922 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @hidden
3 */
4import { Authority } from "./Authority";
5import { ITenantDiscoveryResponse } from "./ITenantDiscoveryResponse";
6import TelemetryManager from "../telemetry/TelemetryManager";
7export declare class AuthorityFactory {
8 private static metadataMap;
9 static saveMetadataFromNetwork(authorityInstance: Authority, telemetryManager: TelemetryManager, correlationId: string): Promise<ITenantDiscoveryResponse>;
10 static getMetadata(authorityUrl: string): ITenantDiscoveryResponse;
11 static saveMetadataFromConfig(authorityUrl: string, authorityMetadataJson: string): void;
12 /**
13 * Create an authority object of the correct type based on the url
14 * Performs basic authority validation - checks to see if the authority is of a valid type (eg aad, b2c)
15 */
16 static CreateInstance(authorityUrl: string, validateAuthority: boolean, authorityMetadata?: string): Authority;