36.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
4 (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.Motion = {}));
5}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
7 const data = new WeakMap();
8 function getAnimationData(element) {
9 if (!data.has(element)) {
10 data.set(element, {
11 activeTransforms: [],
12 activeAnimations: {},
13 });
14 }
15 return data.get(element);
16 }
18 function addUniqueItem(array, item) {
19 array.indexOf(item) === -1 && array.push(item);
20 }
21 function removeItem(arr, item) {
22 const index = arr.indexOf(item);
23 index > -1 && arr.splice(index, 1);
24 }
26 const noop = () => { };
27 const noopReturn = (v) => v;
29 /**
30 * A list of all transformable axes. We'll use this list to generated a version
31 * of each axes for each transform.
32 */
33 const axes = ["", "X", "Y", "Z"];
34 /**
35 * An ordered array of each transformable value. By default, transform values
36 * will be sorted to this order.
37 */
38 const order = ["translate", "scale", "rotate", "skew"];
39 const transformAlias = {
40 x: "translateX",
41 y: "translateY",
42 z: "translateZ",
43 };
44 const rotation = {
45 syntax: "<angle>",
46 initialValue: "0deg",
47 toDefaultUnit: (v) => v + "deg",
48 };
49 const baseTransformProperties = {
50 translate: {
51 syntax: "<length-percentage>",
52 initialValue: "0px",
53 toDefaultUnit: (v) => v + "px",
54 },
55 rotate: rotation,
56 scale: {
57 syntax: "<number>",
58 initialValue: 1,
59 toDefaultUnit: noopReturn,
60 },
61 skew: rotation,
62 };
63 const transformPropertyDefinitions = new Map();
64 const asTransformCssVar = (name) => `--motion-${name}`;
65 /**
66 * Generate a list of every possible transform key
67 */
68 const transforms = ["x", "y", "z"];
69 order.forEach((name) => {
70 axes.forEach((axis) => {
71 transforms.push(name + axis);
72 transformPropertyDefinitions.set(asTransformCssVar(name + axis), baseTransformProperties[name]);
73 });
74 });
75 /**
76 * A function to use with Array.sort to sort transform keys by their default order.
77 */
78 const compareTransformOrder = (a, b) => transforms.indexOf(a) - transforms.indexOf(b);
79 /**
80 * Provide a quick way to check if a string is the name of a transform
81 */
82 const transformLookup = new Set(transforms);
83 const isTransform = (name) => transformLookup.has(name);
84 const addTransformToElement = (element, name) => {
85 const { activeTransforms } = getAnimationData(element);
86 addUniqueItem(activeTransforms, name);
87 element.style.transform = buildTransformTemplate(activeTransforms);
88 };
89 const buildTransformTemplate = (activeTransforms) => activeTransforms
90 .sort(compareTransformOrder)
91 .reduce(transformListToString, "")
92 .trim();
93 const transformListToString = (template, name) => `${template} ${name}(var(${asTransformCssVar(name)}))`;
95 const isCssVar = (name) => name.startsWith("--");
96 const registeredProperties = new Set();
97 function registerCssVariable(name) {
98 if (registeredProperties.has(name))
99 return;
100 registeredProperties.add(name);
101 try {
102 const { syntax, initialValue } = transformPropertyDefinitions.has(name)
103 ? transformPropertyDefinitions.get(name)
104 : {};
105 CSS.registerProperty({
106 name,
107 inherits: false,
108 syntax,
109 initialValue,
110 });
111 }
112 catch (e) { }
113 }
115 const ms = (seconds) => seconds * 1000;
117 function stopAnimation(animation) {
118 // Suppress error thrown by WAAPI
119 try {
120 animation.commitStyles();
121 animation.cancel();
122 }
123 catch (e) { }
124 }
126 const isCubicBezier = (easing) => Array.isArray(easing) && typeof easing[0] === "number";
127 const isEasingList = (easing) => Array.isArray(easing) && typeof easing[0] !== "number";
128 const convertEasing = (easing) => isCubicBezier(easing) ? cubicBezierAsString(easing) : easing;
129 const cubicBezierAsString = ([a, b, c, d]) => `cubic-bezier(${a}, ${b}, ${c}, ${d})`;
131 const testAnimation = (keyframes) => document.createElement("div").animate(keyframes, { duration: 0.001 });
132 const featureTests = {
133 cssRegisterProperty: () => typeof CSS !== "undefined" &&
134 Object.hasOwnProperty.call(CSS, "registerProperty"),
135 waapi: () => Object.hasOwnProperty.call(Element.prototype, "animate"),
