1 | import { ReTree } from './retree';
2 | import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
3 | export interface DeviceInfo {
4 | userAgent: string;
5 | os: string;
6 | browser: string;
7 | device: string;
8 | os_version: string;
9 | browser_version: string;
10 | deviceType: string;
11 | orientation: string;
12 | }
13 | export declare enum DeviceType {
14 | Mobile = "mobile",
15 | Tablet = "tablet",
16 | Desktop = "desktop",
17 | Unknown = "unknown"
18 | }
19 | export declare enum OrientationType {
20 | Portrait = "portrait",
21 | Landscape = "landscape"
22 | }
23 | export declare class DeviceDetectorService {
24 | private platformId;
25 | ua: string;
26 | userAgent: string;
27 | os: string;
28 | browser: string;
29 | device: string;
30 | os_version: string;
31 | browser_version: string;
32 | reTree: ReTree;
33 | deviceType: string;
34 | orientation: string;
35 | constructor(platformId: any);
36 | /**
37 | * @author Ahsan Ayaz
38 | * @desc Sets the initial value of the device when the service is initiated.
39 | * This value is later accessible for usage
40 | */
41 | setDeviceInfo(ua?: string): void;
42 | /**
43 | * @author Ahsan Ayaz
44 | * @desc Returns the device information
45 | * @returns the device information object.
46 | */
47 | getDeviceInfo(): DeviceInfo;
48 | /**
49 | * @author Ahsan Ayaz
50 | * @desc Compares the current device info with the mobile devices to check
51 | * if the current device is a mobile and also check current device is tablet so it will return false.
52 | * @returns whether the current device is a mobile
53 | */
54 | isMobile(userAgent?: string): boolean;
55 | /**
56 | * @author Ahsan Ayaz
57 | * @desc Compares the current device info with the tablet devices to check
58 | * if the current device is a tablet.
59 | * @returns whether the current device is a tablet
60 | */
61 | isTablet(userAgent?: string): boolean;
62 | /**
63 | * @author Ahsan Ayaz
64 | * @desc Compares the current device info with the desktop devices to check
65 | * if the current device is a desktop device.
66 | * @returns whether the current device is a desktop device
67 | */
68 | isDesktop(userAgent?: string): boolean;
69 | static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DeviceDetectorService, never>;
70 | static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<DeviceDetectorService>;
71 | }