1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | > **Tags:**
4 | >
5 | > - [New Feature]
6 | > - [Bug Fix]
7 | > - [Breaking Change]
8 | > - [Documentation]
9 | > - [Internal]
10 | > - [Polish]
11 | > - [Experimental]
12 |
13 | **Note**: Gaps between patch versions are faulty/broken releases. **Note**: A feature tagged as Experimental is in a
14 | high state of flux, you're at risk of it changing without notice.
15 |
16 | # 2.3.13
17 |
18 | - **Polish**
19 | - improve `modify` / `modifyOption` behaviour when using `pipe`, #181 (@thewilkybarkid)
20 |
21 | # 2.3.12
22 |
23 | - **Polish**
24 | - Add missing pure annotations, #175 (@OliverJAsh)
25 |
26 | # 2.3.11
27 |
28 | - **Bug Fix**
29 | - OptionalFromPath: Type Issue fix for 5 arguments, #167 (@Barackos)
30 |
31 | # 2.3.10
32 |
33 | - **Internal**
34 | - optimize `fromTraversable`, closes #119 (@gcanti)
35 |
36 | # 2.3.9
37 |
38 | Experimental modules require `fp-ts@^2.5.0`.
39 |
40 | - **Experimental**
41 | - `At`
42 | - add `at` constructor (@gcanti)
43 | - `Iso`
44 | - add `iso` constructor (@gcanti)
45 | - add `composeLens` (@gcanti)
46 | - add `composePrism` (@gcanti)
47 | - add `composeOptional` (@gcanti)
48 | - add `composeTraversal` (@gcanti)
49 | - add `fromNullable` (@gcanti)
50 | - add `filter` (@gcanti)
51 | - add `fromNullable` (@gcanti)
52 | - add `prop` (@gcanti)
53 | - add `props` (@gcanti)
54 | - add `component` (@gcanti)
55 | - add `index` (@gcanti)
56 | - add `indexNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
57 | - add `key` (@gcanti)
58 | - add `atKey` (@gcanti)
59 | - add `some` (@gcanti)
60 | - add `right` (@gcanti)
61 | - add `left` (@gcanti)
62 | - add `traverse` (@gcanti)
63 | - add `findFirst` (@gcanti)
64 | - add `findFirstNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
65 | - add `composeIso` (@gcanti)
66 | - add `Semigroupoid` (@gcanti)
67 | - (\*) rename `invariantIso` to `Invariant` (@gcanti)
68 | - (\*) rename `categoryIso` to `Category` (@gcanti)
69 | - `Ix`
70 | - add `index` constructor (@gcanti)
71 | - add `indexReadonlyNonEmptyArray` (@gcanti)
72 | - `Lens`
73 | - add `lens` constructor (@gcanti)
74 | - add `composeIso` (@gcanti)
75 | - add `composeTraversal` (@gcanti)
76 | - add `indexNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
77 | - add `findFirstNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
78 | - add `composeLens` (@gcanti)
79 | - add `Semigroupoid` (@gcanti)
80 | - (\*) rename `invariantIso` to `Invariant` (@gcanti)
81 | - (\*) rename `categoryIso` to `Category` (@gcanti)
82 | - `Prism`
83 | - add `prism` constructor (@gcanti)
84 | - add `composeIso` (@gcanti)
85 | - add `composeTraversal` (@gcanti)
86 | - add `indexNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
87 | - add `findFirstNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
88 | - add `composePrism` (@gcanti)
89 | - add `Semigroupoid` (@gcanti)
90 | - (\*) rename `invariantIso` to `Invariant` (@gcanti)
91 | - (\*) rename `categoryIso` to `Category` (@gcanti)
92 | - `Optional`
93 | - add `optional` constructor (@gcanti)
94 | - add `composeIso` (@gcanti)
95 | - add `composeTraversal` (@gcanti)
96 | - add `indexNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
97 | - add `findFirstNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
98 | - add `composeOptional` (@gcanti)
99 | - add `Semigroupoid` (@gcanti)
100 | - (\*) rename `invariantIso` to `Invariant` (@gcanti)
101 | - (\*) rename `categoryIso` to `Category` (@gcanti)
102 | - `Traversal`
103 | - add `traversal` constructor (@gcanti)
104 | - add `composeIso` (@gcanti)
105 | - add `composeLens` (@gcanti)
106 | - add `composePrism` (@gcanti)
107 | - add `composeOptional` (@gcanti)
108 | - add `findFirst` (@gcanti)
109 | - add `findFirstNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
110 | - add `fromNullable` (@gcanti)
111 | - add `indexNonEmpty` (@gcanti)
112 | - add `composeTraversal` (@gcanti)
113 | - add `Semigroupoid` (@gcanti)
114 | - (\*) rename `categoryIso` to `Category` (@gcanti)
115 |
116 | (\*) breaking change
117 |
118 | # 2.3.7
119 |
120 | - **Experimental**
121 | - `At`
122 | - add `atReadonlyRecord` (@gcanti)
123 | - add `atReadonlyMap` (@gcanti)
124 | - add `atReadonlySet` (@gcanti)
125 | - deprecate `atRecord` (@gcanti)
126 | - `Ix`
127 | - add `indexReadonlyRecord` (@gcanti)
