 [JedWatson](https://github.com/JedWatson)
35024.4.16 / 2016-05-09
3504 * refactor(document): use function reference #4133 [dciccale](https://github.com/dciccale)
3505 * docs(querystream): clarify `destroy()` and close event #4126 [AnthonyCC](https://github.com/AnthonyCC)
3506 * test: make before hook fail fast if it can't connect #4121
3507 * docs: add description of CastError constructor params #4120
3508 * fix(schematype): ensure single embedded defaults have $parent #4115
3509 * fix(document): mark nested paths for validation #4111
3510 * fix(schema): make sure element is always a subdoc in doc array validation #3816
35124.4.15 / 2016-05-06
3514 * fix(schema): support overwriting array default #4109
3515 * fix(populate): assign values when resolving each populate #4104
3516 * fix(aggregate): dont send async option to server #4101
3517 * fix(model): ensure isNew set to false after insertMany #4099
3518 * fix(connection): emit on error if listeners and no callback #4098
3519 * fix(document): treat required fn that returns false as required: false #4094
35214.4.14 / 2016-04-27
3523 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.1.18 #4102
3524 * feat(connection): allow setting mongos as a uri query param #4093 #4035 [burtonjc](https://github.com/burtonjc)
3525 * fix(populate): make sure to use correct assignment order for each model #4073
3526 * fix(schema): add complete set of geospatial operators for single embedded subdocs #4014
35283.8.40 / 2016-04-24
3530 * upgraded; mquery -> 1.10.0 #3989
35324.4.13 / 2016-04-21
3534 * docs: add docs favicons #4082 [robertjustjones](https://github.com/robertjustjones)
3535 * docs(model): correct Model.remove() return value #4075 [Jokero](https://github.com/Jokero)
3536 * fix(query): add $geoWithin query casting for single embedded docs #4044
3537 * fix(schema): handle setting trim option to falsy #4042
3538 * fix(query): handle setDefaultsOnInsert with empty update #3835
35404.4.12 / 2016-04-08
3542 * docs(query): document context option for update and findOneAndUpdate #4055
3543 * docs(query): correct link to $geoWithin docs #4050
3544 * fix(project): upgrade to mongodb driver 2.1.16 #4048 [schmalliso](https://github.com/schmalliso)
3545 * docs(validation): fix validation docs #4028
3546 * fix(types): improve .id() check for document arrays #4011
3547 * fix(query): remove premature return when using $rename #3171
3548 * docs(connection): clarify relationship between models and connections #2157
35504.4.11 / 2016-04-03
3552 * fix: upgrade to mongodb driver 2.1.14 #4036 #4030 #3945
3553 * fix(connection): allow connecting with { mongos: true } to handle query params #4032 [burtonjc](https://github.com/burtonjc)
3554 * docs(connection): add autoIndex example #4026 [tilleps](https://github.com/tilleps)
3555 * fix(query): handle passRawResult option when zero results #4023
3556 * fix(populate): clone options before modifying #4022
3557 * docs: add missing whitespace #4019 [chenxsan](https://github.com/chenxsan)
3558 * chore: upgrade to ESLint 2.4.0 #4015 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3559 * fix(types): single nested subdocs get ids by default #4008
3560 * chore(project): add dependency status badge #4007 [Maheshkumar-Kakade](http://github.com/Maheshkumar-Kakade)
3561 * fix: make sure timestamps don't trigger unnecessary updates #4005 #3991 [tommarien](https://github.com/tommarien)
3562 * fix(document): inspect inherits schema options #4001
3563 * fix(populate): don't mark populated path as modified if setting to object w/ same id #3992
3564 * fix(document): support kind argument to invalidate #3965
35664.4.10 / 2016-03-24
3568 * fix(document): copy isNew when copying a document #3982
3569 * fix(document): don't override defaults with undefined keys #3981
3570 * fix(populate): merge multiple deep populate options for the same path #3974
35724.4.9 / 2016-03-22
3574 * fix: upgrade mongodb -> 2.1.10 re https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/NODE-679 #4010
3575 * docs: add syntax highlighting for acquit examples #3975
35774.4.8 / 2016-03-18
3579 * docs(aggregate): clarify promises #3990 [megagon](https://github.com/megagon)
3580 * fix: upgrade mquery -> 1.10 #3988 [matskiv](https://github.com/matskiv)
3581 * feat(connection): 'all' event for repl sets #3986 [xizhibei](https://github.com/xizhibei)
3582 * docs(types): clarify Array.pull #3985 [seriousManual](https://github.com/seriousManual)
3583 * feat(query): support array syntax for .sort() via mquery 1.9 #3980
3584 * fix(populate): support > 3 level nested populate #3973
3585 * fix: MongooseThenable exposes connection correctly #3972
3586 * docs(connection): add note about reconnectTries and reconnectInterval #3969
3587 * feat(document): invalidate returns the new validationError #3964
3588 * fix(query): .eq() as shorthand for .equals #3953 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
3589 * docs(connection): clarify connection string vs passed options #3941
3590 * docs(query): select option for findOneAndUpdate #3933
3591 * fix(error): ValidationError.properties no longer enumerable #3925
3592 * docs(validation): clarify how required validators work with nested schemas #3915
3593 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver -> 2.1.8 to make partial index errors more sane #3864
35954.4.7 / 2016-03-11
3597 * fix(query): stop infinite recursion caused by merging a mongoose buffer #3961
3598 * fix(populate): handle deep populate array -> array #3954
3599 * fix(schema): allow setting timestamps with .set() #3952 #3951 #3907 [Fonger](https://github.com/Fonger)
3600 * fix: MongooseThenable doesn't overwrite constructors #3940
3601 * fix(schema): don't cast boolean to date #3935
3602 * fix(drivers): support sslValidate in connection string #3929
3603 * fix(types): correct markModified() for single nested subdocs #3910
3604 * fix(drivers): catch and report any errors that occur in driver methods #3906
3605 * fix(populate): get subpopulate model correctly when array under nested #3904
3606 * fix(document): allow fields named 'pre' and 'post' #3902
3607 * docs(query): clarify runValidators and setDefaultsOnInsert options #3892
3608 * docs(validation): show how to use custom required messages in schema #2616
36104.4.6 / 2016-03-02
3612 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver to 2.1.7 #3938
3613 * docs: fix plugins link #3917 #3909 [fbertone](https://github.com/fbertone)
3614 * fix(query): sort+select with count works #3914
3615 * fix(query): improve mergeUpdate's ability to handle nested docs #3890
36174.4.5 / 2016-02-24
3619 * fix(query): ability to select a length field (upgrade to mquery 1.7.0) #3903
3620 * fix: include nested CastError as reason for array CastError #3897 [kotarou3](https://github.com/kotarou3)
3621 * fix(schema): check for doc existence before taking fields #3889
3622 * feat(schema): useNestedStrict option to take nested strict mode for update #3883
3623 * docs(validation): clarify relationship between required and checkRequired #3822
3624 * docs(populate): dynamic reference docs #3809
3625 * docs: expand dropdown when clicking on file name #3807
3626 * docs: plugins.mongoosejs.io is up #3127
3627 * fix(schema): ability to add a virtual with same name as removed path #2398
36294.4.4 / 2016-02-17
3631 * fix(schema): handle field selection when casting single nested subdocs #3880
3632 * fix(populate): populating using base model with multiple child models in result #3878
3633 * fix: ability to properly use return value of `mongoose.connect()` #3874
3634 * fix(populate): dont hydrate populated subdoc if lean option set #3873
3635 * fix(connection): dont re-auth if already connected with useDb #3871
3636 * docs: cover how to set underlying driver's promise lib #3869
3637 * fix(document): handle conflicting names in validation errors with subdocs #3867
3638 * fix(populate): set undefined instead of null consistently when populate couldn't find results #3859
3639 * docs: link to `execPopulate()` in `doc.populate()` docs #3836
3640 * docs(plugin): link to the `mongoose.plugin()` function #3732
36424.4.3 / 2016-02-09
3644 * fix: upgrade to mongodb 2.1.6 to remove kerberos log output #3861 #3860 [cartuchogl](https://github.com/cartuchogl)
3645 * fix: require('mongoose') is no longer a pseudo-promise #3856
3646 * fix(query): update casting for single nested docs #3820
3647 * fix(populate): deep populating multiple paths with same options #3808
3648 * docs(middleware): clarify save/validate hook order #1149
36504.4.2 / 2016-02-05
3652 * fix(aggregate): handle calling .cursor() with no options #3855
3653 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver to 2.1.5 for GridFS memory leak fix #3854
3654 * docs: fix schematype.html conflict #3853 #3850 #3843
3655 * fix(model): bluebird unhandled rejection with ensureIndexes() on init #3837
3656 * docs: autoIndex option for createConnection #3805
36584.4.1 / 2016-02-03
3660 * fix: linting broke some cases where we use `== null` as shorthand #3852
3661 * docs: fix up schematype.html conflict #3848 #3843 [mynameiscoffey](https://github.com/mynameiscoffey)
3662 * fix: backwards breaking change with `.connect()` return value #3847
3663 * docs: downgrade dox and highlight.js to fix docs build #3845
3664 * docs: clean up typo #3842 [Flash-](https://github.com/Flash-)
3665 * fix(document): storeShard handles undefined values #3841
3666 * chore: more linting #3838 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3667 * fix(schema): handle `text: true` as a way to declare a text index #3824
36694.4.0 / 2016-02-02
3671 * docs: fix expireAfterSeconds index option name #3831 [Flash-](https://github.com/Flash-)
3672 * chore: run lint after test #3829 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3673 * chore: use power-assert instead of assert #3828 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3674 * chore: stricter lint #3827 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3675 * feat(types): casting moment to date #3813 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3676 * chore: comma-last lint for test folder #3810 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3677 * fix: upgrade async mpath, mpromise, muri, and sliced #3801 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3678 * fix(query): geo queries now return proper ES2015 promises #3800 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3679 * perf(types): use `Object.defineProperties()` for array #3799 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3680 * fix(model): mapReduce, ensureIndexes, remove, and save properly return ES2015 promises #3795 #3628 #3595 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3681 * docs: fixed dates in History.md #3791 [Jokero](https://github.com/Jokero)
3682 * feat: connect, open, openSet, and disconnect return ES2015 promises #3790 #3622 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3683 * feat: custom type for int32 via mongoose-int32 npm package #3652 #3102
3684 * feat: basic custom schema type API #995
3685 * feat(model): `insertMany()` for more performant bulk inserts #723
36874.3.7 / 2016-01-23
3689 * docs: grammar fix in timestamps docs #3786 [zclancy](https://github.com/zclancy)
3690 * fix(document): setting nested populated docs #3783 [slamuu](https://github.com/slamuu)
3691 * fix(document): don't call post save hooks twice for pushed docs #3780
3692 * fix(model): handle `_id=0` correctly #3776
3693 * docs(middleware): async post hooks #3770
3694 * docs: remove confusing sentence #3765 [marcusmellis89](https://github.com/marcusmellis89)
36963.8.39 / 2016-01-15
3698 * fixed; casting a number to a buffer #3764
3699 * fixed; enumerating virtual property with nested objects #3743 [kusold](https://github.com/kusold)
37014.3.6 / 2016-01-15
3703 * fix(types): casting a number to a buffer #3764
3704 * fix: add "listener" to reserved keywords #3759
3705 * chore: upgrade uglify #3757 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3706 * fix: broken execPopulate() in 4.3.5 #3755 #3753
3707 * fix: ability to remove() a single embedded doc #3754
3708 * style: comma-last in test folder #3751 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3709 * docs: clarify versionKey option #3747
3710 * fix: improve colorization for arrays #3744 [TrejGun](https://github.com/TrejGun)
3711 * fix: webpack build #3713
37134.3.5 / 2016-01-09
3715 * fix(query): throw when 4th parameter to update not a function #3741 [kasselTrankos](https://github.com/kasselTrankos)
3716 * fix(document): separate error type for setting an object to a primitive #3735
3717 * fix(populate): Model.populate returns ES6 promise #3734
3718 * fix(drivers): re-register event handlers after manual reconnect #3729
3719 * docs: broken links #3727
3720 * fix(validation): update validators run array validation #3724
3721 * docs: clarify the need to use markModified with in-place date ops #3722
3722 * fix(document): mark correct path as populated when manually populating array #3721
3723 * fix(aggregate): support for array pipeline argument to append #3718 [dbkup](https://github.com/dbkup)
3724 * docs: clarify `.connect()` callback #3705
3725 * fix(schema): properly validate nested single nested docs #3702
3726 * fix(types): handle setting documentarray of wrong type #3701
3727 * docs: broken links #3700
3728 * fix(drivers): debug output properly displays '0' #3689
37303.8.38 / 2016-01-07
3732 * fixed; aggregate.append an array #3730 [dbkup](https://github.com/dbkup)
37344.3.4 / 2015-12-23
3736 * fix: upgrade mongodb driver to 2.1.2 for repl set error #3712 [sansmischevia](https://github.com/sansmischevia)
3737 * docs: validation docs typo #3709 [ivanmaeder](https://github.com/ivanmaeder)
3738 * style: remove unused variables #3708 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3739 * fix(schema): duck-typing for schemas #3703 [mgcrea](https://github.com/mgcrea)
3740 * docs: connection sample code issue #3697
3741 * fix(schema): duck-typing for schemas #3693 [mgcrea](https://github.com/mgcrea)
3742 * docs: clarify id schema option #3638
37444.3.3 / 2015-12-18
3746 * fix(connection): properly support 'replSet' as well as 'replset' #3688 [taxilian](https://github.com/taxilian)
3747 * fix(document): single nested doc pre hooks called before nested doc array #3687 [aliatsis](https://github.com/aliatsis)
37494.3.2 / 2015-12-17
3751 * fix(document): .set() into single nested schemas #3686
3752 * fix(connection): support 'replSet' as well as 'replset' option #3685
3753 * fix(document): bluebird unhandled rejection when validating doc arrays #3681
3754 * fix(document): hooks for doc arrays in single nested schemas #3680
3755 * fix(document): post hooks for single nested schemas #3679
3756 * fix: remove unused npm module #3674 [sybarite](https://github.com/sybarite)
3757 * fix(model): don't swallow exceptions in nested doc save callback #3671
3758 * docs: update keepAlive info #3667 [ChrisZieba](https://github.com/ChrisZieba)
3759 * fix(document): strict 'throw' throws a specific mongoose error #3662
3760 * fix: flakey test #3332
3761 * fix(query): more robust check for RegExp #2969
37634.3.1 / 2015-12-11
3765 * feat(aggregate): `.sample()` helper #3665
3766 * fix(query): bitwise query operators with buffers #3663
3767 * docs(migration): clarify `new` option and findByIdAndUpdate #3661
37694.3.0 / 2015-12-09
3771 * feat(query): support for mongodb 3.2 bitwise query operators #3660
3772 * style: use comma-last style consistently #3657 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3773 * feat: upgrade mongodb driver to 2.1.0 for full MongoDB 3.2 support #3656
3774 * feat(aggregate): `.lookup()` helper #3532
37764.2.10 / 2015-12-08
3778 * fixed; upgraded marked #3653 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3779 * docs; cross-db populate #3648
3780 * docs; update mocha URL #3646 [ojhaujjwal](https://github.com/ojhaujjwal)
3781 * fixed; call close callback asynchronously #3645
3782 * docs; virtuals.html issue #3644 [Psarna94](https://github.com/Psarna94)
3783 * fixed; single embedded doc casting on init #3642
