104 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@angular/core'), require('@angular/compiler'), require('@angular/compiler-cli'), require('typescript')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@angular/core', '@angular/compiler', '@angular/compiler-cli', 'typescript'], factory) :
4 (factory((global.ngast = global.ngast || {}),global._angular_core,global._angular_compiler,global._angular_compilerCli,global.ts));
5}(this, (function (exports,_angular_core,_angular_compiler,_angular_compilerCli,ts) { 'use strict';
8 * Base class which provides primitive for the DirectiveSymbol and
9 * PipeSymbol. It contains some functionality common between these classes.
10 *
11 * @export
12 * @class Symbol
13 */
14var Symbol = (function () {
15 /**
16 * Creates an instance of Symbol.
17 *
18 * @param {ts.Program} _program
19 * @param {StaticSymbol} _symbol
20 *
21 * @memberOf Symbol
22 */
23 function Symbol(_program, _symbol) {
24 this._program = _program;
25 this._symbol = _symbol;
26 }
27 /**
28 * Gets the ts.node which corresponds to the controller of the DirectiveSymbol
29 * or the implementation of the pipe.
30 *
31 * @returns {(ts.ClassDeclaration | undefined)}
32 *
33 * @memberOf Symbol
34 */
35 Symbol.prototype.getNode = function () {
36 var _this = this;
37 var program = this._program.getSourceFile(this._symbol.filePath);
38 var findNode = function (node) {
39 if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration &&
40 (node.name || { text: undefined }).text === _this._symbol.name) {
41 return node;
42 }
43 else {
44 return ts.forEachChild(node, findNode);
45 }
46 };
47 return findNode(program);
48 };
49 Object.defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, "symbol", {
50 /**
51 * The wrapped `StaticSymbol` from `@angular/compiler`.
52 *
53 * @readonly
54 *
55 * @memberOf Symbol
56 */
57 get: function () {
58 return this._symbol;
59 },
60 enumerable: true,
61 configurable: true
62 });
63 return Symbol;
66var ProviderSymbol = (function () {
67 function ProviderSymbol(program, provider, metadataResolver) {
68 this.program = program;
69 this.provider = provider;
70 this.metadataResolver = metadataResolver;
71 }
72 /**
73 * Returns the provider metadata.
74 */
75 ProviderSymbol.prototype.getMetadata = function () {
76 return this.provider;
77 };
78 /**
79 * Returns the list of dependencies for given provider.
80 */
81 ProviderSymbol.prototype.getDependencies = function () {
82 var _this = this;
83 return (this.provider.deps || []).map(function (d) {
84 var token = d.token;
85 if (d.token) {
86 if (d.token.identifier) {
87 token = d.token.identifier.reference;
88 }
89 }
90 var meta = new _angular_compiler.ProviderMeta(token, d);
91 return new ProviderSymbol(_this.program, _this.metadataResolver.getProviderMetadata(meta), _this.metadataResolver);
92 });
93 };
94 return ProviderSymbol;
97var __extends = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
98 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
99 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
100 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
101 return function (d, b) {
102 extendStatics(d, b);
103 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
104 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
105 };
108 * A wrapper around the pipe symbol.
109 *
110 * @export
111 * @class PipeSymbol
112 * @extends {Symbol}
113 */
114var PipeSymbol = (function (_super) {
115 __extends(PipeSymbol, _super);
116 /**
117 * Creates an instance of PipeSymbol.
118 *
119 * @param {Program} program
120 * @param {StaticSymbol} symbol
121 * @param {PipeResolver} resolver
122 * @param {ContextSymbols} projectSymbols
123 *
124 * @memberOf PipeSymbol
125 */
126 function PipeSymbol(program, symbol, resolver, metadataResolver, projectSymbols) {
127 var _this = _super.call(this, program, symbol) || this;
128 _this.resolver = resolver;
129 _this.metadataResolver = metadataResolver;
130 _this.projectSymbols = projectSymbols;
131 return _this;
132 }
133 /**
134 * Returns the module where the wrapped pipe was defined.
135 *
136 * @returns {(CompileNgModuleMetadata | undefined)}
137 *
138 * @memberOf PipeSymbol
139 */
140 PipeSymbol.prototype.getModule = function () {
141 return this.projectSymbols.getAnalyzedModules()
142 .ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(this.symbol);
143 };
144 /**
145 * Returns the pipe metadata.
146 *
147 * @returns {Pipe}
148 *
149 * @memberOf PipeSymbol
150 */
151 PipeSymbol.prototype.getMetadata = function () {
152 return this.resolver.resolve(_angular_core.resolveForwardRef(this.symbol));
153 };
154 PipeSymbol.prototype.getDependencies = function () {
155 var _this = this;
156 var summary = this.metadataResolver.getInjectableSummary(this.symbol);
157 if (!summary) {
158 return [];
159 }
160 else {
161 return (summary.type.diDeps || []).map(function (d) {
162 var token = d.token;
163 if (d.token) {
164 if (d.token.identifier) {
165 token = d.token.identifier.reference;
166 }
167 }
168 var meta = new _angular_compiler.ProviderMeta(token, d);
169 return new ProviderSymbol(_this._program, _this.metadataResolver.getProviderMetadata(meta), _this.metadataResolver);
170 });
171 }
172 };
173 return PipeSymbol;
177 * @license
178 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
179 *
180 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
181 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
182 */
184 * @license
185 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
186 *
187 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
188 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
189 */ var $EOF = 0;
190var $TAB = 9;
191var $LF = 10;
192var $VTAB = 11;
193var $FF = 12;
194var $CR = 13;
195var $SPACE = 32;
196var $BANG = 33;
197var $DQ = 34;
198var $HASH = 35;
199var $$ = 36;
200var $PERCENT = 37;
201var $AMPERSAND = 38;
202var $SQ = 39;
203var $LPAREN = 40;
204var $RPAREN = 41;
205var $STAR = 42;
206var $PLUS = 43;
207var $COMMA = 44;
208var $MINUS = 45;
209var $PERIOD = 46;
210var $SLASH = 47;
211var $COLON = 58;
212var $SEMICOLON = 59;
214var $EQ = 61;
215var $GT = 62;
216var $QUESTION = 63;
217var $0 = 48;
218var $9 = 57;
219var $A = 65;
223var $Z = 90;
224var $LBRACKET = 91;
225var $BACKSLASH = 92;
226var $RBRACKET = 93;
227var $CARET = 94;
228var $_ = 95;
229var $a = 97;
238var $z = 122;
239var $LBRACE = 123;
241var $RBRACE = 125;
242var $NBSP = 160;
243var $PIPE = 124;
244var $TILDA = 126;
245var $AT = 64;
247function isWhitespace(code) {
248 return (code >= $TAB && code <= $SPACE) || (code == $NBSP);
250function isDigit(code) {
251 return $0 <= code && code <= $9;
253function isAsciiLetter(code) {
254 return code >= $a && code <= $z || code >= $A && code <= $Z;
258 * @license
259 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
260 *
261 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
262 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
263 */
264var ParseLocation = (function () {
265 function ParseLocation(file, offset, line, col) {
266 this.file = file;
267 this.offset = offset;
268 this.line = line;
269 this.col = col;
270 }
271 ParseLocation.prototype.toString = function () {
272 return this.offset != null ? this.file.url + "@" + this.line + ":" + this.col : this.file.url;
273 };
274 ParseLocation.prototype.moveBy = function (delta) {
275 var source = this.file.content;
276 var len = source.length;
277 var offset = this.offset;
278 var line = this.line;
279 var col = this.col;
280 while (offset > 0 && delta < 0) {
281 offset--;
282 delta++;
283 var ch = source.charCodeAt(offset);
284 if (ch == $LF) {
285 line--;
286 var priorLine = source.substr(0, offset - 1).lastIndexOf(String.fromCharCode($LF));
287 col = priorLine > 0 ? offset - priorLine : offset;
288 }
289 else {
290 col--;
291 }
292 }
293 while (offset < len && delta > 0) {
294 var ch = source.charCodeAt(offset);
295 offset++;
296 delta--;
297 if (ch == $LF) {
298 line++;
299 col = 0;
300 }
301 else {
302 col++;
303 }
304 }
305 return new ParseLocation(this.file, offset, line, col);
306 };
307 // Return the source around the location
308 // Up to `maxChars` or `maxLines` on each side of the location
309 ParseLocation.prototype.getContext = function (maxChars, maxLines) {
310 var content = this.file.content;
311 var startOffset = this.offset;
312 if (startOffset != null) {
313 if (startOffset > content.length - 1) {
314 startOffset = content.length - 1;
315 }
316 var endOffset = startOffset;
317 var ctxChars = 0;
318 var ctxLines = 0;
319 while (ctxChars < maxChars && startOffset > 0) {
320 startOffset--;
321 ctxChars++;
322 if (content[startOffset] == '\n') {
323 if (++ctxLines == maxLines) {
324 break;
325 }
326 }
327 }
328 ctxChars = 0;
329 ctxLines = 0;
330 while (ctxChars < maxChars && endOffset < content.length - 1) {
331 endOffset++;
332 ctxChars++;
333 if (content[endOffset] == '\n') {
334 if (++ctxLines == maxLines) {
335 break;
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 return {
340 before: content.substring(startOffset, this.offset),
341 after: content.substring(this.offset, endOffset + 1),
342 };
343 }
344 return null;
345 };
346 return ParseLocation;
348var ParseSourceFile = (function () {
349 function ParseSourceFile(content, url) {
350 this.content = content;
351 this.url = url;
352 }
353 return ParseSourceFile;
355var ParseSourceSpan = (function () {
356 function ParseSourceSpan(start, end, details) {
357 if (details === void 0) { details = null; }
358 this.start = start;
359 this.end = end;
360 this.details = details;
361 }
362 ParseSourceSpan.prototype.toString = function () {
363 return this.start.file.content.substring(this.start.offset, this.end.offset);
364 };
365 return ParseSourceSpan;
367var ParseErrorLevel;
368(function (ParseErrorLevel) {
369 ParseErrorLevel[ParseErrorLevel["WARNING"] = 0] = "WARNING";
370 ParseErrorLevel[ParseErrorLevel["ERROR"] = 1] = "ERROR";
371})(ParseErrorLevel || (ParseErrorLevel = {}));
372var ParseError = (function () {
373 function ParseError(span, msg, level) {
374 if (level === void 0) { level = ParseErrorLevel.ERROR; }
375 this.span = span;
376 this.msg = msg;
377 this.level = level;
378 }
379 ParseError.prototype.toString = function () {
380 var ctx = this.span.start.getContext(100, 3);
381 var contextStr = ctx ? " (\"" + ctx.before + "[" + ParseErrorLevel[this.level] + " ->]" + ctx.after + "\")" : '';
382 var details = this.span.details ? ", " + this.span.details : '';
383 return "" + this.msg + contextStr + ": " + this.span.start + details;
384 };
385 return ParseError;
389 * @license
390 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
391 *
392 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
393 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
394 */
395var CssTokenType;
396(function (CssTokenType) {
397 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["EOF"] = 0] = "EOF";
398 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["String"] = 1] = "String";
399 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Comment"] = 2] = "Comment";
400 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Identifier"] = 3] = "Identifier";
401 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Number"] = 4] = "Number";
402 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["IdentifierOrNumber"] = 5] = "IdentifierOrNumber";
403 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["AtKeyword"] = 6] = "AtKeyword";
404 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Character"] = 7] = "Character";
405 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Whitespace"] = 8] = "Whitespace";
406 CssTokenType[CssTokenType["Invalid"] = 9] = "Invalid";
407})(CssTokenType || (CssTokenType = {}));
408var CssLexerMode;
409(function (CssLexerMode) {
410 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["ALL"] = 0] = "ALL";
411 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["ALL_TRACK_WS"] = 1] = "ALL_TRACK_WS";
