10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License.
5 */
6Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7exports.FramePrefix = exports.PromptState = exports.NetworkRequestType = exports.DisallowedEQParams = exports.SSOTypes = exports.WELL_KNOWN_SUFFIX = exports.AAD_INSTANCE_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT = exports.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = exports.ErrorCacheKeys = exports.PersistentCacheKeys = exports.TemporaryCacheKeys = exports.ResponseTypes = exports.ServerHashParamKeys = exports.SESSION_STORAGE = exports.Constants = void 0;
9 * @hidden
10 * Constants
11 */
12var Constants = /** @class */ (function () {
13 function Constants() {
14 }
15 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "libraryName", {
16 get: function () { return "Msal.js"; } // used in telemetry sdkName
17 ,
18 enumerable: false,
19 configurable: true
20 });
21 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "claims", {
22 get: function () { return "claims"; },
23 enumerable: false,
24 configurable: true
25 });
26 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "clientId", {
27 get: function () { return "clientId"; },
28 enumerable: false,
29 configurable: true
30 });
31 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "adalIdToken", {
32 get: function () { return "adal.idtoken"; },
33 enumerable: false,
34 configurable: true
35 });
36 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "cachePrefix", {
37 get: function () { return "msal"; },
38 enumerable: false,
39 configurable: true
40 });
41 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "scopes", {
42 get: function () { return "scopes"; },
43 enumerable: false,
44 configurable: true
45 });
46 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "no_account", {
47 get: function () { return "NO_ACCOUNT"; },
48 enumerable: false,
49 configurable: true
50 });
51 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "upn", {
52 get: function () { return "upn"; },
53 enumerable: false,
54 configurable: true
55 });
56 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "domain_hint", {
57 get: function () { return "domain_hint"; },
58 enumerable: false,
59 configurable: true
60 });
61 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "prompt_select_account", {
62 get: function () { return "&prompt=select_account"; },
63 enumerable: false,
64 configurable: true
65 });
66 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "prompt_none", {
67 get: function () { return "&prompt=none"; },
68 enumerable: false,
69 configurable: true
70 });
71 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "prompt", {
72 get: function () { return "prompt"; },
73 enumerable: false,
74 configurable: true
75 });
76 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "response_mode_fragment", {
77 get: function () { return "&response_mode=fragment"; },
78 enumerable: false,
79 configurable: true
80 });
81 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "resourceDelimiter", {
82 get: function () { return "|"; },
83 enumerable: false,
84 configurable: true
85 });
86 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "cacheDelimiter", {
87 get: function () { return "."; },
88 enumerable: false,
89 configurable: true
90 });
91 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "popUpWidth", {
92 get: function () { return this._popUpWidth; },
93 set: function (width) {
94 this._popUpWidth = width;
95 },
96 enumerable: false,
97 configurable: true
98 });
99 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "popUpHeight", {
100 get: function () { return this._popUpHeight; },
101 set: function (height) {
102 this._popUpHeight = height;
103 },
104 enumerable: false,
105 configurable: true
106 });
107 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "login", {
108 get: function () { return "LOGIN"; },
109 enumerable: false,
110 configurable: true
111 });
112 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "renewToken", {
113 get: function () { return "RENEW_TOKEN"; },
114 enumerable: false,
115 configurable: true
116 });
117 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "unknown", {
118 get: function () { return "UNKNOWN"; },
119 enumerable: false,
120 configurable: true
121 });
122 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "ADFS", {
123 get: function () { return "adfs"; },
124 enumerable: false,
125 configurable: true
126 });
127 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "homeAccountIdentifier", {
128 get: function () { return "homeAccountIdentifier"; },
129 enumerable: false,
130 configurable: true
131 });
132 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "common", {
133 get: function () { return "common"; },
134 enumerable: false,
135 configurable: true
136 });
137 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "openidScope", {
138 get: function () { return "openid"; },
139 enumerable: false,
140 configurable: true
141 });
142 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "profileScope", {
143 get: function () { return "profile"; },
144 enumerable: false,
145 configurable: true
146 });
147 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "oidcScopes", {
