1 | # morgan
2 |
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7 |
8 | HTTP request logger middleware for node.js
9 |
10 | > Named after [Dexter](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_Morgan), a show you should not watch until completion.
11 |
12 | ## API
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 | ```js
17 | var morgan = require('morgan')
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ### morgan(format, options)
21 |
22 | Create a new morgan logger middleware function using the given `format` and `options`.
23 | The `format` argument may be a string of a predefined name (see below for the names),
24 | a string of a format string, or a function that will produce a log entry.
25 |
26 | The `format` function will be called with three arguments `tokens`, `req`, and `res`,
27 | where `tokens` is an object with all defined tokens, `req` is the HTTP request and `res`
28 | is the HTTP response. The function is expected to return a string that will be the log
29 | line, or `undefined` / `null` to skip logging.
30 |
31 | #### Using a predefined format string
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | morgan('tiny')
37 | ```
38 |
39 | #### Using format string of predefined tokens
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | ```js
44 | morgan(':method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms')
45 | ```
46 |
47 | #### Using a custom format function
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | ``` js
52 | morgan(function (tokens, req, res) {
53 | return [
54 | tokens.method(req, res),
55 | tokens.url(req, res),
56 | tokens.status(req, res),
57 | tokens.res(req, res, 'content-length'), '-',
58 | tokens['response-time'](req, res), 'ms'
59 | ].join(' ')
60 | })
61 | ```
62 |
63 | #### Options
64 |
65 | Morgan accepts these properties in the options object.
66 |
67 | ##### immediate
68 |
69 | Write log line on request instead of response. This means that a requests will
70 | be logged even if the server crashes, _but data from the response (like the
71 | response code, content length, etc.) cannot be logged_.
72 |
73 | ##### skip
74 |
75 | Function to determine if logging is skipped, defaults to `false`. This function
76 | will be called as `skip(req, res)`.
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 | ```js
81 | // EXAMPLE: only log error responses
82 | morgan('combined', {
83 | skip: function (req, res) { return res.statusCode < 400 }
84 | })
85 | ```
86 |
87 | ##### stream
88 |
89 | Output stream for writing log lines, defaults to `process.stdout`.
90 |
91 | #### Predefined Formats
92 |
93 | There are various pre-defined formats provided:
94 |
95 | ##### combined
96 |
97 | Standard Apache combined log output.
98 |
99 | ```
100 | :remote-addr - :remote-user [:date[clf]] ":method :url HTTP/:http-version" :status :res[content-length] ":referrer" ":user-agent"
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ##### common
104 |
105 | Standard Apache common log output.
106 |
107 | ```
108 | :remote-addr - :remote-user [:date[clf]] ":method :url HTTP/:http-version" :status :res[content-length]
109 | ```
110 |
111 | ##### dev
112 |
113 | Concise output colored by response status for development use. The `:status`
114 | token will be colored green for success codes, red for server error codes,
115 | yellow for client error codes, cyan for redirection codes, and uncolored
116 | for information codes.
117 |
118 | ```
119 | :method :url :status :response-time ms - :res[content-length]
120 | ```
121 |
122 | ##### short
123 |
124 | Shorter than default, also including response time.
125 |
126 | ```
127 | :remote-addr :remote-user :method :url HTTP/:http-version :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms
128 | ```
129 |
130 | ##### tiny
131 |
132 | The minimal output.
133 |
134 | ```
135 | :method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms
136 | ```
137 |
138 | #### Tokens
139 |
140 | ##### Creating new tokens
141 |
142 | To define a token, simply invoke `morgan.token()` with the name and a callback function.
143 | This callback function is expected to return a string value. The value returned is then
144 | available as ":type" in this case:
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 | ```js
149 | morgan.token('type', function (req, res) { return req.headers['content-type'] })
150 | ```
151 |
152 | Calling `morgan.token()` using the same name as an existing token will overwrite that
153 | token definition.
154 |
155 | The token function is expected to be called with the arguments `req` and `res`, representing
156 | the HTTP request and HTTP response. Additionally, the token can accept further arguments of
157 | it's choosing to customize behavior.
