1 | # Angular component for Google reCAPTCHA
2 |
3 | ## ng-recaptcha [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-recaptcha)
4 |
5 | [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dethariel/ng-recaptcha/master/LICENSE)
6 | [](https://app.travis-ci.com/DethAriel/ng-recaptcha)
7 | [](https://coveralls.io/github/DethAriel/ng-recaptcha?branch=master)
8 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-recaptcha)
9 |
10 | A simple, configurable, easy-to-start component for handling reCAPTCHA v2 and v3.
11 |
12 | ## Table of contents
13 |
14 | 1. [Installation](#installation)
15 | 1. [Basic Usage](#example-basic)
16 | - [reCAPTCHA v3 Usage](#example-basic-v3)
17 | - [Playground](#playground)
18 | 1. [Working with `@angular/forms`](#forms-ready)
19 | 1. [API](#api)
20 | - [Input Options](#api-options)
21 | - [Events](#api-events)
22 | - [Methods](#api-methods)
23 | 1. [Angular version compatibility](#angular-versions)
24 | 1. [Examples](#examples)
25 | - [Configuring the component globally](#example-global-config)
26 | - [Specifying a different language](#example-language)
27 | - [Handling errors](#example-error-handling)
28 | - [Loading the reCAPTCHA API by yourself](#example-preload-api)
29 | - [Usage with `required` in forms](#example-forms)
30 | - [Working with invisible reCAPTCHA](#example-invisible)
31 | - [Resizing](#example-resizing)
32 | - [SystemJS configuration](#example-systemjs)
33 | - [Loading from a different location](#example-different-url)
34 | - [Specifying nonce for Content-Security-Policy](#example-csp-nonce)
35 | - [Listening for all actions with reCAPTCHA v3](#example-v3-all-actions)
36 | - [Loading reCAPTCHA keys asynchronously](#async-config-load)
37 | - [Hiding reCAPTCHA badge](#hide-recaptcha-badge)
38 |
39 | ## <a name="installation"></a>Installation
40 |
41 | The easiest way is to install through [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/package/ng-recaptcha) or [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-recaptcha):
42 |
43 | ```sh
44 | yarn add ng-recaptcha
45 | npm i ng-recaptcha --save
46 | ```
47 |
48 | ## <a name="example-basic"></a>Basic Usage [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/)
49 |
50 | The below applies to reCAPTCHA v2, for basic usage with reCAPTCHA v3 scroll down to [here](#example-basic-v3).
51 |
52 | To start with, you need to import the `RecaptchaModule` (more on that [later](#modules)):
53 |
54 | ```typescript
55 | // app.module.ts
56 | import { RecaptchaModule } from "ng-recaptcha";
57 | // if you need forms support:
58 | // import { RecaptchaModule, RecaptchaFormsModule } from 'ng-recaptcha';
59 | import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
60 | import { MyApp } from "./app.component.ts";
61 |
62 | @NgModule({
63 | bootstrap: [MyApp],
64 | declarations: [MyApp],
65 | imports: [
66 | BrowserModule,
67 | RecaptchaModule,
68 | // RecaptchaFormsModule, // if you need forms support
69 | ],
70 | })
71 | export class MyAppModule {}
72 | ```
73 |
74 | Once you have done that, the rest is simple:
75 |
76 | ```typescript
77 | // app.component.ts
78 | import { Component } from "@angular/core";
79 |
80 | @Component({
81 | selector: "my-app",
82 | template: `<re-captcha (resolved)="resolved($event)" siteKey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></re-captcha>`,
83 | })
84 | export class MyApp {
85 | resolved(captchaResponse: string) {
86 | console.log(`Resolved captcha with response: ${captchaResponse}`);
87 | }
88 | }
89 | ```
90 |
91 | ```typescript
92 | // main.ts
93 | import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";
94 | import { MyAppModule } from "./app.module.ts";
95 |
96 | platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MyAppModule);
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ### <a name="example-basic-v3"></a>reCAPTCHA v3 Usage [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/v3)
100 |
101 | [reCAPTCHA v3](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3) introduces a different way of bot protection. To work with v3 APIs, `ng-recaptcha` provides a service (as opposed to a component). To start with, you need to import the `RecaptchaV3Module` and provide your reCAPTCHA v3 site key using `RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY` injection token:
102 |
103 | ```ts
104 | import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
105 | import { RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY, RecaptchaV3Module } from "ng-recaptcha";
106 |
107 | import { MyApp } from "./app.component.ts";
108 |
109 | @NgModule({
110 | bootstrap: [MyApp],
111 | declarations: [MyApp],
112 | imports: [BrowserModule, RecaptchaV3Module],
113 | providers: [{ provide: RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY, useValue: "<YOUR_SITE_KEY>" }],
114 | })
115 | export class MyAppModule {}
116 | ```
117 |
118 | In order to execute a reCAPTCHA v3 action, import the `ReCaptchaV3Service` into your desired component:
119 |
120 | ```ts
121 | import { ReCaptchaV3Service } from 'ng-recaptcha';
122 |
123 | @Component({
124 | selector: 'recaptcha-demo',
125 | template: `
126 | <button (click)="executeImportantAction()">Important action</button>
127 | `,
128 | })
129 | export class RecaptchaV3DemoComponent {
130 | constructor(
131 | private recaptchaV3Service: ReCaptchaV3Service,
132 | ) {
133 | }
134 |
135 | public executeImportantAction(): void {
136 | this.recaptchaV3Service.execute('importantAction')
137 | .subscribe((token) => this.handleToken(token));
138 | }
139 | ```
140 |
141 | As always with subscriptions, please don't forget to **unsubscribe**.
142 |
143 | ❗️ **Important note**: If your site uses both v2 and v3, then you should _always_ provide `RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY` (even in modules that only rely on v2 functionality). This will prevent bugs in your code by allowing `ng-recaptcha` to follow reCAPTCHA development guidelines properly ([this one](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#can-i-run-recaptcha-v2-and-v3-on-the-same-page) in particular).
144 |
145 | A more advanced v3 usage scenario includes listening to all actions and their respectively emitted tokens. This is covered [later on this page](#example-v3-all-actions).
146 |
147 | ### <a name="playground"></a>Playground
148 |
149 | You can also play with [this Stackblitz demo](https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng-recaptcha-example) to get a feel of how this component can be used.
150 |
151 | ## <a name="forms-ready"></a>Working with `@angular/forms`
152 |
153 | There are two modules available for you:
154 |
155 | ```typescript
156 | import { RecaptchaModule, RecaptchaFormsModule } from "ng-recaptcha";
157 | ```
158 |
159 | If you want your `<re-captcha>` element to work correctly with `[(ngModel)]` directive,
160 | you need to import the `RecaptchaFormsModule` into your application module (pretty much
161 | like with Angular own `'@angular/forms'` module).
162 |
163 | ## <a name="api"></a>API
164 |
165 | ### <a name="api-options"></a>Input Options
166 |
167 | The component supports this options:
168 |
169 | - `siteKey`
170 | - `theme`
171 | - `type`
172 | - `size`
173 | - `tabIndex`
174 | - `badge`
175 |
176 | They are all pretty well described either in the [reCAPTCHA docs](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display), or in the [invisible reCAPTCHA docs](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/invisible),
177 | so I won't duplicate it here.
178 |
179 | One additional option that component accepts is `errorMode`. You can learn more about it in the [Handling errors](#example-error-handling) section below.
180 |
181 | Besides specifying these options on the component itself, you can provide a global `<re-captcha>` configuration - see [Configuring the component globally](#example-global-config) section below.
182 |
183 | ### <a name="api-events"></a>Events
184 |
185 | - `resolved(response: string)`. Occurs when the captcha resolution value changed.
186 | When user resolves captcha, use `response` parameter to send to the server for verification.
187 | This parameter is equivalent to calling [`grecaptcha.getResponse`](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display#js_api).
188 |
189 | If the captcha has expired prior to submitting its value to the server, the component
190 | will reset the captcha, and trigger the `resolved` event with `response === null`.
191 |
192 | - `errored(errorDetails: RecaptchaErrorParameters)`. Occurs when reCAPTCHA encounters an error (usually a connectivity problem) **if and only if** `errorMode` input has been set to `"handled"`.
193 | `errorDetails` is a simple propagation of any arguments that the original `error-callback` has provided, and is documented here for the purposes of completeness and future-proofing. This array will most often (if not always) be empty. A good strategy would be to rely on just the fact that this event got triggered, and show a message to your app's user telling them to retry.
194 |
195 | ### <a name="api-methods"></a>Methods
196 |
197 | - `reset()`. Performs a manual captcha reset. This method might be useful if your form
198 | validation failed, and you need the user to re-enter the captcha.
199 | - `execute()`. Executes the invisible recaptcha. Does nothing if component's size is not set to "invisible". See [Invisible reCAPTCHA developers guide](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/invisible#js_api) for more information.
200 |
201 | ## <a name="angular-versions"></a>Angular version compatibility
202 |
203 | | `ng-recaptcha` version | Supported Angular versions |
204 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
205 | | `13.x.x` | `17.x.x` |
206 | | `12.x.x` | `16.x.x` |
207 | | `11.x.x` | `15.x.x` |
208 | | `10.x.x` | `14.x.x` |
209 | | `9.x.x` | `13.x.x` |
210 | | `8.x.x` | `12.x.x` |
211 | | `7.x.x` | `11.x.x` |
212 | | ⬆️ Starting with `ng-recaptcha@7`, only one version of Angular will be supported |
213 | | `6.x.x` | `6.x.x \|\| 7.x.x \|\| 8.x.x \|\| 9.x.x \|\| 10.x.x` |
214 | | `5.x.x` | `6.x.x \|\| 7.x.x \|\| 8.x.x` |
215 | | `4.x.x` | `6.x.x \|\| 7.x.x` |
216 | | `3.x.x` | `4.x.x \|\| 5.x.x` |
217 | | `2.x.x` | `2.x.x \|\| 4.x.x` |
218 | | `1.x.x` | `2.x.x` |
219 |
220 | ## <a name="examples"></a>Examples
221 |
222 | ### <a name="example-global-config"></a>Configuring the component globally [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/global-config)
223 |
224 | Some properties are global - including `siteKey`, `size`, and others. You can provide them at the module-level using the `RECAPTCHA_SETTINGS` provider:
225 |
226 | ```typescript
227 | import { RECAPTCHA_SETTINGS, RecaptchaSettings } from "ng-recaptcha";
228 |
229 | @NgModule({
230 | providers: [
231 | {
232 | provide: RECAPTCHA_SETTINGS,
233 | useValue: { siteKey: "<YOUR_KEY>" } as RecaptchaSettings,
234 | },
235 | ],
236 | })
237 | export class MyModule {}
238 | ```
239 |
240 | Global properties can be overridden on a case-by-case basis - the values on the `<re-captcha>` component itself take precedence over global settings.
241 |
242 | ### <a name="example-language"></a>Specifying a different language [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/basic?lang-fr)
243 |
244 | `<re-captcha>` supports various languages. By default recaptcha will guess the user's language itself
245 | (which is beyond the scope of this lib).
246 | But you can override this behavior and provide a specific language to use by setting the `"hl"` search param in the `onBeforeLoad` hook.
247 | Note, that the language setting is **global**, and cannot be set on a per-captcha basis.
248 |
249 | A good way to synchronize reCAPTCHA language with the rest of your application is relying on `LOCALE_ID` value like so:
250 |
251 | ```typescript
252 | import { LOCALE_ID } from "@angular/core";
253 | import { RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS } from "ng-recaptcha";
254 |
255 | @NgModule({
256 | providers: [
257 | {
259 | useFactory: (locale: string) => ({
260 | onBeforeLoad(url) {
261 | url.searchParams.set("hl", locale);
262 |
263 | return { url };
264 | },
265 | }),
266 | deps: [LOCALE_ID],
267 | },
268 | ],
269 | })
270 | export class MyModule {}
271 | ```
272 |
273 | Alternatively, a specific language can be provided like so:
274 |
275 | ```typescript
276 | import { RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS } from "ng-recaptcha";
277 |
278 | @NgModule({
279 | providers: [
280 | {
282 | useValue: {
283 | onBeforeLoad(url) {
284 | url.searchParams.set("hl", "fr"); // use French language
285 |
286 | return { url };
287 | },
288 | },
289 | },
290 | ],
291 | })
292 | export class MyModule {}
293 | ```
294 |
295 | You can find the list of supported languages in [reCAPTCHA docs](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/language).
296 |
297 | ### <a name="example-error-handling"></a>Handling errors
298 |
299 | Sometimes reCAPTCHA encounters an error, which is usually a network connectivity problem. It cannot continue until connectivity is restored. By default, reCAPTCHA lets the user know that an error has happened (it's a built-in functionality of reCAPTCHA itself, and this lib is not in control of it). The downside of such behavior is that you, as a developer, don't get notified about this in any way. Opting into such notifications is easy, but comes at a cost of assuming responsibility for informing the user that they should retry. Here's how you would do this:
300 |
301 | ```typescript
302 | import { Component } from "@angular/core";
303 |
304 | @Component({
305 | selector: "my-app",
306 | template: `<re-captcha (resolved)="resolved($event)" (errored)="errored($event)" errorMode="handled"></re-captcha>`,
307 | })
308 | export class MyApp {
309 | resolved(captchaResponse: string) {
310 | console.log(`Resolved captcha with response: ${captchaResponse}`);
311 | }
312 |
313 | errored() {
314 | console.warn(`reCAPTCHA error encountered`);
315 | }
316 | }
317 | ```
318 |
319 | You can see this in action by navigating to either [basic example demo](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/basic) or [invisible demo](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/invisible) and trying to interact with reCAPTCHA after setting the network to "Offline".
320 |
321 | The `errorMode` input has two possible values -- `"handled"` and `"default"`, with latter being the default as the name suggests. Not specifying `errorMode`, or setting it to anything other than `"handled"` will not invoke your `(errored)` callback, and will instead result in default reCAPTCHA functionality.
322 |
323 | The `(errored)` callback will propagate all of the parameters that it receives from `grecaptcha['error-callback']` (which might be none) as an array.
324 |
325 | ### <a name="example-preload-api"></a>Loading the reCAPTCHA API by yourself [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/v8/preload-api)
326 |
327 | By default, the component assumes that the reCAPTCHA API loading will be handled
328 | by the `RecaptchaLoaderService`. However, you can override that by providing your
329 | instance of this service to the Angular DI.
330 |
331 | The below code snippet is an example of how such a provider can be implemented.
332 |
333 | **TL;DR**: there should be an `Observable` that eventually resolves to a
334 | `grecaptcha`-compatible object (e.g. `grecaptcha` itself).
335 |
336 | ```html
337 | <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit&onload=onloadCallback"></script>
338 |
339 | <script>
340 | // bootstrap the application once the reCAPTCHA api has loaded
341 | function onloadCallback() {
342 | System.import("app").catch(function (err) {
343 | console.error(err);
344 | });
345 | }
346 | </script>
347 | ```
348 |
349 | ```typescript
350 | import { RecaptchaLoaderService } from "ng-recaptcha";
351 |
352 | @Injectable()
353 | export class PreloadedRecaptchaAPIService {
354 | public ready: Observable<ReCaptchaV2.ReCaptcha>;
355 |
356 | constructor() {
357 | let readySubject = new BehaviorSubject<ReCaptchaV2.ReCaptcha>(grecaptcha);
358 | this.ready = readySubject.asObservable();
359 | }
360 | }
361 |
362 | @NgModule({
363 | providers: [
364 | {
365 | provide: RecaptchaLoaderService,
366 | useValue: new PreloadedRecaptchaAPIService(),
367 | },
368 | ],
369 | })
370 | export class MyModule {}
371 | ```
372 |
373 | ### <a name="example-forms"></a>Usage with `required` in forms [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/forms)
374 |
375 | It's very easy to put `<re-captcha>` in an Angular form and have it `require`d - just
376 | add the `required` attribute to the `<re-captcha>` element. Do not forget to import `RecaptchaFormsModule` from `'ng-recaptcha'`!
377 |
378 | ```typescript
379 | @Component({
380 | selector: "my-form",
381 | template: ` <form>
382 | <re-captcha [(ngModel)]="formModel.captcha" name="captcha" required siteKey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></re-captcha>
383 | </form>`,
384 | })
385 | export class MyForm {
386 | formModel = new MyFormModel();
387 | }
388 | ```
389 |
390 | A similar approach can be taken for reactive forms:
391 |
392 | ```typescript
393 | @Component({
394 | selector: "my-reactive-form",
395 | template: `
396 | <form [formGroup]="reactiveForm">
397 | <re-captcha formControlName="recaptchaReactive"></re-captcha>
398 | <button [disabled]="reactiveForm.invalid">Submit</button>
399 | </form>
400 | `,
401 | })
402 | export class MyReactiveForm {
403 | reactiveForm: FormGroup;
404 |
405 | ngOnInit() {
406 | this.reactiveForm = new FormGroup({
407 | recaptchaReactive: new FormControl(null, Validators.required),
408 | });
409 | }
410 | }
411 | ```
412 |
413 | ### <a name="example-invisible"></a>Working with invisible reCAPTCHA [(see in action)](https://dethariel.github.io/ng-recaptcha/invisible)
414 |
415 | Working with [invisible reCAPTCHA](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/invisible) is almost the same as with regular one.
416 | First, you need to provide the right size:
417 |
418 | ```html
419 | <re-captcha size="invisible" ...></re-captcha>
420 | ```
421 |
422 | You will also need to invoke the [`"execute()"`](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/invisible#programmatic_execute) method manually. This can be done by either obtaining a reference to `RecaptchaComponent` via `@ViewChild()`, or by using inline template reference:
423 |
424 | ```html
425 | <re-captcha #captchaRef="reCaptcha" ...></re-captcha>
426 | ...
427 | <button (click)="captchaRef.execute()">Submit</button>
428 | ```
429 |
430 | Normally you would only submit a form when recaptcha response has been received. This can be achieved by reacting to `(resolved)` event and invoking submit logic when the captcha response is truthy (this will not try to submit the form when recaptcha response has expired). A sample implementation would look like this:
431 |
432 | ```typescript
433 | @Component({
434 | selector: "my-form",
435 | template: ` <form>
436 | <re-captcha
437 | #captchaRef="reCaptcha"
438 | siteKey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"
439 | size="invisible"
440 | (resolved)="$event && submit($event)"
441 | ></re-captcha>
442 | <button (click)="captchaRef.execute()">Submit</button>
443 | </form>`,
444 | })
445 | export class MyForm {
446 | public submit(captchaResponse: string): void {
447 | this.http.post({
448 | captcha: captchaResponse,
449 | /* ... */
450 | });
451 | }
452 | }
453 | ```
454 |
455 | ### <a name="example-resizing"></a>Resizing
456 |
457 | Making reCAPTCHA responsive is sometimes necessary, especially when working with mobile devices. You can use css-transforms to achieve that as in [this StackOverflow answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/29521983/2645305), which is also ell-described in [this blog post](https://geekgoddess.com/how-to-resize-the-google-nocaptcha-recaptcha/). You can also take a look at a [live example](https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng-recaptcha-example-uncvxq?file=src/app/app.component.html) of how this might be implemented. This boils down to
458 |
459 | ```html
460 | <div style="transform:scale(0.7);transform-origin:0;">
461 | <re-captcha></re-captcha>
462 | </div>
463 | ```
464 |
465 | ### <a name="example-systemjs"></a>SystemJS configuration
466 |
467 | To configure the package to work with SystemJS, you would configure it approximately like that (assuming you've installed `ng-recaptcha` using `npm`):
468 |
469 | ```javascript
470 | // SystemJS config file
471 | (function () {
472 | System.config({
473 | paths: {
474 | "npm:": "/node_modules/",
475 | },
476 | map: {
477 | "ng-recaptcha": "npm:ng-recaptcha",
478 | },
479 | packages: {
480 | "ng-recaptcha": { main: "./index.js" },
481 | },
482 | });
483 | })();
484 | ```
485 |
486 | ### <a name="example-different-url"></a>Loading from a different location
487 |
488 | Since `"google.com"` domain might be unavailable in some countries, reCAPTCHA core team has a solution for that - using `"recaptcha.net"` domain. You can configure the component to use that by using the `onBeforeLoad` hook of `RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS`, for example:
489 |
490 | ```javascript
491 | import { RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS } from "ng-recaptcha";
492 |
493 | @NgModule({
494 | providers: [
495 | {
497 | useValue: {
498 | onBeforeLoad(_url) {
499 | return {
500 | url: new URL("https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api.js"), // use recaptcha.net script source for some of our users
501 | };
502 | },
503 | },
504 | },
505 | ],
506 | })
507 | export class MyModule {}
508 | ```
509 |
510 | ### <a name="example-csp-nonce"></a>Specifying nonce for Content-Security-Policy
511 |
512 | Per [reCAPTCHA FAQ on CSP](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#im-using-content-security-policy-csp-on-my-website-how-can-i-configure-it-to-work-with-recaptcha), the recommended approach for that is to supply nonce to the script tag. This is possible by providing the nonce as part of the `onBeforeLoad` hook of `RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS`, for example
513 |
514 | ```javascript
515 | import { RECAPTCHA_LOADER_OPTIONS } from "ng-recaptcha";
516 |
517 | @NgModule({
518 | providers: [
519 | {
521 | useValue: {
522 | onBeforeLoad(_url) {
523 | return {
524 | url,
525 | nonce: "<YOUR_NONCE_VALUE>",
526 | };
527 | },
528 | },
529 | },
530 | ],
531 | })
532 | export class MyModule {}
533 | ```
534 |
535 | ### <a name="example-v3-all-actions"></a>Listening for all actions with reCAPTCHA v3
536 |
537 | More often than not you will need to only get a reCAPTCHA token with the action the user is currently taking, and submit it to the backend at that time. However, having a single listener for all events will be desirable.
538 |
539 | There is an `Observable` exactly for that purpose: `ReCaptchaV3Service.onExecute`. It emits a value every time a token is received from reCAPTCHA. The shape of payload it operates on is defined via `OnExecuteData` interface:
540 |
541 | ```ts
542 | interface OnExecuteData {
543 | action: string;
544 | token: string;
545 | }
546 | ```
547 |
548 | where `action` is the name of the action that has been executed, and `token` is what reCAPTCHA v3 provided when executing that action.