412 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["SELECTOR"] = 2] = "SELECTOR";
413 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["PSEUDO_SELECTOR"] = 3] = "PSEUDO_SELECTOR";
415 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR"] = 5] = "ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR";
416 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["AT_RULE_QUERY"] = 6] = "AT_RULE_QUERY";
417 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["MEDIA_QUERY"] = 7] = "MEDIA_QUERY";
418 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["BLOCK"] = 8] = "BLOCK";
419 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["KEYFRAME_BLOCK"] = 9] = "KEYFRAME_BLOCK";
420 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["STYLE_BLOCK"] = 10] = "STYLE_BLOCK";
421 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["STYLE_VALUE"] = 11] = "STYLE_VALUE";
422 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["STYLE_VALUE_FUNCTION"] = 12] = "STYLE_VALUE_FUNCTION";
423 CssLexerMode[CssLexerMode["STYLE_CALC_FUNCTION"] = 13] = "STYLE_CALC_FUNCTION";
424})(CssLexerMode || (CssLexerMode = {}));
425var LexedCssResult = (function () {
426 function LexedCssResult(error, token) {
427 this.error = error;
428 this.token = token;
429 }
430 return LexedCssResult;
432function generateErrorMessage(input, message, errorValue, index, row, column) {
433 return message + " at column " + row + ":" + column + " in expression [" +
434 findProblemCode(input, errorValue, index, column) + ']';
436function findProblemCode(input, errorValue, index, column) {
437 var endOfProblemLine = index;
438 var current = charCode(input, index);
439 while (current > 0 && !isNewline(current)) {
440 current = charCode(input, ++endOfProblemLine);
441 }
442 var choppedString = input.substring(0, endOfProblemLine);
443 var pointerPadding = '';
444 for (var i = 0; i < column; i++) {
445 pointerPadding += ' ';
446 }
447 var pointerString = '';
448 for (var i = 0; i < errorValue.length; i++) {
449 pointerString += '^';
450 }
451 return choppedString + '\n' + pointerPadding + pointerString + '\n';
453var CssToken = (function () {
454 function CssToken(index, column, line, type, strValue) {
455 this.index = index;
456 this.column = column;
457 this.line = line;
458 this.type = type;
459 this.strValue = strValue;
460 this.numValue = charCode(strValue, 0);
461 }
462 return CssToken;
464var CssLexer = (function () {
465 function CssLexer() {
466 }
467 CssLexer.prototype.scan = function (text, trackComments) {
468 if (trackComments === void 0) { trackComments = false; }
469 return new CssScanner(text, trackComments);
470 };
471 return CssLexer;
473function cssScannerError(token, message) {
474 var error = Error('CssParseError: ' + message);
475 error[ERROR_RAW_MESSAGE] = message;
476 error[ERROR_TOKEN] = token;
477 return error;
479var ERROR_TOKEN = 'ngToken';
480var ERROR_RAW_MESSAGE = 'ngRawMessage';
481function getRawMessage(error) {
482 return error[ERROR_RAW_MESSAGE];
485function _trackWhitespace(mode) {
486 switch (mode) {
487 case CssLexerMode.SELECTOR:
488 case CssLexerMode.PSEUDO_SELECTOR:
489 case CssLexerMode.ALL_TRACK_WS:
490 case CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE:
491 return true;
492 default:
493 return false;
494 }
496var CssScanner = (function () {
497 function CssScanner(input, _trackComments) {
498 if (_trackComments === void 0) { _trackComments = false; }
499 this.input = input;
500 this._trackComments = _trackComments;
501 this.length = 0;
502 this.index = -1;
503 this.column = -1;
504 this.line = 0;
505 /** @internal */
506 this._currentMode = CssLexerMode.BLOCK;
507 /** @internal */
508 this._currentError = null;
509 this.length = this.input.length;
510 this.peekPeek = this.peekAt(0);
511 this.advance();
512 }
513 CssScanner.prototype.getMode = function () { return this._currentMode; };
514 CssScanner.prototype.setMode = function (mode) {
515 if (this._currentMode != mode) {
516 if (_trackWhitespace(this._currentMode) && !_trackWhitespace(mode)) {
517 this.consumeWhitespace();
518 }
519 this._currentMode = mode;
520 }
521 };
522 CssScanner.prototype.advance = function () {
523 if (isNewline(this.peek)) {
524 this.column = 0;
525 this.line++;
526 }
527 else {
528 this.column++;
529 }
530 this.index++;
531 this.peek = this.peekPeek;
532 this.peekPeek = this.peekAt(this.index + 1);
533 };
534 CssScanner.prototype.peekAt = function (index) {
535 return index >= this.length ? $EOF : this.input.charCodeAt(index);
536 };
537 CssScanner.prototype.consumeEmptyStatements = function () {
538 this.consumeWhitespace();
539 while (this.peek == $SEMICOLON) {
540 this.advance();
541 this.consumeWhitespace();
542 }
543 };
544 CssScanner.prototype.consumeWhitespace = function () {
545 while (isWhitespace(this.peek) || isNewline(this.peek)) {
546 this.advance();
547 if (!this._trackComments && isCommentStart(this.peek, this.peekPeek)) {
548 this.advance(); // /
549 this.advance(); // *
550 while (!isCommentEnd(this.peek, this.peekPeek)) {
551 if (this.peek == $EOF) {
552 this.error('Unterminated comment');
553 }
554 this.advance();
555 }
556 this.advance(); // *
557 this.advance(); // /
558 }
559 }
560 };
561 CssScanner.prototype.consume = function (type, value) {
562 if (value === void 0) { value = null; }
563 var mode = this._currentMode;
564 this.setMode(_trackWhitespace(mode) ? CssLexerMode.ALL_TRACK_WS : CssLexerMode.ALL);
565 var previousIndex = this.index;
566 var previousLine = this.line;
567 var previousColumn = this.column;
568 var next = undefined;
569 var output = this.scan();
570 if (output != null) {
571 // just incase the inner scan method returned an error
572 if (output.error != null) {
573 this.setMode(mode);
574 return output;
575 }
576 next = output.token;
577 }
578 if (next == null) {
579 next = new CssToken(this.index, this.column, this.line, CssTokenType.EOF, 'end of file');
580 }
581 var isMatchingType = false;
582 if (type == CssTokenType.IdentifierOrNumber) {
583 // TODO (matsko): implement array traversal for lookup here
584 isMatchingType = next.type == CssTokenType.Number || next.type == CssTokenType.Identifier;
585 }
586 else {
587 isMatchingType = next.type == type;
588 }
589 // before throwing the error we need to bring back the former
590 // mode so that the parser can recover...
591 this.setMode(mode);
592 var error = null;
593 if (!isMatchingType || (value != null && value != next.strValue)) {
594 var errorMessage = CssTokenType[next.type] + ' does not match expected ' + CssTokenType[type] + ' value';
595 if (value != null) {
596 errorMessage += ' ("' + next.strValue + '" should match "' + value + '")';
597 }
598 error = cssScannerError(next, generateErrorMessage(this.input, errorMessage, next.strValue, previousIndex, previousLine, previousColumn));
599 }
600 return new LexedCssResult(error, next);
601 };
602 CssScanner.prototype.scan = function () {
603 var trackWS = _trackWhitespace(this._currentMode);
604 if (this.index == 0 && !trackWS) {
605 this.consumeWhitespace();
606 }
607 var token = this._scan();
608 if (token == null)
609 return null;
610 var error = this._currentError;
611 this._currentError = null;
612 if (!trackWS) {
613 this.consumeWhitespace();
614 }
615 return new LexedCssResult(error, token);
616 };
617 /** @internal */
618 CssScanner.prototype._scan = function () {
619 var peek = this.peek;
620 var peekPeek = this.peekPeek;
621 if (peek == $EOF)
622 return null;
623 if (isCommentStart(peek, peekPeek)) {
624 // even if comments are not tracked we still lex the
625 // comment so we can move the pointer forward
626 var commentToken = this.scanComment();
627 if (this._trackComments) {
628 return commentToken;
629 }
630 }
631 if (_trackWhitespace(this._currentMode) && (isWhitespace(peek) || isNewline(peek))) {
632 return this.scanWhitespace();
633 }
634 peek = this.peek;
635 peekPeek = this.peekPeek;
636 if (peek == $EOF)
637 return null;
638 if (isStringStart(peek, peekPeek)) {
639 return this.scanString();
640 }
641 // something like url(cool)
642 if (this._currentMode == CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE_FUNCTION) {
643 return this.scanCssValueFunction();
644 }
645 var isModifier = peek == $PLUS || peek == $MINUS;
646 var digitA = isModifier ? false : isDigit(peek);
647 var digitB = isDigit(peekPeek);
648 if (digitA || (isModifier && (peekPeek == $PERIOD || digitB)) ||
649 (peek == $PERIOD && digitB)) {
650 return this.scanNumber();
651 }
652 if (peek == $AT) {
653 return this.scanAtExpression();
654 }
655 if (isIdentifierStart(peek, peekPeek)) {
656 return this.scanIdentifier();
657 }
658 if (isValidCssCharacter(peek, this._currentMode)) {
659 return this.scanCharacter();
660 }
661 return this.error("Unexpected character [" + String.fromCharCode(peek) + "]");
662 };
663 CssScanner.prototype.scanComment = function () {
664 if (this.assertCondition(isCommentStart(this.peek, this.peekPeek), 'Expected comment start value')) {
665 return null;
666 }
667 var start = this.index;
668 var startingColumn = this.column;
669 var startingLine = this.line;
670 this.advance(); // /
671 this.advance(); // *
672 while (!isCommentEnd(this.peek, this.peekPeek)) {
673 if (this.peek == $EOF) {
674 this.error('Unterminated comment');
675 }
676 this.advance();
677 }
678 this.advance(); // *
679 this.advance(); // /
680 var str = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
681 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, startingLine, CssTokenType.Comment, str);
682 };
683 CssScanner.prototype.scanWhitespace = function () {
684 var start = this.index;
685 var startingColumn = this.column;
686 var startingLine = this.line;
687 while (isWhitespace(this.peek) && this.peek != $EOF) {
688 this.advance();
689 }
690 var str = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
691 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, startingLine, CssTokenType.Whitespace, str);
692 };
693 CssScanner.prototype.scanString = function () {
694 if (this.assertCondition(isStringStart(this.peek, this.peekPeek), 'Unexpected non-string starting value')) {
695 return null;
696 }
697 var target = this.peek;
698 var start = this.index;
699 var startingColumn = this.column;
700 var startingLine = this.line;
701 var previous = target;
702 this.advance();
703 while (!isCharMatch(target, previous, this.peek)) {
704 if (this.peek == $EOF || isNewline(this.peek)) {
705 this.error('Unterminated quote');
706 }
707 previous = this.peek;
708 this.advance();
709 }
710 if (this.assertCondition(this.peek == target, 'Unterminated quote')) {
711 return null;
712 }
713 this.advance();
714 var str = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
715 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, startingLine, CssTokenType.String, str);
716 };
717 CssScanner.prototype.scanNumber = function () {
718 var start = this.index;
719 var startingColumn = this.column;
720 if (this.peek == $PLUS || this.peek == $MINUS) {
721 this.advance();
722 }
723 var periodUsed = false;
724 while (isDigit(this.peek) || this.peek == $PERIOD) {
725 if (this.peek == $PERIOD) {
726 if (periodUsed) {
727 this.error('Unexpected use of a second period value');
728 }
729 periodUsed = true;
730 }
731 this.advance();
732 }
733 var strValue = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
734 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, this.line, CssTokenType.Number, strValue);
735 };
736 CssScanner.prototype.scanIdentifier = function () {
737 if (this.assertCondition(isIdentifierStart(this.peek, this.peekPeek), 'Expected identifier starting value')) {
738 return null;
739 }
740 var start = this.index;
741 var startingColumn = this.column;
742 while (isIdentifierPart(this.peek)) {
743 this.advance();
744 }
745 var strValue = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
746 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, this.line, CssTokenType.Identifier, strValue);
747 };
748 CssScanner.prototype.scanCssValueFunction = function () {
