2.13 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1export class RouterGuardService {
2 constructor(to, from, isHook = false) {
3 this.guardCallbacks = [];
4 this.isCancelled = false;
5 this.lastContext = null;
6 this.isHook = false;
7 this.setRoutes(to, from);
8 this.isHook = isHook;
9 }
10 add(callback) {
11 this.guardCallbacks.push(callback);
12 }
13 async executeCallbacks(arr, predicate) {
14 for (const e of arr) {
15 if (await predicate(e)) {
16 return true;
17 }
18 }
19 return false;
20 }
21 run() {
22 this.lastContext = true;
23 const next = (vmContext) => {
24 if (typeof vmContext === "undefined") {
25 return;
26 }
27 this.lastContext = vmContext;
28 if (vmContext === false) {
29 this.isCancelled = true;
30 }
31 };
32 this.executeCallbacks(this.guardCallbacks.filter((callback) => typeof callback === "function"), async (callback) => {
33 if (this.isCancelled) {
34 return true;
35 }
36 let result = null;
37 if (this.isHook) {
38 const hookCallback = callback;
39 await hookCallback(this.routeTo, this.routeFrom);
40 }
41 else if (callback &&
42 typeof callback.then === "function") {
43 result = await callback(this.routeTo, this.routeFrom, next);
44 }
45 else {
46 result = callback(this.routeTo, this.routeFrom, next);
47 }
48 if (result === false) {
49 this.isCancelled = true;
50 this.lastContext = false;
51 return true;
52 }
53 if (result && result !== true) {
54 this.isCancelled = true;
55 this.lastContext = result;
56 return true;
57 }
58 return false;
59 });
60 return this.lastContext;
61 }
62 setRoutes(to, from) {
63 this.routeTo = to;
64 this.routeFrom = from;
65 this.isCancelled = false;
66 }
68//# sourceMappingURL=router-guard-service.js.map
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