33 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3
4 * Convenience function for type hinting
5 *
6 * @param fn
7 */
8export function define<TProps>(fn: JSXElementFactory<TProps & ComponentProps>): JSXElementFactory<TProps & ComponentProps>;
10 * Mounts a virtual DOM node onto the supplied element.
11 */
12export function mount(vNode: VNode, element: Element): void;
14declare global {
15 namespace JSX {
16 type GlobalHtmlAttributes<TElement extends HTMLElement> = GlobalAttributes<TElement>;
17 type Element = VNode;
18 interface ElementClass<TProps> {
19 props: TProps;
20 }
21 interface ElementAttributesProperty<TProps> {
22 props: TProps;
23 }
24 interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
25 children: {};
26 }
27 interface IntrinsicAttributes {
28 key?: string | number;
29 }
30 interface IntrinsicElements {
31 nothing: {};
32 a: AAttributes;
33 abbr: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
34 address: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
35 area: AreaAttributes;
36 article: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
37 aside: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
38 audio: AudioAttributes;
39 b: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
40 bdi: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
41 bdo: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
42 blockquote: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
43 br: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLBRElement>;
44 button: ButtonAttributes;
45 canvas: CanvasAttributes;
46 caption: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
47 cite: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
48 code: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
49 col: ColAttributes;
50 colgroup: ColGroupAttributes;
51 data: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
52 datalist: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLDataListElement>;
53 dd: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
54 del: DelAttributes;
55 details: DetailsAttributes;
56 dfn: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
57 div: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
58 dl: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLDListElement>;
59 dt: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
60 em: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
61 embed: EmbedAttributes;
62 fieldset: FieldsetAttributes;
63 figcaption: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
64 figure: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
65 footer: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
66 form: FormAttributes;
67 h1: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
68 h2: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
69 h3: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
70 h4: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
71 h5: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
72 h6: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>;
73 header: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
74 hr: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLHRElement>;
75 i: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
76 iframe: IframeAttributes;
77 img: ImgAttributes;
78 input: InputAttributes;
79 ins: InsAttributes;
80 kbd: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
81 label: LabelAttributes;
82 legend: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLLegendElement>;
83 li: LiAttributes;
84 main: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
85 map: MapAttributes;
86 mark: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
87 meter: MeterAttributes;
88 nav: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
89 object: ObjectAttributes;
90 ol: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLOListElement>;
91 optgroup: OptgroupAttributes;
92 option: OptionAttributes;
93 output: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
94 p: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>;
95 param: ParamAttributes;
96 picture: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLPictureElement>;
97 pre: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLPreElement>;
98 progress: ProgressAttributes;
99 q: QAttributes;
100 rb: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
101 rp: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
102 rt: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
103 rtc: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
104 ruby: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
105 s: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
106 samp: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
107 section: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
108 select: SelectAttributes;
109 small: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
110 source: SourceAttributes;