749 var start = this.index;
750 var startingColumn = this.column;
751 var parenBalance = 1;
752 while (this.peek != $EOF && parenBalance > 0) {
753 this.advance();
754 if (this.peek == $LPAREN) {
755 parenBalance++;
756 }
757 else if (this.peek == $RPAREN) {
758 parenBalance--;
759 }
760 }
761 var strValue = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
762 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, this.line, CssTokenType.Identifier, strValue);
763 };
764 CssScanner.prototype.scanCharacter = function () {
765 var start = this.index;
766 var startingColumn = this.column;
767 if (this.assertCondition(isValidCssCharacter(this.peek, this._currentMode), charStr(this.peek) + ' is not a valid CSS character')) {
768 return null;
769 }
770 var c = this.input.substring(start, start + 1);
771 this.advance();
772 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, this.line, CssTokenType.Character, c);
773 };
774 CssScanner.prototype.scanAtExpression = function () {
775 if (this.assertCondition(this.peek == $AT, 'Expected @ value')) {
776 return null;
777 }
778 var start = this.index;
779 var startingColumn = this.column;
780 this.advance();
781 if (isIdentifierStart(this.peek, this.peekPeek)) {
782 var ident = this.scanIdentifier();
783 var strValue = '@' + ident.strValue;
784 return new CssToken(start, startingColumn, this.line, CssTokenType.AtKeyword, strValue);
785 }
786 else {
787 return this.scanCharacter();
788 }
789 };
790 CssScanner.prototype.assertCondition = function (status, errorMessage) {
791 if (!status) {
792 this.error(errorMessage);
793 return true;
794 }
795 return false;
796 };
797 CssScanner.prototype.error = function (message, errorTokenValue, doNotAdvance) {
798 if (errorTokenValue === void 0) { errorTokenValue = null; }
799 if (doNotAdvance === void 0) { doNotAdvance = false; }
800 var index = this.index;
801 var column = this.column;
802 var line = this.line;
803 errorTokenValue = errorTokenValue || String.fromCharCode(this.peek);
804 var invalidToken = new CssToken(index, column, line, CssTokenType.Invalid, errorTokenValue);
805 var errorMessage = generateErrorMessage(this.input, message, errorTokenValue, index, line, column);
806 if (!doNotAdvance) {
807 this.advance();
808 }
809 this._currentError = cssScannerError(invalidToken, errorMessage);
810 return invalidToken;
811 };
812 return CssScanner;
814function isCharMatch(target, previous, code) {
815 return code == target && previous != $BACKSLASH;
817function isCommentStart(code, next) {
818 return code == $SLASH && next == $STAR;
820function isCommentEnd(code, next) {
821 return code == $STAR && next == $SLASH;
823function isStringStart(code, next) {
824 var target = code;
825 if (target == $BACKSLASH) {
826 target = next;
827 }
828 return target == $DQ || target == $SQ;
830function isIdentifierStart(code, next) {
831 var target = code;
832 if (target == $MINUS) {
833 target = next;
834 }
835 return isAsciiLetter(target) || target == $BACKSLASH || target == $MINUS ||
836 target == $_;
838function isIdentifierPart(target) {
839 return isAsciiLetter(target) || target == $BACKSLASH || target == $MINUS ||
840 target == $_ || isDigit(target);
842function isValidPseudoSelectorCharacter(code) {
843 switch (code) {
844 case $LPAREN:
845 case $RPAREN:
846 return true;
847 default:
848 return false;
849 }
851function isValidKeyframeBlockCharacter(code) {
852 return code == $PERCENT;
854function isValidAttributeSelectorCharacter(code) {
855 // value^*|$~=something
856 switch (code) {
857 case $$:
858 case $PIPE:
859 case $CARET:
860 case $TILDA:
861 case $STAR:
862 case $EQ:
863 return true;
864 default:
865 return false;
866 }
868function isValidSelectorCharacter(code) {
869 // selector [ key = value ]
871 // #id, .class, *+~>
872 // tag:PSEUDO
873 switch (code) {
874 case $HASH:
875 case $PERIOD:
876 case $TILDA:
877 case $STAR:
878 case $PLUS:
879 case $GT:
880 case $COLON:
881 case $PIPE:
882 case $COMMA:
883 case $LBRACKET:
884 case $RBRACKET:
885 return true;
886 default:
887 return false;
888 }
890function isValidStyleBlockCharacter(code) {
891 // key:value;
892 // key:calc(something ... )
893 switch (code) {
894 case $HASH:
895 case $SEMICOLON:
896 case $COLON:
897 case $PERCENT:
898 case $SLASH:
899 case $BACKSLASH:
900 case $BANG:
901 case $PERIOD:
902 case $LPAREN:
903 case $RPAREN:
904 return true;
905 default:
906 return false;
907 }
909function isValidMediaQueryRuleCharacter(code) {
910 // (min-width: 7.5em) and (orientation: landscape)
911 switch (code) {
912 case $LPAREN:
913 case $RPAREN:
914 case $COLON:
915 case $PERCENT:
916 case $PERIOD:
917 return true;
918 default:
919 return false;
920 }
922function isValidAtRuleCharacter(code) {
923 // @document url(http://www.w3.org/page?something=on#hash),
924 switch (code) {
925 case $LPAREN:
926 case $RPAREN:
927 case $COLON:
928 case $PERCENT:
929 case $PERIOD:
930 case $SLASH:
931 case $BACKSLASH:
932 case $HASH:
933 case $EQ:
934 case $QUESTION:
935 case $AMPERSAND:
936 case $STAR:
937 case $COMMA:
938 case $MINUS:
939 case $PLUS:
940 return true;
941 default:
942 return false;
943 }
945function isValidStyleFunctionCharacter(code) {
946 switch (code) {
947 case $PERIOD:
948 case $MINUS:
949 case $PLUS:
950 case $STAR:
951 case $SLASH:
952 case $LPAREN:
953 case $RPAREN:
954 case $COMMA:
955 return true;
956 default:
957 return false;
958 }
960function isValidBlockCharacter(code) {
961 // @something { }
962 // IDENT
963 return code == $AT;
965function isValidCssCharacter(code, mode) {
966 switch (mode) {
967 case CssLexerMode.ALL:
968 case CssLexerMode.ALL_TRACK_WS:
969 return true;
970 case CssLexerMode.SELECTOR:
971 return isValidSelectorCharacter(code);
973 return isValidPseudoSelectorCharacter(code);
974 case CssLexerMode.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR:
975 return isValidAttributeSelectorCharacter(code);
976 case CssLexerMode.MEDIA_QUERY:
977 return isValidMediaQueryRuleCharacter(code);
978 case CssLexerMode.AT_RULE_QUERY:
979 return isValidAtRuleCharacter(code);
980 case CssLexerMode.KEYFRAME_BLOCK:
981 return isValidKeyframeBlockCharacter(code);
982 case CssLexerMode.STYLE_BLOCK:
983 case CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE:
984 return isValidStyleBlockCharacter(code);
985 case CssLexerMode.STYLE_CALC_FUNCTION:
986 return isValidStyleFunctionCharacter(code);
987 case CssLexerMode.BLOCK:
988 return isValidBlockCharacter(code);
989 default:
990 return false;
991 }
993function charCode(input, index) {
994 return index >= input.length ? $EOF : input.charCodeAt(index);
996function charStr(code) {
997 return String.fromCharCode(code);
999function isNewline(code) {
1000 switch (code) {
1001 case $FF:
1002 case $CR:
1003 case $LF:
1004 case $VTAB:
1005 return true;
1006 default:
1007 return false;
1008 }
1012 * @license
1013 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1014 *
1015 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1016 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1017 */
1018var __extends$3 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
1019 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
1020 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
1021 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
1022 return function (d, b) {
1023 extendStatics(d, b);
1024 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
1025 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
1026 };
1028var BlockType;
1029(function (BlockType) {
1030 BlockType[BlockType["Import"] = 0] = "Import";
1031 BlockType[BlockType["Charset"] = 1] = "Charset";
1032 BlockType[BlockType["Namespace"] = 2] = "Namespace";
1033 BlockType[BlockType["Supports"] = 3] = "Supports";
1034 BlockType[BlockType["Keyframes"] = 4] = "Keyframes";
1035 BlockType[BlockType["MediaQuery"] = 5] = "MediaQuery";
1036 BlockType[BlockType["Selector"] = 6] = "Selector";
1037 BlockType[BlockType["FontFace"] = 7] = "FontFace";
1038 BlockType[BlockType["Page"] = 8] = "Page";
1039 BlockType[BlockType["Document"] = 9] = "Document";
1040 BlockType[BlockType["Viewport"] = 10] = "Viewport";
1041 BlockType[BlockType["Unsupported"] = 11] = "Unsupported";
1042})(BlockType || (BlockType = {}));
1043var CssAst = (function () {
1044 function CssAst(location) {
1045 this.location = location;
1046 }
1047 Object.defineProperty(CssAst.prototype, "start", {
1048 get: function () { return this.location.start; },
1049 enumerable: true,
1050 configurable: true
1051 });
1052 Object.defineProperty(CssAst.prototype, "end", {
1053 get: function () { return this.location.end; },
1054 enumerable: true,
1055 configurable: true
1056 });
1057 return CssAst;
1059var CssStyleValueAst = (function (_super) {
1060 __extends$3(CssStyleValueAst, _super);
1061 function CssStyleValueAst(location, tokens, strValue) {
1062 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1063 _this.tokens = tokens;
1064 _this.strValue = strValue;
1065 return _this;
1066 }
1067 CssStyleValueAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) { return visitor.visitCssValue(this); };
1068 return CssStyleValueAst;
1070var CssRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1071 __extends$3(CssRuleAst, _super);
1072 function CssRuleAst(location) {
1073 return _super.call(this, location) || this;
1074 }
1075 return CssRuleAst;
1077var CssBlockRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1078 __extends$3(CssBlockRuleAst, _super);
1079 function CssBlockRuleAst(location, type, block, name) {
1080 if (name === void 0) { name = null; }
1081 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1082 _this.location = location;
1083 _this.type = type;
1084 _this.block = block;
1085 _this.name = name;
1086 return _this;
1087 }
1088 CssBlockRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1089 return visitor.visitCssBlock(this.block, context);
1090 };
1091 return CssBlockRuleAst;
1093var CssKeyframeRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1094 __extends$3(CssKeyframeRuleAst, _super);
1095 function CssKeyframeRuleAst(location, name, block) {
1096 return _super.call(this, location, BlockType.Keyframes, block, name) || this;
1097 }
1098 CssKeyframeRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1099 return visitor.visitCssKeyframeRule(this, context);
1100 };
1101 return CssKeyframeRuleAst;
1103var CssKeyframeDefinitionAst = (function (_super) {
1104 __extends$3(CssKeyframeDefinitionAst, _super);
1105 function CssKeyframeDefinitionAst(location, steps, block) {
1106 var _this = _super.call(this, location, BlockType.Keyframes, block, mergeTokens(steps, ',')) || this;
1107 _this.steps = steps;
1108 return _this;
1109 }
1110 CssKeyframeDefinitionAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1111 return visitor.visitCssKeyframeDefinition(this, context);
1112 };
1113 return CssKeyframeDefinitionAst;
1115var CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1116 __extends$3(CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst, _super);
1117 function CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst(location, strValue, type, query, block) {
1118 var _this = _super.call(this, location, type, block) || this;
1119 _this.strValue = strValue;
1120 _this.query = query;
1121 var firstCssToken = query.tokens[0];
1122 _this.name = new CssToken(firstCssToken.index, firstCssToken.column, firstCssToken.line, CssTokenType.Identifier, _this.strValue);
1123 return _this;
1124 }
1125 CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1126 return visitor.visitCssBlock(this.block, context);
1127 };
1128 return CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst;
1130var CssMediaQueryRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1131 __extends$3(CssMediaQueryRuleAst, _super);
1132 function CssMediaQueryRuleAst(location, strValue, query, block) {
1133 return _super.call(this, location, strValue, BlockType.MediaQuery, query, block) || this;
1134 }
