127 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1!function(e){function t(e){Object.defineProperty(this,e,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return this[v][e]}})}function r(e){if("undefined"!=typeof System&&System.isModule?System.isModule(e):"[object Module]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e))return e;var t={default:e,__useDefault:e};if(e&&e.__esModule)for(var r in e)Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e,r)&&(t[r]=e[r]);return new o(t)}function o(e){Object.defineProperty(this,v,{value:e}),Object.keys(e).forEach(t,this)}function n(e){return"@node/"===e.substr(0,6)?c(e,r(m(e.substr(6))),{}):p[e]}function u(e){var t=n(e);if(!t)throw new Error('Module "'+e+'" expected, but not contained in build.');if(t.module)return t.module;var r=t.linkRecord;return i(t,r),a(t,r,[]),t.module}function i(e,t){if(!t.depLoads){t.declare&&d(e,t),t.depLoads=[];for(var r=0;r<t.deps.length;r++){var o=n(t.deps[r]);t.depLoads.push(o),o.linkRecord&&i(o,o.linkRecord);var u=t.setters&&t.setters[r];u&&(u(o.module||o.linkRecord.moduleObj),o.importerSetters.push(u))}return e}}function d(t,r){var o=r.moduleObj,n=t.importerSetters,u=!1,i=r.declare.call(e,function(e,t){if(!u){if("object"==typeof e)for(var r in e)"__useDefault"!==r&&(o[r]=e[r]);else o[e]=t;u=!0;for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++)n[i](o);return u=!1,t}},{id:t.key});"function"!=typeof i?(r.setters=i.setters,r.execute=i.execute):(r.setters=[],r.execute=i)}function l(e,t,r){return p[e]={key:e,module:void 0,importerSetters:[],linkRecord:{deps:t,depLoads:void 0,declare:r,setters:void 0,execute:void 0,moduleObj:{}}}}function f(e,t,r,o){var n={};return p[e]={key:e,module:void 0,importerSetters:[],linkRecord:{deps:t,depLoads:void 0,declare:void 0,execute:o,executingRequire:r,moduleObj:{default:n,__useDefault:n},setters:void 0}}}function s(e,t,r){return function(o){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++)if(e[n]===o){var u,i=t[n],d=i.linkRecord;return u=d?-1===r.indexOf(i)?a(i,d,r):d.moduleObj:i.module,"__useDefault"in u?u.__useDefault:u}}}function a(t,r,n){if(n.push(t),t.module)return t.module;var u;if(r.setters){for(var i=0;i<r.deps.length;i++){var d=r.depLoads[i],l=d.linkRecord;l&&-1===n.indexOf(d)&&(u=a(d,l,l.setters?n:[]))}r.execute.call(y)}else{var f={id:t.key},c=r.moduleObj;Object.defineProperty(f,"exports",{configurable:!0,set:function(e){c.default=c.__useDefault=e},get:function(){return c.__useDefault}});var p=s(r.deps,r.depLoads,n);if(!r.executingRequire)for(var i=0;i<r.deps.length;i++)p(r.deps[i]);var v=r.execute.call(e,p,c.__useDefault,f);void 0!==v?c.default=c.__useDefault=v:f.exports!==c.__useDefault&&(c.default=c.__useDefault=f.exports);var m=c.__useDefault;if(m&&m.__esModule)for(var b in m)Object.hasOwnProperty.call(m,b)&&(c[b]=m[b])}var f=t.module=new o(r.moduleObj);if(!r.setters)for(var i=0;i<t.importerSetters.length;i++)t.importerSetters[i](f);return f}function c(e,t){return p[e]={key:e,module:t,importerSetters:[],linkRecord:void 0}}var p={},v="undefined"!=typeof Symbol?Symbol():"@@baseObject";o.prototype=Object.create(null),"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&(o.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]="Module");var m="undefined"!=typeof System&&System._nodeRequire||"undefined"!=typeof require&&"undefined"!=typeof require.resolve&&"undefined"!=typeof process&&process.platform&&require,y={};return Object.freeze&&Object.freeze(y),function(e,t,n,i){return function(d){d(function(d){var s={_nodeRequire:m,register:l,registerDynamic:f,registry:{get:function(e){return p[e].module},set:c},newModule:function(e){return new o(e)}};c("@empty",new o({}));for(var a=0;a<t.length;a++)c(t[a],r(arguments[a],{}));i(s);var v=u(e[0]);if(e.length>1)for(var a=1;a<e.length;a++)u(e[a]);return n?v.__useDefault:(v instanceof o&&Object.defineProperty(v,"__esModule",{value:!0}),v)})}}}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:this)
3(["a"], ["2a","10","28","1f","24","d","c","e"], true, function($__System) {
4var require = this.require, exports = this.exports, module = this.module;
5$__System.registerDynamic("b", ["c", "d", "e"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
6 "use strict";
8 var global = this || self,
9 GLOBAL = global;
10 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
11 $__require("c");
12 $__require("d");
13 $__require("e");
14 // This forces angular compiler to generate a "rxjs-imports.metadata.json"
15 // with a valid metadata instead of "[null]"
16 exports.noop = function () {};
19$__System.registerDynamic("f", ["10", "11", "12", "13"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
20 "use strict";
22 var global = this || self,
23 GLOBAL = global;
24 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
25 var core_1 = $__require("10");
26 var tree_service_1 = $__require("11");
27 var TreeTypes = $__require("12");
28 var tree_1 = $__require("13");
29 var TreeComponent = function () {
30 function TreeComponent(treeService) {
31 this.treeService = treeService;
32 this.nodeCreated = new core_1.EventEmitter();
33 this.nodeRemoved = new core_1.EventEmitter();
34 this.nodeRenamed = new core_1.EventEmitter();
35 this.nodeSelected = new core_1.EventEmitter();
36 this.nodeUnselected = new core_1.EventEmitter();
37 this.nodeMoved = new core_1.EventEmitter();
38 this.nodeExpanded = new core_1.EventEmitter();
39 this.nodeCollapsed = new core_1.EventEmitter();
40 this.loadNextLevel = new core_1.EventEmitter();
41 this.nodeChecked = new core_1.EventEmitter();
42 this.nodeUnchecked = new core_1.EventEmitter();
43 this.menuItemSelected = new core_1.EventEmitter();
44 this.subscriptions = [];
45 }
46 TreeComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
47 if (!this.treeModel) {
48 this.tree = TreeComponent.EMPTY_TREE;
49 } else {
50 this.tree = new tree_1.Tree(this.treeModel);
51 }
52 };
53 TreeComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
54 var _this = this;
55 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeRemoved$.subscribe(function (e) {
56 _this.nodeRemoved.emit(e);
57 }));
58 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeRenamed$.subscribe(function (e) {
59 _this.nodeRenamed.emit(e);
60 }));
61 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeCreated$.subscribe(function (e) {
62 _this.nodeCreated.emit(e);
63 }));
64 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeSelected$.subscribe(function (e) {
65 _this.nodeSelected.emit(e);
66 }));
67 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeUnselected$.subscribe(function (e) {
68 _this.nodeUnselected.emit(e);
69 }));
70 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeMoved$.subscribe(function (e) {
71 _this.nodeMoved.emit(e);
72 }));
73 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeExpanded$.subscribe(function (e) {
74 _this.nodeExpanded.emit(e);
75 }));
76 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeCollapsed$.subscribe(function (e) {
77 _this.nodeCollapsed.emit(e);
78 }));
79 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.menuItemSelected$.subscribe(function (e) {
80 _this.menuItemSelected.emit(e);
81 }));
82 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.loadNextLevel$.subscribe(function (e) {
83 _this.loadNextLevel.emit(e);
84 }));
85 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeChecked$.subscribe(function (e) {
86 _this.nodeChecked.emit(e);
87 }));
88 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeUnchecked$.subscribe(function (e) {
89 _this.nodeUnchecked.emit(e);
90 }));
91 };
92 TreeComponent.prototype.getController = function () {
93 return this.rootComponent.controller;
94 };
95 TreeComponent.prototype.getControllerByNodeId = function (id) {
96 return this.treeService.getController(id);
97 };
98 TreeComponent.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
99 this.subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) {
100 return sub && sub.unsubscribe();
101 });
102 };
103 TreeComponent.EMPTY_TREE = new tree_1.Tree({ value: '' });
104 TreeComponent.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Component, args: [{
105 selector: 'tree',
106 template: "<tree-internal #rootComponent [tree]=\"tree\" [settings]=\"settings\" [template]=\"template\"></tree-internal>",
107 providers: [tree_service_1.TreeService]
108 }] }];
109 /** @nocollapse */
110 TreeComponent.ctorParameters = function () {
111 return [{ type: tree_service_1.TreeService, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [tree_service_1.TreeService] }] }];
112 };
113 TreeComponent.propDecorators = {
114 "treeModel": [{ type: core_1.Input, args: ['tree'] }],
115 "settings": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
116 "nodeCreated": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
117 "nodeRemoved": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
118 "nodeRenamed": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
119 "nodeSelected": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
120 "nodeUnselected": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
121 "nodeMoved": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
122 "nodeExpanded": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
123 "nodeCollapsed": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
124 "loadNextLevel": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
125 "nodeChecked": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
126 "nodeUnchecked": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
127 "menuItemSelected": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
128 "rootComponent": [{ type: core_1.ViewChild, args: ['rootComponent'] }],
129 "template": [{ type: core_1.ContentChild, args: [core_1.TemplateRef] }]
130 };
131 return TreeComponent;
132 }();
133 exports.TreeComponent = TreeComponent;
136$__System.registerDynamic("14", ["15", "16", "17"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
137 "use strict";
139 var global = this || self,
140 GLOBAL = global;
141 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
142 var menu_events_1 = $__require("15");
143 var event_utils_1 = $__require("16");
144 var fn_utils_1 = $__require("17");
145 var TreeController = function () {
146 function TreeController(component) {
147 this.component = component;
148 this.tree = this.component.tree;
149 this.treeService = this.component.treeService;
150 }
151 TreeController.prototype.select = function () {
152 if (!this.isSelected()) {
153 this.component.onNodeSelected({ button: event_utils_1.MouseButtons.Left });
154 }
155 };
156 TreeController.prototype.unselect = function () {
157 if (this.isSelected()) {
158 this.component.onNodeUnselected({ button: event_utils_1.MouseButtons.Left });
159 }
160 };
161 TreeController.prototype.isSelected = function () {
162 return this.component.isSelected;
163 };
164 TreeController.prototype.expand = function () {
165 if (this.isCollapsed()) {
166 this.component.onSwitchFoldingType();
167 }
168 };
169 TreeController.prototype.expandToParent = function (tree) {
170 if (tree === void 0) {
171 tree = this.tree;
172 }
173 if (tree) {
174 var controller = this.treeService.getController(tree.id);
175 if (controller) {
176 controller.expand();
177 this.expandToParent(tree.parent);
178 }
179 }
180 };
181 TreeController.prototype.isExpanded = function () {
182 return this.tree.isNodeExpanded();
183 };
184 TreeController.prototype.collapse = function () {
185 if (this.isExpanded()) {
186 this.component.onSwitchFoldingType();
187 }
188 };
189 TreeController.prototype.isCollapsed = function () {
190 return this.tree.isNodeCollapsed();
191 };
192 TreeController.prototype.toTreeModel = function () {
193 return this.tree.toTreeModel();
194 };
195 TreeController.prototype.rename = function (newValue) {
196 this.tree.markAsBeingRenamed();
197 this.component.applyNewValue({ type: 'keyup', value: newValue });
198 };
199 TreeController.prototype.remove = function () {
200 this.component.onMenuItemSelected({ nodeMenuItemAction: menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Remove });
201 };
202 TreeController.prototype.addChild = function (newNode) {
203 if (this.tree.hasDeferredChildren() && !this.tree.childrenWereLoaded()) {
204 return;
205 }
206 var newTree = this.tree.createNode(Array.isArray(newNode.children), newNode);
207 this.treeService.fireNodeCreated(newTree);
208 };