128 | - add `indexReadonlyArray` (@gcanti)
129 | - add `indexReadonlyMap` (@gcanti)
130 | - deprecate `indexRecord` (@gcanti)
131 | - deprecate `indexArray` (@gcanti)
132 | - `Optional`
133 | - add `composeLens` (@gcanti)
134 | - add `composePrism` (@gcanti)
135 | - add `setOption` (@gcanti)
136 |
137 | # 2.3.6
138 |
139 | - **Polish**
140 | - import without `/lib` or `/es6` paths, closes #147 (@gcanti)
141 |
142 | # 2.3.5
143 |
144 | - **Experimental**
145 | - add `modifyF`, closes #149 (@gcanti)
146 | - `Iso`
147 | - `Lens`
148 | - `Prism`
149 | - `Optional`
150 |
151 | # 2.3.4
152 |
153 | - **Experimental**
154 | - `Lens`, `Prism`, `Optional`: add `Refinement` overload to `findFirst`, #148 (@wmaurer)
155 |
156 | # 2.3.3
157 |
158 | - **Experimental**
159 | - `Prism`
160 | - (\*) remove `fromSome` constructor (@gcanti)
161 | - (\*) change `fromNullable` signature (@gcanti)
162 | - `Optional`
163 | - add missing `fromNullable` combinator, closes #133 (@gcanti)
164 |
165 | (\*) breaking change
166 |
167 | # 2.3.2
168 |
169 | - **Experimental**
170 | - `At`
171 | - add `atRecord` (@gcanti)
172 | - `Ix`
173 | - add `indexArray` (@gcanti)
174 | - add `indexRecord` (@gcanti)
175 | - `Lens`
176 | - add `findFirst` combinator, closes #131 (@gcanti)
177 | - `Prism`
178 | - add `findFirst` combinator (@gcanti)
179 | - add `traverse` combinator (@gcanti)
180 | - `Optional`
181 | - add `findFirst` combinator (@gcanti)
182 | - add `traverse` combinator (@gcanti)
183 |
184 | # 2.3.1
185 |
186 | - **Experimental**
187 | - add `Iso` module (@gcanti)
188 | - add `Lens` module (@gcanti)
189 | - add `Prism` module (@gcanti)
190 | - add `Optional` module (@gcanti)
191 | - add `Traversal` module (@gcanti)
192 | - add `At` module (@gcanti)
193 | - add `Ix` module (@gcanti)
194 | - **Internal**
195 | - implement old APIs through new APIs (@gcanti)
196 |
197 | # 2.2.0
198 |
199 | - **New Feature**
200 | - `At`
201 | - add `ReadonlyRecord` module (@gcanti)
202 | - add `ReadonlySet` module (@gcanti)
203 | - `Index`
204 | - add `ReadonlyArray` module (@gcanti)
205 | - add `ReadonlyNonEmptyArray` module (@gcanti)
206 | - add `ReadonlyRecord` module (@gcanti)
207 |
208 | # 2.1.1
209 |
210 | - **Bug Fix**
211 | - fix `Optional.fromPath`, #122 (@mikearnaldi)
212 |
213 | # 2.1.0
214 |
215 | - **New Feature**
216 | - Add support for `Optional.fromPath`, #105 (@cybermaak)
217 | - **Bug Fix**
218 | - handle nullable values in `fromNullableProp`, fix #106 (@gcanti)
219 |
220 | # 2.0.1
221 |
222 | - **Bug Fix**
223 | - rewrite es6 imports (@gcanti)
224 |
225 | # 2.0.0
226 |
227 | - **Breaking Change**
228 | - upgrade to `fp-ts@2.x` (@gcanti)
229 | - remove deprecated APIs (@gcanti)
230 | - uncurried `Lens.fromProp`
231 | - uncurried `Lens.fromProps`
232 | - uncurried `Lens.fromNullableProp`
233 | - uncurried `Optional.fromNullableProp`
234 | - uncurried `Optional.fromOptionProp`
235 | - remove `At/StrMap` (@gcanti)
236 | - remove `Index/StrMap` (@gcanti)
237 |
238 | # 1.7.2
239 |
240 | output ES modules to better support tree-shaking (@gcanti)
241 |
242 | # 1.7.1
243 |
244 | - **Polish**
245 | - move `fp-ts` to peerDependencies (@gcanti)
246 |
247 | # 1.7.0
248 |
249 | - **New Feature**
250 | - add `At/Record` (@mlegenhausen)
251 | - add `Index/Record` (@mlegenhausen)
252 |
253 | # 1.6.1
254 |
255 | - **Polish**
256 | - Providing a `Refinement` to the `find` method of `Fold` will return the narrowed type (@Stouffi)
257 |
258 | # 1.6.0
259 |
260 | - **New Feature**
261 | - add `Traversal.prototype.filter` (@gcanti)
262 | - add `Either` prisms (@gcanti)
263 | - **Polish**
264 | - many optimizitions (@sledorze)
265 | - **Deprecation**
266 | - deprecate `Prism.fromRefinement` in favour of `Prism.fromPredicate` (@gcanti)
267 |
268 | # 1.5.3
269 |
270 | - **Bug Fix**
271 | - revert 27b587b, closes #75 (@gcanti)
272 |
273 | # 1.5.2
274 |
275 | - **Polish**
276 | - disallow improper use of `from`\* APIs, closes #73 (@gcanti)
277 |
278 | # 1.5.1
279 |
280 | - **Polish**
281 | - add aliases for `compose` methods, closes #51 (@gcanti)
282 |
283 | # 1.5.0
284 |
285 | - **New Feature**
286 | - add `indexNonEmptyArray` (@sledorze)
287 | - **Internal**
288 | - upgrade to `fp-ts@1.11.0` (@sledorze)
289 |
290 | **Note**. If you are running `< typescript@3.0.1` you have to polyfill `unknown`.