1135 CssMediaQueryRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1136 return visitor.visitCssMediaQueryRule(this, context);
1137 };
1138 return CssMediaQueryRuleAst;
1140var CssAtRulePredicateAst = (function (_super) {
1141 __extends$3(CssAtRulePredicateAst, _super);
1142 function CssAtRulePredicateAst(location, strValue, tokens) {
1143 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1144 _this.strValue = strValue;
1145 _this.tokens = tokens;
1146 return _this;
1147 }
1148 CssAtRulePredicateAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1149 return visitor.visitCssAtRulePredicate(this, context);
1150 };
1151 return CssAtRulePredicateAst;
1153var CssInlineRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1154 __extends$3(CssInlineRuleAst, _super);
1155 function CssInlineRuleAst(location, type, value) {
1156 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1157 _this.type = type;
1158 _this.value = value;
1159 return _this;
1160 }
1161 CssInlineRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1162 return visitor.visitCssInlineRule(this, context);
1163 };
1164 return CssInlineRuleAst;
1166var CssSelectorRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1167 __extends$3(CssSelectorRuleAst, _super);
1168 function CssSelectorRuleAst(location, selectors, block) {
1169 var _this = _super.call(this, location, BlockType.Selector, block) || this;
1170 _this.selectors = selectors;
1171 _this.strValue = selectors.map(function (selector) { return selector.strValue; }).join(',');
1172 return _this;
1173 }
1174 CssSelectorRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1175 return visitor.visitCssSelectorRule(this, context);
1176 };
1177 return CssSelectorRuleAst;
1179var CssDefinitionAst = (function (_super) {
1180 __extends$3(CssDefinitionAst, _super);
1181 function CssDefinitionAst(location, property, value) {
1182 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1183 _this.property = property;
1184 _this.value = value;
1185 return _this;
1186 }
1187 CssDefinitionAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1188 return visitor.visitCssDefinition(this, context);
1189 };
1190 return CssDefinitionAst;
1192var CssSelectorPartAst = (function (_super) {
1193 __extends$3(CssSelectorPartAst, _super);
1194 function CssSelectorPartAst(location) {
1195 return _super.call(this, location) || this;
1196 }
1197 return CssSelectorPartAst;
1199var CssSelectorAst = (function (_super) {
1200 __extends$3(CssSelectorAst, _super);
1201 function CssSelectorAst(location, selectorParts) {
1202 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1203 _this.selectorParts = selectorParts;
1204 _this.strValue = selectorParts.map(function (part) { return part.strValue; }).join('');
1205 return _this;
1206 }
1207 CssSelectorAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1208 return visitor.visitCssSelector(this, context);
1209 };
1210 return CssSelectorAst;
1212var CssSimpleSelectorAst = (function (_super) {
1213 __extends$3(CssSimpleSelectorAst, _super);
1214 function CssSimpleSelectorAst(location, tokens, strValue, pseudoSelectors, operator) {
1215 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1216 _this.tokens = tokens;
1217 _this.strValue = strValue;
1218 _this.pseudoSelectors = pseudoSelectors;
1219 _this.operator = operator;
1220 return _this;
1221 }
1222 CssSimpleSelectorAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1223 return visitor.visitCssSimpleSelector(this, context);
1224 };
1225 return CssSimpleSelectorAst;
1227var CssPseudoSelectorAst = (function (_super) {
1228 __extends$3(CssPseudoSelectorAst, _super);
1229 function CssPseudoSelectorAst(location, strValue, name, tokens, innerSelectors) {
1230 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1231 _this.strValue = strValue;
1232 _this.name = name;
1233 _this.tokens = tokens;
1234 _this.innerSelectors = innerSelectors;
1235 return _this;
1236 }
1237 CssPseudoSelectorAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1238 return visitor.visitCssPseudoSelector(this, context);
1239 };
1240 return CssPseudoSelectorAst;
1242var CssBlockAst = (function (_super) {
1243 __extends$3(CssBlockAst, _super);
1244 function CssBlockAst(location, entries) {
1245 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1246 _this.entries = entries;
1247 return _this;
1248 }
1249 CssBlockAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) { return visitor.visitCssBlock(this, context); };
1250 return CssBlockAst;
1253 a style block is different from a standard block because it contains
1254 css prop:value definitions. A regular block can contain a list of Ast entries.
1255 */
1256var CssStylesBlockAst = (function (_super) {
1257 __extends$3(CssStylesBlockAst, _super);
1258 function CssStylesBlockAst(location, definitions) {
1259 var _this = _super.call(this, location, definitions) || this;
1260 _this.definitions = definitions;
1261 return _this;
1262 }
1263 CssStylesBlockAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1264 return visitor.visitCssStylesBlock(this, context);
1265 };
1266 return CssStylesBlockAst;
1268var CssStyleSheetAst = (function (_super) {
1269 __extends$3(CssStyleSheetAst, _super);
1270 function CssStyleSheetAst(location, rules) {
1271 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1272 _this.rules = rules;
1273 return _this;
1274 }
1275 CssStyleSheetAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1276 return visitor.visitCssStyleSheet(this, context);
1277 };
1278 return CssStyleSheetAst;
1280var CssUnknownRuleAst = (function (_super) {
1281 __extends$3(CssUnknownRuleAst, _super);
1282 function CssUnknownRuleAst(location, ruleName, tokens) {
1283 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1284 _this.ruleName = ruleName;
1285 _this.tokens = tokens;
1286 return _this;
1287 }
1288 CssUnknownRuleAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1289 return visitor.visitCssUnknownRule(this, context);
1290 };
1291 return CssUnknownRuleAst;
1293var CssUnknownTokenListAst = (function (_super) {
1294 __extends$3(CssUnknownTokenListAst, _super);
1295 function CssUnknownTokenListAst(location, name, tokens) {
1296 var _this = _super.call(this, location) || this;
1297 _this.name = name;
1298 _this.tokens = tokens;
1299 return _this;
1300 }
1301 CssUnknownTokenListAst.prototype.visit = function (visitor, context) {
1302 return visitor.visitCssUnknownTokenList(this, context);
1303 };
1304 return CssUnknownTokenListAst;
1306function mergeTokens(tokens, separator) {
1307 if (separator === void 0) { separator = ''; }
1308 var mainToken = tokens[0];
1309 var str = mainToken.strValue;
1310 for (var i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) {
1311 str += separator + tokens[i].strValue;
1312 }
1313 return new CssToken(mainToken.index, mainToken.column, mainToken.line, mainToken.type, str);
1317 * @license
1318 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1319 *
1320 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
1321 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
1322 */
1323var __extends$2 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
1324 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
1325 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
1326 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
1327 return function (d, b) {
1328 extendStatics(d, b);
1329 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
1330 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
1331 };
1333var SPACE_OPERATOR = ' ';
1334var SLASH_CHARACTER = '/';
1335var GT_CHARACTER = '>';
1336var TRIPLE_GT_OPERATOR_STR = '>>>';
1337var DEEP_OPERATOR_STR = '/deep/';
1338var EOF_DELIM_FLAG = 1;
1339var RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG = 2;
1340var LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG = 4;
1341var COMMA_DELIM_FLAG = 8;
1342var COLON_DELIM_FLAG = 16;
1344var NEWLINE_DELIM_FLAG = 64;
1345var RPAREN_DELIM_FLAG = 128;
1346var LPAREN_DELIM_FLAG = 256;
1347var SPACE_DELIM_FLAG = 512;
1348function _pseudoSelectorSupportsInnerSelectors(name) {
1349 return ['not', 'host', 'host-context'].indexOf(name) >= 0;
1351function isSelectorOperatorCharacter(code) {
1352 switch (code) {
1353 case $SLASH:
1354 case $TILDA:
1355 case $PLUS:
1356 case $GT:
1357 return true;
1358 default:
1359 return isWhitespace(code);
1360 }
1362function getDelimFromCharacter(code) {
1363 switch (code) {
1364 case $EOF:
1365 return EOF_DELIM_FLAG;
1366 case $COMMA:
1367 return COMMA_DELIM_FLAG;
1368 case $COLON:
1369 return COLON_DELIM_FLAG;
1370 case $SEMICOLON:
1372 case $RBRACE:
1373 return RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1374 case $LBRACE:
1375 return LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1376 case $RPAREN:
1377 return RPAREN_DELIM_FLAG;
1378 case $SPACE:
1379 case $TAB:
1380 return SPACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1381 default:
1382 return isNewline(code) ? NEWLINE_DELIM_FLAG : 0;
1383 }
1385function characterContainsDelimiter(code, delimiters) {
1386 return (getDelimFromCharacter(code) & delimiters) > 0;
1388var ParsedCssResult = (function () {
1389 function ParsedCssResult(errors, ast) {
1390 this.errors = errors;
1391 this.ast = ast;
1392 }
1393 return ParsedCssResult;
1395var CssParser = (function () {
1396 function CssParser() {
1397 this._errors = [];
1398 }
1399 /**
1400 * @param css the CSS code that will be parsed
1401 * @param url the name of the CSS file containing the CSS source code
1402 */
1403 CssParser.prototype.parse = function (css, url) {
1404 var lexer = new CssLexer();
1405 this._file = new ParseSourceFile(css, url);
1406 this._scanner = lexer.scan(css, false);
1407 var ast = this._parseStyleSheet(EOF_DELIM_FLAG);
1408 var errors = this._errors;
1409 this._errors = [];
1410 var result = new ParsedCssResult(errors, ast);
1411 this._file = null;
1412 this._scanner = null;
1413 return result;
1414 };
1415 /** @internal */
1416 CssParser.prototype._parseStyleSheet = function (delimiters) {
1417 var results = [];
1418 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1419 while (this._scanner.peek != $EOF) {
1420 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1421 results.push(this._parseRule(delimiters));
1422 }
1423 var span = null;
1424 if (results.length > 0) {
1425 var firstRule = results[0];
1426 // we collect the last token like so incase there was an
1427 // EOF token that was emitted sometime during the lexing
1428 span = this._generateSourceSpan(firstRule, this._lastToken);
1429 }
1430 return new CssStyleSheetAst(span, results);
1431 };
1432 /** @internal */
1433 CssParser.prototype._getSourceContent = function () { return this._scanner != null ? this._scanner.input : ''; };
1434 /** @internal */
1435 CssParser.prototype._extractSourceContent = function (start, end) {
1436 return this._getSourceContent().substring(start, end + 1);
1437 };
1438 /** @internal */
1439 CssParser.prototype._generateSourceSpan = function (start, end) {
1440 if (end === void 0) { end = null; }
1441 var startLoc;
1442 if (start instanceof CssAst) {
1443 startLoc = start.location.start;
1444 }
1445 else {
1446 var token = start;
1447 if (token == null) {
1448 // the data here is invalid, however, if and when this does
1449 // occur, any other errors associated with this will be collected
1450 token = this._lastToken;
1451 }
1452 startLoc = new ParseLocation(this._file, token.index, token.line, token.column);
1453 }
1454 if (end == null) {
1455 end = this._lastToken;
1456 }
1457 var endLine = -1;
1458 var endColumn = -1;
1459 var endIndex = -1;
1460 if (end instanceof CssAst) {
1461 endLine = end.location.end.line;
1462 endColumn = end.location.end.col;
1463 endIndex = end.location.end.offset;
1464 }
1465 else if (end instanceof CssToken) {
1466 endLine = end.line;
1467 endColumn = end.column;
1468 endIndex = end.index;
1469 }
1470 var endLoc = new ParseLocation(this._file, endIndex, endLine, endColumn);
1471 return new ParseSourceSpan(startLoc, endLoc);
1472 };