209 TreeController.prototype.addChildAsync = function (newNode) {
210 if (this.tree.hasDeferredChildren() && !this.tree.childrenWereLoaded()) {
211 return Promise.reject(new Error('This node loads its children asynchronously, hence child cannot be added this way'));
212 }
213 var newTree = this.tree.createNode(Array.isArray(newNode.children), newNode);
214 this.treeService.fireNodeCreated(newTree);
215 // This will give TreeInternalComponent to set up a controller for the node
216 return new Promise(function (resolve) {
217 setTimeout(function () {
218 resolve(newTree);
219 });
220 });
221 };
222 TreeController.prototype.changeNodeId = function (id) {
223 if (!id) {
224 throw Error('You should supply an id!');
225 }
226 if (this.treeService.hasController(id)) {
227 throw Error("Controller already exists for the given id: " + id);
228 }
229 this.treeService.deleteController(this.tree.id);
230 this.tree.id = id;
231 this.treeService.setController(this.tree.id, this);
232 };
233 TreeController.prototype.reloadChildren = function () {
234 this.tree.reloadChildren();
235 };
236 TreeController.prototype.setChildren = function (children) {
237 if (!this.tree.isLeaf()) {
238 this.tree.setChildren(children);
239 }
240 };
241 TreeController.prototype.startRenaming = function () {
242 this.tree.markAsBeingRenamed();
243 };
244 TreeController.prototype.check = function () {
245 this.component.onNodeChecked();
246 };
247 TreeController.prototype.uncheck = function () {
248 this.component.onNodeUnchecked();
249 };
250 TreeController.prototype.isChecked = function () {
251 return this.tree.checked;
252 };
253 TreeController.prototype.isIndetermined = function () {
254 return fn_utils_1.get(this.component, 'checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate');
255 };
256 TreeController.prototype.allowSelection = function () {
257 this.tree.selectionAllowed = true;
258 };
259 TreeController.prototype.forbidSelection = function () {
260 this.tree.selectionAllowed = false;
261 };
262 TreeController.prototype.isSelectionAllowed = function () {
263 return this.tree.selectionAllowed;
264 };
265 return TreeController;
266 }();
267 exports.TreeController = TreeController;
270$__System.registerDynamic("18", ["10", "12", "13", "14", "19", "15", "1a", "11", "16", "17"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
271 "use strict";
273 var global = this || self,
274 GLOBAL = global;
275 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
276 var core_1 = $__require("10");
277 var TreeTypes = $__require("12");
278 var tree_types_1 = $__require("12");
279 var tree_1 = $__require("13");
280 var tree_controller_1 = $__require("14");
281 var node_menu_service_1 = $__require("19");
282 var menu_events_1 = $__require("15");
283 var editable_events_1 = $__require("1a");
284 var tree_service_1 = $__require("11");
285 var EventUtils = $__require("16");
286 var fn_utils_1 = $__require("17");
287 var TreeInternalComponent = function () {
288 function TreeInternalComponent(nodeMenuService, treeService, nodeElementRef) {
289 this.nodeMenuService = nodeMenuService;
290 this.treeService = treeService;
291 this.nodeElementRef = nodeElementRef;
292 this.isSelected = false;
293 this.isRightMenuVisible = false;
294 this.isLeftMenuVisible = false;
295 this.isReadOnly = false;
296 this.subscriptions = [];
297 }
298 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.ngAfterViewInit = function () {
299 if (this.tree.checked && !this.tree.firstCheckedFired) {
300 this.tree.firstCheckedFired = true;
301 this.treeService.fireNodeChecked(this.tree);
302 }
303 };
304 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
305 var _this = this;
306 var nodeId = fn_utils_1.get(this.tree, 'node.id', '');
307 if (nodeId) {
308 this.controller = new tree_controller_1.TreeController(this);
309 this.treeService.setController(nodeId, this.controller);
310 }
311 this.settings = this.settings || new tree_types_1.Ng2TreeSettings();
312 this.isReadOnly = !fn_utils_1.get(this.settings, 'enableCheckboxes', true);
313 if (this.tree.isRoot() && this.settings.rootIsVisible === false) {
314 this.tree.disableCollapseOnInit();
315 }
316 this.subscriptions.push(this.nodeMenuService.hideMenuStream(this.nodeElementRef).subscribe(function () {
317 _this.isRightMenuVisible = false;
318 _this.isLeftMenuVisible = false;
319 }));
320 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.unselectStream(this.tree).subscribe(function () {
321 return _this.isSelected = false;
322 }));
323 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.draggedStream(this.tree, this.nodeElementRef).subscribe(function (e) {
324 if (_this.tree.hasSibling(e.captured.tree)) {
325 _this.swapWithSibling(e.captured.tree, _this.tree);
326 } else if (_this.tree.isBranch()) {
327 _this.moveNodeToThisTreeAndRemoveFromPreviousOne(e, _this.tree);
328 } else {
329 _this.moveNodeToParentTreeAndRemoveFromPreviousOne(e, _this.tree);
330 }
331 }));
332 this.subscriptions.push(this.treeService.nodeChecked$.merge(this.treeService.nodeUnchecked$).filter(function (e) {
333 return _this.eventContainsId(e) && _this.tree.hasChild(e.node);
334 }).subscribe(function (e) {
335 return _this.updateCheckboxState();
336 }));
337 };
338 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
339 this.controller = new tree_controller_1.TreeController(this);
340 };
341 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
342 if (fn_utils_1.get(this.tree, 'node.id', '')) {
343 this.treeService.deleteController(this.tree.node.id);
344 }
345 this.subscriptions.forEach(function (sub) {
346 return sub && sub.unsubscribe();
347 });
348 };
349 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.swapWithSibling = function (sibling, tree) {
350 tree.swapWithSibling(sibling);
351 this.treeService.fireNodeMoved(sibling, sibling.parent);
352 };
353 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.moveNodeToThisTreeAndRemoveFromPreviousOne = function (e, tree) {
354 this.treeService.fireNodeRemoved(e.captured.tree);
355 var addedChild = tree.addChild(e.captured.tree);
356 this.treeService.fireNodeMoved(addedChild, e.captured.tree.parent);
357 };
358 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.moveNodeToParentTreeAndRemoveFromPreviousOne = function (e, tree) {
359 this.treeService.fireNodeRemoved(e.captured.tree);
360 var addedSibling = tree.addSibling(e.captured.tree, tree.positionInParent);
361 this.treeService.fireNodeMoved(addedSibling, e.captured.tree.parent);
362 };
363 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onNodeSelected = function (e) {
364 if (!this.tree.selectionAllowed) {
365 return;
366 }
367 if (EventUtils.isLeftButtonClicked(e)) {
368 this.isSelected = true;
369 this.treeService.fireNodeSelected(this.tree);
370 }
371 };
372 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onNodeUnselected = function (e) {
373 if (!this.tree.selectionAllowed) {
374 return;
375 }
376 if (EventUtils.isLeftButtonClicked(e)) {
377 this.isSelected = false;
378 this.treeService.fireNodeUnselected(this.tree);
379 }
380 };
381 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.showRightMenu = function (e) {
382 if (!this.tree.hasRightMenu()) {
383 return;
384 }
385 if (EventUtils.isRightButtonClicked(e)) {
386 this.isRightMenuVisible = !this.isRightMenuVisible;
387 this.nodeMenuService.hideMenuForAllNodesExcept(this.nodeElementRef);
388 }
389 e.preventDefault();
390 };
391 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.showLeftMenu = function (e) {
392 if (!this.tree.hasLeftMenu()) {
393 return;
394 }
395 if (EventUtils.isLeftButtonClicked(e)) {
396 this.isLeftMenuVisible = !this.isLeftMenuVisible;
397 this.nodeMenuService.hideMenuForAllNodesExcept(this.nodeElementRef);
398 if (this.isLeftMenuVisible) {
399 e.preventDefault();
400 }
401 }
402 };
403 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onMenuItemSelected = function (e) {
404 switch (e.nodeMenuItemAction) {
405 case menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.NewTag:
406 this.onNewSelected(e);
407 break;
408 case menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.NewFolder:
409 this.onNewSelected(e);
410 break;
411 case menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Rename:
412 this.onRenameSelected();
413 break;
414 case menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Remove:
415 this.onRemoveSelected();
416 break;
417 case menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Custom:
418 this.onCustomSelected();
419 this.treeService.fireMenuItemSelected(this.tree, e.nodeMenuItemSelected);
420 break;
421 default:
422 throw new Error("Chosen menu item doesn't exist");
423 }
424 };
425 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onNewSelected = function (e) {
426 this.tree.createNode(e.nodeMenuItemAction === menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.NewFolder);
427 this.isRightMenuVisible = false;
428 this.isLeftMenuVisible = false;
429 };
430 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onRenameSelected = function () {
431 this.tree.markAsBeingRenamed();
432 this.isRightMenuVisible = false;
433 this.isLeftMenuVisible = false;
434 };
435 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onRemoveSelected = function () {
436 this.treeService.deleteController(fn_utils_1.get(this.tree, 'node.id', ''));
437 this.treeService.fireNodeRemoved(this.tree);
438 };
439 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onCustomSelected = function () {
440 this.isRightMenuVisible = false;
441 this.isLeftMenuVisible = false;
442 };
443 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onSwitchFoldingType = function () {
444 this.tree.switchFoldingType();
445 this.treeService.fireNodeSwitchFoldingType(this.tree);
446 };
447 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.applyNewValue = function (e) {
448 if ((e.action === editable_events_1.NodeEditableEventAction.Cancel || this.tree.isNew()) && tree_1.Tree.isValueEmpty(e.value)) {
449 return this.treeService.fireNodeRemoved(this.tree);
450 }
451 if (this.tree.isNew()) {
452 this.tree.value = e.value;
453 this.treeService.fireNodeCreated(this.tree);
454 }
455 if (this.tree.isBeingRenamed()) {
456 var oldValue = this.tree.value;
457 this.tree.value = e.value;
458 this.treeService.fireNodeRenamed(oldValue, this.tree);
459 }
460 this.tree.markAsModified();
461 };
462 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.shouldShowInputForTreeValue = function () {
463 return this.tree.isNew() || this.tree.isBeingRenamed();
464 };
465 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.isRootHidden = function () {
466 return this.tree.isRoot() && !this.settings.rootIsVisible;
467 };
468 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.hasCustomMenu = function () {
469 return this.tree.hasCustomMenu();
470 };
471 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.switchNodeCheckStatus = function () {
472 if (!this.tree.checked) {
473 this.onNodeChecked();
474 } else {
475 this.onNodeUnchecked();
476 }
477 };
478 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onNodeChecked = function () {
479 if (!this.checkboxElementRef) {
480 return;
481 }
482 this.checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate = false;
483 this.treeService.fireNodeChecked(this.tree);
484 this.executeOnChildController(function (controller) {
485 return controller.check();
486 });
487 this.tree.checked = true;
488 };
489 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.onNodeUnchecked = function () {
490 if (!this.checkboxElementRef) {
491 return;
492 }
493 this.checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate = false;
494 this.treeService.fireNodeUnchecked(this.tree);
495 this.executeOnChildController(function (controller) {
496 return controller.uncheck();
497 });
498 this.tree.checked = false;
499 };
500 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.executeOnChildController = function (executor) {
501 var _this = this;
502 if (this.tree.hasLoadedChildern()) {
503 this.tree.children.forEach(function (child) {
504 var controller = _this.treeService.getController(child.id);
505 if (!fn_utils_1.isNil(controller)) {
506 executor(controller);
507 }
508 });
509 }
510 };
511 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.updateCheckboxState = function () {
512 var _this = this;
513 // Calling setTimeout so the value of isChecked will be updated and after that I'll check the children status.
