5.65 kBYAMLView Raw
2 - title: Simple Admonition
3 mdast:
4 type: root
5 children:
6 - type: mystDirective
7 name: admonition
8 args: This is a title
9 value: An example of an admonition with a _title_.
10 children:
11 - type: admonition
12 children:
13 - type: admonitionTitle
14 children:
15 - type: text
16 value: This is a title
17 - type: paragraph
18 children:
19 - type: text
20 value: 'An example of an admonition with a '
21 - type: emphasis
22 children:
23 - type: text
24 value: title
25 - type: text
26 value: '.'
27 myst: |-
28 ```{admonition} This is a title
29 An example of an admonition with a _title_.
30 ```
31 html: |-
32 <aside class="admonition">
33 <p class="admonition-title">This is a title</p>
34 <p>An example of an admonition with a <em>title</em>.</p>
35 </aside>
36 latex: |-
37 \begin{mdframed}
38 \section*{This is a title}
39 An example of an admonition with a \textit{title}.
40 \end{mdframed}
42 - title: Note with no title
43 mdast:
44 type: root
45 children:
46 - type: mystDirective
47 name: note
48 value: Please note!
49 children:
50 - type: admonition
51 kind: note
52 children:
53 - type: paragraph
54 children:
55 - type: text
56 value: Please note!
57 myst: |-
58 ```{note}
59 Please note!
60 ```
61 html: |-
62 <aside class="admonition note">
63 <p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
64 <p>Please note!</p>
65 </aside>
66 latex: |-
67 \begin{mdframed}[style=note]
68 Please note!
69 \end{mdframed}
71 - title: Note with split title
72 id: admonition
73 mdast:
74 type: root
75 children:
76 - type: mystDirective
77 name: note
78 args: This is a title in myst
79 value: and an example of a note admonition.
80 children:
81 - type: admonition
82 kind: note
83 children:
84 - type: admonitionTitle
85 children:
86 - type: text
87 value: This is a title in myst
88 - type: paragraph
89 children:
90 - type: text
91 value: |-
92 and an example of a note admonition.
94 - title: Danger on a single line
95 mdast:
96 type: root
97 children:
98 - type: mystDirective
99 name: danger
100 args: This is a title!
101 children:
102 - type: admonition
103 kind: danger
104 children:
105 - type: admonitionTitle
106 children:
107 - type: text
108 value: This is a title!
110 - title: Admonition with overridding class name
111 mdast:
112 type: root
113 children:
114 - type: mystDirective
115 name: admonition
116 args: This is a title!
117 options:
118 class: tip
119 value: An example of a general `admonition` with a custom _class_.
120 children:
121 - type: admonition
122 class: tip
123 children:
124 - type: admonitionTitle
125 children:
126 - type: text
127 value: This is a title!
128 - type: paragraph
129 children:
130 - type: text
131 value: 'An example of a general '
132 - type: inlineCode
133 value: admonition
134 - type: text
135 value: ' with a custom '
136 - type: emphasis
137 children:
138 - type: text
139 value: 'class'
140 - type: text
141 value: '.'
142 myst: |-
143 ```{admonition} This is a title!
144 :class: tip
146 An example of a general `admonition` with a custom _class_.
147 ```
148 html: |-
149 <aside class="tip admonition">
150 <p class="admonition-title">This is a title!</p>
151 <p>An example of a general <code>admonition</code> with a custom <em>class</em>.</p>
152 </aside>
153 latex: |-
154 \begin{mdframed}[style=tip]
155 \section*{This is a title!}
156 An example of a general \texttt{admonition} with a custom \textit{class}.
157 \end{mdframed}
159 - title: See Also with overridding class name of tip
160 description: The `tip` class must be appended to the start
161 mdast:
162 type: root
163 children:
164 - type: mystDirective
165 name: seealso
166 options:
167 class: tip
168 value: |-
169 Tip class comes first!!
170 children:
171 - type: admonition
172 kind: seealso
173 class: tip
174 children:
175 - type: paragraph
176 children:
177 - type: text
178 value: |-
179 Tip class comes first!!
180 myst: |-
181 ```{seealso}
182 :class: tip
183 Tip class comes first!!
184 ```
185 html: |-
186 <aside class="tip admonition seealso">
187 <p class="admonition-title">See Also</p>
188 <p>Tip class comes first!!</p>
189 </aside>
190 latex: |-
191 \begin{mdframed}[style=tip]
192 Tip class comes first!!
193 \end{mdframed}