1473 /** @internal */
1474 CssParser.prototype._resolveBlockType = function (token) {
1475 switch (token.strValue) {
1476 case '@-o-keyframes':
1477 case '@-moz-keyframes':
1478 case '@-webkit-keyframes':
1479 case '@keyframes':
1480 return BlockType.Keyframes;
1481 case '@charset':
1482 return BlockType.Charset;
1483 case '@import':
1484 return BlockType.Import;
1485 case '@namespace':
1486 return BlockType.Namespace;
1487 case '@page':
1488 return BlockType.Page;
1489 case '@document':
1490 return BlockType.Document;
1491 case '@media':
1492 return BlockType.MediaQuery;
1493 case '@font-face':
1494 return BlockType.FontFace;
1495 case '@viewport':
1496 return BlockType.Viewport;
1497 case '@supports':
1498 return BlockType.Supports;
1499 default:
1500 return BlockType.Unsupported;
1501 }
1502 };
1503 /** @internal */
1504 CssParser.prototype._parseRule = function (delimiters) {
1505 if (this._scanner.peek == $AT) {
1506 return this._parseAtRule(delimiters);
1507 }
1508 return this._parseSelectorRule(delimiters);
1509 };
1510 /** @internal */
1511 CssParser.prototype._parseAtRule = function (delimiters) {
1512 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1513 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1514 var token = this._scan();
1515 var startToken = token;
1516 this._assertCondition(token.type == CssTokenType.AtKeyword, "The CSS Rule " + token.strValue + " is not a valid [@] rule.", token);
1517 var block;
1518 var type = this._resolveBlockType(token);
1519 var span;
1520 var tokens;
1521 var endToken;
1522 var end;
1523 var strValue;
1524 var query;
1525 switch (type) {
1526 case BlockType.Charset:
1527 case BlockType.Namespace:
1528 case BlockType.Import:
1529 var value = this._parseValue(delimiters);
1530 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1531 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1532 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, value);
1533 return new CssInlineRuleAst(span, type, value);
1534 case BlockType.Viewport:
1535 case BlockType.FontFace:
1536 block = this._parseStyleBlock(delimiters);
1537 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, block);
1538 return new CssBlockRuleAst(span, type, block);
1539 case BlockType.Keyframes:
1540 tokens = this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG);
1541 // keyframes only have one identifier name
1542 var name_1 = tokens[0];
1543 block = this._parseKeyframeBlock(delimiters);
1544 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, block);
1545 return new CssKeyframeRuleAst(span, name_1, block);
1546 case BlockType.MediaQuery:
1547 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.MEDIA_QUERY);
1548 tokens = this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG);
1549 endToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1550 // we do not track the whitespace after the mediaQuery predicate ends
1551 // so we have to calculate the end string value on our own
1552 end = endToken.index + endToken.strValue.length - 1;
1553 strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, end);
1554 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1555 query = new CssAtRulePredicateAst(span, strValue, tokens);
1556 block = this._parseBlock(delimiters);
1557 strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, this._getScannerIndex() - 1);
1558 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, block);
1559 return new CssMediaQueryRuleAst(span, strValue, query, block);
1560 case BlockType.Document:
1561 case BlockType.Supports:
1562 case BlockType.Page:
1563 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.AT_RULE_QUERY);
1564 tokens = this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG);
1565 endToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1566 // we do not track the whitespace after this block rule predicate ends
1567 // so we have to calculate the end string value on our own
1568 end = endToken.index + endToken.strValue.length - 1;
1569 strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, end);
1570 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, tokens[tokens.length - 1]);
1571 query = new CssAtRulePredicateAst(span, strValue, tokens);
1572 block = this._parseBlock(delimiters);
1573 strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, block.end.offset);
1574 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, block);
1575 return new CssBlockDefinitionRuleAst(span, strValue, type, query, block);
1576 // if a custom @rule { ... } is used it should still tokenize the insides
1577 default:
1578 var listOfTokens_1 = [];
1579 var tokenName = token.strValue;
1580 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.ALL);
1581 this._error(generateErrorMessage(this._getSourceContent(), "The CSS \"at\" rule \"" + tokenName + "\" is not allowed to used here", token.strValue, token.index, token.line, token.column), token);
1582 this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | SEMICOLON_DELIM_FLAG)
1583 .forEach(function (token) { listOfTokens_1.push(token); });
1584 if (this._scanner.peek == $LBRACE) {
1585 listOfTokens_1.push(this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '{'));
1586 this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG)
1587 .forEach(function (token) { listOfTokens_1.push(token); });
1588 listOfTokens_1.push(this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '}'));
1589 }
1590 endToken = listOfTokens_1[listOfTokens_1.length - 1];
1591 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1592 return new CssUnknownRuleAst(span, tokenName, listOfTokens_1);
1593 }
1594 };
1595 /** @internal */
1596 CssParser.prototype._parseSelectorRule = function (delimiters) {
1597 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1598 var selectors = this._parseSelectors(delimiters);
1599 var block = this._parseStyleBlock(delimiters);
1600 var ruleAst;
1601 var span;
1602 var startSelector = selectors[0];
1603 if (block != null) {
1604 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startSelector, block);
1605 ruleAst = new CssSelectorRuleAst(span, selectors, block);
1606 }
1607 else {
1608 var name_2 = this._extractSourceContent(start, this._getScannerIndex() - 1);
1609 var innerTokens_1 = [];
1610 selectors.forEach(function (selector) {
1611 selector.selectorParts.forEach(function (part) {
1612 part.tokens.forEach(function (token) { innerTokens_1.push(token); });
1613 });
1614 });
1615 var endToken = innerTokens_1[innerTokens_1.length - 1];
1616 span = this._generateSourceSpan(startSelector, endToken);
1617 ruleAst = new CssUnknownTokenListAst(span, name_2, innerTokens_1);
1618 }
1619 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1620 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1621 return ruleAst;
1622 };
1623 /** @internal */
1624 CssParser.prototype._parseSelectors = function (delimiters) {
1626 var selectors = [];
1627 var isParsingSelectors = true;
1628 while (isParsingSelectors) {
1629 selectors.push(this._parseSelector(delimiters));
1630 isParsingSelectors = !characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters);
1631 if (isParsingSelectors) {
1632 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ',');
1633 isParsingSelectors = !characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters);
1634 if (isParsingSelectors) {
1635 this._scanner.consumeWhitespace();
1636 }
1637 }
1638 }
1639 return selectors;
1640 };
1641 /** @internal */
1642 CssParser.prototype._scan = function () {
1643 var output = this._scanner.scan();
1644 var token = output.token;
1645 var error = output.error;
1646 if (error != null) {
1647 this._error(getRawMessage(error), token);
1648 }
1649 this._lastToken = token;
1650 return token;
1651 };
1652 /** @internal */
1653 CssParser.prototype._getScannerIndex = function () { return this._scanner.index; };
1654 /** @internal */
1655 CssParser.prototype._consume = function (type, value) {
1656 if (value === void 0) { value = null; }
1657 var output = this._scanner.consume(type, value);
1658 var token = output.token;
1659 var error = output.error;
1660 if (error != null) {
1661 this._error(getRawMessage(error), token);
1662 }
1663 this._lastToken = token;
1664 return token;
1665 };
1666 /** @internal */
1667 CssParser.prototype._parseKeyframeBlock = function (delimiters) {
1668 delimiters |= RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1669 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.KEYFRAME_BLOCK);
1670 var startToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '{');
1671 var definitions = [];
1672 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1673 definitions.push(this._parseKeyframeDefinition(delimiters));
1674 }
1675 var endToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '}');
1676 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1677 return new CssBlockAst(span, definitions);
1678 };
1679 /** @internal */
1680 CssParser.prototype._parseKeyframeDefinition = function (delimiters) {
1681 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1682 var stepTokens = [];
1683 delimiters |= LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1684 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1685 stepTokens.push(this._parseKeyframeLabel(delimiters | COMMA_DELIM_FLAG));
1686 if (this._scanner.peek != $LBRACE) {
1687 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ',');
1688 }
1689 }
1690 var stylesBlock = this._parseStyleBlock(delimiters | RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG);
1691 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(stepTokens[0], stylesBlock);
1692 var ast = new CssKeyframeDefinitionAst(span, stepTokens, stylesBlock);
1693 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1694 return ast;
1695 };
1696 /** @internal */
1697 CssParser.prototype._parseKeyframeLabel = function (delimiters) {
1698 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.KEYFRAME_BLOCK);
1699 return mergeTokens(this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters));
1700 };
1701 /** @internal */
1702 CssParser.prototype._parsePseudoSelector = function (delimiters) {
1703 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1704 delimiters &= ~COMMA_DELIM_FLAG;
1705 // we keep the original value since we may use it to recurse when :not, :host are used
1706 var startingDelims = delimiters;
1707 var startToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ':');
1708 var tokens = [startToken];
1709 if (this._scanner.peek == $COLON) {
1710 tokens.push(this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ':'));
1711 }
1712 var innerSelectors = [];
1713 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.PSEUDO_SELECTOR);
1714 // host, host-context, lang, not, nth-child are all identifiers
1715 var pseudoSelectorToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Identifier);
1716 var pseudoSelectorName = pseudoSelectorToken.strValue;
1717 tokens.push(pseudoSelectorToken);
1718 // host(), lang(), nth-child(), etc...
1719 if (this._scanner.peek == $LPAREN) {
1720 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.PSEUDO_SELECTOR_WITH_ARGUMENTS);
1721 var openParenToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '(');
1722 tokens.push(openParenToken);
1723 // :host(innerSelector(s)), :not(selector), etc...
1724 if (_pseudoSelectorSupportsInnerSelectors(pseudoSelectorName)) {
1725 var innerDelims = startingDelims | LPAREN_DELIM_FLAG | RPAREN_DELIM_FLAG;
1726 if (pseudoSelectorName == 'not') {
1727 // the inner selector inside of :not(...) can only be one
1728 // CSS selector (no commas allowed) ... This is according
1729 // to the CSS specification
1730 innerDelims |= COMMA_DELIM_FLAG;
1731 }
1732 // :host(a, b, c) {
1733 this._parseSelectors(innerDelims).forEach(function (selector, index) {
1734 innerSelectors.push(selector);
1735 });
1736 }
1737 else {
1738 // this branch is for things like "en-us, 2k + 1, etc..."
1739 // which all end up in pseudoSelectors like :lang, :nth-child, etc..