136 partialKeyframes: () => {
137 try {
138 testAnimation({ opacity: [1] });
139 }
140 catch (e) {
141 return false;
142 }
143 return true;
144 },
145 finished: () => Boolean(testAnimation({ opacity: [0, 1] }).finished),
146 };
147 const results = {};
148 const supports = Object.keys(featureTests).reduce((acc, key) => {
149 acc[key] = () => {
150 if (results[key] === undefined)
151 results[key] = featureTests[key]();
152 return results[key];
153 };
154 return acc;
155 }, {});
157 const createCssVariableRenderer = (element, name) => {
158 return (latest) => element.style.setProperty(name, latest);
159 };
160 const createStyleRenderer = (element, name) => {
161 return (latest) => (element.style[name] = latest);
162 };
164 const defaults = {
165 duration: 0.3,
166 delay: 0,
167 endDelay: 0,
168 repeat: 0,
169 easing: "ease",
170 };
172 /*
173 Bezier function generator
175 This has been modified from Gaëtan Renaudeau's BezierEasing
176 https://github.com/gre/bezier-easing/blob/master/src/index.js
177 https://github.com/gre/bezier-easing/blob/master/LICENSE
179 I've removed the newtonRaphsonIterate algo because in benchmarking it
180 wasn't noticiably faster than binarySubdivision, indeed removing it
181 usually improved times, depending on the curve.
183 I also removed the lookup table, as for the added bundle size and loop we're
184 only cutting ~4 or so subdivision iterations. I bumped the max iterations up
185 to 12 to compensate and this still tended to be faster for no perceivable
186 loss in accuracy.
188 Usage
189 const easeOut = cubicBezier(.17,.67,.83,.67);
190 const x = easeOut(0.5); // returns 0.627...
191 */
192 // Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2.
193 const calcBezier = (t, a1, a2) => (((1.0 - 3.0 * a2 + 3.0 * a1) * t + (3.0 * a2 - 6.0 * a1)) * t + 3.0 * a1) * t;
194 const subdivisionPrecision = 0.0000001;
195 const subdivisionMaxIterations = 12;
196 function binarySubdivide(x, lowerBound, upperBound, mX1, mX2) {
197 let currentX;
198 let currentT;
199 let i = 0;
200 do {
201 currentT = lowerBound + (upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0;
202 currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - x;
203 if (currentX > 0.0) {
204 upperBound = currentT;
205 }
206 else {
207 lowerBound = currentT;
208 }
209 } while (Math.abs(currentX) > subdivisionPrecision &&
210 ++i < subdivisionMaxIterations);
211 return currentT;
212 }
213 function cubicBezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
214 // If this is a linear gradient, return linear easing
215 if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2)
216 return noopReturn;
217 const getTForX = (aX) => binarySubdivide(aX, 0, 1, mX1, mX2);
218 // If animation is at start/end, return t without easing
219 return (t) => t === 0 || t === 1 ? t : calcBezier(getTForX(t), mY1, mY2);
220 }
222 /*! *****************************************************************************
223 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
225 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
226 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
235 ***************************************************************************** */
237 function __rest(s, e) {
238 var t = {};
239 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
240 t[p] = s[p];
241 if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
242 for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
243 if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
244 t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
245 }
246 return t;
247 }
249 var clamp = function (min, max, v) {
250 return Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max);
251 };
253 var progress = function (from, to, value) {
254 var toFromDifference = to - from;
255 return toFromDifference === 0 ? 1 : (value - from) / toFromDifference;
256 };
258 var mix = function (from, to, progress) {
259 return -progress * from + progress * to + from;
260 };
262 var wrap = function (min, max, v) {
263 var rangeSize = max - min;
264 return ((((v - min) % rangeSize) + rangeSize) % rangeSize) + min;
265 };
267 var steps = function (steps, direction) {
268 if (direction === void 0) { direction = 'end'; }
269 return function (progress) {