111 span: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
112 strong: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
113 sub: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
114 summary: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
115 sup: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
116 table: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableElement>;
117 tbody: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
118 td: TdAttributes;
119 textarea: TextareaAttributes;
120 tfoot: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
121 th: ThAttributes;
122 thead: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>;
123 time: TimeAttributes;
124 tr: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>;
125 track: TrackAttributes;
126 u: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
127 ul: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLUListElement>;
128 var: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
129 video: VideoAttributes;
130 wbr: GlobalHtmlAttributes<HTMLElement>;
131 altGlyph: SvgAttributes;
132 altGlyphDef: SvgAttributes;
133 altGlyphItem: SvgAttributes;
134 animate: SvgAttributes;
135 animateColor: SvgAttributes;
136 animateMotion: SvgAttributes;
137 animateTransform: SvgAttributes;
138 circle: SvgAttributes;
139 clipPath: SvgAttributes;
140 'color-profile': SvgAttributes;
141 cursor: SvgAttributes;
142 defs: SvgAttributes;
143 desc: SvgAttributes;
144 discard: SvgAttributes;
145 ellipse: SvgAttributes;
146 feBlend: SvgAttributes;
147 feColorMatrix: SvgAttributes;
148 feComponentTransfer: SvgAttributes;
149 feComposite: SvgAttributes;
150 feConvolveMatrix: SvgAttributes;
151 feDiffuseLighting: SvgAttributes;
152 feDisplacementMap: SvgAttributes;
153 feDistantLight: SvgAttributes;
154 feDropShadow: SvgAttributes;
155 feFlood: SvgAttributes;
156 feFuncA: SvgAttributes;
157 feFuncB: SvgAttributes;
158 feFuncG: SvgAttributes;
159 feFuncR: SvgAttributes;
160 feGaussianBlur: SvgAttributes;
161 feImage: SvgAttributes;
162 feMerge: SvgAttributes;
163 feMergeNode: SvgAttributes;
164 feMorphology: SvgAttributes;
165 feOffset: SvgAttributes;
166 fePointLight: SvgAttributes;
167 feSpecularLighting: SvgAttributes;
168 feSpotLight: SvgAttributes;
169 feTile: SvgAttributes;
170 feTurbulence: SvgAttributes;
171 filter: SvgAttributes;
172 font: SvgAttributes;
173 'font-face': SvgAttributes;
174 'font-face-format': SvgAttributes;
175 'font-face-name': SvgAttributes;
176 'font-face-src': SvgAttributes;
177 'font-face-uri': SvgAttributes;
178 foreignObject: SvgAttributes;
179 g: SvgAttributes;
180 glyph: SvgAttributes;
181 glyphRef: SvgAttributes;
182 hatch: SvgAttributes;
183 hatchpath: SvgAttributes;
184 hkern: SvgAttributes;
185 image: SvgAttributes;
186 line: SvgAttributes;
187 linearGradient: SvgAttributes;
188 marker: SvgAttributes;
189 mask: SvgAttributes;
190 mesh: SvgAttributes;
191 meshgradient: SvgAttributes;
192 meshpatch: SvgAttributes;
193 meshrow: SvgAttributes;
194 metadata: SvgAttributes;
195 'missing-glyph': SvgAttributes;
196 mpath: SvgAttributes;
197 path: SvgAttributes;
198 pattern: SvgAttributes;
199 polygon: SvgAttributes;
200 polyline: SvgAttributes;
201 radialGradient: SvgAttributes;
202 rect: SvgAttributes;
203 script: SvgAttributes;
204 set: SvgAttributes;
205 solidcolor: SvgAttributes;
206 stop: SvgAttributes;
207 style: SvgAttributes;
208 svg: SvgAttributes;
209 switch: SvgAttributes;
210 symbol: SvgAttributes;
211 text: SvgAttributes;
212 textPath: SvgAttributes;
213 title: SvgAttributes;
214 tref: SvgAttributes;
215 tspan: SvgAttributes;
216 unknown: SvgAttributes;
217 use: SvgAttributes;
218 view: SvgAttributes;
219 vkern: SvgAttributes;
220 }
221 }
223export type TextNode = string | number;
224export type Key = string | number;
225type MyraChild = VNode | TextNode;
226interface MyraNodeArray extends Array<MyraNode> {
228export type MyraNode = MyraChild | MyraNodeArray | boolean | null | undefined;
229export type UpdateState<TState> = TState | ((s: Readonly<TState>) => TState);
230export type Evolve<TState> = (update: UpdateState<TState>) => TState;
231export type ComponentFactory<TProps> = (props: TProps) => MyraNode;
232export type JSXElementFactory<TProps> = (props: TProps) => VNode;
233export type ErrorHandler = (error: any) => VNode;
234export interface Ref<T> {
235 current: T;
237export type Effect = () => EffectCleanupCallback;
238export type EffectCleanupCallback = (() => void) | void;
239export interface ComponentProps extends Record<string, any> {
240 children?: MyraNode;
241 key?: Key;
243export const enum VNodeType {
244 Nothing = 0,
245 Text = 1,
246 Element = 2,
247 Fragment = 3,
248 Component = 4,
249 Memo = 5
252 * Base interface for a virtual node.
253 */
254export interface VNodeBase {
255 /**
256 * A reference to a DOM node.
257 */
258 domRef?: Node;
261 * A virtual node representing nothing. Will be rendered as a comment DOM
262 * node.