158 |
159 | ##### :date[format]
160 |
161 | The current date and time in UTC. The available formats are:
162 |
163 | - `clf` for the common log format (`"10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 +0000"`)
164 | - `iso` for the common ISO 8601 date time format (`2000-10-10T13:55:36.000Z`)
165 | - `web` for the common RFC 1123 date time format (`Tue, 10 Oct 2000 13:55:36 GMT`)
166 |
167 | If no format is given, then the default is `web`.
168 |
169 | ##### :http-version
170 |
171 | The HTTP version of the request.
172 |
173 | ##### :method
174 |
175 | The HTTP method of the request.
176 |
177 | ##### :referrer
178 |
179 | The Referrer header of the request. This will use the standard mis-spelled Referer header if exists, otherwise Referrer.
180 |
181 | ##### :remote-addr
182 |
183 | The remote address of the request. This will use `req.ip`, otherwise the standard `req.connection.remoteAddress` value (socket address).
184 |
185 | ##### :remote-user
186 |
187 | The user authenticated as part of Basic auth for the request.
188 |
189 | ##### :req[header]
190 |
191 | The given `header` of the request. If the header is not present, the
192 | value will be displayed as `"-"` in the log.
193 |
194 | ##### :res[header]
195 |
196 | The given `header` of the response. If the header is not present, the
197 | value will be displayed as `"-"` in the log.
198 |
199 | ##### :response-time[digits]
200 |
201 | The time between the request coming into `morgan` and when the response
202 | headers are written, in milliseconds.
203 |
204 | The `digits` argument is a number that specifies the number of digits to
205 | include on the number, defaulting to `3`, which provides microsecond precision.
206 |
207 | ##### :status
208 |
209 | The status code of the response.
210 |
211 | If the request/response cycle completes before a response was sent to the
212 | client (for example, the TCP socket closed prematurely by a client aborting
213 | the request), then the status will be empty (displayed as `"-"` in the log).
214 |
215 | ##### :total-time[digits]
216 |
217 | The time between the request coming into `morgan` and when the response
218 | has finished being written out to the connection, in milliseconds.
219 |
220 | The `digits` argument is a number that specifies the number of digits to
221 | include on the number, defaulting to `3`, which provides microsecond precision.
222 |
223 | ##### :url
224 |
225 | The URL of the request. This will use `req.originalUrl` if exists, otherwise `req.url`.
226 |
227 | ##### :user-agent
228 |
229 | The contents of the User-Agent header of the request.
230 |
231 | ### morgan.compile(format)
232 |
233 | Compile a format string into a `format` function for use by `morgan`. A format string
234 | is a string that represents a single log line and can utilize token syntax.
235 | Tokens are references by `:token-name`. If tokens accept arguments, they can
236 | be passed using `[]`, for example: `:token-name[pretty]` would pass the string
237 | `'pretty'` as an argument to the token `token-name`.
238 |
239 | The function returned from `morgan.compile` takes three arguments `tokens`, `req`, and
240 | `res`, where `tokens` is object with all defined tokens, `req` is the HTTP request and
241 | `res` is the HTTP response. The function will return a string that will be the log line,
242 | or `undefined` / `null` to skip logging.
243 |
244 | Normally formats are defined using `morgan.format(name, format)`, but for certain
245 | advanced uses, this compile function is directly available.
246 |
247 | ## Examples
248 |
249 | ### express/connect
250 |
251 | Simple app that will log all request in the Apache combined format to STDOUT
252 |
253 | ```js
254 | var express = require('express')
255 | var morgan = require('morgan')
256 |
257 | var app = express()
258 |
259 | app.use(morgan('combined'))
260 |
261 | app.get('/', function (req, res) {
262 | res.send('hello, world!')