549 |
550 | Here's how you would potentially set this up:
551 |
552 | ```ts
553 | import { OnExecuteData, ReCaptchaV3Service } from "ng-recaptcha";
554 |
555 | @Component({
556 | selector: "my-component",
557 | templateUrl: "./v3-demo.component.html",
558 | })
559 | export class MyComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
560 | private subscription: Subscription;
561 |
562 | constructor(private recaptchaV3Service: ReCaptchaV3Service) {}
563 |
564 | public ngOnInit() {
565 | this.subscription = this.recaptchaV3Service.onExecute.subscribe((data: OnExecuteData) => {
566 | this.handleRecaptchaExecute(data.action, data.token);
567 | });
568 | }
569 |
570 | public ngOnDestroy() {
571 | if (this.subscription) {
572 | this.subscription.unsubscribe();
573 | }
574 | }
575 | }
576 | ```
577 |
578 | There are a couple things to keep in mind:
579 |
580 | - `onExecute` will trigger for **all** actions. If you only need to bulk-process some actions, and not others - you will have to apply filtering yourself.
581 | - `onExecute` observable will provide you with all the events emitted **after** you have subscribed to it - it doesn't keep references to the previously emitted actions. So make sure you add such a subscription as early in your code as you feel is necessary.
582 | - `onExecute` does not emit anything for when a `grecaptcha` error occurs. Use `onExecuteError` Observable for that.
583 |
584 | ### <a name="async-config-load"></a>Loading reCAPTCHA keys asynchronously
585 |
586 | If your use-case needs to load the reCAPTCHA v2/v3 key from the backend (as opposed to specifying it in-code during build time), the Angular-idiomatic way to do that is by relying on [`APP_INITIALIZER`](https://angular.io/api/core/APP_INITIALIZER). You can find an example of how this could look like below, and you can also consult the source code for the demo site.
587 |
588 | ```ts
589 | // config.service.ts
590 | import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
591 |
592 | @Injectable({
593 | providedIn: "root",
594 | })
595 | export class ConfigService {
596 | public recaptchaSiteKeyV2: string | null = null;
597 | public recaptchaSiteKeyV3: string | null = null;
598 |
599 | public async loadConfig(): Promise<void> {
600 | const { siteKeyV2, siteKeyV3 } = await fetchConfig(/* some API call */);
601 | this.recaptchaSiteKeyV2 = siteKeyV2;
602 | this.recaptchaSiteKeyV3 = siteKeyV3;
603 | }
604 | }
605 |
606 | // app.module.ts
607 | import { APP_INITIALIZER, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
608 | import { RECAPTCHA_SETTINGS, RecaptchaSettings, RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY } from "ng-recaptcha";
609 |
610 | import { ConfigService } from "./config.service";
611 |
612 | function appLoadFactory(config: ConfigService) {
613 | return () => config.loadConfig().then(() => console.log(`config resolved`, config));
614 | }
615 |
616 | @NgModule({
617 | providers: [
618 | {
619 | provide: RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY,
620 | useFactory: (config: ConfigService) => {
621 | return config.recaptchaSiteKeyV3;
622 | },
623 | deps: [ConfigService],
624 | },
625 | {
626 | provide: RECAPTCHA_SETTINGS,
627 | useFactory: (config: ConfigService): RecaptchaSettings => {
628 | return { siteKey: config.recaptchaSiteKeyV2 };
629 | },
630 | deps: [ConfigService],
631 | },
632 | {
633 | provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
634 | useFactory: appLoadFactory,
635 | deps: [ConfigService],
636 | multi: true,
637 | },
638 | ],
639 | })
640 | export class AppModule {}
641 | ```
642 |
643 | ### <a name="hide-recaptcha-badge"></a>Hiding reCAPTCHA badge
644 |
645 | To start with, this is not strictly under `ng-recaptcha` library control.
646 | However, there is a way of doing so (albeit subject to certain conditions).
647 | Please refer to the [FAQ section of reCAPTCHA documentation](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#id-like-to-hide-the-recaptcha-badge.-what-is-allowed) to get an idea of what you're required to do.