270 progress =
271 direction === 'end' ? Math.min(progress, 0.999) : Math.max(progress, 0.001);
272 var expanded = progress * steps;
273 var rounded = direction === 'end' ? Math.floor(expanded) : Math.ceil(expanded);
274 return clamp(0, 1, rounded / steps);
275 };
276 };
278 const namedEasings = {
279 ease: cubicBezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0),
280 "ease-in": cubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
281 "ease-in-out": cubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 0.58, 1.0),
282 "ease-out": cubicBezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.58, 1.0),
283 };
284 const functionArgsRegex = /\((.*?)\)/;
285 function getEasingFunction(definition) {
286 // If already an easing function, return
287 if (typeof definition === "function")
288 return definition;
289 // If an easing curve definition, return bezier function
290 if (Array.isArray(definition))
291 return cubicBezier(...definition);
292 // If we have a predefined easing function, return
293 if (namedEasings[definition])
294 return namedEasings[definition];
295 // If this is a steps function, attempt to create easing curve
296 if (definition.startsWith("steps")) {
297 const args = functionArgsRegex.exec(definition);
298 if (args) {
299 const argsArray = args[1].split(",");
300 return steps(parseFloat(argsArray[0]), argsArray[1].trim());
301 }
302 }
303 return noopReturn;
304 }
306 function getEasingForSegment(easing, i) {
307 return isEasingList(easing)
308 ? easing[wrap(0, easing.length, i)]
309 : easing;
310 }
312 function fillOffset(offset, remaining) {
313 const min = offset[offset.length - 1];
314 for (let i = 1; i <= remaining; i++) {
315 const offsetProgress = progress(0, remaining, i);
316 offset.push(mix(min, 1, offsetProgress));
317 }
318 }
319 function defaultOffset(length) {
320 const offset = [0];
321 fillOffset(offset, length - 1);
322 return offset;
323 }
325 const clampProgress = (p) => Math.min(1, Math.max(p, 0));
326 function slowInterpolateNumbers(output, input = defaultOffset(output.length), easing = noopReturn) {
327 const length = output.length;
328 /**
329 * If the input length is lower than the output we
330 * fill the input to match. This currently assumes the input
331 * is an animation progress value so is a good candidate for
332 * moving outside the function.
333 */
334 const remainder = length - input.length;
335 remainder > 0 && fillOffset(input, remainder);
336 return (t) => {
337 let i = 0;
338 for (; i < length - 2; i++) {
339 if (t < input[i + 1])
340 break;
341 }
342 let progressInRange = clampProgress(progress(input[i], input[i + 1], t));
343 const segmentEasing = getEasingForSegment(easing, i);
344 progressInRange = segmentEasing(progressInRange);
345 return mix(output[i], output[i + 1], progressInRange);
346 };
347 }
349 class Animation {
350 constructor(output, keyframes,
351 // TODO Merge in defaults
352 { easing = defaults.easing, duration = defaults.duration, delay = defaults.delay, endDelay = defaults.endDelay, offset, repeat = defaults.repeat, direction = "normal", }) {
353 this.startTime = 0;
354 this.rate = 1;
355 this.t = 0;
356 this.cancelT = 0;
357 this.playState = "idle";
358 this.finished = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
359 this.resolve = resolve;
360 this.reject = reject;
361 });
362 const totalDuration = duration * (repeat + 1);
363 const interpolate = slowInterpolateNumbers(keyframes, offset, isEasingList(easing)
364 ? easing.map(getEasingFunction)
365 : getEasingFunction(easing));
366 this.tick = (timestamp) => {
367 if (this.playState === "finished") {
368 const latest = interpolate(1);
369 output(latest);
370 this.resolve(latest);
371 return;
372 }
373 if (this.pauseTime) {
374 timestamp = this.pauseTime;
375 }
376 let t = (timestamp - this.startTime) * this.rate;
377 this.t = t;
378 // Convert to seconds
379 t /= 1000;
380 // Rebase on delay
381 t = Math.max(t - delay, 0);
382 const progress = t / duration;
383 // TODO progress += iterationStart
384 let currentIteration = Math.floor(progress);
385 let iterationProgress = progress % 1.0;
386 if (!iterationProgress && progress >= 1) {
387 iterationProgress = 1;
388 }
389 if (iterationProgress === 1) {
390 currentIteration--;