263 | })
264 | ```
265 |
266 | ### vanilla http server
267 |
268 | Simple app that will log all request in the Apache combined format to STDOUT
269 |
270 | ```js
271 | var finalhandler = require('finalhandler')
272 | var http = require('http')
273 | var morgan = require('morgan')
274 |
275 | // create "middleware"
276 | var logger = morgan('combined')
277 |
278 | http.createServer(function (req, res) {
279 | var done = finalhandler(req, res)
280 | logger(req, res, function (err) {
281 | if (err) return done(err)
282 |
283 | // respond to request
284 | res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
285 | res.end('hello, world!')
286 | })
287 | })
288 | ```
289 |
290 | ### write logs to a file
291 |
292 | #### single file
293 |
294 | Simple app that will log all requests in the Apache combined format to the file
295 | `access.log`.
296 |
297 | ```js
298 | var express = require('express')
299 | var fs = require('fs')
300 | var morgan = require('morgan')
301 | var path = require('path')
302 |
303 | var app = express()
304 |
305 | // create a write stream (in append mode)
306 | var accessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, 'access.log'), { flags: 'a' })
307 |
308 | // setup the logger
309 | app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: accessLogStream }))
310 |
311 | app.get('/', function (req, res) {
312 | res.send('hello, world!')
313 | })
314 | ```
315 |
316 | #### log file rotation
317 |
318 | Simple app that will log all requests in the Apache combined format to one log
319 | file per day in the `log/` directory using the
320 | [rotating-file-stream module](https://www.npmjs.com/package/rotating-file-stream).
321 |
322 | ```js
323 | var express = require('express')
324 | var morgan = require('morgan')
325 | var path = require('path')
326 | var rfs = require('rotating-file-stream') // version 2.x
327 |
328 | var app = express()
329 |
330 | // create a rotating write stream
331 | var accessLogStream = rfs.createStream('access.log', {
332 | interval: '1d', // rotate daily
333 | path: path.join(__dirname, 'log')
334 | })
335 |
336 | // setup the logger
337 | app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: accessLogStream }))
338 |
339 | app.get('/', function (req, res) {
340 | res.send('hello, world!')
341 | })
342 | ```
343 |
344 | ### split / dual logging
345 |
346 | The `morgan` middleware can be used as many times as needed, enabling
347 | combinations like:
348 |
349 | * Log entry on request and one on response
350 | * Log all requests to file, but errors to console
351 | * ... and more!
352 |
353 | Sample app that will log all requests to a file using Apache format, but
354 | error responses are logged to the console:
355 |
356 | ```js
357 | var express = require('express')
358 | var fs = require('fs')
359 | var morgan = require('morgan')
360 | var path = require('path')
361 |
362 | var app = express()
363 |
364 | // log only 4xx and 5xx responses to console
365 | app.use(morgan('dev', {
366 | skip: function (req, res) { return res.statusCode < 400 }
367 | }))
368 |
369 | // log all requests to access.log
370 | app.use(morgan('common', {
371 | stream: fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, 'access.log'), { flags: 'a' })
372 | }))
373 |
374 | app.get('/', function (req, res) {
375 | res.send('hello, world!')
376 | })
377 | ```
378 |
379 | ### use custom token formats
380 |
381 | Sample app that will use custom token formats. This adds an ID to all requests and displays it using the `:id` token.
382 |
383 | ```js
384 | var express = require('express')
385 | var morgan = require('morgan')
386 | var uuid = require('node-uuid')
387 |
388 | morgan.token('id', function getId (req) {
389 | return req.id
390 | })
391 |
392 | var app = express()
393 |
394 | app.use(assignId)
395 | app.use(morgan(':id :method :url :response-time'))
396 |
397 | app.get('/', function (req, res) {
398 | res.send('hello, world!')
399 | })
400 |
401 | function assignId (req, res, next) {
402 | req.id = uuid.v4()
403 | next()
404 | }
405 | ```
406 |
407 | ## License
408 |
409 | [MIT](LICENSE)
410 |
411 | [coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/expressjs/morgan/master
412 | [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/expressjs/morgan?branch=master
413 | [npm-downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/morgan
414 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/morgan
415 | [npm-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/morgan
416 | [travis-image]: https://badgen.net/travis/expressjs/morgan/master
417 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/expressjs/morgan