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4 |
5 | # Motivation
6 |
7 | (Adapted from [monocle site](https://www.optics.dev/Monocle/))
8 |
9 | Modifying immutable nested object in JavaScript is verbose which makes code difficult to understand and reason about.
10 |
11 | Let's have a look at some examples:
12 |
13 | ```ts
14 | interface Street {
15 | num: number
16 | name: string
17 | }
18 | interface Address {
19 | city: string
20 | street: Street
21 | }
22 | interface Company {
23 | name: string
24 | address: Address
25 | }
26 | interface Employee {
27 | name: string
28 | company: Company
29 | }
30 | ```
31 |
32 | Let’s say we have an employee and we need to upper case the first character of his company street name. Here is how we
33 | could write it in vanilla JavaScript
34 |
35 | ```ts
36 | const employee: Employee = {
37 | name: 'john',
38 | company: {
39 | name: 'awesome inc',
40 | address: {
41 | city: 'london',
42 | street: {
43 | num: 23,
44 | name: 'high street'
45 | }
46 | }
47 | }
48 | }
49 |
50 | const capitalize = (s: string): string => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)
51 |
52 | const employeeCapitalized = {
53 | ...employee,
54 | company: {
55 | ...employee.company,
56 | address: {
57 | ...employee.company.address,
58 | street: {
59 | ...employee.company.address.street,
60 | name: capitalize(employee.company.address.street.name)
61 | }
62 | }
63 | }
64 | }
65 | ```
66 |
67 | As we can see copy is not convenient to update nested objects because we need to repeat ourselves. Let's see what could
68 | we do with `monocle-ts`
69 |
70 | ```ts
71 | import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts'
72 |
73 | const company = Lens.fromProp<Employee>()('company')
74 | const address = Lens.fromProp<Company>()('address')
75 | const street = Lens.fromProp<Address>()('street')
76 | const name = Lens.fromProp<Street>()('name')
77 | ```
78 |
79 | `compose` takes two `Lenses`, one from `A` to `B` and another one from `B` to `C` and creates a third `Lens` from `A` to
80 | `C`. Therefore, after composing `company`, `address`, `street` and `name`, we obtain a `Lens` from `Employee` to
81 | `string` (the street name). Now we can use this `Lens` issued from the composition to modify the street name using the
82 | function `capitalize`
83 |
84 | ```ts
85 | const capitalizeName = company.compose(address).compose(street).compose(name).modify(capitalize)
86 |
87 | assert.deepStrictEqual(capitalizeName(employee), employeeCapitalized)
88 | ```
89 |
90 | You can use the `fromPath` API to avoid some boilerplate
91 |
92 | ```ts
93 | import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts'
94 |
95 | const name = Lens.fromPath<Employee>()(['company', 'address', 'street', 'name'])
96 |
97 | const capitalizeName = name.modify(capitalize)
98 |
99 | assert.deepStrictEqual(capitalizeName(employee), employeeCapitalized) // true
100 | ```
101 |
102 | Here `modify` lift a function `string => string` to a function `Employee => Employee`. It works but it would be clearer
103 | if we could zoom into the first character of a `string` with a `Lens`. However, we cannot write such a `Lens` because
104 | `Lenses` require the field they are directed at to be _mandatory_. In our case the first character of a `string` is
105 | optional as a `string` can be empty. So we need another abstraction that would be a sort of partial Lens, in
106 | `monocle-ts` it is called an `Optional`.
107 |
108 | ```ts
109 | import { Optional } from 'monocle-ts'
110 | import { some, none } from 'fp-ts/Option'
111 |
112 | const firstLetterOptional = new Optional<string, string>(
113 | (s) => (s.length > 0 ? some(s[0]) : none),
114 | (a) => (s) => (s.length > 0 ? a + s.substring(1) : s)
115 | )
116 |
117 | const firstLetter = company.compose(address).compose(street).compose(name).asOptional().compose(firstLetterOptional)
118 |
119 | assert.deepStrictEqual(firstLetter.modify((s) => s.toUpperCase())(employee), employeeCapitalized)
120 | ```
121 |
122 | Similarly to `compose` for lenses, `compose` for optionals takes two `Optionals`, one from `A` to `B` and another from
123 | `B` to `C` and creates a third `Optional` from `A` to `C`. All `Lenses` can be seen as `Optionals` where the optional
124 | element to zoom into is always present, hence composing an `Optional` and a `Lens` always produces an `Optional`.