391 }
392 // Reverse progress
393 const iterationIsOdd = currentIteration % 2;
394 if (direction === "reverse" ||
395 (direction === "alternate" && iterationIsOdd) ||
396 (direction === "alternate-reverse" && !iterationIsOdd)) {
397 iterationProgress = 1 - iterationProgress;
398 }
399 const interpolationIsFinished = t >= totalDuration;
400 const interpolationProgress = interpolationIsFinished
401 ? 1
402 : Math.min(iterationProgress, 1);
403 const latest = interpolate(interpolationProgress);
404 output(latest);
405 const isFinished = t >= totalDuration + endDelay;
406 if (isFinished) {
407 this.playState = "finished";
408 this.resolve(latest);
409 }
410 else if (this.playState !== "idle") {
411 requestAnimationFrame(this.tick);
412 }
413 };
414 this.play();
415 }
416 play() {
417 const now = performance.now();
418 this.playState = "running";
419 if (this.pauseTime) {
420 this.startTime = now - (this.pauseTime - this.startTime);
421 }
422 else if (!this.startTime) {
423 this.startTime = now;
424 }
425 this.pauseTime = undefined;
426 requestAnimationFrame(this.tick);
427 }
428 pause() {
429 this.playState = "paused";
430 this.pauseTime = performance.now();
431 }
432 finish() {
433 this.playState = "finished";
434 this.tick(0);
435 }
436 cancel() {
437 this.playState = "idle";
438 this.tick(this.cancelT);
439 this.reject(false);
440 }
441 reverse() {
442 this.rate *= -1;
443 }
444 commitStyles() {
445 this.cancelT = this.t;
446 }
447 get currentTime() {
448 return this.t;
449 }
450 set currentTime(t) {
451 if (this.pauseTime || this.rate === 0) {
452 this.pauseTime = t;
453 }
454 else {
455 this.startTime = performance.now() - t / this.rate;
456 }
457 }
458 get playbackRate() {
459 return this.rate;
460 }
461 set playbackRate(rate) {
462 this.rate = rate;
463 }
464 }
465 function animateNumber(output, keyframes = [0, 1], options = {}) {
466 return new Animation(output, keyframes, options);
467 }
469 const style = {
470 get: (element, name) => {
471 let value = isCssVar(name)
472 ? element.style.getPropertyValue(name)
473 : getComputedStyle(element)[name];
474 if (!value && value !== 0) {
475 const definition = transformPropertyDefinitions.get(name);
476 if (definition)
477 value = definition.initialValue;
478 }
479 return value;
480 },
481 };
483 function hydrateKeyframes(keyframes, element, name) {
484 for (let i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
485 if (keyframes[i] === null) {
486 keyframes[i] = i ? keyframes[i - 1] : style.get(element, name);
487 }
488 }
489 return keyframes;
490 }
491 const keyframesList = (keyframes) => Array.isArray(keyframes) ? keyframes : [keyframes];
493 function animateStyle(element, name, keyframesDefinition, options = {}) {
494 let { duration = defaults.duration, delay = defaults.delay, endDelay = defaults.endDelay, repeat = defaults.repeat, easing = defaults.easing, direction, offset, allowWebkitAcceleration = false, } = options;
495 const data = getAnimationData(element);
496 let canAnimateNatively = supports.waapi();
497 let render = noop;
498 const valueIsTransform = isTransform(name);
499 /**
500 * If this is an individual transform, we need to map its
501 * key to a CSS variable and update the element's transform style
502 */
503 if (valueIsTransform) {
504 if (transformAlias[name])
505 name = transformAlias[name];
506 addTransformToElement(element, name);
507 name = asTransformCssVar(name);
508 }
509 /**
510 * Get definition of value, this will be used to convert numerical
511 * keyframes into the default value type.
512 */
513 const definition = transformPropertyDefinitions.get(name);
514 /**
515 * Replace null values with the previous keyframe value, or read
516 * it from the DOM if it's the first keyframe.
517 *
518 * TODO: This needs to come after the valueIsTransform
519 * check so it can correctly read the underlying value.
520 * Should make a test for this.
521 */
522 let keyframes = hydrateKeyframes(keyframesList(keyframesDefinition), element, name);
523 stopCurrentAnimation(data, name);
524 /**
525 * If this is a CSS variable we need to register it with the browser
526 * before it can be animated natively. We also set it with setProperty
527 * rather than directly onto the element.style object.
