8.03 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 * Licensed under the MIT License.
5 */
6Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
7exports.RequestUtils = void 0;
8var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
9var Constants_1 = require("./Constants");
10var ClientConfigurationError_1 = require("../error/ClientConfigurationError");
11var ScopeSet_1 = require("../ScopeSet");
12var StringUtils_1 = require("./StringUtils");
13var CryptoUtils_1 = require("./CryptoUtils");
14var TimeUtils_1 = require("./TimeUtils");
15var ClientAuthError_1 = require("../error/ClientAuthError");
17 * @hidden
18 */
19var RequestUtils = /** @class */ (function () {
20 function RequestUtils() {
21 }
22 /**
23 * @ignore
24 *
25 * @param request
26 * @param isLoginCall
27 * @param cacheStorage
28 * @param clientId
29 *
30 * validates all request parameters and generates a consumable request object
31 */
32 RequestUtils.validateRequest = function (request, isLoginCall, clientId, interactionType) {
33 // Throw error if request is empty for acquire * calls
34 if (!isLoginCall && !request) {
35 throw ClientConfigurationError_1.ClientConfigurationError.createEmptyRequestError();
36 }
37 var scopes;
38 var extraQueryParameters;
39 if (request) {
40 // if extraScopesToConsent is passed in loginCall, append them to the login request; Validate and filter scopes (the validate function will throw if validation fails)
41 scopes = isLoginCall ? ScopeSet_1.ScopeSet.appendScopes(request.scopes, request.extraScopesToConsent) : request.scopes;
42 ScopeSet_1.ScopeSet.validateInputScope(scopes, !isLoginCall);
43 scopes = ScopeSet_1.ScopeSet.translateClientIdIfSingleScope(scopes, clientId);
44 // validate prompt parameter
45 this.validatePromptParameter(request.prompt);
46 // validate extraQueryParameters
47 extraQueryParameters = this.validateEQParameters(request.extraQueryParameters, request.claimsRequest);
48 // validate claimsRequest
49 this.validateClaimsRequest(request.claimsRequest);
50 }
51 // validate and generate state and correlationId
52 var state = this.validateAndGenerateState(request && request.state, interactionType);
53 var correlationId = this.validateAndGenerateCorrelationId(request && request.correlationId);
54 var validatedRequest = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, request), { extraQueryParameters: extraQueryParameters,
55 scopes: scopes,
56 state: state,
57 correlationId: correlationId });
58 return validatedRequest;
59 };
60 /**
61 * @ignore
62 *
63 * Utility to test if valid prompt value is passed in the request
64 * @param request
65 */
66 RequestUtils.validatePromptParameter = function (prompt) {
67 if (prompt) {
68 if ([Constants_1.PromptState.LOGIN, Constants_1.PromptState.SELECT_ACCOUNT, Constants_1.PromptState.CONSENT, Constants_1.PromptState.NONE].indexOf(prompt) < 0) {
69 throw ClientConfigurationError_1.ClientConfigurationError.createInvalidPromptError(prompt);
70 }
71 }
72 };
73 /**
74 * @ignore
75 *
76 * Removes unnecessary or duplicate query parameters from extraQueryParameters
77 * @param request
78 */
79 RequestUtils.validateEQParameters = function (extraQueryParameters, claimsRequest) {
80 var eQParams = tslib_1.__assign({}, extraQueryParameters);
81 if (!eQParams) {
82 return null;
83 }
84 if (claimsRequest) {
85 // this.logger.warning("Removed duplicate claims from extraQueryParameters. Please use either the claimsRequest field OR pass as extraQueryParameter - not both.");
86 delete eQParams[Constants_1.Constants.claims];
87 }
88 Constants_1.DisallowedEQParams.forEach(function (param) {
89 if (eQParams[param]) {
90 // this.logger.warning("Removed duplicate " + param + " from extraQueryParameters. Please use the " + param + " field in request object.");
91 delete eQParams[param];
92 }
93 });
94 return eQParams;
95 };
96 /**
97 * @ignore
98 *
99 * Validates the claims passed in request is a JSON
100 * TODO: More validation will be added when the server team tells us how they have actually implemented claims
101 * @param claimsRequest
102 */
103 RequestUtils.validateClaimsRequest = function (claimsRequest) {
104 if (!claimsRequest) {
105 return;
106 }
107 try {
108 JSON.parse(claimsRequest);
109 }
110 catch (e) {
111 throw ClientConfigurationError_1.ClientConfigurationError.createClaimsRequestParsingError(e);
112 }
113 };
114 /**
115 * @ignore
116 *
117 * generate unique state per request
118 * @param userState User-provided state value
119 * @returns State string include library state and user state
120 */
121 RequestUtils.validateAndGenerateState = function (userState, interactionType) {
122 return !StringUtils_1.StringUtils.isEmpty(userState) ? "" + RequestUtils.generateLibraryState(interactionType) + Constants_1.Constants.resourceDelimiter + userState : RequestUtils.generateLibraryState(interactionType);
123 };
124 /**
125 * Generates the state value used by the library.
126 *
127 * @returns Base64 encoded string representing the state
128 */
129 RequestUtils.generateLibraryState = function (interactionType) {
130 var stateObject = {
131 id: CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.createNewGuid(),
132 ts: TimeUtils_1.TimeUtils.now(),
133 method: interactionType
134 };
135 var stateString = JSON.stringify(stateObject);
136 return CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.base64Encode(stateString);
137 };
138 /**
139 * Decodes the state value into a StateObject
140 *
141 * @param state State value returned in the request
142 * @returns Parsed values from the encoded state value
143 */
144 RequestUtils.parseLibraryState = function (state) {
145 var libraryState = decodeURIComponent(state).split(Constants_1.Constants.resourceDelimiter)[0];
146 if (CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.isGuid(libraryState)) {
147 // If state is guid, assume timestamp is now and is redirect, as redirect should be only method where this can happen.
148 return {
149 id: libraryState,
150 ts: TimeUtils_1.TimeUtils.now(),
151 method: Constants_1.Constants.interactionTypeRedirect
152 };
153 }
154 try {
155 var stateString = CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.base64Decode(libraryState);
156 var stateObject = JSON.parse(stateString);
157 return stateObject;
158 }
159 catch (e) {
160 throw ClientAuthError_1.ClientAuthError.createInvalidStateError(state, null);
161 }
162 };
163 /**
164 * @ignore
165 *
166 * validate correlationId and generate if not valid or not set by the user
167 * @param correlationId
168 */
169 RequestUtils.validateAndGenerateCorrelationId = function (correlationId) {
170 // validate user set correlationId or set one for the user if null
171 if (correlationId && !CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.isGuid(correlationId)) {
172 throw ClientConfigurationError_1.ClientConfigurationError.createInvalidCorrelationIdError();
173 }
174 return CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.isGuid(correlationId) ? correlationId : CryptoUtils_1.CryptoUtils.createNewGuid();
175 };
176 /**
177 * Create a request signature
178 * @param request
179 */
180 RequestUtils.createRequestSignature = function (request) {
181 return "" + request.scopes.join(" ").toLowerCase() + Constants_1.Constants.resourceDelimiter + request.authority;
182 };
183 return RequestUtils;
185exports.RequestUtils = RequestUtils;
186//# sourceMappingURL=RequestUtils.js.map
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