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2 | # nanogallery2
3 | **modern photo / video gallery and lightbox [javascript library]**
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5 | nanogallery2 is a must have gallery and lightbox. Strengths of nanogallery2 include rich UI interactions, multiple responsive layouts, swipe and zoom gestures, multi-level albums, an HTML page generator and limitless options. Setup and use are simple. The documentation includes tutorials, samples and ready to use HTML pages.
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7 | <img src="http://nanogallery2.nanostudio.org/img/nanogallery_logo_v3_main_black.png" alt="nanogallery2"/>
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10 | ![version](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-3.0.5-orange)
11 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2.svg?branch=dev-gh-pages)](https://travis-ci.org/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2)
12 | [![DeepScan grade](https://deepscan.io/api/teams/89/projects/394/branches/608/badge/grade.svg)](https://deepscan.io/dashboard#view=project&tid=89&pid=394&bid=608)
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14 | ![license](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Open%20source%20license&message=GPLv3&color=green)
15 | ![license](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Commercial%20license&message=for%20use%20in%20a%20revenue-generating%20product&color=green)
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21 | ## Documentation, Demonstrations and Tutorials
22 | -> [Check the homepage of the project](https://nanogallery2.nanostudio.org/documentation.html)
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25 | [![nanogallery2 youtube demo](https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/gh-pages/videos/youtube_nanogallery2.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir098VWCv8Q)
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31 | ## Features
32 | ### Markup or Javascript set up
33 | ### Images
34 | ### Videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion)
35 | ### Media titles and descriptions, tags
36 | ### Touch and mobile friendly
37 | ### Smart lazy loading and displaying
38 | ### Deeplinking
39 | ### Gallery
40 | - multiple base layouts: grid, cascading/mansonry, justified, mosaic
41 | - responsive
42 | - tag/keyword filtering
43 | - display transition on gallery and thumbnails: reveal items on-scroll in an animated way
44 | - hover/touch effects
45 | - tools on thumbnails: social sharing, selection, download, shopping cart
46 | - pagination, "display more" button
47 | - albums
48 | - blurred images for thumbnail preview
49 | - breadcrumb navigation
50 | - slider on last thumbnail
51 | - thumbnails stacks
52 | - themes
53 | ### Lightbox
54 | - swipe / pinch to zoom
55 | - mouse and keyboard
56 | - image rotation / zoom
57 | - fully customizable toolbars
58 | - previous/next media transitions
59 | - smart slideshow
60 | - themes
61 | ### Custom icons
62 | ### show media location on google maps
63 | ### API / Events / Callbacks
64 | ### Fast animation engine
65 | ### Builder for quick online testing
66 | ### Detailled documentation with samples
67 | ### Super customizable
68 | ### Optional add-on for automatic publishing of self hosted images: [nanoPhotosProvider2](https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nano_photos_provider2)
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73 | ## New features and improvements
74 | -> [Check ChangeLog](changelog.md)
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80 | ## Some screenshots
81 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_mosaic3.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
82 | <br />
83 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_mosaic1.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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85 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_mosaic2.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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87 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_cascading.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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89 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_justified.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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91 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_grid1.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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93 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_grid2.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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95 | <img src="https://github.com/nanostudio-org/nanogallery2/raw/master/screenshots/ngy2_tags.jpg?raw=true" width="500px">
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100 | ## Usage
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102 | HTML markup setup examples:
103 | ```
104 | <div id="my_nanogallery2"
105 | data-nanogallery2='{ "userID": "34858669@N00", "kind": "flickr", "thumbnailHeight": 150, "thumbnailWidth": 150 }'>
106 | </div>
107 | ```
108 | ```
109 | <div id="my_nanogallery2" data-nanogallery2 >
110 | <a href="img/img_01.jpg">Title Image 1
111 | <img src="img/img_01_thumbnail.jpg"/>
112 | </a>
113 | <a href="img/img_02.jpg">Title Image 2
114 | <img src="img/img_02_thumbnail.jpg"/>
115 | </a>
116 | <a href="img/img_03.jpg">Title Image 3
117 | <img src="img/img_03_thumbnail.jpg"/>
118 | </a>
119 | </div>
120 | ```
121 | ```
122 | <div id="my_nanogallery2" data-nanogallery2 = '{ "itemsBaseURL": "https://mywebserver/gallery/myimages/"}' >
123 | <a href="img_01.jpg" data-ngthumb="img_01t.jpg" data-ngdesc="Description1" >Title Image1</a>
124 | <a href="img_02.jpg" data-ngthumb="img_02ts.jpg" data-ngdesc="Image 2 description" >Title Image2</a>
125 | <a href="img_03.jpg" data-ngthumb="img_03t.jpg" >Title Image3</a>
126 | </div>
127 | ```
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131 | ## Package managers
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133 | [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nanogallery2): `npm install nanogallery2`
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137 | ## License
138 | Dual licensed:
139 | - GPLv3 for personal or open source projects with GPLv3 license
140 | - Commercial license for use in a revenue-generating product
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144 | ## Requirements
145 | * Javascript must be enabled
146 | * jQuery 1.12.4+ (not compatible with v3.0/v3.1, because of a jQuery regression described [here](https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3193) )
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151 | **Many thanks to these technology contributors:**
152 | - for [shifty](https://github.com/jeremyckahn/shifty):
153 | **[Jeremy Kahn](https://github.com/jeremyckahn) - special thanks for all your help!**
154 | - for [imagesloaded](https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded):
155 | [David DeSandro](https://github.com/desandro)
156 | - for [screenfull.js](https://github.com/sindresorhus/screenfull.js):
157 | [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
158 | - for [Hammer.js](http://hammerjs.github.io/):
159 | [Alexander Schmitz](https://github.com/arschmitz),
160 | [Chris Thoburn](https://github.com/runspired),
161 | [Jorik Tangelder](https://github.com/jtangelder)
162 | - for [fontello.com](http://fontello.com):
163 | [Vitaly Puzrin](https://github.com/puzrin)
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167 | **Many thanks to [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/) for their great testing services!**
168 | <img src="https://nanogallery.brisbois.fr/img/browserstack2.png" width="230px"/>