528 */
529 if (isCssVar(name)) {
530 render = createCssVariableRenderer(element, name);
531 if (supports.cssRegisterProperty()) {
532 registerCssVariable(name);
533 }
534 else {
535 canAnimateNatively = false;
536 }
537 }
538 else {
539 render = createStyleRenderer(element, name);
540 }
541 let animation;
542 /**
543 * If we can animate this value with WAAPI, do so. Currently this only
544 * feature detects CSS.registerProperty but could check WAAPI too.
545 */
546 if (canAnimateNatively) {
547 /**
548 * Convert numbers to default value types. Currently this only supports
549 * transforms but it could also support other value types.
550 */
551 if (definition) {
552 keyframes = keyframes.map((value) => typeof value === "number" ? definition.toDefaultUnit(value) : value);
553 }
554 if (!supports.partialKeyframes() && keyframes.length === 1) {
555 keyframes.unshift(style.get(element, name));
556 }
557 const animationOptions = {
558 delay: ms(delay),
559 duration: ms(duration),
560 endDelay: ms(endDelay),
561 easing: !isEasingList(easing) ? convertEasing(easing) : undefined,
562 direction,
563 iterations: repeat + 1,
564 };
565 animation = element.animate({
566 [name]: keyframes,
567 offset,
568 easing: isEasingList(easing) ? easing.map(convertEasing) : undefined,
569 }, animationOptions);
570 /**
571 * Polyfill finished Promise in browsers that don't support it
572 */
573 if (!animation.finished) {
574 animation.finished = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
575 animation.onfinish = resolve;
576 animation.oncancel = reject;
577 });
578 }
579 const target = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1];
580 animation.finished.then(() => render(target)).catch(noop);
581 /**
582 * This forces Webkit to run animations on the main thread by exploiting
583 * this condition:
584 * https://trac.webkit.org/browser/webkit/trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp?rev=281238#L1099
585 *
586 * This fixes Webkit's timing bugs, like accelerated animations falling
587 * out of sync with main thread animations and massive delays in starting
588 * accelerated animations in WKWebView.
589 */
590 if (!allowWebkitAcceleration)
591 animation.playbackRate = 1.000001;
592 }
593 else if (valueIsTransform && keyframes.every(isNumber)) {
594 if (keyframes.length === 1) {
595 keyframes.unshift(style.get(element, name) || (definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.initialValue) || 0);
596 }
597 /**
598 * Transform styles are currently only accepted as numbers of
599 * their default value type, so here we loop through and map
600 * them to numbers.
601 */
602 keyframes = keyframes.map((value) => typeof value === "string" ? parseFloat(value) : value);
603 if (definition) {
604 const applyStyle = render;
605 render = (v) => applyStyle(definition.toDefaultUnit(v));
606 }
607 animation = animateNumber(render, keyframes, options);
608 }
609 else {
610 const target = keyframes[keyframes.length - 1];
611 render(definition && typeof target === "number"
612 ? definition.toDefaultUnit(target)
613 : target);
614 }
615 data.activeAnimations[name] = animation;
616 return animation;
617 }
618 function stopCurrentAnimation(data, name) {
619 if (data.activeAnimations[name]) {
620 stopAnimation(data.activeAnimations[name]);
621 data.activeAnimations[name] = undefined;
622 }
623 }
624 const isNumber = (value) => typeof value === "number";
626 const getOptions = (options, key) => options[key] ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), options[key]) : Object.assign({}, options);
628 function resolveElements(elements, selectorCache) {
629 var _a;
630 if (typeof elements === "string") {
631 if (selectorCache) {
632 (_a = selectorCache[elements]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (selectorCache[elements] = document.querySelectorAll(elements));
633 elements = selectorCache[elements];
634 }
635 else {
636 elements = document.querySelectorAll(elements);
637 }
638 }
639 else if (elements instanceof Element) {
640 elements = [elements];
641 }
642 return Array.from(elements);
643 }
645 function createAnimationControls(animations) {
646 // TODO Duplication with animate
647 const state = {
648 animations,
649 finished: Promise.all(animations.map((animation) => animation.finished)),
650 };
651 return new Proxy(state, controls);
652 }
653 const controls = {
654 get: (target, key) => {
655 var _a, _b;
656 switch (key) {
657 case "finished":
658 return target.finished;
659 case "currentTime":
660 // TODO Find first active animation
