1 | Official **Angular** wrapper for [`dragula`](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula).
2 |
3 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/ng2-dragula.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/ng2-dragula) [![npm downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/ng2-dragula.svg)](https://npmjs.org/ng2-dragula)
4 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/valor-software/ng2-dragula.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/valor-software/ng2-dragula)
5 | [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/valor-software/ng2-dragula/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/valor-software/ng2-dragula)
6 |
7 | ![Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bevacqua/dragula/master/resources/logo.png)
8 |
9 | > Drag and drop so simple it hurts
10 |
11 |
12 | # Demo
13 |
14 | Try out the [demo](http://valor-software.github.io/ng2-dragula/index.html)!
15 |
16 | [//]: # (Or play with [this starter in your browser][stackblitz] on StackBlitz.)
17 |
18 | [stackblitz]: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ng2-dragula-base?file=src/app/app.component.html
19 |
20 | ![Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bevacqua/dragula/master/resources/demo.png)
21 |
22 | * [Install](#install)
23 | * [Setup](#setup)
24 | * [Usage](#usage)
25 | * [Directive](#directive)
26 | * [Grouping containers](#grouping-containers)
27 | * [Saving changes to arrays with dragulaModel](#saving-changes-to-arrays-with-dragulamodel)
28 | * [DragulaService](#dragulaservice)
29 | * [Drake options](#drake-options)
30 | * [Events](#events)
31 | * [Special events for ng2-dragula](#special-events-for-ng2-dragula)
32 | * [Classic Blunders](#classic-blunders)
33 | * [Development](#development)
34 |
35 | # Dependencies
36 |
37 | Latest version available for each version of Angular
38 |
39 | | ng2-dragula | Angular |
40 | | ---------- |---------|
41 | | 2.1.1 | <= 9.x |
42 | | current | 16.x.x |
43 |
44 | # Install
45 |
46 | You can get it on npm.
47 |
48 | ```sh
49 | npm install ng2-dragula
50 | # or
51 | yarn add ng2-dragula
52 | ```
53 |
54 | # Setup
55 |
56 | ### 1. Important: add the following line to your `polyfills.ts`:
57 |
58 | ```ts
59 | (window as any).global = window;
60 | ```
61 |
62 | This is a temporary workaround for
63 | [#849](https://github.com/valor-software/ng2-dragula/issues/849), while upstream
64 | dragula still relies on `global`.
65 |
66 | ### 2. Add `DragulaModule.forRoot()` to your application module.
67 |
68 | ```typescript
69 | import { DragulaModule } from 'ng2-dragula';
70 | @NgModule({
71 | imports: [
72 | ...,
73 | DragulaModule.forRoot()
74 | ],
75 | })
76 | export class AppModule { }
77 | ```
78 |
79 | On any child modules (like lazy loaded route modules), just use `DragulaModule`.
80 |
81 | ### 3. Add the CSS to your project
82 |
83 | You'll also need to add Dragula's CSS stylesheet `dragula.css` to your
84 | application (e.g. in `styles.scss`). The following is **slightly better** than
85 | `node_modules/dragula/dist/dragula.css` (it includes `pointer-events: none`
86 | ([#508](https://github.com/valor-software/ng2-dragula/issues/508)) and
87 | [this fix](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula/issues/373)),
88 | but you may wish to make your own modifications.
89 |
90 | ```scss
91 | /* in-flight clone */
92 | .gu-mirror {
93 | position: fixed !important;
94 | margin: 0 !important;
95 | z-index: 9999 !important;
96 | opacity: 0.8;
97 | -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80)";
98 | filter: alpha(opacity=80);
99 | pointer-events: none;
100 | }
101 | /* high-performance display:none; helper */
102 | .gu-hide {
103 | left: -9999px !important;
104 | }
105 | /* added to mirrorContainer (default = body) while dragging */
106 | .gu-unselectable {
107 | -webkit-user-select: none !important;
108 | -moz-user-select: none !important;
109 | -ms-user-select: none !important;
110 | user-select: none !important;
111 | }
112 | /* added to the source element while its mirror is dragged */
113 | .gu-transit {
114 | opacity: 0.2;
115 | -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=20)";
116 | filter: alpha(opacity=20);
117 | }
118 | ```
119 |
120 | ### Then you're ready to go
121 |
122 | Here's a super quick sample to get you started:
123 |
124 | ```typescript
125 | @Component({
126 | selector: "sample",
127 | template:`
128 | <div>
129 | <div class="wrapper">
130 | <div class="container" dragula="DRAGULA_FACTS">
131 | <div>You can move these elements between these two containers</div>
132 | <div>Moving them anywhere else isn't quite possible</div>
133 | <div>There's also the possibility of moving elements around in the same container, changing their position</div>
134 | </div>
135 | <div class="container" dragula="DRAGULA_FACTS">
136 | <div>This is the default use case. You only need to specify the containers you want to use</div>
137 | <div>More interactive use cases lie ahead</div>
138 | <div>Make sure to check out the <a href="https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula#readme">documentation on GitHub!</a></div>
139 | </div>
140 | </div>
141 | </div>
142 | `
143 | })
144 | class Sample {}
145 | ```
146 |
147 | # Usage
148 |
149 | This package isn't very different from `dragula` itself. I'll mark the
150 | differences here, but please refer to the documentation for
151 | [dragula](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula) if you need to learn more about
152 | `dragula` itself.