3784 * docs; validation docs improvements #3640
37864.2.9 / 2015-12-02
3788 * docs; defaults docs #3625
3789 * fix; nested numeric keys causing an embedded document crash #3623
3790 * fix; apply path getters before virtual getters #3618
3791 * fix; casting for arrays in single nested schemas #3616
37934.2.8 / 2015-11-25
3795 * docs; clean up README links #3612 [ReadmeCritic](https://github.com/ReadmeCritic)
3796 * fix; ESLint improvements #3605 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3797 * fix; assigning single nested subdocs #3601
3798 * docs; describe custom logging functions in `mongoose.set()` docs #3557
38004.2.7 / 2015-11-20
3802 * fixed; readPreference connection string option #3600
3803 * fixed; pulling from manually populated arrays #3598 #3579
3804 * docs; FAQ about OverwriteModelError #3597 [stcruy](https://github.com/stcruy)
3805 * fixed; setting single embedded schemas to null #3596
3806 * fixed; indexes for single embedded schemas #3594
3807 * docs; clarify projection for `findOne()` #3593 [gunar](https://github.com/gunar)
3808 * fixed; .ownerDocument() method on single embedded schemas #3589
3809 * fixed; properly throw casterror for query on single embedded schema #3580
3810 * upgraded; mongodb driver -> 2.0.49 for reconnect issue fix #3481
38124.2.6 / 2015-11-16
3814 * fixed; ability to manually populate an array #3575
3815 * docs; clarify `isAsync` parameter to hooks #3573
3816 * fixed; use captureStackTrace if possible instead #3571
3817 * fixed; crash with buffer and update validators #3565 [johnpeb](https://github.com/johnpeb)
3818 * fixed; update casting with operators overwrite: true #3564
3819 * fixed; validation with single embedded docs #3562
3820 * fixed; inline docs inherit parents $type key #3560
3821 * docs; bad grammar in populate docs #3559 [amaurymedeiros](https://github.com/amaurymedeiros)
3822 * fixed; properly handle populate option for find() #2321
38243.8.37 / 2015-11-16
3826 * fixed; use retainKeyOrder for cloning update op #3572
38284.2.5 / 2015-11-09
3830 * fixed; handle setting fields in pre update hooks with exec #3549
3831 * upgraded; ESLint #3547 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3832 * fixed; bluebird unhandled rejections with cast errors and .exec #3543
3833 * fixed; min/max validators handling undefined #3539
3834 * fixed; standalone mongos connections #3537
3835 * fixed; call `.toObject()` when setting a single nested doc #3535
3836 * fixed; single nested docs now have methods #3534
3837 * fixed; single nested docs with .create() #3533 #3521 [tusbar](https://github.com/tusbar)
3838 * docs; deep populate docs #3528
3839 * fixed; deep populate schema ref handling #3507
3840 * upgraded; mongodb driver -> 2.0.48 for sort overflow issue #3493
3841 * docs; clarify default ids for discriminators #3482
3842 * fixed; properly support .update(doc) #3221
38444.2.4 / 2015-11-02
3846 * fixed; upgraded `ms` package for security vulnerability #3524 [fhemberger](https://github.com/fhemberger)
3847 * fixed; ESlint rules #3517 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3848 * docs; typo in aggregation docs #3513 [rafakato](https://github.com/rafakato)
3849 * fixed; add `dontThrowCastError` option to .update() for promises #3512
3850 * fixed; don't double-cast buffers in node 4.x #3510 #3496
3851 * fixed; population with single embedded schemas #3501
3852 * fixed; pre('set') hooks work properly #3479
3853 * docs; promises guide #3441
38554.2.3 / 2015-10-26
3857 * docs; remove unreferenced function in middleware.jade #3506
3858 * fixed; handling auth with no username/password #3500 #3498 #3484 [mleanos](https://github.com/mleanos)
3859 * fixed; more ESlint rules #3491 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3860 * fixed; swallowing exceptions in save callback #3478
3861 * docs; fixed broken links in subdocs guide #3477
3862 * fixed; casting booleans to numbers #3475
3863 * fixed; report CastError for subdoc arrays in findOneAndUpdate #3468
3864 * fixed; geoNear returns ES6 promise #3458
38664.2.2 / 2015-10-22
3868 * fixed; go back to old pluralization code #3490
38704.2.1 / 2015-10-22
3872 * fixed; pluralization issues #3492 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
38744.2.0 / 2015-10-22
3876 * added; support for skipVersioning for document arrays #3467 [chazmo03](https://github.com/chazmo03)
3877 * added; ability to customize schema 'type' key #3459 #3245
3878 * fixed; writeConcern for index builds #3455
3879 * added; emit event when individual index build starts #3440 [objectiveSee](https://github.com/objectiveSee)
3880 * added; 'context' option for update validators #3430
3881 * refactor; pluralization now in separate pluralize-mongoose npm module #3415 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3882 * added; customizable error validation messages #3406 [geronime](https://github.com/geronime)
3883 * added; support for passing 'minimize' option to update #3381
3884 * added; ability to customize debug logging format #3261
3885 * added; baseModelName property for discriminator models #3202
3886 * added; 'emitIndexErrors' option #3174
3887 * added; 'async' option for aggregation cursor to support buffering #3160
3888 * added; ability to skip validation for individual save() calls #2981
3889 * added; single embedded schema support #2689 #585
3890 * added; depopulate function #2509
38924.1.12 / 2015-10-19
3894 * docs; use readPreference instead of slaveOk for Query.setOptions docs #3471 [buunguyen](https://github.com/buunguyen)
3895 * fixed; more helpful error when regexp contains null bytes #3456
3896 * fixed; x509 auth issue #3454 [NoxHarmonium](https://github.com/NoxHarmonium)
38983.8.36 / 2015-10-18
3900 * fixed; Make array props non-enumerable #3461 [boblauer](https://github.com/boblauer)
39024.1.11 / 2015-10-12
3904 * fixed; update timestamps for update() if they're enabled #3450 [isayme](https://github.com/isayme)
3905 * fixed; unit test error on node 0.10 #3449 [isayme](https://github.com/isayme)
3906 * docs; timestamp option docs #3448 [isayme](https://github.com/isayme)
3907 * docs; fix unexpected indent #3443 [isayme](https://github.com/isayme)
3908 * fixed; use ES6 promises for Model.prototype.remove() #3442
3909 * fixed; don't use unused 'safe' option for index builds #3439
3910 * fixed; elemMatch casting bug #3437 #3435 [DefinitelyCarter](https://github.com/DefinitelyCarter)
3911 * docs; schema.index docs #3434
3912 * fixed; exceptions in save() callback getting swallowed on mongodb 2.4 #3371
39144.1.10 / 2015-10-05
3916 * docs; improve virtuals docs to explain virtuals schema option #3433 [zoyaH](https://github.com/zoyaH)
3917 * docs; MongoDB server version compatibility guide #3427
3918 * docs; clarify that findById and findByIdAndUpdate fire hooks #3422
3919 * docs; clean up Model.save() docs #3420
3920 * fixed; properly handle projection with just id #3407 #3412
3921 * fixed; infinite loop when database document is corrupted #3405
3922 * docs; clarify remove middleware #3388
39244.1.9 / 2015-09-28
3926 * docs; minlength and maxlength string validation docs #3368 #3413 [cosmosgenius](https://github.com/cosmosgenius)
3927 * fixed; linting for infix operators #3397 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3928 * fixed; proper casting for $all #3394
3929 * fixed; unhandled rejection warnings with .create() #3391
3930 * docs; clarify update validators on paths that aren't explicitly set #3386
3931 * docs; custom validator examples #2778
39334.1.8 / 2015-09-21
3935 * docs; fixed typo in example #3390 [kmctown](https://github.com/kmctown)
3936 * fixed; error in toObject() #3387 [guumaster](https://github.com/guumaster)
3937 * fixed; handling for casting null dates #3383 [alexmingoia](https://github.com/alexmingoia)
3938 * fixed; passing composite ids to `findByIdAndUpdate` #3380
3939 * fixed; linting #3376 #3375 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3940 * fixed; added NodeJS v4 to Travis #3374 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
3941 * fixed; casting $elemMatch inside of $not #3373 [gaguirre](https://github.com/gaguirre)
3942 * fixed; handle case where $slice is 0 #3369
3943 * fixed; avoid running getters if path is populated #3357
3944 * fixed; cast documents to objects when setting to a nested path #3346
39464.1.7 / 2015-09-14
3948 * docs; typos in SchemaType documentation #3367 [jasson15](https://github.com/jasson15)
3949 * fixed; MONGOOSE_DRIVER_PATH env variable again #3360
3950 * docs; added validateSync docs #3353
3951 * fixed; set findOne op synchronously in query #3344
3952 * fixed; handling for `.pull()` on a documentarray without an id #3341
3953 * fixed; use natural order for cloning update conditions #3338
3954 * fixed; issue with strict mode casting for mixed type updates #3337
39564.1.6 / 2015-09-08
3958 * fixed; MONGOOSE_DRIVER_PATH env variable #3345 [g13013](https://github.com/g13013)
3959 * docs; global autoIndex option #3335 [albertorestifo](https://github.com/albertorestifo)
3960 * docs; model documentation typos #3330
3961 * fixed; report reason for CastError #3320
3962 * fixed; .populate() no longer returns true after re-assigning #3308
3963 * fixed; discriminators with aggregation geoNear #3304
3964 * docs; discriminator docs #2743
39664.1.5 / 2015-09-01
3968 * fixed; document.remove() removing all docs #3326 #3325
3969 * fixed; connect() checks for rs_name in options #3299
3970 * docs; examples for schema.set() #3288
3971 * fixed; checkKeys issue with bluebird #3286 [gregthegeek](https://github.com/gregthegeek)
39734.1.4 / 2015-08-31
3975 * fixed; ability to set strict: false for update #3305
3976 * fixed; .create() properly uses ES6 promises #3297
3977 * fixed; pre hooks on nested subdocs #3291 #3284 [aliatsis](https://github.com/aliatsis)
3978 * docs; remove unclear text in .remove() docs #3282
3979 * fixed; pre hooks called twice for 3rd-level nested doc #3281
3980 * fixed; nested transforms #3279
3981 * upgraded; mquery -> 1.6.3 #3278 #3272
3982 * fixed; don't swallow callback errors by default #3273 #3222
3983 * fixed; properly get nested paths from nested schemas #3265
3984 * fixed; remove() with id undefined deleting all docs #3260 [thanpolas](https://github.com/thanpolas)
3985 * fixed; handling for non-numeric projections #3256
3986 * fixed; findById with id undefined returning first doc #3255
3987 * fixed; use retainKeyOrder for update #3215
3988 * added; passRawResult option to findOneAndUpdate for backwards compat #3173
39904.1.3 / 2015-08-16
3992 * fixed; getUpdate() in pre update hooks #3520 [gregthegeek](https://github.com/gregthegeek)
3993 * fixed; handleArray() ensures arg is an array #3238 [jloveridge](https://github.com/jloveridge)
3994 * fixed; refresh required path cache when recreating docs #3199
3995 * fixed; $ operator on unwind aggregation helper #3197
3996 * fixed; findOneAndUpdate() properly returns raw result as third arg to callback #3173
3997 * fixed; querystream with dynamic refs #3108
39993.8.35 / 2015-08-14
4001 * fixed; handling for minimize on nested objects #2930
4002 * fixed; don't crash when schema.path.options undefined #1824
40044.1.2 / 2015-08-10
4006 * fixed; better handling for Jade templates #3241 [kbadk](https://github.com/kbadk)
4007 * added; ESlint trailing spaces #3234 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
4008 * added; ESlint #3191 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
4009 * fixed; properly emit event on disconnect #3183
4010 * fixed; copy options properly using Query.toConstructor() #3176
4011 * fixed; setMaxListeners() issue in browser build #3170
4012 * fixed; node driver -> 2.0.40 to not store undefined keys as null #3169
4013 * fixed; update validators handle positional operator #3167
4014 * fixed; handle $all + $elemMatch query casting #3163
4015 * fixed; post save hooks don't swallow extra args #3155
4016 * docs; spelling mistake in index.jade #3154
4017 * fixed; don't crash when toObject() has no fields #3130
4018 * fixed; apply toObject() recursively for find and update queries #3086 [naoina](https://github.com/naoina)
40204.1.1 / 2015-08-03
4022 * fixed; aggregate exec() crash with no callback #3212 #3198 [jpgarcia](https://github.com/jpgarcia)
4023 * fixed; pre init hooks now properly synchronous #3207 [burtonjc](https://github.com/burtonjc)
4024 * fixed; updateValidators doesn't flatten dates #3206 #3194 [victorkohl](https://github.com/victorkohl)
4025 * fixed; default fields don't make document dirty between saves #3205 [burtonjc](https://github.com/burtonjc)
4026 * fixed; save passes 0 as numAffected rather than undefined when no change #3195 [burtonjc](https://github.com/burtonjc)
4027 * fixed; better handling for positional operator in update #3185
4028 * fixed; use Travis containers #3181 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
4029 * fixed; leaked variable #3180 [ChristianMurphy](https://github.com/ChristianMurphy)
40314.1.0 / 2015-07-24
4033 * added; `schema.queue()` now public #3193
4034 * added; raw result as third parameter to findOneAndX callback #3173
4035 * added; ability to run validateSync() on only certain fields #3153
4036 * added; subPopulate #3103 [timbur](https://github.com/timbur)
4037 * added; $isDefault function on documents #3077
4038 * added; additional properties for built-in validator messages #3063 [KLicheR](https://github.com/KLicheR)
4039 * added; getQuery() and getUpdate() functions for Query #3013
4040 * added; export DocumentProvider #2996
4041 * added; ability to remove path from schema #2993 [JohnnyEstilles](https://github.com/JohnnyEstilles)
4042 * added; .explain() helper for aggregate #2714
4043 * added; ability to specify which ES6-compatible promises library mongoose uses #2688
4044 * added; export Aggregate #1910
40464.0.8 / 2015-07-20
4048 * fixed; assignment with document arrays #3178 [rosston](https://github.com/rosston)
4049 * docs; remove duplicate paragraph #3164 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4050 * docs; improve findOneAndXYZ parameter descriptions #3159 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4051 * docs; add findOneAndRemove to list of supported middleware #3158
4052 * docs; clarify ensureIndex #3156
4053 * fixed; refuse to save/remove document without id #3118
4054 * fixed; hooks next() no longer accidentally returns promise #3104
4055 * fixed; strict mode for findOneAndUpdate #2947
4056 * added; .min.js.gz file for browser component #2806
40583.8.34 / 2015-07-20
4060 * fixed; allow using $rename #3171
4061 * fixed; no longer modifies update arguments #3008
40634.0.7 / 2015-07-11
4065 * fixed; documentarray id method when using object id #3157 [siboulet](https://github.com/siboulet)
4066 * docs; improve findById docs #3147
4067 * fixed; update validators handle null properly #3136 [odeke-em](https://github.com/odeke-em)
4068 * docs; jsdoc syntax errors #3128 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4069 * docs; fix typo #3126 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4070 * docs; proper formatting in queries.jade #3121 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4071 * docs; correct example for string maxlength validator #3111 [rhmeeuwisse](https://github.com/rhmeeuwisse)
4072 * fixed; setDefaultsOnInsert with arrays #3107
4073 * docs; LearnBoost -> Automattic in package.json #3099
4074 * docs; pre update hook example #3094 [danpe](https://github.com/danpe)
4075 * docs; clarify query middleware example #3051
4076 * fixed; ValidationErrors in strict mode #3046
4077 * fixed; set findOneAndUpdate properties before hooks run #3024
40793.8.33 / 2015-07-10
4081 * upgraded; node driver -> 1.4.38
4082 * fixed; dont crash when `match` validator undefined
40844.0.6 / 2015-06-21
4086 * upgraded; node driver -> 2.0.34 #3087
4087 * fixed; apply setters on addToSet, etc #3067 [victorkohl](https://github.com/victorkohl)
4088 * fixed; missing semicolons #3065 [sokolikp](https://github.com/sokolikp)
4089 * fixed; proper handling for async doc hooks #3062 [gregthegeek](https://github.com/gregthegeek)