661 const duration = ((_a = target.animations[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[key]) || 0;
662 return duration ? duration / 1000 : 0;
663 case "playbackRate":
664 // TODO Find first active animation
665 return (_b = target.animations[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[key];
666 case "stop":
667 return () => target.animations.forEach(stopAnimation);
668 default:
669 return () => target.animations.forEach((animation) => animation[key]());
670 }
671 },
672 set: (target, key, value) => {
673 switch (key) {
674 case "currentTime":
675 value = ms(value);
676 case "currentTime":
677 case "playbackRate":
678 for (let i = 0; i < target.animations.length; i++) {
679 target.animations[i][key] = value;
680 }
681 return true;
682 }
683 return false;
684 },
685 };
687 function stagger(duration = 0.1, { start = 0, from = 0, easing } = {}) {
688 return (i, total) => {
689 const fromIndex = typeof from === "number" ? from : getFromIndex(from, total);
690 const distance = Math.abs(fromIndex - i);
691 let delay = duration * distance;
692 if (easing) {
693 const maxDelay = total * i;
694 const easingFunction = getEasingFunction(easing);
695 delay = easingFunction(delay / maxDelay) * maxDelay;
696 }
697 return start + delay;
698 };
699 }
700 function getFromIndex(from, total) {
701 if (from === "first") {
702 return 0;
703 }
704 else {
705 const lastIndex = total - 1;
706 return from === "last" ? lastIndex : lastIndex / 2;
707 }
708 }
709 function resolveOption(option, i, total) {
710 return typeof option === "function"
711 ? option(i, total)
712 : option;
713 }
715 function animate(elements, keyframes, options = {}) {
716 elements = resolveElements(elements);
717 const animations = [];
718 const numElements = elements.length;
719 for (let i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
720 const element = elements[i];
721 for (const key in keyframes) {
722 const valueOptions = getOptions(options, key);
723 valueOptions.delay = resolveOption(valueOptions.delay, i, numElements);
724 const animation = animateStyle(element, key, keyframes[key], valueOptions);
725 animation && animations.push(animation);
726 }
727 }
728 return createAnimationControls(animations);
729 }
731 function calcNextTime(current, next, prev, labels) {
732 var _a;
733 if (typeof next === "number") {
734 return next;
735 }
736 else if (next.startsWith("-") || next.startsWith("+")) {
737 return Math.max(0, current + parseFloat(next));
738 }
739 else if (next === "<") {
740 return prev;
741 }
742 else {
743 return (_a = labels.get(next)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : current;
744 }
745 }
747 function eraseKeyframes(sequence, startTime, endTime) {
748 for (let i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) {
749 const keyframe = sequence[i];
750 if (keyframe.at > startTime && keyframe.at < endTime) {
751 removeItem(sequence, keyframe);
752 // If we remove this item we have to push the pointer back one
753 i--;
754 }
755 }
756 }
757 function addKeyframes(sequence, keyframes, easing, offset, startTime, endTime) {
758 /**
759 * Erase every existing value between currentTime and targetTime,
760 * this will essentially splice this timeline into any currently
761 * defined ones.
762 */
763 eraseKeyframes(sequence, startTime, endTime);
764 for (let i = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
765 sequence.push({
766 value: keyframes[i],
767 at: mix(startTime, endTime, offset[i]),
768 easing: getEasingForSegment(easing, i),
769 });
770 }
771 }
773 function compareByTime(a, b) {
774 if (a.at === b.at) {
775 return a.value === null ? 1 : -1;
776 }
777 else {
778 return a.at - b.at;
779 }
780 }
782 function timeline(definition, options = {}) {
783 const animations = [];
784 const animationDefinitions = createAnimationsFromTimeline(definition, options);
785 for (let i = 0; i < animationDefinitions.length; i++) {
786 const animation = animateStyle(...animationDefinitions[i]);
787 animation && animations.push(animation);
788 }
789 return createAnimationControls(animations);
790 }
791 function createAnimationsFromTimeline(definition, _a = {}) {
792 var { defaultOptions = {} } = _a, timelineOptions = __rest(_a, ["defaultOptions"]);
793 const animationDefinitions = [];
794 const elementSequences = new Map();
795 const elementCache = {};
796 const timeLabels = new Map();
797 let prevTime = 0;
798 let currentTime = 0;
799 let totalDuration = 0;
800 /**
801 * Build the timeline by mapping over the definition array and converting
802 * the definitions into keyframes and offsets with absolute time values.