153 |
154 | ## Directive
155 |
156 | There's a `dragula` directive that makes a container's direct children
157 | draggable. You must supply a string. Both syntaxes, `dragula="VAMPIRES"` or
158 | `[dragula]="'VAMPIRES'"`, work equally well.
159 |
160 | ```html
161 | <ul dragula="VAMPIRES">
162 | <li>Dracula</li>
163 | <li>Kurz</li>
164 | <li>Vladislav</li>
165 | <li>Deacon</li>
166 | </ul>
167 | ```
168 |
169 | ## Grouping containers
170 |
171 | You can group containers together by giving them the same group name. When you
172 | do, the children of each container can be dragged to any container in the same
173 | group.
174 |
175 | ```html
176 | <div dragula="VAMPIRES">
177 | <!-- vamps in here -->
178 | </div>
179 | <div dragula="VAMPIRES">
180 | <!-- vamps in here -->
181 | </div>
182 |
183 | <div dragula="ZOMBIES">
184 | <!-- but zombies in here! -->
185 | </div>
186 | ```
187 |
188 | If you want to make sure you are using the same type string in different places,
189 | use the `[dragula]` syntax to pass a string variable from your component:
190 |
191 | ```html
192 | <div [dragula]="Vampires"></div>
193 | <div [dragula]="Vampires"></div>
194 | ```
195 | ```ts
196 | class MyComponent {
197 | Vampires = "VAMPIRES";
198 | }
199 | ```
200 |
201 | ## Saving changes to arrays with `[(dragulaModel)]`
202 |
203 | If your container's children are rendered using `ngFor`, you may wish to read what your users have done. If you provide the same array to the `[(dragulaModel)]` attribute on the **container** element, any changes will be synced back to the array.
204 |
205 | **NOTE: v2 changes the behaviour of [dragulaModel]. It no longer mutates the arrays you give it, but will shallow clone them and give you the results.** Use two-way binding with `[(dragulaModel)]="..."`, or use the DragulaService `dropModel` and `removeModel` events to save the new models produced.
206 |
207 | ```html
208 | <ul dragula="VAMPIRES" [(dragulaModel)]="vampires">
209 | <li *ngFor="let vamp of vampires">
210 | {{ vamp.name }} likes {{ vamp.favouriteColor }}
211 | </li>
212 | </ul>
213 | ```
214 |
215 | You do not, of course, *have* to sync the changes back. The `[(dragulaModel)]` syntax is equivalent to:
216 |
217 | ```html
218 | <ul dragula="VAMPIRES" [dragulaModel]="vampires" (dragulaModelChange)="vampires = $event">
219 | ...
220 | </ul>
221 | ```
222 |
223 | Note: **DO NOT** put any other elements inside the container. The library relies
224 | on having the index of a DOM element inside a container mapping directly to
225 | their associated items in the array. Everything will be messed up if you do
226 | this.
227 |
228 | On top of the normal Dragula events, when `[(dragulaModel)]` is provided, there are two extra events: `dropModel` and `removeModel`. Further details are available under `Events`
229 |
230 | ## Drake options
231 |
232 | If you need to configure the `drake` _(there's exactly one `drake` per `group`)_, you can use the `DragulaService`.
233 |
234 | ```ts
235 | import { DragulaService } from 'ng2-dragula';
236 |
237 | class ConfigExample {
238 | constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
239 | dragulaService.createGroup("VAMPIRES", {
240 | removeOnSpill: true
241 | });
242 | }
243 | }
244 | ```
245 |
246 | See below for more info on options.