263 */
264export interface NothingVNode extends VNodeBase {
265 readonly _: VNodeType.Nothing;
268 * A virtual node that represents a text DOM node.
269 */
270export interface TextVNode extends VNodeBase {
271 readonly _: VNodeType.Text;
272 readonly value: string;
275 * A virtual node representing a DOM Element.
276 */
277export interface ElementVNode<TElement extends Element> extends VNodeBase {
278 readonly _: VNodeType.Element;
279 readonly tagName: string;
280 readonly props: GlobalAttributes<TElement> & {
281 children: VNode[];
282 };
283 domRef?: TElement;
285export interface FragmentVNode extends VNodeBase {
286 readonly _: VNodeType.Fragment;
287 readonly props: {
288 children: VNode[];
289 key?: Key;
290 };
291 domRef?: HTMLElement;
293export interface EffectWrapper {
294 arg: any;
295 cleanup?: EffectCleanupCallback;
296 effect: Effect;
297 invoke: boolean;
298 sync: boolean;
301 * A virtual node representing a component.
302 */
303export interface ComponentVNode<TProps> extends VNodeBase {
304 readonly _: VNodeType.Component;
305 data?: any[];
306 /** A flag to indicate whether a new "renderComponent" call should be queued or not. */
307 debounceRender: boolean;
308 effects?: Array<EffectWrapper>;
309 errorHandler?: ErrorHandler;
310 link: {
311 vNode: ComponentVNode<TProps>;
312 };
313 props: TProps;
314 /** The most recent VNode tree of the component. */
315 rendition?: VNode;
316 /** The function that generates a VNode tree for the component. */
317 view: ComponentFactory<TProps>;
319export interface MemoVNode<TProps> extends VNodeBase {
320 readonly _: VNodeType.Memo;
321 readonly compare: (newProps: TProps, oldProps: TProps) => boolean;
322 readonly view: ComponentFactory<TProps>;
325 * Union type of the different types of virtual nodes.
326 */
327export type VNode = TextVNode | ElementVNode<any> | FragmentVNode | ComponentVNode<any> | NothingVNode | MemoVNode<any>;
328export interface GenericEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends Event {
329 currentTarget: T;
331export interface GenericClipboardEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends ClipboardEvent {
332 currentTarget: T;
334export interface GenericCompositionEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends CompositionEvent {
335 currentTarget: T;
337export interface GenericDragEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends DragEvent {
338 currentTarget: T;
340export interface GenericFocusEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends FocusEvent {
341 currentTarget: T;
343export interface GenericInputEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends InputEvent {
344 currentTarget: T;
346export interface GenericKeyboardEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends KeyboardEvent {
347 currentTarget: T;
349export interface GenericMouseEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends MouseEvent {
350 currentTarget: T;
352export interface GenericTouchEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends TouchEvent {
353 currentTarget: T;
355export interface GenericWheelEvent<T extends EventTarget> extends WheelEvent {
356 currentTarget: T;
359 * A function used as callback for event triggers.