4090 * fixed; dont set failed populate field to null if other docs are successfully populated #3055 [eloytoro](https://github.com/eloytoro)
4091 * fixed; setDefaultsOnInsert with document arrays #3034 [taxilian](https://github.com/taxilian)
4092 * fixed; setters fired on array items #3032
4093 * fixed; stop validateSync() on first error #3025 [victorkohl](https://github.com/victorkohl)
4094 * docs; improve query docs #3016
4095 * fixed; always exclude _id when its deselected #3010
4096 * fixed; enum validator kind property #3009
4097 * fixed; mquery collection names #3005
4098 * docs; clarify mongos option #3000
4099 * docs; clarify that query builder has a .then() #2995
4100 * fixed; race condition in dynamic ref #2992
41023.8.31 / 2015-06-20
4104 * fixed; properly handle text search with discriminators and $meta #2166
41064.0.5 / 2015-06-05
4108 * fixed; ObjectIds and buffers when mongodb driver is a sibling dependency #3050 #3048 #3040 #3031 #3020 #2988 #2951
4109 * fixed; warn user when 'increment' is used in schema #3039
4110 * fixed; setDefaultsOnInsert with array in schema #3035
4111 * fixed; dont use default Object toString to cast to string #3030
4112 * added; npm badge #3020 [odeke-em](https://github.com/odeke-em)
4113 * fixed; proper handling for calling .set() with a subdoc #2782
4114 * fixed; dont throw cast error when using $rename on non-string path #1845
41163.8.30 / 2015-06-05
4118 * fixed; enable users to set all options with tailable() #2883
41204.0.4 / 2015-05-28
4122 * docs; findAndModify new parameter correct default value #3012 [JonForest](https://github.com/JonForest)
4123 * docs; clarify pluralization rules #2999 [anonmily](https://github.com/anonmily)
4124 * fix; discriminators with schema methods #2978
4125 * fix; make `isModified` a schema reserved keyword #2975
4126 * fix; properly fire setters when initializing path with object #2943
4127 * fix; can use `setDefaultsOnInsert` without specifying `runValidators` #2938
4128 * fix; always set validation errors `kind` property #2885
4129 * upgraded; node driver -> 2.0.33 #2865
41313.8.29 / 2015-05-27
4133 * fixed; Handle JSON.stringify properly for nested docs #2990
41354.0.3 / 2015-05-13
4137 * upgraded; mquery -> 1.5.1 #2983
4138 * docs; clarify context for query middleware #2974
4139 * docs; fix missing type -> kind rename in History.md #2961
4140 * fixed; broken ReadPreference include on Heroku #2957
4141 * docs; correct form for cursor aggregate option #2955
4142 * fixed; sync post hooks now properly called after function #2949 #2925
4143 * fixed; fix sub-doc validate() function #2929
4144 * upgraded; node driver -> 2.0.30 #2926
4145 * docs; retainKeyOrder for save() #2924
4146 * docs; fix broken class names #2913
4147 * fixed; error when using node-clone on a doc #2909
4148 * fixed; no more hard references to bson #2908 #2906
4149 * fixed; dont overwrite array values #2907 [naoina](https://github.com/naoina)
4150 * fixed; use readPreference=primary for findOneAndUpdate #2899 #2823
4151 * docs; clarify that update validators only run on $set and $unset #2889
4152 * fixed; set kind consistently for built-in validators #2885
4153 * docs; single field populated documents #2884
4154 * fixed; nested objects are now enumerable #2880 [toblerpwn](https://github.com/toblerpwn)
4155 * fixed; properly populate field when ref, lean, stream used together #2841
4156 * docs; fixed migration guide jade error #2807
41583.8.28 / 2015-05-12
4160 * fixed; proper handling for toJSON options #2910
4161 * fixed; dont attach virtuals to embedded docs in update() #2046
41634.0.2 / 2015-04-23
4165 * fixed; error thrown when calling .validate() on subdoc not in an array #2902
4166 * fixed; rename define() to play nice with webpack #2900 [jspears](https://github.com/jspears)
4167 * fixed; pre validate called twice with discriminators #2892
4168 * fixed; .inspect() on mongoose.Types #2875
4169 * docs; correct callback params for Model.update #2872
4170 * fixed; setDefaultsOnInsert now works when runValidators not specified #2870
4171 * fixed; Document now wraps EventEmitter.addListener #2867
4172 * fixed; call non-hook functions in schema queue #2856
4173 * fixed; statics can be mocked out for tests #2848 [ninelb](https://github.com/ninelb)
4174 * upgraded; mquery 1.4.0 for bluebird bug fix #2846
4175 * fixed; required validators run first #2843
4176 * docs; improved docs for new option to findAndMody #2838
4177 * docs; populate example now uses correct field #2837 [swilliams](https://github.com/swilliams)
4178 * fixed; pre validate changes causing VersionError #2835
4179 * fixed; get path from correct place when setting CastError #2832
4180 * docs; improve docs for Model.update() function signature #2827 [irnc](https://github.com/irnc)
4181 * fixed; populating discriminators #2825 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
4182 * fixed; discriminators with nested schemas #2821
4183 * fixed; CastErrors with embedded docs #2819
4184 * fixed; post save hook context #2816
4185 * docs; 3.8.x -> 4.x migration guide #2807
4186 * fixed; proper _distinct copying for query #2765 [cdelauder](https://github.com/cdelauder)
41883.8.27 / 2015-04-22
4190 * fixed; dont duplicate db calls on Q.ninvoke() #2864
4191 * fixed; Model.find arguments naming in docs #2828
4192 * fixed; Support ipv6 in connection strings #2298
41943.8.26 / 2015-04-07
4196 * fixed; TypeError when setting date to undefined #2833
4197 * fixed; handle CastError properly in distinct() with no callback #2786
4198 * fixed; broken links in queries docs #2779
4199 * fixed; dont mark buffer as modified when setting type initially #2738
4200 * fixed; dont crash when using slice with populate #1934
42024.0.1 / 2015-03-28
4204 * fixed; properly handle empty cast doc in update() with promises #2796
4205 * fixed; unstable warning #2794
4206 * fixed; findAndModify docs now show new option is false by default #2793
42084.0.0 / 2015-03-25
4210 * fixed; on-the-fly schema docs typo #2783 [artiifix](https://github.com/artiifix)
4211 * fixed; cast error validation handling #2775 #2766 #2678
4212 * fixed; discriminators with populate() #2773 #2719 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
4213 * fixed; increment now a reserved path #2709
4214 * fixed; avoid sending duplicate object ids in populate() #2683
4215 * upgraded; mongodb to 2.0.24 to properly emit reconnect event multiple times #2656
42174.0.0-rc4 / 2015-03-14
4219 * fixed; toObject virtuals schema option handled properly #2751
4220 * fixed; update validators work on document arrays #2733
4221 * fixed; check for cast errors on $set #2729
4222 * fixed; instance field set for all schema types #2727 [csdco](https://github.com/csdco)
4223 * fixed; dont run other validators if required fails #2725
4224 * fixed; custom getters execute on ref paths #2610
4225 * fixed; save defaults if they were set when doc was loaded from db #2558
4226 * fixed; pre validate now runs before pre save #2462
4227 * fixed; no longer throws errors with --use_strict #2281
42293.8.25 / 2015-03-13
4231 * fixed; debug output reverses order of aggregation keys #2759
4232 * fixed; $eq is a valid query selector in 3.0 #2752
4233 * fixed; upgraded node driver to 1.4.32 for handling non-numeric poolSize #2682
4234 * fixed; update() with overwrite sets _id for nested docs #2658
4235 * fixed; casting for operators in $elemMatch #2199
42374.0.0-rc3 / 2015-02-28
4239 * fixed; update() pre hooks run before validators #2706
4240 * fixed; setters not called on arrays of refs #2698 [brandom](https://github.com/brandom)
4241 * fixed; use node driver 2.0.18 for nodejs 0.12 support #2685
4242 * fixed; comments reference file that no longer exists #2681
4243 * fixed; populated() returns _id of manually populated doc #2678
4244 * added; ability to exclude version key in toObject() #2675
4245 * fixed; dont allow setting nested path to a string #2592
4246 * fixed; can cast objects with _id field to ObjectIds #2581
4247 * fixed; on-the-fly schema getters #2360
4248 * added; strict option for findOneAndUpdate() #1967
42503.8.24 / 2015-02-25
4252 * fixed; properly apply child schema transforms #2691
4253 * fixed; make copy of findOneAndUpdate options before modifying #2687
4254 * fixed; apply defaults when parent path is selected #2670 #2629
4255 * fixed; properly get ref property for nested paths #2665
4256 * fixed; node driver makes copy of authenticate options before modifying them #2619
4257 * fixed; dont block process exit when auth fails #2599
4258 * fixed; remove redundant clone in update() #2537
42604.0.0-rc2 / 2015-02-10
4262 * added; io.js to travis build
4263 * removed; browser build dependencies not installed by default
4264 * added; dynamic refpaths #2640 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
4265 * fixed; dont call child schema transforms on parent #2639 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
4266 * fixed; get rid of remove option if new is set in findAndModify #2598
4267 * fixed; aggregate all document array validation errors #2589
4268 * fixed; custom setters called when setting value to undefined #1892
42703.8.23 / 2015-02-06
4272 * fixed; unset opts.remove when upsert is true #2519
4273 * fixed; array saved as object when path is object in array #2442
4274 * fixed; inline transforms #2440
4275 * fixed; check for callback in count() #2204
4276 * fixed; documentation for selecting fields #1534
42784.0.0-rc1 / 2015-02-01
4280 * fixed; use driver 2.0.14
4281 * changed; use transform: true by default #2245
42834.0.0-rc0 / 2015-01-31
4285 * fixed; wrong order for distinct() params #2628
4286 * fixed; handling no query argument to remove() #2627
4287 * fixed; createModel and discriminators #2623 [ashaffer](https://github.com/ashaffer)
4288 * added; pre('count') middleware #2621
4289 * fixed; double validation calls on document arrays #2618
4290 * added; validate() catches cast errors #2611
4291 * fixed; respect replicaSet parameter in connection string #2609
4292 * added; can explicitly exclude paths from versioning #2576 [csabapalfi](https://github.com/csabapalfi)
4293 * upgraded; driver to 2.0.15 #2552
4294 * fixed; save() handles errors more gracefully in ES6 #2371
4295 * fixed; undefined is now a valid argument to findOneAndUpdate #2272
4296 * changed; `new` option to findAndModify ops is false by default #2262
42983.8.22 / 2015-01-24
4300 * upgraded; node-mongodb-native to 1.4.28 #2587 [Climax777](https://github.com/Climax777)
4301 * added; additional documentation for validators #2449
4302 * fixed; stack overflow when creating massive arrays #2423
4303 * fixed; undefined is a valid id for queries #2411
4304 * fixed; properly create nested schema index when same schema used twice #2322
4305 * added; link to plugin generator in docs #2085 [huei90](https://github.com/huei90)
4306 * fixed; optional arguments documentation for findOne() #1971 [nachinius](https://github.com/nachinius)
43083.9.7 / 2014-12-19
4310 * added; proper cursors for aggregate #2539 [changyy](https://github.com/changyy)
4311 * added; min/max built-in validators for dates #2531 [bshamblen](https://github.com/bshamblen)
4312 * fixed; save and validate are now reserved keywords #2380
4313 * added; basic documentation for browser component #2256
4314 * added; find and findOne hooks (query middleware) #2138
4315 * fixed; throw a DivergentArrayError when saving positional operator queries #2031
4316 * added; ability to use options as a document property #1416
4317 * fixed; document no longer inherits from event emitter and so domain and _events are no longer reserved #1351
4318 * removed; setProfiling #1349
43203.8.21 / 2014-12-18
4322 * fixed; syntax in index.jade #2517 [elderbas](https://github.com/elderbas)
4323 * fixed; writable statics #2510 #2528
4324 * fixed; overwrite and explicit $set casting #2515
43263.9.6 / 2014-12-05
4328 * added; correctly run validators on each element of array when entire array is modified #661 #1227
4329 * added; castErrors in validation #1013 [jondavidjohn](https://github.com/jondavidjohn)
4330 * added; specify text indexes in schema fields #1401 [sr527](https://github.com/sr527)
4331 * added; ability to set field with validators to undefined #1594 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4332 * added; .create() returns an array when passed an array #1746 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4333 * added; test suite and docs for use with co and yield #2177 #2474
4334 * fixed; subdocument toObject() transforms #2447 [chmanie](https://github.com/chmanie)
4335 * fixed; Model.create() with save errors #2484
4336 * added; pass options to .save() and .remove() #2494 [jondavidjohn](https://github.com/jondavidjohn)
43383.8.20 / 2014-12-01
4340 * fixed; recursive readPref #2490 [kjvalencik](https://github.com/kjvalencik)
4341 * fixed; make sure to copy parameters to update() before modifying #2406 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4342 * fixed; unclear documentation about query callbacks #2319
4343 * fixed; setting a schema-less field to an empty object #2314 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4344 * fixed; registering statics and methods for discriminators #2167 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
43463.9.5 / 2014-11-10
4348 * added; ability to disable autoIndex on a per-connection basis #1875 [sr527](https://github.com/sr527)
4349 * fixed; `geoNear()` no longer enforces legacy coordinate pairs - supports GeoJSON #1987 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4350 * fixed; browser component works when minified with mangled variable names #2302
4351 * fixed; `doc.errors` now cleared before `validate()` called #2302
4352 * added; `execPopulate()` function to make `doc.populate()` compatible with promises #2317
4353 * fixed; `count()` no longer throws an error when used with `sort()` #2374
4354 * fixed; `save()` no longer recursively calls `save()` on populated fields #2418
43563.8.19 / 2014-11-09
4358 * fixed; make sure to not override subdoc _ids on find #2276 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4359 * fixed; exception when comparing two documents when one lacks _id #2333 [slawo](https://github.com/slawo)
4360 * fixed; getters for properties with non-strict schemas #2439 [alabid](https://github.com/alabid)
4361 * fixed; inconsistent URI format in docs #2414 [sr527](https://github.com/sr527)
43633.9.4 / 2014-10-25
4365 * fixed; statics no longer can be overwritten #2343 [nkcmr](https://github.com/chetverikov)
4366 * added; ability to set single populated paths to documents #1530
4367 * added; setDefaultsOnInsert and runValidator options for findOneAndUpdate() #860
43693.8.18 / 2014-10-22
4371 * fixed; Dont use all toObject options in save #2340 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
43733.9.3 / 2014-10-01
4375 * added; support for virtuals that return objects #2294
4376 * added; ability to manually hydrate POJOs into mongoose objects #2292
4377 * added; setDefaultsOnInsert and runValidator options for update() #860
43793.8.17 / 2014-09-29
4381 * fixed; use schema options retainKeyOrder in save() #2274
4382 * fixed; fix skip in populate when limit is set #2252
4383 * fixed; fix stack overflow when passing MongooseArray to findAndModify #2214
4384 * fixed; optimize .length usage in populate #2289
43863.9.2 / 2014-09-08
4388 * added; test coverage for browser component #2255
4389 * added; in-order execution of validators #2243
4390 * added; custom fields for validators #2132
4391 * removed; exception thrown when find() used with count() #1950
43933.8.16 / 2014-09-08
4395 * fixed; properly remove modified array paths if array has been overwritten #1638
4396 * fixed; key check errors #1884
4397 * fixed; make sure populate on an array always returns a Mongoose array #2214
4398 * fixed; SSL connections with node 0.11 #2234
4399 * fixed; return sensible strings for promise errors #2239
44013.9.1 / 2014-08-17
4403 * added; alpha version of browser-side schema validation #2254
4404 * added; support passing a function to schemas `required` field #2247