125 |
126 | # TypeScript compatibility
127 |
128 | The stable version is tested against TypeScript 3.5.2, but should run with TypeScript 2.8.0+ too
129 |
130 | | `monocle-ts` version | required `typescript` version |
131 | | -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
132 | | 2.0.x+ | 3.5+ |
133 | | 1.x+ | 2.8.0+ |
134 |
135 | **Note**. If you are running `< typescript@3.0.1` you have to polyfill `unknown`.
136 |
137 | You can use [unknown-ts](https://github.com/gcanti/unknown-ts) as a polyfill.
138 |
139 | # Documentation
140 |
141 | - [API Reference](https://gcanti.github.io/monocle-ts/)
142 |
143 | ## Experimental modules (version `2.3+`)
144 |
145 | Experimental modules (\*) are published in order to get early feedback from the community.
146 |
147 | The experimental modules are **independent and backward-incompatible** with stable ones.
148 |
149 | (\*) A feature tagged as _Experimental_ is in a high state of flux, you're at risk of it changing without notice.
150 |
151 | From `monocle@2.3+` you can use the following experimental modules:
152 |
153 | - `Iso`
154 | - `Lens`
155 | - `Prism`
156 | - `Optional`
157 | - `Traversal`
158 | - `At`
159 | - `Ix`
160 |
161 | which implement the same features contained in `index.ts` but are `pipe`-based instead of `class`-based.
162 |
163 | Here's the same examples with the new API
164 |
165 | ```ts
166 | interface Street {
167 | num: number
168 | name: string
169 | }
170 | interface Address {
171 | city: string
172 | street: Street
173 | }
174 | interface Company {
175 | name: string
176 | address: Address
177 | }
178 | interface Employee {
179 | name: string
180 | company: Company
181 | }
182 |
183 | const employee: Employee = {
184 | name: 'john',
185 | company: {
186 | name: 'awesome inc',
187 | address: {
188 | city: 'london',
189 | street: {
190 | num: 23,
191 | name: 'high street'
192 | }
193 | }
194 | }
195 | }
196 |
197 | const capitalize = (s: string): string => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)
198 |
199 | const employeeCapitalized = {
200 | ...employee,
201 | company: {
202 | ...employee.company,
203 | address: {
204 | ...employee.company.address,
205 | street: {
206 | ...employee.company.address.street,
207 | name: capitalize(employee.company.address.street.name)
208 | }
209 | }
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | import * as assert from 'assert'
214 | import * as L from 'monocle-ts/Lens'
215 | import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
216 |
217 | const capitalizeName = pipe(
218 | L.id<Employee>(),
219 | L.prop('company'),
220 | L.prop('address'),
221 | L.prop('street'),
222 | L.prop('name'),
223 | L.modify(capitalize)
224 | )
225 |
226 | assert.deepStrictEqual(capitalizeName(employee), employeeCapitalized)
227 |
228 | import * as O from 'monocle-ts/Optional'
229 | import { some, none } from 'fp-ts/Option'
230 |
231 | const firstLetterOptional: O.Optional<string, string> = {
232 | getOption: (s) => (s.length > 0 ? some(s[0]) : none),
233 | set: (a) => (s) => (s.length > 0 ? a + s.substring(1) : s)
234 | }
235 |
236 | const firstLetter = pipe(
237 | L.id<Employee>(),
238 | L.prop('company'),
239 | L.prop('address'),
240 | L.prop('street'),
241 | L.prop('name'),
242 | L.composeOptional(firstLetterOptional)
243 | )
244 |
245 | assert.deepStrictEqual(
246 | pipe(
247 | firstLetter,
248 | O.modify((s) => s.toUpperCase())
249 | )(employee),
250 | employeeCapitalized
251 | )
252 | ```