1 | const R = require('ramda')
2 | const la = require('lazy-ass')
3 | const is = require('check-more-types')
4 | const increment = require('./increment')
5 | const debug = require('debug')('next-ver')
6 | const ggit = require('ggit')
7 | const computeTopChange = require('largest-semantic-change').topChange
8 | const parseCommit = require('./parse-commit')
9 |
10 | function addSemverInformation (commits) {
11 | return commits.map(parseCommit)
12 | }
13 |
14 | function onlySemanticCommits (commits) {
15 | return commits.filter(R.prop('semver'))
16 | }
17 |
18 | function printFoundSemanticCommits (commits) {
19 | debug('semantic commits')
20 | debug(commits)
21 | la(is.array(commits), 'expected list of commits', commits)
22 | }
23 |
24 | function printChange (feat) {
25 | debug('semantic change "%s"', feat)
26 | la(is.maybe.string(feat), 'expected change to be a string', feat)
27 | }
28 |
29 | function printCommitsAfterTag (list) {
30 | debug('commits after last tag')
31 | debug(JSON.stringify(list, null, 2))
32 | }
33 |
34 | function computeNextVersion (currentVersionTag) {
35 | la(is.unemptyString(currentVersionTag),
36 | 'missing current version', currentVersionTag)
37 |
38 | const incrementVersion = increment.bind(null, currentVersionTag)
39 |
40 | return ggit.commits.afterLastTag()
41 | .then(R.tap(printCommitsAfterTag))
42 | .then(addSemverInformation)
43 | .then(onlySemanticCommits)
44 | .then(R.tap(printFoundSemanticCommits))
45 | .then(R.map(R.prop('semver')))
46 | .then(computeTopChange)
47 | .then(R.tap(printChange))
48 | .then(incrementVersion)
49 | }
50 |
51 | module.exports = computeNextVersion