514 setTimeout(function () {
515 var checkedChildrenAmount = _this.tree.checkedChildrenAmount();
516 if (checkedChildrenAmount === 0) {
517 _this.checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate = false;
518 _this.tree.checked = false;
519 _this.treeService.fireNodeUnchecked(_this.tree);
520 } else if (checkedChildrenAmount === _this.tree.loadedChildrenAmount()) {
521 _this.checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate = false;
522 _this.tree.checked = true;
523 _this.treeService.fireNodeChecked(_this.tree);
524 } else {
525 _this.tree.checked = false;
526 _this.checkboxElementRef.nativeElement.indeterminate = true;
527 _this.treeService.fireNodeIndetermined(_this.tree);
528 }
529 });
530 };
531 TreeInternalComponent.prototype.eventContainsId = function (event) {
532 if (!event.node.id) {
533 console.warn('"Node with checkbox" feature requires a unique id assigned to every node, please consider to add it.');
534 return false;
535 }
536 return true;
537 };
538 TreeInternalComponent.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Component, args: [{
539 selector: 'tree-internal',
540 template: "\n <ul class=\"tree\" *ngIf=\"tree\" [ngClass]=\"{rootless: isRootHidden()}\">\n <li>\n <div class=\"value-container\"\n [ngClass]=\"{rootless: isRootHidden()}\"\n [class.selected]=\"isSelected\"\n (contextmenu)=\"showRightMenu($event)\"\n [nodeDraggable]=\"nodeElementRef\"\n [tree]=\"tree\">\n\n <div class=\"folding\" (click)=\"onSwitchFoldingType()\" [ngClass]=\"tree.foldingCssClass\"></div>\n\n <div class=\"node-checkbox\" *ngIf=\"settings.showCheckboxes\">\n <input checkbox type=\"checkbox\" [disabled]=\"isReadOnly\" [checked]=\"this.tree.checked\" (change)=\"switchNodeCheckStatus()\" #checkbox />\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"node-value\"\n *ngIf=\"!shouldShowInputForTreeValue()\"\n [class.node-selected]=\"isSelected\"\n (click)=\"onNodeSelected($event)\">\n <div *ngIf=\"tree.nodeTemplate\" class=\"node-template\" [innerHTML]=\"tree.nodeTemplate | safeHtml\"></div>\n <span *ngIf=\"!template\" class=\"node-name\" [innerHTML]=\"tree.value | safeHtml\"></span>\n <span class=\"loading-children\" *ngIf=\"tree.childrenAreBeingLoaded()\"></span>\n <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]=\"template\" [ngTemplateOutletContext]=\"{ $implicit: tree.node }\"></ng-template>\n </div>\n\n <input type=\"text\" class=\"node-value\"\n *ngIf=\"shouldShowInputForTreeValue()\"\n [nodeEditable]=\"tree.value\"\n (valueChanged)=\"applyNewValue($event)\"/>\n\n <div class=\"node-left-menu\" *ngIf=\"tree.hasLeftMenu()\" (click)=\"showLeftMenu($event)\" [innerHTML]=\"tree.leftMenuTemplate\">\n </div>\n <node-menu *ngIf=\"tree.hasLeftMenu() && isLeftMenuVisible && !hasCustomMenu()\"\n (menuItemSelected)=\"onMenuItemSelected($event)\">\n </node-menu>\n </div>\n\n <node-menu *ngIf=\"isRightMenuVisible && !hasCustomMenu()\"\n (menuItemSelected)=\"onMenuItemSelected($event)\">\n </node-menu>\n\n <node-menu *ngIf=\"hasCustomMenu() && (isRightMenuVisible || isLeftMenuVisible)\"\n [menuItems]=\"tree.menuItems\"\n (menuItemSelected)=\"onMenuItemSelected($event)\">\n </node-menu>\n\n <div *ngIf=\"tree.keepNodesInDOM()\" [ngStyle]=\"{'display': tree.isNodeExpanded() ? 'block' : 'none'}\">\n <tree-internal *ngFor=\"let child of tree.childrenAsync | async\" [tree]=\"child\" [template]=\"template\" [settings]=\"settings\"></tree-internal>\n </div>\n <ng-template [ngIf]=\"tree.isNodeExpanded() && !tree.keepNodesInDOM()\">\n <tree-internal *ngFor=\"let child of tree.childrenAsync | async\" [tree]=\"child\" [template]=\"template\" [settings]=\"settings\"></tree-internal>\n </ng-template>\n </li>\n </ul>\n "
541 }] }];
542 /** @nocollapse */
543 TreeInternalComponent.ctorParameters = function () {
544 return [{ type: node_menu_service_1.NodeMenuService }, { type: tree_service_1.TreeService }, { type: core_1.ElementRef }];
545 };
546 TreeInternalComponent.propDecorators = {
547 "tree": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
548 "settings": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
549 "template": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
550 "checkboxElementRef": [{ type: core_1.ViewChild, args: ['checkbox'] }]
551 };
552 return TreeInternalComponent;
553 }();
554 exports.TreeInternalComponent = TreeInternalComponent;
557$__System.registerDynamic("1b", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
558 "use strict";
560 var global = this || self,
561 GLOBAL = global;
562 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
563 var CapturedNode = function () {
564 function CapturedNode(anElement, aTree) {
565 this.anElement = anElement;
566 this.aTree = aTree;
567 }
568 CapturedNode.prototype.canBeDroppedAt = function (element) {
569 return !this.sameAs(element) && !this.contains(element);
570 };
571 CapturedNode.prototype.contains = function (other) {
572 return this.element.nativeElement.contains(other.nativeElement);
573 };
574 CapturedNode.prototype.sameAs = function (other) {
575 return this.element === other;
576 };
577 Object.defineProperty(CapturedNode.prototype, "element", {
578 get: function () {
579 return this.anElement;
580 },
581 enumerable: true,
582 configurable: true
583 });
584 Object.defineProperty(CapturedNode.prototype, "tree", {
585 get: function () {
586 return this.aTree;
587 },
588 enumerable: true,
589 configurable: true
590 });
591 return CapturedNode;
592 }();
593 exports.CapturedNode = CapturedNode;
596$__System.registerDynamic("12", ["17"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
597 "use strict";
599 var global = this || self,
600 GLOBAL = global;
601 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
602 var fn_utils_1 = $__require("17");
603 var FoldingType = function () {
604 function FoldingType(_cssClass) {
605 this._cssClass = _cssClass;
606 }
607 Object.defineProperty(FoldingType.prototype, "cssClass", {
608 get: function () {
609 return this._cssClass;
610 },
611 enumerable: true,
612 configurable: true
613 });
614 FoldingType.Expanded = new FoldingType('node-expanded');
615 FoldingType.Collapsed = new FoldingType('node-collapsed');
616 FoldingType.Empty = new FoldingType('node-empty');
617 FoldingType.Leaf = new FoldingType('node-leaf');
618 return FoldingType;
619 }();
620 exports.FoldingType = FoldingType;
621 var TreeModelSettings = function () {
622 function TreeModelSettings() {}
623 TreeModelSettings.merge = function (child, parent) {
624 var parentCascadingSettings = fn_utils_1.omit(fn_utils_1.get(parent, 'settings'), TreeModelSettings.NOT_CASCADING_SETTINGS);
625 return fn_utils_1.defaultsDeep({}, fn_utils_1.get(child, 'settings'), parentCascadingSettings, {
626 static: false,
627 leftMenu: false,
628 rightMenu: true,
629 isCollapsedOnInit: false,
630 checked: false,
631 keepNodesInDOM: false,
632 selectionAllowed: true
633 });
634 };
635 TreeModelSettings.NOT_CASCADING_SETTINGS = ['selectionAllowed'];
636 return TreeModelSettings;
637 }();
638 exports.TreeModelSettings = TreeModelSettings;
639 var Ng2TreeSettings = function () {
640 function Ng2TreeSettings() {
641 /**
642 * Indicates root visibility in the tree. When true - root is invisible.
643 * @name Ng2TreeSettings#rootIsVisible
644 * @type boolean
645 */
646 this.rootIsVisible = true;
647 this.showCheckboxes = false;
648 this.enableCheckboxes = true;
649 }
650 return Ng2TreeSettings;
651 }();
652 exports.Ng2TreeSettings = Ng2TreeSettings;
653 var TreeStatus;
654 (function (TreeStatus) {
655 TreeStatus[TreeStatus["New"] = 0] = "New";
656 TreeStatus[TreeStatus["Modified"] = 1] = "Modified";
657 TreeStatus[TreeStatus["IsBeingRenamed"] = 2] = "IsBeingRenamed";
658 })(TreeStatus = exports.TreeStatus || (exports.TreeStatus = {}));
661$__System.registerDynamic('1c', ['@empty'], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
662 var global = this || self,
663 GLOBAL = global;
664 // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In node.js
665 // this is pretty straight-forward - we use the crypto API.
667 var rb = $__require('@empty').randomBytes;
669 function rng() {
670 return rb(16);
671 }
673 module.exports = rng;
675$__System.registerDynamic('1d', [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
676 var global = this || self,
677 GLOBAL = global;
678 /**
679 * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
681 */
682 var byteToHex = [];
683 for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
684 byteToHex[i] = (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1);
685 }
687 function bytesToUuid(buf, offset) {
688 var i = offset || 0;
689 var bth = byteToHex;
690 return bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + '-' + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + '-' + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + '-' + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + '-' + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]] + bth[buf[i++]];
691 }
693 module.exports = bytesToUuid;
695$__System.registerDynamic('1e', ['1c', '1d'], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
696 var global = this || self,
697 GLOBAL = global;
698 var rng = $__require('1c');
699 var bytesToUuid = $__require('1d');
701 function v4(options, buf, offset) {
702 var i = buf && offset || 0;
704 if (typeof options == 'string') {
705 buf = options == 'binary' ? new Array(16) : null;
706 options = null;
707 }
708 options = options || {};
710 var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)();
712 // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
713 rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
714 rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80;
716 // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
717 if (buf) {
718 for (var ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
719 buf[i + ii] = rnds[ii];
720 }
721 }
723 return buf || bytesToUuid(rnds);
724 }
726 module.exports = v4;
728$__System.registerDynamic("13", ["17", "1f", "12", "1e"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
729 "use strict";
731 var global = this || self,
732 GLOBAL = global;
733 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
734 var fn_utils_1 = $__require("17");
735 var Observable_1 = $__require("1f");
736 var tree_types_1 = $__require("12");
737 var uuidv4 = $__require("1e");
738 var ChildrenLoadingState;
739 (function (ChildrenLoadingState) {
740 ChildrenLoadingState[ChildrenLoadingState["NotStarted"] = 0] = "NotStarted";
741 ChildrenLoadingState[ChildrenLoadingState["Loading"] = 1] = "Loading";
742 ChildrenLoadingState[ChildrenLoadingState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
743 })(ChildrenLoadingState || (ChildrenLoadingState = {}));
744 var Tree = function () {
745 /**
746 * Build an instance of Tree from an object implementing TreeModel interface.
747 * @param {TreeModel} model - A model that is used to build a tree.
748 * @param {Tree} [parent] - An optional parent if you want to build a tree from the model that should be a child of an existing Tree instance.
749 * @param {boolean} [isBranch] - An option that makes a branch from created tree. Branch can have children.
750 */
751 function Tree(node, parent, isBranch) {
752 if (parent === void 0) {
753 parent = null;
754 }
755 if (isBranch === void 0) {
756 isBranch = false;
757 }
758 var _this = this;
759 this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.NotStarted;
760 this._childrenAsyncOnce = fn_utils_1.once(function () {
761 return new Observable_1.Observable(function (observer) {
762 setTimeout(function () {
763 _this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Loading;
764 _this._loadChildren(function (children) {
765 _this._children = (children || []).map(function (child) {
766 return new Tree(child, _this);
767 });
768 _this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Completed;
769 observer.next(_this.children);
770 observer.complete();
771 });
772 });
773 });
774 });
775 this.buildTreeFromModel(node, parent, isBranch || Array.isArray(node.children));
776 }
777 // STATIC METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 /**
779 * Check that value passed is not empty (it doesn't consist of only whitespace symbols).
780 * @param {string} value - A value that should be checked.
781 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating that value is empty or not.
782 * @static
783 */
784 // STATIC METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
785 /**
786 * Check that value passed is not empty (it doesn't consist of only whitespace symbols).
787 * @param {string} value - A value that should be checked.
788 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating that value is empty or not.
789 * @static
790 */
791 Tree.isValueEmpty =
792 // STATIC METHODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
793 /**
794 * Check that value passed is not empty (it doesn't consist of only whitespace symbols).
795 * @param {string} value - A value that should be checked.
796 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating that value is empty or not.
797 * @static
798 */
799 function (value) {
800 return fn_utils_1.isEmpty(fn_utils_1.trim(value));
801 };
802 /**
803 * Check whether a given value can be considered RenamableNode.
804 * @param {any} value - A value to check.
805 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating whether given value is Renamable node or not.
806 * @static
807 */
808 /**
809 * Check whether a given value can be considered RenamableNode.
810 * @param {any} value - A value to check.
811 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating whether given value is Renamable node or not.
812 * @static
813 */
814 Tree.isRenamable = /**
815 * Check whether a given value can be considered RenamableNode.
816 * @param {any} value - A value to check.
817 * @returns {boolean} - A flag indicating whether given value is Renamable node or not.
818 * @static
819 */
820 function (value) {
821 return fn_utils_1.has(value, 'setName') && fn_utils_1.isFunction(value.setName) && fn_utils_1.has(value, 'toString') && fn_utils_1.isFunction(value.toString) && value.toString !== Object.toString;
822 };
823 Tree.cloneTreeShallow = function (origin) {
824 var tree = new Tree(Object.assign({}, origin.node));
825 tree._children = origin._children;
826 return tree;
827 };
828 Tree.applyNewValueToRenamable = function (value, newValue) {
829 var renamableValue = Object.assign({}, value);
830 renamableValue.setName(newValue);
831 return renamableValue;
832 };
833 Tree.prototype.buildTreeFromModel = function (model, parent, isBranch) {
834 var _this = this;
835 this.parent = parent;
836 this.node = Object.assign(fn_utils_1.omit(model, 'children'), { settings: tree_types_1.TreeModelSettings.merge(model, fn_utils_1.get(parent, 'node')) }, { emitLoadNextLevel: model.emitLoadNextLevel === true });
837 if (fn_utils_1.isFunction(this.node.loadChildren)) {
838 this._loadChildren = this.node.loadChildren;
839 } else {
840 fn_utils_1.get(model, 'children', []).forEach(function (child, index) {
841 _this._addChild(new Tree(child, _this), index);
842 });
843 }
844 if (!Array.isArray(this._children)) {
845 this._children = this.node.loadChildren || isBranch ? [] : null;
846 }
847 };
848 Tree.prototype.hasDeferredChildren = function () {
849 return typeof this._loadChildren === 'function';
850 };
851 /* Setting the children loading state to Loading since a request was dispatched to the client */
852 /* Setting the children loading state to Loading since a request was dispatched to the client */
853 Tree.prototype.loadingChildrenRequested = /* Setting the children loading state to Loading since a request was dispatched to the client */
854 function () {
855 this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Loading;
856 };
857 /**
858 * Check whether children of the node are being loaded.
859 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
860 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children are being loaded.
861 */
862 /**
863 * Check whether children of the node are being loaded.
864 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
865 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children are being loaded.
866 */
867 Tree.prototype.childrenAreBeingLoaded = /**
868 * Check whether children of the node are being loaded.
869 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
870 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children are being loaded.