1740 var innerValueDelims = delimiters | LBRACE_DELIM_FLAG | COLON_DELIM_FLAG |
1742 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, innerValueDelims)) {
1743 var token = this._scan();
1744 tokens.push(token);
1745 }
1746 }
1747 var closeParenToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ')');
1748 tokens.push(closeParenToken);
1749 }
1750 var end = this._getScannerIndex() - 1;
1751 var strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, end);
1752 var endToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1753 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1754 return new CssPseudoSelectorAst(span, strValue, pseudoSelectorName, tokens, innerSelectors);
1755 };
1756 /** @internal */
1757 CssParser.prototype._parseSimpleSelector = function (delimiters) {
1758 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1759 delimiters |= COMMA_DELIM_FLAG;
1760 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.SELECTOR);
1761 var selectorCssTokens = [];
1762 var pseudoSelectors = [];
1763 var previousToken = undefined;
1764 var selectorPartDelimiters = delimiters | SPACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1765 var loopOverSelector = !characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, selectorPartDelimiters);
1766 var hasAttributeError = false;
1767 while (loopOverSelector) {
1768 var peek = this._scanner.peek;
1769 switch (peek) {
1770 case $COLON:
1771 var innerPseudo = this._parsePseudoSelector(delimiters);
1772 pseudoSelectors.push(innerPseudo);
1773 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.SELECTOR);
1774 break;
1775 case $LBRACKET:
1776 // we set the mode after the scan because attribute mode does not
1777 // allow attribute [] values. And this also will catch any errors
1778 // if an extra "[" is used inside.
1779 selectorCssTokens.push(this._scan());
1780 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR);
1781 break;
1782 case $RBRACKET:
1783 if (this._scanner.getMode() != CssLexerMode.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR) {
1784 hasAttributeError = true;
1785 }
1786 // we set the mode early because attribute mode does not
1787 // allow attribute [] values
1788 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.SELECTOR);
1789 selectorCssTokens.push(this._scan());
1790 break;
1791 default:
1792 if (isSelectorOperatorCharacter(peek)) {
1793 loopOverSelector = false;
1794 continue;
1795 }
1796 var token = this._scan();
1797 previousToken = token;
1798 selectorCssTokens.push(token);
1799 break;
1800 }
1801 loopOverSelector = !characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, selectorPartDelimiters);
1802 }
1803 hasAttributeError =
1804 hasAttributeError || this._scanner.getMode() == CssLexerMode.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR;
1805 if (hasAttributeError) {
1806 this._error("Unbalanced CSS attribute selector at column " + previousToken.line + ":" + previousToken.column, previousToken);
1807 }
1808 var end = this._getScannerIndex() - 1;
1809 // this happens if the selector is not directly followed by
1810 // a comma or curly brace without a space in between
1811 var operator = null;
1812 var operatorScanCount = 0;
1813 var lastOperatorToken = null;
1814 if (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1815 while (operator == null && !characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters) &&
1816 isSelectorOperatorCharacter(this._scanner.peek)) {
1817 var token = this._scan();
1818 var tokenOperator = token.strValue;
1819 operatorScanCount++;
1820 lastOperatorToken = token;
1821 if (tokenOperator != SPACE_OPERATOR) {
1822 switch (tokenOperator) {
1824 // /deep/ operator
1825 var deepToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Identifier);
1826 var deepSlash = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character);
1827 var index = lastOperatorToken.index;
1828 var line = lastOperatorToken.line;
1829 var column = lastOperatorToken.column;
1830 if (deepToken != null && deepToken.strValue.toLowerCase() == 'deep' &&
1831 deepSlash.strValue == SLASH_CHARACTER) {
1832 token = new CssToken(lastOperatorToken.index, lastOperatorToken.column, lastOperatorToken.line, CssTokenType.Identifier, DEEP_OPERATOR_STR);
1833 }
1834 else {
1835 var text = SLASH_CHARACTER + deepToken.strValue + deepSlash.strValue;
1836 this._error(generateErrorMessage(this._getSourceContent(), text + " is an invalid CSS operator", text, index, line, column), lastOperatorToken);
1837 token = new CssToken(index, column, line, CssTokenType.Invalid, text);
1838 }
1839 break;
1840 case GT_CHARACTER:
1841 // >>> operator
1842 if (this._scanner.peek == $GT && this._scanner.peekPeek == $GT) {
1843 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, GT_CHARACTER);
1844 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, GT_CHARACTER);
1845 token = new CssToken(lastOperatorToken.index, lastOperatorToken.column, lastOperatorToken.line, CssTokenType.Identifier, TRIPLE_GT_OPERATOR_STR);
1846 }
1847 break;
1848 }
1849 operator = token;
1850 }
1851 }
1852 // so long as there is an operator then we can have an
1853 // ending value that is beyond the selector value ...
1854 // otherwise it's just a bunch of trailing whitespace
1855 if (operator != null) {
1856 end = operator.index;
1857 }
1858 }
1859 this._scanner.consumeWhitespace();
1860 var strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, end);
1861 // if we do come across one or more spaces inside of
1862 // the operators loop then an empty space is still a
1863 // valid operator to use if something else was not found
1864 if (operator == null && operatorScanCount > 0 && this._scanner.peek != $LBRACE) {
1865 operator = lastOperatorToken;
1866 }
1867 // please note that `endToken` is reassigned multiple times below
1868 // so please do not optimize the if statements into if/elseif
1869 var startTokenOrAst = null;
1870 var endTokenOrAst = null;
1871 if (selectorCssTokens.length > 0) {
1872 startTokenOrAst = startTokenOrAst || selectorCssTokens[0];
1873 endTokenOrAst = selectorCssTokens[selectorCssTokens.length - 1];
1874 }
1875 if (pseudoSelectors.length > 0) {
1876 startTokenOrAst = startTokenOrAst || pseudoSelectors[0];
1877 endTokenOrAst = pseudoSelectors[pseudoSelectors.length - 1];
1878 }
1879 if (operator != null) {
1880 startTokenOrAst = startTokenOrAst || operator;
1881 endTokenOrAst = operator;
1882 }
1883 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startTokenOrAst, endTokenOrAst);
1884 return new CssSimpleSelectorAst(span, selectorCssTokens, strValue, pseudoSelectors, operator);
1885 };
1886 /** @internal */
1887 CssParser.prototype._parseSelector = function (delimiters) {
1888 delimiters |= COMMA_DELIM_FLAG;
1889 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.SELECTOR);
1890 var simpleSelectors = [];
1891 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1892 simpleSelectors.push(this._parseSimpleSelector(delimiters));
1893 this._scanner.consumeWhitespace();
1894 }
1895 var firstSelector = simpleSelectors[0];
1896 var lastSelector = simpleSelectors[simpleSelectors.length - 1];
1897 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(firstSelector, lastSelector);
1898 return new CssSelectorAst(span, simpleSelectors);
1899 };
1900 /** @internal */
1901 CssParser.prototype._parseValue = function (delimiters) {
1903 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE);
1904 var start = this._getScannerIndex();
1905 var tokens = [];
1906 var wsStr = '';
1907 var previous = undefined;
1908 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1909 var token = void 0;
1910 if (previous != null && previous.type == CssTokenType.Identifier &&
1911 this._scanner.peek == $LPAREN) {
1912 token = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '(');
1913 tokens.push(token);
1914 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE_FUNCTION);
1915 token = this._scan();
1916 tokens.push(token);
1917 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_VALUE);
1918 token = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ')');
1919 tokens.push(token);
1920 }
1921 else {
1922 token = this._scan();
1923 if (token.type == CssTokenType.Whitespace) {
1924 wsStr += token.strValue;
1925 }
1926 else {
1927 wsStr = '';
1928 tokens.push(token);
1929 }
1930 }
1931 previous = token;
1932 }
1933 var end = this._getScannerIndex() - 1;
1934 this._scanner.consumeWhitespace();
1935 var code = this._scanner.peek;
1936 if (code == $SEMICOLON) {
1937 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ';');
1938 }
1939 else if (code != $RBRACE) {
1940 this._error(generateErrorMessage(this._getSourceContent(), "The CSS key/value definition did not end with a semicolon", previous.strValue, previous.index, previous.line, previous.column), previous);
1941 }
1942 var strValue = this._extractSourceContent(start, end);
1943 var startToken = tokens[0];
1944 var endToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1945 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1946 return new CssStyleValueAst(span, tokens, strValue);
1947 };
1948 /** @internal */
1949 CssParser.prototype._collectUntilDelim = function (delimiters, assertType) {
1950 if (assertType === void 0) { assertType = null; }
1951 var tokens = [];
1952 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1953 var val = assertType != null ? this._consume(assertType) : this._scan();
1954 tokens.push(val);
1955 }
1956 return tokens;
1957 };
1958 /** @internal */
1959 CssParser.prototype._parseBlock = function (delimiters) {
1960 delimiters |= RBRACE_DELIM_FLAG;
1961 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1962 var startToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '{');
1963 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1964 var results = [];
1965 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1966 results.push(this._parseRule(delimiters));
1967 }
1968 var endToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '}');
1969 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.BLOCK);
1970 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1971 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1972 return new CssBlockAst(span, results);
1973 };
1974 /** @internal */
1975 CssParser.prototype._parseStyleBlock = function (delimiters) {
1977 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_BLOCK);
1978 var startToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '{');
1979 if (startToken.numValue != $LBRACE) {
1980 return null;
1981 }
1982 var definitions = [];
1983 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1984 while (!characterContainsDelimiter(this._scanner.peek, delimiters)) {
1985 definitions.push(this._parseDefinition(delimiters));
1986 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1987 }
1988 var endToken = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, '}');
1989 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_BLOCK);
1990 this._scanner.consumeEmptyStatements();
1991 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(startToken, endToken);
1992 return new CssStylesBlockAst(span, definitions);
1993 };
1994 /** @internal */
1995 CssParser.prototype._parseDefinition = function (delimiters) {
1996 this._scanner.setMode(CssLexerMode.STYLE_BLOCK);
1997 var prop = this._consume(CssTokenType.Identifier);
1998 var parseValue = false;
1999 var value = null;
2000 var endToken = prop;
2001 // the colon value separates the prop from the style.
2002 // there are a few cases as to what could happen if it
2003 // is missing
2004 switch (this._scanner.peek) {
2005 case $SEMICOLON:
2006 case $RBRACE:
2007 case $EOF:
2008 parseValue = false;
2009 break;
2010 default:
2011 var propStr_1 = [prop.strValue];
2012 if (this._scanner.peek != $COLON) {
2013 // this will throw the error
2014 var nextValue = this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ':');
2015 propStr_1.push(nextValue.strValue);
2016 var remainingTokens = this._collectUntilDelim(delimiters | COLON_DELIM_FLAG | SEMICOLON_DELIM_FLAG, CssTokenType.Identifier);
2017 if (remainingTokens.length > 0) {
2018 remainingTokens.forEach(function (token) { propStr_1.push(token.strValue); });
2019 }
2020 endToken = prop =
2021 new CssToken(prop.index, prop.column, prop.line, prop.type, propStr_1.join(' '));
2022 }
2023 // this means we've reached the end of the definition and/or block
2024 if (this._scanner.peek == $COLON) {
2025 this._consume(CssTokenType.Character, ':');
2026 parseValue = true;
2027 }
2028 break;
2029 }
2030 if (parseValue) {
2031 value = this._parseValue(delimiters);
2032 endToken = value;
2033 }
2034 else {
2035 this._error(generateErrorMessage(this._getSourceContent(), "The CSS property was not paired with a style value", prop.strValue, prop.index, prop.line, prop.column), prop);
2036 }
2037 var span = this._generateSourceSpan(prop, endToken);
2038 return new CssDefinitionAst(span, prop, value);
2039 };
2040 /** @internal */
2041 CssParser.prototype._assertCondition = function (status, errorMessage, problemToken) {
2042 if (!status) {
2043 this._error(errorMessage, problemToken);
2044 return true;
2045 }
2046 return false;
2047 };
2048 /** @internal */
2049 CssParser.prototype._error = function (message, problemToken) {
2050 var length = problemToken.strValue.length;
2051 var error = CssParseError.create(this._file, 0, problemToken.line, problemToken.column, length, message);
2052 this._errors.push(error);
2053 };
2054 return CssParser;
2056var CssParseError = (function (_super) {
2057 __extends$2(CssParseError, _super);
2058 function CssParseError(span, message) {
2059 return _super.call(this, span, message) || this;
2060 }
2061 CssParseError.create = function (file, offset, line, col, length, errMsg) {
2062 var start = new ParseLocation(file, offset, line, col);
2063 var end = new ParseLocation(file, offset, line, col + length);
2064 var span = new ParseSourceSpan(start, end);
2065 return new CssParseError(span, 'CSS Parse Error: ' + errMsg);
2066 };
2067 return CssParseError;
2070var parseCss = function (text) {
2071 var parser = new CssParser();
2072 return parser.parse(text, '').ast;
2075var __extends$1 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
2076 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
2077 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
2078 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
2079 return function (d, b) {
2080 extendStatics(d, b);
2081 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
2082 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
2083 };
2086 * This class represents the individual directives and wrapps
2087 * their `StaticSymbol`s produced by the `@angular/compiler`.
