8.14 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.printTable = exports.ls = exports.cmd = exports.args = exports.description = exports.alias = exports.name = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var common_1 = require("../common");
6exports.name = 'ls';
7exports.alias = 'l';
8exports.description = 'Lists modules in dependency order.';
9exports.args = {
10 '-D': 'Show all module dependencies (omit for local only).',
11 '-i': 'Include ignored modules.',
12 '-p': 'Show path to module.',
13 '-n': 'Retrieve registry details from NPM.',
14 '--no-formatting': 'Simple list without table formatting.',
16function cmd(args) {
17 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
18 var options;
19 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
20 switch (_a.label) {
21 case 0:
22 options = (args && args.options) || {};
23 return [4, ls({
24 dependencies: options.D ? 'all' : 'local',
25 includeIgnored: options.i,
26 showPath: options.p,
27 npm: options.n,
28 formatting: options.formatting,
29 })];
30 case 1:
31 _a.sent();
32 return [2];
33 }
34 });
35 });
37exports.cmd = cmd;
38function ls(options) {
39 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
40 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
41 var _a, includeIgnored, _b, npm, formatting, settings, modules;
42 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_c) {
43 switch (_c.label) {
44 case 0:
45 _a = options.includeIgnored, includeIgnored = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, _b = options.npm, npm = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
46 formatting = options.formatting === false ? false : true;
47 return [4, common_1.loadSettings({ npm: npm, spinner: npm })];
48 case 1:
49 settings = _c.sent();
50 if (!settings) {
51 common_1.log.warn.yellow(common_1.constants.CONFIG_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);
52 return [2];
53 }
54 modules = settings.modules.filter(function (pkg) { return common_1.filter.includeIgnored(pkg, includeIgnored); });
55 if (formatting) {
56 printTable(modules, tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, options), { basePath: common_1.fs.dirname(settings.path), columns: options.columns }));
57 common_1.log.info();
58 }
59 else {
60 common_1.log.info();
61 modules.forEach(function (pkg) { return common_1.log.info(pkg.name); });
62 common_1.log.info();
63 }
64 return [2, {
65 modules: modules,
66 settings: settings,
67 }];
68 }
69 });
70 });
72exports.ls = ls;
73function printTable(modules, options) {
74 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
75 var _a = options.dependencies, dependencies = _a === void 0 ? 'none' : _a, _b = options.includeIgnored, includeIgnored = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = options.showPath, showPath = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, dependants = options.dependants, basePath = options.basePath, _d = options.columns, columns = _d === void 0 ? [] : _d;
76 var showAllDependencies = dependencies === 'all';
77 var showDependants = dependants !== undefined;
78 var listDependences = function (pkg, modules) {
79 return pkg.dependencies
80 .filter(function (dep) { return (showAllDependencies ? true : dep.isLocal); })
81 .filter(function (dep) { return (dep.package ? common_1.filter.includeIgnored(dep.package, includeIgnored) : true); })
82 .map(function (dep) {
83 var isIgnored = dep.package && dep.package.isIgnored;
84 var name = isIgnored
85 ? common_1.log.gray(dep.name)
86 : dep.isLocal
87 ? common_1.log.cyan(dep.name)
88 : common_1.log.gray(dep.name);
89 return name + " " + common_1.log.gray(dep.version);
90 })
91 .join('\n');
92 };
93 var listDependants = function (dependants) {
94 if (!dependants || dependants.length === 0) {
95 return common_1.log.yellow('dependant');
96 }
97 return dependants
98 .filter(function (pkg) { return common_1.filter.includeIgnored(pkg, includeIgnored); })
99 .map(function (pkg) {
100 var name = pkg.isIgnored ? common_1.log.gray(pkg.name) : common_1.formatModuleName(pkg.name);
101 return name + " " + common_1.log.gray(pkg.version);
102 })
103 .join('\n');
104 };
105 var column = {
106 module: {
107 head: 'module',
108 render: function (pkg) {
109 var text = common_1.formatModuleName(pkg.name);
110 return " " + text;
111 },
112 },
113 version: {
114 head: 'version ',
115 render: function (pkg) {
116 var npmVersion = pkg.npm && pkg.npm.latest;
117 var format = function (args) {
118 var from = args.from, to = args.to;
119 var max = Math.max(from.text.length, 12);
120 var left = (from.text + " ").substring(0, max);
121 var right = to.color("\u2190 NPM " + to.text);
122 return from.color(left) + " " + right;
123 };
124 if (npmVersion && common_1.semver.gt(pkg.version, npmVersion)) {
125 return format({
126 from: { text: pkg.version, color: common_1.log.yellow },
127 to: { text: npmVersion, color: common_1.log.gray },
128 });
129 }
130 else if (npmVersion && common_1.semver.lt(pkg.version, npmVersion)) {
131 return format({
132 from: { text: pkg.version, color: common_1.log.gray },
133 to: { text: npmVersion, color: common_1.log.magenta },
134 });
135 }
136 else {
137 return common_1.log.magenta(pkg.version);
138 }
139 },
140 },
141 dependencies: {
142 head: 'dependencies',
143 render: function (pkg) { return listDependences(pkg, modules); },
144 },
145 dependants: {
146 head: 'dependants',
147 render: function (pkg) { return listDependants(dependants || []); },
148 },
149 path: {
150 head: 'path',
151 render: function (pkg) {
152 var path = basePath && pkg.dir.startsWith(basePath)
153 ? pkg.dir.substring(basePath.length, pkg.dir.length)
154 : pkg.dir;
155 return common_1.log.gray(path);
156 },
157 },
158 };
159 var logModules = function (modules) {
160 var cols = [];
161 var addColumn = function (col, include) {
162 if (include === void 0) { include = true; }
163 if (include) {
164 cols.push(col);
165 }
166 };
167 addColumn(column.module);
168 addColumn(column.version);
169 addColumn(column.dependencies, dependencies !== 'none');
170 addColumn(column.dependants, showDependants);
171 addColumn(column.path, showPath);
172 (columns || []).forEach(function (col) { return addColumn(col); });
173 var head = cols.map(function (col) { return common_1.log.gray(col.head); });
174 var builder = common_1.log.table({ head: head, border: false });
175 modules.forEach(function (pkg) {
176 var row = [];
177 cols.forEach(function (col) { return row.push(col.render(pkg) + " "); });
178 builder.add(row);
179 });
180 builder.log();
181 };
182 if (modules.length > 0) {
183 logModules(modules);
184 }
186exports.printTable = printTable;