871 */
872 function () {
873 return this._childrenLoadingState === ChildrenLoadingState.Loading;
874 };
875 /**
876 * Check whether children of the node were loaded.
877 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
878 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children were loaded.
879 */
880 /**
881 * Check whether children of the node were loaded.
882 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
883 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children were loaded.
884 */
885 Tree.prototype.childrenWereLoaded = /**
886 * Check whether children of the node were loaded.
887 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
888 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children were loaded.
889 */
890 function () {
891 return this._childrenLoadingState === ChildrenLoadingState.Completed;
892 };
893 Tree.prototype.canLoadChildren = function () {
894 return this._childrenLoadingState === ChildrenLoadingState.NotStarted && this.foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Expanded && !!this._loadChildren;
895 };
896 /**
897 * Check whether children of the node should be loaded and not loaded yet.
898 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
899 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children should be loaded for the current node.
900 */
901 /**
902 * Check whether children of the node should be loaded and not loaded yet.
903 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
904 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children should be loaded for the current node.
905 */
906 Tree.prototype.childrenShouldBeLoaded = /**
907 * Check whether children of the node should be loaded and not loaded yet.
908 * Makes sense only for nodes that define `loadChildren` function.
909 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating that children should be loaded for the current node.
910 */
911 function () {
912 return !this.childrenWereLoaded() && (!!this._loadChildren || this.node.emitLoadNextLevel === true);
913 };
914 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "children", {
915 /**
916 * Get children of the current tree.
917 * @returns {Tree[]} The children of the current tree.
918 */
919 get: /**
920 * Get children of the current tree.
921 * @returns {Tree[]} The children of the current tree.
922 */
923 function () {
924 return this._children;
925 },
926 enumerable: true,
927 configurable: true
928 });
929 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "childrenAsync", {
930 /**
931 * By getting value from this property you start process of loading node's children using `loadChildren` function.
932 * Once children are loaded `loadChildren` function won't be called anymore and loaded for the first time children are emitted in case of subsequent calls.
933 * @returns {Observable<Tree[]>} An observable which emits children once they are loaded.
934 */
935 get: /**
936 * By getting value from this property you start process of loading node's children using `loadChildren` function.
937 * Once children are loaded `loadChildren` function won't be called anymore and loaded for the first time children are emitted in case of subsequent calls.
938 * @returns {Observable<Tree[]>} An observable which emits children once they are loaded.
939 */
940 function () {
941 if (this.canLoadChildren()) {
942 return this._childrenAsyncOnce();
943 }
944 return Observable_1.Observable.of(this.children);
945 },
946 enumerable: true,
947 configurable: true
948 });
949 /**
950 * By calling this method you start process of loading node's children using `loadChildren` function.
951 */
952 /**
953 * By calling this method you start process of loading node's children using `loadChildren` function.
954 */
955 Tree.prototype.reloadChildren = /**
956 * By calling this method you start process of loading node's children using `loadChildren` function.
957 */
958 function () {
959 var _this = this;
960 if (this.childrenShouldBeLoaded()) {
961 this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Loading;
962 this._loadChildren(function (children) {
963 _this._children = children && children.map(function (child) {
964 return new Tree(child, _this);
965 });
966 _this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Completed;
967 });
968 }
969 };
970 /**
971 * By calling this method you will remove all current children of a treee and create new.
972 */
973 /**
974 * By calling this method you will remove all current children of a treee and create new.
975 */
976 Tree.prototype.setChildren = /**
977 * By calling this method you will remove all current children of a treee and create new.
978 */
979 function (children) {
980 var _this = this;
981 this._children = children && children.map(function (child) {
982 return new Tree(child, _this);
983 });
984 if (this.childrenShouldBeLoaded()) {
985 this._childrenLoadingState = ChildrenLoadingState.Completed;
986 }
987 };
988 /**
989 * Create a new node in the current tree.
990 * @param {boolean} isBranch - A flag that indicates whether a new node should be a "Branch". "Leaf" node will be created by default
991 * @param {TreeModel} model - Tree model of the new node which will be inserted. Empty node will be created by default and it will fire edit mode of this node
992 * @returns {Tree} A newly created child node.
993 */
994 /**
995 * Create a new node in the current tree.
996 * @param {boolean} isBranch - A flag that indicates whether a new node should be a "Branch". "Leaf" node will be created by default
997 * @param {TreeModel} model - Tree model of the new node which will be inserted. Empty node will be created by default and it will fire edit mode of this node
998 * @returns {Tree} A newly created child node.
999 */
1000 Tree.prototype.createNode = /**
1001 * Create a new node in the current tree.
1002 * @param {boolean} isBranch - A flag that indicates whether a new node should be a "Branch". "Leaf" node will be created by default
1003 * @param {TreeModel} model - Tree model of the new node which will be inserted. Empty node will be created by default and it will fire edit mode of this node
1004 * @returns {Tree} A newly created child node.
1005 */
1006 function (isBranch, model) {
1007 if (model === void 0) {
1008 model = { value: '' };
1009 }
1010 var tree = new Tree(model, this, isBranch);
1011 if (!model.id) {
1012 tree.markAsNew();
1013 }
1014 tree.id = tree.id || uuidv4();
1015 if (this.childrenShouldBeLoaded() && !(this.childrenAreBeingLoaded() || this.childrenWereLoaded())) {
1016 return null;
1017 }
1018 if (this.isLeaf()) {
1019 return this.addSibling(tree);
1020 } else {
1021 return this.addChild(tree);
1022 }
1023 };
1024 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "value", {
1025 /**
1026 * Get the value of the current node
1027 * @returns {(string|RenamableNode)} The value of the node.
1028 */
1029 get: /**
1030 * Get the value of the current node
1031 * @returns {(string|RenamableNode)} The value of the node.
1032 */
1033 function () {
1034 return this.node.value;
1035 },
1036 /**
1037 * Set the value of the current node
1038 * @param {(string|RenamableNode)} value - The new value of the node.
1039 */
1040 set: /**
1041 * Set the value of the current node
1042 * @param {(string|RenamableNode)} value - The new value of the node.
1043 */
1044 function (value) {
1045 if (typeof value !== 'string' && !Tree.isRenamable(value)) {
1046 return;
1047 }
1048 var stringifiedValue = '' + value;
1049 if (Tree.isRenamable(this.value)) {
1050 this.node.value = Tree.applyNewValueToRenamable(this.value, stringifiedValue);
1051 } else {
1052 this.node.value = Tree.isValueEmpty(stringifiedValue) ? this.node.value : stringifiedValue;
1053 }
1054 },
1055 enumerable: true,
1056 configurable: true
1057 });
1058 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "checked", {
1059 get: function () {
1060 return !!fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'checked');
1061 },
1062 set: function (checked) {
1063 this.node.settings = Object.assign({}, this.node.settings, { checked: checked });
1064 },
1065 enumerable: true,
1066 configurable: true
1067 });
1068 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "checkedChildren", {
1069 get: function () {
1070 return this.hasLoadedChildern() ? this.children.filter(function (child) {
1071 return child.checked;
1072 }) : [];
1073 },
1074 enumerable: true,
1075 configurable: true
1076 });
1077 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "selectionAllowed", {
1078 get: function () {
1079 var value = fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'selectionAllowed');
1080 return fn_utils_1.isNil(value) ? true : !!value;
1081 },
1082 set: function (selectionAllowed) {
1083 this.node.settings = Object.assign({}, this.node.settings, { selectionAllowed: selectionAllowed });
1084 },
1085 enumerable: true,
1086 configurable: true
1087 });
1088 Tree.prototype.hasLoadedChildern = function () {
1089 return !fn_utils_1.isEmpty(this.children);
1090 };
1091 Tree.prototype.loadedChildrenAmount = function () {
1092 return fn_utils_1.size(this.children);
1093 };
1094 Tree.prototype.checkedChildrenAmount = function () {
1095 return fn_utils_1.size(this.checkedChildren);
1096 };
1097 /**
1098 * Add a sibling node for the current node. This won't work if the current node is a root.
1099 * @param {Tree} sibling - A node that should become a sibling.
1100 * @param [number] position - Position in which sibling will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1101 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted sibling, or null if you are trying to make a sibling for the root.
1102 */
1103 /**
1104 * Add a sibling node for the current node. This won't work if the current node is a root.
1105 * @param {Tree} sibling - A node that should become a sibling.
1106 * @param [number] position - Position in which sibling will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1107 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted sibling, or null if you are trying to make a sibling for the root.
1108 */
1109 Tree.prototype.addSibling = /**
1110 * Add a sibling node for the current node. This won't work if the current node is a root.
1111 * @param {Tree} sibling - A node that should become a sibling.
1112 * @param [number] position - Position in which sibling will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1113 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted sibling, or null if you are trying to make a sibling for the root.
1114 */
1115 function (sibling, position) {
1116 if (Array.isArray(fn_utils_1.get(this.parent, 'children'))) {
1117 return this.parent.addChild(sibling, position);
1118 }
1119 return null;
1120 };
1121 /**
1122 * Add a child node for the current node.
1123 * @param {Tree} child - A node that should become a child.
1124 * @param [number] position - Position in which child will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1125 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted child.
1126 */
1127 /**
1128 * Add a child node for the current node.
1129 * @param {Tree} child - A node that should become a child.
1130 * @param [number] position - Position in which child will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1131 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted child.
1132 */
1133 Tree.prototype.addChild = /**
1134 * Add a child node for the current node.
1135 * @param {Tree} child - A node that should become a child.
1136 * @param [number] position - Position in which child will be inserted. By default it will be inserted at the last position in a parent.
1137 * @returns {Tree} A newly inserted child.
1138 */
1139 function (child, position) {
1140 var newborn = this._addChild(Tree.cloneTreeShallow(child), position);
1141 this._setFoldingType();
1142 if (this.isNodeCollapsed()) {
1143 this.switchFoldingType();
1144 }
1145 return newborn;
1146 };
1147 Tree.prototype._addChild = function (child, position) {
1148 if (position === void 0) {
1149 position = fn_utils_1.size(this._children) || 0;
1150 }
1151 child.parent = this;
1152 if (Array.isArray(this._children)) {
1153 this._children.splice(position, 0, child);
1154 } else {
1155 this._children = [child];
1156 }
1157 return child;
1158 };
1159 /**
1160 * Swap position of the current node with the given sibling. If node passed as a parameter is not a sibling - nothing happens.
1161 * @param {Tree} sibling - A sibling with which current node shold be swapped.
1162 */
1163 /**
1164 * Swap position of the current node with the given sibling. If node passed as a parameter is not a sibling - nothing happens.
1165 * @param {Tree} sibling - A sibling with which current node shold be swapped.
1166 */
1167 Tree.prototype.swapWithSibling = /**
1168 * Swap position of the current node with the given sibling. If node passed as a parameter is not a sibling - nothing happens.
1169 * @param {Tree} sibling - A sibling with which current node shold be swapped.
1170 */
1171 function (sibling) {
1172 if (!this.hasSibling(sibling)) {
1173 return;
1174 }
1175 var siblingIndex = sibling.positionInParent;
1176 var thisTreeIndex = this.positionInParent;
1177 this.parent._children[siblingIndex] = this;
1178 this.parent._children[thisTreeIndex] = sibling;
1179 };
1180 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "positionInParent", {
1181 /**
1182 * Get a node's position in its parent.
1183 * @returns {number} The position inside a parent.
1184 */
1185 get: /**
1186 * Get a node's position in its parent.
1187 * @returns {number} The position inside a parent.
1188 */
1189 function () {
1190 if (this.isRoot()) {
1191 return -1;
1192 }
1193 return this.parent.children ? this.parent.children.indexOf(this) : -1;
1194 },
1195 enumerable: true,
1196 configurable: true
1197 });
1198 /**
1199 * Check whether or not this tree is static.
1200 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is static.
1201 */
1202 /**
1203 * Check whether or not this tree is static.
1204 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is static.
1205 */
1206 Tree.prototype.isStatic = /**
1207 * Check whether or not this tree is static.
1208 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is static.
1209 */
1210 function () {
1211 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'static', false);
1212 };
1213 /**
1214 * Check whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1215 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1216 */
1217 /**
1218 * Check whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1219 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1220 */
1221 Tree.prototype.hasLeftMenu = /**
1222 * Check whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1223 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a left menu.
1224 */
1225 function () {
1226 return !fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'static', false) && fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'leftMenu', false);
1227 };
1228 /**
1229 * Check whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1230 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1231 */
1232 /**
1233 * Check whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1234 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1235 */
1236 Tree.prototype.hasRightMenu = /**
1237 * Check whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1238 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a right menu.
1239 */
1240 function () {
1241 return !fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'static', false) && fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'rightMenu', false);
1242 };
1243 /**
1244 * Check whether this tree is "Leaf" or not.
1245 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Leaf".
1246 */
1247 /**
1248 * Check whether this tree is "Leaf" or not.
1249 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Leaf".
1250 */
1251 Tree.prototype.isLeaf = /**
1252 * Check whether this tree is "Leaf" or not.
1253 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Leaf".
1254 */
1255 function () {
1256 return !this.isBranch();
1257 };
1258 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "menuItems", {
1259 /**
1260 * Get menu items of the current tree.