247 |
248 | ## `DragulaService`
249 |
250 | This service exposes a few different methods with which you can interact with `dragula`.
251 |
252 | ### `dragulaService.createGroup(name, options)`
253 |
254 | NOTE: formerly known as `setOptions()`
255 |
256 | Creates a group named `name`, with an
257 | [options](#dragulaoptions) object.
258 |
259 | ### `dragulaService.find(name: string)`
260 |
261 | Returns a `Group` named `name`, if there is one. A `Group` contains the following
262 | properties.
263 |
264 | - `name` is the name that identifies the group
265 | - `drake` is the raw `drake` instance itself
266 | - `options` is the options object used to create the drake. Modifying it won't
267 | do anything useful.
268 |
269 | ### `dragulaService.destroy(name)`
270 |
271 | Destroys a `Group` named `name` and its associated `drake` instance. Silently
272 | returns if the group does not exist.
273 |
274 | ### DragulaOptions
275 |
276 | Refer to the documentation for
277 | [dragula](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula#readme) to learn more about the
278 | native options.
279 |
280 | All of the native options work with ng2-dragula. However, there is one addition:
281 |
282 | #### `copyItem: <T>(item: T) => T`
283 |
284 | When you have:
285 |
286 | * `[(dragulaModel)]`
287 | * `copy` is `true` or a *function that returns true*
288 |
289 | ... ng2-dragula will have to create a clone of the JS object you picked up. In
290 | previous versions of `ng2-dragula`, there was a terribly buggy,
291 | one-size-fits-all clone function. From v2 onwards, you **MUST** provide your own
292 | `copyItem` function.
293 |
294 | If you have a simple object with no nested values, it could be as simple as:
295 |
296 | ```ts
297 | {
298 | copy: ...,
299 | copyItem: (item: MyType) => ({ ...item })
300 | }
301 | ```
302 |
303 | There is a complete example using a `Person` class on the demo page.
304 |
305 | ## Events
306 |
307 | Whenever a `drake` instance is created with the `dragula` directive, there are
308 | several events you can subscribe to via `DragulaService`. Each event emits
309 | a typed object, which you can use to get information about what happened.
310 |
311 | Refer to [the Drake events
312 | documentation](https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula#drakeon-events) for more
313 | information about the different events available. Each event follows this
314 | format:
315 |
316 | ```yml
317 | Event named: 'drag'
318 |
319 | Native dragula:
320 | Use: drake.on('drag', listener)
321 | Listener arguments: (el, source)
322 |
323 | ng2-dragula:
324 | Method: DragulaService.drag(groupName?: string): Observable<...>
325 | Observable of: { name: string; el: Element; source: Element; }
326 | ```
327 |
328 | Each supports an optional parameter, `groupName?: string`, which filters events
329 | to the group you're interested in. This is usually better than getting all
330 | groups in one observable.
331 |
332 | The sample below illustrates how you can use destructuring to pull values from
333 | the event, and unsubscribe when your component is destroyed.
334 |
335 | ```html
336 | <div dragula="VAMPIRES"></div>
337 | ```
338 |
339 | ```ts
340 | import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
341 | import { DragulaService } from 'ng2-dragula';
342 |
343 | export class MyComponent {
344 | // RxJS Subscription is an excellent API for managing many unsubscribe calls.
345 | // See note below about unsubscribing.
346 | subs = new Subscription();
347 |
348 | constructor(private dragulaService: DragulaService) {
349 |
350 | // These will get events limited to the VAMPIRES group.
351 |
352 | this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drag("VAMPIRES")
353 | .subscribe(({ name, el, source }) => {
354 | // ...
355 | })
356 | );
357 | this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drop("VAMPIRES")
358 | .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling }) => {
359 | // ...
360 | })
361 | );
362 | // some events have lots of properties, just pick the ones you need
363 | this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.dropModel("VAMPIRES")
364 | // WHOA
365 | // .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling, sourceModel, targetModel, item }) => {
366 | .subscribe(({ sourceModel, targetModel, item }) => {
367 | // ...
368 | })
369 | );
370 |
371 | // You can also get all events, not limited to a particular group
372 | this.subs.add(this.dragulaService.drop()
373 | .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling }) => {
374 | // ...
375 | })
376 | );
377 | }
378 |
379 | ngOnDestroy() {
380 | // destroy all the subscriptions at once
381 | this.subs.unsubscribe();
382 | }
383 | }
384 |
385 | ```
386 |
387 | **NOTE: You should always unsubscribe each time you listen to an event.** This
388 | is especially true for a component, which should tear itself down completely in
389 | `ngOnDestroy`, including any subscriptions. It might not be necessary if you
390 | have a global singleton service (which is never destroyed) doing the
391 | subscribing.
