1.83 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { OnDestroy, Renderer2, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
2import { TabDirective } from './tab.directive';
3import { TabsetConfig } from './tabset.config';
4import * as ɵngcc0 from '@angular/core';
5export declare class TabsetComponent implements OnDestroy {
6 private renderer;
7 private elementRef;
8 /** if true tabs will be placed vertically */
9 get vertical(): boolean;
10 set vertical(value: boolean);
11 /** if true tabs fill the container and have a consistent width */
12 get justified(): boolean;
13 set justified(value: boolean);
14 /** navigation context class: 'tabs' or 'pills' */
15 get type(): string;
16 set type(value: string);
17 get isKeysAllowed(): boolean;
18 set isKeysAllowed(value: boolean);
19 clazz: boolean;
20 tabs: TabDirective[];
21 classMap: {
22 [key: string]: boolean;
23 };
24 /** aria label for tab list */
25 ariaLabel: string;
26 protected isDestroyed: boolean;
27 protected _vertical: boolean;
28 protected _justified: boolean;
29 protected _type: string;
30 protected _isKeysAllowed: boolean;
31 constructor(config: TabsetConfig, renderer: Renderer2, elementRef: ElementRef);
32 ngOnDestroy(): void;
33 addTab(tab: TabDirective): void;
34 removeTab(tab: TabDirective, options?: {
35 reselect: boolean;
36 emit: boolean;
37 }): void;
38 keyNavActions(event: KeyboardEvent, index: number): void;
39 protected getClosestTabIndex(index: number): number;
40 protected hasAvailableTabs(index: number): boolean;
41 protected setClassMap(): void;
42 static ɵfac: ɵngcc0.ɵɵFactoryDef<TabsetComponent, never>;
43 static ɵcmp: ɵngcc0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta<TabsetComponent, "tabset", never, { "vertical": "vertical"; "justified": "justified"; "type": "type"; }, {}, never, ["*"]>;
46//# sourceMappingURL=tabset.component.d.ts.map
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