4.41 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { DatepickerRenderOptions, BsDatepickerViewMode, DatepickerDateCustomClasses, DatepickerDateTooltipText } from './models';
2import { BsCustomDates } from './themes/bs/bs-custom-dates-view.component';
3import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
5 * For date range picker there are `BsDaterangepickerConfig` which inherits all properties,
6 * except `displayMonths`, for range picker it default to `2`
7 */
8export declare class BsDatepickerConfig implements DatepickerRenderOptions {
9 /** sets use adaptive position */
10 adaptivePosition: boolean;
11 /** sets use UTC date time format */
12 useUtc: boolean;
13 /** turn on/off animation */
14 isAnimated: boolean;
15 value?: Date | Date[];
16 isDisabled?: boolean;
17 /**
18 * Default min date for all date/range pickers
19 */
20 minDate?: Date;
21 /**
22 * Default max date for all date/range pickers
23 */
24 maxDate?: Date;
25 /**
26 * The view that the datepicker should start in
27 */
28 startView: BsDatepickerViewMode;
29 /**
30 * Default date custom classes for all date/range pickers
31 */
32 dateCustomClasses?: DatepickerDateCustomClasses[];
33 /**
34 * Default tooltip text for all date/range pickers
35 */
36 dateTooltipTexts?: DatepickerDateTooltipText[];
37 /**
38 * Disable specific days, e.g. [0,6] will disable all Saturdays and Sundays
39 */
40 daysDisabled?: number[];
41 /**
42 * Disable specific dates
43 */
44 datesDisabled?: Date[];
45 /**
46 * Show one months for special cases (only for dateRangePicker)
47 * 1. maxDate is equal to today's date
48 * 2. minDate's month is equal to maxDate's month
49 */
50 displayOneMonthRange?: boolean;
51 /**
52 * Enable specific dates
53 */
54 datesEnabled?: Date[];
55 /**
56 * Makes dates from other months active
57 */
58 selectFromOtherMonth?: boolean;
59 /**
60 * Allows select first date of the week by click on week number
61 */
62 selectWeek?: boolean;
63 /**
64 * Allows select daterange as first and last day of week by click on week number (dateRangePicker only)
65 */
66 selectWeekDateRange?: boolean;
67 /**
68 * Shows previous and current month, instead of current and next (dateRangePicker only)
69 */
70 showPreviousMonth?: boolean;
71 /**
72 * Prevents change to next month for right calendar in two calendars view (dateRangePicker only)
73 */
74 preventChangeToNextMonth?: boolean;
75 /**
76 * Add class to current day
77 */
78 customTodayClass?: string;
79 /**
80 * Default mode for all date pickers
81 */
82 minMode?: BsDatepickerViewMode;
83 /**
84 * If true, returns focus to the datepicker / daterangepicker input after date selection
85 */
86 returnFocusToInput: boolean;
87 /** CSS class which will be applied to datepicker container,
88 * usually used to set color theme
89 */
90 containerClass: string;
91 displayMonths: number;
92 /**
93 * Allows to hide week numbers in datepicker
94 */
95 showWeekNumbers: boolean;
96 dateInputFormat: string;
97 rangeSeparator: string;
98 /**
99 * Date format for date range input field
100 */
101 rangeInputFormat: string;
102 /**
103 * Predefined ranges
104 */
105 ranges?: BsCustomDates[];
106 /**
107 * Max Date Range in days
108 */
109 maxDateRange?: number;
110 monthTitle: string;
111 yearTitle: string;
112 dayLabel: string;
113 monthLabel: string;
114 yearLabel: string;
115 weekNumbers: string;
116 /**
117 * Shows 'today' button
118 */
119 showTodayButton: boolean;
120 /**
121 * Shows clear button
122 */
123 showClearButton: boolean;
124 /**
125 * Positioning of 'today' button
126 */
127 todayPosition: string;
128 /**
129 * Positioning of 'clear' button
130 */
131 clearPosition: string;
132 /**
133 * Label for 'today' button
134 */
135 todayButtonLabel: string;
136 /**
137 * Label for 'clear' button
138 */
139 clearButtonLabel: string;
140 /**
141 * Label for 'custom range' button
142 */
143 customRangeButtonLabel: string;
144 /**
145 * Shows timepicker under datepicker
146 */
147 withTimepicker: boolean;
148 /**
149 * Set current hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds for bsValue
150 */
151 initCurrentTime?: boolean;
152 /**
153 * Set allowed positions of container.
154 */
155 allowedPositions: string[];
156 static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<BsDatepickerConfig, never>;
157 static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<BsDatepickerConfig>;