803 * These will later get converted into relative offsets in a second pass.
804 */
805 for (let i = 0; i < definition.length; i++) {
806 const [elementDefinition, keyframes, options = {}] = definition[i];
807 /**
808 * If a relative or absolute time value has been specified we need to resolve
809 * it in relation to the currentTime.
810 */
811 if (options.at !== undefined) {
812 currentTime = calcNextTime(currentTime, options.at, prevTime, timeLabels);
813 }
814 /**
815 * Keep track of the maximum duration in this definition. This will be
816 * applied to currentTime once the definition has been parsed.
817 */
818 let maxDuration = 0;
819 /**
820 * Find all the elements specified in the definition and parse value
821 * keyframes from their timeline definitions.
822 */
823 const elements = resolveElements(elementDefinition, elementCache);
824 const numElements = elements.length;
825 for (let elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < numElements; elementIndex++) {
826 const element = elements[elementIndex];
827 const elementSequence = getElementSequence(element, elementSequences);
828 for (const key in keyframes) {
829 const valueSequence = getValueSequence(key, elementSequence);
830 const valueKeyframes = keyframesList(keyframes[key]);
831 const valueOptions = getOptions(options, key);
832 const { duration = defaultOptions.duration || defaults.duration, easing = defaultOptions.easing || defaults.easing, offset = defaultOffset(valueKeyframes.length), } = valueOptions;
833 const delay = resolveOption(options.delay, elementIndex, numElements) || 0;
834 const startTime = currentTime + delay;
835 const targetTime = startTime + duration;
836 if (offset.length === 1 && offset[0] === 0) {
837 offset[1] = 1;
838 }
839 /**
840 * Fill out if offset if fewer offsets than keyframes
841 */
842 const remainder = length - valueKeyframes.length;
843 remainder > 0 && fillOffset(offset, remainder);
844 /**
845 * If only one value has been set, ie [1], push a null to the start of
846 * the keyframe array. This will let us mark a keyframe at this point
847 * that will later be hydrated with the previous value.
848 */
849 valueKeyframes.length === 1 && valueKeyframes.unshift(null);
850 /**
851 * Add keyframes, mapping offsets to absolute time.
852 */
853 addKeyframes(valueSequence, valueKeyframes, easing, offset, startTime, targetTime);
854 maxDuration = Math.max(delay + duration, maxDuration);
855 totalDuration = Math.max(targetTime, totalDuration);
856 }
857 }
858 prevTime = currentTime;
859 currentTime += maxDuration;
860 }
861 /**
862 * For every element and value combination create a new animation.
863 */
864 elementSequences.forEach((valueSequences, element) => {
865 for (const key in valueSequences) {
866 const valueSequence = valueSequences[key];
867 /**
868 * Arrange all the keyframes in ascending time order.
869 */
870 valueSequence.sort(compareByTime);
871 const keyframes = [];
872 const valueOffset = [];
873 const valueEasing = [];
874 /**
875 * For each keyframe, translate absolute times into
876 * relative offsets based on the total duration of the timeline.
877 */
878 for (let i = 0; i < valueSequence.length; i++) {
879 const { at, value, easing } = valueSequence[i];
880 keyframes.push(value);
881 valueOffset.push(progress(0, totalDuration, at));
882 valueEasing.push(easing || defaults.easing);
883 }
884 /**
885 * If the generated animation doesn't end on the final keyframe,
886 * provide one with a null wildcard value. This will ensure it
887 * stays static until the end of the animation.
888 */
889 if (valueOffset[valueOffset.length - 1] !== 1) {
890 valueOffset.push(1);
891 keyframes.push(null);
892 }
893 animationDefinitions.push([
894 element,
895 key,
896 keyframes,
897 Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions), { duration: totalDuration, easing: valueEasing, offset: valueOffset }), timelineOptions),
898 ]);
899 }
900 });
901 return animationDefinitions;
902 }
903 function getElementSequence(element, sequences) {
904 !sequences.has(element) && sequences.set(element, {});
905 return sequences.get(element);
906 }
907 function getValueSequence(name, sequences) {
908 if (!sequences[name])
909 sequences[name] = [];
910 return sequences[name];
911 }
913 exports.animate = animate;
914 exports.animateStyle = animateStyle;
915 exports.stagger = stagger;
916 exports.timeline = timeline;
918 Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });