10.3 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## Changelog
3### 1.6.0
5- **New:**: Added `setSelects` by text support.
6- **New:**: Added `divider` option support.
7- **New:**: Added `classes`, `classPrefix` and `size` options.
8- **New:**: Added `dropdown` support for bootstrap theme.
9- **New:**: Added class for `ms-parent` when open the select.
10- **New:**: Added `getData` method.
11- **New:**: Added `fr-FR`, `vi-VN`, `ru-RU`, `hu-HU`, `da-DK`, `pt-BR` and `cz-CS` locales.
12- **New:**: Added index.d.ts to support TypeScript.
13- **Update:** Fixed one item of group selected bug.
14- **Update:** Fixed not check group with no children bug.
15- **Update:** Fixed clear button display error.
16- **Update:** Fixed init multiple times bug in vue component.
17- **Update:** Updated `font-size` to use percent instead.
18- **Update:** Updated the default parameter of `customFilter` option.
19- **Update:** Updated the `BLOCK_ROWS` to 500.
21### 1.5.2
23- **Update:** Fixed virtual scroll bottom select bug.
24- **Update:** Fixed element not destroyed bug using `v-if`.
26### 1.5.1
28- **New:** Added watch slot change supported.
29- **Update:** Fixed `v-model` not check all bug.
30- **Update:** Fixed document event trigger multiple times bug.
32### 1.5.0
34- **New:** Rewrote display and data logic code.
35- **New:** Added `single` or `multiple` can be auto supported.
36- **New:** Added virtual scroll to support large data.
37- **New:** Added object `value` supported.
38- **New:** Added object for `v-model` supported.
39- **New:** Added `data` attributes of optgroup and option supported.
40- **New:** Added `tabindex` attribute supported.
41- **New:** Added `showClear` option and `onClear` event.
42- **New:** Added `maxHeightUnit` option.
43- **New:** Added `it-IT` locale.
44- **Update:** Improved events trigger logic.
45- **Update:** Updated the `single` group style.
46- **Update:** Updated parameters of `onOptgroupClick` and `onClick` events.
47- **Update:** Fixed vue warning when `data` is Object.
48- **Update:** Removed `displayHtml` option and display html by default.
50### 1.4.3
52- **New:** Added `object` support for `data` option.
53- **Update:** Updated vue-es build filename.
54- **Update:** Updated event name to lowercase hyphen format of vue component.
55- **Update:** Fixed `defaultValue` error without `v-model`.
56- **Update:** Fixed uncheck all cannot trigger `change` bug.
57- **Update:** Fixed `v-model` not work bug when `props` changed.
58- **Update:** Fixed min version throw cannot convert object to primitive value error.
59- **Update:** Removed label spaces of customFilter params.
60- **Update:** Removed text spaces of the option label.
62### 1.4.2
64- **New:** Added `string/number` array support for `data` option.
65- **New:** Added `required` attribute support.
66- **New:** Added bootstrap(v3, v4) themes support.
67- **Update:** Improved `onAfterCreate` event.
68- **Update:** Fixed `destroyed` bug of vue component.
69- **Update:** Fixed display bug of only one member of group.
70- **Update:** Fixed single group filter bug.
72### 1.4.1
74- **New:** Added `displayHtml` option.
75- **New:** Added `html` type of `getSelects` method.
76- **New:** Added level support for single group.
77- **New:** Added `filterByDataLength` option.
78- **New:** Added `customFilter` option support.
79- **New:** Added optgroup `styler` support and updated parameter.
80- **New:** Added `check` and `uncheck` methods.
81- **New:** Added checkInvert method.
82- **New:** Added `es-ES` locale.
83- **New:** Added data-* attributes support.
84- **New:** Added `disabled` prop of vue component.
85- **New:** Added Number support for `v-model` of vue component.
86- **Update:** Improved default `width` of select.
87- **Update:** Improved `single` select style and label bug.
88- **Update:** Improved `v-model` and data of vue component.
89- **Update:** Fixed init cannot select all bug.
90- **Update:** Fixed refresh method bug.
91- **Update:** Fixed `filterAcceptOnEnter` bug with `single` option.
92- **Update:** Removed multiple-select png.
93- **Update:** Disabled `esc` action when `keepOpen` is true.
95### 1.4.0
97- **New:** Added `data` support.
98- **New:** Added vue component.
99- **New:** Added `locale` support.
100- **New:** Added `getOptions` method.
101- **New:** Added `singleRadio` option to support hide radio buttons.
102- **New:** Added new website.
103- **New:** Added bower.json.
104- **New:** Added vue-starter example.
105- **Update:** Improved the label element for select.
106- **Update:** Improved text display only one option.
107- **Update:** Fixed IE build error with core-js devDependencies.
108- **Update:** Fixed `onCheckAll/onUncheckAll` trigger bug.
109- **Update:** Fixed `disabled` options cannot show after filtering.
110- **Update:** Fixed `single` filter bug.
112### 1.3.1
114- **Update:** Fixed optgroup selected item display bug.
115- **Update:** Fixed filter li display blank space bug.
116- **Update:** Fixed container outer width bug.
117- **Update:** Updated `addTitle` option to `displayTitle` option.
118- **Update:** Fixed filter with no select options display bug.
119- **Update:** Fixed openOnHover bug.
120- **Update:** Updated `onOptgroupClick` and `onClick` parameters.
121- **Update:** Updated `formatCountSelected` parameters.
123### 1.3.0
125- **New:** Rewrote code to ES6.
126- **New:** Added `filterGroup` option.
127- **New:** Added `babel` and refined the code.
128- **New:** Used `dist` to output the build files.
129- **New:** Added full examples.
130- **Update:** Fixed css escape bug.
132### 1.2.3
134- **New:** Added `onAfterCreate` event.
135- **New:** Made option labels appear clickable.
136- **New:** Allowed `placeholder` from html.
137- **Update:** Fixed groups don't get `checked` by default.
138- **Update:** Fixed `getSelects` bug with `single` option.
139- **Update:** Removed duplicate `destroy` method.
140- **Update:** Fixed outdated CSS syntax in linear-gradient.
141- **Update:** Removed `selectAll` whitespace.
142- **Update:** Fixed `selectAllText/allSelected` doesn't work.
143- **Update:** Fixed IE 11 crashing bug.
144- **Update:** Fixed radio style bug.
146### 1.2.2
148* [bug] Fix #264: updated the default of textTemplate to .html().
149* [enh] Added wrap span to label text.
150* [enh] Added `destroy` method.
151* [enh] Added `openOnHover` option.
152* [bug] Fix #377: rebuild docs and use gh-pages.
153* [bug] Fix #362: update multiple-select.css.
155### 1.2.1
157* [bug] Fix #84: single select with Optgroups bug.
158* [bug] Fix #154: special character problem.
159* [enh] Added `dropWidth` option.
160* [enh] Added `open` and `close` methods.
161* [enh] Fix #139: Added onFilter event.
162* [enh] Fix #144: added `animate` option to support fade and slide animates.
163* [bug] Fix #257: <label> element detection.
164* [bug] Fix jQuery dependency.
165* [bug] Fixed disable issue.
166* [enh] Add selected class to 'select all' option.
167* [enh] Added logic to perform accent insensitive compare when filtering values.
168* [bug] Fix #264: updated the default of textTemplate to .html().
170### 1.2.0
172* [enh] Update `jquery.multiple.select.js` to `multiple-select.js`.
173* [bug] Fix filter not match bug.
174* [enh] Trigger change for select after set of new value.
175* [bug] Prevents `updateSelectAll()` from calling `options.onCheckAll()` on init.
176* [enh] Added `labelTemplate` option.
177* [bug] Fix #188: Automatically set Group when all child was selected.
178* [bug] Fixed filter functionality with 'no-results' label behavior.
179* [bug] Fix #184: prevented the dropdown handle error.
180* [enh] INPUT tags should be nameless.
181* [bug] Fix #48: auto hide when the single option is set to true.
182* [bug] Fix #65: show selectAll and hide noResults when open.
183* [bug] Fix #45, #64: update width option to support a percentage setting.
184* [bug] Trigger the checkbox on the entire line.
185* [bug] Added `noMatchesFound` option.
186* [bug] Update `seperator` to `separator`.
187* [enh] Allow object of options along with initial method.
188* [enh] Add a `filterAcceptOnEnter` option.
189* [enh] Put class on ms-parent div instead of ul.
190* [bug] Fixed #99: connect select back to its label.
191* [enh] Added `hideOptgroupCheckboxes` option to hide optgroup checkboxes.
192* [enh] Added `displayValues` and `delimiter` options.
193* [enh] Added `textTemplate` option to custom the text.
194* [enh] Added `selectAllDelimiter` option.
195* [enh] Added `ellipsis` option.
196* [enh] Get percentage width, if used.
197* [bug] Fix #134: spelling error.
198* [bug] Fixed the error when element id's contain colons.
199* [bug] Fix current selected element not displayed in newer jquery versions.
200* [bug] Fix #148 plain text stored to HTML.
201* [bug] Update multiple-select.png.
202* [enh] Added 'close' to allowedMethods.
203* [bug] Prevent dropdown from closing occasionally when clicking on checkbox.
204* [bug] Fixed dropdown not closing when focus was lost.
205* [enh] Support for add title (tooltip) on the select list.
207### 1.1.0
209* Fix #63: Add ```keepOpen``` option.
210* Fix #62: Fix ```isOpen``` and ```filter``` options are both true bug.
211* Fix #57: Fire onCheckAll event when literally select.
212* Add data attributes for support.
213* Fix #55: Add ```name``` option.
215### 1.0.9
217* Fix #42: Add ```styler``` option to custom item style.
218* Fix firefox click bug.
219* Add ```allSelected```, ```minimumCountSelected``` and ```countSelected``` options.
220* Fix #35: Add ```onFocus``` and ```onBlur``` events.
221* Fix #25: Add ```focus``` and ```blur``` methods.
222* Fix #31: Trigger the onCheckAll & onUncheckAll events when use filter to select all.
224### 1.0.8
226* Update the license to The MIT License.
227* Fix #47: Add ```No matches found``` message when there are no results found.
228* Fix #43: Add ```position``` option.
230### 1.0.7
232* Fix #44: The filters not working bugs.
234### 1.0.6
236* Fix #21: Add ```single``` option.
237* Add ```override``` option.
238* Add ```container``` option.
239* Fix #29: Update the optgroups select text.
240* Fix #30: Image is not shown in Firefox 25.0.1.
241* Fix #22: fix group filter problem.
243### 1.0.5
245* Update the button text witdh.
246* Add keyboard support.
248### 1.0.4
250* Fix #12: Add ```width``` option.
251* Fix #11: Add callback events.
252* Add ```maxHeight``` option.
254### 1.0.3
256* Fix #4: Add ```filter``` option.
257* Support mobile devices.
258* Fix #6: Add ```refresh``` method.
260### 1.0.2
262* Fix #7: Add ```selected``` and ```disabled``` options.
263* Fix #5: Add ```checkAll``` and ```uncheckAll``` methods.
265### 1.0.1
267* Fix #3: Add optgroups support.
268* Add ```placeholder``` option.
269* Fix #2: use prop method instead of attr.
271### 1.0.0
273* Initial release
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