

Authentication for Next.js

73 lines (72 loc) 3.31 kB
/// <reference types="react" /> import { Session } from ".."; import { CtxOrReq } from "../client/_utils"; import type { ClientSafeProvider, LiteralUnion, SessionProviderProps, SignInAuthorisationParams, SignInOptions, SignInResponse, SignOutParams, SignOutResponse, UseSessionOptions } from "./types"; import type { BuiltInProviderType, RedirectableProviderType } from "../providers"; export * from "./types"; export declare type SessionContextValue<R extends boolean = false> = R extends true ? { data: Session; status: "authenticated"; } | { data: null; status: "loading"; } : { data: Session; status: "authenticated"; } | { data: null; status: "unauthenticated" | "loading"; }; /** * React Hook that gives you access * to the logged in user's session data. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#usesession) */ export declare function useSession<R extends boolean>(options?: UseSessionOptions<R>): SessionContextValue<R>; export declare type GetSessionParams = CtxOrReq & { event?: "storage" | "timer" | "hidden" | string; triggerEvent?: boolean; broadcast?: boolean; }; export declare function getSession(params?: GetSessionParams): Promise<Session | null>; /** * Returns the current Cross Site Request Forgery Token (CSRF Token) * required to make POST requests (e.g. for signing in and signing out). * You likely only need to use this if you are not using the built-in * `signIn()` and `signOut()` methods. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#getcsrftoken) */ export declare function getCsrfToken(params?: CtxOrReq): Promise<string | undefined>; /** * It calls `/api/auth/providers` and returns * a list of the currently configured authentication providers. * It can be useful if you are creating a dynamic custom sign in page. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#getproviders) */ export declare function getProviders(): Promise<Record<LiteralUnion<BuiltInProviderType, string>, ClientSafeProvider> | null>; /** * Client-side method to initiate a signin flow * or send the user to the signin page listing all possible providers. * Automatically adds the CSRF token to the request. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#signin) */ export declare function signIn<P extends RedirectableProviderType | undefined = undefined>(provider?: LiteralUnion<BuiltInProviderType>, options?: SignInOptions, authorizationParams?: SignInAuthorisationParams): Promise<P extends RedirectableProviderType ? SignInResponse | undefined : undefined>; /** * Signs the user out, by removing the session cookie. * Automatically adds the CSRF token to the request. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#signout) */ export declare function signOut<R extends boolean = true>(options?: SignOutParams<R>): Promise<R extends true ? undefined : SignOutResponse>; /** * Provider to wrap the app in to make session data available globally. * Can also be used to throttle the number of requests to the endpoint * `/api/auth/session`. * * [Documentation](https://next-auth.js.org/getting-started/client#sessionprovider) */ export declare function SessionProvider(props: SessionProviderProps): JSX.Element;