1261 * @returns {NodeMenuItem[]} The menu items of the current tree.
1262 */
1263 get: /**
1264 * Get menu items of the current tree.
1265 * @returns {NodeMenuItem[]} The menu items of the current tree.
1266 */
1267 function () {
1268 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'menuItems');
1269 },
1270 enumerable: true,
1271 configurable: true
1272 });
1273 /**
1274 * Check whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1275 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1276 */
1277 /**
1278 * Check whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1279 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1280 */
1281 Tree.prototype.hasCustomMenu = /**
1282 * Check whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1283 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has a custom menu.
1284 */
1285 function () {
1286 return !this.isStatic() && !!fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'menuItems', false);
1287 };
1288 /**
1289 * Check whether this tree is "Branch" or not. "Branch" is a node that has children.
1290 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Branch".
1291 */
1292 /**
1293 * Check whether this tree is "Branch" or not. "Branch" is a node that has children.
1294 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Branch".
1295 */
1296 Tree.prototype.isBranch = /**
1297 * Check whether this tree is "Branch" or not. "Branch" is a node that has children.
1298 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is a "Branch".
1299 */
1300 function () {
1301 return this.node.emitLoadNextLevel === true || Array.isArray(this._children);
1302 };
1303 /**
1304 * Check whether this tree has children.
1305 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has children.
1306 */
1307 /**
1308 * Check whether this tree has children.
1309 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has children.
1310 */
1311 Tree.prototype.hasChildren = /**
1312 * Check whether this tree has children.
1313 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree has children.
1314 */
1315 function () {
1316 return !fn_utils_1.isEmpty(this._children) || this.childrenShouldBeLoaded();
1317 };
1318 /**
1319 * Check whether this tree is a root or not. The root is the tree (node) that doesn't have parent (or technically its parent is null).
1320 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is the root.
1321 */
1322 /**
1323 * Check whether this tree is a root or not. The root is the tree (node) that doesn't have parent (or technically its parent is null).
1324 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is the root.
1325 */
1326 Tree.prototype.isRoot = /**
1327 * Check whether this tree is a root or not. The root is the tree (node) that doesn't have parent (or technically its parent is null).
1328 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not this tree is the root.
1329 */
1330 function () {
1331 return fn_utils_1.isNil(this.parent);
1332 };
1333 /**
1334 * Check whether provided tree is a sibling of the current tree. Sibling trees (nodes) are the trees that have the same parent.
1335 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested on a siblingness.
1336 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not provided tree is the sibling of the current one.
1337 */
1338 /**
1339 * Check whether provided tree is a sibling of the current tree. Sibling trees (nodes) are the trees that have the same parent.
1340 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested on a siblingness.
1341 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not provided tree is the sibling of the current one.
1342 */
1343 Tree.prototype.hasSibling = /**
1344 * Check whether provided tree is a sibling of the current tree. Sibling trees (nodes) are the trees that have the same parent.
1345 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested on a siblingness.
1346 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether or not provided tree is the sibling of the current one.
1347 */
1348 function (tree) {
1349 return !this.isRoot() && fn_utils_1.includes(this.parent.children, tree);
1350 };
1351 /**
1352 * Check whether provided tree is a child of the current tree.
1353 * This method tests that provided tree is a <strong>direct</strong> child of the current tree.
1354 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested (child candidate).
1355 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether provided tree is a child or not.
1356 */
1357 /**
1358 * Check whether provided tree is a child of the current tree.
1359 * This method tests that provided tree is a <strong>direct</strong> child of the current tree.
1360 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested (child candidate).
1361 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether provided tree is a child or not.
1362 */
1363 Tree.prototype.hasChild = /**
1364 * Check whether provided tree is a child of the current tree.
1365 * This method tests that provided tree is a <strong>direct</strong> child of the current tree.
1366 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be tested (child candidate).
1367 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether provided tree is a child or not.
1368 */
1369 function (tree) {
1370 return fn_utils_1.includes(this._children, tree);
1371 };
1372 /**
1373 * Remove given tree from the current tree.
1374 * The given tree will be removed only in case it is a direct child of the current tree (@see {@link hasChild}).
1375 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be removed.
1376 */
1377 /**
1378 * Remove given tree from the current tree.
1379 * The given tree will be removed only in case it is a direct child of the current tree (@see {@link hasChild}).
1380 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be removed.
1381 */
1382 Tree.prototype.removeChild = /**
1383 * Remove given tree from the current tree.
1384 * The given tree will be removed only in case it is a direct child of the current tree (@see {@link hasChild}).
1385 * @param {Tree} tree - A tree that should be removed.
1386 */
1387 function (tree) {
1388 if (!this.hasChildren()) {
1389 return;
1390 }
1391 var childIndex = this._children.findIndex(function (child) {
1392 return child === tree;
1393 });
1394 if (childIndex >= 0) {
1395 this._children.splice(childIndex, 1);
1396 }
1397 this._setFoldingType();
1398 };
1399 /**
1400 * Remove current tree from its parent.
1401 */
1402 /**
1403 * Remove current tree from its parent.
1404 */
1405 Tree.prototype.removeItselfFromParent = /**
1406 * Remove current tree from its parent.
1407 */
1408 function () {
1409 if (!this.parent) {
1410 return;
1411 }
1412 this.parent.removeChild(this);
1413 };
1414 /**
1415 * Switch folding type of the current tree. "Leaf" node cannot switch its folding type cause it doesn't have children, hence nothing to fold.
1416 * If node is a "Branch" and it is expanded, then by invoking current method state of the tree should be switched to "collapsed" and vice versa.
1417 */
1418 /**
1419 * Switch folding type of the current tree. "Leaf" node cannot switch its folding type cause it doesn't have children, hence nothing to fold.
1420 * If node is a "Branch" and it is expanded, then by invoking current method state of the tree should be switched to "collapsed" and vice versa.
1421 */
1422 Tree.prototype.switchFoldingType = /**
1423 * Switch folding type of the current tree. "Leaf" node cannot switch its folding type cause it doesn't have children, hence nothing to fold.
1424 * If node is a "Branch" and it is expanded, then by invoking current method state of the tree should be switched to "collapsed" and vice versa.
1425 */
1426 function () {
1427 if (this.isLeaf() || !this.hasChildren()) {
1428 return;
1429 }
1430 this.disableCollapseOnInit();
1431 this.node._foldingType = this.isNodeExpanded() ? tree_types_1.FoldingType.Collapsed : tree_types_1.FoldingType.Expanded;
1432 };
1433 /**
1434 * Check that tree is expanded.
1435 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is expanded. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1436 */
1437 /**
1438 * Check that tree is expanded.
1439 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is expanded. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1440 */
1441 Tree.prototype.isNodeExpanded = /**
1442 * Check that tree is expanded.
1443 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is expanded. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1444 */
1445 function () {
1446 return this.foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Expanded;
1447 };
1448 /**
1449 * Check that tree is collapsed.
1450 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is collapsed. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1451 */
1452 /**
1453 * Check that tree is collapsed.
1454 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is collapsed. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1455 */
1456 Tree.prototype.isNodeCollapsed = /**
1457 * Check that tree is collapsed.
1458 * @returns {boolean} A flag indicating whether current tree is collapsed. Always returns false for the "Leaf" tree and for an empty tree.
1459 */
1460 function () {
1461 return this.foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Collapsed;
1462 };
1463 /**
1464 * Set a current folding type: expanded, collapsed or leaf.
1465 */
1466 /**
1467 * Set a current folding type: expanded, collapsed or leaf.
1468 */
1469 Tree.prototype._setFoldingType = /**
1470 * Set a current folding type: expanded, collapsed or leaf.
1471 */
1472 function () {
1473 if (this.childrenShouldBeLoaded()) {
1474 this.node._foldingType = tree_types_1.FoldingType.Collapsed;
1475 } else if (this._children && !fn_utils_1.isEmpty(this._children)) {
1476 this.node._foldingType = this.isCollapsedOnInit() ? tree_types_1.FoldingType.Collapsed : tree_types_1.FoldingType.Expanded;
1477 } else if (Array.isArray(this._children)) {
1478 this.node._foldingType = tree_types_1.FoldingType.Empty;
1479 } else {
1480 this.node._foldingType = tree_types_1.FoldingType.Leaf;
1481 }
1482 };
1483 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "foldingType", {
1484 /**
1485 * Get a current folding type: expanded, collapsed or leaf.
1486 * @returns {FoldingType} A folding type of the current tree.
1487 */
1488 get: /**
1489 * Get a current folding type: expanded, collapsed or leaf.
1490 * @returns {FoldingType} A folding type of the current tree.
1491 */
1492 function () {
1493 if (!this.node._foldingType) {
1494 this._setFoldingType();
1495 }
1496 return this.node._foldingType;
1497 },
1498 enumerable: true,
1499 configurable: true
1500 });
1501 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "foldingCssClass", {
1502 /**
1503 * Get a css class for element which displayes folding state - expanded, collapsed or leaf
1504 * @returns {string} A string icontaining css class (classes)
1505 */
1506 get: /**
1507 * Get a css class for element which displayes folding state - expanded, collapsed or leaf
1508 * @returns {string} A string icontaining css class (classes)
1509 */
1510 function () {
1511 return this.getCssClassesFromSettings() || this.foldingType.cssClass;
1512 },
1513 enumerable: true,
1514 configurable: true
1515 });
1516 Tree.prototype.getCssClassesFromSettings = function () {
1517 if (!this.node._foldingType) {
1518 this._setFoldingType();
1519 }
1520 if (this.node._foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Collapsed) {
1521 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'cssClasses.collapsed', null);
1522 } else if (this.node._foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Expanded) {
1523 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'cssClasses.expanded', null);
1524 } else if (this.node._foldingType === tree_types_1.FoldingType.Empty) {
1525 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'cssClasses.empty', null);
1526 }
1527 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'cssClasses.leaf', null);
1528 };
1529 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "nodeTemplate", {
1530 /**
1531 * Get a html template to render before every node's name.
1532 * @returns {string} A string representing a html template.
1533 */
1534 get: /**
1535 * Get a html template to render before every node's name.
1536 * @returns {string} A string representing a html template.
1537 */
1538 function () {
1539 return this.getTemplateFromSettings();
1540 },
1541 enumerable: true,
1542 configurable: true
1543 });
1544 Tree.prototype.getTemplateFromSettings = function () {
1545 if (this.isLeaf()) {
1546 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'templates.leaf', '');
1547 } else {
1548 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'templates.node', '');
1549 }
1550 };
1551 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "leftMenuTemplate", {
1552 /**
1553 * Get a html template to render for an element activatin left menu of a node.
1554 * @returns {string} A string representing a html template.
1555 */
1556 get: /**
1557 * Get a html template to render for an element activatin left menu of a node.
1558 * @returns {string} A string representing a html template.
1559 */
1560 function () {
1561 if (this.hasLeftMenu()) {
1562 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'templates.leftMenu', '<span></span>');
1563 }
1564 return '';
1565 },
1566 enumerable: true,
1567 configurable: true
1568 });
1569 Tree.prototype.disableCollapseOnInit = function () {
1570 if (this.node.settings) {
1571 this.node.settings.isCollapsedOnInit = false;
1572 }
1573 };
1574 Tree.prototype.isCollapsedOnInit = function () {
1575 return !!fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'isCollapsedOnInit');
1576 };
1577 Tree.prototype.keepNodesInDOM = function () {
1578 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node.settings, 'keepNodesInDOM');
1579 };
1580 /**
1581 * Check that current tree is newly created (added by user via menu for example). Tree that was built from the TreeModel is not marked as new.
1582 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is new.
1583 */
1584 /**
1585 * Check that current tree is newly created (added by user via menu for example). Tree that was built from the TreeModel is not marked as new.
1586 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is new.
1587 */
1588 Tree.prototype.isNew = /**
1589 * Check that current tree is newly created (added by user via menu for example). Tree that was built from the TreeModel is not marked as new.
1590 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is new.
1591 */
1592 function () {
1593 return this.node._status === tree_types_1.TreeStatus.New;
1594 };
1595 Object.defineProperty(Tree.prototype, "id", {
1596 get: function () {
1597 return fn_utils_1.get(this.node, 'id');
1598 },
1599 set: function (id) {
1600 this.node.id = id;
1601 },
1602 enumerable: true,
1603 configurable: true
1604 });
1605 /**
1606 * Mark current tree as new (@see {@link isNew}).
1607 */
1608 /**
1609 * Mark current tree as new (@see {@link isNew}).
1610 */
1611 Tree.prototype.markAsNew = /**
1612 * Mark current tree as new (@see {@link isNew}).
1613 */
1614 function () {
1615 this.node._status = tree_types_1.TreeStatus.New;
1616 };
1617 /**
1618 * Check that current tree is being renamed (it is in the process of its value renaming initiated by a user).
1619 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is being renamed.
1620 */
1621 /**
1622 * Check that current tree is being renamed (it is in the process of its value renaming initiated by a user).
1623 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is being renamed.
1624 */
1625 Tree.prototype.isBeingRenamed = /**
1626 * Check that current tree is being renamed (it is in the process of its value renaming initiated by a user).
