1 | "use strict"
2 |
3 | const path = require("path");
4 | const fs = require("fs");
5 |
6 | class Security{
7 | constructor(mscp){
8 | this.mscp = mscp
9 | this.cachedIPResult = {}
10 | this.cachedAccessKeyResult = {}
11 | this.accessKeyPromptHTMLPage = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/www/accesskeyprompt.html'))
12 | }
13 |
14 | async init(){
15 | this.setup = this.mscp.setupHandler.setup
16 | }
17 |
18 | async onRequest(req, res, next){
19 | let ip = '';
20 | if(this.setup.trustProxy === true)
21 | ip = req.ip
22 | else if(this.setup.useForwardedHeader === true)
23 | ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress;
24 | else if(this.setup.useRealIPHeader === true)
25 | ip = req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.connection.remoteAddress;
26 | else
27 | ip = req.connection.remoteAddress;
28 |
29 | let data = this.mscp.server.extend({}, req.body||{}, req.query||{});
30 |
31 | let area = "static"
32 | if(req.path.startsWith("/mscp")){
33 | area = "manage"
34 | } else if(req.path.startsWith("/api")){
35 | area = "api"
36 | }
37 |
38 | let accessKey = data.accessKey
39 |
40 | let accessKeyCookieName = area == "api" ? "mscpAccessKeyAPI"
41 | : area == "manage" ? "mscpAccessKeyManage"
42 | : "mscpAccessKeyStatic";
43 | if(accessKey === undefined){
44 | accessKey = req.cookies[accessKeyCookieName];
45 | }
46 |
47 | if(accessKey !== undefined){
48 | if(this.setup.accessKeyExpirationDays){
49 | let today = new Date();
50 | res.cookie(accessKeyCookieName, accessKey, {expires: new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth(),today.getDate()+this.setup.accessKeyExpirationDays), httpOnly: false });
51 | } else {
52 | res.cookie(accessKeyCookieName, accessKey, {expires: new Date(Date.now() + 1500000000), httpOnly: false });
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | req.mscp = {ip: ip, accessKey: accessKey, area: area}
57 |
58 | if(req.path.startsWith("/mscp/js/")
59 | || req.path.startsWith("/mscp/libs/")
60 | || req.path.startsWith("/mscp/apibrowser")
61 | || req.path.startsWith("/mscpui/static/")
62 | || req.path == "/api/browse" || req.path == "/api/browse/"
63 | || req.path == "/api" || req.path == "/api/")
64 | {
65 | next();
66 | } else if(this.validate(req.path, data, area, ip, accessKey)){
67 | next()
68 | } else if(req.get("Accept") !== undefined && req.get("Accept").indexOf("text/html") >= 0){
69 | res.writeHead(200, "text/html");
70 | res.end(this.accessKeyPromptHTMLPage)
71 | console.log("Denied request for " + req.path + " from IP " + ip + (accessKey !== undefined ? " and access key \"" + accessKey + "\"" : ""))
72 | } else {
73 | res.writeHead(403);
74 | res.end("You do not have access to this content.")
75 | console.log("Denied request for " + req.path + " from IP " + ip + (accessKey !== undefined ? " and access key \"" + accessKey + "\"" : ""))
76 | }
77 | }
78 |
79 | validate(path, data, area, ip, accessKey){
80 | let scheme = area == "api" ? this.setup.api_access_scheme
81 | : area == "manage" ? this.setup.manage_access_scheme
82 | : area == "static" ? this.setup.static_access_scheme
83 | : "deny_all"
84 |
85 | switch(scheme){
86 | case "full_access":
87 | return true
88 | case "deny_all":
89 | return false
90 | case "localhost":
91 | return ip == "" || ip == "::ffff:" || ip == "::1"
92 | case "access_rule":
93 | return this.validateAccess(path, data, area, accessKey, ip)
94 | case undefined:
95 | return true
96 | }
97 |
98 | return false;
99 |
100 | }
101 |
102 | validateAccess(path, data, area, accessKey, ip){
103 | if(this.setup.accessRules === undefined)
104 | return false
105 |
106 | let matchesIP = false;
107 | let matchesKey = false;
108 | for(let f of this.setup.accessRules){
109 | if(f.area != area && f.area != "all")
110 | continue
111 |
112 | matchesIP = false;
113 | matchesKey = false;
114 |
115 | if(f.ip === undefined || f.ip == null || f.ip === ""){
116 | matchesIP = true;
117 | } else {
118 | try{
119 | if(new RegExp(f.ip).test(ip)){
120 | matchesIP = true;
121 | }
122 | } catch(err){
123 | console.log("Error validating IP " + ip + " against regexp \"" + f.ip + "\"");
124 | console.log(err)
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | if(!matchesIP)
129 | continue;
130 |
131 | if(f.require_access_key !== true) {
132 | matchesKey = true;
133 | } else if(accessKey && f.accessKeys !== undefined && f.accessKeys.findIndex((ak) => ak.key == accessKey) >= 0){
134 | matchesKey = true;
135 | }
136 |
137 | if(matchesIP && matchesKey && this.validateSubRules(path, data, f)){
138 | return true;
139 | }
140 | }
141 | return false;
142 | }
143 |
144 | validateSubRules(path, data, accessRule){
145 | let subRules = accessRule.subRules || []
146 | for(let sr of subRules){
147 |
148 | if(sr.path.endsWith('*')){
149 | let p = sr.path.substring(0, sr.path.length - 1)
150 | if(!path.startsWith(p))
151 | continue;
152 | } else {
153 | if(path != sr.path && path != sr.path + "/")
154 | continue;
155 | }
156 |
157 | if(accessRule.default_permission == "allow" && sr.permission == "allow")
158 | continue;
159 |
160 | if(accessRule.default_permission == "deny" && sr.permission == "deny")
161 | continue;
162 |
163 | if(typeof sr.parameters === "string" && sr.parameters != ""){
164 | let parmsMatch = true;
165 | let vars = sr.parameters.split("\n")
166 | for(let v of vars){
167 | if(v == "")
168 | continue;
169 |
170 | let vsplits = v.split("=")
171 | if(vsplits.length == 1 && data[vsplits[0]] === undefined){
172 |
173 | parmsMatch = false;
174 | break;
175 | }
176 |
177 | let varName = vsplits[0]
178 | let varVal = vsplits[1]
179 |
180 | if(varVal == "null" && data[varName] !== null){
181 | parmsMatch = false;
182 | break;
183 | }
184 |
185 | if(varVal == "undefined" && data[varName] !== undefined){
186 | parmsMatch = false;
187 | break;
188 | }
189 |
190 | if(data[varName] === undefined){
191 | parmsMatch = false;
192 | break;
193 | }
194 |
195 | if(varVal.startsWith("$")){
196 | try{
197 | if(!new RegExp(varVal.substring(1)).test(data[varName])){
198 | parmsMatch = false;
199 | break;
200 | }
201 | } catch(err){
202 | parmsMatch = false;
203 | }
204 | } else {
205 | if(varVal != data[varName]){
206 | parmsMatch = false;
207 | break;
208 | }
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | if(!parmsMatch){
213 | continue;
214 | }
215 | }
216 |
217 | return sr.permission == "allow" ? true : false;
218 | }
219 |
220 | return accessRule.default_permission == "allow" ? true : false;
221 | }
222 |
223 | }
224 |
225 | module.exports = Security