4405 * added; support for setting updatedAt and createdAt timestamps #2227
4406 * added; document.validate() returns a promise #2131
44083.8.15 / 2014-08-17
4410 * fixed; Replica set connection string example in docs #2246
4411 * fixed; bubble up parseError event #2229
4412 * fixed; removed buggy populate cache #2176
4413 * fixed; dont $inc versionKey if its being $set #1933
4414 * fixed; cast $or and $and in $pull #1932
4415 * fixed; properly cast to schema in stream() #1862
4416 * fixed; memory leak in nested objects #1565 #2211 [devongovett](https://github.com/devongovett)
44183.8.14 / 2014-07-26
4420 * fixed; stringifying MongooseArray shows nested arrays #2002
4421 * fixed; use populated doc schema in toObject and toJSON by default #2035
4422 * fixed; dont crash on arrays containing null #2140
4423 * fixed; model.update w/ upsert has same return values on .exec and promise #2143
4424 * fixed; better handling for populate limit with multiple documents #2151
4425 * fixed; dont prevent users from adding weights to text index #2183
4426 * fixed; helper for aggregation cursor #2187
4427 * updated; node-mongodb-native to 1.4.7
44293.8.13 / 2014-07-15
4431 * fixed; memory leak with isNew events #2159
4432 * fixed; docs for overwrite option for update() #2144
4433 * fixed; storeShard() handles dates properly #2127
4434 * fixed; sub-doc changes not getting persisted to db after save #2082
4435 * fixed; populate with _id: 0 actually removes _id instead of setting to undefined #2123
4436 * fixed; save versionKey on findOneAndUpdate w/ upsert #2122
4437 * fixed; fix typo in 2.8 docs #2120 [shakirullahi](https://github.com/shakirullahi)
4438 * fixed; support maxTimeMs #2102 [yuukinajima](https://github.com/yuukinajima)
4439 * fixed; support $currentDate #2019
4440 * fixed; $addToSet handles objects without _ids properly #1973
4441 * fixed; dont crash on invalid nearSphere query #1874
44433.8.12 / 2014-05-30
4445 * fixed; single-server reconnect event fires #1672
4446 * fixed; sub-docs not saved when pushed into populated array #1794
4447 * fixed; .set() sometimes converts embedded docs to pojos #1954 [archangel-irk](https://github.com/archangel-irk)
4448 * fixed; sub-doc changes not getting persisted to db after save #2082
4449 * fixed; custom getter might cause mongoose to mistakenly think a path is dirty #2100 [pgherveou](https://github.com/pgherveou)
4450 * fixed; chainable helper for allowDiskUse option in aggregation #2114
44523.9.0 (unstable) / 2014-05-22
4454 * changed; added `domain` to reserved keywords #1338 #2052 [antoinepairet](https://github.com/antoinepairet)
4455 * added; asynchronous post hooks #1977 #2081 [chopachom](https://github.com/chopachom) [JasonGhent](https://github.com/JasonGhent)
4456 * added; using model for population, cross-db populate [mihai-chiorean](https://github.com/mihai-chiorean)
4457 * added; can define a type for schema validators
4458 * added; `doc.remove()` returns a promise #1619 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4459 * added; internal promises for hooks, pre-save hooks run in parallel #1732 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4460 * fixed; geoSearch hanging when no results returned #1846 [ghartnett](https://github.com/ghartnett)
4461 * fixed; do not set .type property on ValidationError, use .kind instead #1323
44633.8.11 / 2014-05-22
4465 * updated; node-mongodb-native to 1.4.5
4466 * reverted; #2052, fixes #2097
44683.8.10 / 2014-05-20
4471 * updated; node-mongodb-native to 1.4.4
4472 * fixed; _.isEqual false negatives bug in js-bson #2070
4473 * fixed; missing check for schema.options #2014
4474 * fixed; missing support for $position #2024
4475 * fixed; options object corruption #2049
4476 * fixed; improvements to virtuals docs #2055
4477 * fixed; added `domain` to reserved keywords #2052 #1338
44793.8.9 / 2014-05-08
4482 * updated; mquery to 0.7.0
4483 * updated; node-mongodb-native to 1.4.3
4484 * fixed; $near failing against MongoDB 2.6
4485 * fixed; relying on .options() to determine if collection exists
4486 * fixed; $out aggregate helper
4487 * fixed; all test failures against MongoDB 2.6.1, with caveat #2065
44893.8.8 / 2014-02-22
4492 * fixed; saving Buffers #1914
4493 * updated; expose connection states for user-land #1926 [yorkie](https://github.com/yorkie)
4494 * updated; mquery to 0.5.3
4495 * updated; added get / set to reserved path list #1903 [tstrimple](https://github.com/tstrimple)
4496 * docs; README code highlighting, syntax fixes #1930 [IonicaBizau](https://github.com/IonicaBizau)
4497 * docs; fixes link in the doc at #1925 [kapeels](https://github.com/kapeels)
4498 * docs; add a missed word 'hook' for the description of the post-hook api #1924 [ipoval](https://github.com/ipoval)
45003.8.7 / 2014-02-09
4503 * fixed; sending safe/read options in Query#exec #1895
4504 * fixed; findOneAnd..() with sort #1887
45063.8.6 / 2014-01-30
4509 * fixed; setting readPreferences #1895
45113.8.5 / 2014-01-23
4514 * fixed; ssl setting when using URI #1882
4515 * fixed; findByIdAndUpdate now respects the overwrite option #1809 [owenallenaz](https://github.com/owenallenaz)
45173.8.4 / 2014-01-07
4520 * updated; mongodb driver to 1.3.23
4521 * updated; mquery to 0.4.1
4522 * updated; mpromise to 0.4.3
4523 * fixed; discriminators now work when selecting fields #1820 [daemon1981](https://github.com/daemon1981)
4524 * fixed; geoSearch with no results timeout #1846 [ghartnett](https://github.com/ghartnett)
4525 * fixed; infitite recursion in ValidationError #1834 [chetverikov](https://github.com/chetverikov)
45273.8.3 / 2013-12-17
4530 * fixed; setting empty array with model.update #1838
4531 * docs; fix url
45333.8.2 / 2013-12-14
4536 * fixed; enum validation of multiple values #1778 [heroicyang](https://github.com/heroicyang)
4537 * fixed; global var leak #1803
4538 * fixed; post remove now fires on subdocs #1810
4539 * fixed; no longer set default empty array for geospatial-indexed fields #1668 [shirish87](https://github.com/shirish87)
4540 * fixed; model.stream() not hydrating discriminators correctly #1792 [j](https://github.com/j)
4541 * docs: Stablility -> Stability [nikmartin](https://github.com/nikmartin)
4542 * tests; improve shard error handling
45443.8.1 / 2013-11-19
4547 * fixed; mishandling of Dates with minimize/getters #1764
4548 * fixed; Normalize bugs.email, so `npm` will shut up #1769 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4549 * docs; Improve the grammar where "lets us" was used #1777 [alexyoung](https://github.com/alexyoung)
4550 * docs; Fix some grammatical issues in the documentation #1777 [alexyoung](https://github.com/alexyoung)
4551 * docs; fix Query api exposure
4552 * docs; fix return description
4553 * docs; Added Notes on findAndUpdate() #1750 [sstadelman](https://github.com/sstadelman)
4554 * docs; Update version number in README #1762 [Fodi69](https://github.com/Fodi69)
45563.8.0 / 2013-10-31
4559 * updated; warn when using an unstable version
4560 * updated; error message returned in doc.save() #1595
4561 * updated; mongodb driver to 1.3.19 (fix error swallowing behavior)
4562 * updated; mquery to 0.3.2
4563 * updated; mocha to 1.12.0
4564 * updated; mpromise 0.3.0
4565 * updated; sliced 0.0.5
4566 * removed; mongoose.Error.DocumentError (never used)
4567 * removed; namedscope (undocumented and broken) #679 #642 #455 #379
4568 * changed; no longer offically supporting node 0.6.x
4569 * changed; query.within getter is now a method -> query.within()
4570 * changed; query.intersects getter is now a method -> query.intersects()
4571 * added; custom error msgs for built-in validators #747
4572 * added; discriminator support #1647 #1003 [j](https://github.com/j)
4573 * added; support disabled collection name pluralization #1350 #1707 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4574 * added; support for GeoJSON to Query#near [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4575 * added; stand-alone base query support - query.toConstructor() [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4576 * added; promise support to geoSearch #1614 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4577 * added; promise support for geoNear #1614 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4578 * added; connection.useDb() #1124 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4579 * added; promise support to model.mapReduce()
4580 * added; promise support to model.ensureIndexes()
4581 * added; promise support to model.populate()
4582 * added; benchmarks [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4583 * added; publicly exposed connection states #1585
4584 * added; $geoWithin support #1529 $1455 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4585 * added; query method chain validation
4586 * added; model.update `overwrite` option
4587 * added; model.geoNear() support #1563 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4588 * added; model.geoSearch() support #1560 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4589 * added; MongooseBuffer#subtype()
4590 * added; model.create() now returns a promise #1340
4591 * added; support for `awaitdata` query option
4592 * added; pass the doc to doc.remove() callback #1419 [JoeWagner](https://github.com/JoeWagner)
4593 * added; aggregation query builder #1404 [njoyard](https://github.com/njoyard)
4594 * fixed; document.toObject when using `minimize` and `getters` options #1607 [JedWatson](https://github.com/JedWatson)
4595 * fixed; Mixed types can now be required #1722 [Reggino](https://github.com/Reggino)
4596 * fixed; do not pluralize model names not ending with letters #1703 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4597 * fixed; repopulating modified populated paths #1697
4598 * fixed; doc.equals() when _id option is set to false #1687
4599 * fixed; strict mode warnings #1686
4600 * fixed; $near GeoJSON casting #1683
4601 * fixed; nearSphere GeoJSON query builder
4602 * fixed; population field selection w/ strings #1669
4603 * fixed; setters not firing on null values #1445 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4604 * fixed; handle another versioning edge case #1520
4605 * fixed; excluding subdocument fields #1280 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4606 * fixed; allow array properties to be set to null with findOneAndUpdate [aheuermann](https://github.com/aheuermann)
4607 * fixed; subdocuments now use own toJSON opts #1376 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4608 * fixed; model#geoNear fulfills promise when results empty #1658 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4609 * fixed; utils.merge no longer overrides props and methods #1655 [j](https://github.com/j)
4610 * fixed; subdocuments now use their own transform #1412 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4611 * fixed; model.remove() removes only what is necessary #1649
4612 * fixed; update() now only runs with cb or explicit true #1644
4613 * fixed; casting ref docs on creation #1606 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4614 * fixed; model.update "overwrite" option works as documented
4615 * fixed; query#remove() works as documented
4616 * fixed; "limit" correctly applies to individual items on population #1490 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4617 * fixed; issue with positional operator on ref docs #1572 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4618 * fixed; benchmarks to actually output valid json
4619 * deprecated; promise#addBack (use promise#onResolve)
4620 * deprecated; promise#complete (use promise#fulfill)
4621 * deprecated; promise#addCallback (use promise#onFulFill)
4622 * deprecated; promise#addErrback (use promise#onReject)
4623 * deprecated; query.nearSphere() (use query.near)
4624 * deprecated; query.center() (use query.circle)
4625 * deprecated; query.centerSphere() (use query.circle)
4626 * deprecated; query#slaveOk (use query#read)
4627 * docs; custom validator messages
4628 * docs; 10gen -> MongoDB
4629 * docs; add Date method caveats #1598
4630 * docs; more validation details
4631 * docs; state which branch is stable/unstable
4632 * docs; mention that middleware does not run on Models
4633 * docs; promise.fulfill()
4634 * docs; fix readme spelling #1483 [yorchopolis](https://github.com/yorchopolis)
4635 * docs; fixed up the README and examples [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4636 * website; add "show code" for properties
4637 * website; move "show code" links down
4638 * website; update guide
4639 * website; add unstable docs
4640 * website; many improvements
4641 * website; fix copyright #1439
4642 * website; server.js -> static.js #1546 [nikmartin](https://github.com/nikmartin)
4643 * tests; refactor 1703
4644 * tests; add test generator
4645 * tests; validate formatMessage() throws
4646 * tests; add script for continuously running tests
4647 * tests; fixed versioning tests
4648 * tests; race conditions in tests
4649 * tests; added for nested and/or queries
4650 * tests; close some test connections
4651 * tests; validate db contents
4652 * tests; remove .only
4653 * tests; close some test connections
4654 * tests; validate db contents
4655 * tests; remove .only
4656 * tests; replace deprecated method names
4657 * tests; convert id to string
4658 * tests; fix sharding tests for MongoDB 2.4.5
4659 * tests; now 4-5 seconds faster
4660 * tests; fix race condition
4661 * make; suppress warning msg in test
4662 * benchmarks; updated for pull requests
4663 * examples; improved and expanded [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
46653.7.4 (unstable) / 2013-10-01
4668 * updated; mquery to 0.3.2
4669 * removed; mongoose.Error.DocumentError (never used)
4670 * added; custom error msgs for built-in validators #747
4671 * added; discriminator support #1647 #1003 [j](https://github.com/j)
4672 * added; support disabled collection name pluralization #1350 #1707 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4673 * fixed; do not pluralize model names not ending with letters #1703 [refack](https://github.com/refack)
4674 * fixed; repopulating modified populated paths #1697
4675 * fixed; doc.equals() when _id option is set to false #1687
4676 * fixed; strict mode warnings #1686
4677 * fixed; $near GeoJSON casting #1683
4678 * fixed; nearSphere GeoJSON query builder
4679 * fixed; population field selection w/ strings #1669
4680 * docs; custom validator messages
4681 * docs; 10gen -> MongoDB
4682 * docs; add Date method caveats #1598
4683 * docs; more validation details
4684 * website; add "show code" for properties
4685 * website; move "show code" links down
4686 * tests; refactor 1703
4687 * tests; add test generator
4688 * tests; validate formatMessage() throws
46903.7.3 (unstable) / 2013-08-22
4693 * updated; warn when using an unstable version
4694 * updated; mquery to 0.3.1
4695 * updated; mocha to 1.12.0
4696 * updated; mongodb driver to 1.3.19 (fix error swallowing behavior)
4697 * changed; no longer offically supporting node 0.6.x
4698 * added; support for GeoJSON to Query#near [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4699 * added; stand-alone base query support - query.toConstructor() [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4700 * added; promise support to geoSearch #1614 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4701 * added; promise support for geoNear #1614 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4702 * fixed; setters not firing on null values #1445 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4703 * fixed; handle another versioning edge case #1520
4704 * fixed; excluding subdocument fields #1280 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4705 * fixed; allow array properties to be set to null with findOneAndUpdate [aheuermann](https://github.com/aheuermann)
4706 * fixed; subdocuments now use own toJSON opts #1376 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4707 * fixed; model#geoNear fulfills promise when results empty #1658 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4708 * fixed; utils.merge no longer overrides props and methods #1655 [j](https://github.com/j)