2088 *
2089 * @export
2090 * @class DirectiveSymbol
2091 * @extends {Symbol}
2092 */
2093var DirectiveSymbol = (function (_super) {
2094 __extends$1(DirectiveSymbol, _super);
2095 /**
2096 * Creates an instance of DirectiveSymbol.
2097 *
2098 * @param {Program} program
2099 * @param {StaticSymbol} symbol
2100 * @param {CompileMetadataResolver} metadataResolver
2101 * @param {DirectiveNormalizer} directiveNormalizer
2102 * @param {DirectiveResolver} resolver
2103 * @param {StaticReflector} reflector
2104 * @param {ResourceResolver} resourceResolver
2105 * @param {ContextSymbols} projectSymbols
2106 *
2107 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2108 */
2109 function DirectiveSymbol(program, symbol, metadataResolver, directiveNormalizer, resolver, reflector, resourceResolver, projectSymbols) {
2110 var _this = _super.call(this, program, symbol) || this;
2111 _this.metadataResolver = metadataResolver;
2112 _this.directiveNormalizer = directiveNormalizer;
2113 _this.resolver = resolver;
2114 _this.reflector = reflector;
2115 _this.resourceResolver = resourceResolver;
2116 _this.projectSymbols = projectSymbols;
2117 _this.urlResolver = new _angular_compiler.UrlResolver();
2118 return _this;
2119 }
2120 /**
2121 * Returns the non-resolved metadata for given directive.
2122 * If it is a component, this means that the external templates
2123 * and styles won't be read from the drive. Also, the paths to
2124 * external metadata won't be resolved.
2125 *
2126 * @returns {CompileDirectiveMetadata}
2127 *
2128 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2129 */
2130 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getNonResolvedMetadata = function () {
2131 var data = this.metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(this.symbol);
2132 if (data) {
2133 return data.metadata;
2134 }
2135 return null;
2136 };
2137 // TODO: use the normalizer's cache in order to prevent repetative I/O operations
2138 /**
2139 * Returns the normalized and resolved metadata for given directive or component.
2140 * For components, all the external templates and styles will be read and
2141 * set as values of the returned `CompileTemplateMetadata` properties.
2142 *
2143 * @returns {CompileTemplateMetadata}
2144 *
2145 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2146 */
2147 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getResolvedMetadata = function () {
2148 var _this = this;
2149 var metadata = this.metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(this.symbol);
2150 var componentType = _angular_core.resolveForwardRef(this.symbol);
2151 if (!metadata) {
2152 return null;
2153 }
2154 var componentUrl = _angular_compiler.componentModuleUrl(this.reflector, componentType, metadata);
2155 var templateMetadata = metadata.metadata.template;
2156 // Required because otherwise the normalizer gets confused.
2157 if (!templateMetadata) {
2158 return null;
2159 }
2160 if (!templateMetadata.template && templateMetadata.templateUrl) {
2161 templateMetadata.templateUrl = this.urlResolver.resolve(componentUrl, templateMetadata.templateUrl);
2162 templateMetadata.template = this.resourceResolver.getSync(templateMetadata.templateUrl);
2163 }
2164 var module = this.getModule();
2165 if (!module) {
2166 return null;
2167 }
2168 var currentMetadata = this.directiveNormalizer.normalizeTemplateSync(Object.assign(templateMetadata, {
2169 ngModuleType: module.type.reference,
2170 moduleUrl: componentUrl,
2171 componentType: componentType
2172 }));
2173 if (templateMetadata.templateUrl) {
2174 currentMetadata.template = this.resourceResolver.getSync(templateMetadata.templateUrl);
2175 currentMetadata.templateUrl = templateMetadata.templateUrl;
2176 }
2177 currentMetadata.styles = currentMetadata.styles.concat(currentMetadata.styleUrls.map(function (path) {
2178 return _this.resourceResolver.getSync(path);
2179 }));
2180 return currentMetadata;
2181 };
2182 /**
2183 * Returns the module where the given directive has been declared.
2184 *
2185 * @returns {(CompileNgModuleMetadata | undefined)}
2186 *
2187 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2188 */
2189 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getModule = function () {
2190 return this.projectSymbols
2191 .getAnalyzedModules().ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(this.symbol);
2192 };
2193 /**
2194 * Returns the ASTs of all styles of the target directive.
2195 *
2196 * @returns {CssAst[]}
2197 *
2198 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2199 */
2200 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getStyleAsts = function () {
2201 var metadata = this.getResolvedMetadata();
2202 if (metadata) {
2203 return metadata.styles.map(function (s) { return parseCss(s); });
2204 }
2205 return null;
2206 };
2207 /**
2208 * Returns the context into which the template of given
2209 * component is going to be compiled.
2210 *
2211 * @returns {DirectiveContext}
2212 *
2213 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2214 */
2215 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getDirectiveContext = function () {
2216 var _this = this;
2217 var analyzedModules = this.projectSymbols.getAnalyzedModules();
2218 var ngModule = analyzedModules.ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(this.symbol);
2219 if (!ngModule) {
2220 throw new Error('Cannot find module associated with the directive ' + this.symbol.name);
2221 }
2222 var resolvedDirectives = ngModule.transitiveModule.directives.map(function (d) { return _this.metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(d.reference); });
2223 // TypeScript doesn't handle well filtering & strictNull
2224 var tempDirectives = resolvedDirectives
2225 .map(function (d) {
2226 if (d) {
2227 return d.metadata.toSummary();
2228 }
2229 else {
2230 return null;
2231 }
2232 });
2233 var directives = [];
2234 for (var i = 0; i < tempDirectives.length; i += 1) {
2235 var dir = tempDirectives[i];
2236 if (dir) {
2237 directives.push(dir);
2238 }
2239 }
2240 var pipes = ngModule.transitiveModule.pipes.map(function (p) { return _this.metadataResolver.getOrLoadPipeMetadata(p.reference).toSummary(); });
2241 var schemas = ngModule.schemas;
2242 return {
2243 pipes: pipes, directives: directives, schemas: schemas
2244 };
2245 };
2246 /**
2247 * Returns the compiled template of the target component.
2248 *
2249 * @returns {TemplateAstResult}
2250 *
2251 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2252 */
2253 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getTemplateAst = function () {
2254 var result;
2255 try {
2256 var resolvedMetadata = this.metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(this.symbol);
2257 var dirMetadata = this.getResolvedMetadata();
2258 if (dirMetadata) {
2259 var source = dirMetadata.template;
2260 if (!source) {
2261 result = { errors: [{ message: 'Cannot find template for the directive' }] };
2262 }
2263 else {
2264 var metadata = resolvedMetadata && resolvedMetadata.metadata;
2265 if (metadata) {
2266 var rawHtmlParser = new _angular_compiler.HtmlParser();
2267 var htmlParser = new _angular_compiler.I18NHtmlParser(rawHtmlParser);
2268 var expressionParser = new _angular_compiler.Parser(new _angular_compiler.Lexer());
2269 var parser = void 0;
2270 parser = new _angular_compiler.TemplateParser(new _angular_compiler.CompilerConfig, expressionParser, new _angular_compiler.DomElementSchemaRegistry(), htmlParser, {
2271 log: function () {
2272 return null;
2273 },
2274 warn: function () {
2275 return null;
2276 }
2277 }, []);
2278 var htmlResult = htmlParser.parse(source, '');
2279 var _a = this.getDirectiveContext(), directives = _a.directives, pipes = _a.pipes, schemas = _a.schemas;
2280 var parseResult = parser.tryParseHtml(htmlResult, metadata, directives, pipes, schemas);
2281 result = {
2282 templateAst: parseResult.templateAst,
2283 parseErrors: parseResult.errors,
2284 errors: []
2285 };
2286 }
2287 else {
2288 result = { errors: [{ message: 'Cannot find metadata for the directive' }] };
2289 }
2290 }
2291 }
2292 else {
2293 result = { errors: [{ message: 'Cannot find metadata for the directive' }] };
2294 }
2295 }
2296 catch (e) {
2297 result = { errors: [{ message: e.message }] };
2298 }
2299 return result;
2300 };
2301 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getDependencies = function () {
2302 var _this = this;
2303 var summary = this.metadataResolver.getInjectableSummary(this.symbol);
2304 if (!summary) {
2305 return [];
2306 }
2307 else {
2308 return (summary.type.diDeps || []).map(function (d) {
2309 var token = d.token;
2310 if (d.token) {
2311 if (d.token.identifier) {
2312 token = d.token.identifier.reference;
2313 }
2314 }
2315 var meta = new _angular_compiler.ProviderMeta(token, d);
2316 return new ProviderSymbol(_this._program, _this.metadataResolver.getProviderMetadata(meta), _this.metadataResolver);
2317 });
2318 }
2319 };
2320 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getProviders = function () {
2321 var _this = this;
2322 var meta = this.getNonResolvedMetadata();
2323 if (meta) {
2324 return (meta.providers || []).map(function (d) {
2325 return new ProviderSymbol(_this._program, d, _this.metadataResolver);
2326 });
2327 }
2328 return [];
2329 };
2330 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.getViewProviders = function () {
2331 var _this = this;
2332 var meta = this.getNonResolvedMetadata();
2333 if (meta) {
2334 return (meta.viewProviders || []).map(function (d) {
2335 return new ProviderSymbol(_this._program, d, _this.metadataResolver);
2336 });
2337 }
2338 else {
2339 return [];
2340 }
2341 };
2342 /**
2343 * Returns if the target directive is a component.
