1 | export type Resolver = (addr: Multiaddr) => Promise<string[]>;
2 | export type MultiaddrInput = string | Multiaddr | Uint8Array | null;
3 | export type MultiaddrObject = import('./types').MultiaddrObject;
4 | export type Protocol = import('./types').Protocol;
5 | /**
6 | * Creates a [multiaddr](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr) from
7 | * a Uint8Array, String or another Multiaddr instance
8 | * public key.
9 | *
10 | */
11 | export class Multiaddr {
12 | /**
13 | * Creates a Multiaddr from a node-friendly address object
14 | *
15 | * @example
16 | * ```js
17 | * Multiaddr.fromNodeAddress({address: '', port: '4001'}, 'tcp')
18 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
19 | * ```
20 | *
21 | * @param {{family: 4 | 6, address: string, port: number}} addr
22 | * @param {string} transport
23 | */
24 | static fromNodeAddress(addr: {
25 | family: 4 | 6;
26 | address: string;
27 | port: number;
28 | }, transport: string): Multiaddr;
29 | /**
30 | * Returns if something is a Multiaddr that is a name
31 | *
32 | * @param {Multiaddr} addr
33 | * @returns {boolean} isName
34 | */
35 | static isName(addr: Multiaddr): boolean;
36 | /**
37 | * Check if object is a CID instance
38 | *
39 | * @param {any} value
40 | * @returns {value is Multiaddr}
41 | */
42 | static isMultiaddr(value: any): value is Multiaddr;
43 | /**
44 | * @example
45 | * ```js
46 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
47 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
48 | * ```
49 | *
50 | * @param {MultiaddrInput} [addr] - If String or Uint8Array, needs to adhere to the address format of a [multiaddr](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr#string-format)
51 | */
52 | constructor(addr?: MultiaddrInput | undefined);
53 | /** @type {Uint8Array} - The raw bytes representing this multiaddress */
54 | bytes: Uint8Array;
55 | /**
56 | * Returns Multiaddr as a String
57 | *
58 | * @example
59 | * ```js
60 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').toString()
61 | * // '/ip4/'
62 | * ```
63 | */
64 | toString(): string;
65 | /**
66 | * Returns Multiaddr as a JSON encoded object
67 | *
68 | * @example
69 | * ```js
70 | * JSON.stringify(new Multiaddr('/ip4/'))
71 | * // '/ip4/'
72 | * ```
73 | */
74 | toJSON(): string;
75 | /**
76 | * Returns Multiaddr as a convinient options object to be used with net.createConnection
77 | *
78 | * @example
79 | * ```js
80 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').toOptions()
81 | * // { family: 4, host: '', transport: 'tcp', port: 4001 }
82 | * ```
83 | */
84 | toOptions(): import("./types").MultiaddrObject;
85 | /**
86 | * Returns the protocols the Multiaddr is defined with, as an array of objects, in
87 | * left-to-right order. Each object contains the protocol code, protocol name,
88 | * and the size of its address space in bits.
89 | * [See list of protocols](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr/blob/master/protocols.csv)
90 | *
91 | * @example
92 | * ```js
93 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').protos()
94 | * // [ { code: 4, size: 32, name: 'ip4' },
95 | * // { code: 6, size: 16, name: 'tcp' } ]
96 | * ```
97 | *
98 | * @returns {Protocol[]} protocols - All the protocols the address is composed of
99 | */
100 | protos(): Protocol[];
101 | /**
102 | * Returns the codes of the protocols in left-to-right order.
103 | * [See list of protocols](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr/blob/master/protocols.csv)
104 | *
105 | * @example
106 | * ```js
107 | * Multiaddr('/ip4/').protoCodes()
108 | * // [ 4, 6 ]
109 | * ```
110 | *
111 | * @returns {number[]} protocol codes
112 | */
113 | protoCodes(): number[];
114 | /**
115 | * Returns the names of the protocols in left-to-right order.
116 | * [See list of protocols](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr/blob/master/protocols.csv)
117 | *
118 | * @example
119 | * ```js
120 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').protoNames()
121 | * // [ 'ip4', 'tcp' ]
122 | * ```
123 | *
124 | * @returns {string[]} protocol names
125 | */
126 | protoNames(): string[];
127 | /**
128 | * Returns a tuple of parts
129 | *
130 | * @example
131 | * ```js
132 | * new Multiaddr("/ip4/").tuples()
133 | * // [ [ 4, <Buffer 7f 00 00 01> ], [ 6, <Buffer 0f a1> ] ]
134 | * ```
135 | */
136 | tuples(): [number, (Uint8Array | undefined)?][];
137 | /**
138 | * Returns a tuple of string/number parts
139 | * - tuples[][0] = code of protocol
140 | * - tuples[][1] = contents of address
141 | *
142 | * @example
143 | * ```js
144 | * new Multiaddr("/ip4/").stringTuples()
145 | * // [ [ 4, '' ], [ 6, '4001' ] ]
146 | * ```
147 | */
148 | stringTuples(): [number, (string | undefined)?][];
149 | /**
150 | * Encapsulates a Multiaddr in another Multiaddr
151 | *
152 | * @example
153 | * ```js
154 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
155 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438 - /ip4/>
156 | *
157 | * const mh2 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
158 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
159 | *
160 | * const mh3 = mh1.encapsulate(mh2)
161 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
162 | *
163 | * mh3.toString()
164 | * // '/ip4/'
165 | * ```
166 | *
167 | * @param {MultiaddrInput} addr - Multiaddr to add into this Multiaddr
168 | */
169 | encapsulate(addr: MultiaddrInput): Multiaddr;
170 | /**
171 | * Decapsulates a Multiaddr from another Multiaddr
172 | *
173 | * @example
174 | * ```js
175 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
176 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438 - /ip4/>
177 | *
178 | * const mh2 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
179 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
180 | *
181 | * const mh3 = mh1.encapsulate(mh2)
182 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
183 | *
184 | * mh3.decapsulate(mh2).toString()
185 | * // '/ip4/'
186 | * ```
187 | *
188 | * @param {Multiaddr | string} addr - Multiaddr to remove from this Multiaddr
189 | * @returns {Multiaddr}
190 | */
191 | decapsulate(addr: Multiaddr | string): Multiaddr;
192 | /**
193 | * A more reliable version of `decapsulate` if you are targeting a
194 | * specific code, such as 421 (the `p2p` protocol code). The last index of the code
195 | * will be removed from the `Multiaddr`, and a new instance will be returned.
196 | * If the code is not present, the original `Multiaddr` is returned.
197 | *
198 | * @example
199 | * ```js
200 | * const addr = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
201 | * // <Multiaddr 0400... - /ip4/>
202 | *
203 | * addr.decapsulateCode(421).toString()
204 | * // '/ip4/'
205 | *
206 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').decapsulateCode(421).toString()
207 | * // '/ip4/'
208 | * ```
209 | *
210 | * @param {number} code - The code of the protocol to decapsulate from this Multiaddr
211 | * @returns {Multiaddr}
212 | */
213 | decapsulateCode(code: number): Multiaddr;
214 | /**
215 | * Extract the peerId if the multiaddr contains one
216 | *
217 | * @example
218 | * ```js
219 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
220 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438 - /ip4/>
221 | *
222 | * // should return QmValidBase58string or null if the id is missing or invalid
223 | * const peerId = mh1.getPeerId()
224 | * ```
225 | *
226 | * @returns {string | null} peerId - The id of the peer or null if invalid or missing from the ma
227 | */
228 | getPeerId(): string | null;
229 | /**
230 | * Extract the path if the multiaddr contains one
231 | *
232 | * @example
233 | * ```js
234 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
235 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438 - /ip4/>
236 | *
237 | * // should return utf8 string or null if the id is missing or invalid
238 | * const path = mh1.getPath()
239 | * ```js
240 | *
241 | * @returns {string | null} path - The path of the multiaddr, or null if no path protocol is present
242 | */
243 | getPath(): string | null;
244 | /**
245 | * Checks if two Multiaddrs are the same
246 | *
247 | * @example
248 | * ```js
249 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
250 | * // <Multiaddr 0408080808060438 - /ip4/>
251 | *
252 | * const mh2 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
253 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
254 | *
255 | * mh1.equals(mh1)
256 | * // true
257 | *
258 | * mh1.equals(mh2)
259 | * // false
260 | * ```
261 | *
262 | * @param {Multiaddr} addr
263 | * @returns {boolean}
264 | */
265 | equals(addr: Multiaddr): boolean;
266 | /**
267 | * Resolve multiaddr if containing resolvable hostname.
268 | *
269 | * @example
270 | * ```js
271 | * Multiaddr.resolvers.set('dnsaddr', resolverFunction)
272 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmbLHAnMoJPWSCR5Zhtx6BHJX9KiKNN6tpvbUcqanj75Nb')
273 | * const resolvedMultiaddrs = await mh1.resolve()
274 | * // [
275 | * // <Multiaddr 04934b5353060fa1a503221220c10f9319dac35c270a6b74cd644cb3acfc1f6efc8c821f8eb282599fd1814f64 - /ip4/>,
276 | * // <Multiaddr 04934b53530601bbde03a503221220c10f9319dac35c270a6b74cd644cb3acfc1f6efc8c821f8eb282599fd1814f64 - /ip4/>,
277 | * // <Multiaddr 04934b535391020fa1cc03a503221220c10f9319dac35c270a6b74cd644cb3acfc1f6efc8c821f8eb282599fd1814f64 - /ip4/>
278 | * // ]
279 | * ```
280 | *
281 | * @returns {Promise<Array<Multiaddr>>}
282 | */
283 | resolve(): Promise<Array<Multiaddr>>;
284 | /**
285 | * Gets a Multiaddrs node-friendly address object. Note that protocol information
286 | * is left out: in Node (and most network systems) the protocol is unknowable
287 | * given only the address.
288 | *
289 | * Has to be a ThinWaist Address, otherwise throws error
290 | *
291 | * @example
292 | * ```js
293 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').nodeAddress()
294 | * // {family: 4, address: '', port: 4001}
295 | * ```
296 | *
297 | * @returns {{family: 4 | 6, address: string, port: number}}
298 | * @throws {Error} Throws error if Multiaddr is not a Thin Waist address
299 | */
300 | nodeAddress(): {
301 | family: 4 | 6;
302 | address: string;
303 | port: number;
304 | };
305 | /**
306 | * Returns if a Multiaddr is a Thin Waist address or not.
307 | *
308 | * Thin Waist is if a Multiaddr adheres to the standard combination of:
309 | *
310 | * `{IPv4, IPv6}/{TCP, UDP}`
311 | *
312 | * @example
313 | * ```js
314 | * const mh1 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
315 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>
316 | * const mh2 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
317 | * // <Multiaddr 04c0a80201061389 - /ip4/>
318 | * const mh3 = mh1.encapsulate(mh2)
319 | * // <Multiaddr 047f000001060fa104c0a80201061389 - /ip4/>
320 | * const mh4 = new Multiaddr('/ip4/')
321 | * // <Multiaddr 047f0000010607d0de039302a503221220d52ebb89d85b02a284948203a62ff28389c57c9f42beec4ec20db76a64835843 - /ip4/>
322 | * mh1.isThinWaistAddress()
323 | * // true
324 | * mh2.isThinWaistAddress()
325 | * // true
326 | * mh3.isThinWaistAddress()
327 | * // false
328 | * mh4.isThinWaistAddress()
329 | * // false
330 | * ```
331 | *
332 | * @param {Multiaddr} [addr] - Defaults to using `this` instance
333 | */
334 | isThinWaistAddress(addr?: Multiaddr | undefined): boolean;
335 | /**
336 | * Returns Multiaddr as a human-readable string.
337 | * Fallback for pre Node.js v10.0.0.
338 | * https://nodejs.org/api/deprecations.html#deprecations_dep0079_custom_inspection_function_on_objects_via_inspect
339 | *
340 | * @example
341 | * ```js
342 | * new Multiaddr('/ip4/').inspect()
343 | * // '<Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>'
344 | * ```
345 | *
346 | * @returns {string}
347 | */
348 | inspect(): string;
349 | /**
350 | * Returns Multiaddr as a human-readable string.
351 | * For post Node.js v10.0.0.
352 | * https://nodejs.org/api/deprecations.html#deprecations_dep0079_custom_inspection_function_on_objects_via_inspect
353 | *
354 | * @example
355 | * ```js
356 | * console.log(new Multiaddr('/ip4/'))
357 | * // '<Multiaddr 047f000001060fa1 - /ip4/>'
358 | * ```
359 | *
360 | * @returns {string}
361 | */
362 | [inspect](): string;
363 | }
364 | export namespace Multiaddr {
365 | export { protocols };
366 | export { resolvers };
367 | }
368 | /**
369 | * Static factory
370 | *
371 | * @param {MultiaddrInput} addr
372 | */
373 | export function multiaddr(addr: MultiaddrInput): Multiaddr;
374 | import protocols = require("./protocols-table");
375 | /**
376 | * @typedef {(addr: Multiaddr) => Promise<string[]>} Resolver
377 | * @typedef {string | Multiaddr | Uint8Array | null} MultiaddrInput
378 | * @typedef {import('./types').MultiaddrObject} MultiaddrObject
379 | * @typedef {import('./types').Protocol} Protocol
380 | */
381 | /** @type {Map<string, Resolver>} */
382 | export const resolvers: Map<string, Resolver>;
383 | declare const inspect: unique symbol;
384 | export { protocols };
385 | //# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map |
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