4709 * fixed; subdocuments now use their own transform #1412 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4710 * make; suppress warning msg in test
4711 * docs; state which branch is stable/unstable
4712 * docs; mention that middleware does not run on Models
4713 * tests; add script for continuously running tests
4714 * tests; fixed versioning tests
4715 * benchmarks; updated for pull requests
47173.7.2 (unstable) / 2013-08-15
4720 * fixed; model.remove() removes only what is necessary #1649
4721 * fixed; update() now only runs with cb or explicit true #1644
4722 * tests; race conditions in tests
4723 * website; update guide
47253.7.1 (unstable) / 2013-08-13
4728 * updated; driver to 1.3.18 (fixes memory leak)
4729 * added; connection.useDb() #1124 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4730 * added; promise support to model.mapReduce()
4731 * added; promise support to model.ensureIndexes()
4732 * added; promise support to model.populate()
4733 * fixed; casting ref docs on creation #1606 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4734 * fixed; model.update "overwrite" option works as documented
4735 * fixed; query#remove() works as documented
4736 * fixed; "limit" correctly applies to individual items on population #1490 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4737 * fixed; issue with positional operator on ref docs #1572 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4738 * fixed; benchmarks to actually output valid json
4739 * tests; added for nested and/or queries
4740 * tests; close some test connections
4741 * tests; validate db contents
4742 * tests; remove .only
4743 * tests; close some test connections
4744 * tests; validate db contents
4745 * tests; remove .only
4746 * tests; replace deprecated method names
4747 * tests; convert id to string
4748 * docs; promise.fulfill()
47503.7.0 (unstable) / 2013-08-05
4753 * changed; query.within getter is now a method -> query.within()
4754 * changed; query.intersects getter is now a method -> query.intersects()
4755 * deprecated; promise#addBack (use promise#onResolve)
4756 * deprecated; promise#complete (use promise#fulfill)
4757 * deprecated; promise#addCallback (use promise#onFulFill)
4758 * deprecated; promise#addErrback (use promise#onReject)
4759 * deprecated; query.nearSphere() (use query.near)
4760 * deprecated; query.center() (use query.circle)
4761 * deprecated; query.centerSphere() (use query.circle)
4762 * deprecated; query#slaveOk (use query#read)
4763 * removed; namedscope (undocumented and broken) #679 #642 #455 #379
4764 * added; benchmarks [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4765 * added; publicly exposed connection states #1585
4766 * added; $geoWithin support #1529 $1455 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4767 * added; query method chain validation
4768 * added; model.update `overwrite` option
4769 * added; model.geoNear() support #1563 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4770 * added; model.geoSearch() support #1560 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4771 * added; MongooseBuffer#subtype()
4772 * added; model.create() now returns a promise #1340
4773 * added; support for `awaitdata` query option
4774 * added; pass the doc to doc.remove() callback #1419 [JoeWagner](https://github.com/JoeWagner)
4775 * added; aggregation query builder #1404 [njoyard](https://github.com/njoyard)
4776 * updated; integrate mquery #1562 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4777 * updated; error msg in doc.save() #1595
4778 * updated; bump driver to 1.3.15
4779 * updated; mpromise 0.3.0
4780 * updated; sliced 0.0.5
4781 * tests; fix sharding tests for MongoDB 2.4.5
4782 * tests; now 4-5 seconds faster
4783 * tests; fix race condition
4784 * docs; fix readme spelling #1483 [yorchopolis](https://github.com/yorchopolis)
4785 * docs; fixed up the README and examples [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4786 * website; add unstable docs
4787 * website; many improvements
4788 * website; fix copyright #1439
4789 * website; server.js -> static.js #1546 [nikmartin](https://github.com/nikmartin)
4790 * examples; improved and expanded [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
47923.6.20 (stable) / 2013-09-23
4795 * fixed; repopulating modified populated paths #1697
4796 * fixed; doc.equals w/ _id false #1687
4797 * fixed; strict mode warning #1686
4798 * docs; near/nearSphere
48003.6.19 (stable) / 2013-09-04
4803 * fixed; population field selection w/ strings #1669
4804 * docs; Date method caveats #1598
48063.6.18 (stable) / 2013-08-22
4809 * updated; warn when using an unstable version of mongoose
4810 * updated; mocha to 1.12.0
4811 * updated; mongodb driver to 1.3.19 (fix error swallowing behavior)
4812 * fixed; setters not firing on null values #1445 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4813 * fixed; properly exclude subdocument fields #1280 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4814 * fixed; cast error in findAndModify #1643 [aheuermann](https://github.com/aheuermann)
4815 * website; update guide
4816 * website; added documentation for safe:false and versioning interaction
4817 * docs; mention that middleware dont run on Models
4818 * docs; fix indexes link
4819 * make; suppress warning msg in test
4820 * tests; moar
48223.6.17 / 2013-08-13
4825 * updated; driver to 1.3.18 (fixes memory leak)
4826 * fixed; casting ref docs on creation #1606
4827 * docs; query options
48293.6.16 / 2013-08-08
4832 * added; publicly expose connection states #1585
4833 * fixed; limit applies to individual items on population #1490 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4834 * fixed; positional operator casting in updates #1572 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4835 * updated; MongoDB driver to 1.3.17
4836 * updated; sliced to 0.0.5
4837 * website; tweak homepage
4838 * tests; fixed + added
4839 * docs; fix some examples
4840 * docs; multi-mongos support details
4841 * docs; auto open browser after starting static server
48433.6.15 / 2013-07-16
4846 * added; mongos failover support #1037
4847 * updated; make schematype return vals return self #1580
4848 * docs; add note to model.update #571
4849 * docs; document third param to document.save callback #1536
4850 * tests; tweek mongos test timeout
48523.6.14 / 2013-07-05
4855 * updated; driver to 1.3.11
4856 * fixed; issue with findOneAndUpdate not returning null on upserts #1533 [ebensing](https://github.com/ebensing)
4857 * fixed; missing return statement in SchemaArray#$geoIntersects() #1498 [bsrykt](https://github.com/bsrykt)
4858 * fixed; wrong isSelected() behavior #1521 [kyano](https://github.com/kyano)
4859 * docs; note about toObject behavior during save()
4860 * docs; add callbacks details #1547 [nikmartin](https://github.com/nikmartin)
48623.6.13 / 2013-06-27
4865 * fixed; calling model.distinct without conditions #1541
4866 * fixed; regression in Query#count() #1542
4867 * now working on 3.6.13
48693.6.12 / 2013-06-25
4872 * updated; driver to 1.3.10
4873 * updated; clearer capped collection error message #1509 [bitmage](https://github.com/bitmage)
4874 * fixed; MongooseBuffer subtype loss during casting #1517 [zedgu](https://github.com/zedgu)
4875 * fixed; docArray#id when doc.id is disabled #1492
4876 * fixed; docArray#id now supports matches on populated arrays #1492 [pgherveou](https://github.com/pgherveou)
4877 * website; fix example
4878 * website; improve _id disabling example
4879 * website; fix typo #1494 [dejj](https://github.com/dejj)
4880 * docs; added a 'Requesting new features' section #1504 [shovon](https://github.com/shovon)
4881 * docs; improve subtypes description
4882 * docs; clarify _id disabling
4883 * docs: display by alphabetical order the methods list #1508 [nicolasleger](https://github.com/nicolasleger)
4884 * tests; refactor isSelected checks
4885 * tests; remove pointless test
4886 * tests; fixed timeouts
48883.6.11 / 2013-05-15
4891 * updated; driver to 1.3.5
4892 * fixed; compat w/ Object.create(null) #1484 #1485
4893 * fixed; cloning objects w/ missing constructors
4894 * fixed; prevent multiple min number validators #1481 [nrako](https://github.com/nrako)
4895 * docs; add doc.increment() example
4896 * docs; add $size example
4897 * docs; add "distinct" example
48993.6.10 / 2013-05-09
4902 * update driver to 1.3.3
4903 * fixed; increment() works without other changes #1475
4904 * website; fix links to posterous
4905 * docs; fix link #1472
49073.6.9 / 2013-05-02
4910 * fixed; depopulation of mixed documents #1471
4911 * fixed; use of $options in array #1462
4912 * tests; fix race condition
4913 * docs; fix default example
49153.6.8 / 2013-04-25
4918 * updated; driver to 1.3.0
4919 * fixed; connection.model should retain options #1458 [vedmalex](https://github.com/vedmalex)
4920 * tests; 4-5 seconds faster
49223.6.7 / 2013-04-19
4925 * fixed; population regression in 3.6.6 #1444
49273.6.6 / 2013-04-18
4930 * fixed; saving populated new documents #1442
4931 * fixed; population regession in 3.6.5 #1441
4932 * website; fix copyright #1439
49343.6.5 / 2013-04-15
4937 * fixed; strict:throw edge case using .set(path, val)
4938 * fixed; schema.pathType() on some numbericAlpha paths
4939 * fixed; numbericAlpha path versioning
4940 * fixed; setting nested mixed paths #1418
4941 * fixed; setting nested objects with null prop #1326
4942 * fixed; regression in v3.6 population performance #1426 [vedmalex](https://github.com/vedmalex)
4943 * fixed; read pref typos #1422 [kyano](https://github.com/kyano)
4944 * docs; fix method example
4945 * website; update faq
4946 * website; add more deep links
4947 * website; update poolSize docs
4948 * website; add 3.6 release notes
4949 * website; note about keepAlive
49513.6.4 / 2013-04-03
4954 * fixed; +field conflict with $slice #1370
4955 * fixed; nested deselection conflict #1333
4956 * fixed; RangeError in ValidationError.toString() #1296
4957 * fixed; do not save user defined transforms #1415
4958 * tests; fix race condition
49603.6.3 / 2013-04-02
4963 * fixed; setting subdocuments deeply nested fields #1394
4964 * fixed; regression: populated streams #1411
4965 * docs; mention hooks/validation with findAndModify
4966 * docs; mention auth
4967 * docs; add more links
4968 * examples; add document methods example
4969 * website; display "see" links for properties
4970 * website; clean up homepage
49723.6.2 / 2013-03-29
4975 * fixed; corrupted sub-doc array #1408
4976 * fixed; document#update returns a Query #1397
4977 * docs; readpref strategy
49793.6.1 / 2013-03-27
4982 * added; populate support to findAndModify varients #1395
4983 * added; text index type to schematypes
4984 * expose allowed index types as Schema.indexTypes
4985 * fixed; use of `setMaxListeners` as path
4986 * fixed; regression in node 0.6 on docs with > 10 arrays
4987 * fixed; do not alter schema arguments #1364
4988 * fixed; subdoc#ownerDocument() #1385
4989 * website; change search id
4990 * website; add search from google [jackdbernier](https://github.com/jackdbernier)
4991 * website; fix link
4992 * website; add 3.5.x docs release
4993 * website; fix link
4994 * docs; fix geometry
4995 * docs; hide internal constructor
4996 * docs; aggregation does not cast arguments #1399
4997 * docs; querystream options
4998 * examples; added for population
50003.6.0 / 2013-03-18
5003 * changed; cast 'true'/'false' to boolean #1282 [mgrach](https://github.com/mgrach)
5004 * changed; Buffer arrays can now contain nulls
5005 * added; QueryStream transform option
5006 * added; support for authSource driver option
5007 * added; {mongoose,db}.modelNames()
5008 * added; $push w/ $slice,$sort support (MongoDB 2.4)
5009 * added; hashed index type (MongoDB 2.4)
5010 * added; support for mongodb 2.4 geojson (MongoDB 2.4)
5011 * added; value at time of validation error
5012 * added; support for object literal schemas
5013 * added; bufferCommands schema option
5014 * added; allow auth option in connections #1360 [geoah](https://github.com/geoah)
5015 * added; performance improvements to populate() [263ece9](https://github.com/LearnBoost/mongoose/commit/263ece9)
5016 * added; allow adding uncasted docs to populated arrays and properties #570
5017 * added; doc#populated(path) stores original populated _ids
5018 * added; lean population #1260
5019 * added; query.populate() now accepts an options object
5020 * added; document#populate(opts, callback)
5021 * added; Model.populate(docs, opts, callback)
5022 * added; support for rich nested path population
5023 * added; doc.array.remove(value) subdoc with _id value support #1278
5024 * added; optionally allow non-strict sets and updates
5025 * added; promises/A+ comformancy with [mpromise](https://github.com/aheckmann/mpromise)
5026 * added; promise#then
5027 * added; promise#end
5028 * fixed; use of `model` as doc property
5029 * fixed; lean population #1382
5030 * fixed; empty object mixed defaults #1380
5031 * fixed; populate w/ deselected _id using string syntax
5032 * fixed; attempted save of divergent populated arrays #1334 related
5033 * fixed; better error msg when attempting toObject as property name
5034 * fixed; non population buffer casting from doc
5035 * fixed; setting populated paths #570
5036 * fixed; casting when added docs to populated arrays #570
5037 * fixed; prohibit updating arrays selected with $elemMatch #1334
5038 * fixed; pull / set subdoc combination #1303
5039 * fixed; multiple bg index creation #1365
5040 * fixed; manual reconnection to single mongod
5041 * fixed; Constructor / version exposure #1124
5042 * fixed; CastError race condition
5043 * fixed; no longer swallowing misuse of subdoc#invalidate()
5044 * fixed; utils.clone retains RegExp opts
5045 * fixed; population of non-schema property
5046 * fixed; allow updating versionKey #1265
5047 * fixed; add EventEmitter props to reserved paths #1338
5048 * fixed; can now deselect populated doc _ids #1331
5049 * fixed; properly pass subtype to Binary in MongooseBuffer
5050 * fixed; casting _id from document with non-ObjectId _id
5051 * fixed; specifying schema type edge case { path: [{type: "String" }] }
5052 * fixed; typo in schemdate #1329 [jplock](https://github.com/jplock)
5053 * updated; driver to 1.2.14
5054 * updated; muri to 0.3.1
5055 * updated; mpromise to 0.2.1
5056 * updated; mocha 1.8.1
5057 * updated; mpath to 0.1.1
5058 * deprecated; pluralization will die in 4.x
5059 * refactor; rename private methods to something unusable as doc properties
5060 * refactor MongooseArray#remove
5061 * refactor; move expires index to SchemaDate #1328
5062 * refactor; internal document properties #1171 #1184
5063 * tests; added
5064 * docs; indexes
5065 * docs; validation
5066 * docs; populate
5067 * docs; populate
5068 * docs; add note about stream compatibility with node 0.8
5069 * docs; fix for private names
5070 * docs; Buffer -> mongodb.Binary #1363
5071 * docs; auth options
5072 * docs; improved
5073 * website; update FAQ
5074 * website; add more api links
5075 * website; add 3.5.x docs to prior releases
5076 * website; Change mongoose-types to an active repo [jackdbernier](https://github.com/jackdbernier)
5077 * website; compat with node 0.10
5078 * website; add news section
5079 * website; use T for generic type
5080 * benchmark; make adjustable
50823.6.0rc1 / 2013-03-12
5085 * refactor; rename private methods to something unusable as doc properties
5086 * added; {mongoose,db}.modelNames()
5087 * added; $push w/ $slice,$sort support (MongoDB 2.4)
5088 * added; hashed index type (MongoDB 2.4)
5089 * added; support for mongodb 2.4 geojson (MongoDB 2.4)
5090 * added; value at time of validation error
5091 * added; support for object literal schemas
5092 * added; bufferCommands schema option
5093 * added; allow auth option in connections #1360 [geoah](https://github.com/geoah)
5094 * fixed; lean population #1382
5095 * fixed; empty object mixed defaults #1380
5096 * fixed; populate w/ deselected _id using string syntax
