1 | # Dynamic Routes for Next.js
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3 | [![npm version](https://d25lcipzij17d.cloudfront.net/badge.svg?id=js&type=6&v=1.4.2&x2=0)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/next-routes) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/fridays/next-routes/badge.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/fridays/next-routes) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fridays/next-routes.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/fridays/next-routes)
4 |
5 | Easy to use universal dynamic routes for [Next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js)
6 |
7 | - Express-style route and parameters matching
8 | - Request handler middleware for express & co
9 | - `Link` and `Router` that generate URLs by route definition
10 |
11 | ## How to use
12 |
13 | Install:
14 |
15 | ```bash
16 | npm install next-routes --save
17 | ```
18 |
19 | Create `routes.js` inside your project:
20 |
21 | ```javascript
22 | const routes = module.exports = require('next-routes')()
23 |
24 | routes
25 | .add('about')
26 | .add('blog', '/blog/:slug')
27 | .add('user', '/user/:id', 'profile')
28 | .add('/:noname/:lang(en|es)/:wow+', 'complex')
29 | .add({name: 'beta', pattern: '/v3', page: 'v3'})
30 | ```
31 |
32 | This file is used both on the server and the client.
33 |
34 | API:
35 |
36 | - `routes.add(name, pattern = /name, page = name)`
37 | - `routes.add(pattern, page)`
38 | - `routes.add(object)`
39 |
40 | Arguments:
41 |
42 | - `name` - Route name
43 | - `pattern` - Route pattern (like express, see [path-to-regexp](https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp))
44 | - `page` - Page inside `./pages` to be rendered
45 |
46 | The page component receives the matched URL parameters merged into `query`
47 |
48 | ```javascript
49 | export default class Blog extends React.Component {
50 | static async getInitialProps ({query}) {
51 | // query.slug
52 | }
53 | render () {
54 | // this.props.url.query.slug
55 | }
56 | }
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ## On the server
60 |
61 | ```javascript
62 | // server.js
63 | const next = require('next')
64 | const routes = require('./routes')
65 | const app = next({dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'})
66 | const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app)
67 |
68 | // With express
69 | const express = require('express')
70 | app.prepare().then(() => {
71 | express().use(handler).listen(3000)
72 | })
73 |
74 | // Without express
75 | const {createServer} = require('http')
76 | app.prepare().then(() => {
77 | createServer(handler).listen(3000)
78 | })
79 | ```
80 |
81 | Optionally you can pass a custom handler, for example:
82 |
83 | ```javascript
84 | const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app, ({req, res, route, query}) => {
85 | app.render(req, res, route.page, query)
86 | })
87 | ```
88 |
89 | Make sure to use `server.js` in your `package.json` scripts:
90 |
91 | ```json
92 | "scripts": {
93 | "dev": "node server.js",
94 | "build": "next build",
95 | "start": "NODE_ENV=production node server.js"
96 | }
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ## On the client
100 |
101 | Import `Link` and `Router` from your `routes.js` file to generate URLs based on route definition:
102 |
103 | ### `Link` example
104 |
105 | ```jsx
106 | // pages/index.js
107 | import {Link} from '../routes'
108 |
109 | export default () => (
110 | <div>
111 | <div>Welcome to Next.js!</div>
112 | <Link route='blog' params={{slug: 'hello-world'}}>
113 | <a>Hello world</a>
114 | </Link>
115 | or
116 | <Link route='/blog/hello-world'>
117 | <a>Hello world</a>
118 | </Link>
119 | </div>
120 | )
121 | ```
122 |
123 | API:
124 |
125 | - `<Link route='name'>...</Link>`
126 | - `<Link route='name' params={params}> ... </Link>`
127 | - `<Link route='/path/to/match'> ... </Link>`
128 |
129 | Props:
130 |
131 | - `route` - Route name or URL to match (alias: `to`)
132 | - `params` - Optional parameters for named routes
133 |
134 | It generates the URLs for `href` and `as` and renders `next/link`. Other props like `prefetch` will work as well.
135 |
136 | ### `Router` example
137 |
138 | ```jsx
139 | // pages/blog.js
140 | import React from 'react'
141 | import {Router} from '../routes'
142 |
143 | export default class Blog extends React.Component {
144 | handleClick () {
145 | // With route name and params
146 | Router.pushRoute('blog', {slug: 'hello-world'})
147 | // With route URL
148 | Router.pushRoute('/blog/hello-world')
149 | }
150 | render () {
151 | return (
152 | <div>
153 | <div>{this.props.url.query.slug}</div>
154 | <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Home</button>
155 | </div>
156 | )
157 | }
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | API:
162 |
163 | - `Router.pushRoute(route)`
164 | - `Router.pushRoute(route, params)`
165 | - `Router.pushRoute(route, params, options)`
166 |
167 | Arguments:
168 |
169 | - `route` - Route name or URL to match
170 | - `params` - Optional parameters for named routes
171 | - `options` - Passed to Next.js
172 |
173 | The same works with `.replaceRoute()` and `.prefetchRoute()`
174 |
175 | It generates the URLs and calls `next/router`
176 |
177 | ---
178 |
179 | Optionally you can provide custom `Link` and `Router` objects, for example:
180 |
181 | ```javascript
182 | const routes = module.exports = require('next-routes')({
183 | Link: require('./my/link')
184 | Router: require('./my/router')
185 | })
186 | ```
187 |
188 | ---
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190 | ##### Related links
191 |
192 | - [zeit/next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js) - Framework for server-rendered React applications
193 | - [path-to-regexp](https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp) - Express-style path to regexp