360 */
361export type EventListener<TEvent extends Event> = (event: TEvent) => void;
362export interface GlobalAttributes<TElement extends Element> {
363 children?: MyraNode;
364 key?: Key;
365 ref?: Ref<TElement>;
366 accesskey?: string;
367 autocapitalize?: string;
368 'class'?: string;
369 contenteditable?: boolean | '' | 'true' | 'false';
370 contextmenu?: string;
371 dir?: 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto';
372 draggable?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
373 hidden?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
374 id?: string;
375 inputmode?: 'none' | 'text' | 'decimal' | 'numeric' | 'tel' | 'search' | 'email' | 'url';
376 is?: string;
377 itemid?: string;
378 itemprop?: string;
379 itemref?: string;
380 itemscope?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
381 itemtype?: string;
382 lang?: string;
383 part?: string;
384 slot?: string;
385 spellcheck?: boolean | 'default' | 'true' | 'false';
386 style?: string;
387 tabindex?: number | string;
388 title?: string;
389 translate?: '' | 'yes' | 'no';
390 onauxclick?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
391 onblur?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
392 onclick?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
393 oncontextmenu?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
394 ondblclick?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
395 onerror?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
396 onfocus?: EventListener<GenericFocusEvent<TElement>>;
397 onfocusin?: EventListener<GenericFocusEvent<TElement>>;
398 onfocusout?: EventListener<GenericFocusEvent<TElement>>;
399 onfullscreenchange?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
400 onfullscreenerror?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
401 oninput?: EventListener<GenericInputEvent<HTMLInputElement>>;
402 onkeydown?: EventListener<GenericKeyboardEvent<TElement>>;
403 onkeypress?: EventListener<GenericKeyboardEvent<TElement>>;
404 onkeyup?: EventListener<GenericKeyboardEvent<TElement>>;
405 onmousedown?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
406 onmouseenter?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
407 onmouseleave?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
408 onmousemove?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
409 onmouseout?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
410 onmouseover?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
411 onmouseup?: EventListener<GenericMouseEvent<TElement>>;
412 onselect?: EventListener<GenericEvent<TElement>>;
413 onwheel?: EventListener<GenericWheelEvent<TElement>>;
414 oncompositionend?: EventListener<GenericCompositionEvent<TElement>>;
415 oncompositionstart?: EventListener<GenericCompositionEvent<TElement>>;
416 oncompositionupdate?: EventListener<GenericCompositionEvent<TElement>>;
417 oncopy?: EventListener<GenericClipboardEvent<TElement>>;
418 oncut?: EventListener<GenericClipboardEvent<TElement>>;
419 onpaste?: EventListener<GenericClipboardEvent<TElement>>;
420 ondrag?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
421 ondragend?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
422 ondragenter?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
423 ondragexit?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
424 ondragleave?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
425 ondragover?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
426 ondragstart?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
427 ondrop?: EventListener<GenericDragEvent<TElement>>;
428 ontouchcancel?: EventListener<GenericTouchEvent<TElement>>;
429 ontouchend?: EventListener<GenericTouchEvent<TElement>>;
430 ontouchmove?: EventListener<GenericTouchEvent<TElement>>;
431 ontouchstart?: EventListener<GenericTouchEvent<TElement>>;
432 role?: string;
433 'aria-autocomplete'?: any;
434 'aria-checked'?: any;
435 'aria-disabled'?: any;
436 'aria-expanded'?: any;
437 'aria-haspopup'?: any;
438 'aria-hidden'?: any;
439 'aria-invalid'?: any;
440 'aria-label'?: any;
441 'aria-level'?: any;
442 'aria-multiline'?: any;
443 'aria-multiselectable'?: any;
444 'aria-orientation'?: any;
445 'aria-pressed'?: any;
446 'aria-readonly'?: any;
447 'aria-required'?: any;
448 'aria-selected'?: any;
449 'aria-sort'?: any;
450 'aria-valuemax'?: any;
451 'aria-valuemin'?: any;
452 'aria-valuenow'?: any;
453 'aria-valuetext'?: any;
454 'aria-live'?: any;
455 'aria-relevant'?: any;
456 'aria-atomic'?: any;
457 'aria-busy'?: any;
458 'aria-dropeffect'?: any;
459 'aria-dragged'?: any;
460 'aria-activedescendant'?: any;
461 'aria-controls'?: any;
462 'aria-describedby'?: any;
463 'aria-flowto'?: any;
464 'aria-labelledby'?: any;
465 'aria-owns'?: any;
466 'aria-posinset'?: any;
467 'aria-setsize'?: any;
469export interface AAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> {
470 download?: string;
471 href?: string;
472 hreflang?: string;
473 rel?: string;
474 target?: string;
475 type?: string;
477export interface AreaAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLAreaElement> {
478 alt?: string;
479 coords?: string;
480 download?: string;
481 href?: string;
482 hreflang?: string;
483 media?: string;
484 rel?: string;
485 shape?: string;
486 target?: string;
487 type?: string;
489export interface AudioAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLAudioElement> {
490 autoplay?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
491 buffered?: any;
492 controls?: any;
493 loop?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
494 muted?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
495 played?: any;
496 preload?: '' | 'none' | 'metadata' | 'auto';
497 src?: string;
498 volume?: number | string;
500export interface ButtonAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