291 |
292 | You can use [unknown-ts](https://github.com/gcanti/unknown-ts) as a polyfill.
293 |
294 | # 1.4.1
295 |
296 | - **New Feature**
297 | - add `Prism.fromRefinement` (@bepremeg)
298 | - add `Optional.fromOptionProp` (@bepremeg)
299 |
300 | # 1.3.0
301 |
302 | - **New Feature**
303 | - add `Lens.{fromProp, fromPath, fromNullableProp}` and `Optional.fromNullableProp` curried overloadings (@gcanti)
304 |
305 | # 1.2.0
306 |
307 | - **New Feature**
308 | - add `At` (@leighman)
309 | - add `Set` instance
310 | - add `StrMap` instance
311 | - add `Index` (@leighman)
312 | - add `Array` instance
313 | - add `StrMap` instance
314 |
315 | # 1.1.0
316 |
317 | - **New Feature**
318 | - add `Lens.fromProps` (@gcanti)
319 |
320 | # 1.0.0
321 |
322 | - **Breaking Change**
323 | - upgrade to `fp-ts@1.0.0` (@gcanti)
324 |
325 | # 0.5.2
326 |
327 | - **New Feature**
328 | - add `Iso.reverse`, closes #36 (@gcanti)
329 |
330 | # 0.5.1
331 |
332 | - **Experimental**
333 | - add Flowtype support (@gcanti)
334 |
335 | # 0.5.0
336 |
337 | - **Breaking Change**
338 | - upgrade to fp-ts 0.6 (@gcanti)
339 |
340 | # 0.4.4
341 |
342 | - **New Feature**
343 | - add `Lens.fromNullableProp` (@gcanti)
344 |
345 | # 0.4.3
346 |
347 | - **New Feature**
348 | - `Prism`: add `set` method (@gcanti)
349 | - `Optional`: add `fromNullableProps` static function (@gcanti)
350 | - **Bug fix**
351 | - `Prism`: change `asOptional`, `asTraversal` implementations, fix #29 (@gcanti)
352 |
353 | # 0.4.2
354 |
355 | - **Polish**
356 | - fix Optional laws (@gcanti)
357 | - remove `Endomorphism` type alias (@gcanti)
358 |
359 | # 0.4.1
360 |
361 | - **New Feature**
362 | - Add aliases to ISO, closes #24 (@gcanti)
363 |
364 | # 0.4.0
365 |
366 | - **Breaking Change**
367 | - upgrade to fp-ts 0.5 (@gcanti)
368 | - currying of all APIs (@gcanti)
369 |
370 | # 0.3.2
371 |
372 | - **Polish**
373 | - upgrade to latest fp-ts (0.4.3) (@gcanti)
374 |
375 | # 0.3.1
376 |
377 | - **New Feature**
378 | - Added Setter (@LiamGoodacre)
379 | - Added Getter (@LiamGoodacre)
380 | - Added all possible conversions (e.g asGetter, asFold, etc) (@LiamGoodacre)
381 | - Added all possible compositions (@LiamGoodacre)
382 | - add \_tag fields (allows for tagged unions) (@gcanti)
383 | - **Polish**
384 | - Fixed some typos (Options/Option -> Optional) (@LiamGoodacre)
385 | - Minor rearrangement so conversions and compositions are grouped (@LiamGoodacre)
386 |
387 | # 0.3.0
388 |
389 | - **Breaking Change**
390 | - upgrade to latest fp-ts (@gcanti)
391 |
392 | # 0.2.0
393 |
394 | - **New Feature**
395 | - add `Prism.some`, closes #10 (@gcanti)
396 | - add `composeX`, closes #11 (@gcanti)
397 | - **Breaking Change**
398 | - upgrade to latest `fp-ts` (`monocle-ts` APIs are not changed though) (@gcanti)
399 | - drop `lib-jsnext` folder
400 | - remove `Optional.fromProp`, closes #9 (@gcanti)
401 |
402 | # 0.1.1
403 |
404 | - **New Feature**
405 | - add `Prism.fromPredicate`
406 | - fix `Optional.fromProp`
407 |
408 | # 0.1.0
409 |
410 | Initial release