2344 *
2345 * @returns {boolean}
2346 *
2347 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2348 */
2349 DirectiveSymbol.prototype.isComponent = function () {
2350 var meta = this.getResolvedMetadata();
2351 if (meta) {
2352 return !!meta.template || !!meta.templateUrl;
2353 }
2354 else {
2355 return false;
2356 }
2357 };
2358 return DirectiveSymbol;
2361var __extends$4 = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
2362 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
2363 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
2364 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
2365 return function (d, b) {
2366 extendStatics(d, b);
2367 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
2368 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
2369 };
2371var ModuleSymbol = (function (_super) {
2372 __extends$4(ModuleSymbol, _super);
2373 function ModuleSymbol(program, symbol, metadataResolver, directiveNormalizer, resolver, pipeResolver, reflector, resourceResolver, projectSymbols) {
2374 var _this = _super.call(this, program, symbol) || this;
2375 _this.metadataResolver = metadataResolver;
2376 _this.directiveNormalizer = directiveNormalizer;
2377 _this.resolver = resolver;
2378 _this.pipeResolver = pipeResolver;
2379 _this.reflector = reflector;
2380 _this.resourceResolver = resourceResolver;
2381 _this.projectSymbols = projectSymbols;
2382 var meta = _this.metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(symbol);
2383 if (meta) {
2384 _this.module = meta;
2385 }
2386 else {
2387 throw new Error('No metadata for ' + symbol.name);
2388 }
2389 return _this;
2390 }
2391 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getBootstrapComponents = function () {
2392 return this.getWrapperDirectives(this.module.bootstrapComponents);
2393 };
2394 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getDeclaredDirectives = function () {
2395 return this.getWrapperDirectives(this.module.declaredDirectives);
2396 };
2397 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getExportedDirectives = function () {
2398 return this.getWrapperDirectives(this.module.exportedDirectives);
2399 };
2400 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getExportedPipes = function () {
2401 return this.getWrappedPipes(this.module.exportedPipes);
2402 };
2403 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getDeclaredPipes = function () {
2404 return this.getWrappedPipes(this.module.declaredPipes);
2405 };
2406 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getImportedModules = function () {
2407 return this.getWrappedModules(this.module.importedModules);
2408 };
2409 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getExportedModules = function () {
2410 return this.getWrappedModules(this.module.exportedModules);
2411 };
2412 /**
2413 * Returns the summary of this context.
2414 *
2415 * @returns {(CompileNgModuleSummary | undefined)}
2416 *
2417 * @memberOf ModuleSymbol
2418 */
2419 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getModuleSummary = function () {
2420 return this.metadataResolver.getNgModuleSummary(this.symbol);
2421 };
2422 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getProviders = function () {
2423 var _this = this;
2424 return this.module.providers.map(function (p) {
2425 return new ProviderSymbol(_this._program, p, _this.metadataResolver);
2426 });
2427 };
2428 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getWrappedModules = function (modules) {
2429 var _this = this;
2430 return modules.map(function (s) {
2431 return new ModuleSymbol(_this._program, s.type.reference, _this.metadataResolver, _this.directiveNormalizer, _this.resolver, _this.pipeResolver, _this.reflector, _this.resourceResolver, _this.projectSymbols);
2432 });
2433 };
2434 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getWrappedPipes = function (pipes) {
2435 var _this = this;
2436 return pipes.map(function (i) {
2437 return new PipeSymbol(_this._program, i.reference, _this.pipeResolver, _this.metadataResolver, _this.projectSymbols);
2438 });
2439 };
2440 ModuleSymbol.prototype.getWrapperDirectives = function (dirs) {
2441 var _this = this;
2442 return dirs.map(function (i) {
2443 return new DirectiveSymbol(_this._program, i.reference, _this.metadataResolver, _this.directiveNormalizer, _this.resolver, _this.reflector, _this.resourceResolver, _this.projectSymbols);
2444 });
2445 };
2446 return ModuleSymbol;
2450 * Creates a proxy which provides us access to the symbols
2451 * defined in given context (could be lazy loaded module or the root module).
2452 *
2453 * @export
2454 * @class ProjectSymbols
2455 */
2456var ProjectSymbols = (function () {
2457 /**
2458 * Creates an instance of ProjectSymbols.
2459 *
2460 * @param {ts.Program} program
2461 * @param {ResourceResolver} resourceResolver
2462 *
2463 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2464 */
2465 function ProjectSymbols(program, resourceResolver, errorReporter) {
2466 this.program = program;
2467 this.resourceResolver = resourceResolver;
2468 this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
2469 this.options = this.program.getCompilerOptions();
2470 this.init();
2471 }
2472 /**
2473 * Returns the metadata associated to this module.
2474 *
2475 * @returns {ModuleSymbol[]}
2476 *
2477 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2478 */
2479 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getModules = function () {
2480 var _this = this;
2481 this.validate();
2482 var resultMap = new Map();
2483 this.getAnalyzedModules()
2484 .ngModules
2485 .forEach(function (m, s) {
2486 resultMap.set(m.type.reference, m);
2487 });
2488 var result = [];
2489 resultMap.forEach(function (v) { return result.push(new ModuleSymbol(_this.program, v.type.reference, _this.metadataResolver, _this.directiveNormalizer, _this.directiveResolver, _this.pipeResolver, _this.reflector, _this.resourceResolver, _this)); });
2490 return result;
2491 };
2492 /**
2493 * Returns all the directives available in the context.
2494 *
2495 * @returns {DirectiveSymbol[]}
2496 *
2497 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2498 */
2499 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getDirectives = function () {
2500 var _this = this;
2501 return this.extractProgramSymbols()
2502 .filter(function (symbol) { return _this.metadataResolver.isDirective(symbol); })
2503 .map(function (symbol) { return new DirectiveSymbol(_this.program, symbol, _this.metadataResolver, _this.directiveNormalizer, _this.directiveResolver, _this.reflector, _this.resourceResolver, _this); });
2504 };
2505 /**
2506 * Returns all the pipes available in this module.
2507 *
2508 * @returns {PipeSymbol[]}
2509 *
2510 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2511 */
2512 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getPipes = function () {
2513 var _this = this;
2514 return this.extractProgramSymbols()
2515 .filter(function (v) { return _this.metadataResolver.isPipe(v); })
2516 .map(function (p) { return new PipeSymbol(_this.program, p, _this.pipeResolver, _this.metadataResolver, _this); });
2517 };
2518 /**
2519 * Returns all the providers available in this module.
2520 *
2521 * @returns {ProviderSymbol[]}
2522 *
2523 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2524 */
2525 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getProviders = function () {
2526 var resultSet = new Map();
2527 this.getModules().forEach(function (m) {
2528 m.getProviders().forEach(function (p) { return resultSet.set(p.getMetadata(), p); });
2529 });
2530 this.getDirectives().forEach(function (d) {
2531 d.getProviders().forEach(function (p) { return resultSet.set(p.getMetadata(), p); });
2532 d.getViewProviders().forEach(function (p) { return resultSet.set(p.getMetadata(), p); });
2533 });
2534 var finalResult = [];
2535 resultSet.forEach(function (v) { return finalResult.push(v); });
2536 return finalResult;
2537 };
2538 /**
2539 * Updates the program which has impact over the loaded symbols.
2540 * In case the `update` method is called with program different from
2541 * the current one, all the internal caches will be cleared.
2542 *
2543 * @param {ts.Program} program
2544 *
2545 * @memberOf ProjectSymbols
2546 */
2547 ProjectSymbols.prototype.updateProgram = function (program) {
2548 if (program !== this.program) {
2549 this.program = program;
2550 this.validate();
2551 }
2552 };
2553 /**
2554 * Returns directive based on `ClassDeclaration` node and a filename.
2555 *
2556 * @param {ts.ClassDeclaration} declaration
2557 * @param {string} fileName
2558 *
2559 * @memberOf DirectiveSymbol
2560 */
2561 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getDirectiveFromNode = function (declaration, fileName) {
2562 var sourceFile = this.program.getSourceFile(fileName);
2563 var identifier = declaration.name;
2564 if (identifier) {
2565 return new DirectiveSymbol(this.program, this.reflector.getStaticSymbol(sourceFile.fileName, identifier.text), this.metadataResolver, this.directiveNormalizer, this.directiveResolver, this.reflector, this.resourceResolver, this);
2566 }
2567 else {
2568 return null;
2569 }
2570 };
2571 /** @internal */
2572 ProjectSymbols.prototype.getAnalyzedModules = function () {
2573 var analyzedModules = this.analyzedModules;
2574 if (!analyzedModules) {
2575 var analyzeHost = { isSourceFile: function (filePath) { return true; } };
2576 var programSymbols = _angular_compiler.extractProgramSymbols(this.staticSymbolResolver, this.program.getSourceFiles().map(function (sf) { return sf.fileName; }), analyzeHost);
2577 analyzedModules = this.analyzedModules =
2578 _angular_compiler.analyzeNgModules(programSymbols, analyzeHost, this.metadataResolver);
2579 }
2580 return analyzedModules;
2581 };
2582 ProjectSymbols.prototype.extractProgramSymbols = function () {
2583 return _angular_compiler.extractProgramSymbols(this.staticSymbolResolver, this.program.getSourceFiles().map(function (sf) { return sf.fileName; }), {
2584 isSourceFile: function () { return true; }
2585 });
2586 };
2587 ProjectSymbols.prototype.validate = function () {
2588 var program = this.program;
2589 if (this.lastProgram !== program) {
2590 this.clearCaches();
2591 this.lastProgram = program;
2592 this.init();
2593 }
2594 };
2595 ProjectSymbols.prototype.clearCaches = function () {
2596 this.metadataResolver.clearCache();
2597 this.directiveNormalizer.clearCache();
2598 };
2599 ProjectSymbols.prototype.init = function () {
2600 var staticSymbolCache = new _angular_compiler.StaticSymbolCache();
2601 var summaryResolver = new _angular_compiler.AotSummaryResolver({
2602 loadSummary: function (filePath) { return ''; },
2603 isSourceFile: function (sourceFilePath) { return true; },
2604 getOutputFileName: function () { return ''; }
2605 }, staticSymbolCache);
2606 var parser = new _angular_compiler.HtmlParser();
2607 var config = new _angular_compiler.CompilerConfig({
2608 defaultEncapsulation: _angular_core.ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
2609 useJit: false
2610 });
2611 var defaultDir = this.program.getCurrentDirectory();
2612 this.options.baseUrl = this.options.baseUrl || defaultDir;
2613 this.options.basePath = this.options.basePath || defaultDir;
2614 this.options.genDir = this.options.genDir || defaultDir;
2615 this.staticResolverHost = new _angular_compilerCli.CompilerHost(this.program, this.options, new _angular_compilerCli.NodeCompilerHostContext());
2616 this.staticSymbolResolver = new _angular_compiler.StaticSymbolResolver(
2617 // The strict null check gets confused here
2618 this.staticResolverHost, staticSymbolCache, summaryResolver, this.errorReporter);
2619 this.summaryResolver = new _angular_compiler.AotSummaryResolver({
2620 loadSummary: function (filePath) { return null; },
2621 isSourceFile: function (sourceFilePath) { return true; },
2622 getOutputFileName: function (sourceFilePath) { return null; }
2623 }, staticSymbolCache);
2624 this.reflector = new _angular_compiler.StaticReflector(this.summaryResolver, this.staticSymbolResolver, [], [], this.errorReporter);
2625 var ngModuleResolver = new _angular_compiler.NgModuleResolver(this.reflector);
2626 this.directiveResolver = new _angular_compiler.DirectiveResolver(this.reflector);
2627 this.pipeResolver = new _angular_compiler.PipeResolver(this.reflector);
2628 this.urlResolver = _angular_compiler.createOfflineCompileUrlResolver();
2629 this.directiveNormalizer = new _angular_compiler.DirectiveNormalizer(this.resourceResolver, this.urlResolver, parser, config);
2630 this.metadataResolver = new _angular_compiler.CompileMetadataResolver(new _angular_compiler.CompilerConfig(), ngModuleResolver, this.directiveResolver, this.pipeResolver, summaryResolver, new _angular_compiler.DomElementSchemaRegistry(), this.directiveNormalizer, new _angular_core.ɵConsole(), staticSymbolCache, this.reflector);
2631 };
2632 return ProjectSymbols;
2635exports.ProjectSymbols = ProjectSymbols;
2636exports.ModuleSymbol = ModuleSymbol;
2637exports.ProviderSymbol = ProviderSymbol;
2638exports.DirectiveSymbol = DirectiveSymbol;
2639exports.PipeSymbol = PipeSymbol;
2640exports.Symbol = Symbol;
2642Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });