916 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/** Provides default configuration values for timepicker */
2export declare class TimepickerConfig {
3 /** hours change step */
4 hourStep: number;
5 /** hours change step */
6 minuteStep: number;
7 /** if true works in 12H mode and displays AM/PM. If false works in 24H mode and hides AM/PM */
8 showMeridian: boolean;
9 /** meridian labels based on locale */
10 meridians: string[];
11 /** if true hours and minutes fields will be readonly */
12 readonlyInput: boolean;
13 /** if true scroll inside hours and minutes inputs will change time */
14 mousewheel: boolean;
15 /** if true up/down arrowkeys inside hours and minutes inputs will change time */
16 arrowkeys: boolean;
17 /** if true spinner arrows above and below the inputs will be shown */
18 showSpinners: boolean;
19 /** minimum time user can select */
20 min: number;
21 /** maximum time user can select */
22 max: number;