1627 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is being renamed.
1628 */
1629 function () {
1630 return this.node._status === tree_types_1.TreeStatus.IsBeingRenamed;
1631 };
1632 /**
1633 * Mark current tree as being renamed (@see {@link isBeingRenamed}).
1634 */
1635 /**
1636 * Mark current tree as being renamed (@see {@link isBeingRenamed}).
1637 */
1638 Tree.prototype.markAsBeingRenamed = /**
1639 * Mark current tree as being renamed (@see {@link isBeingRenamed}).
1640 */
1641 function () {
1642 this.node._status = tree_types_1.TreeStatus.IsBeingRenamed;
1643 };
1644 /**
1645 * Check that current tree is modified (for example it was renamed).
1646 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is modified.
1647 */
1648 /**
1649 * Check that current tree is modified (for example it was renamed).
1650 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is modified.
1651 */
1652 Tree.prototype.isModified = /**
1653 * Check that current tree is modified (for example it was renamed).
1654 * @returns {boolean} A flag whether the tree is modified.
1655 */
1656 function () {
1657 return this.node._status === tree_types_1.TreeStatus.Modified;
1658 };
1659 /**
1660 * Mark current tree as modified (@see {@link isModified}).
1661 */
1662 /**
1663 * Mark current tree as modified (@see {@link isModified}).
1664 */
1665 Tree.prototype.markAsModified = /**
1666 * Mark current tree as modified (@see {@link isModified}).
1667 */
1668 function () {
1669 this.node._status = tree_types_1.TreeStatus.Modified;
1670 };
1671 /**
1672 * Makes a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1673 * @returns {TreeModel} a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1674 */
1675 /**
1676 * Makes a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1677 * @returns {TreeModel} a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1678 */
1679 Tree.prototype.toTreeModel = /**
1680 * Makes a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1681 * @returns {TreeModel} a clone of an underlying TreeModel instance
1682 */
1683 function () {
1684 var model = fn_utils_1.defaultsDeep(this.isLeaf() ? {} : { children: [] }, this.node);
1685 if (this.children) {
1686 this.children.forEach(function (child) {
1687 model.children.push(child.toTreeModel());
1688 });
1689 }
1690 return model;
1691 };
1692 return Tree;
1693 }();
1694 exports.Tree = Tree;
1697$__System.registerDynamic("20", ["10", "21", "1b", "13"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1698 "use strict";
1700 var global = this || self,
1701 GLOBAL = global;
1702 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1703 var core_1 = $__require("10");
1704 var node_draggable_service_1 = $__require("21");
1705 var captured_node_1 = $__require("1b");
1706 var tree_1 = $__require("13");
1707 var NodeDraggableDirective = function () {
1708 function NodeDraggableDirective(element, nodeDraggableService, renderer) {
1709 this.element = element;
1710 this.nodeDraggableService = nodeDraggableService;
1711 this.renderer = renderer;
1712 this.disposersForDragListeners = [];
1713 this.nodeNativeElement = element.nativeElement;
1714 }
1715 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
1716 if (!this.tree.isStatic()) {
1717 this.renderer.setAttribute(this.nodeNativeElement, 'draggable', 'true');
1718 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'dragenter', this.handleDragEnter.bind(this)));
1719 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'dragover', this.handleDragOver.bind(this)));
1720 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'dragstart', this.handleDragStart.bind(this)));
1721 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'dragleave', this.handleDragLeave.bind(this)));
1722 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'drop', this.handleDrop.bind(this)));
1723 this.disposersForDragListeners.push(this.renderer.listen(this.nodeNativeElement, 'dragend', this.handleDragEnd.bind(this)));
1724 }
1725 };
1726 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
1727 /* tslint:disable:typedef */
1728 this.disposersForDragListeners.forEach(function (dispose) {
1729 return dispose();
1730 });
1731 /* tslint:enable:typedef */
1732 };
1733 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDragStart = function (e) {
1734 if (e.stopPropagation) {
1735 e.stopPropagation();
1736 }
1737 this.nodeDraggableService.captureNode(new captured_node_1.CapturedNode(this.nodeDraggable, this.tree));
1738 e.dataTransfer.setData('text', NodeDraggableDirective.DATA_TRANSFER_STUB_DATA);
1739 e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
1740 };
1741 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDragOver = function (e) {
1742 e.preventDefault();
1743 e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
1744 };
1745 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDragEnter = function (e) {
1746 e.preventDefault();
1747 if (this.containsElementAt(e)) {
1748 this.addClass('over-drop-target');
1749 }
1750 };
1751 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDragLeave = function (e) {
1752 if (!this.containsElementAt(e)) {
1753 this.removeClass('over-drop-target');
1754 }
1755 };
1756 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDrop = function (e) {
1757 e.preventDefault();
1758 if (e.stopPropagation) {
1759 e.stopPropagation();
1760 }
1761 this.removeClass('over-drop-target');
1762 if (!this.isDropPossible(e)) {
1763 return false;
1764 }
1765 if (this.nodeDraggableService.getCapturedNode()) {
1766 return this.notifyThatNodeWasDropped();
1767 }
1768 };
1769 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.isDropPossible = function (e) {
1770 var capturedNode = this.nodeDraggableService.getCapturedNode();
1771 return capturedNode && capturedNode.canBeDroppedAt(this.nodeDraggable) && this.containsElementAt(e);
1772 };
1773 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.handleDragEnd = function (e) {
1774 this.removeClass('over-drop-target');
1775 this.nodeDraggableService.releaseCapturedNode();
1776 };
1777 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.containsElementAt = function (e) {
1778 var _a = e.x,
1779 x = _a === void 0 ? e.clientX : _a,
1780 _b = e.y,
1781 y = _b === void 0 ? e.clientY : _b;
1782 return this.nodeNativeElement.contains(document.elementFromPoint(x, y));
1783 };
1784 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.addClass = function (className) {
1785 var classList = this.nodeNativeElement.classList;
1786 classList.add(className);
1787 };
1788 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.removeClass = function (className) {
1789 var classList = this.nodeNativeElement.classList;
1790 classList.remove(className);
1791 };
1792 NodeDraggableDirective.prototype.notifyThatNodeWasDropped = function () {
1793 this.nodeDraggableService.fireNodeDragged(this.nodeDraggableService.getCapturedNode(), this.nodeDraggable);
1794 };
1795 NodeDraggableDirective.DATA_TRANSFER_STUB_DATA = 'some browsers enable drag-n-drop only when dataTransfer has data';
1796 NodeDraggableDirective.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Directive, args: [{
1797 selector: '[nodeDraggable]'
1798 }] }];
1799 /** @nocollapse */
1800 NodeDraggableDirective.ctorParameters = function () {
1801 return [{ type: core_1.ElementRef, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [core_1.ElementRef] }] }, { type: node_draggable_service_1.NodeDraggableService, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [node_draggable_service_1.NodeDraggableService] }] }, { type: core_1.Renderer2, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [core_1.Renderer2] }] }];
1802 };
1803 NodeDraggableDirective.propDecorators = {
1804 "nodeDraggable": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
1805 "tree": [{ type: core_1.Input }]
1806 };
1807 return NodeDraggableDirective;
1808 }();
1809 exports.NodeDraggableDirective = NodeDraggableDirective;
1812$__System.registerDynamic("1a", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1813 "use strict";
1815 var global = this || self,
1816 GLOBAL = global;
1817 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1818 var NodeEditableEventAction;
1819 (function (NodeEditableEventAction) {
1820 NodeEditableEventAction[NodeEditableEventAction["Cancel"] = 0] = "Cancel";
1821 })(NodeEditableEventAction = exports.NodeEditableEventAction || (exports.NodeEditableEventAction = {}));
1824$__System.registerDynamic("22", ["10", "1a"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1825 "use strict";
1827 var global = this || self,
1828 GLOBAL = global;
1829 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1830 var core_1 = $__require("10");
1831 var editable_events_1 = $__require("1a");
1832 var NodeEditableDirective = function () {
1833 function NodeEditableDirective(renderer, elementRef) {
1834 this.renderer = renderer;
1835 this.elementRef = elementRef;
1836 /* tslint:enable:no-input-rename */
1837 this.valueChanged = new core_1.EventEmitter(false);
1838 }
1839 NodeEditableDirective.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
1840 var nativeElement = this.elementRef.nativeElement;
1841 if (nativeElement) {
1842 nativeElement.focus();
1843 }
1844 this.renderer.setProperty(nativeElement, 'value', this.nodeValue);
1845 };
1846 NodeEditableDirective.prototype.applyNewValue = function (newNodeValue) {
1847 this.valueChanged.emit({ type: 'keyup', value: newNodeValue });
1848 };
1849 NodeEditableDirective.prototype.applyNewValueByLoosingFocus = function (newNodeValue) {
1850 this.valueChanged.emit({ type: 'blur', value: newNodeValue });
1851 };
1852 NodeEditableDirective.prototype.cancelEditing = function () {
1853 this.valueChanged.emit({
1854 type: 'keyup',
1855 value: this.nodeValue,
1856 action: editable_events_1.NodeEditableEventAction.Cancel
1857 });
1858 };
1859 NodeEditableDirective.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Directive, args: [{
1860 selector: '[nodeEditable]'
1861 }] }];
1862 /** @nocollapse */
1863 NodeEditableDirective.ctorParameters = function () {
1864 return [{ type: core_1.Renderer2, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [core_1.Renderer2] }] }, { type: core_1.ElementRef, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [core_1.ElementRef] }] }];
1865 };
1866 NodeEditableDirective.propDecorators = {
1867 "nodeValue": [{ type: core_1.Input, args: ['nodeEditable'] }],
1868 "valueChanged": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
1869 "applyNewValue": [{ type: core_1.HostListener, args: ['keyup.enter', ['$event.target.value']] }],
1870 "applyNewValueByLoosingFocus": [{ type: core_1.HostListener, args: ['blur', ['$event.target.value']] }],
1871 "cancelEditing": [{ type: core_1.HostListener, args: ['keyup.esc'] }]
1872 };
1873 return NodeEditableDirective;
1874 }();
1875 exports.NodeEditableDirective = NodeEditableDirective;
1878$__System.registerDynamic("16", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1879 "use strict";
1881 var global = this || self,
1882 GLOBAL = global;
1883 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1884 var Keys;
1885 (function (Keys) {
1886 Keys[Keys["Escape"] = 27] = "Escape";
1887 })(Keys = exports.Keys || (exports.Keys = {}));
1888 var MouseButtons;
1889 (function (MouseButtons) {
1890 MouseButtons[MouseButtons["Left"] = 0] = "Left";
1891 MouseButtons[MouseButtons["Right"] = 2] = "Right";
1892 })(MouseButtons = exports.MouseButtons || (exports.MouseButtons = {}));
1893 function isLeftButtonClicked(e) {
1894 return e.button === MouseButtons.Left;
1895 }
1896 exports.isLeftButtonClicked = isLeftButtonClicked;
1897 function isRightButtonClicked(e) {
1898 return e.button === MouseButtons.Right;
1899 }
1900 exports.isRightButtonClicked = isRightButtonClicked;
1901 function isEscapePressed(e) {
1902 return e.keyCode === Keys.Escape;
1903 }
1904 exports.isEscapePressed = isEscapePressed;
1907$__System.registerDynamic("23", ["10", "19", "15", "16"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1908 "use strict";
1910 var global = this || self,
1911 GLOBAL = global;
1912 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1913 var core_1 = $__require("10");
1914 var node_menu_service_1 = $__require("19");
1915 var menu_events_1 = $__require("15");
1916 var event_utils_1 = $__require("16");
1917 var NodeMenuComponent = function () {
1918 function NodeMenuComponent(renderer, nodeMenuService) {
1919 this.renderer = renderer;
1920 this.nodeMenuService = nodeMenuService;
1921 this.menuItemSelected = new core_1.EventEmitter();
1922 this.availableMenuItems = [{
1923 name: 'New tag',
1924 action: menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.NewTag,
1925 cssClass: 'new-tag'
1926 }, {
1927 name: 'New folder',
1928 action: menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.NewFolder,
1929 cssClass: 'new-folder'
1930 }, {
1931 name: 'Rename',
1932 action: menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Rename,
1933 cssClass: 'rename'
1934 }, {
1935 name: 'Remove',
1936 action: menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction.Remove,
1937 cssClass: 'remove'
1938 }];
1939 this.disposersForGlobalListeners = [];
1940 }
1941 NodeMenuComponent.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
1942 this.availableMenuItems = this.menuItems || this.availableMenuItems;
1943 this.disposersForGlobalListeners.push(this.renderer.listen('document', 'keyup', this.closeMenu.bind(this)));
1944 this.disposersForGlobalListeners.push(this.renderer.listen('document', 'mousedown', this.closeMenu.bind(this)));
1945 };
1946 NodeMenuComponent.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
1947 this.disposersForGlobalListeners.forEach(function (dispose) {
1948 return dispose();
1949 });
1950 };
1951 NodeMenuComponent.prototype.onMenuItemSelected = function (e, selectedMenuItem) {
1952 if (event_utils_1.isLeftButtonClicked(e)) {
1953 this.menuItemSelected.emit({
1954 nodeMenuItemAction: selectedMenuItem.action,
1955 nodeMenuItemSelected: selectedMenuItem.name
1956 });
1957 this.nodeMenuService.fireMenuEvent(e.target, menu_events_1.NodeMenuAction.Close);
1958 }
1959 };
1960 NodeMenuComponent.prototype.closeMenu = function (e) {
1961 var mouseClicked = e instanceof MouseEvent;
1962 // Check if the click is fired on an element inside a menu
1963 var containingTarget = this.menuContainer.nativeElement !== e.target && this.menuContainer.nativeElement.contains(e.target);
1964 if (mouseClicked && !containingTarget || event_utils_1.isEscapePressed(e)) {
1965 this.nodeMenuService.fireMenuEvent(e.target, menu_events_1.NodeMenuAction.Close);
1966 }
1967 };
1968 NodeMenuComponent.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Component, args: [{
1969 selector: 'node-menu',
1970 template: "\n <div class=\"node-menu\">\n <ul class=\"node-menu-content\" #menuContainer>\n <li class=\"node-menu-item\" *ngFor=\"let menuItem of availableMenuItems\"\n (click)=\"onMenuItemSelected($event, menuItem)\">\n <div class=\"node-menu-item-icon {{menuItem.cssClass}}\"></div>\n <span class=\"node-menu-item-value\">{{menuItem.name}}</span>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n "
1971 }] }];
1972 /** @nocollapse */
1973 NodeMenuComponent.ctorParameters = function () {
1974 return [{ type: core_1.Renderer2, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [core_1.Renderer2] }] }, { type: node_menu_service_1.NodeMenuService, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [node_menu_service_1.NodeMenuService] }] }];
1975 };
1976 NodeMenuComponent.propDecorators = {
1977 "menuItemSelected": [{ type: core_1.Output }],
1978 "menuItems": [{ type: core_1.Input }],
1979 "menuContainer": [{ type: core_1.ViewChild, args: ['menuContainer'] }]
1980 };
1981 return NodeMenuComponent;
1982 }();
1983 exports.NodeMenuComponent = NodeMenuComponent;
1986$__System.registerDynamic("15", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
1987 "use strict";
1989 var global = this || self,
1990 GLOBAL = global;
1991 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1992 var NodeMenuItemAction;
1993 (function (NodeMenuItemAction) {
1994 NodeMenuItemAction[NodeMenuItemAction["NewFolder"] = 0] = "NewFolder";
1995 NodeMenuItemAction[NodeMenuItemAction["NewTag"] = 1] = "NewTag";
1996 NodeMenuItemAction[NodeMenuItemAction["Rename"] = 2] = "Rename";
1997 NodeMenuItemAction[NodeMenuItemAction["Remove"] = 3] = "Remove";
1998 NodeMenuItemAction[NodeMenuItemAction["Custom"] = 4] = "Custom";
1999 })(NodeMenuItemAction = exports.NodeMenuItemAction || (exports.NodeMenuItemAction = {}));
2000 var NodeMenuAction;
2001 (function (NodeMenuAction) {
2002 NodeMenuAction[NodeMenuAction["Close"] = 0] = "Close";
2003 })(NodeMenuAction = exports.NodeMenuAction || (exports.NodeMenuAction = {}));
2006$__System.registerDynamic("19", ["10", "24", "15"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2007 "use strict";
2009 var global = this || self,
2010 GLOBAL = global;
2011 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2012 var core_1 = $__require("10");
2013 var Subject_1 = $__require("24");
2014 var menu_events_1 = $__require("15");
2015 var NodeMenuService = function () {
2016 function NodeMenuService() {
2017 this.nodeMenuEvents$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2018 }
2019 NodeMenuService.prototype.fireMenuEvent = function (sender, action) {
2020 var nodeMenuEvent = { sender: sender, action: action };
2021 this.nodeMenuEvents$.next(nodeMenuEvent);
2022 };
2023 NodeMenuService.prototype.hideMenuStream = function (treeElementRef) {
2024 return this.nodeMenuEvents$.filter(function (e) {
2025 return treeElementRef.nativeElement !== e.sender;
2026 }).filter(function (e) {
2027 return e.action === menu_events_1.NodeMenuAction.Close;
2028 });
2029 };
2030 NodeMenuService.prototype.hideMenuForAllNodesExcept = function (treeElementRef) {
2031 this.nodeMenuEvents$.next({
2032 sender: treeElementRef.nativeElement,
2033 action: menu_events_1.NodeMenuAction.Close
2034 });
2035 };
2036 NodeMenuService.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Injectable }];
2037 /** @nocollapse */
2038 NodeMenuService.ctorParameters = function () {
2039 return [];
2040 };
2041 return NodeMenuService;
2042 }();
2043 exports.NodeMenuService = NodeMenuService;
2046$__System.registerDynamic("25", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2047 "use strict";
2049 var global = this || self,
2050 GLOBAL = global;
2051 var __extends = exports && exports.__extends || function () {
2052 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) {
2053 d.__proto__ = b;
2054 } || function (d, b) {
2055 for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
2056 };
2057 return function (d, b) {
2058 extendStatics(d, b);
2059 function __() {
2060 this.constructor = d;
2061 }
2062 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
2063 };
2064 }();
2065 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2066 var NodeEvent = function () {
2067 function NodeEvent(node) {
2068 this.node = node;
2069 }
2070 return NodeEvent;
2071 }();
2072 exports.NodeEvent = NodeEvent;
2073 var NodeSelectedEvent = function (_super) {
2074 __extends(NodeSelectedEvent, _super);
2075 function NodeSelectedEvent(node) {
2076 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2077 }
2078 return NodeSelectedEvent;
2079 }(NodeEvent);
2080 exports.NodeSelectedEvent = NodeSelectedEvent;
2081 var NodeUnselectedEvent = function (_super) {
2082 __extends(NodeUnselectedEvent, _super);
2083 function NodeUnselectedEvent(node) {
2084 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2085 }
2086 return NodeUnselectedEvent;
2087 }(NodeEvent);
2088 exports.NodeUnselectedEvent = NodeUnselectedEvent;
2089 var NodeDestructiveEvent = function (_super) {
2090 __extends(NodeDestructiveEvent, _super);
2091 function NodeDestructiveEvent(node) {
2092 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2093 }
2094 return NodeDestructiveEvent;
2095 }(NodeEvent);
2096 exports.NodeDestructiveEvent = NodeDestructiveEvent;
2097 var NodeMovedEvent = function (_super) {
2098 __extends(NodeMovedEvent, _super);
2099 function NodeMovedEvent(node, previousParent) {
2100 var _this = _super.call(this, node) || this;
2101 _this.previousParent = previousParent;
2102 return _this;
2103 }
2104 return NodeMovedEvent;
2105 }(NodeDestructiveEvent);
2106 exports.NodeMovedEvent = NodeMovedEvent;
2107 var NodeRemovedEvent = function (_super) {
2108 __extends(NodeRemovedEvent, _super);
2109 function NodeRemovedEvent(node, lastIndex) {
2110 var _this = _super.call(this, node) || this;
2111 _this.lastIndex = lastIndex;
2112 return _this;
2113 }
2114 return NodeRemovedEvent;
2115 }(NodeDestructiveEvent);
2116 exports.NodeRemovedEvent = NodeRemovedEvent;
2117 var NodeCreatedEvent = function (_super) {
2118 __extends(NodeCreatedEvent, _super);
2119 function NodeCreatedEvent(node) {
2120 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2121 }
2122 return NodeCreatedEvent;
2123 }(NodeDestructiveEvent);
2124 exports.NodeCreatedEvent = NodeCreatedEvent;
2125 var NodeRenamedEvent = function (_super) {
2126 __extends(NodeRenamedEvent, _super);
2127 function NodeRenamedEvent(node, oldValue, newValue) {
2128 var _this = _super.call(this, node) || this;
2129 _this.oldValue = oldValue;
2130 _this.newValue = newValue;
2131 return _this;
2132 }
2133 return NodeRenamedEvent;
2134 }(NodeDestructiveEvent);
2135 exports.NodeRenamedEvent = NodeRenamedEvent;
2136 var NodeExpandedEvent = function (_super) {
2137 __extends(NodeExpandedEvent, _super);
2138 function NodeExpandedEvent(node) {
2139 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2140 }
2141 return NodeExpandedEvent;
2142 }(NodeEvent);
2143 exports.NodeExpandedEvent = NodeExpandedEvent;
2144 var NodeCollapsedEvent = function (_super) {
2145 __extends(NodeCollapsedEvent, _super);
2146 function NodeCollapsedEvent(node) {
2147 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2148 }
2149 return NodeCollapsedEvent;
2150 }(NodeEvent);
2151 exports.NodeCollapsedEvent = NodeCollapsedEvent;
2152 var MenuItemSelectedEvent = function (_super) {
2153 __extends(MenuItemSelectedEvent, _super);
2154 function MenuItemSelectedEvent(node, selectedItem) {
2155 var _this = _super.call(this, node) || this;
2156 _this.selectedItem = selectedItem;
2157 return _this;
2158 }
2159 return MenuItemSelectedEvent;
2160 }(NodeEvent);
2161 exports.MenuItemSelectedEvent = MenuItemSelectedEvent;
2162 var LoadNextLevelEvent = function (_super) {
2163 __extends(LoadNextLevelEvent, _super);
2164 function LoadNextLevelEvent(node) {
2165 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2166 }
2167 return LoadNextLevelEvent;
2168 }(NodeEvent);
2169 exports.LoadNextLevelEvent = LoadNextLevelEvent;
2170 var NodeCheckedEvent = function (_super) {
2171 __extends(NodeCheckedEvent, _super);
2172 function NodeCheckedEvent(node) {
2173 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2174 }
2175 return NodeCheckedEvent;
2176 }(NodeEvent);
2177 exports.NodeCheckedEvent = NodeCheckedEvent;
2178 var NodeUncheckedEvent = function (_super) {
2179 __extends(NodeUncheckedEvent, _super);
2180 function NodeUncheckedEvent(node) {
2181 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2182 }
2183 return NodeUncheckedEvent;
2184 }(NodeEvent);
2185 exports.NodeUncheckedEvent = NodeUncheckedEvent;
2186 var NodeIndeterminedEvent = function (_super) {
2187 __extends(NodeIndeterminedEvent, _super);
2188 function NodeIndeterminedEvent(node) {
2189 return _super.call(this, node) || this;
2190 }
2191 return NodeIndeterminedEvent;
2192 }(NodeEvent);
2193 exports.NodeIndeterminedEvent = NodeIndeterminedEvent;
2196$__System.registerDynamic("26", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2197 "use strict";
2199 var global = this || self,
2200 GLOBAL = global;
2201 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2202 var NodeDraggableEvent = function () {
2203 function NodeDraggableEvent(captured, target) {
2204 this.captured = captured;
2205 this.target = target;
2206 }
2207 return NodeDraggableEvent;
2208 }();
2209 exports.NodeDraggableEvent = NodeDraggableEvent;
2212$__System.registerDynamic("21", ["10", "24", "26"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2213 "use strict";
2215 var global = this || self,
2216 GLOBAL = global;
2217 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2218 var core_1 = $__require("10");
2219 var Subject_1 = $__require("24");
2220 var draggable_events_1 = $__require("26");
2221 var NodeDraggableService = function () {
2222 function NodeDraggableService() {
2223 this.draggableNodeEvents$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2224 }
2225 NodeDraggableService.prototype.fireNodeDragged = function (captured, target) {
2226 if (!captured.tree || captured.tree.isStatic()) {
2227 return;
2228 }
2229 this.draggableNodeEvents$.next(new draggable_events_1.NodeDraggableEvent(captured, target));
2230 };
2231 NodeDraggableService.prototype.captureNode = function (node) {
2232 this.capturedNode = node;
2233 };
2234 NodeDraggableService.prototype.getCapturedNode = function () {
2235 return this.capturedNode;
2236 };
2237 NodeDraggableService.prototype.releaseCapturedNode = function () {
2238 this.capturedNode = null;
2239 };
2240 NodeDraggableService.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Injectable }];
2241 /** @nocollapse */
2242 NodeDraggableService.ctorParameters = function () {
2243 return [];
2244 };
2245 return NodeDraggableService;
2246 }();
2247 exports.NodeDraggableService = NodeDraggableService;
2250$__System.registerDynamic("17", [], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2251 "use strict";
2253 var global = this || self,
2254 GLOBAL = global;
2255 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2256 function isEmpty(value) {
2257 if (typeof value === 'string') {
2258 return !/\S/.test(value);
2259 }
2260 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
2261 return value.length === 0;
2262 }
2263 return isNil(value);
2264 }
2265 exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;
2266 function trim(value) {
2267 return isNil(value) ? '' : value.trim();
2268 }
2269 exports.trim = trim;
2270 function has(value, prop) {
2271 return value && typeof value === 'object' && value.hasOwnProperty(prop);
2272 }
2273 exports.has = has;
2274 function isFunction(value) {
2275 return typeof value === 'function';
2276 }
2277 exports.isFunction = isFunction;
2278 function get(value, path, defaultValue) {
2279 var result = value;
2280 for (var _i = 0, _a = path.split('.'); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
2281 var prop = _a[_i];
2282 if (!result || !Reflect.has(result, prop)) {
2283 return defaultValue;
2284 }
2285 result = result[prop];
2286 }
2287 return isNil(result) || result === value ? defaultValue : result;
2288 }
2289 exports.get = get;
2290 function omit(value, propsToSkip) {
2291 if (!value) {
2292 return value;
2293 }
2294 var normalizedPropsToSkip = typeof propsToSkip === 'string' ? [propsToSkip] : propsToSkip;
2295 return Object.keys(value).reduce(function (result, prop) {
2296 if (includes(normalizedPropsToSkip, prop)) {
