638 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
2export var CarouselConfig = (function () {
3 function CarouselConfig() {
4 /** Default interval of auto changing of slides */
5 this.interval = 5000;
6 /** Is loop of auto changing of slides can be paused */
7 this.noPause = false;
8 /** Is slides can wrap from the last to the first slide */
9 this.noWrap = false;
10 }
11 CarouselConfig.decorators = [
12 { type: Injectable },
13 ];
14 /** @nocollapse */
15 CarouselConfig.ctorParameters = function () { return []; };
16 return CarouselConfig;
18//# sourceMappingURL=carousel.config.js.map
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