148 get: function () { return [this.openidScope, this.profileScope]; },
149 enumerable: false,
150 configurable: true
151 });
152 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "interactionTypeRedirect", {
153 get: function () { return "redirectInteraction"; },
154 enumerable: false,
155 configurable: true
156 });
157 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "interactionTypePopup", {
158 get: function () { return "popupInteraction"; },
159 enumerable: false,
160 configurable: true
161 });
162 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "interactionTypeSilent", {
163 get: function () { return "silentInteraction"; },
164 enumerable: false,
165 configurable: true
166 });
167 Object.defineProperty(Constants, "inProgress", {
168 get: function () { return "inProgress"; },
169 enumerable: false,
170 configurable: true
171 });
172 Constants._popUpWidth = 483;
173 Constants._popUpHeight = 600;
174 return Constants;
176exports.Constants = Constants;
177exports.SESSION_STORAGE = "sessionStorage";
179 * Keys in the hashParams
180 */
181var ServerHashParamKeys;
182(function (ServerHashParamKeys) {
183 ServerHashParamKeys["SCOPE"] = "scope";
184 ServerHashParamKeys["STATE"] = "state";
185 ServerHashParamKeys["ERROR"] = "error";
186 ServerHashParamKeys["ERROR_DESCRIPTION"] = "error_description";
187 ServerHashParamKeys["ACCESS_TOKEN"] = "access_token";
188 ServerHashParamKeys["ID_TOKEN"] = "id_token";
189 ServerHashParamKeys["EXPIRES_IN"] = "expires_in";
190 ServerHashParamKeys["SESSION_STATE"] = "session_state";
191 ServerHashParamKeys["CLIENT_INFO"] = "client_info";
192})(ServerHashParamKeys = exports.ServerHashParamKeys || (exports.ServerHashParamKeys = {}));
194 * @hidden
195 * @ignore
196 * response_type from OpenIDConnect
197 * References: https://openid.net/specs/oauth-v2-multiple-response-types-1_0.html & https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2.1
198 *
199 */
200exports.ResponseTypes = {
201 id_token: "id_token",
202 token: "token",
203 id_token_token: "id_token token"
206 * @hidden
207 * CacheKeys for MSAL
208 */
209var TemporaryCacheKeys;
210(function (TemporaryCacheKeys) {
211 TemporaryCacheKeys["AUTHORITY"] = "authority";
212 TemporaryCacheKeys["ACQUIRE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT"] = "acquireTokenAccount";
213 TemporaryCacheKeys["SESSION_STATE"] = "session.state";
214 TemporaryCacheKeys["STATE_LOGIN"] = "state.login";
215 TemporaryCacheKeys["STATE_ACQ_TOKEN"] = "state.acquireToken";
216 TemporaryCacheKeys["STATE_RENEW"] = "state.renew";
217 TemporaryCacheKeys["NONCE_IDTOKEN"] = "nonce.idtoken";
218 TemporaryCacheKeys["LOGIN_REQUEST"] = "login.request";
219 TemporaryCacheKeys["RENEW_STATUS"] = "token.renew.status";
220 TemporaryCacheKeys["URL_HASH"] = "urlHash";
221 TemporaryCacheKeys["INTERACTION_STATUS"] = "interaction.status";
222 TemporaryCacheKeys["REDIRECT_REQUEST"] = "redirect_request";
223})(TemporaryCacheKeys = exports.TemporaryCacheKeys || (exports.TemporaryCacheKeys = {}));
224var PersistentCacheKeys;
225(function (PersistentCacheKeys) {
226 PersistentCacheKeys["IDTOKEN"] = "idtoken";
227 PersistentCacheKeys["CLIENT_INFO"] = "client.info";
228})(PersistentCacheKeys = exports.PersistentCacheKeys || (exports.PersistentCacheKeys = {}));
229var ErrorCacheKeys;
230(function (ErrorCacheKeys) {
231 ErrorCacheKeys["LOGIN_ERROR"] = "login.error";
232 ErrorCacheKeys["ERROR"] = "error";
233 ErrorCacheKeys["ERROR_DESC"] = "error.description";
234})(ErrorCacheKeys = exports.ErrorCacheKeys || (exports.ErrorCacheKeys = {}));
235exports.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/";
236exports.AAD_INSTANCE_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT = exports.DEFAULT_AUTHORITY + "/discovery/instance?api-version=1.1&authorization_endpoint=";
237exports.WELL_KNOWN_SUFFIX = ".well-known/openid-configuration";
239 * @hidden
240 * SSO Types - generated to populate hints
241 */
242var SSOTypes;
243(function (SSOTypes) {
244 SSOTypes["ACCOUNT"] = "account";
245 SSOTypes["SID"] = "sid";
246 SSOTypes["LOGIN_HINT"] = "login_hint";
247 SSOTypes["ORGANIZATIONS"] = "organizations";
248 SSOTypes["CONSUMERS"] = "consumers";
249 SSOTypes["ID_TOKEN"] = "id_token";
250 SSOTypes["ACCOUNT_ID"] = "accountIdentifier";
251 SSOTypes["HOMEACCOUNT_ID"] = "homeAccountIdentifier";
252})(SSOTypes = exports.SSOTypes || (exports.SSOTypes = {}));
254 * @hidden
255 */
256exports.DisallowedEQParams = [
257 SSOTypes.SID,
260exports.NetworkRequestType = {
261 GET: "GET",
262 POST: "POST"
265 * we considered making this "enum" in the request instead of string, however it looks like the allowed list of
266 * prompt values kept changing over past couple of years. There are some undocumented prompt values for some
267 * internal partners too, hence the choice of generic "string" type instead of the "enum"
268 * @hidden
269 */
270exports.PromptState = {
271 LOGIN: "login",
272 SELECT_ACCOUNT: "select_account",
273 CONSENT: "consent",
274 NONE: "none"
277 * Frame name prefixes for the hidden iframe created in silent frames
278 */
279exports.FramePrefix = {
280 ID_TOKEN_FRAME: "msalIdTokenFrame",
281 TOKEN_FRAME: "msalRenewFrame"
283//# sourceMappingURL=Constants.js.map
\No newline at end of file