2.27 kBYAMLView Raw
2 - title: Subscript
3 mdast:
4 type: root
5 children:
6 - type: paragraph
7 children:
8 - type: text
9 value: H
10 - type: mystRole
11 name: sub
12 value: '2'
13 children:
14 - type: subscript
15 children:
16 - type: text
17 value: '2'
18 - type: text
19 value: O
20 myst: |-
21 H{sub}`2`O
22 html: |-
23 <p>H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
24 latex: |-
25 H\textsubscript{2}O
27 - title: Subscript spelled out
28 id: subscript
29 mdast:
30 type: root
31 children:
32 - type: paragraph
33 children:
34 - type: text
35 value: H
36 - type: mystRole
37 name: subscript
38 value: '2'
39 children:
40 - type: subscript
41 children:
42 - type: text
43 value: '2'
44 - type: text
45 value: O
46 myst: |-
47 H{subscript}`2`O
48 html: |-
49 <p>H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
50 latex: |-
51 H\textsubscript{2}O
53 - title: Superscript
54 mdast:
55 type: root
56 children:
57 - type: paragraph
58 children:
59 - type: text
60 value: '4'
61 - type: mystRole
62 name: sup
63 value: th
64 children:
65 - type: superscript
66 children:
67 - type: text
68 value: 'th'
69 - type: text
70 value: ' of July'
71 myst: |-
72 4{sup}`th` of July
73 html: |-
74 <p>4<sup>th</sup> of July</p>
76 - title: Superscript spelled out
77 id: superscript
78 mdast:
79 type: root
80 children:
81 - type: paragraph
82 children:
83 - type: text
84 value: '4'
85 - type: mystRole
86 name: superscript
87 value: th
88 children:
89 - type: superscript
90 children:
91 - type: text
92 value: 'th'
93 - type: text
94 value: ' of July'
95 myst: |-
96 4{superscript}`th` of July
97 html: |-
98 <p>4<sup>th</sup> of July</p>