501 autofocus?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
502 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
503 form?: string;
504 formaction?: string;
505 formenctype?: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/plain';
506 formmethod?: 'post' | 'get';
507 formnovalidate?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
508 formtarget?: string;
509 name?: string;
510 type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button';
511 value?: string | number;
513export interface CanvasAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement> {
514 height?: number | string;
515 width?: number | string;
517export interface ColAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLTableColElement> {
518 span?: number | string;
520export interface ColGroupAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLTableColElement> {
521 span?: number | string;
523export interface DelAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLElement> {
524 cite?: string;
525 datetime?: string;
527export interface DetailsAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLElement> {
528 open?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
530export interface EmbedAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLEmbedElement> {
531 height?: number | string;
532 src?: string;
533 type?: string;
534 width?: number | string;
536export interface FieldsetAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLFieldSetElement> {
537 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
538 form?: string;
539 name?: string;
541export interface FormAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLFormElement> {
542 accept?: string;
543 'accept-charset'?: string;
544 action?: string;
545 autocomplete?: 'on' | 'off';
546 enctype?: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/plain';
547 method?: 'post' | 'get';
548 name?: string;
549 novalidate?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
550 target?: string;
551 onreset?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLFormElement>>;
552 onsubmit?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLFormElement>>;
553 onchange?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLFormElement>>;
555export interface IframeAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement> {
556 allow?: string;
557 allowfullscreen?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
558 allowpaymentrequest?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
559 height?: number | string;
560 loading?: 'eager' | 'lazy';
561 name?: string;
562 referrerpolicy?: string;
563 sandbox?: string;
564 src?: string;
565 srcdoc?: string;
566 width?: number | string;
568export interface ImgAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLImageElement> {
569 alt?: string;
570 crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials';
571 height?: number | string;
572 ismap?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
573 longdesc?: string;
574 sizes?: string;
575 src: string;
576 srcset?: string;
577 width?: number | string;
578 usemap?: string;
580export interface InputAttributes extends Omit<GlobalAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, 'oninput'> {
581 type?: 'button' | 'checkbox' | 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime-local' | 'email' | 'file' | 'hidden' | 'image' | 'month' | 'number' | 'password' | 'radio' | 'range' | 'reset' | 'search' | 'submit' | 'tel' | 'text' | 'time' | 'url' | 'week';
582 accept?: string;
583 autocomplete?: string;
584 autofocus?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
585 capture?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
586 checked?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
587 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
588 form?: string;
589 formaction?: string;
590 formenctype?: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/plain';
591 formmethod?: 'post' | 'get';
592 formnovalidate?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
593 formtarget?: string;
594 height?: number | string;
595 list?: string;
596 max?: number | string;
597 maxlength?: number | string;
598 min?: number | string;
599 minlength?: number | string;
600 multiple?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
601 name?: string;
602 pattern?: string;
603 placeholder?: string;
604 readonly?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
605 required?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
606 selectionDirection?: string;
607 size?: number | string;
608 spellcheck?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
609 src?: string;
610 step?: number | string;
611 value?: string | number;
612 width?: number | string;
613 onchange?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLInputElement>>;
614 oninput?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLInputElement>>;
616export interface InsAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLElement> {
617 cite?: string;
618 datetime?: string;
620export interface LabelAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLLabelElement> {
621 for?: string;
622 form?: string;
624export interface LiAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLLIElement> {
625 value?: number | string;
627export interface MapAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLMapElement> {
628 name?: string;
630export interface MeterAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLMeterElement> {
631 value?: number | string;
632 min?: number | string;
633 max?: number | string;
634 low?: number | string;
635 high?: number | string;
636 optimum?: number | string;
637 form?: string;
639export interface ObjectAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLObjectElement> {
640 data?: string;
641 height?: number | string;
642 name?: string;
643 type?: string;
644 usemap?: string;
645 width?: number | string;
647export interface OptgroupAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLOptGroupElement> {
648 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
649 label?: string;
651export interface OptionAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLOptionElement> {
652 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
653 label?: string;
654 selected?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
655 value?: string | number;
657export interface ParamAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLParamElement> {
658 name?: string;
659 value?: string;
661export interface ProgressAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLProgressElement> {
662 max?: number | string;
663 value?: number | string;
665export interface QAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement> {
666 cite?: string;
668export interface SelectAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLSelectElement> {
669 autofocus?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
670 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
671 form?: string;
672 multiple?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
673 name?: string;
674 required?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
675 size?: number | string;
676 onchange?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLSelectElement>>;
678export interface SourceAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLSourceElement> {
679 src?: string;
680 type?: string;
682export interface TdAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement> {
683 colspan?: number | string;
684 headers?: string;
685 rowspan?: number | string;
687export interface TextareaAttributes extends Omit<GlobalAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>, 'oninput'> {
688 autocomplete?: 'on' | 'off';
689 autofocus?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
690 cols?: number | string;
691 disabled?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
692 form?: string;
693 maxlength?: number | string;
694 minlength?: number | string;
695 name?: string;
696 placeholder?: string;
697 required?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
698 rows?: number | string;
699 selectionDirection?: string;
700 selectionEnd?: number | string;
701 selectionStart?: number | string;
702 value?: string;
703 wrap?: 'soft' | 'hard';
704 onchange?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>>;
705 oninput?: EventListener<GenericEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>>;
707export interface ThAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement> {
708 colspan?: number | string;
709 headers?: string;
710 rowspan?: number | string;
711 scope?: 'row' | 'col' | 'rowgroup' | 'colgroup' | 'auto';
713export interface TimeAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLElement> {
714 datetime?: string;
716export interface TrackAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLTrackElement> {
717 default?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
718 kind?: 'subtitles' | 'captions' | 'descriptions' | 'chapters' | 'metadata';
719 label?: string;
720 src?: string;
721 srclang?: string;
723export interface VideoAttributes extends GlobalAttributes<HTMLVideoElement> {
724 autoplay?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
725 buffered?: any;
726 controls?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
727 crossorigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials';
728 height?: number | string;
729 loop?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
730 muted?: boolean | 'true' | 'false';
731 playsinline?: boolean;
732 poster?: string;
733 preload?: 'none' | 'metadata' | 'auto' | '';
734 src?: string;
735 width?: number | string;
737export interface SvgAttributes {
738 [name: string]: any;
740export {};
742interface IProps {
743 children?: VNode[];
744 key?: Key;
746export function Fragment(props: IProps): FragmentVNode;
747export {};
750 * Creates a JSX.Element/VNode from a JSX tag.
751 */
752export function h<TProps>(tagNameOrComponent: string | ComponentFactory<object> | undefined | null, props: TProps, ...children: Array<MyraNode>): JSX.Element;
754type LazyStateInitialization<TState> = () => TState;
756 *
757 * @param initialState the initial state
758 */
759export function useState<TState>(initialState: TState | LazyStateInitialization<TState>): [TState, Evolve<TState>];
761 *
762 * @param current an optional value
763 */
764export function useRef<T>(current?: T): Ref<T>;
766 *
767 * @param handler
768 */
769export function useErrorHandler(handler: ErrorHandler): void;
771 *
772 * @param effect
773 * @param arg
774 */
775export function useLayoutEffect<TArg extends unknown[]>(effect: Effect, arg?: TArg): void;
777 *
778 * @param effect
779 * @param arg
780 */
781export function useEffect<TArg extends unknown[]>(effect: Effect, arg?: TArg): void;
783 *
784 * @param fn
785 * @param inputs
786 */
787export function useMemo<TMemoization, TArgs>(fn: (args: TArgs) => TMemoization, inputs: TArgs): TMemoization;
788export {};
791 * Memoizes a component view, preventing unnecessary renders.
792 *
793 * If no custom compare function is supplied, a shallow comparison of the props'
794 * properties will decide whether the component will be rerendered or not.
795 *
796 * @param factory A component factory function
797 * @param compare An optional props equality comparer function. If true is
798 * returned the memoized view will be kept, otherwise the view
799 * will be rerendered.
800 */
801export function memo<TProps>(factory: ComponentFactory<TProps & ComponentProps>, compare?: (newProps: TProps, oldProps: TProps) => boolean): JSXElementFactory<TProps & ComponentProps>;
803export as namespace myra
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