392 |
393 | You can also engineer your use of events to avoid subscribing in the first
394 | place:
395 |
396 | ```ts
397 | import { merge } from 'rxjs';
398 | import { mapTo, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators';
399 |
400 | dragStart$ = this.dragulaService.drag("VAMPIRES").pipe(mapTo(true));
401 | dragEnd$ = this.dragulaService.dragend("VAMPIRES").pipe(mapTo(false));
402 | isDragging$ = merge(dragStart$, dragEnd$).pipe(startWith(false));
403 |
404 | // html: [class.dragging]="isDragging$ | async"
405 | ```
406 |
407 | ## Special Events for `ng2-dragula`
408 |
409 | The `dropModel(name?: string)` and `removeModel(name?: string)` events are only active when you have supplied `[dragulaModel]`.
410 |
411 | | Event Name | Listener Arguments | Event Description |
412 | | :-------------- | :-------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
413 | | dropModel | { type, el, target, source, item, sourceModel, targetModel, sourceIndex, targetIndex } | same as normal drop, but with updated models + the item that was dropped |
414 | | removeModel | { type, el, container, source, item, sourceModel, sourceIndex } | same as normal remove, but with updated model + the item that got removed |
415 |
416 | # Classic Blunders
417 |
418 | There are a number of very common issues filed against this repo. You will be
419 | mocked terribly if you file a bug and it turns out you made one of these
420 | blunders and it wasn't a bug at all.
421 |
422 | ### 1. Do not put `[dragula]` or `[(dragulaModel)]` on the same element as `*ngFor`.
423 |
424 | **WRONG:**
425 |
426 | ```html
427 | <div class="container">
428 | <div *ngFor="let x of list"
429 | dragula="WRONG" [(dragulaModel)]="list">...</div>
430 | </div>
431 | ```
432 |
433 | **RIGHT:**
434 |
435 | ```html
436 | <div class="container" dragula="RIGHT" [(dragulaModel)]="list">
437 | <div *ngFor="let x of list">...</div>
438 | </div>
439 | ```
440 |
441 | ### 2. Do not add any child elements that aren't meant to be draggable
442 |
443 | **WRONG:**
444 | ```html
445 | <div class="container" dragula="WRONG" [(dragulaModel)]="list">
446 | <h2>WRONG: This header will mess up everything, and you will
447 | get really weird bugs on drop</h2>
448 | <div *ngFor="let x of list">...</div>
449 | </div>
450 | ```
451 |
452 | **RIGHT:**
453 | ```html
454 | <h2>This header will not be draggable or affect drags at all.</h2>
455 | <div class="container" dragula="RIGHT" [(dragulaModel)]="list">
456 | <div *ngFor="let x of list">...</div>
457 | </div>
458 | ```
459 |
460 | # Alternatives
461 |
462 | There are hundreds of other libraries that do this. Some notable ones:
463 |
464 | - [@angular-skyhook](https://cormacrelf.github.io/angular-skyhook/examples/), specifically with the sortable. Also by me (@cormacrelf).
465 | - [@angular/cdk/drag-drop](https://material.angular.io/cdk/categories) -- no documentation yet, but will presumably be well-supported.
466 |
467 | # Development
468 |
469 | - You must use Yarn >= 1.3. It includes the 'workspaces' feature.
470 | - Please use [Conventional Commits](https://conventionalcommits.org/) in your commit messages.
471 |
472 | #### setup
473 |
474 | ```sh
475 | yarn
476 | yarn workspace ng2-dragula build
477 | ```
478 |
479 | #### run tests
480 |
481 | ```sh
482 | yarn workspace ng2-dragula test
483 | # or
484 | yarn workspace ng2-dragula test:headless
485 | ```
486 |
487 | #### run demo server
488 |
489 | ```sh
490 | # listens for changes in the library and rebuilds on save
491 | yarn watch
492 | # runs demo server
493 | yarn workspace demo start
494 | ```
495 |
496 | #### Publishing a new version
497 |
498 | ```
499 | yarn lerna publish
500 | ```
501 |
502 | ## Credits
503 |
504 | - `v1`: Nathan Walker (@NathanWalker)
505 | - `v1.x`: Dmitriy Shekhovtsov (@valorkin)
506 | - `v2`: Cormac Relf (@cormacrelf)
507 |