5097 * fixed; attempted save of divergent populated arrays #1334 related
5098 * fixed; better error msg when attempting toObject as property name
5099 * fixed; non population buffer casting from doc
5100 * fixed; setting populated paths #570
5101 * fixed; casting when added docs to populated arrays #570
5102 * fixed; prohibit updating arrays selected with $elemMatch #1334
5103 * fixed; pull / set subdoc combination #1303
5104 * fixed; multiple bg index creation #1365
5105 * fixed; manual reconnection to single mongod
5106 * fixed; Constructor / version exposure #1124
5107 * fixed; CastError race condition
5108 * fixed; no longer swallowing misuse of subdoc#invalidate()
5109 * fixed; utils.clone retains RegExp opts
5110 * fixed; population of non-schema property
5111 * fixed; allow updating versionKey #1265
5112 * fixed; add EventEmitter props to reserved paths #1338
5113 * fixed; can now deselect populated doc _ids #1331
5114 * updated; muri to 0.3.1
5115 * updated; driver to 1.2.12
5116 * updated; mpromise to 0.2.1
5117 * deprecated; pluralization will die in 4.x
5118 * docs; Buffer -> mongodb.Binary #1363
5119 * docs; auth options
5120 * docs; improved
5121 * website; add news section
5122 * benchmark; make adjustable
51243.6.0rc0 / 2013-02-03
5127 * changed; cast 'true'/'false' to boolean #1282 [mgrach](https://github.com/mgrach)
5128 * changed; Buffer arrays can now contain nulls
5129 * fixed; properly pass subtype to Binary in MongooseBuffer
5130 * fixed; casting _id from document with non-ObjectId _id
5131 * fixed; specifying schema type edge case { path: [{type: "String" }] }
5132 * fixed; typo in schemdate #1329 [jplock](https://github.com/jplock)
5133 * refactor; move expires index to SchemaDate #1328
5134 * refactor; internal document properties #1171 #1184
5135 * added; performance improvements to populate() [263ece9](https://github.com/LearnBoost/mongoose/commit/263ece9)
5136 * added; allow adding uncasted docs to populated arrays and properties #570
5137 * added; doc#populated(path) stores original populated _ids
5138 * added; lean population #1260
5139 * added; query.populate() now accepts an options object
5140 * added; document#populate(opts, callback)
5141 * added; Model.populate(docs, opts, callback)
5142 * added; support for rich nested path population
5143 * added; doc.array.remove(value) subdoc with _id value support #1278
5144 * added; optionally allow non-strict sets and updates
5145 * added; promises/A+ comformancy with [mpromise](https://github.com/aheckmann/mpromise)
5146 * added; promise#then
5147 * added; promise#end
5148 * updated; mocha 1.8.1
5149 * updated; muri to 0.3.0
5150 * updated; mpath to 0.1.1
5151 * updated; docs
51533.5.16 / 2013-08-13
5156 * updated; driver to 1.3.18
51583.5.15 / 2013-07-26
5161 * updated; sliced to 0.0.5
5162 * updated; driver to 1.3.12
5163 * fixed; regression in Query#count() due to driver change
5164 * tests; fixed timeouts
5165 * tests; handle differing test uris
51673.5.14 / 2013-05-15
5170 * updated; driver to 1.3.5
5171 * fixed; compat w/ Object.create(null) #1484 #1485
5172 * fixed; cloning objects missing constructors
5173 * fixed; prevent multiple min number validators #1481 [nrako](https://github.com/nrako)
51753.5.13 / 2013-05-09
5178 * update driver to 1.3.3
5179 * fixed; use of $options in array #1462
51813.5.12 / 2013-04-25
5184 * updated; driver to 1.3.0
5185 * fixed; connection.model should retain options #1458 [vedmalex](https://github.com/vedmalex)
5186 * fixed; read pref typos #1422 [kyano](https://github.com/kyano)
51883.5.11 / 2013-04-03
5191 * fixed; +field conflict with $slice #1370
5192 * fixed; RangeError in ValidationError.toString() #1296
5193 * fixed; nested deselection conflict #1333
5194 * remove time from Makefile
51963.5.10 / 2013-04-02
5199 * fixed; setting subdocuments deeply nested fields #1394
5200 * fixed; do not alter schema arguments #1364
52023.5.9 / 2013-03-15
5205 * updated; driver to 1.2.14
5206 * added; support for authSource driver option (mongodb 2.4)
5207 * added; QueryStream transform option (node 0.10 helper)
5208 * fixed; backport for saving required populated buffers
5209 * fixed; pull / set subdoc combination #1303
5210 * fixed; multiple bg index creation #1365
5211 * test; added for saveable required populated buffers
5212 * test; added for #1365
5213 * test; add authSource test
52153.5.8 / 2013-03-12
5218 * added; auth option in connection [geoah](https://github.com/geoah)
5219 * fixed; CastError race condition
5220 * docs; add note about stream compatibility with node 0.8
52223.5.7 / 2013-02-22
5225 * updated; driver to 1.2.13
5226 * updated; muri to 0.3.1 #1347
5227 * fixed; utils.clone retains RegExp opts #1355
5228 * fixed; deepEquals RegExp support
5229 * tests; fix a connection test
5230 * website; clean up docs [afshinm](https://github.com/afshinm)
5231 * website; update homepage
5232 * website; migragtion: emphasize impact of strict docs #1264
52343.5.6 / 2013-02-14
5237 * updated; driver to 1.2.12
5238 * fixed; properly pass Binary subtype
5239 * fixed; add EventEmitter props to reserved paths #1338
5240 * fixed; use correct node engine version
5241 * fixed; display empty docs as {} in log output #953 follow up
5242 * improved; "bad $within $box argument" error message
5243 * populate; add unscientific benchmark
5244 * website; add stack overflow to help section
5245 * website; use better code font #1336 [risseraka](https://github.com/risseraka)
5246 * website; clarify where help is available
5247 * website; fix source code links #1272 [floatingLomas](https://github.com/floatingLomas)
5248 * docs; be specific about _id schema option #1103
5249 * docs; add ensureIndex error handling example
5250 * docs; README
5251 * docs; CONTRIBUTING.md
52533.5.5 / 2013-01-29
5256 * updated; driver to 1.2.11
5257 * removed; old node < 0.6x shims
5258 * fixed; documents with Buffer _ids equality
5259 * fixed; MongooseBuffer properly casts numbers
5260 * fixed; reopening closed connection on alt host/port #1287
5261 * docs; fixed typo in Readme #1298 [rened](https://github.com/rened)
5262 * docs; fixed typo in migration docs [Prinzhorn](https://github.com/Prinzhorn)
5263 * docs; fixed incorrect annotation in SchemaNumber#min [bilalq](https://github.com/bilalq)
5264 * docs; updated
52663.5.4 / 2013-01-07
5269 * changed; "_pres" & "_posts" are now reserved pathnames #1261
5270 * updated; driver to 1.2.8
5271 * fixed; exception when reopening a replica set. #1263 [ethankan](https://github.com/ethankan)
5272 * website; updated
52743.5.3 / 2012-12-26
5277 * added; support for geo object notation #1257
5278 * fixed; $within query casting with arrays
5279 * fixed; unix domain socket support #1254
5280 * updated; driver to 1.2.7
5281 * updated; muri to 0.0.5
52833.5.2 / 2012-12-17
5286 * fixed; using auth with replica sets #1253
52883.5.1 / 2012-12-12
5291 * fixed; regression when using subdoc with `path` as pathname #1245 [daeq](https://github.com/daeq)
5292 * fixed; safer db option checks
5293 * updated; driver to 1.2.5
5294 * website; add more examples
5295 * website; clean up old docs
5296 * website; fix prev release urls
5297 * docs; clarify streaming with HTTP responses
52993.5.0 / 2012-12-10
5302 * added; paths to CastErrors #1239
5303 * added; support for mongodb connection string spec #1187
5304 * added; post validate event
5305 * added; Schema#get (to retrieve schema options)
5306 * added; VersionError #1071
5307 * added; npmignore [hidekiy](https://github.com/hidekiy)
5308 * update; driver to 1.2.3
5309 * fixed; stackoverflow in setter #1234
5310 * fixed; utils.isObject()
5311 * fixed; do not clobber user specified driver writeConcern #1227
5312 * fixed; always pass current document to post hooks
5313 * fixed; throw error when user attempts to overwrite a model
5314 * fixed; connection.model only caches on connection #1209
5315 * fixed; respect conn.model() creation when matching global model exists #1209
5316 * fixed; passing model name + collection name now always honors collection name
5317 * fixed; setting virtual field to an empty object #1154
5318 * fixed; subclassed MongooseErrors exposure, now available in mongoose.Error.xxxx
5319 * fixed; model.remove() ignoring callback when executed twice [daeq](https://github.com/daeq) #1210
5320 * docs; add collection option to schema api docs #1222
5321 * docs; NOTE about db safe options
5322 * docs; add post hooks docs
5323 * docs; connection string options
5324 * docs; middleware is not executed with Model.remove #1241
5325 * docs; {g,s}etter introspection #777
5326 * docs; update validation docs
5327 * docs; add link to plugins page
5328 * docs; clarify error returned by unique indexes #1225
5329 * docs; more detail about disabling autoIndex behavior
5330 * docs; add homepage section to package (npm docs mongoose)
5331 * docs; more detail around collection name pluralization #1193
5332 * website; add .important css
5333 * website; update models page
5334 * website; update getting started
5335 * website; update quick start
53373.4.0 / 2012-11-10
5340 * added; support for generic toJSON/toObject transforms #1160 #1020 #1197
5341 * added; doc.set() merge support #1148 [NuORDER](https://github.com/NuORDER)
5342 * added; query#add support #1188 [aleclofabbro](https://github.com/aleclofabbro)
5343 * changed; adding invalid nested paths to non-objects throws 4216f14
5344 * changed; fixed; stop invalid function cloning (internal fix)
5345 * fixed; add query $and casting support #1180 [anotheri](https://github.com/anotheri)
5346 * fixed; overwriting of query arguments #1176
5347 * docs; fix expires examples
5348 * docs; transforms
5349 * docs; schema `collection` option docs [hermanjunge](https://github.com/hermanjunge)
5350 * website; updated
5351 * tests; added
53533.3.1 / 2012-10-11
5356 * fixed; allow goose.connect(uris, dbname, opts) #1144
5357 * docs; persist API private checked state across page loads
53593.3.0 / 2012-10-10
5362 * fixed; passing options as 2nd arg to connect() #1144
5363 * fixed; race condition after no-op save #1139
5364 * fixed; schema field selection application in findAndModify #1150
5365 * fixed; directly setting arrays #1126
5366 * updated; driver to 1.1.11
5367 * updated; collection pluralization rules [mrickard](https://github.com/mrickard)
5368 * tests; added
5369 * docs; updated
53713.2.2 / 2012-10-08
5374 * updated; driver to 1.1.10 #1143
5375 * updated; use sliced 0.0.3
5376 * fixed; do not recast embedded docs unnecessarily
5377 * fixed; expires schema option helper #1132
5378 * fixed; built in string setters #1131
5379 * fixed; debug output for Dates/ObjectId properties #1129
5380 * docs; fixed Javascript syntax error in example [olalonde](https://github.com/olalonde)
5381 * docs; fix toJSON example #1137
5382 * docs; add ensureIndex production notes
5383 * docs; fix spelling
5384 * docs; add blogposts about v3
5385 * website; updated
5386 * removed; undocumented inGroupsOf util
5387 * tests; added
53893.2.1 / 2012-09-28
5392 * fixed; remove query batchSize option default of 1000 https://github.com/learnboost/mongoose/commit/3edaa8651
5393 * docs; updated
5394 * website; updated
53963.2.0 / 2012-09-27
5399 * added; direct array index assignment with casting support `doc.array.set(index, value)`
5400 * fixed; QueryStream#resume within same tick as pause() #1116
5401 * fixed; default value validatation #1109
5402 * fixed; array splice() not casting #1123
5403 * fixed; default array construction edge case #1108
5404 * fixed; query casting for inequalities in arrays #1101 [dpatti](https://github.com/dpatti)
5405 * tests; added
5406 * website; more documentation
5407 * website; fixed layout issue #1111 [SlashmanX](https://github.com/SlashmanX)
5408 * website; refactored [guille](https://github.com/guille)
54103.1.2 / 2012-09-10
5413 * added; ReadPreferrence schema option #1097
5414 * updated; driver to 1.1.7
5415 * updated; default query batchSize to 1000
5416 * fixed; we now cast the mapReduce query option #1095
5417 * fixed; $elemMatch+$in with field selection #1091
5418 * fixed; properly cast $elemMatch+$in conditions #1100
5419 * fixed; default field application of subdocs #1027
5420 * fixed; querystream prematurely dying #1092
5421 * fixed; querystream never resumes when paused at getMore boundries #1092
5422 * fixed; querystream occasionally emits data events after destroy #1092
5423 * fixed; remove unnecessary ObjectId creation in querystream
5424 * fixed; allow ne(boolean) again #1093
5425 * docs; add populate/field selection syntax notes
5426 * docs; add toObject/toJSON options detail
5427 * docs; `read` schema option
54293.1.1 / 2012-08-31
5432 * updated; driver to 1.1.6
54343.1.0 / 2012-08-29
5437 * changed; fixed; directly setting nested objects now overwrites entire object (previously incorrectly merged them)
5438 * added; read pref support (mongodb 2.2) 205a709c
5439 * added; aggregate support (mongodb 2.2) f3a5bd3d
5440 * added; virtual {g,s}etter introspection (#1070)
5441 * updated; docs [brettz9](https://github.com/brettz9)
5442 * updated; driver to 1.1.5
5443 * fixed; retain virtual setter return values (#1069)
54453.0.3 / 2012-08-23
5448 * fixed; use of nested paths beginning w/ numbers #1062
5449 * fixed; query population edge case #1053 #1055 [jfremy](https://github.com/jfremy)
5450 * fixed; simultaneous top and sub level array modifications #1073
5451 * added; id and _id schema option aliases + tests
5452 * improve debug formatting to allow copy/paste logged queries into mongo shell [eknkc](https://github.com/eknkc)
5453 * docs
54553.0.2 / 2012-08-17
5458 * added; missing support for v3 sort/select syntax to findAndModify helpers (#1058)
5459 * fixed; replset fullsetup event emission
5460 * fixed; reconnected event for replsets
5461 * fixed; server reconnection setting discovery
5462 * fixed; compat with non-schema path props using positional notation (#1048)
5463 * fixed; setter/casting order (#665)
5464 * docs; updated
54663.0.1 / 2012-08-11
5469 * fixed; throw Error on bad validators (1044)
5470 * fixed; typo in EmbeddedDocument#parentArray [lackac]
5471 * fixed; repair mongoose.SchemaTypes alias
5472 * updated; docs
54743.0.0 / 2012-08-07
5477 * removed; old subdocument#commit method
5478 * fixed; setting arrays of matching docs [6924cbc2]
5479 * fixed; doc!remove event now emits in save order as save for consistency
5480 * fixed; pre-save hooks no longer fire on subdocuments when validation fails
5481 * added; subdoc#parent() and subdoc#parentArray() to access subdocument parent objects
5482 * added; query#lean() helper
54843.0.0rc0 / 2012-08-01
5487 * fixed; allow subdoc literal declarations containing "type" pathname (#993)
5488 * fixed; unsetting a default array (#758)
5489 * fixed; boolean $in queries (#998)
5490 * fixed; allow use of `options` as a pathname (#529)
5491 * fixed; `model` is again a permitted schema path name
5492 * fixed; field selection option on subdocs (#1022)
5493 * fixed; handle another edge case with subdoc saving (#975)
5494 * added; emit save err on model if listening
5495 * added; MongoDB TTL collection support (#1006)
5496 * added; $center options support
5497 * added; $nearSphere and $polygon support
5498 * updated; driver version to 1.1.2
55003.0.0alpha2 / 2012-07-18
5503 * changed; index errors are now emitted on their model and passed to an optional callback (#984)
5504 * fixed; specifying index along with sparse/unique option no longer overwrites (#1004)
5505 * fixed; never swallow connection errors (#618)
5506 * fixed; creating object from model with emded object no longer overwrites defaults [achurkin] (#859)
5507 * fixed; stop needless validation of unchanged/unselected fields (#891)
5508 * fixed; document#equals behavior of objectids (#974)
5509 * fixed; honor the minimize schema option (#978)
5510 * fixed; provide helpful error msgs when reserved schema path is used (#928)
5511 * fixed; callback to conn#disconnect is optional (#875)
5512 * fixed; handle missing protocols in connection urls (#987)
5513 * fixed; validate args to query#where (#969)
5514 * fixed; saving modified/removed subdocs (#975)
5515 * fixed; update with $pull from Mixed array (#735)
5516 * fixed; error with null shard key value
5517 * fixed; allow unsetting enums (#967)
5518 * added; support for manual index creation (#984)
5519 * added; support for disabled auto-indexing (#984)
5520 * added; support for preserving MongooseArray#sort changes (#752)
5521 * added; emit state change events on connection
5522 * added; support for specifying BSON subtype in MongooseBuffer#toObject [jcrugzz]
5523 * added; support for disabled versioning (#977)
5524 * added; implicit "new" support for models and Schemas
55263.0.0alpha1 / 2012-06-15
5529 * removed; doc#commit (use doc#markModified)
5530 * removed; doc.modified getter (#950)
5531 * removed; mongoose{connectSet,createSetConnection}. use connect,createConnection instead
5532 * removed; query alias methods 1149804c
5533 * removed; MongooseNumber
5534 * changed; now creating indexes in background by default
5535 * changed; strict mode now enabled by default (#952)
5536 * changed; doc#modifiedPaths is now a method (#950)
5537 * changed; getters no longer cast (#820); casting happens during set
5538 * fixed; no need to pass updateArg to findOneAndUpdate (#931)
5539 * fixed: utils.merge bug when merging nested non-objects. [treygriffith]
5540 * fixed; strict:throw should produce errors in findAndModify (#963)
5541 * fixed; findAndUpdate no longer overwrites document (#962)
5542 * fixed; setting default DocumentArrays (#953)
5543 * fixed; selection of _id with schema deselection (#954)
5544 * fixed; ensure promise#error emits instanceof Error
5545 * fixed; CursorStream: No stack overflow on any size result (#929)
5546 * fixed; doc#remove now passes safe options
5547 * fixed; invalid use of $set during $pop
5548 * fixed; array#{$pop,$shift} mirror MongoDB behavior
5549 * fixed; no longer test non-required vals in string match (#934)
5550 * fixed; edge case with doc#inspect
5551 * fixed; setter order (#665)
5552 * fixed; setting invalid paths in strict mode (#916)
5553 * fixed; handle docs without id in DocumentArray#id method (#897)
5554 * fixed; do not save virtuals during model.update (#894)
5555 * fixed; sub doc toObject virtuals application (#889)
5556 * fixed; MongooseArray#pull of ObjectId (#881)
5557 * fixed; handle passing db name with any repl set string
5558 * fixed; default application of selected fields (#870)
5559 * fixed; subdoc paths reported in validation errors (#725)
5560 * fixed; incorrect reported num of affected docs in update ops (#862)
5561 * fixed; connection assignment in Model#model (#853)
5562 * fixed; stringifying arrays of docs (#852)
5563 * fixed; modifying subdoc and parent array works (#842)
5564 * fixed; passing undefined to next hook (#785)
5565 * fixed; Query#{update,remove}() works without callbacks (#788)
5566 * fixed; set/updating nested objects by parent pathname (#843)
5567 * fixed; allow null in number arrays (#840)
5568 * fixed; isNew on sub doc after insertion error (#837)
5569 * fixed; if an insert fails, set isNew back to false [boutell]
5570 * fixed; isSelected when only _id is selected (#730)
5571 * fixed; setting an unset default value (#742)
5572 * fixed; query#sort error messaging (#671)
5573 * fixed; support for passing $options with $regex
5574 * added; array of object literal notation in schema creates DocumentArrays
5575 * added; gt,gte,lt,lte query support for arrays (#902)
5576 * added; capped collection support (#938)
5577 * added; document versioning support
5578 * added; inclusion of deselected schema path (#786)
5579 * added; non-atomic array#pop
5580 * added; EmbeddedDocument constructor is now exposed in DocArray#create 7cf8beec
5581 * added; mapReduce support (#678)
5582 * added; support for a configurable minimize option #to{Object,JSON}(option) (#848)
5583 * added; support for strict: `throws` [regality]
5584 * added; support for named schema types (#795)
5585 * added; to{Object,JSON} schema options (#805)
5586 * added; findByIdAnd{Update,Remove}()
5587 * added; findOneAnd{Update,Remove}()
5588 * added; query.setOptions()
5589 * added; instance.update() (#794)
5590 * added; support specifying model in populate() [DanielBaulig]
5591 * added; `lean` query option [gitfy]
5592 * added; multi-atomic support to MongooseArray#nonAtomicPush
5593 * added; support for $set + other $atomic ops on single array
5594 * added; tests
5595 * updated; driver to 1.0.2
5596 * updated; query.sort() syntax to mirror query.select()
5597 * updated; clearer cast error msg for array numbers
5598 * updated; docs
5599 * updated; doc.clone 3x faster (#950)
5600 * updated; only create _id if necessary (#950)
56022.7.3 / 2012-08-01
5605 * fixed; boolean $in queries (#998)
5606 * fixed field selection option on subdocs (#1022)
56082.7.2 / 2012-07-18
5611 * fixed; callback to conn#disconnect is optional (#875)
5612 * fixed; handle missing protocols in connection urls (#987)
5613 * fixed; saving modified/removed subdocs (#975)
5614 * updated; tests
56162.7.1 / 2012-06-26
5619 * fixed; sharding: when a document holds a null as a value of the shard key
5620 * fixed; update() using $pull on an array of Mixed (gh-735)
5621 * deprecated; MongooseNumber#{inc, increment, decrement} methods
5622 * tests; now using mocha
56242.7.0 / 2012-06-14
5627 * added; deprecation warnings to methods being removed in 3.x
56292.6.8 / 2012-06-14
5632 * fixed; edge case when using 'options' as a path name (#961)
56342.6.7 / 2012-06-08
5637 * fixed; ensure promise#error always emits instanceof Error
5638 * fixed; selection of _id w/ another excluded path (#954)
5639 * fixed; setting default DocumentArrays (#953)
56412.6.6 / 2012-06-06
5644 * fixed; stack overflow in query stream with large result sets (#929)
5645 * added; $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte support to arrays (#902)
5646 * fixed; pass option `safe` along to doc#remove() calls
56482.6.5 / 2012-05-24
5651 * fixed; do not save virtuals in Model.update (#894)
5652 * added; missing $ prefixed query aliases (going away in 3.x) (#884) [timoxley]
5653 * fixed; setting invalid paths in strict mode (#916)
5654 * fixed; resetting isNew after insert failure (#837) [boutell]
56562.6.4 / 2012-05-15
5659 * updated; backport string regex $options to 2.x
5660 * updated; use driver 1.0.2 (performance improvements) (#914)
5661 * fixed; calling MongooseDocumentArray#id when the doc has no _id (#897)
56632.6.3 / 2012-05-03
5666 * fixed; repl-set connectivity issues during failover on MongoDB 2.0.1
5667 * updated; driver to 1.0.0
5668 * fixed; virtuals application of subdocs when using toObject({ virtuals: true }) (#889)
5669 * fixed; MongooseArray#pull of ObjectId correctly updates the array itself (#881)
56712.6.2 / 2012-04-30
5674 * fixed; default field application of selected fields (#870)
56762.6.1 / 2012-04-30
5679 * fixed; connection assignment in mongoose#model (#853, #877)
5680 * fixed; incorrect reported num of affected docs in update ops (#862)
56822.6.0 / 2012-04-19
5685 * updated; hooks.js to 0.2.1
5686 * fixed; issue with passing undefined to a hook callback. thanks to [chrisleishman] for reporting.
5687 * fixed; updating/setting nested objects in strict schemas (#843) as reported by [kof]
5688 * fixed; Query#{update,remove}() work without callbacks again (#788)
5689 * fixed; modifying subdoc along with parent array $atomic op (#842)
56912.5.14 / 2012-04-13
5694 * fixed; setting an unset default value (#742)
5695 * fixed; doc.isSelected(otherpath) when only _id is selected (#730)
5696 * updated; docs
56982.5.13 / 2012-03-22
5701 * fixed; failing validation of unselected required paths (#730,#713)
5702 * fixed; emitting connection error when only one listener (#759)
5703 * fixed; MongooseArray#splice was not returning values (#784) [chrisleishman]
57052.5.12 / 2012-03-21
5708 * fixed; honor the `safe` option in all ensureIndex calls
5709 * updated; node-mongodb-native driver to 0.9.9-7
57112.5.11 / 2012-03-15
5714 * added; introspection for getters/setters (#745)
5715 * updated; node-mongodb-driver to 0.9.9-5
5716 * added; tailable method to Query (#769) [holic]
5717 * fixed; Number min/max validation of null (#764) [btamas]
5718 * added; more flexible user/password connection options (#738) [KarneAsada]
57202.5.10 / 2012-03-06
5723 * updated; node-mongodb-native driver to 0.9.9-4
5724 * added; Query#comment()
5725 * fixed; allow unsetting arrays
5726 * fixed; hooking the set method of subdocuments (#746)
5727 * fixed; edge case in hooks
5728 * fixed; allow $id and $ref in queries (fixes compatibility with mongoose-dbref) (#749) [richtera]
5729 * added; default path selection to SchemaTypes
57312.5.9 / 2012-02-22
5734 * fixed; properly cast nested atomic update operators for sub-documents
57362.5.8 / 2012-02-21
5739 * added; post 'remove' middleware includes model that was removed (#729) [timoxley]
57412.5.7 / 2012-02-09
5744 * fixed; RegExp validators on node >= v0.6.x
57462.5.6 / 2012-02-09
5749 * fixed; emit errors returned from db.collection() on the connection (were being swallowed)
5750 * added; can add multiple validators in your schema at once (#718) [diogogmt]
5751 * fixed; strict embedded documents (#717)
5752 * updated; docs [niemyjski]
5753 * added; pass number of affected docs back in model.update/save
57552.5.5 / 2012-02-03
5758 * fixed; RangeError: maximum call stack exceed error when removing docs with Number _id (#714)
57602.5.4 / 2012-02-03
5763 * fixed; RangeError: maximum call stack exceed error (#714)
57652.5.3 / 2012-02-02
5768 * added; doc#isSelected(path)
5769 * added; query#equals()
5770 * added; beta sharding support
5771 * added; more descript error msgs (#700) [obeleh]
5772 * added; document.modifiedPaths (#709) [ljharb]
5773 * fixed; only functions can be added as getters/setters (#707,704) [ljharb]
57752.5.2 / 2012-01-30
5778 * fixed; rollback -native driver to 0.9.7-3-5 (was causing timeouts and other replica set weirdness)
5779 * deprecated; MongooseNumber (will be moved to a separate repo for 3.x)
5780 * added; init event is emitted on schemas
57822.5.1 / 2012-01-27
5785 * fixed; honor strict schemas in Model.update (#699)
57872.5.0 / 2012-01-26
5790 * added; doc.toJSON calls toJSON on embedded docs when exists [jerem]
5791 * added; populate support for refs of type Buffer (#686) [jerem]
5792 * added; $all support for ObjectIds and Dates (#690)
5793 * fixed; virtual setter calling on instantiation when strict: true (#682) [hunterloftis]
5794 * fixed; doc construction triggering getters (#685)
5795 * fixed; MongooseBuffer check in deepEquals (#688)
5796 * fixed; range error when using Number _ids with `instance.save()` (#691)
5797 * fixed; isNew on embedded docs edge case (#680)
5798 * updated; driver to 0.9.8-3
5799 * updated; expose `model()` method within static methods
58012.4.10 / 2012-01-10
5804 * added; optional getter application in .toObject()/.toJSON() (#412)
5805 * fixed; nested $operators in $all queries (#670)
5806 * added; $nor support (#674)
5807 * fixed; bug when adding nested schema (#662) [paulwe]
58092.4.9 / 2012-01-04
5812 * updated; driver to 0.9.7-3-5 to fix Linux performance degradation on some boxes
58142.4.8 / 2011-12-22
5817 * updated; bump -native to
5818 * fixed; compatibility with date.js (#646) [chrisleishman]
5819 * changed; undocumented schema "lax" option to "strict"
5820 * fixed; default value population for strict schemas
5821 * updated; the nextTick helper for small performance gain. 1bee2a2
58232.4.7 / 2011-12-16
5826 * fixed; bug in 2.4.6 with path setting
5827 * updated; bump -native to
5828 * added; strict schema option [nw]
58302.4.6 / 2011-12-16
5833 * fixed; conflicting mods on update bug [sirlantis]
5834 * improved; doc.id getter performance
58362.4.5 / 2011-12-14
5839 * fixed; bad MongooseArray behavior in 2.4.2 - 2.4.4
58412.4.4 / 2011-12-14
5844 * fixed; MongooseArray#doAtomics throwing after sliced
58462.4.3 / 2011-12-14
5849 * updated; system.profile schema for MongoDB 2x
58512.4.2 / 2011-12-12
5854 * fixed; partially populating multiple children of subdocs (#639) [kenpratt]
5855 * fixed; allow Update of numbers to null (#640) [jerem]
58572.4.1 / 2011-12-02
5860 * added; options support for populate() queries
5861 * updated; -native driver to 0.9.7-1.4
58632.4.0 / 2011-11-29
5866 * added; QueryStreams (#614)
5867 * added; debug print mode for development
5868 * added; $within support to Array queries (#586) [ggoodale]
5869 * added; $centerSphere query support
5870 * fixed; $within support
5871 * added; $unset is now used when setting a path to undefined (#519)
5872 * added; query#batchSize support
5873 * updated; docs
5874 * updated; -native driver to 0.9.7-1.3 (provides Windows support)
58762.3.13 / 2011-11-15
5879 * fixed; required validation for Refs (#612) [ded]
5880 * added; $nearSphere support for Arrays (#610)
58822.3.12 / 2011-11-09
5885 * fixed; regression, objects passed to Model.update should not be changed (#605)
5886 * fixed; regression, empty Model.update should not be executed
58882.3.11 / 2011-11-08
5891 * fixed; using $elemMatch on arrays of Mixed types (#591)
5892 * fixed; allow using $regex when querying Arrays (#599)
5893 * fixed; calling Model.update with no atomic keys (#602)
58952.3.10 / 2011-11-05
5898 * fixed; model.update casting for nested paths works (#542)
59002.3.9 / 2011-11-04
5903 * fixed; deepEquals check for MongooseArray returned false
5904 * fixed; reset modified flags of embedded docs after save [gitfy]
5905 * fixed; setting embedded doc with identical values no longer marks modified [gitfy]
5906 * updated; -native driver to [mlazarov]
5907 * fixed; Model.update casting (#542, #545, #479)
5908 * fixed; populated refs no longer fail required validators (#577)
5909 * fixed; populating refs of objects with custom ids works
5910 * fixed; $pop & $unset work with Model.update (#574)
5911 * added; more helpful debugging message for Schema#add (#578)
5912 * fixed; accessing .id when no _id exists now returns null (#590)
59142.3.8 / 2011-10-26
5917 * added; callback to query#findOne is now optional (#581)
59192.3.7 / 2011-10-24
5922 * fixed; wrapped save/remove callbacks in nextTick to mitigate -native swallowing thrown errors
59242.3.6 / 2011-10-21
5927 * fixed; exclusion of embedded doc _id from query results (#541)
59292.3.5 / 2011-10-19
5932 * fixed; calling queries without passing a callback works (#569)
5933 * fixed; populate() works with String and Number _ids too (#568)
59352.3.4 / 2011-10-18
5938 * added; Model.create now accepts an array as a first arg
5939 * fixed; calling toObject on a DocumentArray with nulls no longer throws
5940 * fixed; calling inspect on a DocumentArray with nulls no longer throws
5941 * added; MongooseArray#unshift support
5942 * fixed; save hooks now fire on embedded documents [gitfy] (#456)
5943 * updated; -native driver to 0.9.6-22
5944 * fixed; correctly pass $addToSet op instead of $push
5945 * fixed; $addToSet properly detects dates
5946 * fixed; $addToSet with multiple items works
5947 * updated; better node 0.6 Buffer support
59492.3.3 / 2011-10-12
5952 * fixed; population conditions in multi-query settings [vedmalex] (#563)
5953 * fixed; now compatible with Node v0.5.x
59552.3.2 / 2011-10-11
5958 * fixed; population of null subdoc properties no longer hangs (#561)
59602.3.1 / 2011-10-10
5963 * added; support for Query filters to populate() [eneko]
5964 * fixed; querying with number no longer crashes mongodb (#555) [jlbyrey]
5965 * updated; version of -native driver to 0.9.6-21
5966 * fixed; prevent query callbacks that throw errors from corrupting -native connection state
59682.3.0 / 2011-10-04
5971 * fixed; nulls as default values for Boolean now works as expected
5972 * updated; version of -native driver to 0.9.6-20
59742.2.4 / 2011-10-03
5977 * fixed; populate() works when returned array contains undefined/nulls
59792.2.3 / 2011-09-29
5982 * updated; version of -native driver to 0.9.6-19
59842.2.2 / 2011-09-28
5987 * added; $regex support to String [davidandrewcope]
5988 * added; support for other contexts like repl etc (#535)
5989 * fixed; clear modified state properly after saving
5990 * added; $addToSet support to Array
59922.2.1 / 2011-09-22
5995 * more descript error when casting undefined to string
5996 * updated; version of -native driver to 0.9.6-18
59982.2.0 / 2011-09-22
6001 * fixed; maxListeners warning on schemas with many arrays (#530)
6002 * changed; return / apply defaults based on fields selected in query (#423)
6003 * fixed; correctly detect Mixed types within schema arrays (#532)
60052.1.4 / 2011-09-20
6008 * fixed; new private methods that stomped on users code
6009 * changed; finished removing old "compat" support which did nothing
60112.1.3 / 2011-09-16
6014 * updated; version of -native driver to 0.9.6-15
6015 * added; emit `error` on connection when open fails [edwardhotchkiss]
6016 * added; index support to Buffers (thanks justmoon for helping track this down)
6017 * fixed; passing collection name via schema in conn.model() now works (thanks vedmalex for reporting)
60192.1.2 / 2011-09-07
6022 * fixed; Query#find with no args no longer throws
60242.1.1 / 2011-09-07
6027 * added; support Model.count(fn)
6028 * fixed; compatibility with node >=0.4.0 < 0.4.3
6029 * added; pass model.options.safe through with .save() so w:2, wtimeout:5000 options work [andrewjstone]
6030 * added; support for $type queries
6031 * added; support for Query#or
6032 * added; more tests
6033 * optimized populate queries
60352.1.0 / 2011-09-01
6038 * changed; document#validate is a public method
6039 * fixed; setting number to same value no longer marks modified (#476) [gitfy]
6040 * fixed; Buffers shouldn't have default vals
6041 * added; allow specifying collection name in schema (#470) [ixti]
6042 * fixed; reset modified paths and atomics after saved (#459)
6043 * fixed; set isNew on embedded docs to false after save
6044 * fixed; use self to ensure proper scope of options in doOpenSet (#483) [andrewjstone]
60462.0.4 / 2011-08-29
6049 * Fixed; Only send the depopulated ObjectId instead of the entire doc on save (DBRefs)
6050 * Fixed; Properly cast nested array values in Model.update (the data was stored in Mongo incorrectly but recast on document fetch was "fixing" it)
60522.0.3 / 2011-08-28
6055 * Fixed; manipulating a populated array no longer causes infinite loop in BSON serializer during save (#477)
6056 * Fixed; populating an empty array no longer hangs foreeeeeeeever (#481)
60582.0.2 / 2011-08-25
6061 * Fixed; Maintain query option key order (fixes 'bad hint' error from compound query hints)
60632.0.1 / 2011-08-25
6066 * Fixed; do not over-write the doc when no valide props exist in Model.update (#473)
60682.0.0 / 2011-08-24
6071 * Added; support for Buffers [justmoon]
6072 * Changed; improved error handling [maelstrom]
6073 * Removed: unused utils.erase
6074 * Fixed; support for passing other context object into Schemas (#234) [Sija]
6075 * Fixed; getters are no longer circular refs to themselves (#366)
6076 * Removed; unused compat.js
6077 * Fixed; getter/setter scopes are set properly
6078 * Changed; made several private properties more obvious by prefixing _
6079 * Added; DBRef support [guille]
6080 * Changed; removed support for multiple collection names per model
6081 * Fixed; no longer applying setters when document returned from db
6082 * Changed; default auto_reconnect to true
6083 * Changed; Query#bind no longer clones the query
6084 * Fixed; Model.update now accepts $pull, $inc and friends (#404)
6085 * Added; virtual type option support [nw]
60871.8.4 / 2011-08-21
6090 * Fixed; validation bug when instantiated with non-schema properties (#464) [jmreidy]
60921.8.3 / 2011-08-19
6095 * Fixed; regression in connection#open [jshaw86]
60971.8.2 / 2011-08-17
6100 * fixed; reset connection.readyState after failure [tomseago]
6101 * fixed; can now query positionally for non-embedded docs (arrays of numbers/strings etc)
6102 * fixed; embedded document query casting
6103 * added; support for passing options to node-mongo-native db, server, and replsetserver [tomseago]
61051.8.1 / 2011-08-10
6108 * fixed; ObjectIds were always marked modified
6109 * fixed; can now query using document instances
6110 * fixed; can now query/update using documents with subdocs
61121.8.0 / 2011-08-04
6115 * fixed; can now use $all with String and Number
6116 * fixed; can query subdoc array with $ne: null
6117 * fixed; instance.subdocs#id now works with custom _ids
6118 * fixed; do not apply setters when doc returned from db (change in bad behavior)
61201.7.4 / 2011-07-25
6123 * fixed; sparse now a valid seperate schema option
6124 * fixed; now catching cast errors in queries
6125 * fixed; calling new Schema with object created in vm.runInNewContext now works (#384) [Sija]
6126 * fixed; String enum was disallowing null
6127 * fixed; Find by nested document _id now works (#389)
61291.7.3 / 2011-07-16
6132 * fixed; MongooseArray#indexOf now works with ObjectIds
6133 * fixed; validation scope now set properly (#418)
6134 * fixed; added missing colors dependency (#398)
61361.7.2 / 2011-07-13
6139 * changed; node-mongodb-native driver to v0.9.6.7
61411.7.1 / 2011-07-12
6144 * changed; roll back node-mongodb-native driver to v0.9.6.4
61461.7.0 / 2011-07-12
6149 * fixed; collection name misspelling [mathrawka]
6150 * fixed; 2nd param is required for ReplSetServers [kevinmarvin]
6151 * fixed; MongooseArray behaves properly with Object.keys
6152 * changed; node-mongodb-native driver to v0.9.6.6
6153 * fixed/changed; Mongodb segfault when passed invalid ObjectId (#407)
6154 - This means invalid data passed to the ObjectId constructor will now error
61561.6.0 / 2011-07-07
6159 * changed; .save() errors are now emitted on the instances db instead of the instance 9782463fc
6160 * fixed; errors occurring when creating indexes now properly emit on db
6161 * added; $maxDistance support to MongooseArrays
6162 * fixed; RegExps now work with $all
6163 * changed; node-mongodb-native driver to v0.9.6.4
6164 * fixed; model names are now accessible via .modelName
6165 * added; Query#slaveOk support
61671.5.0 / 2011-06-27
6170 * changed; saving without a callback no longer ignores the error (@bnoguchi)
6171 * changed; hook-js version bump to 0.1.9
6172 * changed; node-mongodb-native version bumped to - When .remove() doesn't
6173 return an error, null is no longer passed.
6174 * fixed; two memory leaks (@justmoon)
6175 * added; sparse index support
6176 * added; more ObjectId conditionals (gt, lt, gte, lte) (@phillyqueso)
6177 * added; options are now passed in model#remote (@JerryLuke)
61791.4.0 / 2011-06-10
6182 * bumped hooks-js dependency (fixes issue passing null as first arg to next())
6183 * fixed; document#inspect now works properly with nested docs
6184 * fixed; 'set' now works as a schema attribute (GH-365)
6185 * fixed; _id is now set properly within pre-init hooks (GH-289)
6186 * added; Query#distinct / Model#distinct support (GH-155)
6187 * fixed; embedded docs now can use instance methods (GH-249)
6188 * fixed; can now overwrite strings conflicting with schema type
61901.3.7 / 2011-06-03
6193 * added MongooseArray#splice support
6194 * fixed; 'path' is now a valid Schema pathname
6195 * improved hooks (utilizing https://github.com/bnoguchi/hooks-js)
6196 * fixed; MongooseArray#$shift now works (never did)
6197 * fixed; Document.modified no longer throws
6198 * fixed; modifying subdoc property sets modified paths for subdoc and parent doc
6199 * fixed; marking subdoc path as modified properly persists the value to the db
6200 * fixed; RexExps can again be saved ( #357 )
62021.3.6 / 2011-05-18
6205 * fixed; corrected casting for queries against array types
6206 * added; Document#set now accepts Document instances
62081.3.5 / 2011-05-17
6211 * fixed; $ne queries work properly with single vals
6212 * added; #inspect() methods to improve console.log output
62141.3.4 / 2011-05-17
6217 * fixed; find by Date works as expected (#336)
6218 * added; geospatial 2d index support
6219 * added; support for $near (#309)
6220 * updated; node-mongodb-native driver
6221 * fixed; updating numbers work (#342)
6222 * added; better error msg when try to remove an embedded doc without an _id (#307)
6223 * added; support for 'on-the-fly' schemas (#227)
6224 * changed; virtual id getters can now be skipped
6225 * fixed; .index() called on subdoc schema now works as expected
6226 * fixed; db.setProfile() now buffers until the db is open (#340)
62281.3.3 / 2011-04-27
6231 * fixed; corrected query casting on nested mixed types
62331.3.2 / 2011-04-27
6236 * fixed; query hints now retain key order
62381.3.1 / 2011-04-27
6241 * fixed; setting a property on an embedded array no longer overwrites entire array (GH-310)
6242 * fixed; setting nested properties works when sibling prop is named "type"
6243 * fixed; isModified is now much finer grained when .set() is used (GH-323)
6244 * fixed; mongoose.model() and connection.model() now return the Model (GH-308, GH-305)
6245 * fixed; can now use $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte with String schema types (GH-317)
6246 * fixed; .lowercase() -> .toLowerCase() in pluralize()
6247 * fixed; updating an embedded document by index works (GH-334)
6248 * changed; .save() now passes the instance to the callback (GH-294, GH-264)
6249 * added; can now query system.profile and system.indexes collections
6250 * added; db.model('system.profile') is now included as a default Schema
6251 * added; db.setProfiling(level, ms, callback)
6252 * added; Query#hint() support
6253 * added; more tests
6254 * updated node-mongodb-native to 0.9.3
62561.3.0 / 2011-04-19
6259 * changed; save() callbacks now fire only once on failed validation
6260 * changed; Errors returned from save() callbacks now instances of ValidationError
6261 * fixed; MongooseArray#indexOf now works properly
62631.2.0 / 2011-04-11
6266 * changed; MongooseNumber now casts empty string to null
62681.1.25 / 2011-04-08
6271 * fixed; post init now fires at proper time
62731.1.24 / 2011-04-03
6276 * fixed; pushing an array onto an Array works on existing docs
62781.1.23 / 2011-04-01
6281 * Added Model#model
62831.1.22 / 2011-03-31
6286 * Fixed; $in queries on mixed types now work
62881.1.21 / 2011-03-31
6291 * Fixed; setting object root to null/undefined works
62931.1.20 / 2011-03-31
6296 * Fixed; setting multiple props on null field works
62981.1.19 / 2011-03-31
6301 * Fixed; no longer using $set on paths to an unexisting fields
63031.1.18 / 2011-03-30
6306 * Fixed; non-mixed type object setters work after initd from null
63081.1.17 / 2011-03-30
6311 * Fixed; nested object property access works when root initd with null value
63131.1.16 / 2011-03-28
6316 * Fixed; empty arrays are now saved
63181.1.15 / 2011-03-28
6321 * Fixed; `null` and `undefined` are set atomically.
63231.1.14 / 2011-03-28
6326 * Changed; more forgiving date casting, accepting '' as null.
63281.1.13 / 2011-03-26
6331 * Fixed setting values as `undefined`.
63331.1.12 / 2011-03-26
6336 * Fixed; nested objects now convert to JSON properly
6337 * Fixed; setting nested objects directly now works
6338 * Update node-mongodb-native
63401.1.11 / 2011-03-25
6343 * Fixed for use of `type` as a key.
63451.1.10 / 2011-03-23
6348 * Changed; Make sure to only ensure indexes while connected
63501.1.9 / 2011-03-2
6353 * Fixed; Mixed can now default to empty arrays
6354 * Fixed; keys by the name 'type' are now valid
6355 * Fixed; null values retrieved from the database are hydrated as null values.
6356 * Fixed repeated atomic operations when saving a same document twice.
63581.1.8 / 2011-03-23
6361 * Fixed 'id' overriding. [bnoguchi]
63631.1.7 / 2011-03-22
6366 * Fixed RegExp query casting when querying against an Array of Strings [bnoguchi]
6367 * Fixed getters/setters for nested virtualsl. [bnoguchi]
63691.1.6 / 2011-03-22
6372 * Only doValidate when path exists in Schema [aheckmann]
6373 * Allow function defaults for Array types [aheckmann]
6374 * Fix validation hang [aheckmann]
6375 * Fix setting of isRequired of SchemaType [aheckmann]
6376 * Fix SchemaType#required(false) filter [aheckmann]
6377 * More backwards compatibility [aheckmann]
6378 * More tests [aheckmann]
63801.1.5 / 2011-03-14
6383 * Added support for `uri, db, fn` and `uri, fn` signatures for replica sets.
6384 * Improved/extended replica set tests.
63861.1.4 / 2011-03-09
6389 * Fixed; running an empty Query doesn't throw. [aheckmann]
6390 * Changed; Promise#addBack returns promise. [aheckmann]
6391 * Added streaming cursor support. [aheckmann]
6392 * Changed; Query#update defaults to use$SetOnSave now. [brian]
6393 * Added more docs.
63951.1.3 / 2011-03-04
6398 * Added Promise#resolve [aheckmann]
6399 * Fixed backward compatibility with nulls [aheckmann]
6400 * Changed; Query#{run,exec} return promises [aheckmann]
64021.1.2 / 2011-03-03
6405 * Restored Query#exec and added notion of default operation [brian]
6406 * Fixed ValidatorError messages [brian]
64081.1.1 / 2011-03-01
6411 * Added SchemaType String `lowercase`, `uppercase`, `trim`.
6412 * Public exports (`Model`, `Document`) and tests.
6413 * Added ObjectId casting support for `Document`s.
64151.1.0 / 2011-02-25
6418 * Added support for replica sets.
64201.0.16 / 2011-02-18
6423 * Added $nin as another whitelisted $conditional for SchemaArray [brian]
6424 * Changed #with to #where [brian]
6425 * Added ability to use $in conditional with Array types [brian]
64271.0.15 / 2011-02-18
6430 * Added `id` virtual getter for documents to easily access the hexString of
6431 the `_id`.
64331.0.14 / 2011-02-17
6436 * Fix for arrays within subdocuments [brian]
64381.0.13 / 2011-02-16
6441 * Fixed embedded documents saving.
64431.0.12 / 2011-02-14
6446 * Minor refactorings [brian]
64481.0.11 / 2011-02-14
6451 * Query refactor and $ne, $slice, $or, $size, $elemMatch, $nin, $exists support [brian]
6452 * Named scopes sugar [brian]
64541.0.10 / 2011-02-11
6457 * Updated node-mongodb-native driver [thanks John Allen]
64591.0.9 / 2011-02-09
6462 * Fixed single member arrays as defaults [brian]
64641.0.8 / 2011-02-09
6467 * Fixed for collection-level buffering of commands [gitfy]
6468 * Fixed `Document#toJSON` [dalejefferson]
6469 * Fixed `Connection` authentication [robrighter]
6470 * Fixed clash of accessors in getters/setters [eirikurn]
6471 * Improved `Model#save` promise handling
64731.0.7 / 2011-02-05
6476 * Fixed memory leak warnings for test suite on 0.3
6477 * Fixed querying documents that have an array that contain at least one
6478 specified member. [brian]
6479 * Fixed default value for Array types (fixes GH-210). [brian]
6480 * Fixed example code.
64821.0.6 / 2011-02-03
6485 * Fixed `post` middleware
6486 * Fixed; it's now possible to instantiate a model even when one of the paths maps
6487 to an undefined value [brian]
64891.0.5 / 2011-02-02
6492 * Fixed; combo $push and $pushAll auto-converts into a $pushAll [brian]
6493 * Fixed; combo $pull and $pullAll auto-converts to a single $pullAll [brian]
6494 * Fixed; $pullAll now removes said members from array before save (so it acts just
6495 like pushAll) [brian]
6496 * Fixed; multiple $pulls and $pushes become a single $pullAll and $pushAll.
6497 Moreover, $pull now modifies the array before save to reflect the immediate
6498 change [brian]
6499 * Added tests for nested shortcut getters [brian]
6500 * Added tests that show that Schemas with nested Arrays don't apply defaults
6501 [brian]
65031.0.4 / 2011-02-02
6506 * Added MongooseNumber#toString
6507 * Added MongooseNumber unit tests
65091.0.3 / 2011-02-02
6512 * Make sure safe mode works with Model#save
6513 * Changed Schema options: safe mode is now the default
6514 * Updated node-mongodb-native to HEAD
65161.0.2 / 2011-02-02
6519 * Added a Model.create shortcut for creating documents. [brian]
6520 * Fixed; we can now instantiate models with hashes that map to at least one
6521 null value. [brian]
6522 * Fixed Schema with more than 2 nested levels. [brian]
65241.0.1 / 2011-02-02
6527 * Improved `MongooseNumber`, works almost like the native except for `typeof`
6528 not being `'number'`.