2297 return result;
2298 }
2299 return Object.assign(result, (_a = {}, _a[prop] = value[prop], _a));
2300 var _a;
2301 }, {});
2302 }
2303 exports.omit = omit;
2304 function size(value) {
2305 return isEmpty(value) ? 0 : value.length;
2306 }
2307 exports.size = size;
2308 function once(fn) {
2309 var result;
2310 return function () {
2311 var args = [];
2312 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2313 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2314 }
2315 if (fn) {
2316 result = fn.apply(null, args);
2317 fn = null;
2318 }
2319 return result;
2320 };
2321 }
2322 exports.once = once;
2323 function defaultsDeep(target) {
2324 var sources = [];
2325 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2326 sources[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
2327 }
2328 return [target].concat(sources).reduce(function (result, source) {
2329 if (!source) {
2330 return result;
2331 }
2332 Object.keys(source).forEach(function (prop) {
2333 if (isNil(result[prop])) {
2334 result[prop] = source[prop];
2335 return;
2336 }
2337 if (typeof result[prop] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(result[prop])) {
2338 result[prop] = defaultsDeep(result[prop], source[prop]);
2339 return;
2340 }
2341 });
2342 return result;
2343 }, {});
2344 }
2345 exports.defaultsDeep = defaultsDeep;
2346 function includes(target, value) {
2347 if (isNil(target)) {
2348 return false;
2349 }
2350 var index = typeof target === 'string' ? target.indexOf(value) : target.indexOf(value);
2351 return index > -1;
2352 }
2353 exports.includes = includes;
2354 function isNil(value) {
2355 return value === undefined || value === null;
2356 }
2357 exports.isNil = isNil;
2360$__System.registerDynamic("11", ["25", "24", "10", "21", "17"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2361 "use strict";
2363 var global = this || self,
2364 GLOBAL = global;
2365 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2366 var tree_events_1 = $__require("25");
2367 var Subject_1 = $__require("24");
2368 var core_1 = $__require("10");
2369 var node_draggable_service_1 = $__require("21");
2370 var fn_utils_1 = $__require("17");
2371 var TreeService = function () {
2372 function TreeService(nodeDraggableService) {
2373 this.nodeDraggableService = nodeDraggableService;
2374 this.nodeMoved$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2375 this.nodeRemoved$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2376 this.nodeRenamed$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2377 this.nodeCreated$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2378 this.nodeSelected$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2379 this.nodeUnselected$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2380 this.nodeExpanded$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2381 this.nodeCollapsed$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2382 this.menuItemSelected$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2383 this.loadNextLevel$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2384 this.nodeChecked$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2385 this.nodeUnchecked$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2386 this.nodeIndetermined$ = new Subject_1.Subject();
2387 this.controllers = new Map();
2388 this.nodeRemoved$.subscribe(function (e) {
2389 return e.node.removeItselfFromParent();
2390 });
2391 }
2392 TreeService.prototype.unselectStream = function (tree) {
2393 return this.nodeSelected$.filter(function (e) {
2394 return tree !== e.node;
2395 });
2396 };
2397 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeRemoved = function (tree) {
2398 this.nodeRemoved$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeRemovedEvent(tree, tree.positionInParent));
2399 };
2400 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeCreated = function (tree) {
2401 this.nodeCreated$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeCreatedEvent(tree));
2402 };
2403 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeSelected = function (tree) {
2404 this.nodeSelected$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeSelectedEvent(tree));
2405 };
2406 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeUnselected = function (tree) {
2407 this.nodeUnselected$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeUnselectedEvent(tree));
2408 };
2409 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeRenamed = function (oldValue, tree) {
2410 this.nodeRenamed$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeRenamedEvent(tree, oldValue, tree.value));
2411 };
2412 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeMoved = function (tree, parent) {
2413 this.nodeMoved$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeMovedEvent(tree, parent));
2414 };
2415 TreeService.prototype.fireMenuItemSelected = function (tree, selectedItem) {
2416 this.menuItemSelected$.next(new tree_events_1.MenuItemSelectedEvent(tree, selectedItem));
2417 };
2418 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeSwitchFoldingType = function (tree) {
2419 if (tree.isNodeExpanded()) {
2420 this.fireNodeExpanded(tree);
2421 if (this.shouldFireLoadNextLevel(tree)) {
2422 this.fireLoadNextLevel(tree);
2423 }
2424 } else if (tree.isNodeCollapsed()) {
2425 this.fireNodeCollapsed(tree);
2426 }
2427 };
2428 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeExpanded = function (tree) {
2429 this.nodeExpanded$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeExpandedEvent(tree));
2430 };
2431 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeCollapsed = function (tree) {
2432 this.nodeCollapsed$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeCollapsedEvent(tree));
2433 };
2434 TreeService.prototype.fireLoadNextLevel = function (tree) {
2435 this.loadNextLevel$.next(new tree_events_1.LoadNextLevelEvent(tree));
2436 };
2437 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeChecked = function (tree) {
2438 this.nodeChecked$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeCheckedEvent(tree));
2439 };
2440 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeUnchecked = function (tree) {
2441 this.nodeUnchecked$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeUncheckedEvent(tree));
2442 };
2443 TreeService.prototype.draggedStream = function (tree, element) {
2444 return this.nodeDraggableService.draggableNodeEvents$.filter(function (e) {
2445 return e.target === element;
2446 }).filter(function (e) {
2447 return !e.captured.tree.hasChild(tree);
2448 });
2449 };
2450 TreeService.prototype.setController = function (id, controller) {
2451 this.controllers.set(id, controller);
2452 };
2453 TreeService.prototype.deleteController = function (id) {
2454 if (this.controllers.has(id)) {
2455 this.controllers.delete(id);
2456 }
2457 };
2458 TreeService.prototype.getController = function (id) {
2459 if (this.controllers.has(id)) {
2460 return this.controllers.get(id);
2461 }
2462 return null;
2463 };
2464 TreeService.prototype.hasController = function (id) {
2465 return this.controllers.has(id);
2466 };
2467 TreeService.prototype.shouldFireLoadNextLevel = function (tree) {
2468 var shouldLoadNextLevel = tree.node.emitLoadNextLevel && !tree.node.loadChildren && !tree.childrenAreBeingLoaded() && fn_utils_1.isEmpty(tree.children);
2469 if (shouldLoadNextLevel) {
2470 tree.loadingChildrenRequested();
2471 }
2472 return shouldLoadNextLevel;
2473 };
2474 TreeService.prototype.fireNodeIndetermined = function (tree) {
2475 this.nodeIndetermined$.next(new tree_events_1.NodeIndeterminedEvent(tree));
2476 };
2477 TreeService.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Injectable }];
2478 /** @nocollapse */
2479 TreeService.ctorParameters = function () {
2480 return [{ type: node_draggable_service_1.NodeDraggableService, decorators: [{ type: core_1.Inject, args: [node_draggable_service_1.NodeDraggableService] }] }];
2481 };
2482 return TreeService;
2483 }();
2484 exports.TreeService = TreeService;
2487$__System.registerDynamic("27", ["10", "28"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2488 "use strict";
2490 var global = this || self,
2491 GLOBAL = global;
2492 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2493 var core_1 = $__require("10");
2494 var platform_browser_1 = $__require("28");
2495 var SafeHtmlPipe = function () {
2496 function SafeHtmlPipe(sanitizer) {
2497 this.sanitizer = sanitizer;
2498 }
2499 SafeHtmlPipe.prototype.transform = function (value) {
2500 // return value;
2501 return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value);
2502 };
2503 SafeHtmlPipe.decorators = [{ type: core_1.Pipe, args: [{ name: 'safeHtml' }] }];
2504 /** @nocollapse */
2505 SafeHtmlPipe.ctorParameters = function () {
2506 return [{ type: platform_browser_1.DomSanitizer }];
2507 };
2508 return SafeHtmlPipe;
2509 }();
2510 exports.SafeHtmlPipe = SafeHtmlPipe;
2513$__System.registerDynamic("29", ["b", "10", "f", "18", "2a", "20", "21", "22", "23", "19", "11", "27"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2514 "use strict";
2516 var global = this || self,
2517 GLOBAL = global;
2518 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2519 $__require("b");
2520 var core_1 = $__require("10");
2521 var tree_component_1 = $__require("f");
2522 var tree_internal_component_1 = $__require("18");
2523 var common_1 = $__require("2a");
2524 var node_draggable_directive_1 = $__require("20");
2525 var node_draggable_service_1 = $__require("21");
2526 var node_editable_directive_1 = $__require("22");
2527 var node_menu_component_1 = $__require("23");
2528 var node_menu_service_1 = $__require("19");
2529 var tree_service_1 = $__require("11");
2530 var safe_html_pipe_1 = $__require("27");
2531 var TreeModule = function () {
2532 function TreeModule() {}
2533 TreeModule.decorators = [{ type: core_1.NgModule, args: [{
2534 imports: [common_1.CommonModule],
2535 declarations: [node_draggable_directive_1.NodeDraggableDirective, tree_component_1.TreeComponent, node_editable_directive_1.NodeEditableDirective, node_menu_component_1.NodeMenuComponent, tree_internal_component_1.TreeInternalComponent, safe_html_pipe_1.SafeHtmlPipe],
2536 exports: [tree_component_1.TreeComponent],
2537 providers: [node_draggable_service_1.NodeDraggableService, node_menu_service_1.NodeMenuService, tree_service_1.TreeService]
2538 }] }];
2539 /** @nocollapse */
2540 TreeModule.ctorParameters = function () {
2541 return [];
2542 };
2543 return TreeModule;
2544 }();
2545 exports.TreeModule = TreeModule;
2548$__System.registerDynamic("a", ["12", "13", "15", "25", "f", "14", "29"], true, function ($__require, exports, module) {
2549 "use strict";
2551 var global = this || self,
2552 GLOBAL = global;
2553 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
2554 var tree_types_1 = $__require("12");
2555 exports.TreeModelSettings = tree_types_1.TreeModelSettings;
2556 exports.Ng2TreeSettings = tree_types_1.Ng2TreeSettings;
2557 exports.FoldingType = tree_types_1.FoldingType;
2558 var tree_1 = $__require("13");
2559 exports.Tree = tree_1.Tree;
2560 var menu_events_1 = $__require("15");
2561 exports.NodeMenuItemAction = menu_events_1.NodeMenuItemAction;
2562 var tree_events_1 = $__require("25");
2563 exports.NodeEvent = tree_events_1.NodeEvent;
2564 exports.NodeCreatedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeCreatedEvent;
2565 exports.NodeRemovedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeRemovedEvent;
2566 exports.NodeRenamedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeRenamedEvent;
2567 exports.NodeMovedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeMovedEvent;
2568 exports.NodeSelectedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeSelectedEvent;
2569 exports.NodeExpandedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeExpandedEvent;
2570 exports.NodeCollapsedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeCollapsedEvent;
2571 exports.MenuItemSelectedEvent = tree_events_1.MenuItemSelectedEvent;
2572 exports.NodeDestructiveEvent = tree_events_1.NodeDestructiveEvent;
2573 exports.NodeUncheckedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeUncheckedEvent;
2574 exports.NodeCheckedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeCheckedEvent;
2575 exports.NodeIndeterminedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeIndeterminedEvent;
2576 exports.NodeUnselectedEvent = tree_events_1.NodeUnselectedEvent;
2577 var tree_component_1 = $__require("f");
2578 exports.TreeComponent = tree_component_1.TreeComponent;
2579 var tree_controller_1 = $__require("14");
2580 exports.TreeController = tree_controller_1.TreeController;
2581 var tree_module_1 = $__require("29");
2582 exports.TreeModule = tree_module_1.TreeModule;
2586(function(factory) {
2587 if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd)
2588 define(["@angular/common","@angular/core","@angular/platform-browser","rxjs/Observable","rxjs/Subject","rxjs/add/observable/of","rxjs/add/operator/filter","rxjs/add/operator/merge"], factory);
2589 else if (typeof module == 'object' && module.exports && typeof require == 'function')
2590 module.exports = factory(require("@angular/common"), require("@angular/core"), require("@angular/platform-browser"), require("rxjs/Observable"), require("rxjs/Subject"), require("rxjs/add/observable/of"), require("rxjs/add/operator/filter"), require("rxjs/add/operator/merge"));
2591 else
2592 throw new Error("Module must be loaded as AMD or CommonJS");
2594//# sourceMappingURL=ng2-tree.umd.js.map
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