1 | # NestJS Config
2 |
3 | Configuration component for NestJs.
4 |
5 |
6 | [](https://travis-ci.org/nestjs-community/nestjs-config)
7 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nestjs-config)
8 | [](https://github.com/nestjs-community/nestjs-config/blob/master/LICENSE)
9 | [](https://coveralls.io/github/nestjs-community/nestjs-config?branch=master)
10 |
11 | ## Features
12 |
13 | - Load your configurations with globs
14 | - Support for different environment configuration, thanks to [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv)
15 | - Change and Load configuration at runtime
16 |
17 | ### Installation
18 |
19 | **Yarn**
20 | ```bash
21 | yarn add nestjs-config
22 | ```
23 |
24 | **NPM**
25 | ```bash
26 | npm install nestjs-config --save
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ### Getting Started
30 |
31 | Let's imagine that we have a folder called `config` in our project under `src`
32 |
33 | ```bash
34 |
35 | /src
36 | ├── app.module.ts
37 | ├── config
38 | │ ├── express.ts
39 | │ ├── graphql.ts
40 | │ └── grpc.ts
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Let's register the config module in `app.module.ts`
44 |
45 | ```ts
46 | import * as path from 'path';
47 | import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
48 | import { ConfigModule } from "nestjs-config";
49 |
50 | @Module({
51 | imports: [
52 | ConfigModule.load(),
53 | ],
54 | })
55 | export class AppModule {
56 |
57 | }
58 | ```
59 | That's it!
60 |
61 | Now let's say that your application isn't in a folder called `src`, it's in `./app`.
62 |
63 | ```ts
64 | import * as path from 'path';
65 | import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
66 | import { ConfigModule } from "nestjs-config";
67 |
68 | @Module({
69 | imports: [
70 | ConfigModule.load(
71 | path.resolve(__dirname, 'config/**/*.{ts,js}')
72 | ),
73 | ],
74 | })
75 | export class AppModule {
76 |
77 | }
78 | ```
79 |
80 | We provide as first argument the glob of our interested configuration that we want to load.
81 |
82 | ### Environment configuration
83 |
84 | This package ship with the amazing [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) so that you can create
85 | a `.env` file in your preferred location.
86 |
87 | let's create one!
88 |
89 | ```bash
90 | # .env
91 |
92 | EXPRESS_PORT=3000
93 | ```
94 |
95 | now in our `src/config/epxress.ts` file we can refer to that environment variable
96 |
97 | ```ts
98 | // src/config/express.ts
99 |
100 |
101 | export default {
102 |
103 | port: process.env.EXPRESS_PORT
104 | }
105 | ```
106 |
107 | **Note:** By default the package look for a `.env` file in the path that you started your server from.
108 | If you want to specify a path for your `.env` file use the second parameter of `ConfigModule.load`.
109 |
110 |
111 | ### Usage
112 |
113 | Now we are ready to inject our `ConfigService` everywhere we'd like.
114 |
115 | ```ts
116 | import {ConfigService} from 'nestjs-config'
117 |
118 |
119 | @Injectable()
120 | class SomeService {
121 |
122 | constructor(private readonly config: ConfigService) {
123 | this.config = config;
124 | }
125 |
126 | isProduction() {
127 |
128 | const env = this.config.get('app.environment');
129 |
130 | return env === 'production';
131 | }
132 | }
133 | ```
134 |
135 | You can also use the `@InjectConfig` decorator instead, as following:
136 |
137 | ```ts
138 | import {InjectConfig} from 'nestjs-config';
139 |
140 |
141 | @Injectable()
142 | class SomeService {
143 |
144 | constructor(@InjectConfig() private readonly config) {
145 | this.config = config;
146 | }
147 | }
148 | ```
149 |
150 | ### Customer Helpers
151 | This feature allows you to create small helper function that computes values from configurations.
152 |
153 | example `isProduction` helper:
154 |
155 | ```ts
156 | // src/config/express.ts
157 |
158 |
159 | export default {
160 |
161 | environment: process.env.EXPRESS_PORT
162 | port: process.env.EXPRESS_PORT,
163 |
164 | // helpers
165 | isProduction() {
166 | return this.get('express.environment') === 'production';
167 | }
168 | }
169 | ```
170 |
171 | usage:
172 |
173 | ```ts
174 | this.config.get('express').isProduction();
175 |
176 | // or
177 |
178 | this.config._isProduction(); // note the underscore prefix.
179 | ```
180 |
181 | **Global Helpers**
182 |
183 | You can also attach helpers to the global instance as follow:
184 |
185 | ```ts
186 |
187 | this.config.registerHelper('isProduction', () => {
188 | return this.get('express.environment') === 'production';
189 | });
190 | ```
191 |
192 | Then use it:
193 |
194 | ```ts
195 | this.config.isProduction();
196 | ```
197 |
198 | ### ConfigService API
199 |
200 | #### get(param: string | string[], value: any = undefined): any
201 | Get a configuration value via path, you can use `dot notation` to traverse nested object.
202 |
203 | ```ts
204 | this.config.get('server.port'); // 3000
205 | ```
206 |
207 | #### set(param: string | string[], value: any = null): Config
208 | Set a value at runtime, it creates one if doesn't exists.
209 |
210 | ```ts
211 | this.config.set('server.port', 2000); // {server:{ port: 2000 }}
212 | ```
213 |
214 | #### has(param: string | string[]): boolean
215 | Determine if the given path for a configuration exists and set
216 |
217 | ```ts
218 | this.config.has('server.port'); // true or false
219 | ```
220 |
221 | #### merge(glob: string, options?: DotenvOptions): Promise<void>
222 | You can load other configuration at runtime. Great for package development.
223 |
224 | ```ts
225 | @Module({})
226 | export class PackageModule implements NestModule {
227 |
228 | constructor(@InjectConfig() private readonly config) {}
229 |
230 | async configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) {
231 | await this.config.merge(path.join(__dirname, '**/*.config.{ts,js}'));
232 | }
233 | }
234 | ```
235 |
236 | #### registerHelper(name: string, fn: (...args:any[]) => any): ConfigService
237 | Register custom global helper
238 |
239 | ```ts
240 | this.config.registerHelper('isProduction', () => {
241 | return this.get('express.environment') === 'production';
242 | });
243 | ```
244 |
245 | ## Decorators
246 |
247 | It's possible to use decorators instead of injecting the ConfigService
248 |
249 | ```ts
250 | import {Injectable, Get} from '@nestjs/common';
251 | import {Configurable, ConfigParam} from 'nestjs-config';
252 |
253 | @Injectable()
254 | export default class UserController {
255 |
256 | @Configurable()
257 | @Get("/")
258 | index(@ConfigParam('my.parameter', 'deafult value') parameter) {
259 | return parameter;
260 | }
261 | }
262 | ```
263 |
264 | Built from Fenos, Shekohex and Bashleigh