1 | import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';
2 | import { c as RequestHandlerOptions, a as ResponseResolver } from './HttpResponse-5Sn2vNaJ.js';
3 | import { a as GraphQLQuery, b as GraphQLVariables, e as GraphQLHandlerNameSelector, G as GraphQLHandler, f as GraphQLResolverExtras, g as GraphQLResponseBody } from './GraphQLHandler-C5CUIS_N.js';
4 | import { Path } from './utils/matching/matchRequestUrl.js';
5 | import './utils/internal/isIterable.js';
6 | import './typeUtils.js';
7 |
8 | interface TypedDocumentNode<Result = {
9 | [key: string]: any;
10 | }, Variables = {
11 | [key: string]: any;
12 | }> extends DocumentNode {
13 | __apiType?: (variables: Variables) => Result;
14 | __resultType?: Result;
15 | __variablesType?: Variables;
16 | }
17 | type GraphQLRequestHandler = <Query extends GraphQLQuery = GraphQLQuery, Variables extends GraphQLVariables = GraphQLVariables>(operationName: GraphQLHandlerNameSelector | DocumentNode | TypedDocumentNode<Query, Variables>, resolver: GraphQLResponseResolver<[
18 | Query
19 | ] extends [never] ? GraphQLQuery : Query, Variables>, options?: RequestHandlerOptions) => GraphQLHandler;
20 | type GraphQLResponseResolver<Query extends GraphQLQuery = GraphQLQuery, Variables extends GraphQLVariables = GraphQLVariables> = ResponseResolver<GraphQLResolverExtras<Variables>, null, GraphQLResponseBody<[Query] extends [never] ? GraphQLQuery : Query>>;
21 | declare const standardGraphQLHandlers: {
22 | /**
23 | * Intercepts a GraphQL query by a given name.
24 | *
25 | * @example
26 | * graphql.query('GetUser', () => {
27 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { user: { name: 'John' } } })
28 | * })
29 | *
30 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphqlqueryqueryname-resolver `graphql.query()` API reference}
31 | */
32 | query: GraphQLRequestHandler;
33 | /**
34 | * Intercepts a GraphQL mutation by its name.
35 | *
36 | * @example
37 | * graphql.mutation('SavePost', () => {
38 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { post: { id: 'abc-123 } } })
39 | * })
40 | *
41 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphqlmutationmutationname-resolver `graphql.query()` API reference}
42 | *
43 | */
44 | mutation: GraphQLRequestHandler;
45 | /**
46 | * Intercepts any GraphQL operation, regardless of its type or name.
47 | *
48 | * @example
49 | * graphql.operation(() => {
50 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { name: 'John' } })
51 | * })
52 | *
53 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphloperationresolver `graphql.operation()` API reference}
54 | */
55 | operation: <Query extends GraphQLQuery = GraphQLQuery, Variables extends GraphQLVariables = GraphQLVariables>(resolver: ResponseResolver<GraphQLResolverExtras<Variables>, null, GraphQLResponseBody<Query>>) => GraphQLHandler;
56 | };
57 | declare function createGraphQLLink(url: Path): typeof standardGraphQLHandlers;
58 | /**
59 | * A namespace to intercept and mock GraphQL operations
60 | *
61 | * @example
62 | * graphql.query('GetUser', resolver)
63 | * graphql.mutation('DeletePost', resolver)
64 | *
65 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql `graphql` API reference}
66 | */
67 | declare const graphql: {
68 | /**
69 | * Intercepts GraphQL operations scoped by the given URL.
70 | *
71 | * @example
72 | * const github = graphql.link('https://api.github.com/graphql')
73 | * github.query('GetRepo', resolver)
74 | *
75 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphqllinkurl `graphql.link()` API reference}
76 | */
77 | link: typeof createGraphQLLink;
78 | /**
79 | * Intercepts a GraphQL query by a given name.
80 | *
81 | * @example
82 | * graphql.query('GetUser', () => {
83 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { user: { name: 'John' } } })
84 | * })
85 | *
86 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphqlqueryqueryname-resolver `graphql.query()` API reference}
87 | */
88 | query: GraphQLRequestHandler;
89 | /**
90 | * Intercepts a GraphQL mutation by its name.
91 | *
92 | * @example
93 | * graphql.mutation('SavePost', () => {
94 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { post: { id: 'abc-123 } } })
95 | * })
96 | *
97 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphqlmutationmutationname-resolver `graphql.query()` API reference}
98 | *
99 | */
100 | mutation: GraphQLRequestHandler;
101 | /**
102 | * Intercepts any GraphQL operation, regardless of its type or name.
103 | *
104 | * @example
105 | * graphql.operation(() => {
106 | * return HttpResponse.json({ data: { name: 'John' } })
107 | * })
108 | *
109 | * @see {@link https://mswjs.io/docs/api/graphql#graphloperationresolver `graphql.operation()` API reference}
110 | */
111 | operation: <Query extends GraphQLQuery = GraphQLQuery, Variables extends GraphQLVariables = GraphQLVariables>(resolver: ResponseResolver<GraphQLResolverExtras<Variables>, null, GraphQLResponseBody<Query>>) => GraphQLHandler;
112 | };
113 |
114 | export { type GraphQLRequestHandler, type GraphQLResponseResolver, type TypedDocumentNode, graphql };